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Optomechanical transducers for quantum information processing K. Stannigel1,2, P. Rabl1, A. S. Sørensen3, M. D. Lukin4, and P. Zoller1,2 1Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria 2Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria 3QUANTOP, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark and 4Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA (Dated: January 4, 2012) We discuss the implementation of optical quantum networks where the interface between sta- tionary and photonic qubits is realized by optomechanical transducers [K. Stannigel et al., PRL 105,220501(2010)]. Thisapproachdoesnotrelyontheopticalpropertiesofthequbitandthereby enablesopticalquantumcommunicationapplicationsforawiderangeofsolid-statespin-andcharge- based systems. We present an effective description of such networks for many qubits and give a derivation of a state transfer protocol for long-distance quantum communication. We also describe how to mediate local on-chip interactions by means of the optomechanical transducers that can be used for entangling gates. We finally discuss experimental systems for the realization of our proposal. PACSnumbers: 03.67.Hk,42.50.Wk,07.10.Cm 2 1 0 I. INTRODUCTION (a) 2 n a The distribution of quantum information between in- J dividual nodes of larger quantum networks is a key re- 2 quirement for many quantum information applications [1], in particular for long-distance quantum communi- ] (b) cation and quantum key distribution protocols [2]. In h p contrast to classical networks, quantum communication - channels must allow the distribution of entanglement, t n which is the essential resource that can be harnessed a by further local processing within the nodes. In build- u ing high-fidelity quantum channels over long distances, q OMT qubits encoded in propagating photons play a unique [ role, since they provide the only way to transmit quan- 2 tum information over kilometer distances [3, 4]. How- FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Elementary quantum network for v ever, also on a smaller scale rapid progress is made in the realization of state transfer protocols between two nodes 4 via the exchange of photons propagating along an optical thedesignofnano-fabricatedphotoniccircuitsforclassi- 9 fiber. Tunable qubit decay rates Γ allow for a controlled cal and quantum applications [5] and compared to elec- i 3 emission of the photon wave-packet and a perfect reabsorp- tric circuits [6, 7] or diverse qubit shuttling techniques 5 tion at the second node. (b) Schematic setup for implement- . [8, 9], such photonic circuits could provide a fast and ing effective qubit-light interfaces based on optomechanical 6 robust alternative for ’on-chip’ distribution of entangle- transducers (OMTs): The mechanical resonator mediates a 0 1 ment. Therefore, the development of coherent interfaces coupling between a solid-state qubit and the driven optical 1 between stationary and so-called ‘flying’ photonic qubits cavity mode. As a result, qubit excitations decay with an ef- : is one of the essential steps in realizing quantum net- fectiverateΓintothefiberviathecavityoutput(seetextfor v works and is commonly included in the list of key crite- details). i X ria for general purpose quantum information processing r platforms [10]. a Thefundamentaloperationtobecarriedoutinaquan- shownbyCiracetal.[11],thislevelofcontrolcanbeused tumnetworkisthetransferofanarbitraryquantumstate todesignadeterministicstatetransferprotocolbasedon |ψ(cid:105) between two nodes according to |ψ(cid:105) |0(cid:105) →|0(cid:105) |ψ(cid:105) , the tailored emission of a photon, which is subsequently 1 2 1 2 which together with local operations allows the genera- reabsorbed at a second node along an optical fiber (see tion of inter-node entanglement. Ideas for a physical im- Fig.1(a)). plementation of this basic building block have first been In parallel to the developments in the field of atomic developed in the context of atomic cavity QED. Here, qubits, substantial progress has been made on nano- qubits are stored in spin or hyperfine states of trapped fabricated solid-state qubits, including for example atomsorionsandcanbeselectivelyexcitedtootherelec- impurity-spins [12] in various host-materials (such as sil- tronic levels where they couple strongly to light. As was icon [13] or diamond [14, 15]), quantum dots [16, 17] 2 or superconducting devices [18–21]. In view of the re- calandopticalmodesandweanalyzetheperformanceof markable level of coherence and control that has already entangling operations mediated by this type of network. been achieved in such systems, the challenge is now to The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: identify a suitable interconnection with optical quantum InSectionIIwepresentadetaileddescriptionofasingle channelsalsoforthislargerclassofqubits. Thisis, how- OMT as depicted in Fig.1(b) and discuss the resulting ever, often hindered by lack of coherent optical transi- effective qubit-fiber interaction together with the rele- tionsortheincompatibilitywithlight. Earlysuggestions vantnoiseprocessesinthissystem. InSec.IIIweextend to overcome this problem have been made in the context the model to an arbitrary number of nodes and derive of hybrid systems, where, e.g., superconducting devices a cascaded master equation for this multiqubit network. arecoupledtoclose-byatomic[22–24],molecular[25,26] Further, we give a protocol for state-transfer between or spin systems [27–29]. An optical interface could then two nodes and assess its performance. In Sec.IV we in principle be realized by using, for example, the atoms thenstudyanon-chipsettingwheretheindividualnodes as a mediator. Recently, an alternative promising route are coupled by optical resonators with a discrete spec- has become available which is fully solid-state based and trumandanalyzetheprospectsforperformingentangling makes use of the quantized motion of macroscopic me- gates between the qubits. Finally, we discuss potential chanical resonators. In a cavity-optomechanical setting, experimentalrealizationsoftheproposedOMTinSec.V these resonators can coherently interact with light [30] and close with concluding remarks in Sec.VI. and their control near the single-quantum level has been demonstrated [31–34]. On the other hand, they can also interact with solid-state qubits via magnetic [35–37] or II. AN OPTOMECHANICAL INTERFACE electricfields[38–41], andtheseabilitiesmakethemnat- BETWEEN STATIONARY QUBITS AND LIGHT ural candidates for mediating indirect qubit-photon in- teractions, thereby realizing the desired qubit-light in- The aim of this work is to develop a theoretical terface. model for the description of optical quantum networks In a recent work [42] we proposed the use of such where the interconversion between stationary and pho- optomechanical transducers (OMTs) for the implemen- tonic qubits is realized by an OMT at each node. As a tation of optical communication protocols between two first step we will investigate in this section the dynamics solid-state qubits, while related ideas have also been dis- ofasinglenodeofsuchanetworkandderiveasimplified cussedinthecontextoftraveling-wavephonontophoton model for the effective qubit-light interactions mediated converters [43]. The basic idea of an OMT is illustrated by the OM device. in Fig.1(b), where a spin- or charge-based qubit is cou- pled to the motion of a mechanical resonator via mag- netic field gradients or electrostatic interactions. The A. Model resonatorinturninteractswiththefieldofanopticalcav- itymodeviaradiationpressureoropticalgradientforces We consider a single node of an optical network as as is currently experimentally explored with various dif- schematically shown in Fig.1(b), where the coupling be- ferent optomechanical (OM) settings [32–34, 44–46]. As tween a qubit and an optical fiber is mediated by an a result, this configuration induces effective interactions OMT. The total Hamiltonian for this system is between the qubit and photons which do not rely on the optical properties of the qubit system. Therefore, this H =H +H +H +H , (1) node fib cav-fib env approach in principle enables quantum communication applications for a large range of solid-state qubits. whereH describesthecoherentdynamicsofthequbit node The purpose of the present work is two-fold. In and the OM device, H the free evolution of the optical fib the first and main part of the paper we study long- fibermodes,andH thecouplingbetweencavityand cav-fib distance optomechanical quantum networks as intro- fiber. The last term in Eq.