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blood brothers | gary indiana when size really did matter | nate robert chocolate wars | Luke Mcdonough ColdT ype Writing Worth reading | photos W orth seeing issue 106 WiLL justice ever catch up With tony bLair? Felicity arbuthnot on the latest evidence implicating the former british pM in the lies that led to disaster in the Middle east cover art: antony jenkins BLOOD BROTHERS | GARY INDIANA – from , “a Fine Line: the caricatures of antony jenkins,” WHEN SIZE REALLY DID MATTER | NATE ROBERT CoCHOCOlLATdE WARST | LUKEy McDONpOUGHe published by nestlings press, toronto WRITING WORTH READING | PHOTOS WORTH SEEING ISSUE 106 WILL JUSTICE ColdType EVER CATCH UP WITH TONY BLAIR? Felicity Arbuthnot on the latest evidence that implicates the former British PM in the lies that led to disaster in the Middle East issue 106 / november 2015 3. Will justice ever catch up With tony blair? FeLicity arbuthnot 6. hoW the Western media lost the plot tara MccorMack ‘8. ‘i Would have reFused such an order’ david edWards & david croMWeLL 12. ambushed deLL FrankLin 15. lost passport blues Fred reed 18. blood brothers gary indiana 26. behind the Walls oF death roW LiLLy hughes 29. the World is a traFFic jam phiLip kraske 30. When size really did matter nate robert 36. chocolate Wars Luke Mcdonough 38. dark side oF the Free market george a. akerLoF & robert L. schiLLer 40. death by Fracking chris hedges 46. rebel Flags Fall, but columbus stands tall MichaeL i. niMan 50. dr strangelove is naked pepe escobar 52. building armies and Watching them Fail andreW j. bacevic 57. Fear oF the Walking dead john W. Whitehead 60. jerusalem chaos Warns oF bleak Future MichaeL i. niMan 62. home ground george Monbiot editor: tony sutton – [email protected] 2 ColdType November 2015 | www.coldtype.net closing in Will ColdType justice ever catch up with tony blair? Felicity arbuthnot on the latest evidence implicating the former british prime Minister in the lies that led to disaster in the Middle east In what Britain’s Mail on Sunday newspa- “to act as spin doctor for Bush,” states the paper reveals per has described as a “bombshell White Mail, which also reveals Powell’s confirma- tony blair’s House memo,” leaked classified cor- tion that “the UK will follow our lead.” “deal in blood” respondence from former US Secretary Despite this, Blair continued to say he with george W. of State General Colin Powell to President had made no decision regarding military bush to support George W. Bush, from March 28, 2002, al- action for most of 2002, but claimed a dip- him, come what leges that former British Prime Minister lomatic solution was being pursued. Now may, in the attack Tony Blair had done what the newspaper Powell’s memo proves the lie. Headed: on iraq – a full called “a deal in blood” with Bush to sup- “Memorandum to the President. Subject: year before the port him, come what may, in the attack on Your Meeting with United Kingdom Prime invasion Iraq – a full year before the invasion. Minister Tony Blair, April 5-7, 2002, Craw- Blair was, at the same time, claiming ford, Texas,” Powell wrote: to be seeking a diplomatic solution in the “Blair continues to stand by you and Iraq crisis. “We’re not proposing military the US as we move forward on the war on action,” he told the public as he prepared terrorism and on Iraq. He will present to www.coldtype.net | November 2015 | ColdType 3 closing in the bush and you the strategic, tactical and public affairs minutes,” a claim Colin Powell used in his blair regimes lines that he believes will strengthen glob- notorious Iraq war speech to the UN the were totally aware al support for our common cause.” following February. of the lawlessness That paragraph confirms Blair’s integral Powell’s communication also states of attacking a part in the planning and strategy of the il- falsely that Blair would “demonstrate sovereign nation legal invasion, while he was telling Parlia- that we have thought through ‘the day that posed no ment an entirely different tale after.’” Not only had “the day after” not threat, and whose While Blair was telling Parliament and been “thought through,” but nor had the “sovereignty the British public that Saddam’s govern- weeks, months, or years as shown by the and territorial ment was involved in the World Trade bloody fact that Iraq continues to implode integrity” was Center attack on September 11, 2001, “the and Iraqis are dying in their uncounted guaranteed war on terrorism and on Iraq” seem to be thousands. (Even Iraq Body Count, whose by the un entirely separated in the Powell-Bush-Blair estimates of Iraqi deaths are so sanguine discussions, which didn’t mention Blair’s and understated that they are used by the numerous public allegations that Iraq was US and UK governments, released a report linked to international terrorism. early this year stating Iraqi deaths from Confirming that, “On violence are doubling year Iraq, Blair will be with on year). us should military ac- Blair, wrote