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Orbital Order and Spin Nematicity in the Tetragonal Phase of Electron-doped Iron-Pnictides NaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$As PDF

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by  R. Zhou
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Preview Orbital Order and Spin Nematicity in the Tetragonal Phase of Electron-doped Iron-Pnictides NaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$As

APS/123-QED Orbital Order and Spin Nematicity in the Tetragonal Phase of Electron-doped Iron-Pnictides NaFe Co As 1 x x − R. Zhou,1 L. Y. Xing,1 X. C. Wang,1 C. Q. Jin,1 and Guo-qing Zheng1,2 6 1 1Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, 0 2 Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China n 2Department of Physics, Okayama University, Okayama 700-8530, Japan a J 0 (Dated: January 21,2016) 2 Abstract ] n o In copper-oxide and iron-based high temperature (high-Tc) superconductors, many physical properties c - exhibitin-planeanisotropy,whichisbelievedtobecausedbyarotationalsymmetry-breakingnematicorder, r p u whoseoriginanditsrelationship tosuperconductivity remainelusive. Inmanyiron-pnictides, atetragonal- s . at to-orthorhombic structuraltransitiontemperatureTs coincideswiththemagnetictransitiontemperatureTN, m making the orbital and spin degrees of freedom highly entangled. NaFeAsis asystem where T = 54 K is s - d well separated from T = 42 K, which helps simplify the experimental situation. Here we report nuclear n N o c magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on NaFe1 xCoxAs (0 x 0.042) that revealed orbital and [ − ≤ ≤ 1 spinnematicity occurring atatemperature T∗ faraboveTs inthetetragonal phase. WeshowthattheNMR v spectra splitting and its evolution can be explained by an incommensurate orbital order that sets in below 3 9 T andbecomescommensurate belowT ,whichbringsabouttheobserved spinnematicity. 2 ∗ s 5 0 . 1 0 6 1 : v i X r a 1 Understandingthenormalstateoutofwhichhigh-T superconductivity(SC)developsisanim- c portant task in condensed-matterphysics. In copper-oxide high-temperaturesuperconductors, the normalstatedeviatesfromtheconventionalstatedescribedbyLandauFermiliquidtheory. Inpar- ticular,belowacertaintemperatureT ,aso-calledpseudogapstateemerges,breakingtherotation ∗ symmetry of the underling lattices [1, 2]. In iron-pnictide or iron-selenide high-T superconduc- c tors,manyphysicalpropertiesinthenormalstatealsoshowstronganisotropy(nematicity),break- ingthefour-fold rotation(C4)symmetry[3–5]. Forexample,intheparentFe-pnictideBaFe As , 2 2 electronically-driven nematicity was discovered in the in-plane resistivity below a tetragonal-to- orthorhombic structural transition temperature T [3, 6]. Soon after the transport measurements, s angle resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (ARPES) found that the degeneracy of the Fe-3d xz and 3d orbitals is lifted [4]. Later on, nematicity was also found in other properties rang- yz ing from magneto-elastic property in chemically-pressurized BaFe As [5], to spin dynamics in 2 2 carrier-doped BaFe As [7], and to local electronic structure around defects even above T [8, 9]. 2 2 s Theoretically, both spin [10] and orbital origin [11–14] have been proposed for the cause of the experimentally-observed nematicity. In the BaFe As family, however, antiferromagnetism (AF) 2 2 sets in simultaneouslyat T or slightlybelow[15]. As a result, it is unclear whether thetransition s isdrivenbyspindegreeoffreedom[10]orbyorbitaldegreeoffreedom[11–14]. Neitherisitclear whether the nematicity is caused by a static [5] or a fluctuating order [7]. Therefore, identifying the origin of the nematicity has become an urgent issue, since it is believed that the interaction leadingto suchanematicitymayalso