The sounds of silence | juliette volcler who’s really responsible for war deaThs | edward s. herman ciTies versus wall sTreeT | peter dreier T Cold ype writing worth reading ISSUE 76 The ciTy ThaT america ForgoT Linh Dinh visits camDen, new jersey Cover: Camden, New Jersey Photo: Linh Dinh ColdType ISSUE 76 truth and spies 3. who’s really responsible for war deaths? Edward S. Herman 7. an act of piracy John Pilger 9. whose side are they on? Jeff Cohen 11. the not-so-simple saga of edward and barack Michael I. Niman 14. snowden, surveillance and the secret state David Cromwell / David Edwards 18. a portrait of the leaker as a young man Norman Solomon / Robert Shetterly fighting back 20. cities versus wall street Peter Dreier 23. predistribute the wealth Sam Pizzigati 25. shame on walmart Ralph Nader 30. cover story – camden, new jersey: the edge of civilisation Linh Dinh 38. book excerpt – the sounds of silence Juliette Volcler 54. magazines. books. more books Chellis Glendinning remaking the middle east 60. how egypt’s revolution betrayed itself Ramzy Baroud 62. let them eat f-16s Barry Lando 64. israel’s ethnic cleansing zones Jonathan Cook 66. the language of power Nima Shirazi 69. locking out the voices of dissent Chris Hedges editor: tony sutton – [email protected] 2 coldtype | August 2013 trUth and SpIES / 1 Who’s really responsible for war deaths? Edward S. Herman says US political leaders are the ones who are at fault, not war protesters It has long been a practice of members of and failure to actively support the war ef- the war party, including people like New fort. Braestrup explicitly accused the media reports of battle York Congressman Peter King, to assail of responsibility for losing the war. In his casualties, even if critics of ongoing wars for allegedly do- view, a properly working media would sup- understated, may ing injury to our fighting men by their hos- press negative news, stress the positive, and cause the public to tile, unpatriotic and even traitorous actions serve as a propaganda arm of the military react negatively to and statements. The targets of the anti-war establishment. This book, highly regarded the war protesters may be the killing or torturing of in the mainstream, would have made CBS’s foreign soldiers and civilians by US military Walter Cronkite and many of his media as- personnel, or telling lies about these and sociates traitorous for reporting discourag- other actions, or questioning the military ing Pentagon handouts. Logically the high plans and intentions of US leaders. These level military personnel who provided these hostile criticisms are said to jeopardize our handouts, or made even more pessimistic troops by disclosing military secrets. They assessments of the war’s progress, should also purportedly undermine public support have kept quiet or lied, and they also should of the war effort at home by calling into have been condemned and shared with the question its effects and rationale. media the guilt of losing the war through One difficulty with these lines of attack failed news management. (For details on on war critics is that they may be easily ap- Braestrup’s errors and contradictions, and plied to any disclosure of military events, the warm and uncritical reception given even pro-war propaganda. Reports of battle him by the pundits, see Manufacturing Con- casualties, even if understated, may cause sent, pp. 211-221 and Appendix 3.) the public to react negatively to the war, and US governments have often lied about some war propagandists have assailed the war casualties, underplaying both US casu- media for reporting straightforward facts, alties and, especially, the number of civilians including official reports. Peter Braestrup’s killed in “collateral damage.” If they do lie, Big Story: How the American Press and Tele- the eventual uncovering of these lies may vision Reported and Interpreted the Crisis of hurt the war effort, so that the lies them- Tet 1968 in Vietnam and Washington (West- selves, likely to backfire, may possibly have view: 1977), a Freedom House-sponsored been an antiwar move engineered by anti- study of media coverage of the Tet offensive war plotters intending to discredit govern- during the Vietnam War, was notable for its ment claims! In short, featuring the media’s accusations of excessive media negativism role in military failures opens a Pandora’s August 2013 | coldtype 3 trUth and SpIES / 1 box that can reach far into the media and 1985], chap, 25, “The Tet Offensive’s Impact those hidden military-political establishments. on Washington”). The responsibility for the truths, if allowed Another difficulty with the claim that 58,000 US military deaths, as well as that to proliferate, antiwar actions and disclosures are respon- of several million Vietnamese, clearly must might prevent, sible for US military casualties is the regular be allocated to the US national leadership, shorten, or failure to show any such effects. The mili- from Truman to Johnson and Nixon and terminate wars. tary has