Powell, “is tions be necessary,” sharply criticized by the me- Powell pointed out that dia for being too pro-US, too Blair did not enjoy uni- arrogant and ‘presidential’ versal support from his (not a compliment in the government colleagues, British context) and too in- writing, “Aside from his attentive on issues of con- foreign and defence sec- cern to voters. retaries, however, Blair’s “Blair knows he may have Cabinet shows signs of to pay a political price for division, and the Labour supporting us on Iraq and Party and the British wants to minimize it. None- public are unconvinced theless he will stick with us that military action is smoking gun: how the daily mail on the big issues. His voters warranted now.” reported the powell memo. will look for signs that Britain He added, “Blair may and America are truly equal suggest ideas on how to make a credible partners in the special relationship.” public case on current Iraqi threats to in- It seems Powell had not been paying ternational peace, and how to handle de- attention. The majority of British voters mands for any action to be sanctioned by wanted no “equal partnership” and noth- the UN Security Council.” ing to do with the Iraq assault or general Thus the Bush and Blair regimes were US global belligerence. totally aware of the lawlessness of attack- The Mail on Sunday’s revelations have ing a sovereign nation that posed no threat, not come at a good time for Blair, whose and whose “sovereignty and territorial in- involvement in Iraq’s tragedy has become tegrity” was guaranteed by the UN. increasing criticised over the years. A peti- In September that same year, Blair an- tion is circulating demanding that Britain’s nounced that Saddam Hussein’s govern- Parliament impeach him, and in a poll ment could release weapons of mass de- asking, “Should Tony Blair Stand Trial for struction on the West “within forty five War Crimes?,” the vote in support ranges 4 ColdType November 2015 | www.coldtype.net closing in between 95 and 96% in favour. integral part, “We saw the catastrophic blair and bush It also seems Mr Blair was not entirely so-called ‘de-Baathification’ of Iraq, with had decided to truthful with his words to the £10-million, the country’s entire civil and military attack iraq come six-year long Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq structure dismantled, leading to years of what may and invasion, the publication of which is still bloodshed and chaos. It has infected sur- “intelligence” awaited. Sir John Chilcot has given varying rounding countries to this day and created – in both reasons for the delay, including 2002 corre- the vacuum into which Islamic State has meanings of the spondence between Bush and Blair, which stepped. word, had nothing has been withheld from the Inquiry. “This may well be the Iraq ‘smoking to do with it The Mail on Sunday says, “During his gun’ we have all been looking for.” appearance before the Chilcot inquiry in How wrong, devious and duplicitous January 2010, Blair denied that he had can one man be? For how long can he now struck a secret deal with Bush at Crawford avoid justice? When will this man be ar- to overthrow Saddam. Blair said the two rested? men had agreed on the need to confront afterword the Iraqi dictator, but insisted they did not get into ‘specifics.’” Just after this piece was finished, Tony Blair, British MP David Davis, a former Shad- in an interview with his friend, US political ow Home Secretary, is clearly stunned at broadcaster Fareed Zakaria, on CNN, made the memo, saying, “This is one of the most what has been described as “an apology” astonishing documents I have ever read. for the disaster that Iraq has become as a It proves in explicit terms what many of result of the invasion, the tragedy that is us have believed all along: Tony Blair ef- engulfing Syria and threatening the region fectively agreed to act as a front man for in the form of ISIS – and for acting on in- American foreign policy in advance of any telligence that was “wrong.” decision by the House of Commons or the The invasion was, he admitted oblique- British Cabinet. He was happy to launder ly, responsible for the rise of ISIS. But, as George Bush’s policy on Iraq and sub- ever, Blair was spinning. He and Bush had contract British foreign policy to another decided to attack Iraq come what may country without having the remotest abil- and “intelligence” – in both meanings of ity to have any real influence over it.” the word, had nothing to do with it. There Davis adds, “Judging from this memo- was a “… mistake in our understanding randum, Blair signed up for the Iraq War of what would happen once you removed even before the Americans themselves the regime.” No, there was not. They had Felicity Arbuthnot did. Blair was telling MPs and voters back been warned and warned by experts on is a London- home that he was still pursuing a diplo- Iraq and the region. But they didn’t listen. based political matic solution while Colin Powell was tell- Blair found it “hard to apologise for commentator ing President Bush: ‘Don’t worry, George, removing Saddam.” The fact that he was specialising in the Tony is signed up for the war come what lynched and the entire Iraq exercise at ev- Middle East and may – he’ll handle the PR for you, just ery level from Moment 1 was illegal was the environment. make him look big in return.’ ignored, his friendly interviewer omitting She was senior “What is truly shocking is the casual- to broach the subject. researcher for John ness of it all, such as the reference in the It was not an apology, but a damage lim- Pilger’s “Paying the memo to ‘the day after’ – meaning the day itation exercise while pressure mounts just Price: Killing the after Saddam would be toppled.” as Sir John Chilcot gave a June 2016 date for Children of Iraq” Davis concludes by linking the terrorism the release of his Inquiry’s findings. and “Denis Halliday scourging Iraq and the Middle East directly Oh, and Blair still wants to invade Returns” the latter to the actions in which Blair had such an Syria! CT for RTE (Ireland) www.coldtype.net | November 2015 | ColdType 5 communication errors how the Western media lost the plot Which countries’ foreign policies are out of control and crazy? try looking not at russia, but a little closer to home, urges tara mccormack since the It is extraordinary to look back at West- now controlled in Brussels and Washing- ukrainian crisis, ern Cold War propaganda: the scare- ton. the british media mongering posters and films in which Putin has been presented as a cross seem to have America is under attack from a vast between Professor Moriarty, Fu Manchu killed off their alien force abroad and undercover agents and Joseph Goebbels – a master strategist critical faculties at home. Very few intelligent people to- and evil genius using smoke and mirrors and burned the day would accept this propaganda as an to befuddle the West as he carries out his remains for good accurate representation of reality. It is inscrutable campaign. “What is he up measure easy to see in hindsight that much Cold to in Syria?” is the constant refrain. Re- War propaganda was designed to create a cently, I debated journalist and former US climate of fear domestically and drum up diplomat James Rubin at the Cheltenham support for overseas militarism. Literature Festival, and he kept remarking Nevertheless, one of the most pro- on how inscrutable Putin was. No wonder foundly depressing things about the a kind of grudging admiration for Putin British press today is how uncritically it occasionally creeps into the commen- parrots the official line when it comes to tary. foreign policy. Since the Ukrainian crisis, The problem is that this is utter non- the British media seem to have killed off sense. First of all, consider the claim that their critical faculties and burned the re- we have no idea what Russia is up to. mains for good measure. Even intelligent This has been a running theme since the analysts and commentators have forgot- Ukraine crisis, but this is an outright lie. ten the lessons of the Cold War and have Russia’s motives in Ukraine and in Syria so easily slipped back into a pale imita- are well known. They are well known not tion of a Cold War narrative. because we’ve got a team of Kremlinolo- When it comes to the coverage of Rus- gists scrutinising Russia’s obscure state- sian bombing in Syria, however, the Brit- ments and mysterious behaviour, but be- ish media have surpassed themselves. The cause, as a representative of his govern- reporting on Russian airstrikes in Syria ment, President Putin has consistently has ranged from the idiotic to the dishon- told the West his intentions. est to the frankly astonishing. A headline Now, we may not agree with Russia’s in the Times a few weeks ago read “Putin motives, but that is an entirely different defies the West!.” Clearly, Putin didn’t get point. The fact of the matter is that Putin the memo that Russian foreign policy is is not hiding his intentions. And yet the 6 ColdType November 2015 | www.coldtype.net communication errors you get this impression from the media the british media discussion of the British government’s present russian desire to join in on the Western bomb- political elites ing. The British media have completely as out of control ignored the disastrous effects of Western and crazy, but intervention in Syria. The West has been anyone looking at attempting to bomb Islamic State posi- Western foreign tions while, at the same time, supporting policy over the jihadi groups such as the al-Nusra Front. past 20 years Our new “allies” in Syria have links to al- would see that Qaeda. Have we totally taken leave of our the West has been senses? More to the point, why isn’t this the single most front page news? And let’s not forget the destabilising force US’s $500-million plan to train up fight- in world affairs ers – of whom about four or five remain. since the cold War The Free Syrian Army is more or less a fic- tion, with little existence outside of the imagination of