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manufacturing failed states | Edward s. hErman who killed dag hammarskjold? | trEvor grundy lynching by laptop | grEg palast T Cold ype SEptEmbEr 2012 writing worth rE ading ISSUE 68 The inTernmenT of marian Price eamonn mccann on the strange affair of the British government, a lost piece of paper and the detention of a pardoned IRA bomber Cover Photo: Belfast street mural, 2012 (Photo: Tony Sutton) ColdType SEptEmbEr 2012 / ISSUE 68 3. thE intErnmEnt of marian pricE Eamonn McCann 6. iran and EvErything ElsE Michael Parenti 10. israEl rEwardEd for obstructing pEacE Jonathan Cook 12. who killEd dag hammarskjold? Trevor Grundy 21. soldiErs who rEfusE to kill David Swanson 24. rEcipE for disastEr Susan Rosenthal 26. lynching by laptop Greg Palast 30. facts about drugs thE mEdia won’t tEll you Paul Armantano 34. thE ignorancE of intElligEncE Danny Schechter 37. dEcEnt mEn vErsus strutting ogrEs Linh Dinh 39. andrEw cockburn: modErn-day muckrakEr Alan Maas 44. convEniEnt myths and libEral impErialism John Pilger 46. i am not a numbEr John C. Whitehead 49. thE hEat of thE momEnt George Monbiot 51. thE 99% takE on thE rEpublican convEntion Arun Gupta 54. manufacturing failEd statEs Edward S. Herman 57. thE EmpEror’s lack of clothEs Paul Balles 59. food sEcurity: a pErfEct storm Glenn Ashton 62. a talE of two vEry diffErEnt swEdEns Ritt Goldstein 65. no fury likE an EmpirE EmbarrassEd Willliam Blum 72. how thE Economy works Paul Kozy 75. soap opEra ovEr kabul Fred Reed 78. dEcEpcion in bolivia Chellis Glendinning Editor: tony sutton – [email protected] 2 ColdType | September 2012 CovEr Story The internment of marian Price eamonn mccann on the strange affair of the British government, a lost piece of paper and the detention of a pardoned IRA bomber Marian Price was arrested on 13 imprisonment reveals a similar contempt May 2011 and charged with en- for justice and due process. the court hearing couraging support for an illegal Paterson’s document, reversing Marian’s had been made organisation. The charge arose release from a life sentence in 1980, was a meaningless from an Easter Rising commemoration in based on “intelligence” – information from charade. Derry city cemetery in Northern Ireland the MI5 or MI6 which cannot be made public, marian’s continued previous month. on the grounds of “national security”. imprisonment On a blustery day, she had reached up In Maghaberry in July, Marian was fur- reveals a similar and held the script from which ther charged with “providing contempt for a masked man was reading the property for the purposes of justice and Real IRA’s “Easter Message”. terrorism”. The reference was due process Three days later, Marian ap- to her allegedly having bought peared in court in Derry where, a phone which the authori- despite strenuous prosecution ties believed had subsequently objections, she was granted been used in connection with bail. the killing of two soldiers out- However, she was re-arrest- side Massereene barracks in ed as she emerged from the Antrim in March 2009. courthouse on the basis of a document signed the previous Questioned evening by Northern Ireland secretary of state Owen Pater- Marian had been held for two son and taken to Maghaberry high-security days and questioned about this allegation prison. in November 2009 before being released She has since been transferred to a se- without charge. No evidence unearthed in cure ward – armed guards, barred windows, the interim was offered in court. She was bolted doors, constant surveillance – in a again granted bail. But, again, Paterson’s or- Belfast hospital. She is gravely ill. She could der took precedence. be held for the rest of her life. Marian’s supporters believe that the Paterson had concocted a scheme to Massereene charge was designed to associ- trump the bail decision if it went against ate her with a notorious crime that the au- the state. The court hearing had been made thorities had been unable to connect her a meaningless charade. Marian’s continued with. September | ColdType 3 CovEr Story They wanted to stymie a campaign for Paterson turned a deaf ear. Marian re- marion and her her release which was attracting support mains imprisoned without a release date or sister were force- from a wide range of people who found it a date when she can apply for release. fed three times a difficult to see what crime had actually been Marian Price, then 19, was one of nine day for the last 167 committed at the Easter Commemoration. members of the Provisional IRA convicted of the 200 days – On 10 May this year, almost exactly a year of planting four bombs in London, includ- forcibly restrained from her original arrest, the charges relating ing one at the Old Bailey, in March 1973. and a tube thrust to the commemoration were thrown out at Around 180 people were injured in the at- through the throat Derry court. tack, mainly by