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California State Archives State Government Oral History Program Oral History Interview With HON CHARLES CALDERON California State Assemblyman 1982- 1990 California State Senator 1990- 1998 May24 2003 June? 14 21 2003 Whittier California By Lawrence B de Graaf Centerfor Oral and Public History California State Umversity Fullerton RESTRICTIONS ON THIS INTERVIEW None LITERARY RIGHTS AND QUOTATION This manuscnpt is herebymade available for research purposes only No partof the manuscnpt may be quoted for publication withoutthe wnttenpermissionofthe California StateArchivist or the Directorofthe Centerfor Oral and Public History California State Umversity Fullerton Requests for permissionto quote for publicationshould be addressed to California StateArchives 1020 O Street Room 130 Sacramento CA 94814 or Centerfor Oral and Public History Pollock Library California State University Fullerton Fullerton CA 92834 The request should include identificationofthe specific passages and identificationofthe user It IS recommended that this oral history be cited as follows Charles Calderon Oral History Interview Conducted 2003 by Lawrence B de Graaf CSUF Centerfor Oral and Public History for the CaliforniaStateArchives State Government Oral History Program TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERVIEW HISTORY i BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY x SESSION 1 May24 2003 [Tape 1 Side A] 1 Early life and parents- Childhoodin East Los Angeles- Gang threats and move to Montebello- Schooling m Montebello- Influence ofteachers and coaches- Impact ofsports on career- Counseling ofMexican students- Early political interest andexperiences - Law school andpovertyprograms- Volunteer work in poverty and civil nghts- Reflections on liberal onentation- Earlycounseljobs and Mexicanvotmg- Prosecutorfor Los Angeles City Attorney- Pnvatelaw practice- Attorney for cities- Lennox High School segregationcase [Tape I SideB] 13 MALDEP (Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund) NAACP and minority schools—Lennox School problems and Lawndale campaign—Lennox School desegregation tnal- Legislative aide to Richard Alatorre and JackFenton - Fentonsdefeat- Election to Montebello school board- Campaigns for school board and assembly- Democratic negotiations for 1982 legislative seat - Role of Willie Brown in Calderon election- Latinopolitics inLos Angeles and 1982 election- 1982 Legislature class and Latmo candidates [Tape 2 Side A] 24 GlonaMolmaversus Richard Polanco in 1982pnmaryelection- Calderon Campaign mpnmary- LimitedLatmopresence and political orgamzation - Criticism ofDemocratic emphasis on environment- Jesse Unruh Willie Brown and assembly speaker- WillieBrownsleadershiptechmques - Assembly DemocraticCaucus- EvaluationofBrownas speaker- Post 1978 partisanship in assembly- Role oflobbyists [Tape 2 Side B] 34 AssemblyFinanceand Insurance Committee- Calderon interest m business compared to Latino perspective- Prosecutorexpenencecompared to Latino perspective- Finance and Insurance as juice committee - Juice committee and voting philosophy- Mammography mhealth insurance- Earthquakeand homeowners msurance- ATM regulation- WillieBrown Tom Haydennvalry - Workers compensationinsurance- Calderon as assemblywhip - Impact of Propositions 13and 4- Proposition 4 compliance arrangement- Democratic position on anti crime laws [Tape3 Side A] 47 Jerry Brownand budget surplus - Liberal lack ofvision in 80s and 90s - Issue of parental consentfor abortion- Control ofpornography at newsstands - Ongin of the Gang ofFive- Guncontrol and mmontygroups- Formation ofGang ofFive - Sourceofits name [Tape 3 Side B] 58 Tom Hayden Willie Brown and rebellion ofGang ofFive - Gang ofFive as swing vote on liberal bills—No fault msurance issue and bills- Willie Browns woodshed talks - Brown s punishmentofGang ofFive - Gang ofFive rift with Democrats escalates- Jesse Unruh s death and selectinga treasurer- Constituent reaction to Gang ofFive [Tape 4 Side A] 69 Contest for chairman ofLatino Caucus—Effortto unseat WillieBrown as speaker - Assemblyman Tnce Harveyand GangofFive- Negotiations with Republicans to unseat Brown - Calderon run for speaker- December 1988vote on speaker- Impact ofspeaker fight on assembly- Aftermath ofspeaker fight and the end of the Gang ofFive SESSION2 June? 2003 [Tape 5 Side A] 80 Calderon replaced asDemocratic Whip - DemocraticPartyandLatino causes- Case ofclean water andenvironmentalists- More onroots ofGang ofFive Willie BrownandGrizzlies- TomHaydenandTomHannigan—Democratic Caucus