beresponsibleforthehigh-T superconductivity[16,17]. c NaFeAs is a uniquesystem where T = 54 K is well aboveT = 42 K. Only 2.7 percent of Co s N substitutingforFegivesrisetothemaximumT =21K[18],whichmakesthesystemacleanone c with much less doping-induced disorder than other systems. In this Communication, we report evidencepointingtowardorbitalorderatatemperatureT (as highas90K)thatisfaraboveT in ∗ s NaFe Co Asby75Asand23NaNMRspectroscopy. Wefurtherrevealedaspinnematicityinthis 1 x x − systembythespin-latticerelaxationrate(1/T )measurements,andshowthatitcanbeunderstood 1 as adirect consequenceoftheorbitalorder. The single crystals of NaFe Co As used for the measurements were grown by the self-flux 1 x x − method[8]. Inordertopreventsampledegradation,ThesampleswerecoveredbyStycast1266rin agloveboxfilledwithhigh-purityArgas[19]. Thetypicalsamplesizeis3mm 3mm 0.1mm. The × × Co content xwasdeterminedbyenergy-dispersivex-rayspectroscopy. TheT wasdeterminedby c DC susceptibility measured by a SQUID device. The NMR spectra were obtained by integrating 2 the spin echo as a function of frequency at H = 11.998 T. The T was measured by using the 0 1 saturation-recoverymethod,and determinedby agoodfittingtothetheoreticalcurve[20]. The 75As or 23Na nucleus with spin I = 3/2 has a nuclear quadrupole moment Q that cou- ples to the electric field gradient (EFG) V (α = x,y,z), relating to the NQR frequency tensors αα ν = eQ V . Therefore, both75As-and23Na-NMRaregoodprobesforastructuralphasetran- α 4I(2I 1) αα − sitionasshowninNaFeAswheretheprincipalaxesarealongthecrystalaxes[21]. Inaddition,the As site is very close to the Fe plane so that the As-p and Fe-d orbitals strongly hybridize, which makes75AsNMRalsoasensitiveanduniqueprobefordetectinganorbitalordersinceadisparate occupationinAs-p orbitalswillproducean asymmetricEFG. When amagneticfield H isapplied along i-axis(i =a or b), theNMRresonance frequency f 0 isexpressed by[22] 1 1 f = γ H (1+K)+ ν m (n η 1)+a δf (1) m m 1,i N 0 i c i m i ↔ − 2 − 2! · − , where Ki is the Knight shift, m = 3/2, 1/2 and -1/2, and ni = ∓ 1. η ≡ |VxxV−zzVyy|=(cid:12)ννaa+−ννbb(cid:12) is the (cid:12) (cid:12) asymmetry parameter of the EFG, which measures a nematicity in the ab-plane. Fina(cid:12)lly, a(cid:12) δf is (cid:12) (cid:12)m i thesecond-orderquadrupolarshiftwhen H is appliedparallel toi-axis,and isgivenas, 0 (v v )2 3v2 η 2 δf = b − c = c 1 a 12(1+Ka)γNH0 16(1+Ka)γNH0(cid:18) − 3(cid:19) (2) (v v )2 3v2 η 2 δf = a − c = c 1+ b 12(1+K )γ H 16(1+K )γ H 3 b N 0 b N 0(cid:18) (cid:19) Thiscorrection onlyneedstobeconsideredforthecentraltransition(m=1/2)line,soa =1 and 1/2 a =a =0. ForamaterialwithC4rotationsymmetry,η = 0. However,η > 0ifC4symmetry 3/2 1/2 − is broken. Therefore, for a twined single crystal with C2 symmetry, the field configurations of H a-axisand H b-axiswillgiveadifferent f ,leadingtoasplittingofbothsatelliteand 0 0 m m 1,i k k ↔ − central peaks. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the NMR spectra in NaFeAs. At high temperature (T), only onecentraltransitionandapairofsatellitesareobserved. BelowT =90K,abroadeningofboth ∗ centralandsatellitelineswasseeninthe75As-NMRspectra,butnotinthe23Na-NMRlines. With further decreasing T, all the 75As-NMR lines become narrower below T , and a clear splitting is s observed. Sameistruefor23Na-NMRlinesbelowT . NotethatT ismuchhigherthantheT 54 s ∗ s ∼ K confirmed bybothpreviousneutronscatteringmeasurement[23]and ourresistivitydata[19]. One apparent possibility for the 75As-NMR lines broadening (splitting) is that there are some small local orthorhombicdomains existingaboveT formed by tiny uniaxial pressure from disor- s 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) FIG. 1: (a-b) 75As- and 23Na-NMR spectra. The three peaks at T = 100 K respectively correspond