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Preview Oracle 2003-2004

iHiwiaiijBSaca>ir^ I Arci. MSMQ Guest Writer Prop 57: Will Borrowing $15 Billion Visits Campus: End California's Accumulated Debt? By Andrea Mazon Chris Abani Of the four bond measures on the to fully repay the borrowed billions. March 2nd ballot, Proposition 57 has cre¬ In order to amass the funds necessary Gov. Schwarzenegger is so certain of ated perhaps the greatest uproar. This is to pay for the bond. Prop 57 calls for the 57's ability to clear the economic air that esf>ecially true among college students as allocation of a percentage of the sales tax. he has spent a reported $10 million on well as the middle and lower-income vot¬ $1.2 billion of this will have been extract¬ ads aimed at garnering voter suppwrt. ing populations. Although most hold ed from existing services and would These millions are the result of private strong, if not unwavering opinions about divert funds not only from health care, and corporate donations, as well as con¬ 57, many are unfamiliar with its details. but also funding for education at all lev¬ tributions accumulated at various funding The onetime economic recovery bond els. raising events, including one in New York of $15 billion would be used to combat In regard to the funding and subsidiz¬ City. California's accumulated general fund ing of higher education, the provisions for There have been no formal opposi¬ deficit. Governor Schwarzenegger, along the Cal Grant will be significantly altered. tional ads or other concrete resources pre¬ with his most staunch supporters - among In terms of new student qualifications for sented to the voting public. Opposition them Sen. Dianne Fienstein and the the grant, the current income ceiling will does however exist in the f>ersons of the California Republican Party - has touted be lowered by 10%>. Those independent State Treasurer Phil Angelides and Sen. Prop 57 as the only way for California to college and university students who do Tom McClintock, and organizations such rectify its current economic crisis. TTie qualify will experience a 44% reduction as the San Diego based Association of k^ju c-iJDUi nij , lilt to bond may indeed pay off the deficit, but in the funds awarded. Instead of $9,708 Concerned Taxpayers, among others. Chalon on page 8 also require SI.2 billion in annual pay¬ for the academic year, recipients will ments over a nine to fourteen year period receive $5,482. Will borrowing $15 billion cure California's debt crisis? Only time will Moot tell. The Life and Times of a Mock Trial Groupie: An Autobiography What? By Sarah Bessell "Mock Trial." You've heard it bandied estranged husband and appealing her case around campus: that group of merry on the grounds of an unfair trial proceed¬ women learning to fight the good fight; ing. Our heroes were Ruth Bader armed with quick wit, the appropriate Ginsburg and Thurgood Marshall; we legal jargon, massive strategy binders, were legal intellectuals and debate afi¬ and an endless supply of yellow legal cionados. pads. Just who are these people and what In the second half of the semester the are they up to every Tuesday night from course switched gears and we found our¬ 6:15 to 9:15 on the second floor of selves in the mystical, magical world of Humanities.' What motivated them to trial litigation. Here our references were sacrifice not one, but two semesters of Johnnie Cochran and Lan' and Order. It lime, energy, and overall sanity? Now was time to put on a show of smoke and that I've sat down to write the article, I mirrors; we radiated confidence and find it rather hard to put into words the could take on the world with our handy emotions and experiences that make up list of Objections. During Moot Court we Moot Court/ Mock Trial. However, were all lawyers, in Mock Trial we had to there's no time like the present and I'll learn how to handle the legal battle and Opinion Page 2 find a way. how to be appropriate character witness¬ The girls in the Mock Trial class es. TTiis time we met the defendant signed up with a variety of motivations, Michael Harmon, a man involved in the but we can all concur that each of us has death of fellow hockey player Tony Fashion Show an interest in the field of law and wanted Sturmanis: accident or murder? Add to to know what it was like to actually put this the fact that we would be leaving our Pictures all the information that wc had learned safe haven of the Mount and arguing our into practice. The first half of the fall case at the Regional Mock Trial Page 4 semester found the group diving into the Competition on February 21 and 22, Entertainment Moot Court pRKCss. TTiis style of litiga¬ 2004. tion is reserved for the appellate court This lime the stakes were higher, we Page 6 level, the most significant being the not only wanted to achieve personal sat¬ SIDE Supreme Court. Here wc studied the law isfaction in our performance but. as the and engaged in spirited legal debate. We first Mount St. Mary's Mock Trial team sought to defend or prosecute Ms. Mary ever, we wanted to show the rest of Student Views Hacker, convicted of murdering her Southern California that we could tough THIS ISSUE Page 7 Continued on Page 8 EDITOP.IAL 02 The Great Poster Scandal... A new semester brought much informed and hold varying political Schwarzenegger. delving even deeper into the passions more to the Oracle office than an views; others argue that they are We promptly created a poster for of the students, and getting an even issue deadline. Many fresh faces, a homogenously liberal, and still others the Little Theater Foyer with the better idea of what you think. We new Editor, and a strong core of that they don't care at all. What was Governor's picture and posted it, welcome, and encourage comments returning staff provided a fertile envi¬ unanimously agreed upon was that we along with markers, for comment. It however you wish to give them: you ronment for discussion about issues needed some way to find out. was just as promptly removed, how¬ can reach the oracle through email at on campus. We seemed to almost A first thought was to interview ever, by individuals who obviously do [email protected], and, if you see immediately settle on politics. While someone in the political science not respect our school's posting policy another poster, please comment. we all agreed that we needed to cover department about what they felt was (the poster was approved and cannot Finally, if you have something to say, events on campus (the Fashion Show, the political atmosphere on campus. be removed without permission by we always welcome contributing arti¬ Moot Court, etc.) we also decided The response, however, was that we the Oracle or the Student Activities cles/opinion pieces. Just let us know. that it was time to explore the myste¬ should go to the source: find some Office). But, in lieu of an all out And remember, the Oracle is your rious issue of politics on campus. way to ask the students. investigation, we decided instead to paper and whether it is through com¬ What do Mount students think? Are A new idea arose that the staff simply re-post the image. ments on a poster, a letter to the edi¬ they generally liberal, as many quickly became excited about: what if Our determination paid off, and tor, or an article, we encourage you to believe? How do they feel about our we posted an image, something that the poster was a great success. The see yourself in print. new governor, the presidential race, would make people react, and ask for comments it garnered were varied and the new