not been able to supply a single their top advisers and underlings like Walt but by the same piece of evidence that the massive disclo- Rostow and Robert McNamara. It was these token, if those sures of US diplomatic and military actions men (and they were all men) who made the hidden truths can in its recent wars by WikiLeaks and Bradley decisions to support the French reoccupa- be kept out of Manning resulted in a single US casualty. tion of Indochina after World War II, and sight, wars can Those documents described events of the then took over the task of imposing a mi- flourish past, and apparently disclosed no military nority government on that distant country plans that would be of logistical interest to by violence. These officials made up a sub- enemy forces. stantial cohort of war criminals, if Nurem- The most dramatic release in the berg principles were universally applied, WikiLeaks trove was a video showing a US which they clearly are not. helicopter marksman in Iraq machine-gun- This official cohort pursued a long war ning civilians on the ground, and doing this of aggression in Vietnam because the Unit- gleefully. The war-makers would never have ed States had great and superior military released and/or shown such a video, which power and its leaders were determined to displays the unpleasant reality of “collat- use it to prevent the spread of communism eral damage,” which in this case was clearly or any independent locus of power. They not very collateral (and Wikileaks gives it a were (and remain) arrogant, ideological, more honest designation: “Collateral Mur- and almost proudly ignorant, and they were der,” April 5, 2010). This video would cer- (and remain) willing to expend very large tainly not have enlightened the insurgents resources and kill almost without limit in fighting US forces in Iraq, but it might well pursuit of domination. In their ideologi- have affected the public at home. It is just cal system “communism” was an integrat- such kinds of reality and truth hidden be- ed global monolith seeking to control the hind the war party’s and media’s filtered world (a pretty case of transference). They and vetted version of US wars that poses the underestimated the seriousness of the split real threat. Those hidden truths, if allowed between the Soviet Union and Communist to proliferate, might prevent, shorten, or ter- China, as well as the strength of Vietnamese minate wars. But by the same token, if those nationalism and distrust of China, points hidden truths can be kept out of sight, wars which they were prepared to recognize can flourish. openly only after a long and costly war, the So who was responsible for the 58,000 US devastation and mass killing of Vietnamese, soldiers’ deaths during the Vietnam war? and the sacrifice of 58,000 Americans. (See Hardly the protesters, who if they had any af- David K. Shipler, “Robert McNamara and fect on US casualties reduced them by their the Ghosts of Vietnam,” New York Times social disturbances and threats of greater Magazine, August 10, 1997.) disruption at home, which almost surely While steadily escalating the violence in contributing to the decisions of the lead- Vietnam, the US leaders pretended to offer ers to disengage (see Noam Chomsky, For negotiations for a compromise settlement, Reasons of State [Vintage: 1973], chap. 5, but they were unwilling to make serious “On the Limits of Civil Disobedience”; Ga- concessions because of the domestic po- briel Kolko, Anatomy of a War [Pantheon: litical costs of losing to Communists, the 4 coldtype | August 2013 trUth and SpIES / 1 weight they gave to “credibility,” and their cords were not held because Ho Chi Minh belief that the enemy must eventually sur- would have won and ruled the integrated the most quoted render to the vastly greater US military and segments, as Eisenhower conceded in his phrase arising killing capability. This was an illustration of autobiography. But this could be expunged from the vietnam the “perils of dominance,” which impels a in a Free Press and the true aggressor could war was possibly dominant power to underestimate the will- be combating that internal aggression in that “it became ingness of a target to resist and accept dev- the interest of free choice. We may note that necessary to astation and death. (See Gareth Porter, Per- back in 1966 the State Department stated destroy the town ils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the as regards Vietnam that “We seek to insure [bentre] in order Road to War in Vietnam [Univ. of California that the South Vietnamese have the right to save it” Press, 2006].) The US leadership marveled and opportunity to control their own des- at the willingness of the Vietnamese lead- tiny,” which it announced in the same time ers to absorb large casualties, regarding this frame as US forces helped crush Buddhist as a moral failing on their part, while never and other non-communist elements within recognizing that the willingness to kill and South Vietnam that opposed the military devastate