andelectionofspeaker- Willie Brownsmaneuverstoremain speaker- EffortstodefeatCalderonin 1988primary- Richard Polanco becomes chairof Latino caucus- Willie Brownand committee assignments- Richie Ross- Impact ofGang ofFive onimageoflegislature-WillieBrownand welfare system for legislators- ImpactofGang ofFive oncreationof Mod Squad [Tape 5 Side B] 91 Bob Hertzbergand moderate caucus- ImpactofGang ofFiveonLatmo speaker - Latmo gams m1996—ImpactofGang ofFiveonCalderonsleadership m Senate- Gang ofFive andterm limitbills- Criticism ofFPPC andlegislators fundraisingreports- Campaignfund raisingandtermlimitbills- Defeatofterm limit bills m1988—FBI stmg—Criticismoffederal policingofstate governments - PatrickNolan andoriginofFBIstmg- Impactofthestmg [Tape 6 Side A] 102 FBIstmgindictments (JosephMontoya, PaulCarpenter AlanRobbms Frank Hill)—Special Senateelectionof1990 —Reasons for Calderons electionsuccess - Calderonscampaign tactics- ImpactofGangofFivemsenate- Differences m atmosphere ofsenateandassembly- Importance ofSenateJudiciary Committee - BeckyMorgan andfamily law- Impactofwomen onfamily law- Blackand Latmoviewsonchildsupport- SubcommitteeonFamilyLaw- Othersenate committees- Roleandflmctions ofmajority leader- Suspense committee [Tape6 SideB] 114 More onsuspense committees- Majority leaderand campaign fund raising- Relations ofmajority leaderwithGovernor Wilson- Age ofsenators- fPPC finesonCalderon- CaseofappointmenttoMedical Board- Calderononuseof campaignfunds- Interstate BankingActof 1986- OppositionofCalifornia banks and savingsand loanassociations- Role ofCitibanklobbyist- Advantages ofallowing out ofstate banks - Role ofsmall banks ih Californiafinance - Phase mofout ofstatebanking [Tape 7 Side A] 125 Savings andloanbankruptcyproblem- ATMsafetyproblem- ATMsafetylaw- No faultautoinsuranceissue- Mandatoryautoinsurance- Battlebetweentnal lawyersand insurance companies- Benefits ofno fault auto insurance- Tort reformissue- Proposition 103 - Moreontnal lawyersversusinsurance compames - AssessmentofHarveyRosenfeld- Litigation on Proposition 103- Lmkmg homeowners and earthquake msurance [Tape? SideB] 138 Billtode Imkearthquake andhomeowners msurance- Northridge earthquake andinsurancepolicy- Earthquake Authonty- OperationofEarthquakeAuthonty - Insurance industry ceaseswntinghomeowners policies- Partisanpositionon earthquake/homeowners msurance- Calderon roleinEarthquake Authonty legislation- Mammographycoveragemhealthmsurance- Calderonrole m passmg mammographyBill- Cancellationofsemors life insurance SESSIONS June 14 2003 [Tape 8 Side A] 149 CaliforniaLeadership Council- Purposeofmoderates inDemocraticParty- Gang ofFive and moderate movement- CaliforniaLeadership Council and open pnmary- SuspensecommitteesasWillieBrownscontrolcommittees- Secrecy andpowerofsuspensecommittees—Limited liabilitypartnership legislation— Joint and several liability- Regulation ofcheck cashers- Place ofcheck cashers inLatinocommunity- Regulationofwiretransfersofmoney- Stateofdivorce law in 1980s [Tape 8 Side B] 160 Spousal support and child custodylawin 1980s—More onwomensmovement andfamily law- Femimstgroups andfamily lawagenda- Jointcustody legislation—Familycourtsandjudges—Feminization ofPoverty report—Pseudo scienceinpublicreports- Fnends oftheCourtbill- Exparte ordersmdivorce proceedings-EstablishmentofFamilyCode- The Formula forchild support~ ArtAgnos and the Formula [Tape 9 Side A] 170 Billto modify the Formula - Personalexpenence withchildsupportlaw- Newly made income issue- Calderon as guru offathers nghts - Bill to increasechildsupportpayments- ReactiontoCalderonopposition- Latchkey children and McMartm case- Licensing ofdaycarecenters- Child Care Tax Credit Act- Services for immigrantchildren- Budget dealvv^th Governor Wilson —Abortion as defimng issue betweenparties [Tape 9 Side B] 180 Protectionofminorsandparentalauthonty- Mandatoiyparentingeducation- Parentmg education as answer to gangs—Latinoneed forparentmg education - Wilson veto ofparenting education- Montebello dump and hazardous waste problem- Mixing ofhazardous and non hazardous waste - Problem ofinter agency cooperation- Earlyhazardous waste laws and crises~ Definitionof hazardous waste- Momtoring landfills- Healthproblems from hazardous waste - Montebello landfill- Waste Management Board [Tape 10 Side A] 189 GovernorDeukmejiansplantoconsolidatewasteagencies- SWAT(SolidWaste Assessment Testing) program- CUPA (Certified Unified Program Agencies) - SenateToxics Committee hearings on CUPA- Out ofstate dumping and its problems —Limited number oftreatment facilities- Technology ofwaste