the State Department and vladimir putin: not quite as inscrutable as the Foreign Office. At the same time, the the media claims. West is allowing one of the most disgust- ing and shameful acts of this crisis to go on media have never reported on it. Noam unchallenged – that is, Turkey’s bombing Chomsky once argued that, in a democ- of the truly heroic Kurdish forces, the only racy, things are often hidden in plain sight coherent, pro-West political and military – this is a very good example. force in Syria and Iraq that is attacking IS. Similarly, it is simply not true that we Where is all the coverage of the ut- do not know what Russia’s aims are in terly useless, dishonest and misguided Syria. Russia is a long-term supporter of Western campaign in Syria? If this had Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, but is by a 10th of the coverage given to Russian no means averse to a post-Assad Syria; its bombing I think the public and political main aim is to stop Syria from collapsing. discussion in Britain would be very dif- This has all been openly stated by Putin – ferent. The British media present Russian at the UN, for example, that little known political elites as out of control and crazy, secret forum, in an interview with CBS. but anyone looking at Western foreign We may not agree with it, but to pres- policy over the past 20 years would see ent Russian intervention as some kind that the West has been the single most of fiendish, unfathomable plot is simply destabilising force in world affairs since laughable. the Cold War. We hear an awful lot about the biases of Russian state media, but the ignored Western media have little self-awareness What’s more, consider the heated debate of their own failings. CT about the impact of Russia’s intervention on Syria. Who knew the British media Tara McCormack is a lecturer in were so concerned about the malign ef- international politics at the University of fects of bombing a foreign country? You Leicester. She is author of “Critique, Security certainly wouldn’t have guessed it from and Power: The Political Limits to Critical the coverage of the US and its allies’ own and Emancipatory Approaches to Security,” year-long bombardment of Syria. Nor do published by Routledge www.coldtype.net | November 2015 | ColdType 7 hospital attack ‘i would have refused such an order’ british pilot tells david edwards and david cromwell what he thinks about us bombing of the afghan hospital at kunduz “the fact that On October 24, Médecins Sans Fron- ticles about the event, we were contacted the hospital tières announced that 30 people by a former RAF pilot with 20 years’ mili- was targeted had now tragically died after the tary experience in several countries, in- on five separate deliberate US bombing of a hospi- cluding Afghanistan. He had discovered occasions with tal in Kunduz, Afghanistan, on October 3, our articles by following a link in a com- unerring accuracy up from the initial toll of 22. The humani- ment posted underneath a recent Guard- simply underlines tarian organisation, also known as Doctors ian piece mentioning the attack. how deliberate Without Borders, continued to call for an The former pilot gave us his name but, this attack was” independent international investigation for obvious reasons, wishes to remain into what it has called a “war crime.” As- anonymous. He told us that he has ex- sociated Press has just reported new evi- perience flying fast jets and multi-engine dence “that US forces destroyed what they aircraft, and that he served operationally knew was a functioning hospital.” in the Balkans, Kosovo, Afghanistan and The report comments: elsewhere. As far as we can tell, he appears “The Army Green Berets who requested to be genuine. He wrote to Media Lens in a the Oct. 3 airstrike on the Doctors with- series of emails (October 21-24): out Borders trauma center in Afghanistan “It has been my firm opinion from the were aware it was a functioning hospital very beginning that Kunduz hospital was but believed it was under Taliban control, indeed deliberately targeted. I slightly di- The Associated Press has learned.” gress from the Lindorff article in that the Damningly, AP adds: AC-130 Gunship is a pinpoint platform “A day before an American AC-130 gun- with a choice of munitions. The fact that ship attacked the hospital, a senior officer the hospital was targeted on five separate in the Green Beret unit wrote in a report occasions with unerring accuracy simply that US forces had discussed the hospital underlines how deliberate this attack was. with the country director of the medical The Gunship itself is a revered weapon on charity group, presumably in Kabul, ac- the battlefield, manned by elite crews who cording to two people who have seen the are very highly trained. I was involved in document.” the Afghan campaign almost from the be- Meanwhile, there has still been no lead- ginning when things were pretty hairy. The ing article in any UK newspaper backing aircraft of choice for UK Special Forces