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ra e c I %</f* i^ NA m % \J?// Congratulations to " . SO ~r- 911 I (III JH ^ << ^ * ••"S Tdl, /^i «.7R • r ***£/ . m Ki 1 llCli^JI %JL~*l£ s«A*rj« TT lB>— 2009 C/ass of tfie ouri^feoury&ac* _ To edication Mary Ann Ms. Walker 1 *fr. ' The Class of 2009 dedicated our yearbook to Ms. Mary Ann Walker. Ms. Walker devoted thirty-five years to the students of Randolph Public Schools working as a librarian. Students of Randolph High School were inspired by her because she was kind and helpful to all. They were so inspired by her, the faculty and students planted a weeping cherry tree in her name when she unfortunately passed away in April 2007. Also, as a class for the school, the gift Class Council of 2009 decided to dedicate the RHS courtyard outside of the library to Ms. Walker. The students worked during the summer and fall to clean up the courtyard and they put a plaque in place officially naming the courtyard "The Mary Ann Courtyard. Ms. Walker greatly missed eveiy " is single day and she will always be remembered for impacting our lives in a great way. It is a great honor that we can dedicate our yearbook to Ms. Mary Ann Walker. 1 ilk«r IsHi > to* aJM i IhJfc. of 2009 Seniors in the class experience, spend, or expend: 1,115 hours in class, 153 exams, 664 college applications, 2,880 bottles of vitamin water, 1,832 hours of class naps, 286 college essays, 240 hours of dancing the night away, 75,087 and quarters, nickels, dimes, dollars for the vending machines, 12,459 calories burned climbing to the second floor classes, 315 hats taken away, 72 lost books, 1,306,791 song lyrics that you will remember for the rest of your life, 375,004 formulas and verb conjugations that you probably wont remember, 13,200 quarters spent to get on the 240 bus, 495 minutes of morning announcements, 502 electronic devices taken away, 330 minutes waiting in line for lunch, 153 fittings for caps and gowns, 500 parents, siblings, and close friends watching you cross the stage for your diploma, 45 pictures of you at that exact moment. remembered forever in thefollowingpages. meet them all here - " " " " " 1 " Binyam Adhanom Kevin Aubry Marvin Auguste DarrellAugustin Wendy Ayanbeku Cedrick Azor Daniel Barrett-Wood Augusta Barros Mabel Beltre Polanco Kenya Benjamin Farah Benoit BinyamAdhamon MckhelenAlcindor"Kelz" KevinAubry MarvinAuguste Activities: Basketball9-12:Football9-12; Activities: Basketball9;SpringTrack 11; Activities:Football. Activities Football9-12:Basketball 12. StuCo 12;PeerLeadership 11.12. IndoorTrack 12:Theater 12. "Try nottobecomeamanofsuccess,butrather "/havefailedoverandoverandoveragain. "Nomatterhow hardyouwork, there'salways try tobecomeamanofvalue. DanielBarrett-Wood Danny ThaiiswhyIsucceed. someoneouttherethatisworkingharderthan -AlbertEinstein Activities:Soccer 1 -MichaelJordan you." - KevinGarnet Honorthyfatherandthymother:thatthydays WendyAyanbeku- WenWen KenyaBenjamin"KeKen" maybelonguponthelandwhichtheLord,thy Darrell Augustin"D-Money" "BlackStallion" Activities: AfricanAmericanClub9. 10; Activities:ClassCouncil 12:Amnesty Godgivelhthee. Activities: MVP9. 10:ClashoftheCla-.L-,9; SpanishClub9;Basketball9. 10:Peer International. -Exodus20:12 YearbookCommittee 12;Football8;Band9. Leadership 12;DanceTeam9:FashionShow 9. "Youcanbecometrulyaccomplishedat 10;WalkforDiabetes 12 "Youmayihoolmewithyourwords. Youmay somethingyoulove.Instead,pursuethethings FarahBenoit "Bepeaceful,becourteous,obeythelaw. cutmewithyoureyes. Youmaykillmewith youlovedoing,anddothemwellthatpeople Attaints:RoboticsClub11:WinterTrack10. respecteveryone:hutifsomeoneputshishands yourhatefulness. Butstill, likeair, I'llrise." canttaketheireyesoffyou. 