flying glass. One man died into the stomach Told that preliminary papers were still from a heart attack. and liquid nutrition not ready, Judge McElholm declared that ev- The bombers included Gerry Kelly, now a poured down ery citizen was entitled to a fair trial within Sinn Fein minister at Stormont, and Price’s a reasonable period and that the prosecu- older sister, Dolours. Convicted on two tion hadn’t met this condition. counts of planting bombs and one of con- But Marian’s imprisonment was still un- spiracy to cause explosions, they were each derwritten by Paterson’s signature. This was given two life sentences and a determinate the third time a court had ordered her re- sentence of 20 years. lease, and the third time the Tory minister said no. hunger Marian’s frail condition prevented her from travelling to Derry for the hearing. Marian was freed in 1980, suffering from Neither was she able to walk to the video tuberculosis and anorexia and weighing suite at Hydebank Prison where she was around five stone. She and Dolours had now being held to follow the proceedings spent 200 days on hunger strike demand- on screen. ing a transfer to Northern Ireland, where Since then, the UN Special Rappor- Republican prisoners had political status. teur on Torture, Juan Mendez, and two of They were force-fed three times a day the North’s leading criminologists, Dr Phil for the last 167 of the 200 days – forcibly Scraton of Queen’s University and Dr Linda restrained and a tube thrust through the Moore of the University of Ulster, have vis- throat into the stomach and liquid nutrition ited Marian. poured down. The resultant trauma was a All three have called for her release, ei- major factor in the anorexia which led to ther on ground of civil rights and due pro- the 1980 pardon. cess or for humanitarian reasons to do with From the moment she was arrested in her health. May last year, Marian insisted that she had The two academics, authors of a number been released in 1980 on the basis of a Royal of official reports into prisons in the North, Prerogative of Mercy (RPM) which Paterson concluded: “Given the concerns expressed didn’t have authority to override. Paterson locally and internationally regarding [her] claimed that the terms of the pardon did al- continued detention and declining health, low his intervention. we urge you to release her on humanitarian Marian’s lawyers repeatedly asked for grounds.” production of the pardon so its terms could They added: “Marian Price has been im- be checked. They were eventually informed prisoned…without trial in circumstances that the sole copy couldn’t be found, had which may amount to administrative in- probably been shredded and at any rate had ternment and which we believe to be in disappeared during 2010. breach of the European Convention on Hu- It is not necessary to be cynical to sus- man Rights.” pect that the document was disappeared af- 4 ColdType | September 2012 CovEr Story ter Marian’s detention when the authorities – rather than the most obvious and rea- realised that it gave Paterson no power to sonable conclusion to be drawn from the in the same week put her back into prison. facts. that paterson After her release in 1980, Marian didn’t rejected the come to prominent public notice again when ‘national security’ means court decision until the signing of the Good Friday Agree- no evidence to strike out the ment in 1998, when she emerged as one of derry charge, the sharpest critics of Sinn Fein leaders who The issues arising from Marian’s case are the coalition had signed up to the deal. not specific to Northern Ireland. In the announced a bill Her Republican credentials made her a same week that Paterson rejected the court giving ministers formidable advocate. Logically enough, the decision to strike out the Derry charge, the power to order Northern Ireland Office will have wanted coalition announced a Bill giving ministers the use of secret her out of the way. power to order the use of secret evidence evidence – Initially, parole commissioners ordered – “Closed Material Procedures” – in civil “closed material Paterson to produce the pardon. Instead, on cases. This was in response to cases arising procedures” – in 16 December last, his lawyers argued that from MI5 and MI6 involvement in the “war civil cases inferences could be drawn from other mate- on terror”. Ministers explained that evi- rial from the period. dence in such cases couldn’t be produced Marian’s representatives countered that in open court, for fear of endangering “na- any decision to deprive a citizen of liberty tional security”. “must be properly authorised [and] is not a In April 2012, the NI Conference of the matter for inference and speculation”. Irish Congress of Trades Unions passed by a On 30 January, the commissioners de- large majority a resolution calling for Mar- clared: “The issue is a simple one. Did the ian’s release: “The trades