budget proposals? How comments? In light of the recent and, for the most part, direct. informed are they? And, perhaps most budget proposal (which would signifi¬ It seems that we were, to some Erica Cairoll importantly, do they care? cantly cut educational funding, see extent, successful in our search for Editor-in-Chief Our meetings became debates, but Budget), and the recent spectacle sur¬ the political climate on campus. less about the politics themselves, and rounding the recall elections, we While this is only the beginning, we more about the students. Some argue decided an appropriate image would are excited to have had such a that our student body is generally be our own Governor promising result, and look forward to What Do You Think? The Controversy Over CalGrants This guy is worthless! (Or The Controversy Over The Poster) He wants, or more like is going to take away Last month, the Oracle staff posted a picture of half of the CalGrant. Did you know that? Governor Schwarzenegger on the wall in the Little Theater He is not considering Foyer. Included in this section are the comments and opin¬ education at all. ions expressed by those students and staff who chose to Stupid Arnold, he write comments on the poster and add the contoversial horns should get terminat¬ and mustache (for more opinions, see page 3). ed!" "Some of you got sucked in by the Terminator. Now you're suffering..." "/ hope you don't need your CalGrants because I'm using the money to (>r;Kk'(o msmc.ki.i'du cover the deficit. But if you buy a KDITOR-IN-CHIEF Erica Carroll new car, you won't have to pay LAYOUT EDITORS taxes because of my new Jenny Kane tax credit.'' Tiarc Kaoleiopono ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Adriana Rendon-Miranda STAFF WRITERS "This is what you get for not voting." Marisa Smith Sarah Bessell "Vote! I need money for this school!" Laami Paras "Deport him!" Andrea Mazon Maureen Kelley Dara Helfx:rin "What happened to being qualified to be involved FACULTY ADVI.SOR in polities'^" Dr. Matthew Brosamer "I love him!" Editorial Policy The Oracle is a non-profit publication created by the students of Mount "He is a puppet." "A loser politician." Saint Mary's College. Letters to the Editor are strongly encouraged. All let¬ ters should be accompanied by full name and signature and may be edited for "This is what happens when you marry well" clarity and brevity. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Please direct all cor¬ respondence to The Oracle at 12(X)I Chalon Road. Box 112. Los Angeles. CA 90049 or via e-mail to oracle<a'msmc.Ia.edu. The telephone number is (310) "Don't I make this look good?" 9.^4-4083. Advertisements, commentaries, columns and political cartoons do not ncccssanly reflect the opinions of the paper, the college or the writer. "Only because he is a good movie star, it does not mean he is a good Editorials arc the opinions of the majority of the editorial staff. The Oracle politician!" welcomes articles and contributions by students, faculty, staff and alumni. ^ IPTTFRS 03 Hell Hath No Fury Dear Editor: 1 just walked through the fourth floor being subsidized by the state cannot even welcome to it. this school feel entitled to the gift of hall out into the weekend college patio, remotely be considered a crucial expense, financial aid, and overlook the fact that and 1 am absolutely, ferociously furious. and if the state can't offer students as What do you do when you realize someone is indeed paying the price for it. much financial assistance as it once did, your household budget needs to be A decent person does not become angry There is a poster of Arnold that's just too damn bad. It's really nice reduced? You decide what you can live when a friend or family member is no Schwarzenegger taped to the wall and that you've been getting that Cal Grant, without and stop paying for it. right? longer financially able to give them gifts some people have written comments on but the well hath run dry. and now (gasp) Not always fun. but nonetheless neces¬ - why on Earth is it okay to get mad at it. And some ignoramus has drawn a people just might have to pay their own sary. You stop getting manicures, you the government for the same unfortunate Hitler-style moustache and devil horns on way, earn other scholarships, take out a fire the babysitter, you cut back on the circumstance? his face. (See picutre, page 2) loan, or postpone school. amount you spend on food, and you can¬ cel the vacation. That is essentially what Sincerely- I cannot believe that anyone at this Taxes are collected to pay for essential Schwarzenegger is being forced to do at school has the audacity to compare services like the infrastructure, police and this point. Anyone who is bitching about Maureen Kelley Schwarzenegger's proposed budget cuts firemen, public schools, etc. Anything the Cal Grant being cut back is like the to the horrors that occurred at the hands else the budget can cover is a bonus, not bratty, greedy child that whines about not [email protected] of Adolf Hitler. How disgusting. Is this an entitlement! Do you realize that if being able to go to Disneyland when the what Mount students do when they don't Schwarzenegger decides not to reduce the family can barely afford to pay rent. get their way? I'm embarrassed to be a amount of money going to Cal Grants Let's have some perspective here. student at this college if this is how my that some other social service is going to Hospitals are priorities. A Cal Grant is a cohorts think and conduct themselves. get iheir funding cut? Everyone takes a handout that should only be available What is the matter with you people? Are hit when expenditures exceed revenue, when more fundamental needs are ade¬ you trying to tell me that you are getting which is why it's important to decide quately met and there is a surplus of this crazy just because the Cal Grant pro¬ which programs are truly indispensable money to cover the expense. gram might be reduced? and which serve only as conveniences to some sector of the population. There is 1 recognize that my opinion is not Lx)ok, ladies - our state has spent way simply not enough capital to make every¬ going to be a popular one. After all. 1 do too much money on non-vital expenses. one happy and to fully fund everyone's not receive a Cal Grant (although the You can blame whomever you like pet cause. I realize it's a bummer when mega taxes my family pays finance (George Bush is the predictable scape¬ you learn that, a) the world does not everyone else's), and I am more than a goat), but the point is that we have no revolve around you and owes you noth¬ little tumed-off by anyone who believes motley td fund some of the services we ing, and b) you can't always get what you they deserve money that someone else used to take for granted. L^t's all accept want-but come on! Part of the college has worked hard to earn. But the impres¬ the fact that anyone's college tuition experience is learning about real life - so sion that I get is that many students at Do Coins Have Two Sides? Dear Editor: I've always said that more of today's the reductions in a way that brushes them To those students who oppose the bill quite possibly have to look into rearrang¬ youth needs to be aware of the political off as recalcitrant children is unnecessary 1 say this: be mindful of the manner in ing its budget. This is where I'm talking issues that affect their everyday lives, and unwise. According to the Los Angeles which you argue for your cause. If you to those who flip the channel when the well thank you Governor Times a third of the