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Orange Is the New Black and Philosophy: Last Exit from Litchfield PDF

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P O P U L A R C U L T U R E A N D P H I L O S O P H Y ® PHILOSOPHY / TV AND FILM POPULAR CULTURE AND PHILOSOPHY® G r e tone walls do not a prison . . . and how you most definitely don’t want to wind up e n ORANGE make, nor iron bars a there, ever!” e a cage. But once you —R OBERT ARP, editor of 1001 Ideas that Changed the n d throw in overflowing Way We Think R toilets, unsympathetic o b staff, violent fellow-inmates, “A bunch of philosophers join you behind the bars of is o arbitrary trips to the SHU, imagination and thinking, and they answer those n - and a supernormal burning questions like, ‘Do you really feel safer with Gr Is BLACK chicken, you’re getting Piper in the slammer?’ and ‘What is exploitation, ee pretty close. anyway, in a world where everyone uses everyone ne the else?’ and ‘What’s for lunch?’ Makes me want to With Orange Is the write a memoir about the time I almost got arrested. O New New Black, the appall- The line between the free and the incarcerated R ing tragedy of America’s is a thin one. But if you want to untangle the vast and exploding incar- A backstories from the parole decisions, this is cerated population has become a touching comedy, your book.” yet one in which the really nasty reality is never far N —R ANDALL E. AUXIER, author of Time, Will, and away. Prison is a microcosm of life itself, and here Purpose: Living Ideas from the Philosophy of G a chain gang of professional thinkers hammers out Josiah Royce the philosophical implications of this unpredictable E television hit. NI RICHARD GREENE is professor of philosophy at s Weber State University and has served as executive e t “Timely, relevant, and binge-worthy reading! Prison wh chair of the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl. Among the e life as seen in Orange Is the New Black is full of philosophical illumination, as this fun book proves many books he has co-edited are Zombies, Vampires, B and Philosophy: New Life for the Undead (2010) and so well. Existential meaning, the power of the L Dexter and Philosophy: Mind over Spatter (2011). state, the mind-body problem, punishment, race RACHEL ROBISON-GREENE is a PhD candidate at A relations, transgendered identity, and the classic UMass Amherst. She co-edited Boardwalk Empire prisoner’s dilemma are some of the tasty items on and Philosophy: Bootleg This Book (2013) and The C this Litchfield menu.” Princess Bride and Philosophy: Inconceivable! (2016). K —WAYNE YUEN, Professor of Philosophy, Ohlone College A “Netflix’s hit women-in-prison series Orange Is N the New Black touches on just about every hot D contemporary philosophical issue you can think of, P and the learned contributors to this collection have H done hard time chipping away at them. You, the OPEN COURT: CHICAGO, ILLINOIS FOR OTHER TITLES IN THE POPULAR I L guilty reader, are accordingly sentenced to spend CULTURE AND PHILOSOPHY®SERIES, VISIT OPENCOURTBOOKS.COM O COVER DESIGN: SHANE ARBOGAST, SHANEARBOGAST.COM the duration of this volume thinking through the S COVER ILLUSTRATION: CARLOS LERMA, WWW.LERMS.NET AND PHILOSOPHY show’s most provocative and puzzling implications.” O —K . SILEM MOHAMMAD, Associate Professor of P $19.95 H English and Writing, Southern Oregon University Y Last Exit from Litchfield “From the Nietzschean Übermensch mentality to