(1), H , summarizes all env duced in Ref. [42]. Here, we present a detailed analysis additional interactions with the environment leading to of the effective qubit-fiber interactions and derive a cas- decoherence as specified below. cadedmasterequationwhichdescribestheeffectivemul- Forageneraldiscussionweassumecompletelocalcon- tiqubit dynamics in such a network. In particular, we trol over the qubit, which is taken to be encoded in two describe the implementation of tunable qubit-fiber cou- states |0(cid:105) and |1(cid:105) of an isolated quantum system, and plings for quantum state transfer protocols and discuss which interacts with the quantized motion of a mechan- theroleofthermalnoiseandStokes-scatteringprocesses. ical resonator, e.g., via magnetic field gradients [36] or These are the two main noise sources which are typi- electrostatic interactions [38–41]. The mechanical res- cally absent in analogous atomic settings. In the second onator in turn is coupled to the field of an optical cavity part of the paper we then investigate the case of a single mode via radiation pressure or optical gradient forces. mode optical quantum channel relevant for optical on- In terms of the usual Pauli operators σ =|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1|−|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0| z chip communication schemes. In this setting, the qubits and σ− = |0(cid:105)(cid:104)1| for the qubit, and the bosonic operator are effectively connected by a finite number of mechani- b for the mechanical mode, the Hamiltonian H can node 3 be written in the form ((cid:126)=1) the case where the cavity mode is side-coupled to a fiber with left- and right-moving modes of a single relevant ω λ H = qσ + (σ−b†+σ+b)+H . (2) polarization (σ = R,L). In this case, the cavity-fiber node 2 z 2 om coupling is naively estimated to be proportional to the overlap integral Here, ω is the qubit’s energy splitting, λ the strength of q thequbit-resonatorcouplingandH istheHamiltonian om (cid:113) (cid:90) ∆z forthecoupledOMsystem. Wepointoutthatdepending κ (ω)∼ dz(cid:48)h(z(cid:48))e∓iωz(cid:48)/c, (4) R,L on the physical implementation, the Jaynes-Cummings −∆z type interaction assumed in Eq.(2) may emerge only as where h(z) is the mode function of the evanescent cav- an effective description of an underlying driven two- or ity field over the relevant interaction region of length multilevel system. In this case, also ω is an effective q 2∆z (see, e.g., Refs.[47, 48] for a detailed analysis of parameterwhichcandifferfromthebarefrequencyscales the coupling to a whispering-gallery mode cavity). For in the system. (This will be discussed in more detail ∆z (cid:38) λ , where λ is the vacuum cavity wavelength, in Sec.V where we consider the implementation of the c c we can roughly distinguish between two cases. For a Hamiltonian (2) for the specific examples of spin and standing-wave cavity mode h(z) ∼ cos(ω z/c) and pho- charge qubits.) c tons from the cavity will be emitted into both direc- The OM system consisting of a mechanical resonator tions (κ ≈ κ ), while for a running-wave mode such coupled to a single optical cavity mode is described by R L the Hamiltonian as h(z)∼eiωcz/c, a preferred emission into a specific di- rectioncanbeachieved(inthiscaseκ (cid:29)κ ). Although R L H =ω b†b+ω c†c+g c†c(b+b†) (3) inprinciplebothconfigurationscouldberelevantfordif- om r c 0 ferent quantum communication applications, we will for +iE(t)e−iωLtc†−iE∗(t)eiωLtc, concreteness focus in the following on the case where c describes a circulating running-wave cavity mode that where ω is the mechanical vibration frequency and c is r couples to the fiber according to the bosonic annihilation operator for the optical mode pofhofrteoqnuOenMcycωouc.plTinhgeaqnudacnotirtryesgp0on=dsa0to∂∂ωtxcheisopthtiecaslinfgrele- Hcav-fib =i(cid:112)2κf(cid:16)cfR†(z =0)−c†fR(z =0)(cid:17), (5) quency shift per zero point motion a . In the last line 0 of Eq.