Mount's undergradu¬ act like a spoiled child whose lollipop has news discusses the Cal Grant issue Schwarzenegger With the proposed $30- ates come from families that earn less been taken away, then those whose argu¬ because, "It doesn't affect me, so why million dollar cut in the Cal Grants than $25.0(X) a year, how can we blame ments I have previously addressed will should I care?" Well it does. Program the campus is predictably up in them for feeling upset over the loss of treat you like a spoiled child whose lol¬ 'Rearranging the budget" is a vague term, arms about the issue, and well it should state aid when they attend an institution lipop has been taken away. When asking it can mean anything and the possibilities be. The cut is expected to significantly that costs roughly $20,000 without room a fellow student to sign a petition against are endless. Everyone in the community impact those students wishing to receive and board? the reductions, do not ask them to do so will undoubtedly be affected, Cal Grant a college education at a private institu¬ In 1992 the Supreme Court ultimately because "/ don't want to lose my grant." recipient or not. tion, as well as the institutions them¬ ruled against overturning abortion rights While these cuts largely affect the recipi¬ Its a good lesson in political activism selves. Mt. Saint Mary's is no exception established under/?oe v. Wade, stating ents of the grants, others will be impacted as well. This issue should teach us to pay and it is estimated that the school will that "Women had relied for two decades in the aftermath as well. It's not just more attention during election time, lose approximately $400.0(X) in state aid on the availability of abortion....(and about you. so don't be selfish. because not getting involved is as bad as next year that] the cost of overruling Roe for people As mentioned earlier, the Mount will voting for the wrong person and, as we The students and the administration who have relied on the decision... cannot lose approximately $400,000 dollars as a are unfortunately aware, it will are doing their part to fight back: the be dismissed." 1 mention this, because the result of the Cal Grant cuts. In an inter¬ boomerang right back at us with unpleas¬ Student Activities & Commuter Scnices reasoning applied by the Supreme Court view with the Los Angeles Times, ant results. In the end "what will be, will office has sponsored petitions that will can likewise be applied to the current Cal President Doud remarked that "a private be" but hopefully we all will have make their way to the state's capitol; two Grant situation. Cal Grants are given to college just can't say. 'Oh. by the way, learned. students—Rorcnce Rores and Jessica students who wish to attend a private col¬ you have to pay a couple extra thousand Sinerely- Langford— were sent as a special envoy lege, often these students are seeking the or hundred'... many students don't have from the college to meet with state sena¬ specific and intimate style of learning that that kind of money." When 1 applied to Sarah Bessell tors and assembly members and persuade they would not find at a large state uni¬ the Mount about S8 million a year was them to oppose the reduction; discussion versity or community college. To cut given away in financial aid and 93% of [email protected] and debate can be heard throughout the these students off requires a great and the student population received this aid. hallowed halls of Humanities. painful cost of which the state legislators Suffice to say. the college is big on help¬ It is on this note that 1 feel inclined to must be especially mindful. Yes, it will ing out its students. However, the money pause for a moment to address the argu¬ ease the budget problem, but meanwhile has to come from somewhere and that ments that have left the students in such a hundreds of students will lose the chance somewhere is mostly donors. $8 million p)olilical fervor. In most cases there are to receive the college education of their is quite the pretty penny and the school is two sides to the coin, and in this particu¬ choice. The students receiving these continually hard-pressed to raise its annu¬ lar debate two defenses reoccur. Many grants are not spoiled or overly needy; al goal, compounding this difficulty with have argued that the Cal Grant is not an they have applied for this aid w iih the the Cal Grant cuts does not bode well. entitlement or a gift, that it is a privilege, specific purpose of funding a quality edu¬ If the school wishes to maintain the and that the naysayers should be quiet cation that they might otherwise not be amount of aid it dispenses— and I, for and start searching for private scholar¬ able to afford. State legislators must care¬ one, heartily hope that the administration ships. While there is legitimacy to parts fully weigh the costs and the benefits will— and the difficulty in recruiting of this argument, to label those against before making any decisive actions. donations remains, then the college will r ^ FASHION SHOW 04 fashion Congrats J^A-%affU "Winners 20041 II FASHION SHOW 05 Congrats to Ml ^tbniarij The 12th, 9\{ocCels 2004 and Little "Escorts! Theater Chalon Campus % 06 FNTFRTAINMFNT All Dolled Up: The Oscars 2004 By: Adiiana Rendon-Miranda There is only one man's name that can get wore a Versace Heath Ledger. "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the tinsel town to put on their best and look strapless gold¬ As for my pick King," he needs to return to a spa and get fabulous! This man, or shall I say, gold en beaded for best dressed groomed. Jackson always looks frumpy statue, would not be called by any other gown that ':|male, the award and this occasion sure did not inspire him name, but Oscar. The red carpet was flowed lovely > definitely goes to to get it together. You would think with rolled out and along that long walkway, and the best ;s| Peter Jackson, the all the money that man has, he would at some of Hollywood's brightest stars strut¬ accessory that :^director of "Lord least go get a hair cut. Another Academy ted their stuff to be asked by the fashion Naomi had was of the Rings: The Awards passes and we will just have to diva reporter Joan Rivers, "Who are you not the bling- Return of the stay tuned next year for more glitz and wearing?" My pick of the evening for bling she wore, King." Although glam! best dressed female, has to go to Naomi but the eye Jackson won a Watts of "21 Grams." hands down, who candy that accompanied her arm named clean sweep for numerous awards for The Passion of the Christ: A Review By: Laami Paras The movie that caused controversy Gibson makes the situation felt, rather have a wonderfully executed cast. Maia arduous fate. And the androgynous fig¬ before it was released to the public. The than merely observed. Also adding to the Morgentstem portrays Mary, the Mother ure, played by Rosalinda Celentano. pro¬ movie that sold out whole weekends in violent aspect is the portrayal of the of Jesus, with a face stripped of color vides the perfect creepy incarnation of theaters. The movie that was labeled Roman soldiers as bloodthirsty brutes - (thanks to the part of good make-up), but Satan. anti-Semitic and anti-anti-Semitic at the the kind that took joy in gladiatorial eyes laid with expression (thanks to the The story is well acted, well shot and same time. The brawls - part of good acting). She embodies a well directed. With the story surrounding Passion of the I who take mother's sorrow and pain when she sees itself mostly in the last moments of Christ. [pleasure in her son