the epitomization of Sartre’s claim that ‘Hell is other people’ to, of course, the Prisoner’s Dilemma, this Edited by Richard Greene and Rachel Robison-Greene book will get you to think about life in the Big House This book has not been prepared, authorized, or endorsed by the creators or producers of Orange Is the New Black Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page i Orange Is the New Black and Philosophy Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page ii Popular Culture and Philosophy® Series Editor: George A. Reisch VOLUME1 Seinfeld and Philosophy: VOLUME54The Onion and Philosophy: Fake VOLUME79Frankenstein and Philosophy: A Book about Everything and Nothing News Story True, Alleges Indignant Area The Shocking Truth(2013) Edited by (2000) Professor(2010) Edited by Sharon M. Kaye Nicolas Michaud VOLUME2 The Simpsons and Philosophy: VOLUME55 Doctor Who and Philosophy: VOLUME80Ender’s Game and Philosophy: The D’oh! of Homer(2001) Bigger on the Inside(2010) Edited by Genocide Is Child’s Play(2013) Edited by VOLUME3 The Matrix and Philosophy: Courtland Lewis and Paula Smithka D.E. Wittkower and Lucinda Rush Welcome to the Desert of the Real(2002) VOLUME56 Dune and Philosophy: VOLUME81 How I Met Your Mother and VanOdL UPMhEilo4soBpuhfyf:y F tehaer V aanmdp Tirree mSblaliynegr in bWye iJredfifnergy W Naiyc hoof ltahse Mentat(2011) Edited P(2h0i1lo4s)oEpdhiyt:e Bd ebiny gL aonredn Azow vesoonm Menaetstesrhorn Sunnydale(2003) VOLUME57 Rush and Philosophy: Heart VOLUME82Jurassic Park and Philosophy: VIf OALrUisMtoEtl9e RHaanrr Hy oPgowttaerr tasn(2d0 P0h4i)losophy: aBnedrt iM ainndd DUunrirteedll (B2o0w11m) aEndited by Jim TNhiceo Tlarsu tMh iIcsh Tauerdr iafnyidn gJe (s2s0i1ca4 )W Eadtiktiends by VMOoLreU PMoEw1e2rfuSlttahra Wna Yrosu a nCda nP hPiolsossiobplhyy: VovOeLr USMpEat5te8rD(2e0x1te1r) aEnddit ePdh iblyo sRoipchhya:r Mdind TVhOeL UNMaEtu8r3e oTf hHei Ds Gevailm aen(d2 0P1h4i)l oEsdopitheyd: by Imagine(2005) Greene, George A. Reisch, and Rachel Robert Arp TVrOuLtUhM, JEu1st3icSe, uapnedr hthereo Seso carnadti cP Whialoysophy: RVoObLiUsMonE-G59reHenaelo and Philosophy: Intellect VVaOrLiUouMsE P8o4sitLioenosna(2rd0 1C4o)h Eend iatnedd bPyh iJloassoopnhy: Evolved (2011) Edited by Luke Cuddy Holt (2005) NVOuLdUgMe EN1u9dgMe, oTnhtyin Pky Tthhoinn ka!n(d2 0P0h6i)losophy: VanOdL UPMhiElo6so0phSyp: oSnogaekBinogb U Spq uSaecrreePtsa nUtnsd er VFoOrL YUoMuEr 8M5inHdosm Oenlalyn(d2 0a1n4d) PEhdiiltoesdo pbhyy: the Sea!(2011) Edited by Joseph J. Foy Robert Arp VNOotLhUiMngE Y2o5u TChaen B Tehaitnleks tahnadt CPahnil’ot sBoephy: VOLUME61Sherlock Holmes and Philosphy: VOLUME86 Girls and Philosophy: This The Footprints of a Gigantic Mind(2011) Book Isn’t a Metaphor for Anything (2014) Thunk(2006) Edited by Josef Steiff Edited by Richard Greene and Rachel VCaOrLeUfuMlE w3i0thP tihnakt FAlxoiyodm a, nEdu gPehniel!o s(2o0p0h7y): VOLUME62 Inception and Philosophy: Robison-Greene Ideas to Die For(2011) Edited by VOLUME87Adventure Time and Philosophy: VOLUME35Pink Floyd and Philosophy: Thorsten Botz-Bornstein The Handbook for Heroes(2014) Edited Careful with that Axiom, Eugene! (2007) VOLUME63Philip K. Dick and Philosophy: by Nicolas Michaud VOLUME36 The Legend of Zelda and Do Androids Have Kindred Spirits? VOLUME88 Justified and Philosophy: Philosophy: I Link Therefore I Am(2008) (2011) Edited by D.E. Wittkower Shoot First, Think Later(2014) Edited by VOLUME39Jimmy Buffett and Philosophy: VOLUME64 The Rolling Stones and Rod Carveth and Robert Arp The Porpoise Driven Life(2009) Edited Philosophy: It’s Just a Thought Away VOLUME89 Steve Jobs and Philosophy: by Erin McKenna and Scott L. Pratt (2012) Edited by Luke Dick and George For Those Who Think Different(2015) VOLUME41Stephen Colbert and Philosophy: A. Reisch Edited by Shawn E. Klein I Am Philosophy (And So Can You!)