(3) we have included an additional external laser where fR(z) = √12π (cid:82)0∞dωaRωeiωz/c is the right- field of frequency ωL, which coherently excites the cav- propagatingfiber-field. Thecouplingofthecavitytothis ity field. As detailed below, this driving field will allow continuum of modes will lead to an irreversible decay of us to enhance and also to control the OM coupling by the cavity field at the rate κ ≡κ (ω ). f R c adjusting the slowly varying driving strength E(t). We To proceed, we eliminate the time-dependence in finally stress that the optical cavity might support ad- Eq.(3)bytransformingallphotonicoperatorstoaframe ditional degenerate modes which we ignored in writing rotating at the laser frequency. This amounts to replac- Eq.(3). As will be discussed below, this is valid as long ing H by om astheOMinteractiondoesnotcausescatteringbetween the degenerate modes. H¯ =ω b†b+∆ c†c+g c†c(b+b†) (6) om r c 0 +i(cid:0)E(t)c†−E∗(t)c(cid:1) , B. Quantum Langevin equations and H by H¯ = (cid:80) (cid:82) dω∆ a† a , where ∆ = fib fib σ ω σω σω c ω −ω and∆ =ω−ω arethedetuningsofthecavity The optical cavity of the OM system is coupled to the c L ω L and fiber modes from the laser frequency, respectively. modes of an optical fiber, which in the multinode set- We then use a standard Born-Markov approximation to tingconsideredbelowwillserveasourquantumcommu- eliminate the fiber modes [49] and describe the resulting nication channel. The fiber supports many continua of dissipative dynamics in terms of a quantum Langevin modesdescribedbybosonicoperatorsa ,normalizedto σω equation (QLE) for the cavity field, [a ,a† ]=δ δ(ω−ω(cid:48)), where σ labels, e.g., propa- σω σ(cid:48)ω(cid:48) σ,σ(cid:48) √ gation direction or polarization. The free fiber Hamilto- (cid:112) c˙≈−i[c,H ]−κc− 2κ f (t)− 2κ f (t). (7) nian is then simply given by H = (cid:80) (cid:82) dωωa† a . node f in 0 0 fib σ σω σω We assume that the OM system is located at position Here, we have introduced a total decay rate κ = κ + f z =0 along the fiber to which it is coupled according to κ , where κ accounts for additional intrinsic losses of 0 0 the optical cavity mode and f (t) is the associated noise (cid:88)(cid:90) ∞ dω (cid:16)(cid:112) (cid:17) 0 Hcav-fib =i σ 0 √π κσ(ω)ca†σω−h.c. , foRpe(r0a−t,otr).anWdefhouatv(et)f:u=rtfhRer(0d+e,fitn)ewdhoicpheroabteoyrsthfein(int)pu:=t- output relation (cid:112) where the coupling constants κ (ω) are defined in this σ (cid:112) way for later convenience. For definiteness, we consider f (t)≈f (t)+ 2κ c(t), (8) out in f 4 andwespecifyvacuumwhitenoisestatisticsforthefiber Inthestrongdrivingregimewhere|α(t)|2 (cid:29)1theOM input, i.e., [f (t),f†(t(cid:48))]=δ(t−t(cid:48)) and (cid:104)f (t)f†(t(cid:48))(cid:105)= coupling of Eq.(3) can be linearized: After going to the in in in in δ(t−t(cid:48)), as well as for f (t). In addition, the mechanical displaced operators in the QLEs(7),(9) and eliminating 0 resonancegenerallyhasafiniteintrinsicwidthandiscon- the classical forces, we drop terms of order g0 relative nected via its support to a thermal bath of temperature to those of order g0|α| and g0|α|2. The result of this T. This is commonly modeled by the QLE procedureisequivalenttoreplacingH¯ombythelinearized OM Hamiltonian γ √ b˙ =−i[b,H ]− mb− γ ξ(t), (9) node 2 m Hlin(t)=ω b†b+∆˜ (t)c†c+(G(t)c†+G∗(t)c)(b+b†). om r c where γ /2 is the decay rate of the mechanical ampli- (12) m tude. In contrast to the optical fields, the mechanical Here, we have introduced the laser-enhanced OM cou- noise is characterized by a thermal white noise opera- tor ξ(t) with statistics (cid:104)ξ(t)ξ†(t(cid:48))(cid:105) = (N +1)δ(t−t(cid:48)) pling G(t) = g0α(t), which describes interconversion m and [ξ(t),ξ†(t(cid:48))] = δ(t−t(cid:48)). Here, N is given by the between phonons and photons, as well as the renor- m malized cavity detuning ∆˜ (t) = ∆ + g (β + β∗) = Bose occupation number for a mode of frequency ω . In c c 0 the high-temperature case, where kBT (cid:29)(cid:126)ωr and hrence ∆c − 2|G(t)|2/ωr. Although the latter shift is small N (cid:29)1, therelevantthermaldecoherenceratewillturn in the regime of interest identified below, one has to m outtobeγmNm ≈ k(cid:126)BQT,whereQ=ωr/γm isthequality take it into account when varying G(t). We will drop the tilde in what follows and also note that we have ig- factor of the mechanical resonance and typically Q(cid:29)1. nored a contribution λ/2(β(t)σ++h.c.) to H , which Below,wewilloftentakethelimitγ →0andwhenever