suffers. Much like his character, Jesus' life, there are scenes which pro¬ How does Mel [scourging Jim Caviezel suffered along with his vide refuge from the brutality and depict Gibson paint this jjesus. Of character while filming: injured by a dis¬ Jesus' message of love: Jesus saving subject matter any Icourse, located shoulder from carrying the cross, Magdelene, breaking bread with his dis¬ different than the I some may scarred by a whip when the soldiers ciples, and a poetic scene where Maiiy other directors and largue that missed his protective covering, and, if picks up him up as a child. The Passion their versions of Ithe violence that was not enough, struck by a bolt of of the Christ seems to touch many pious the Gospels? Well, lis excessive, lightning. Besides deserving the Actor's viewers, but a word of caution to those for one th*e film is Ibut the use Endurance Award, Caviezel disappears unfamiliar with the Gospels: although completely subti¬ lof it is not into the role of Jesus, adopting not only there is a sprinkling of Jesus' life pre¬ tled with all the exploited in foreign tongues but also adopting the condemnation, do not expect a cup of actors speaking in Aramaic and Latin. It a fictionalized way like Kill Bill Vol. 1. demeanor of a quiet man who accepts his instant theology. speaks not only for Gibson's need for but rather, it emphasizes the realism into authenticity, but also of the effort of all what the brutal act of crucifixion was the actors to take on these ancient and what the Christ had to sacrifice to tongues. endure this pain. Another aspect that makes The From the lighting, that makes the Passion stand out from its predecessors is scenes look like paintings come alive The First Date the graphic violence. Gibson does not (the scene when Jesus is taken off the shy his camera away from the torture but cross makes the perfect Pieta) to the By: Adriana Rendon-Miranda makes the audience feel each painful dizzying first person views of Jesus' blow. By not cutting away from the actu¬ stumbling to the ground, TTie Passion is a al beatings Jesus, the Christ, takes. beautiful film to watch. It also helps to 1 ADAMSANOLER DREWBARRYMORE | 1 , Are Ugg Boots an Uh-Oh? i^i ^^If^^^M By: Adriana Rendon-Miranda 1 Jjj With winter behind us and spring we need are feet bundled up? I asked creeping up on us like the sun peeking two girls in the computer lab if they through the clouds, I won¬ owned Ugg Boots and one der, "What's the sudden pop¬ said she did. When asked ularity with Ugg Boots and why she owned them she is it that cold to wear Uggs replied. "Because they arc in Southern California?" I comfortable and are in know, I know, it docs get fashion." Don't get me cold here, but not as cold as wrong. Uggs are cute and Ahh, the first date, you get dressed slate ot Hawaii. Sandler's witty and somewhere where Uggs warm, but how warm can a up to go out with that new person and sick comedy keeps audiences laughing. originated in Australia person be when they arc them comes the awkwardness of your . but they also fall in love with him where they arc said to be iring them with close to first date, but can you imagine going on because of his relentless efforts to win "anti fashion" or where they I lung on? Most girls 1 50 first dates? In the new romantic the heart of Lucy. There are many arc faithfully worn during sec wearing them have comedy. "50 First Dates." that is climb¬ appearances by Sandler's buddies who the Sundance Film Festival iliL-m accompanied with an ing the box offices. Adam Sandler stars have appeared in many of his movies, held each year in Utah. The MxTCombie and Fitch sexy as a veterinarian that meets a free spir¬ such as Rob Schneider, who plays trend of Uggs has spread hort white mini skirt that ited island girl (Drew Barrymore), who Sandler's wacky buddy that always has like wildfire. We open up IJIIS right below their rear just so happens to lose her short-term funny things to say and do. Sandler US Weekly and what do we and an 80's off the shoul¬ memory. TTic chemistry that Sandler and Barrymore heat up the screen with sec? Pamela Anderson and der shirt that says some and Barrymore have on screen is unde¬ both romance and laughs, so I would other celebrities alike wear ihmg like FCUK (French niable. We saw it in "The Wedding definitely recommend this movie. ing Uggs. So why do wc ( iinnection). My final say: Singer" and we can sec it again in "50 wear them? Is it because ccicbntics wear Uggs arc not an uh-oh if worn properly! First Dates." The movie takes place in them and/or arc wc really that cold that the ever so bright, happv .n-l romantic STHnFNTVIFWS 07 Human Rights Film Prepare Your Pajamas Festival In Brief: By Dara Halperin Pajama bottoms and slippers don't they say MSMC? Who will get to Juvies offend me. 1 don't choose to wear them decide? Will that be the end of it? How in my car, in the classroom or the super¬ do you know? Are these questions scar¬ market. But that doesn't mean that lots ing you? If not, they should. By Marisa Smith of people don't. I've seen plenty of It is far more disrespectful, to stu¬ women in curiers at 7-11. I've also seen dents and instructors, to show up for class The latest film presented for the posed to protect the general public from a lot of MSMC students in pj's around unprepared than to show up in pj's. A Human Rights Film Festival, in coopera¬ malicious repeat offenders. Instead, these campus and in class. It seems to come up student who wears Sponge Bob tion with the Human Rights Watch was enhancement laws seem to encapsulate in conversations and people generally Squarepants pj's and has not only read Juvies, a look at the newest threat facing the teens who are first time offenders and land in one of three camps: the 'it's inap¬ the assigned material but can participate our generation, the imprisonment of chil¬ most likely do not belong to a gang, but propriate and disrespectful' clique, the and share their ideas seems far more dren in an adult facility. Throughout the rather, are friends with gang members, 'we love the freedom to be comfy' clan, preferable to have in class than a well- documentary, directed by Leslie Neale, who live in the vicinity of their neighbor¬ and the 'I can't groomed, professionally with scenes captured by the juvenile hood. believe we're talking dressed student who is offenders, the audience sees the world of After the presentation of the film, it about it, who cares not prepared and has imprisonment through the eyes of chil¬ was the students' turn to take action. The anyway?' group. I nothing to add. I have no dren, forced to mature way before their audience was treated to guests that were think they've all problem with what you time. previously imprisoned, and are now free, missed the point. look like, what really It is heartbreaking to see how, one by one of whom chose to further her educa¬ In a college envi¬ matters is what you have one. each juvenile is sent to an adult tion by entering college and seems to be ronment, casual is the to say or what you are facility; albeit, their crimes are adult in prospering. While it may seem easy to usual dress for stu¬ curious about nature, ranging from carjacking to mur¬ jump on into college, many of these kids dents. How and by College campuses der. By the same token, many of these are rejected on the basis of their impris¬ whom casual is inter¬ have a longstanding tra¬ kids have a poor to nonexistent home onment. For the other teens in the film preted is where there dition of not being in the life, leading them to runaway or seek who were not as lucky