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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0 PDF

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Preview Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0

® Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0 Part No: E78912-02 July 2017 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0 Part No: E78912-02 Copyright © 2009, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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Contents About the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ......................................................... 19 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Key Features ...................................................... 20 Supported Protocols ....................................................................................... 20 Appliance Data Services ................................................................................. 21 Data Availability ........................................................................................... 21 Browser User Interface (BUI) .......................................................................... 22 Network Icons .............................................................................................. 30 Dashboard Icons ............................................................................................ 30 Analytics Toolbar Icons .................................................................................. 31 Identity Mapping Icons ..................................................................................  32 Supported Browsers ....................................................................................... 33 Command Line Interface (CLI) ........................................................................ 33 CLI Contexts ........................................................................................ 35 CLI Properties ...................................................................................... 42 Working with CLI Scripting ............................................................................ 45 Using Batch Commands ......................................................................... 45 Understanding the CLI Scripting Commands .............................................. 46 ▼ Accessing the CLI Script Environment ................................................. 46 Understanding the Built-in CLI Functions .................................................. 47 ▼ Using the Run Function ....................................................................  48 ▼ Using the Get Function ..................................................................... 48 ▼ Using the List Function ..................................................................... 49 ▼ Using the Children Function ..............................................................  52 ▼ Using the Choices Function ............................................................... 53 Using the Functions for Generating Output ................................................ 54 Understanding CLI Scripting Errors .......................................................... 55 Configuring the Appliance ................................................................................ 57 5 Contents Initial Appliance Configuration ........................................................................ 57 Appliance Cluster Configuration ...................................................................... 58 Cluster Configuration BUI View .............................................................. 58 ▼ Upgrading a Standalone Appliance to a Clustered Configuration (BUI) ....... 60 ▼ Shutting Down a Clustered Configuration (BUI) .................................... 62 ▼ Shutting Down a Clustered Configuration (CLI) ....................................  64 Cluster Terminology ..............................................................................  66 Understanding Clustering ........................................................................ 66 Cluster Advantages and Disadvantages ...................................................... 68 Cluster Interconnect I/O .........................................................................  70 Cluster Resource Management ................................................................. 71 Cluster Takeover and Failback ................................................................. 74 Configuration Changes in a Clustered Environment ..................................... 76 Clustering Considerations for Storage ....................................................... 77 Clustering Considerations for Networking .................................................. 79 Private Local IP Interfaces ...................................................................... 81 Clustering Considerations for InfiniBand ................................................... 82 Preventing Split-Brain Conditions ............................................................  85 Estimating and Reducing Takeover Impact ................................................. 87 Network Configuration ................................................................................... 89 Network Configuration (BUI) .................................................................. 90 Network Configuration (CLI) ................................................................. 102 Working with Network Configuration ...................................................... 111 Configuring Management Interfaces ........................................................ 113 Configuring Network Datalinks .............................................................. 113 Configuring Network Interfaces .............................................................  116 Configuring Network IP MultiPathing (IPMP) .......................................... 117 Configuring Network Performance and Availability ...................................  118 Configuring Network Routing ................................................................ 119 Configuring Storage ..................................................................................... 122 ▼ Creating a Storage Pool (BUI) .......................................................... 122 ▼ Creating a Storage Pool (CLI) ..........................................................  125 ▼ Importing an Existing Storage Pool (BUI) ........................................... 128 ▼ Importing an Existing Storage Pool (CLI) ........................................... 128 ▼ Configuring an All-Flash Storage Pool (BUI) ......................................  130 ▼ Configuring an All-Flash Storage Pool (CLI) ....................................... 131 ▼ Adding a Disk Shelf to an Existing Storage Pool (BUI) .........................  133 6 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0 • July 2017 Contents ▼ Adding a Disk Shelf to an Existing Storage Pool (CLI) .......................... 135 ▼ Adding a Cache, Meta, or Log Device to an Existing Storage Pool (BUI) ................................................................................................. 