node m can be compensated by local fields acting on the qubit. doing so it is understood that we keep the decoherence Finally, if the cavity supports many degenerate modes rate γ N constant. m m c that couple to the mechanical resonator according to µ g (cid:80) c†c (b + b†), then only the OM coupling to the 0 µ µ µ C. Linearized equations of motion driven mode is enhanced. The others may then be ne- glected due to g (cid:28) |G|, which justifies our single-mode 0 treatment. However, this argument breaks down if there IntypicalexperimentstheOMcouplingg istoosmall 0 isphonon-assistedscatteringbetweenthemodes,i.e.,for to allow coherent interactions between the mechanical an interaction of the form g (cid:80) c†c (b+b†). system and individual cavity photons. Therefore, to 0 µ,ν µ ν In summary, the OM system can be described by an achieveanappreciableandalsotunablecouplingwecon- enhanced, linear coupling |G| (cid:29) g in Hlin between the sider the case of a strongly driven OM system where the 0 om resonator and an undriven cavity mode. The qubit dy- effective coupling between mechanics and light is ampli- namicsisdeterminedbytheHeisenbergequationsofmo- fied by the coherent field amplitude inside the cavity. tion Starting from the QLEs(7),(9), we perform a unitary transformation c → c+α and b → b+β such that the λ σ˙− =−iω σ−+i σ b, (13a) c-numbers α, β describe the classical mean values of the q 2 z modesandthenewoperatorscandbrepresentquantum σ˙ =−iλ(σ+b−b†σ−), (13b) fluctuationsaroundthem. Werequireanyclassical(that z is c-number) contributions to the transformed QLEs to and the linearized OM dynamics (QLEs(7),(9) with vanish,whichyieldsthefollowingsystemfortheclassical H → Hlin) can be written compactly by introducing om om response: the vectors v=(b,c,b†,c†)T and S=(σ−,0,−σ+,0)T: α˙ =−(i∆ +κ)α−ig (β+β∗)α+E(t), (10a) c 0 λ v˙(t)=−Mv(t)−i S(t)−N(t). (14) β˙ =−(iω +γ /2)β−ig |α|2 . (10b) 2 r m 0 ForE(t)=constandγ →0thesteadystatesolutionis Here, the drift matrix M describes the response of the m β =−g |α|2/ω with α determined from OM system and is explicitly given by 0 r E ω −iγm G∗ 0 ζG  α= . (11) r 2 i∆c+κ−2ig02|α|2/ωr M =i G0 ∆−cζ−Gi∗κ −ω ζ−Giγm −0G  , r 2 This relation is still approximately valid if E(t) is slowly −ζG∗ 0 −G∗ −∆ −iκ c varying compared to the characteristic response time. (15) This means, e.g., E˙(t)/E(t) (cid:28) κ,∆ ,ω for the case c r |α|g (cid:28)∆ ,ω whichisofrelevancebelow. Withinthese where ζ = 1 gives the full linearized OM coupling 0 c r limits, a desired temporal profile α(t) can be directly re- and ζ = 0 corresponds to the often-applied rotating lated to the applied laser power and phase by means of wave approximation (RWA), which is valid for κ,|G| (cid:28) Eq.(11). For more rapid variations the system (10) has ∆ ≈ ω and renders the coherent part of the dy- c r tobeintegratedexactlytocaptureallretardationeffects. namics excitation-number- or energy-conserving. The 5 noise sources driving the OM system are summarized in γ ≈ κ/2 in the two respective limits. As γ is the op op N(t) = (cid:112)2κ I(t) + R(t), where I(t) = (0,f ,0,f†)T rate at which mechanical excitations are converted into f in in represents the fiber input-field and the intrinsic noise is traveling photons, it sets a maximal transfer rate for the √ √ √ √ contained in R(t) = ( γmξ, 2κ0f0, γmξ†, 2κ0f0†)T. OMT. We expect γop (cid:29) γm/2 for typical parameters, The statistics of these noise vectors follow directly from which justifies taking limit γm →0. the definitions in the previous subsection and can also We now consider the experimentally relevant regime be found in App.B. We finally note that the system de- where the qubit-resonator coupling λ is small com- scribed by M generally exhibits self-oscillations for blue pared either to γop or to the detuning from the near- detuning ∆ < 0 as well as bi-stability for red detuning est normal mode, that is, the regime where λ (cid:28) c ∆c > 0 and strong coupling |G|2 > (κ2 + ∆2c)ωr/4∆c max(γop,min(|ω±−ωq|)). In this limit, the dynam- (see, e.g., Ref.[50]). However, in this work we will only ics of the OM system is fast compared to the qubit- consider parameters where these phenomena do not oc- resonator coupling and can hence be adiabatically elim- cur. inated, yielding the desired effective description of the OMT. To this end, we formally integrate Eq.