to the lowfrequencysatellite(LFS),centraltransitionandhighfrequencysatellite(HFS).Themiddlepanelin(a) showsthesimulationof2D-incommensurate orbitalordermodelforT =60Kspectra. Green(red)shadow area represents the transitions with H a-axis (b-axis). The green and red arrows show the positions at 0 k which1/T and1/T wasmeasured,respectively. AtT =100K,1/T measuredatlow-andhigh-frequency 1a 1b 1 tailsgivesrisetothesamevalue. (c-d),T-dependence ofthefullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM)ofeach peak. ders [9, 24] or uniaxial strains due to epoxy encapsulation. However, this can be ruled out since 23Na-NMR spectra do not change below T and there is no angular dependence of T [19]. The ∗ ∗ other is that orbitals order in the real tetragonal phase. In this case, the origin of EFG asymmetry istheFeorbitalorderparameter∆. Forexample,fortheorbitalsplittingfoundinARPES[4], one can write ∆ (n3d n3d), where n is the electron density. It will produce a population disparity ∝ xz − yz between As-4p and 4p , (n4p n4p), throughFe-As orbitalhybridization. Such disparitywas ex- x y x y − plained by electronic mechanism [10–14], as well as by local-density approximations calculation [25]. Atthemoment,wecannotruleoutotherformof∆thatcan produceafinite(n4p n4p). The x y − 4 NaFe1 -xCoxAs x = 0 100K 60K 42K x = 0.0089 ) t. 90K ni 60K u 40K . b r A ( y it x = 0.018 s n 80K e 60K t n 20K I R M N - x = 0.027 s A 50K 5 35K 7 20K x = 0.042 50K 20K 82 83 84 92 93 Frequency (MHz) FIG. 2: T-evolution of the 75As-NMR satellite peaks. For x = 0, 0.0089, 0.018 and 0.027, the peaks are broadenedbelowT ,andsplitbelowT . Forx=0.042,however,noclearchangeinthespectrumisdetected ∗ s downtoT =20K. As-NQRfrequency tensorν isrelated ton4p as [26] x,y,z x,y,z ν n4p n4yp+n4zp x x − 2  ννyz  = ν0nn4y4zpp −− nn44xxpp++22nn4z4ypp  (3) whereν istheNQRfrequencywhenthereisoneelectron(hole)ineach4p-orbital. Itfollowsthat 0 ν ν = 3ν0 n4p n4p , thereforeη n4p n4p ∆. x − y 2 x − y As ∝ x − y ∝ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Belo(cid:12)w we s(cid:12)how that(cid:12)an incommensura(cid:12)te orbital(cid:12)order in the tetragonal phase, which becomes (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) commensuratebelowT ,canconsistentlyaccountfortheobservedresults. Theobservedbehavior s 5 (a) (c) (d) (b) FIG.3: TheevolutionoftheEFGasymmetryparameterη. (a)T-dependenceofη forvarious x. Thesolid As and dotted arrows indicate T and T , respectively. (b) T-dependence of η for x=0. The green curve is ∗ s Na the contribution due to the structure change obtained by all-electron full-potential linear augmented plane wave method [27, 28], by using the lattice parameter from neutron scattering [23] and X-ray diffraction [29]. (c)Experimental,calculated andthesubtracteddataofη for x=0. (d)η normalizedbyitsvalueat As As T against √1 T/T forvarious x. s − ∗ is very similar to the crossover of commensurate to incommensurate antiferromagnetic order in NaFeAs[21]. Generally speaking, in a commensurate density-wave state, the NMR line reflects thesmallnumberofphysicallynon-equivalentnuclearsitesintheunitcellsothatthelinewidthis small. In an incommensuratestate,however,sincethetranslationalperiodicityislost,thenumber of non-equivalentnuclear sites is larger which gives rise to a larger linewidth [30]. In the present case,Amodulationduetoorbitalorderwillcauseanadditionaltermintheresonancefrequencyat As site(x,y). Letthisterm beacosinefunctionas cos 2πq x+θ +cos 2πq y+θ , where a x · x b y · y h (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)i q andq arethetwo-dimensional(2D)wavevectorsandθ isthephase. Then,forcommensurate x y x,y order, the additional term becomes cosθ +cosθ , which is site-independent. For incommensu- x y h i rate order, however, this term is site-dependent, which