treatment- State incentives to develop waste treatments- Hazardous Waste Management Act (state superfund)- Federal superfund policyand liabilityissues - Hazardous Waste Management Reform Act of1995- Reform ofstate superfund law [Tape 10 SideB] 199 Recyclmglimitedbymarket- Potentialoflandfillclosingandrecyclinglaws- Waste to railprogramandtransferstations- Trashincinerationforenergy SESSION 4 June 21 2004 [Tape 11 Side A] 203 Pnontyon reducingpollutionand waste - Uniform versus use standards for clean up - More on CUPA- Povertyamong women and growth ofsingle parent families - Differentphilosophies on AFDC (welfare)- GAIN (GreaterAvenues to Independence)program- Comparable worth laws - Problemof dead beat dads - More on Agnos Child Support Standard Act- More on jointphysical custodyofchildren- Shift m thinking about welfare In 1990s- Diane Watson shiftto workfare- Costofpersonal divorce and jointcustody litigation [Tape 11 SideB] 214 Courtsand workingparentchildcustody- Fathers nghts orgamzations in Califorma—Calderonstarts fathers nghts movement- RobinWilliams andMrs Doubtflre- Calderonplea m divorce and custodytnal - Move away mothers issue- ChiefJustice George decision on move awaymothers - Roberti bill on fiduciary relationship ofspouses- Calderonon impactofdivorce- Effects of Calderon's efforts m family law [Tape 12 Side A] 224 Cnticismofdetermmatesentencmg- InvestigationofVictims ofCnme program - Problems withVictims ofCrime program- Victims BillofRights (Proposition 8)- Board ofControl- Bill to reform Board ofControl- Deukmejian veto but impactofbill - Mandatorysentencingfor repeat offenders- Son ofSam laws in California- Proposal to tax drug dealers- Oppositionofreligious groups kills bill- Carroll OConnorand suing drug dealers- Limitationofpnsoners nghts [Tape 12 Side B] 236 Restorationofchaingangbill- Use ofpnson labor- Impactofanti cnme legislationon Latmos- Three Stakesimtiative(Proposition 184)- Techmquesof repeatoffenders to evade tough sentencing- ChiefJustice George on Three Strikes-NY Times v Sullivan and information revolution- Information as currencyand publicofficials- Cnminal defamation bill as attemptto define pnvacy- Sanctuaryagainstpro life picketing- Umon opposition- Mailing demographic profiles ofchildren [Tape 13 Side A] 247 Makingreputation apnvacynght- CriticismofFCC(Federal Communications Commission) rulmgonmediaownership- Importanceofjuvemlejustice- Experiencewithgangsasayouth- Tryingyouthasadults- Departmentof Juvenile Justice proposal- CaliforniaStreet Terrorism Enforcementand PreventionAct (STEPA)- 1960sliberalismanddrugpolicy- Reasonsfornsing Latmocnme rate- RoleofDavidHayesBautista- Proposaltoallownon unanimousjurydecisions- Proposal to compensatejurors- Historical sigmficanceofjurysystem- LosAngeles County reformofjuryduty [Tape 13 SideB] 258 Guncontrollaws- Wilsonvetoofcertifyinggunmanufacturers- Prison expansion after1980- LosAngeles prisonsiteandMOMs- Polanco supportof EastLosAngelespnson site- Negotiations tomovepnsontoAdelanto- Efforts tostemexpansionofprisons- Proposalsforpnvate pnsons - ImpactofEd Roybal onLatmo politics- Alatorre andTorresasnucleus ofLatmo politics- More on speakers electionof1980 - Role ofAlatorre and Torres m Willie Brownselection- CesarChavez' reactiontospeakerelectionandparticipants- Latino views onfavormg familym politics [Tape 14 Side A] 269 Alatorresrolem Polanco Molinaprimary- ChargesagainstTorres m 1991 supervisors election- Latmo Caucusand Republican members - Cnticismof ideaofwomenasmmonty group- CalderonaschairofLatinoCaucus- 1991 LosAngelesCountysupervisors election- Differentprioritiesofsuburbsand centralcity—Calderondefeatm1991 —1998attorney general primaryelection— Calderonrejectslieutenantgovernorposition- Calderonplatformm 1998- Analysis ofelection- Promotion ofnaturalizationofimmigrants- Strengths of Latino immigrants [Tape 14 SideB] 281 Proposal forOfficeofSmallandMmontyBusiness- Proposition 109- Museum ofLatmoHistory- Controversyoverleadershipofmuseum- Establishmentof CesarChavezDay- Bilmgual educationproblems- Affirmative Actionproblems repeatedmbilingual education- Proposition227(Englishimmersion)- Cnticism ofProposition 140(term limits)- Termlimits andweakemng oflegislature- Importanceoflegislativeexperience- Two thirds voteonbudget- Campaign fund raisingas extortion [Tape 15 Side A] 293 Moreon campaign fund raismg- Public financmgofcampaigns - Lawyer legislators- Impact ofterm limits onpower ofspeaker- Willie Browns techniques for controlling assembly- Openprimary- Need for legislative experience

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