(14) to ob- tain D. Effective qubit-light interface λ(cid:90) t v(t)=v (t)−i dse−M(t−s)S(s), (16) free 2 ThedynamicsofasinglenodeasdescribedbyEqs.(13) −∞ and (14) allows for a coherent conversion of a qubit ex- where we have neglected transients and v (t) = citation into a photon propagating in the optical fiber, free −(cid:82)t dse−M(t−s)N(s) is the OM steady state solution as is indicated in Fig.2(a): First, the excitation is trans- −∞ ferred to the mechanical resonator at a rate ∼ λ, from in the absence of the qubit (see Eq.(14) for λ→0). We where it is then up-converted by the excitation-number may now in a Born-Markov approximation and to low- conservingtermsoftheOMinteractionintoacavitypho- est order in λ replace the qubit operators by their free ton with a rate ∼ G, and subsequently emitted into the evolution, i.e., σ−(s) = σ−(t)eiωq(t−s) and re-insert the fiber at a rate ∼ κ . At the same time, this transfer is result into Eq.(13). By keepingonly the resonant terms, f affected by decoherence in form of mechanical dissipa- we obtain effective QLEs for the qubit operators, tion and photon loss, thereby degrading the fidelity of (cid:20) Γ(cid:21) √ the interface under realistic conditions. Our goal is now σ˙− =− i(ω +∆ )+ σ−− Γσ F (t), (17a) to derive a simplified model for the interface which cap- q 0 2 z in tures all of these aspects in an effective description for √ (cid:16) (cid:17) σ˙ =−Γ(1+σ )+ 4Γ σ+F (t)+F†(t)σ− , the qubit-fiber coupling only. z z in in To proceed, let us first look at the dynamics of the (17b) linearized OMT, which is fully characterized by the drift (cid:112) matrix M defined in Eq.(15) (see also Ref.[51] for an with noise operators F (t) = −i λ2/4Γb (t). From in free extensive discussion). It has two independent eigenval- Eq.(8) we further obtain an effective input-output rela- ues which we identify with iω +γ , where ω > 0 are tion for the fiber field, ± ± ± the frequencies and γ the decay rates of the associated ± √ (cid:112) OMnormalmodes(theremainingeigenvaluesaresimply f (t)≈f (t)+ 2κ c (t)− ηΓeiφσ−(t). (18) out in f free complex conjugates). We take G to be real and positive for simplicity and focus on the case ∆ ≈ω relevant for In Eqs.(17)-(18) we have introduced the effective decay c r resonant excitation transfer, where we can distinguish rate Γ and frequency shift ∆ by the relations 0 between two regimes: For weak OM coupling, G < κ/2, the resonator and cavity modes retain their respective λ2 λ2 Γ= Re{A (ω )}, ∆ = Im{A (ω )}, (19) characters and we have, e.g., ω− ≈ ωr, ω+ ≈ ∆c. How- 2 11 q 0 4 11 q ever, due to a small admixing between the modes the optical cavity provides an additional decay channel for where A(ω)=(M −iω1)−1 is the OM response matrix. the mechanical system and can lead to significant mod- Further, η = κ /κ is the branching ratio resulting from f ifications of the mechanical damping rate. In the limit intrinsic cavity decay and φ=arg{iA (ω )}. Note that 21 q G(cid:28)κitisgivenbyγ =γ /2+G2/κ(seeleftpanelof in writing Eq.(18) we have neglected small corrections − m Fig.2(b). In the opposite regime of strong OM coupling, related to finite γ , as well as non-RWA corrections and m G > κ/2, resonator and cavity hybridize and the OM counter-rotating terms ∝σ+(t). system exhibits a normal mode splitting (ω ≈ω ±G). The effective equations of motion (17) together with ± r This hybridization also implies that both modes decay the input-output relation (18) are familiar from atom- with the same rate γ ≈ κ/2 (right panel of Fig.2(b)). light interactions [49] and describe a two level system ± In more general terms we can introduce an OM damp- which is directly coupled to an optical fiber with an ef- ing rate γ , which for arbitrary parameters is defined fectivedecayrateΓ. TheOMsystemwhichmediatesthis op as γ = min{γ ,γ } and reproduces γ ≈ G2/κ and interaction has disappeared from the dynamics, but still op + − op 6 (a) (c) (d) 0.15 0.7 0.6 1.5 qubit resonator cavity fiber 0.5 0.1 OMT 0.4 (b) 1 0.3 0.05 0.2 0.1 0 0.5 0 OMT OMT 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 FIG.2. (Coloronline)(a)Levelschemeillustratingthedecayofaqubitexcitationintothefiber(onlyprocessescorresponding toζ =0areshow). ThedashedboxrepresentstheOMTandwavyarrowsindicatemechanicaldiffusionandintrinsiccavityloss. (b)LevelstructureoftheOMTasseenbythequbit. Wavyarrowsindicatedecayintotheopticalfiberatγ ≈min{G2/κ,κ/2} op intheregimesofweak(left)andstrong(right)OMcoupling. (c)Effectivequbit-decayΓasafunctionofthelinearOMcoupling Gandthequbitfrequencyω asgivenbyEq.