as to be released, seems to be some issue. If an instructor realm of your parents and high school their family environment with other way¬ they are living life on the inside, and for thinks pj's and slippers inappropriate, it hall monitor or the professional/business ward teens, thus complicating the way that matter, getting used to the idea of should be listed in the syllabus some¬ world. It is that gray area where life lets they emotionally mature and learn to living life forever on the inside. It's a sad where near the please don't eat your you choose, truly for the first time, how make rational, non-impulsive decisions. fact, but for most of the kids in the film, lunch during class announcement and any you will present yourself to the world. Throughout the film, each of the offend¬ their childhood, and teenage years will other requests of the instructor. Students This is not something that should be dic¬ ers profiled was sent away to an adult have long gone by before they are even should respect any and all of these tated or even suggested. This is a time to prison where they would remain for the up for parole. requests. However, if pajama-wearing discover who you are, inside and out. majority of their life, although none was So the problem then becomes, what do students do not bother an instructor, then College should and does provide for a fully aware of the impact and conse¬ we do about the injustice that is being I don't see the problem. If a student 'testing grounds' to find what works for quences of their actions. Most could not done to our peers? Even if they are doesn't like it, well, tough. The thought you in diverse areas of your life. This is even grasp the concept of thirty-five released, many are rejected from jobs or of someone dictating the way your peers not to say that college is for finding your years, the amount of time before some educational institutions, therefore, how dress for any reason is scary to me. fashion sense, but to say that it is for would first be eligible for parole. do we continue to educate the teens when Where does it stop? What will be next? 'finding' in general. It seems that the genesis for the early they are denied one of their most basic Will we all be told we can't wear sweat¬ imprisonment of these children lies with¬ rights, the right to learn? pants? Then are sweatshirts ok? What if in the enhancement laws that are sup¬ Water Bottle Mania Amounts to More Waste By Jenny Kane The green response advocates to the each year. In a report released by the rapidly overwhelming our cities' dumps. counter with the argument that "clearly, California Department of Conservation Even more alarming is the fact that The debate over bottled water versus some consumers may be more interested (CDOC), it is estimated that more than less than 5% of plastic waste is currently tap continues, and as I am perpetually in buying one billion such being recycled in the United States. vexed to see the numbers of plastic con¬ the product water beverage con¬ Even with the trademark recycle symbol tainers tossed after a mere sixteen ounces for its pack¬ tainers are winding adorning the bottom of each container, of pure mountain spring enjoyment, ques¬ aging than up in the trash each most recylcing plants cannot or refuse to tions mount in my mind. First, what is for the year. Health advo¬ accept certain plastics for processing the appeal of carrying water in such water itself cates are not trying because of the amount of energy and new form? Is it the convenience of having an - or they to deter people from materials needed to produce another easily accessible source of refreshment? impulsively drinking water. On batch of recycled plastic. Sure, I can see that, especially as it per¬ purchase a the contrary, those Instead, what happ>ens is even more tains to other sectors of the beverage bottle environmentalists bottles are manufactured, using a toxic industry. Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other where there are merely trying to material called polyethylene terephthalate beverage companies advertise to no end. was no raise awareness in (PET). These plastic counterparts to trj'ing to convince consumers of the need immediate J the eyes of the con- glass bottles are much lighter and save in for their products. The appeal is to the access to a ij^^^^K sumers. regarding costs of shipping for most companies, but consumer in each of us. Not only are we tap." ^^^^K the implications of what is the cost to our health and the sporting Nike and Abercrombie logos, I invite even the smallest future of the environment? but we are walking around carrying those of things we toss away. While deciding to buy the next branded bottles of water, which also por¬ you now Jenny K NQ, Q^iy ^Q^^ Arrowhead or Dasani . ask yourself tray fresh colors and exciting new slo¬ sporting each plastic bottle whether or not you might just be able to gans: "is it in you?" or "Is it bottled at even an MSMC water bottle to take a you discard take 1,000 years to biode- refill a bottle you already own... the source?" Ultimately, however, wc look at how many of those you consume grade. but because each container is volu¬ must consider the costs. each dav and accumulat each week, then minous to a certain degree, they are If something really bothers you THAT much, why not put it in print? State your piece. Write for The Oracle 08 Poet Mock Trial Autobiography Visits cotitinued from page 1 Chalon it like the pros. Our "Legal Eagle's Boot pleased, ready to make a grand slam fin¬ informed the girls that "when you think Camp", lead by the esteemed Dr. ish the next day. you're being strong and aggressive, Boutrous, began and we were off and Sunday saw everyone at the you're actually being mean and you're running once we hit the ground. Roles Circle at 6:15 a.m. again, the necessary kinda being something else..." Whatever were assigned, strategies mapped out, trip to Starbucks was made, and this time could he be referring to? By Marisa Smith teams drawn, drilling on legal terms and we were on our way to the USC Law For some reason, the Judge Who objections commenced, case binders School. After a good start we were eager Hasn't Left The Stone Age felt that his It is never simple to sit and were prepared, tree phones set up, affi¬ to begin another round of intense litiga¬ thinly veiled insults weren't enough and hear about another man's plight in davits memorized, and many Deli sand¬ tion and critical thinking. However, on he continued on with his critiques. He the face of adversity, but listening wiches were eaten. Winter Break swung this particular day a great multitude of warned Team 999 that they need to be to Chris Abani gave it a whole around and we paused in our training to things hit the proverbial fan, and feathers careful as lawyers because "members of enjoy the holiday festivities. Spring were more than ruffled. Sexism is some¬ the jury may think that women are the . new face. A large man, of big semester began, we were back to work, thing that we all learn about, especially weaker sex, and that they shouldn't be so stature, Chris Abani is the type of and the 21 st was drawing ever closer. We coming from a women's college, but we aggressive." It seems that His Honor person you'd like in your comer brushed up on our skills and stratagems; never expect that it will happen to us. wasn't aware of the fact that women have during a fight, but to see this man working and reworking opening argu¬ You always feel that you're immune to experienced political disenfranchisement, cry during a poetry reading adds