to avoid loss of face and the power puppets the US military had installed. [See to control a distant land had a moral com- George Kahin, Intervention: How America ponent. Became Involved in Vietnam [Knopf: 1986], It was also part of the genius of the man- chap 16, “The Final Polarization”). And in agers of the US death machine, which in- the classic of Orwellian truth inversion, the cluded (and includes) a supportive mass New York Times’s James Reston could claim media, that they were able to pretend that that we were in Vietnam to demonstrate this country was combating North Viet- “that no state [i.e., North Vietnam] shall use namese “aggression,” seeking to preserve military force or the threat of military force an “independent South Vietnam,” and try- to achieve its political objectives.” In fact, ing to allow the South Vietnamese popu- military force was all that the United States lace “freedom of choice” and “self-deter- brought to that distant land in its pursuit of mination.” They even coined the phrase domination. “internal aggression,” that allowed the fact In the case of the Iraq invasion-occupa- that South Vietnam and the South Viet- tion of 2003-2012, here again it was hardly namese – the home and population base the protesters who were responsible for the of the National Liberation Front, the main 4,488 US military deaths (let alone the mil- oppositional military force – were fighting lion or so Iraqi deaths), it was George Bush, the US and mercenary forces, to constitute Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wol- aggressing against the invader of their own fowitz, the politicians like Joseph Biden and territory! Peter King who supported and voted for the The most quoted phrase arising from war, and Bill Keller, Judith Miller, Rupert the Vietnam war was possibly that “It be- Murdoch and the rest of the media cohort came necessary to destroy the town [Ben- that helped offset the opposition of the Tre] in order to save it.” (See Peter Ar- masses of protesters who didn’t want our nett, Live From the Battlefield: From Viet- boys to be sent abroad to participate in a nam to Baghdad, 35 Years in the World’s War war of aggression based on big lies, and get Zones [Touchstone: 1995], p. 255). Save it killed in the process. The weapons of mass for what? Control of any remnants by the destruction were not there, and the follow- real aggressor and his imposed minority up idea that the war was in the interest of regime! The free elections on integration Iraqi democracy was as laughably fraudu- of the artificially divided North and South lent as the US quest for self-determination Vietnam called for by the 1954 Geneva Ac- in Vietnam. August 2013 | coldtype 5 trUth and SpIES / 1 These issues have risen again with Ed- well before the Counterspy publication, it is the decision- ward Snowden’s release of National Secu- among other reasons by his occupation of makers and their rity Agency documents showing that orga- a residence well-known to be that of the spokespersons nization’s massive collection of electronic CIA’s station chief. (“CIA Press Exploitation and apologists communications of US and foreign citizens Scored,” Facts on File World News Digest, who bear primary as well as officials at home and abroad. The Jan. 13, 1978). But the Counterspy-Welch responsibility for position of NSA and other officials is that murder tie is a well-embedded patriotic un- american deaths the NSA information-gathering programs truth, and King can use it freely. were an instrument of the war on terror In sum, as with Vietnam and Iraq (among and aimed at terrorists, so they were there- many others) those responsible for the fore legitimate and Snowden’s action was deaths of American boys fighting wars in not only illegal but traitorous. Secretary of distant locales are not the protesters, whis- State John Kerry said on CNN that “People tleblowers, and journalists like Greenwald, may die as a consequence of what this man who call attention to the bases of war de- did. It is possible the United States will be cisions and the lies and suppressions that attacked because terrorists may now know hide from the public the real reasons and how to protect themselves, in some way results of those decisions. On the contrary, or another, that they didn’t know before.” it is the decision-makers and their spokes- (“CNN Newsroom,” June 25, 2013.) Kerry, of persons and apologists who bear primary course, is familiar with deaths in war, hav- responsibility for American deaths. ing admittedly killed women and children Daniel Somers, a 30-year-old Iraq war during his stint as a soldier in Vietnam. He veteran who committed suicide on June 10, offers no evidence now that Snowden’s re- 2013, was also very clear in his suicide note leased information is likely to aid the ter- that the blame for his own death and the rorists, and he does not discuss the possibil- horrors that he helped inflict on Iraqis go ity that what had been released might save to the government deciders, and nobody lives by