137 ▼ Adding a Cache, Meta, or Log Device to an Existing Storage Pool (CLI) ................................................................................................. 138 ▼ Removing a Cache or Log Device from an Existing Storage Pool (BUI) ....  141 ▼ Removing a Cache or Log Device from an Existing Storage Pool (CLI) ..... 142 ▼ Unconfiguring a Storage Pool (BUI) .................................................. 143 ▼ Unconfiguring a Storage Pool (CLI) ..................................................  144 ▼ Renaming a Storage Pool (BUI) ........................................................ 145 ▼ Renaming a Storage Pool (CLI) ........................................................ 146 ▼ Scrubbing a Storage Pool (BUI) ........................................................ 147 ▼ Scrubbing a Storage Pool (CLI) ........................................................ 148 ▼ Viewing Pool and Device Status (BUI) ............................................... 149 Storage Pool Concepts .......................................................................... 150 Data Profiles for Storage Pools .............................................................. 152 Understanding the Appliance Status ................................................................ 155 Dashboard Status ................................................................................. 156 Summary of Memory Use ..................................................................... 161 Disk Activity Dashboard ....................................................................... 162 Dashboard CLI .................................................................................... 164 ▼ Running the Dashboard Continuously ................................................. 165 Status Dashboard Settings ..................................................................... 166 ▼ Changing the Displayed Activity Statistics .......................................... 168 ▼ Changing the Activity Thresholds ...................................................... 168 NDMP Status ...................................................................................... 169 NDMP States ...................................................................................... 170 Configuring Storage Area Network (SAN) ....................................................... 170 ▼ Configuring FC Port Modes (BUI) ....................................................  171 ▼ Discovering FC Ports (BUI) ............................................................. 173 ▼ Creating FC Initiator Groups (BUI) ...................................................  174 ▼ Associating a LUN with an FC Initiator Group (BUI) ............................ 176 ▼ Changing FC Port Modes (CLI) ........................................................ 177 ▼ Discovering FC Ports (CLI) .............................................................  177 ▼ Creating FC Initiator Groups (CLI) .................................................... 178 ▼ Associating a LUN with an FC Initiator Group (CLI) ............................ 179 ▼ Scripting Aliases for Initiators and Initiator Groups (CLI) ......................  179 7 Contents ▼ Creating an Analytics Worksheet (BUI) .............................................. 181 ▼ Configuring SAN iSER Targets ......................................................... 182 ▼ Adding an iSCSI Target with an Auto-generated IQN (CLI) .................... 185 ▼ Adding an iSCSI Target with a Specific IQN and RADIUS Authentication (CLI) ................................................................................................. 185 ▼ Adding an iSCSI Initiator with CHAP Authentication (CLI) ...................  186 ▼ Adding an iSCSI Target Group (CLI) ................................................. 187 ▼ Adding an iSCSI Initiator Group (CLI) ............................................... 187 ▼ Configuring SRP Target (BUI) .......................................................... 188 ▼ Configuring SRP Targets (CLI) ......................................................... 189 Understanding SAN ............................................................................. 190 SAN Fibre Channel Configuration .......................................................... 192 SAN iSCSI Configuration ..................................................................... 196 SAN iSCSI Initiator Configuration .........................................................  197 SAN SRP Configuration ....................................................................... 199 SAN Terminology ................................................................................ 200 Configuring Users ........................................................................................ 202 ▼ Adding an Administrator or User (BUI) .............................................. 203 ▼ Adding an Administrator or User (CLI) .............................................. 205 ▼ Changing a User Password (BUI) ...................................................... 207 ▼ Changing a User Password (CLI) ...................................................... 208 ▼ Editing Exceptions for a User (BUI) .................................................. 209 ▼ Editing Exceptions for a User (CLI) ................................................... 209 ▼ Deleting Exceptions for a User (BUI) ................................................. 211 ▼ Deleting Exceptions for a User (CLI) ................................................. 212 ▼ Adding a Role (BUI) ......................................................................  213 ▼ Adding a Role (CLI) ....................................................................... 214 ▼ Editing Authorizations for a Role (BUI) ............................................. 215 ▼ Editing Authorizations for a Role (CLI) .............................................. 215 ▼ Deleting Authorizations from a Role (BUI) ......................................... 217 ▼ Deleting Authorizations from a Role (CLI) .......................................... 217 ▼ Adding a User Who Can View the Dashboard ...................................... 218 Understanding Users and Roles .............................................................. 219 User Authorizations .............................................................................  220 Managing User Properties ..................................................................... 222 Setting Appliance Preferences ........................................................................ 224 ▼ Setting Preferences (BUI) ................................................................  224 8 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0 • July 2017 Contents ▼ Setting Preferences (CLI) ................................................................. 225 ▼ Setting SSH Public Keys (BUI) ........................................................  226 ▼ Setting SSH Public Keys (CLI) ......................................................... 