(19). Wehaveusedκ=0.05ω andγ =0,and∆ =ω issatisfiedatG=3κ/2. q r m c r (d) Γ as a function of cavity detuning and qubit frequency, where G=3κ/2 at ∆ =ω . The dashed lines in (c),(d) indicate c r possible paths for tuning Γ between ∼0 and ∼λ2/2κ (see text). determinesΓ,∆ ,φ,whichcanthusbecontrolledbyap- while the qubit frequency is fixed at ω ≈ ω − 3κ/2 0 q r propriately adjusting OM parameters. This can be seen and ω ≈∆ . This corresponds to tuning the lower nor- r c in more detail from the expression for the decay rate, mal mode in and out of resonance with the qubit, such that Γ can be varied within a certain range [Γ ,Γ ]. min max λ2G2κ/2 For G → 0 the qubit is far detuned by δ = |ω −ω | Γ≈ , (20) q r (G2+(∆ −ω )(ω −ω ))2+κ2(ω −ω )2 from the resonator mode to which it couples and there- c q q r q r fore, the effective decay rate is suppressed according to wherewehaveassumedζ =0andγ →0. Aplotofthe Γ ∼ λ2γ /2δ2 ≈ λ2G2/2κδ2, which realizes Γ → 0. m op min full expression from Eq.(19) is given in Fig.2(c) for the A residual decay is still provided by mechanical damp- case ω ≈ ∆ and one clearly observes the underlying ing Γ ≈ λ2γ /4δ2, which, however, is negligible for r c min m mode structure of the OM system as discussed above. the parameters considered below. By increasing G up to The decay Γ is suppressed if the qubit is detuned from ∼ 3κ/2 we reach the opposite limit of strong OM cou- the OM eigenmodes, while under resonance conditions, pling, where the lower OM normal mode is in resonance ω ≈ ω , it scales as Γ ∼ λ2/γ , and we obtain Γ ≈ with the qubit and a maximal decay of Γ =λ2/2κ is q ± op max λ2κ/2G2 andΓ≈λ2/2κintheweakandstrongcoupling achieved. Withintheselimits,adesiredtime-dependence regime, respectively. oftheeffectivedecayΓ(t)canthusdirectlybetranslated As we will discuss in more detail in Sec.IIIC below, it into a profile G(t) via Eq.(19). isessentialfortheimplementationofdeterministicquan- Similarly, we can vary the cavity frequency along the tumstatetransferprotocolswithinquantumnetworksto dashed line in Fig.2(d), where we chose ωq ≈ωr−3κ/2 havecontrolovertheshapeoftheemittedphoton,which and it is assumed that the driving laser is at constant canbeaccomplishedbyconsideringatime-dependentde- power. This means that G varies according to Eq.(11), cay rate Γ→Γ(t). To achieve this, we may make use of whichhasbeenincludedintheplot. WechooseG=3κ/2 the fact that in principle any of the OM parameters en- at ∆c = ωr, such that Γmax for this path is the same tering Γ could be varied in an experiment, that is, we as for the previous one. Starting from this point, the consider Γ(t) = Γ(G(t),∆ (t),ω (t),...). The effective effective decay can be turned off by increasing the cavity c q Markovian description of the qubit dynamics and the al- detuning as far as needed, with a residual decay due to gebraic relation in Eq.(19) remain valid as long as the the resonator as before. OM parameters are tuned slowly relative to the time- scale of the effective resonator decay 1/γ , such that op G˙/G (cid:28) γ , etc. In this sense we may adiabatically E. Noise and imperfections op adjust the effective qubit decay rate and hence acquire control over the generated signal photon. As already mentioned above, the OMT does not only Examples. As a specific example we consider tuning mediate the desired coherent interactions between the theOMcouplingalongapathasindicatedbythedashed qubit and the optical channel, but under realistic con- linein Fig.2(c). Here, G(t)variesbetween0and ∼3κ/2 ditions also adds noise. In the effective QLEs(17) this 7 noise appears first of all in form of the operator F (t), γ → 0, and ω = ∆ this quantity can be estimated 1 in m r c whichgenerallyrepresentsaneffectivenon-vacuuminput to be N (Γ−1) ≈ γ N /Γ+(κ/Γ)(G2/ω2), and for a ex m m r that heats the qubit. Second, noise processes also affect qubitresonantwithanOMmodewemayuseΓ∼λ2/γ op the out-field f (t) given in Eq.