providing the public with war in- else. He says that his recollections of what formation that the war-makers try to keep he had done were unbearable; that to re- under cover. sume ordinary life after what he did “would Congressman Peter King has also come be the mark of a sociopath….To force me Edward S. Herman forward with assertions that not only to do these things and then participate in is Professor Snowden but his media interrogator and the ensuing coverup is more than any gov- Emeritus of Finance information transmitter Glenn Greenwald ernment has the right to demand. Then, at the Wharton have been “putting American lives at risk” the same government has turned around School, University and that Greenwald himself should very and abandoned me.” He went on to write, of Pennsylvania, possibly be subject to legal charges. (“An- “Any blame rests with them.” (“I Am Sorry an economist and derson Cooper 360°,” CNN, June 11, 2013.) That It Has Come To This,” Gawker, June media analyst. King says that Greenwald has threatened to 22, 2013.) Daniel Somers confirms that the He is author of release the names of CIA agents abroad and mainstream has the villains and heroes up- numerous books, “The last time that was done in this coun- side down, cT including Corporate try, you saw a CIA station chief murdered Control, Corporate in Greece.” Edward S. Herman is Professor Emeritus Power (1981), In fact Greenwald has never made such of Finance at the Wharton School, University of The Real Terror a threat, and King is also wrong about the Pennsylvania, an economist and media analyst. He Network (1982), Greek killing of the CIA station chief, Rich- is author of numerous books, including “Corporate Manufacturing ard Welch, which he attributes to the re- Control, Corporate Power,” “The Real Terror Consent (1988, with lease of the victim’s name by Counterspy Network,” “Manufacturing Consent “with Noam Noam Chomsky) magazine. But Welch’s cover was blown Chomsky) 6 coldtype | August 2013 trUth and SpIES / 2 An act of piracy John Pilger on the forcing down of the Bolivian president’s plane Imagine the aircraft of the President airport. “If there were a request [for politi- of France being forced down in Latin cal asylum],” he said, “of course, we would the forcing America on “suspicion” that it was car- be willing to debate and consider the idea.” down of bolivian rying a political refugee to safety – and That was clearly enough provocation for the president evo not just any refugee but someone who has Godfather. “We have been in touch with a morales’s plane provided the people of the world with proof range of countries that had a chance of hav- was an act of air of criminal activity on an epic scale. ing Snowden land or travel through their piracy and state Imagine the response from Paris, let country,” said a US state department offi- terrorism alone the “international community”, as the cial. governments of the West call themselves. To The French – having squealed about a chorus of baying indignation from White- Washington spying on their every move, hall to Washington, Brussels to Madrid, he- as revealed by Snowden – were first off roic special forces would be dispatched to the mark, followed by the Portuguese. The rescue their leader and, as sport, smash up Spanish then did their bit by enforcing a the source of such flagrant international flight ban of their airspace, giving the God- gangsterism. Editorials would cheer them father’s Viennese hirelings enough time to on, perhaps reminding readers that this find out if Snowden was indeed invoking kind of piracy was exhibited by the German article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Reich in the 1930s. Human Rights, which states: “Everyone has The forcing down of Bolivian President the right to seek and to enjoy in other coun- Evo Morales’s plane – denied air space by tries asylum from persecution.” France, Spain and Portugal, followed by his Those paid to keep the record straight 14-hour confinement while Austrian offi- have played their part with a cat-and-mouse cials demanded to “inspect” his aircraft for media game that reinforces the Godfather’s the “fugitive” Edward Snowden – was an lie that this heroic young man is running act of air piracy and state terrorism. It was from a system of justice, rather than pre- a metaphor for the gangsterism that now ordained, vindictive incarceration that rules the world and the cowardice and hy- amounts to torture: ask Bradley Manning pocrisy of bystanders who dare not speak and the living ghosts in Guantanamo. its name. Historians seem to agree that the rise of In Moscow for a summit of gas-produc- fascism in Europe might have been averted ing nations, Morales had been asked about had the liberal or left political class un- Snowden who remains trapped in Moscow derstood the true nature of its enemy. The August 2013 | coldtype 7 trUth and SpIES / 2 parallels today are very different; but the edged”. The most enduring silence of the in revealing a vast Damocles sword over Snowden, like