226 Preference Properties ............................................................................ 228 Configuring Alerts ....................................................................................... 228 ▼ Adding an Alert Action (BUI) .......................................................... 229 ▼ Adding an Alert Action (CLI) ........................................................... 230 Sending Email Alerts (CLI) ................................................................... 231 Sending an SNMP Trap (CLI) ...............................................................  231 Alert Categories ..................................................................................  232 Threshold Alerts .................................................................................. 233 Resuming/Suspending Analytics Datasets and Worksheets ........................... 234 Configuring Certificates ................................................................................ 235 ▼ Creating a New Server Certificate (BUI) ............................................. 236 ▼ Creating a New Server Certificate (CLI) ............................................. 237 ▼ Uploading CA Certificates from Non-root CAs (BUI) ...........................  238 ▼ Uploading CA Certificates from Non-root CAs (CLI) ............................ 239 ▼ Viewing CSR and Certificate Details (BUI) ......................................... 240 ▼ Viewing CSR and Certificate Details (CLI) ......................................... 240 ▼ Destroying a CSR or Certificate (BUI) ............................................... 241 ▼ Destroying a CSR or Certificate (CLI) ................................................ 241 ▼ Setting the Appliance Certificate (BUI) .............................................. 242 ▼ Setting the Appliance Certificate (CLI) ............................................... 242 ▼ Uploading Trusted Certificates (BUI) ................................................. 243 ▼ Uploading Trusted Certificates (CLI) .................................................  243 ▼ Viewing Trusted Certificate Details (BUI) ........................................... 244 ▼ Viewing Trusted Certificate Details (CLI) ........................................... 244 ▼ Destroying a Trusted Certificate (BUI) ............................................... 245 ▼ Destroying a Trusted Certificate (CLI) ................................................ 245 ▼ Assigning a Certificate to a Service (BUI) ........................................... 246 ▼ Assigning a Certificate to a Service (CLI) ........................................... 246 Appliance Services .......................................................................................... 247 Managing Services ....................................................................................... 248 ▼ Viewing a Service in the BUI ........................................................... 248 ▼ Selecting a Service in the CLI ..........................................................  249 ▼ Enabling a Service (BUI) ................................................................. 249 9 Contents ▼ Enabling a Service (CLI) ................................................................. 250 ▼ Disabling a Service (BUI) ................................................................ 250 ▼ Disabling a Service (CLI) ................................................................ 250 ▼ Viewing Service States in the CLI ..................................................... 251 ▼ Viewing Service Help in the CLI ....................................................... 251 ▼ Setting Service Properties (BUI) .......................................................  252 ▼ Setting Service Properties (CLI) ........................................................ 253 ▼ Viewing Service Logs (BUI) ............................................................  254 ▼ Viewing Service Logs (CLI) ............................................................. 255 List of Available Appliance Services ....................................................... 256 Required Service Ports .........................................................................  258 Configuring Services .................................................................................... 258 NFS Configuration ............................................................................... 259 iSCSI Configuration ............................................................................. 265 SMB Configuration .............................................................................. 266 FTP Configuration ............................................................................... 285 HTTP Configuration ............................................................................. 288 NDMP Configuration ........................................................................... 291 Shadow Migration Configuration ............................................................ 301 SFTP Configuration ............................................................................. 301 SRP Configuration ............................................................................... 305 TFTP Configuration ............................................................................. 305 Virus Scan Configuration ...................................................................... 306 NIS Configuration ...............................................................................  309 LDAP Configuration ............................................................................ 311 Active Directory Configuration .............................................................. 318 Identity Mapping Configuration .............................................................  324 DNS Configuration .............................................................................. 335 IPMP Configuration ............................................................................. 342 Kerberos Configuration ......................................................................... 343 NTP Configuration ............................................................................... 359 Phone Home Configuration ...................................................................  363 Dynamic Routing Configuration ............................................................. 366 Service Tags Configuration .................................................................... 366 SMTP Configuration ............................................................................ 366 SNMP Configuration ............................................................................ 367 Syslog Configuration ............................................................................ 371 10 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0 • July 2017

hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Plug-in for Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic. Edition Options" and the Licensing Information User Manual for the software release.
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