union movement RPM cover only the 20-year determinate has led opposition to political violence sentence or did it also cover the two life over the past 40 years. We have repeatedly sentences … The difficulty is that the secre- mobilised our members in protest against tary of state has informed the panel that the atrocities, whether perpetrated by Loyalist RPM cannot be located; it has either been or Republican paramilitary organisations or lost or destroyed.” The panel added that los- by state forces. ing the document was “to use as neutral a “We continue to urge the use of peace- word as possible… unfortunate”. ful means only to remedy the grievances They went on to say that, “There is no which persist in our society and which im- contemporary material exhibited… to con- pact most damagingly on the working class firm or support [Marian’s] claims concern- communities whose interests trades unions ing the scope of the RPM.” strive to represent… But the only piece of contemporary ma- “The cause of peace is never served by the terial which could have confirmed Mar- denial of justice. No good cause is served by ian’s claim was the document which Pat- keeping Marian Price in Maghaberry prison. erson insisted his department had mislaid We call on the secretary of state to free her or destroyed. Bizarrely, the commissioners now.” ct “urged] the secretary of state to continue the search for the RPM.” Eamonn McCann is a journalist and The alternative explanation, that Pater- socialist activist in Derry. His web site is son conspired to deprive a citizen of due eamonnmccann.com process and imprison her indefinitely, will This essay was originally published in the have struck the commissioners, drawn from British Socialist Worker – the great and good, as utterly far-fetched http://socialistworker.co.uk/art.php?id=29473 September | ColdType 5 rEportIng Iran iran and everything else michael Parenti on the demonisation of a nation and the West’s never-ending march to war against countries that resist free-market capitalist takeover Occasionally individuals complain talks, and interviews that treat hundreds one must allow for that I fail to address one subject or of subjects pertaining to political economy, a division of labor another. One Berkeley denizen got culture, ideology, media, fascism, commu- and cannot hope in my face and announced: “You nism, capitalism, imperialism, media, ecol- to fight every fight leftists ought to become aware of the eco- ogy, political protest, history, religion, race, logical crisis.” In fact, I had written a num- gender, homophobia, and other topics far ber of things about the ecological crisis, too numerous to list. (For starters, visit my including one called “Eco-Apocalypse.” His website: www.michaelparenti.org) lack of familiarity with my work did not get But one’s own energy, no matter how in the way of his presumption. substantial, is always finite. One must allow Years ago when I spoke before the for a division of labor and cannot hope to Women’s International League for Peace fight every fight. and Freedom in New York, the moderator announced that she could not understand paying attention why I had “remained silent” about the at- tempt to defund UNESCO. Whatever else I Recently someone asked when was I going might have been struggling with, she was to “pay some attention” to Iran. Actually I convinced I should have joined with her in have spoken about Iran in a number of in- trying to save UNESCO (which itself really terviews and talks –not to satisfy demands was a worthy cause). made by others but because I myself was People give me marching orders all the moved to do so. In the last decade, over time. Among the most furiously insistent a five year period, I was repeatedly inter- are those fixed on 9/11. Why haven’t I said viewed by English Radio Tehran. My con- anything about 9/11? Why am I “a 9/11 de- cern about Iran goes back many years. Just nier.” In fact, I have written about 9/11 and the other day, while clearing out some old even spoke at two 9/11 conferences (Santa files, I came across a letter I had published Cruz and New York), raising questions of over 33 years ago in the New York Times (10 my own. May 1979), reproduced here exactly as it ap- Other people have been “disappointed” peared in the Times: or “astonished” or “puzzled” that I have To the Editor of the New York Times: failed to pronounce on whatever is the is- For 25 years the Shah of Iran tortured and sue du jour. No attention is given by such murdered many thousands of dissident work- complainers to my many books, articles, ers, students, peasants and intellectuals. For 6 ColdType | September 2012 rEportIng Iran the most part, the US press ignored these There is one glaring omission in this mis- dreadful happenings and portrayed the Shah sive: I focused only on the press without after listening to as a citadel of stability and an enlightened mentioning how