ments, directs examinations, cross exami¬ the stereotypes and discriminations that unequal pay, sexism, discrimination, sex¬ nations, witness testimonies, and closing you read about, study, and learn to identi¬ ual harassment, corsets, footbindings, depth and meaning to his work arguments. Such was the dedication to fy. Sure it happens to other women, but it domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, sex¬ that would never reach the reader the cause that three hardened, fall semes¬ would never happen to you. right? A ual slavery, rape, serial rape, serial mur¬ unless in a personal setting, such ter veterans were persuaded to make for rather rude awakening showed us that der, genital mutilation, veilings, female as this. their guest appearances at the much this is indeed not the case, and that there infanticide, and the list goes on and on. Reading excerpts from anticipated competition. is much in the world that we must fight. We've endured all of this, and yet we still Finally, that fateful Saturday We faced Riverside Community College, find the strength to fight back. We con¬ Daphne's Lot and Grace land, arrived. We assembled at the Circle and it was quite the experience. For both tinue to struggle in the face of over¬ Chris Abani explained the details promptly at 6:15 a.m., and caravanned teams this was the first competition they whelming odds, and we still say "No of his poems and how he drew on down to the local Starbucks- for every had entered; however, we had had the Sir!" They dare to think us the weaker his life experiences to create these Legal Eagle must come properly chance to scrimmage beforehand due to sex? literary works of art. With each equipped with a sufficient dosage of the fact that we could field two teams. But, I digress. All in all the class steamy caffeine to complete the ensem¬ Riverside had fewer resources and unfor¬ and the competition have been a wonder¬ story about his imprisonment and ble of power suit, power heels and power tunately this competition was the first ful experience with some minor bumps childhood running from his home strategy binder. The first day of the com¬ time that they had ever done a formal run along the way. We all share a bond now, country with his family, Chris petition was held downtown at the through. In my highly biased opinion we we've gone through the Trial by Fire and Abani brought out the missing Stanley Mosk Courthouse. That in itself cleaned their clock, and then some. I we all made it out to the other side piece between the words and the was an experience. It's fine and dandy to won't go into the details, because doing together. I couldn't have asked for a bet¬ arrange the desks in your classroom to so would require more words than this ter group of girls. Much credit must also human connection. resemble a courtroom, but to actually be article is allowed to have. However, you go to the amazing Dr. Boutrous. She's After the poetry reading, Mr. in one and present a case was an entirely have our names, if you really want to guided, poked and prodded us to where Abani graciously provided different matter. And so it began. know the sordid details track us down we are today, and we mean every word Professor Villatoro's Creative Team 998 was expertly staffed and we will be more than happy to sit when we say that we wouldn't have been Writing class with a question and by Sarah Bessell, Juliet Choi, Susan down for a chat and reminisce at great able to perform half as well, had it not Lang, Montserrat Moran, Nicole Riesgo, length. been for her. The class continues to meet, answer session. There, Mr. Abani and Jessica Trujillo. With equal aplomb While Team 998 felt that we tri¬ the competition may be over but the discussed his craft, his personal Team 999 was represented by Kbaa umphed over our foes, we unfortunately semester still rolls on. Now we're switch¬ connections with his writings, and Beck, Roxanna Flores, Natalie differed in opinion to that of our dear, ing gears and we're back to Moot Court. his idiosyncrasies concerning Hernandez, Karla Magana, Bebe dear judges. Apparently, winning the case The cases will be handed out. much choosing just the right paper for Sandoval, and Adriana Quintero. And, of and showing exceptional professionalism highlighting will be done, and the end of course, our wonderful timekeeper Leonor in the face of a sloppy, ill-trained, unpre¬ the semester will see us in our power his next literary venture. Pandoro. who was not a member of the pared team in no way excuses our young suits and heels once more. Keep an eye Mr. Abani's visit made Daphne's class at all but volunteered to help us out. lady lawyers from being "mean" to wit¬ out for the flyers; our final presentations Lot and his other works come The format of the competition consists of nesses that the judges think are "nice are ofxjn to the public. We welcome you alive with his inflection, motions, two runs of the case per day. with each guys." Here we thought that we were all to join our family. We may have been and feelings for the readings. It team representing both the prosecution being aggressive, strong-willed, and the first Mount St. Mary's Mock Trial and the defense in turn. In the morning assertive. Instead we were shown the team, but we certainly won't be the last. was a wonderful reading and both Teams squared off with delegations "error of our ways." It won't be easy, but the end result is added much to the curriculum of from U.C. San Diego. The process was Our girls seemed to have pulled worth the proverbial blood, sweat, and the Creative Writing class. exhilarating. Each case is run by one a bad egg. because right after lunch Team tears. That's all for now. and hopefully official, cither a judge or a lawyer, while 999 faced Chapman under the scrutiny of I'll sec you in court. a second official serves as s|>ectator and our favorite Judge Sexist. At the time I additional commentator. The object is to was acting as a witness for the prosecu¬ keep the proceedings as realistic as possi¬ tion in our own case, but I've been told ble, with the unknown element of what that Team 999 did a fantastic job. You'll strategy the other team would use. Both have to ferret them out and hear more teams were able to hold their own and from them, but when they say they we came away with a sense of personal kicked butt, I know for a fact that they — -c satisfaction and accomplishment. Sure, did. But for some reason, whenever we wc hadn't made a perfect score, we thought we did great His Right K" weren't expecting to and there's always Honorable Sexist thought otherwise. Like room for improvement, but we were the lawyers for Team 998, the girls of happy. The second round saw Team 998 Team 999 thought that they went after facing off against Clarcmonl-McKenna. their case with the steely-eyed determin¬ .> while Team 999 duked it out with Loyola ism of a fatal predator. The Judge That Marymount. The day ended around 6 Everybody Loves To Hale took his com¬ p.m. and we went home exhausted, but ments one step further this time. He IN PRINT YCJURSe LF c3N THE WQRL£) ■ {%?