the modern era covered the extinction and dis- orwellian police casual abduction of the Bolivian president, possession of countless human beings by a state apparatus ought to stir us into recognising the true na- rampant America and its agents. “But you servicing history’s ture of the enemy. wouldn’t know it,” said Pinter. “It never greatest war- Snowden’s revelations are not merely happened. Even while it was happening it making machine, about privacy, nor civil liberty, nor even never happened. It didn’t matter. It was of the whistlebowing mass spying. They are about the unmen- no interest.” illuminate the true tionable: that the democratic facades of the This hidden history – not really hidden, extremism of the United States now barely conceal a system- of course, but excluded from the conscious- 21st century atic gangsterism historically identified with ness of societies drilled in American myths if not necessarily the same as fascism. Soon and priorities – has never been more vul- after, a US drone killed 16 people in North nerable to exposure. Edward Snowden’s Waziristan, “where many of the world’s whistleblowing, like that of Bradley Man- most dangerous militants live”, said the few ning and Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, paragraphs I read. threatens to break the silence Pinter de- That by far the world’s most dangerous scribed. In revealing a vast Orwellian police militants had hurled the drones was not a state apparatus servicing history’s greatest consideration. President Obama personally war-making machine, they illuminate the sends them every Tuesday. true extremism of the 21st century. Unprec- In his acceptance of the 2005 Nobel Prize edented, Germany’s Der Spiegel has de- in Literature, Harold Pinter referred to “a scribed the Obama administration as “soft vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed”. totalitarianism”. If the penny is finally fall- He asked why “the systematic brutality, the ing, we might all look closer to home. cT widespread atrocities” of the Soviet Union were well known in the West while Amer- John Pilger is a journalist, film maker and ica’s crimes were “superficially recorded, author. This piece originally appeared in let alone documented, let alone acknowl- London’s Guardian newspaper. take out a free subscription to coldtype anD we’LL give you this e-book Just send an e-mail to subs@coldtype. net with ‘subscribe’ in the subject line and we’ll send you a free e-book copy of Philip Kraske’s highly-acclaimed 436-page thriller fLight in february 8 coldtype | August 2013 trUth and SpIES / 3 Whose side are they on? fIf US mass media were state-controlled, would they look any different? asks Jeff Cohen The Edward Snowden leaks have re- for the Times and CNBC, not the CIA or FBI. vealed a US corporate media system When a huge swath of the country is on the new developments at war with independent journalism. side of the guy-on-the-run and not the govern- like wikileaks Many of the same outlets – especially ment, it’s much easier to see that there’s noth- and independent TV news – that missed the Wall Street melt- ing “objective” or “neutral” about journalists bloggers like glenn down and cheer-led the Iraq invasion have who so closely identify with the spy agencies greenwald may come to resemble state-controlled media out- or Justice Department or White House. scare the wits out lets in their near-total identification with the The standard exclusion of dissenting views of establishment government as it pursues the now 30-year-old – panels often span from hawk (“he’s a trai- media, but they whistleblower. tor who needs to be jailed”) to dove (“he may sure don’t scare While an independent journalism system have been well-intentioned but he needs to be young people or would be dissecting the impacts of NSA sur- jailed”) – offers yet another reason why young journalism students veillance on privacy rights, and separating people, more libertarian in their views, have fact from fiction, US news networks have ob- turned away from these outlets. Virtually no sessed on questions like: How much damage one speaks for them. While a TIME poll found has Snowden caused? How can he be brought 53 percent of respondents saying Snowden to justice? did “a good thing,” that was the sentiment of Unfazed by polls showing that half of the 70 percent of those age 18 to 34. American rabble – I mean, public – believe I teach college journalism classes about Snowden did a good thing by leaking docu- independent media. New developments like mentation of NSA spying, TV news panels WikiLeaks and independent bloggers like have usually excluded anyone who speaks Glenn Greenwald may scare the wits out of es- for these millions of Americans. Although TV tablishment media, but they sure don’t scare hosts and most panelists are not government young people or journalism students. officials, some have a penchant for speaking As media employees at elite outlets have of the government with the pronoun “We.” grown cozier with their government