the White House and lead- these students modernizer. ing members of Congress repeatedly had i began to think Thousands more were killed by the Shah’s hailed the Shah as America’s sturdy ally – that this shah police and military during the popular upris- while US oil companies merrily plundered fellow was not ings of this past year. Yet these casualties re- Iran’s oil (with a good slice of the spoils go- the admirably ceived only passing mention even though Iran ing to the Shah and his henchmen). benign leader was front-page news for several months. And A few years before the 1979 upheaval, I and modernizer from 1953 to 1978 millions of other Iranians was teaching a graduate course at Cornell everyone was suffered the silent oppression of poverty and University. There I met several Iranian grad- portraying in the malnutrition while the Shah, his family, and uate students who spoke with utter rage news his generals grew ever richer. about the Shah and his US-supported Savak Now the furies of revolution have lashed secret police. They told of friends being tor- back, thus far executing about 200 of the tured and disappeared. They could not find Shah’s henchmen – less than what the Savak enough damning words to vent their fury. would arrest and torture on a slow weekend. These students came from the kind of well- And now the US press has suddenly become off Persian families one would have expect- acutely concerned, keeping a careful account ed to support the Shah. (You don’t make of the “victims,” printing photos of firing it from Tehran to Cornell graduate school squads and making repeated references to the without some money in the family.) “repulsion” and “outrage” felt by anonymous All I knew about the Shah at that time “middle-class” Iranians who apparently are came from the US mainstream media. But endowed with finer sensibilities than the mass after listening to these students I began to of ordinary people who bore the brunt of the think that this Shah fellow was not the ad- Shah’s repression. At the same time, American mirably benign leader and modernizer ev- commentators are quick to observe that the eryone was portraying in the news. new regime is merely replacing one repression with another. revolution betrayed So it has always been with the recording of revolutions: the mass of nameless innocents The Shah’s subsequent overthrow in the victimized by the ancien régime go uncounted 1979 revolution was something to celebrate. and unnoticed, but when the not-so-innocent Unfortunately the revolution soon was be- murderers are brought to revolutionary jus- trayed by the theocratic militants who took tice, the business-owned press is suddenly hold of events and created their Islamic Re- filled with references to “brutality” and “cru- public of Iran. These religious reactionaries elty.” set about to torture and eradicate thousands That anyone could equate the horrors of of young Iranian radicals. They made war the Shah’s regime with the ferment, change upon secular leftists and “decadent” West- and struggle that is going on in Iran today is ern lifestyles, as they set about establishing a tribute to the biases of the US press, a press a grim and corrupt theocracy. that has learned to treat the atrocities of the US leaders and media had no critical US-supported right-wing regimes with benign words about the slaughter of leftist revo- neglect while casting a stern self-righteous lutionaries in Iran. If anything, they were eye on the popular revolutions that challenge quietly pleased. However, they remained such regimes. hostile toward the Islamic regime. Why so? Michael Parenti Regimes that kill revolutionaries and egali- Washington, D.C. tarian reformists do not usually incite dis- September | ColdType 7 rEportIng Iran pleasure from the White House. If anything, Bush insisted. to strike enough the CIA and the Pentagon and the other im- These official threats and jeremiads are fear into the perial operatives who make the world safe intended to leave us with the impression public, our leaders for the Fortune 500 look most approvingly that Iran is not ruled by “good Muslims.” tell us that, upon those who torture and murder Marx- The “good Muslims” – as defined by the like iraq, iran ists and other leftists. Indeed, such counter- White House and the State Department – “might” develop revolutionaries swiftly become the recipi- are the reactionary extremists and feudal weapons of mass ents of generous amounts of US aid. tyrants who ride high in Saudi Arabia, Qa- destruction. and Why then did US leaders denounce and tar, United Arab Emirate, Bahrain, and oth- like iraq, iran is threaten Iran and continue to do so to this er countries that provide the United States lead by people day? The answer is: Iran’s Islamic Republic with military bases, buy large shipments of who hate america has other features that did not sit well with US arms, vote as Washington wants in