leads to a broadening of the spectrum. By convoluting with a Gaussian function [19], we can reproduce the spectra as shown in Fig. 1 (a). Inpassing,wenotethatT =90Kfor x=0isconsistentwiththetemperaturebelowwhichscanning ∗ tunnelingmicroscopefound localelectronicnematicitybyquasiparticleinterference [8]. Below T , the 75As-NMR spectra become narrower and each peak is well resolved. Moreover, s 6 no NMR intensityloss is observed below T ord T [19]. All theseimplythat all theAs sites have s ∗ thesameenvironment. That is,theorbitalorderbecomes commensurate. Thedopingdependence of the spectra is shown in Fig. 2. As for x=0, a peak splitting was also found above T for x = s 0.0089, 0.018and 0.027,which get well resolvedat T . For x =0.042, however,no change of the s spectrawas founddowntoT = 20K. More quantitative data are shown in Fig. 3 where the evolution of η is demonstrated. The η As develops continuously below T , showing a saturation tendency approaching T . In contrast, η ∗ s Na showsuponlybelowT andtheabsolutevalueismuchsmallerthanη ,indicatingthatitispurely s As due to the structural transition. There are two contributions to the observed η, η= η + η , lattice orbital where η is due to surrounding lattice and η is due to orbital order on Fe site. By the first lattice orbital principle calculation, we find that the observed η is well explained by the change in η ; the Na lattice discrepancy is about 10%. Another remarkable feature of η is that it increases steeply again As below T , which cannot be accounted by the calculated η . The red circles in Fig. 3 (d) is the s lattice net increase after subtracting the effect due to the lattice change. A clear kink can be seen at T , s which is true even after multiplying the calculated result by a factor of 1.1 1.15. The increase ∼ is consistent with the incommensurate-to-commensuratetransition. In the incommensurate state, n4p n4p is inhomogeneous and η probes the averaged n4p n4p . In the commensurate state, x y As x y − − (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)η measu(cid:12)resthehomogeneous n4p n4p , whichcan bela(cid:12)rger [19].(cid:12) (cid:12) As (cid:12) x y (cid:12) (cid:12) − (cid:12) (cid:12) Finally, it is worthwhile poi(cid:12)nting out(cid:12)that η shows a linear relationship with √1 T/T (cid:12) (cid:12) As ∗ − for all samples in the vicinity of T , as shown in Fig. 3 (d), suggesting that the nematic order ∗ undergoes a Landau-type-like second-order phase transition. The T and T results obtained by ∗ s NMRaresummarizedin thephasediagramshowninFig. 4. Next we turn to the spin dynamics of this system. which was also clearly seen below T in ∗ 1/T . Figure 5 (a) shows the 1/T results for x = 0, 0.0089 and 0.018. Below T , 1/T measured 1 1 ∗ 1 at thepositionscorresponding to H [100] (a-axis) and H [010] (b-axis)shows oppositeT- 0 o 0 o k k dependence. Herewe assign thedirectionwith larger NQRfrequency tensorto the a-axis. Figure 5 (b) shows the ratio of the two T . As in Ba(Fe [Ni,Co] ) As [15, 31], 1/T arises from the 1 1 x x 2 2 1 − antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and the contribution due to the intra-band (DOS at the Fermi level), but the former is dominant [19]. We show below that the anisotropy of 1/T is a natural 1 consequenceoftheorbitalorder. ThemagneticorderontheFeatomsbelowT isofstripetypewithorderingvectorsQ =(π,0) N X [23]. Above T , however, magnetic fluctuations from Q = (0,π) also exist and have the equal N Y 7 100 ) NaFe1-xCoxAs K e ( Orbital Tc r u and Spin TN t a Nematic r 50 , Ts e p * m T e Tetra T Ortho AF SC 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Co doping x FIG. 4: The obtained phase diagram. For x <0.027, T agrees well with that from resistivity [19]. For x s = 0.027, the T coincides with T so that direct comparison