(2009) VOLUME65 Chuck Klosterman and VOLUME90 Dracula and Philosophy: Edited by Aaron Allen Schiller Philosophy: The Real and the Cereal Dying to Know(2015) Edited by Nicolas VOLUME42Supervillains and Philosophy: (2012) Edited by Seth Vannatta Michaud and Janelle Pötzsch Sometimes, Evil Is Its Own Reward(2009) VOLUME67Breaking Bad and Philosophy: VOLUME91Its Always Sunny and Philosophy: Edited by Ben Dyer Badder Living through Chemistry(2012) The Gang Gets Analyzed(2015) Edited by VOLUME44 Led Zeppelin and Philosophy: Edited by David R. Koepsell and Robert Arp Roger Hunt and Robert Arp All Will Be Revealed(2009) Edited by Scott VOLUME68 The Walking Dead and VOLUME92Orange Is the New Black and Calef Philosophy: Zombie Apocalypse Now Philosophy: Last Exit from Litchfield VOLUME45 World of Warcraft and (2012) Edited by Wayne Yuen (2015) Edited by Richard Greene and Philosophy: Wrath of the Philosopher VOLUME69 Curb Your Enthusiasm and Rachel Robison-Greene King(2009) Edited by Luke Cuddy and Philosophy: Awaken the Social Assassin John Nordlinger Within(2012) Edited by Mark Ralkowski Volume 46 Mr. Monk and Philosophy: VOLUME71 The Catcher in the Rye and The Curious Case of the Defective Philosophy: A Book for Bastards, Morons, INPREPARATION: Detective(2010) Edited by D.E. Wittkower and Madmen(2012) Edited by Keith More Doctor Who and Philosophy: Volume 47 Anime and Philosophy: Wide Dromm and Heather Salter Regeneration Time(2015) Edited by Eyed Wonder (2010) Edited by Josef Steiff VOLUME72 Jeopardy! and Philosophy: Paula Smithka and Courtland Lewis and Tristan D. Tamplin What Is Knowledge in the Form of Divergent and Philosophy(2015) Edited VOLUME48 The Red Sox and Philosophy: a Question?(2012) Edited by Shaun P. by Courtland Lewis Green Monster Meditations(2010) Edited Young Downton Abbey and Philosophy(2015) by Michael Macomber VOLUME73 The Wire and Philosophy: Edited by Adam Barkman and Robert VOLUME49 Zombies, Vampires, and This America, Man (2013) Edited by Arp Philosophy:New Life for the Undead David Bzdak, Joanna Crosby, and Seth Hannibal Lecter and Philosophy(2015) (2010) Edited by Richard Greene and Vannatta Edited by Joseph Westfall K. Silem Mohammad VOLUME74 Planet of the Apes and The Princess Bride and Philosophy: VOLUME51 Soccer and Philosophy: Philosophy: Great Apes Think Alike (2013) Inconceivable!(2015) Edited by Richard Beautiful Thoughts on the Beautiful Edited by John Huss Greene and Rachel Robison-Greene Game(2010) Edited by Ted Richards VOLUME75 Psych and Philosophy:Some The Ultimate Walking Dead and Philosophy: VOLUME52 Manga and Philosophy: Full Dark Juju-Magumbo(2013) Edited by (2015) Edited by Wayne Yuen Metal Metaphysician(2010) Edited by Robert Arp Louis C.K. and Philosophy(2015) Josef Steiff and Adam Barkman VOLUME77 Boardwalk Empire and Phi- Edited by Mark Ralkowski VOLUME53 Martial Arts and Philosophy: losophy: Bootleg This Book (2013) Edited Perry Mason and Philosophy(2016) Beating and Nothingness(2010) Edited by Richard Greene and Rachel Robison- Edited by Heather Rivera and Robert by Graham Priest and Damon Young Greene Arp For full details of all Popular Culture and Philosophy®books, visit www.opencourtbooks.com. Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page iii Popular Culture and Philosophy® Orange Is the New Black and Philosophy Last Exit from Litchfield EDITED BY RICHARD GREENE AND RACHEL ROBISON-GREENE and SHAUN P. YOUNG OPEN COURT Chicago Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page iv Volume 92 in the series, Popular Culture and Philosophy®, edited by George A. Reisch To find out more about Open Court books, call toll-free 1-800-815-2280, or visit our website at www.opencourtbooks.com. Open Court Publishing Company is a division of Carus Publishing Company, dba Cricket Media. Copyright © 2015 by Carus Publishing Company, dba Cricket Media First printing 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, me- chanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Open Court Publishing Company, 70 East Lake Street, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60601. Printed and bound in the United States of America. ISBN: 978-0-8126-9899-2 Library of Congress Control Number: 2015943817 Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page v For Kristin Greene and Cheryl Hughes Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page vi Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page vii Contents Thanks ix Learning from the Insiders xi I Of course you are still going to have to go through initiation 1 1. Orange Is the New Black Can Change Your Life CHRISTOPHER HOYT 3 2. Should We Give a Ship? RACHEL ROBISON-GREENE 17 II How’s this whole ‘agenda’ thing work? 27 3. Nietzsche and a Trans Woman Walk into a Prison CHRISTINAA. DIEDOARDO, ESQ. 29 4. It’s Different but the Same ROD CARVETH 41 III Every day in this place I get more confused 53 5. Prison Is Hell CHRISTOPHER KETCHAM 55 6. Hell Is Other People but Mostly You Too COURTNEY NEAL 71 vii Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page viii Contents IV I’m a predator, bitch. Ain’t no fun if you offer 81 7. Prison as Rehab? Foucault Says No, No, No JEFFREY E. STEPHENSONAND SARAWALLER 83 8. Who’s Messing with Your Mind? MYISHA CHERRY 95 V To eat the chicken that is smarter than other chickens 107 9. Take a Break from Your Values RACHEL ROBISON-GREENE 109 10.You’re Not Religious, Okay SETH M. WALKER 123 VI The secret is, pretend the salt is sugar 137 11.I Am I, Crazy Eyes CHELSI BARNARDARCHIBALD 139 12. You Got Them TV Titties STEPHEN FELDER 157 VII My brain will always be there for you 171 13. The Chicken and the Egg-sistential Crisis LEIGH DUFFY 173 14. What Friends Are For CHARLENE ELSBYAND ROB LUZECKY 189 15.The Litchfield Prisoner’s Dilemma RICHARD GREENE 201 Sugar and Spice and Some Things Not So Nice! 211 References 235 Perpetrators’ Rap Sheets 239 Index 245 viii Orange Is Philosophy 6th pages_Layout 1 8/3/15 2:20 PM Page ix Thanks W orking on this project has been a pleasure, in no small part because of the many fine folks who have as- sisted us along the way. In particular a debt of grati- tude is owed to David Ramsay Steele and George Reisch at Open Court, Greta Gusteva Martela, the con- tributors to this volume, and our respective academic departments at UMass Amherst and Weber State Uni- versity. Finally, we’d like to thank those family mem- bers, students, friends, and colleagues with whom we’ve had fruitful and rewarding conversations on various aspects of all things Orange Is the New Black as it re- lates to philosophical themes.

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