on MSF’s call for an independent inquiry. the ground was the Gunship and they lob- In response to an earlier media lens ar- bied for a UK version. It is expensive and 8 ColdType November 2015 | www.coldtype.net hospital attack murder machine: the hospital at kunduz was attacked by a monster ac-130 gunship. Photo: Wikipedia due to the side-mounted howitzer limited accurate I can say without hesitancy that “american to one role and so their requests were de- I would have refused such an order for it military nied. The Gunship gives unsurpassed sup- is an obvious war crime. During the Ko- personnel give port to troops on the ground because of its sovo war it was fairly routine for RAF Har- up many rights multi-hour endurance and loiter capabil- rier pilots to return home with bombs still when they join ity and the accuracy of its smaller calibre loaded because they had been unable to up, but i am still cannon and capability of its enormous confirm visual acquisition of targets. RAF disappointed 105mm howitzer.” pilots are probably more inclined to think that this crew did He continued: for themselves than American crews who not appear to do “I do not accept that the target could are extremely tightly controlled. American more to challenge have been mistakenly targeted. The crew military personnel give up many rights their orders” and command centre would have been when they join up, but I am still disap- fully aware they were attacking a hospi- pointed that this crew did not appear to tal. I followed one of your links suggesting do more to challenge their orders. Back that the C130 crew challenged their orders in the UK, we lost crown immunity many to target the hospital. This is the very least years ago and it is essential to challenge that I’d have expected to happen. I have every questionable act carried out on the extensive operational experience flying battlefield (our emphasis). in Afghanistan. I am struggling to com- “Given that we agree that the hospi- prehend in what circumstance I would tal was deliberately targeted it would be blindly follow an order to attack a fully useful to try and understand why. It is manned civilian hospital. If the descrip- my opinion that whilst possible, it is un- tion provided by MSF’s director-general is likely that this was a mistake, intentional www.coldtype.net | November 2015 | ColdType 9 hospital attack “unfortunately, the us military changed their version several times which weakened their case immediately” aftermath: the bombed hospital at kunduz in afghanistan. or otherwise, by Afghan commanders on My own experience of BBC journalists is the ground. I saw an unconfirmed report positive but when it comes to describing stating that US Special Forces were on the a major news event there is an immedi- ground in Kunduz so it is unlikely that ate suspicion of editorial control from on Afghans alone would have called in the high. I think it is extremely valuable that attack. So the alternative is that the crew you target both individual journalists and were given their mission from US Cen- the reporting of such events in general. I tral Command or it was called in on the absolutely commend this approach, which ground by their own people. This is why is why I am happy to support you in your I doubt we’ll see an independent inquiry. endeavours.” Very senior military officers would be on Readers may be shocked that even the the hook for what happened in Kunduz deliberate bombing of a hospital may because they would have authorised the be regarded as an operational “success” sustained attack. It is still possible that the There is no doubt that, were the full truth Kunduz hospital is seen as an operational to emerge, the attack on the MSF hospital ‘success’; the world of special operations is would be even more deeply embarrassing opaque. It is also a vague possibility that and damaging to Western interests than it this was an act of gross incompetence, but already is. After all, “we” do not commit that would still constitute a war crime. In war crimes; only “our” enemies do that. any case, I simply do not believe it to be Long-time readers of Media Lens may incompetence because of the sustained recall that, in 2007, a serving British army nature of the attack.” officer in Iraq responded to an exchange He also commented on media cover- we’d had with Mark Urban, the diplomat- age: ic editor of BBC Newsnight. The officer “The response in the mainstream media strongly rejected Urban’s contention that mainly consisted of repeating what came the central US aim was that of “forcing a off the wires. Unfortunately, the US mili- democracy into the heart of the Middle tary changed their version several times East” (Newsnight, BBC2, April 12, 2005), which weakened their case immediately. commenting: 10 ColdType November 2015 | www.coldtype.net

29. the World is a traFFic jam. phiLip kraske . will look for signs that Britain broadcaster Fareed Zakaria, on CNN, made republic where Tamer-.
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