with resistivity is unavailable. To distinguish s c with other compositions, the data point is represented by an open triangle. Ortho and Tetra represent the orthorhombic andtetragonal phase,respectively. amplitudeasthosefrom Q . SinceAssitsaboveorbelowthecenterofthesquareformed byfour X irons, 1/T of 75As along the orthorhombic a-direction or b-direction sees antiferromagnetic spin 1 fluctuationsfromboth Q and Q as follows[32] X Y 1 QX A2χ T ! ∝ ′′a 1 a (4) 1 QX A2 χ +χ T ! ∝ ′′a ′′c 1 b (cid:0) (cid:1) and 1 QY A2 χ +χ T ! ∝ ′′b ′′c 1 a (cid:0) (cid:1) (5) 1 QY A2χ T ! ∝ ′′b 1 b HereAisthehyperfinecouplingconstantandχ (j=a,b,c)istheimaginarypartofthestaggered ′′j susceptibility. Themeasured(1/T ) (i = a,b)can then bewrittenas 1 i 1 1 QX 1 QY = N +N (6) X Y T ! T ! T ! 1 i 1 i 1 i where N (N ) is the relative weight of contribution from Q (Q ), with N + N = 1. It then X Y X Y X Y follows (1/T1)b = χ′′c +χ′′a + NNXYχ′′b (7) (1/T1)a χ′′a + NNXY(χ′b′ +χ′c′) 8 FIG.5: (a)T-dependence of1/T forvarious x. (b)T dependence of1/T ratio. Solid, dashed anddotted 1 1 arrows indicate T , T and T , respectively. (c) Schematics of the Fermi surface (FS)obtained by ARPES ∗ s c [35]andthespinfluctuationswavevectors. TheouterFScenteredatΓisomittedhereforclarity. Thecolor represents theFe-3d orbitalcharacter. xz,yz,xy whichmeasuresachangeintheratio NY. The1/T ratiowillalwaysbeaunityaslongasN =N . NX 1 X Y On the other hand, in the limit of N 1 and N 0, the ratio will be 2, since polarized inelastic X Y ∼ ∼ neutron scattering found that the anisotropy in the low-energy spin excitations above T is small, s ifany[33]. Asseen inFig. 5(b), theobservedratio (1/T1)b increasesbelowT ,indicatingthat N increases (1/T1)a ∗ X and N decreases. These results are a natural consequence of orbital order with the occupation Y of Fe-3d becoming larger than Fe-3d which changes the FS nesting condition so that spin xz yz fluctuations with Q becomes dominant [34]. This is because Q connects the Fermi pocket X X centered at Γ = (0,0) with that centered at M = (π,0) consisting of d orbital, and Q connects X xz Y the Γ Fermi pocket with that centered at M = (0, π) consisting of d orbital (see Fig. 5 (c)). Y yz Finally,wenotethatananomalyisfoundatT in1/T ofbothdirections,whichisconsistentwith s 1 a change in the character of orbital order, but the detailed analysis of the anomaly and theoretical explanationare atopicoffutureinvestigation. Previously, electronic nematicity was found in BaFe As [4, 5, 15] and FeSe [36–40] sys- 2 2 tems, but it occurs right at T . Above T , only fluctuations were observed [41, 42]. In Ni-doped s s 9 BaFe As , although anisotropy was found in the spin susceptibilityabove T , the system was un- 2 2 s der a uni-axial pressure and it was attributed to a fluctuating order [7]. By contrast, no external drivingforcewasappliedinthepresentcase,thustheobservationofastaticorderatthetimescale of10 8 secis unprecedented. − In summary, we have presented the systematic NMR measurements on single crystals of NaFe Co As. The 75As-spectra were broadened at T far above T and get well split below T . 1 x x ∗ s s − The EFG asymmetry parameter η emerges below T and increases abruptly below T . However, ∗ s the 23Na-NMR spectra showed no change until T . These results can be explained by an incom- s mensurate orbital order formed in the tetragonal phase which becomes commensurate below T . s AspinnematicityisalsofoundbelowT , whichcan beunderstoodas adirectconsequenceofthe ∗ orbitalorder. Acknowledgments WethankT.Xiangforhelpfuldiscussionandcomments,M.-H.JulienandS.Onariforacritical reading of the manuscript, S. Maeda and T. Oguchi for advice and help in the EFG calculation, Z. Li and J. Yang for assistance in some of the measurements. 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