the and want to the western imperialists. Iran was- – and United Nations, enter free trade agreements destroy us still is – a “dangerously” independent na- with the Western capitalist nations, and and israel tion, unwilling to become a satellite to the propagate a wide-open deregulated free- US global empire, unlike more compliant market economy. countries. Like Iraq under Saddam Hussein, The “good Muslims” invite the IMF and Iran, with boundless audacity, gave every the western corporations to come in and impression of wanting to use its land, labor, help themselves to the country’s land, la- markets, and capital as it saw fit. Like Iraq – bor, markets, industry, natural resources and Libya and Syria – Iran was committing and anything else the international plutoc- the sin of economic nationalism. And like racy might desire. Iraq, Iran remained unwilling to establish Unlike the “good Muslims,” the “bad cozy relations with Israel. Muslims” of Iran take an anti-imperialist But this isn’t what we ordinary Ameri- stance. They try to get out from under the cans are told. When talking to us, a differ- clutches of the US global imperium. For ent tact is taken by US opinion-makers and this, Iran may yet pay a heavy price. Think policymakers. To strike enough fear into the of what has been happening to Iraq, Libya, public, our leaders tell us that, like Iraq, Iran and now Syria. “might” develop weapons of mass destruc- For its unwillingness to throw itself open tion. And like Iraq, Iran is lead by people to Western corporate pillage, Iran is already who hate America and want to destroy us being subjected to heavy sanctions imposed and Israel. by the United States and its allies. Sanctions And like Iraq, Iran “might” develop into a hurt the ordinary population most of all. regional power leading other nations in the Unemployment and poverty increase. The Middle East down the “Hate America” path. government is unable to maintain human So our leaders conclude for us: it might be services. The public infrastructure begins to necessary to destroy Iran in an all-out aerial deteriorate and evaporate: privatization by war. attrition. Iran has pursued an enriched uranium axis of Evil program, same as any nation has the right to do. The enrichment has been low-level It was President George W. Bush who in for peaceful use, not the kind necessary for January 2002 cited Iraq, Iran, and North nuclear bombs. Iranian leaders, both secu- Korea as an “axis of evil.” Iran exports ter- lar and theocratic have been explicit about rorism and “pursues” weapons of mass de- the useless horrors of nuclear weaponry struction. Sooner or later this axis would and nuclear war. have to be dealt with in the severest way, Appearing on the Charlie Rose show 8 ColdType | September 2012 rEportIng Iran when he was visiting the USA, Iranian vision and radio stations, government-built president Ahmadinejad pointed out that hotels, hospitals, and housing projects – a the message nuclear weapons have never saved anyone. destruction carried out with utter impunity, is clear. it has The Soviet Union had nuclear weapons; was all this against a social democracy that re- already been it saved? he asked. India and Pakistan have fused to submit to a free-market capitalist delivered to nuclear weapons; have they found peace takeover. yugoslavia, libya, and security? Israel has nuclear weapons: The message is clear. It has already been syria, and many has it found peace and security? And the delivered to Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, and other countries United States itself has nuclear weapons many other countries around the world: around the world and nuclear fleets patrolling the world and overthrow your reform-minded, indepen- it seems obsessively preoccupied with be- dent, communitarian government; become ing targeted by real or imagined enemies. a satellite to the global corporate free-mar- Ahmadinejad, the wicked one, sounded so ket system, or we will pound you to death much more rational and humane than Hil- and reduce you to a severe level of privatiza- lary Clinton snarling her tough-guy threats tion and poverty. at this or that noncompliant nation. Not all the US military is of one mind re- (Parenthetically, we should note that the garding war with Iran. While the Air Force Iranians possibly might try to develop a nu- can hardly contain itself, the Army and clear strike force – not to engage in a nuclear Navy seem lukewarm. Former Chair of the war that would destroy Iran but to develop Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, a deterrent against aerial destruction from actually denounced the idea of waging de- the west. The Iranians, like the North Ko- struction upon “80 million Iranians, all dif- reans, know that the western nuclear pow- ferent individuals.” ers have never attacked any country that is The future does not look good for Iran. armed with nuclear