The field of oral microbiology has seen fundamental conceptual changes in recent years. Microbial communities are now seen as the fundamental etiological agent in oral diseases through their interface with host inflammatory responses. Study of structured microbial communities has increased our understanding of the roles of each member in the pathogenesis of oral diseases, principles that apply to both periodontitis and dental caries.
Against this backdrop, the third edition of Oral Microbiology and Immunology has been substantially expanded and rewritten by an international team of authors and editors. Featured in the current edition are:
Graduate students, researchers, and clinicians as well as students will find this new edition valuable in study and practice. The field of oral microbiology has seen fundamental conceptual changes in recent years. Microbial communities are now seen as the fundamental etiological agent in oral diseases through their interface with host inflammatory responses. Study of structured microbial communities has increased our understanding of the roles of each member in the pathogenesis of oral diseases, principles that apply to both periodontitis and dental caries.
Categories:MedicineYear:2019Edition:3Publisher:ASM PressLanguage:EnglishPages:480ISBN 10:1555819982File:EPUB, 74.11 MB Download (epub, 74.11 MB) Send-to-Kindle or Email Most frequently terms bacteria1509cells1225bacterial910host652species607dna603periodontal572proteins528infection510dental508disease506immune493gene466periodontitis458biofilm414acid370plaque369genes366infections365protein341tissue323microbial319virus317gingivalis302organisms300fig294caries286viral271genome269antibiotics264saliva261resistance258patients256biofilms253membrane252mechanisms251tooth243oral bacteria243mutans238antimicrobial235surfaces233gram231interactions225gingival221streptococci220microorganisms220oral cavity219tissues217inflammation215binding215clinical214immunity212diseases209molecules206pathogens203inflammatory203salivary197innate195viruses195