«*;? Jr MOUNT SAINT MAFU’S COLLEGE VOL. 12 ISSUE 4. MAY 5, 2004 Spring is in the Fair Multi-Cultural Night: Despite By Laami Paras Our Spring Carnival changed its name Department; Dr. Tonia Symensma and on the Party” game with a donkey and ele- Trying Times, to Spring Fair to fit this year’s theme Kelly Krass of the Biological Sciences; phant waiting to be pinned. Experiential “Meet Me at the Fair.” Not only did the and Dr. Eric Stemp of Physical Sciences & Learning offered students the chance at Michael Jackson change evoke Judy Garland singing “Meet sand art as the Scholar Mentor Program Me is St. Louis, Louis” with parasol in hand, there were new additions to the year- Triumphs ly celebration. Students enjoyed standard m fair foods ranging from hot dogs, sno- cones, and popcorn with mocktails from Student Health Advocacy Committee. Last year’s games like tic-tac-toe, milk bottle knock over, and beanbag tosses were replaced with a rock wall, a live band from Mathematics. Each hit (legitimate ones the real O.C., Band Sold Separately only) helped ASB donate over $200 to the (www.bandsoldsep.com), and the now- Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times, challenged others at a game of “Chubby infamous Dunk Tank. which benefits children afflicted with can- Bunny”. Along with providing food and “Why infamous?” you ask? Well, it cer and their families. money for charity, ASB also provided a must be because the Dunk Tank’s victims There were other clubs that participat- bracelet-making table. And two companies and the multiple times they fell to their ed in giving students a grand ole time. came up on the hill to advertise, Ballys watery prison by the hands of students Latinas Unidas had a ring toss with a Total Fitness and Bank of America. If'S:■■ they previously thought were loyal. Disney princess pinata as the target and After the long day was done and the d: mini-pinatas as prizes. Women for only thing left were rainbow colored pen- I hc girls of Pi Theta Mu cc i' Community nants flapping in the breeze and a puddle Medicine^ of water in the circle after being drained Host: Sebastian Colina had the out of the beloved Dunk Tank, the fair was “String! a success. The altered name was not the i; Thing” with! only thing that affirmed the saying prizes ir “change is good.” It was the v^ety of urine cups events that pleased every sense: Hearing (clean, we (Band Sold Separately), Sight (Dunk Tank all hope).I and, ahem. Band Sold Separately), Touch C a m p u (rock wall and, ahem, pushing the button Among the brave souls were Dr. Mari Ministry’ on the Dunk Tank), Smell and Taste (all Wadsworth of Student Affairs; Laura threw an “Eggstravaganza”. RHA painted the food and drinks). Read about the talent and the winners of Gomez of Campus Ministry; Laura Lopez up eager canvases at the henna booth. Phi the night on page 8 and Andrea Riddervold of Residence Life; Alpha Delta used the Presidential cam- -All Pictures by Rhea DeGuzman Dr. Scott Bryson of the English paigns as the theme for their “Pin the Tail An Admissions Crisis?_________ By Andrea Mazon News, and rumors for that matter, taking, I met with Dean Kilgore. Not only goal for the number of new students to increase and question whether or not spread through campus at record breaking did he prove welcoming, but also very enroll for the fall is 140 for the Chalon admissions standards have changed or speeds. There has been talk, or rather forthcoming with concrete information. campus and 160 for Doheny. There is only grown somehow lax of late. whispers, the last few weeks that the there Some of the facts and figures he offered a slight deviation between this goal and has been a significant increase in the num- are as follows: projected enrollment of 160 new freshmen Continued on page 8 ber of students admitted to Chalon for this It is a natural consequence of at Chalon. Also, it is not coming Fall. The more melodramatic of California’s current budget situation that uncommon us, myself included, automatically pic- private colleges and universities like the for the goal tured our beloved hill being overrun with Mount are experiencing an increased pool to be The Hummer fi’eshman. The increase in bodies would be of applicants. Almost every such school is exceeded. Revolution: Page 3 such that students would spill out of the facing a 20-25% admissions increase. Last classrooms into hallways and there would- With the budget cuts and program down- year, the Take Back the Night n’t be enough faculty, staff, or general sizing facing Cal State and University of enrollment resources to adjust to the sudden popula- California schools, counselors have been for both Page 5 tion spurt. Our quiet, peaceful hill would explicitly told to encourage their high campuses be turned upside down, chaos would reign school students to apply to at least one pri- was higher Summer Fun and the Mount as we have known and vate college or university. It is more likely than that of experienced it would cease to exist. This that incoming freshman will receive a sub- their goal. Pase 6 scenario of course, could not be farther stantial financial aid package from a pri- It is a fi-om the truth. vate rather than state sponsored institution. standard Student Views ■ - In order to assuage these irrational fears This increase in applicants quite natu- reaction for SIDE Page 7 and uncover the actual truth of the situa- rally lends itself to an increase in admis- current tion, I made an appointment with the Dean sions and enrollment. Yet, the degree of Mount stu- MCN of Admissions. With questions prepared this increase is not so steep as to merit sig- dents to THIS ISSUE and pen in hand poised for serious note nificant worry or concern at present. The hear of this Page 8 -A EDITORIAL 02 Many Thanks to Staff and Students I don’t know how many people actual- articles, or even just discussed the paper fall. With a strong returning staff, an been striving to raise the bar of journalism ly read these things. I don’t usually read on campus-you are the reason we do what incredibly hardworking new editor, and a at the Mount, and I believe that it has paid editorials myself, that is, unless I recog- we do. dedicated advisor, I believe that the next off: people are taking note. And that is a nize the writer. If Lisa Melon wrote an Of course, there are a few specific peo- year will be one of the greatest years the credit to my staff and the students; I sim- editorial, I’d read it-she’s hilarious. ple I would like to thank: Sarah, Roberta, Oracle has seen in recent memory. ply feel lucky to have witnessed it. Yet, I believe that editorials are really Marisa, Adriana, Andrea, Kerry, and Sasha The opportunity to serve the Oracle, I will end by saying that I believe some- the closest that non-staff members get to for all of their brilliant writing. Special and the campus, as Editor in Chief has thing extraordinary is happening in the the behind the scenes action at the Oracle. thanks to Laami for not only her entertain- been one I will always cherish. I have Oracle office, and I encourage every stu- It’s a fast-paced world of journalistic ment writing, but also her layout skills. been privileged enough to work with some dent on campus to take part in it. Please blood, sweat and tears and every day is a Thank you also to Jenny, our editor first > incredible women, to see what they are continue to send your letters, articles, and new adventure. Well, at least it’s an awful semester, for always putting her heart and capable of, and to see them doing some- pictures. Let us know what you are inter- lot of work. soul into the Oracle. Finally, thanks to thing that they are truly passionate about. ested in. Come and be a part of the staff. That work, fortunately, has not been Mari Wadsworth for her support. It is incredible to walk into an Oracle I promise, you are joining some of the best fe'. shouldered by one person alone, but by an And so we pass the torch on to a new meeting and bring a topic to the table: writers and brightest minds on campus. extraordinarily dedicated staff of writers, year; many