and cor- After Snowden made it out of Hong Kong porate sources (Sorkin is famously close with to Russia, New York Times journalist and Wall Street CEOs), they exhibit an almost in- CNBC talking head Andrew Ross Sorkin ex- stinctual antipathy toward those adversarial pressed his frustration: “We’ve screwed this journalists who challenge powerful elites day up, to even let him get to Russia.” By “we,” he after day. meant the US government. Look at the reactions of some top main- Last time I checked, Sorkin was working stream journalists to Greenwald, who built up August 2013 | coldtype 9 trUth and SpIES / 3 a big readership as a solo blogger before mov- blogger’s credentials as a journalist because the truth is ing his blog to Salon and then the Guardian, he’s also an advocate: “Greenwald has ap- that many of the where he broke the Snowden/NSA stories. I peared frequently on TV to plead Snowden’s greatest journalists know several journalism professors who view case as a whistleblower – an advocacy role in our country’s Greenwald as one of the world’s best journal- many mainstream journalists would be un- history – from ists. He’s known as accurate, thorough, well- comfortable with.” ida b. wells to documented and ethical. The Post article spoke of “the line between i.f. stone – were It was Sorkin, the New York Times guy, who journalism – traditionally, the dispassionate accurate reporters declared on CNBC that maybe Greenwald reporting of facts – and outright involvement of fact, but hardly should be arrested: “I told you this in the in the news seems blurrier than ever.” Liber- dispassionate green room – I would arrest him [Snowden] tarian journalist Matt Welch critiqued the ar- and now I’d almost arrest Glenn Greenwald, ticle as “historically illiterate.” who’s the journalist who seems to be out there, The truth is that many of the greatest jour- almost, he wants to help him get to Ecuador.” nalists in our country’s history – from Ida B. If it’s strange for a journalist to suggest Wells to I.F. Stone – were accurate reporters another journalist’s arrest, it was almost as of fact, but hardly dispassionate. And main- strange when Sorkin wrote in a Times column stream outlets have always had hybrid report- that he went down to check out the Occupy er/columnists offering both fact and advo- Wall Street encampment “after getting a call cacy; one of the most famous, David Broder, from the chief executive of a major bank.” graced the pages of the Washington Post for Sorkin concluded: “As I wandered around years, including its front page. the park, it was clear to me that most bankers Broder was a reporter, columnist and TV probably don’t have to worry about being in talking head – yet no one questioned whether imminent personal danger. This didn’t seem Broder was a genuine journalist. That’s be- like a brutal group – at least not yet.” cause, unlike Greenwald, the reporting and Another mainstream media star is NBC’s opinions of a David Broder were militantly David Gregory (seen literally dancing with pro-establishment, pro-bipartisan consensus. White House source Karl Rove in 2007). And Broder’s not alone as a hybrid report- Since he interviewed Greenwald on “Meet the er/columnist in the mainstream. Let’s not Press,” there’s been scrutiny of Gregory’s factu- forget the delightful pundit who wanted to ally-misleading question: “To the extent that “almost arrest” Greenwald. you have aided and abetted Snowden, even in His official Times bio states: “Andrew Ross his current movements, why shouldn’t you be Sorkin is a columnist, chief mergers and ac- charged with a crime?” And of Greenwald’s quisitions reporter, and editor of Dealbook for Jeff Cohen is an response: “I think it’s pretty extraordinary the New York Times.” associate professor that anybody who would call themselves a The reason Glenn Greenwald’s credentials of journalism and journalist would publicly muse about wheth- as a journalist are being questioned by some the director of er or not other journalists should be charged mainstreamers is not that he blurs the line the Park Center with felonies.” between journalist and advocate. It’s because for Independent But I’m just as bothered by Gregory’s re- of the anti-establishment content of his jour- Media at Ithaca tort – “Well, the question of who’s a journalist nalism and advocacy. cT College, founder of may be up to a debate with regards to what the media watch you’re doing” – and the ensuing discussion in Jeff Cohen is an associate professor of group FAIR. He is mainstream outlets questioning Greenwald’s journalism and the director of the Park Center the author of “Cable bona fides as a journalist. for Independent Media at Ithaca College, an News Confidential: A Washington Post article (“On NSA dis- founder of the media watch group FAIR, He My Misadventures closures, has Glenn Greenwald become some- is the author of “Cable News Confidential: My in Corporate Media” thing other than a reporter?”) questioned the Misadventures in Corporate Media” 10 coldtype | August 2013