weapons.) That country is slated for an attack of seri- ous dimensions, supposedly in the name of impossible task democracy, “humanitarian war,” the strug- gle against terrorism, and the need to pro- I once heard some Russian commentators tect America and Israel from some future say that Iran is twice as large as Iraq, both in nuclear threat. geography and in population; it would take Sometimes it seems as if US ruling inter- hundreds of thousands of NATO troops and ests perpetrate crimes and deceptions of all great cost in casualties and enormous sums sorts with a frequency greater than we can of money to invade and try to subdue such document and expose. So if I don’t write or a large country, an impossible task and cer- speak about one or another issue, keep in tain disaster for the United States. mind, it may be because I am occupied with But the plan is not to invade, just to other things, or I simply have neither the destroy the country and its infrastructure energy nor the resources. Sometimes too, through aerial warfare. The US Air Force ea- I think, it is because I get too heavy of gerly announced that it has 10,000 targets heart. ct in Iran pinpointed for attack and destruc- tion. Yugoslavia is cited as an example of a Michael Parenti is an internationally nation that was destroyed by unanswerable known award-winning author and lecturer. aerial attacks, without the loss of a single He is one of the nation’s leading progressive US soldier. political analysts. His highly informative and I saw the destruction in Serbia shortly entertaining books and talks have reached after the NATO bombings stopped: bridges, a wide range of audiences in North America utilities, rail depots, factories, schools, tele- and abroad. http://www.michaelparenti.org September | ColdType 9 IronIC world israel rewarded for obstructing peace Europe seems to be rewarding Israel for its belligerence, writes Jonathan cook Israel has barely put a foot right with the in the European Neighbourhood Policy, Europe’s international community since its at- which requires that, as a preferred trading turnabout was tack on Gaza more than three years ago partner, Israel respect international human revealed the provoked global revulsion. rights, democratic values and its humani- same day that The right-wing government of Benjamin tarian obligations. Equally troubling, the israel announced Netanyahu has serially defied and insulted EU is apparently preparing to upend what it was planning foreign leaders, including US President Ba- had looked like an emerging consensus in to destroy eight rack Obama; given the settlers virtual free favour of banning settlement products – the villages in the rein; blocked peace talks with the Palestin- only meaningful punishment the EU has west bank ians; intimidated and marginalised human threatened to inflict on Israel. rights groups, UN agencies and even the With some irony, Europe’s turnabout Israeli courts; and fuelled a popular wave was revealed the same day that Israel an- of Jewish ethnic and religious chauvinism nounced it was planning to destroy eight against the country’s Palestinian minority, villages in the West Bank, expelling their foreign workers and asylum seekers. 1,500 Palestinian inhabitants, to make way No wonder, then, that in poll after poll for a military firing zone. Four more villages Israel ranks as one of the countries with the are also under threat. most negative influence on international af- The villagers’ expulsion was further con- fairs. firmation that Israel is conducting a “forced And yet, the lower Israel sinks in pub- transfer” of Palestinians, as recent EU re- lic estimation, the more generous western ports have warned, from the nearly two- leaders are in handing out aid and special thirds of the West Bank under its control. favours to their wayward ally. The past few Europe’s only real leverage over Israel weeks have been particularly shameless. is economic: business between the two al- It was revealed recently that the Europe- ready accounts for about 60 per cent of Is- an Union had approved a massive upgrade raeli trade, worth nearly 30 billion euros. But in Israel’s special trading status, strength- rather than penalising Israel for repeatedly ening economic ties in dozens of different stomping over the flimsiest prospects for a fields. The decision was a reversal of a freeze two-state solution, the EU is handsomely imposed in the wake of the Gaza attack of rewarding it. winter 2008. It is not alone. The United States is also Amnesty International pointed out that showering economic benefits and military the EU was violating its own commitments goodies on Israel, in addition to the billions 10 ColdType | September 2012

thE hEat of thE momEnt Paul Kozy. 75. soap opEra ovEr kabul. Fred Reed. 78. dEcEpcion in bolivia .. rack Obama; given the settlers virtual free rein; blocked
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