of us are returning, others will every person in the room has something to Thanks for reading, and we will see you editors, and layout designers. It’s difficult be graduating or moving on. I am excited say, a new approach, a different way to in the fall! to explain at times why putting out an 8 to announce that Dara Halperin will be the write about it, or a unique way to bring it page newspaper at a small college seems new Editor in Chief and I have great con- to the student body’s attention. This -Erica Carroll so overwhelming, but it involves so much fidence that she will excel in the position. semester, though we have only had two Editor in Chief more than writing articles. Suffice it to say I am also glad to say that after a rocky start issues, the Oracle has achieved a high that I deeply appreciate every single per- to the year without an advisor, we were standard of quality, and a commitment to son who has contributed to the Oracle this lucky enough to add Dr. Matthew representing the views and interests of stu- year, not only my staff members, but any- Brosamer to our little operation, and that dents on campus. From our new design -f*'. t: one who has submitted a letter, pictures. he will be returning to the position in the this year to our new methods, we have LETTERS Cal Grant Rebuttal Dear Editor, extracurricular activities. As Natalie said, using Cal Grants to pay for drug uses, new that this is a privilege, my deaf Klaurefen, “Why don’t we take a look into the past for cars, clothes or anything of the sort. We and we don’t feel that we aire’oWed this. a moment? In the early 1900’s, your social need this money to become financially Just in case you weren’t aware or maybe When I started reading Maureen class defined your needs, especially for independent and eventually become a pro- you just flew in from Mars, NEWS Kelley’s opinion letter “Hell Hath No education. Is this what the future will be ductive and useful asset to society. It’s FLASH!! Princess Kelley, your parents Fury” in the March 24 edition of The like? The wealthy people will be educated called ‘ securing our futqre”. We are the aren’t the only one who pays.mega taxes in Oracle, she had me on her side one hun- and those who need financial assistance future doctors, lawyers, scientists and this country. My parents, hi’s"‘pifehVs,‘ her dred percent. However, once she stated will not be given the dhance to reach their even, oh no, politricksans, I mean politi- piarents and our ancestors have been pay- that Cal Grants are simply a “convenience full potential?” cians that very well one day be an asset to ing taxes before your parents were bom, to a sector of the population,” she lost all Do me a favor Ms. Kelley—the next your children or y^our children’s children. and taxes will be paid even after your par- of my respect. After reading the entire article, I became very angry that a student time you complain about your family pay- We are intelligent, academically proficient ents ing “megs taxes,” keep in mind the huge students who have the potential to earn a at my school would make such rash return they receive. If anyone is paying higher education beyond high school, but assumptions and hateful remarks about her the price with taxes, it is the middle class. lack the funds to pay for it. Yes, we know continued on Page 8 peers. My roommate, Natalie Barrantes, Do you know the difference between you and I fully dissected the article, trying to and me, Ms. Kelley? I don’t mind paying see things from every perspective, some- THE my share of taxes. It is enough to know thing Ms. Kelley should have done. that I am helping our society develop and Natalie said to me, “Before making such grow, and on top of that, help those who hasty judgments regarding student’s finan- are less fortunate than I to get to where you cial situations, perhaps Ms. Kelley should and I are today. Your letter does nothing have taken the time to find out how many but make you sound greedy, spoiled, and of her fellow students work full or part ignorant. time jobs, work for scholarships, and take out loans in order to attend school. I work The fact is that Ms. Kelley is making [email protected] gross conjectures about us “greedy bratty 35 hours a week and carry eighteen units. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF children.” Maybe if my rich mommy and I am deeply offended by her assumption.” Erica Carroll daddy paid my way, I wouldn’t have to I understand that when budget cuts are LAYOUT EDITORS worry about Cal Grants being cut. How’s made, some programs suffer minor or Jenny Kane that for an assumption? Gather your facts, massive reductions and can even shut Laami Paras Ms. Kelley—^your assumptions only con- down altogether, but to say that education ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR tribute to the ignorance in our society. is simply a “pet cause” is an appalling Adriana Rendon-Miranda idea. A Cal Grant is not a “handout,” it is STAFF WRITERS Thank you, a way that many people are able to get Sarah Bessell Delvin Rose Murphy and Natalie through school. Ms. Kelley: you say that Sasha Ruiz Barrantes hospital programs are more important. Roberta Brehm v'T This may be true, but tell me, who is going Dara Halperin to staff those hospitals and any other social Dear Editor: Andrea Mazdn - v'S welfare program when there are not Laami Paras enough people with college degrees It is tmly disheartening to hear people Kerry Richards because they have had to “postpone” their like Ms. Kelley so blatantly and with Marisa Smith educational endeavors? shameful joy defend Governor FACULTY ADVISOR Special thanks: When Ms. Kelley says that our state has Schwarzenneger’s budget cuts which may Dr. Matthew Brosamer Virginia Guevara (pictures) already “spent way too much money on unfortunately include educational cuts that Rhea DeGuzman (pictures) non-vital expenses,” she is saying, in so many academically qualified and deter- Editorial Policy effect, that education is not important. In mined college students like me depend on. The Oracle is a non-profit publication created by the students of Mount what world is Ms. Kelley living that edu- Whatever happened to being compassion- Saint Mary’s College. Letters to the Editor are strongly encouraged. All let- cation is not important, and that only those ate for other people’s plights? Not every- ters should be accompanied by full name and signature and may be edited for who can fully fund their education deserve one is bom with a silver spoon in their clarity and brevity. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Please direct all cor- to go to school? mouth and have Daddy-O pay to keep respondence to The Oracle at 12001 Chalon Road, Box 112, Los Angeles, CA On top of that, I highly doubt that Ms. those little pink toes from getting wet! I 90049 or via e-mail to [email protected]. The telephone number is (310) Kelley pays her own tuition. She needs to am a first year college student who by any 954-4083. Advertisements, commentaries, columns and political cartoons do understand that many college students do means necessary will successfully and not necessarily reflect the opinions of the paper, the college or the writer. just that, without any help from their fam- inevitably receive my college degree. We Editorials are the opinions of the majority of the editorial staff. The Oracle ily or friends, while balancing work and are not looking for handouts, nor are we welcomes articles and contributions by students, faculty, staff and alumni.

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