7believeinangels,thekindthatheavensends. onyou, sendhimtothecemetery. -MayaAngelou -MayaAngelou Iamsurroundedbyangels,butIcallthem -MalcolmX MabelBeltrePolanco: "Mabi" "Mimi" friends. Activities-SpanishClub9. -AizabelParinas AugustaBarros "Felisha"(Phillv i "Charactercannothedevelopedineaseand "Phillynotswagallday'Hollaifyouneed quiet. Only throughexperienceoftrialand \omestyle...LOL" sufferingcanthesoulbestrengthened, visum cleared,ambitioninspired,andsuccess 4 <J\'ando[f,h"cMi^JbJiooCQiacCt '09 ahieved." -HelenKeller """ " ." Matthew Beren Mark Berenguer Guernsy Bernadeau Lorrie-Mic Bertrand Sandra Binjour Raven Bonaparte-Williams James Brandao Pamela Butz Steven Cao Cassandra Cardoza Marvin Celestin Samuel Chege MatthewBeren"Beren" MarkBerenguer GuernsyBernadeau "Guernz" Lorrie-MicBertrand"Lorz" "Pepz" Activities:Communications 10.11,12. Activites:Baseball;Wrestling 11.12. Activites:StepSquad 11;PeerLeadership 12; Activites:AfricanAmerican9;StuCo 11 "Eventheimpossibleispossible. ClashoftheClasses 11;SpanishClub 12. "Thosewhocaredon'tmatterandthosewho SandraBinjour -Anonymous "Iamthegate: whoeverentersthroughmewill donIcarematter." Activities:ClassCouncil 10.11:StuCo9-12; besaved. -Anonymous JazzBand 12;PeerLeadership 12;GSA 10; RavenBonaparte-Williams"Rae-Rae" -John 10:9 PamelaJeanneButz"PJ" Cheerleading. Activities:Soccer11.12;Softball 10. Activities:Soccer9-12;Gymnastics9; "Youcan'tbeoldandwiseifyoudon'tlive "Strongpeoplemakeasmanymistakesasweak JamesBrandao"BanSimpson" Swimming 10-12;SpringTrack9-12;StuCo9- youngandcrazy-" people.Differenceisthatstrongpeopleadmit Activites:Basketball9. 12;ClassCouncil9-12;NHS 11.12:Chorus -Anonymous theirmistakes, laughatthem, learnfromthem. "Tryingtofiguresomeoneoutisliketryingto (PianoAccompanist) 11.12:Band9-12. Thatishowtheybecamestrong. drawaselfportraitwithnoreference. I'vetried "Toupathedwaters, undreamedshores... -MohandasGandhi it.Didn'twork. Haveyoutriedit?" -WilliamShakespeare -JamesB. CassandraCardoza"Twitch" Samuel Chege"Sam" Activities:Basketball 10;TrackandField 11. Activities:SpringTrack 11,12. 12:Basketball 12. "1knowlookingbackatthisyearbookinafew yearsI'mgoingtolaughatallthethings1cried overandcryoverallthelaughs. -Anonymous QuxJ:ife...QU.x<yiu " " " " '' Ruby Cheung Ashley Cole Briana Cooper Samantha Cox Shreya Divatia Kirstin Doane GregorDodard Doreen Dorvilus Ron Dorleans LeonardDunn-Gordon Brandon Dryer Amy Duong RubyCheung"Rubster." "RubyTuesday" BrianaCooper"Bri" SamanthaCox"Sam" Activities: SwimTeam;Soccer:CrossCountry; Activities:PeerMediation 12;Leadersare Activities:StuCo 12. Robotics. Readers 12. "Dreamlikeyou'llliveforever,butInreach "Don'tcrybecauseit'sover.Smilebecauseit "Treatothersthewayyouwanttobetreated. momentasifitsyourlast. happened. -JamesDean -Dr.Seuss GregorDodard"Greg" Activities:StuCo 12;Soccer9-12:Track 12; DoreenDorvilus"Dorey""D-Riz" ShreyaDivatia PeerMediation 12;ClassCouncil 12;Yearbook Activities:StuCo 10-12:SpanishClub9.10: Activities: Band9.10.12;NHS 11.12;Best Committee 12. ClashoftheClasses9-11;AfricanAmerican gB"ouS.dodSmieoemspee9os-pt1la1ey.fcoormaewihnitloeouarndlilveeasvaeniflooqtupirciknltys ww"iPhseahotpttlhheeeyyalkkwnnaeoywws.snaoyw.thWeeylwliIskhntohweywkhnaetwtthheeyn CL"eTlahudeberre1s0n.h1eivp1e:r1Y2we:aaCrslbaaososgkrCeoCauotnmlcmeinil-te9tt-eh1ae2t1w2a:sPeneort onourhearts.Andwearenever,everthesame. -Anonymous followedbyagreathatred -Anonymous BrandonDryer"Brandie" AmyDuong AEcntviivirtoinems:enStpaalniCslhubCl9u.b9.10:Baseball 10: Activities:Photography Oub9;AsianClub-*• "Go. Iwill.GoodrelationswiththeWookies.I have. "Whatturnsouttobetherightthingtodo -Yoda oneisoftenthewrongthingwith ^A'anJofbHcJiiijHSdlooCQiadc '09

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