(18) where on the one to obtain the scaling out hand the term c (t) represents excess photons which areemittedintotfhreeefiberindependentlyofthequbitstate N (Γ−1)∼ γo2p (cid:18)γmNm + κ G2(cid:19) . (24) and on the other hand η < 1 accounts for loss of qubit ex λ2 γ γ ω2 op op r excitations through the cavity’s intrinsic decay channels. While the terms in parentheses are small under the low Let us first look at the noise operator F (t) which ap- in noise conditions identified above, the prefactor is much pears in the QLEs (17) for the qubit. From its definition larger than one due to the condition γ (cid:29) λ underpin- in terms of the OM drift matrix M we see that two-time op ning the adiabatic elimination. The number of excess correlations of F (t) decay with γ (cid:29)Γ. Therefore, on in op photons may thus exceed one and make the signal pho- the scale of the effective qubit dynamics, it can be con- ton difficult to detect in general. However, this estimate sidered as nearly white noise and is characterized by an did not take into account the fact that the qubit emits effective occupation number in a bandwidth Γ around ω , while the OM noise floor q (cid:90) ∞ is spread over a bandwidth γ . Therefore, we expect N =2Re dt(cid:104)F†(t)F (0)(cid:105)e−iωqt. (21) op 0 in in that the excess photons can be substantially reduced to 0 N (Γ−1)Γ/γ by appropriate filtering, which cancels ex op ThisexpressioncanbereadilyevaluatedinFourierspace the large factor γ2 /λ2 appearing in Eq.(24). Indeed, as shown in App.B and for γ →0 we obtain op m we find below that the OMT at a second node provides γ N κ2+(∆ −ω )2 κ2+(∆ −ω )2 exactly this filtering. N ≈ m m c q + c q . (22) 0 2κ G2 4∆ ω c q The first contribution (given for ζ = 0) is due to the III. QUANTUM NETWORKS thermalnoiseoftheresonator’senvironmentandroughly scales as γmNm/γop. The second contribution to N0 de- With the concept of the OMT laid out in the previous scribesheatingduetonon-energy-conservingtermsinthe sectionwearenowreadytoconsideraquantumnetwork, OM coupling, ∼ Gc†b†, and accounts for photons scat- where the OMTs in the various nodes serve to link the tered from the strong driving beam into the cavity while qubits to a common optical fiber, as depicted in Fig.1. simultaneously creating a mechanical excitation. We see To obtain an effective description of the multiqubit dy- that for a qubit on resonance with an OM normal mode namics, we proceed as before by linearizing the OM cou- (ωq ≈ ∆c ± G) the conditions for small thermal noise plings and eliminating the coupled OMTs. We will then are γmNm (cid:28) γop, while to reduce the Stokes scattering discuss how to realize a state-transfer within a two-node events we need κ,G(cid:28)∆c,ωr. The latter conditions de- network. The Hamiltonian for the complete network is a scribe the so-called resolved side-band regime and there- straight-forward generalization of Eq.(1) and reads: fore,weconcludethattheconditionsforalownoiseOMT are equivalent to the requirements for OM ground state H =(cid:88)(cid:0)Hi +Hi +Hi (cid:1)+H , (25) node cav-fib env fib cooling [31]. i The second type of noise is the contamination of the where Hi is given by Eq.(2) with appropriate node cavity output with noise photons originating from up- node indices added and Hi summarize decoherence effects. converted thermal noise or Stokes scattering events, as env We assume that the output of a given cavity is routed described by the term ∝ c (t) in Eq.(18). To ana- free to the next, which is, e.g., realized by side-coupling all lyze the effect of these excess photons let us in a first cavitiestotheright-movingfieldinthefiberasdescribed step imagine that at time t = 0 the qubit is prepared by in the excited state and that we record the number of photons emitted into the fiber during a time-interval Hi =i(cid:112)2κi (cid:16)c f†(z )−c†f (z )(cid:17) . (26) T ∼ 1/Γ. The observed photon number is given by cav-fib f i R i i R i N(T)=(cid:82)T dt(cid:104)f† f (cid:105)(t)andforsimplicity,weassume 0 out out Here, f (z ) is the right-moving field operator defined that the qubit operator evolves according to σ−(t) = R i after Eq.(5) and the nodes are located at positions z < e−(Γ/2+iωq)tσ−(0),whilebeinguncorrelatedwithcfree(t). i WethenobtainN(T)=1−e−ΓT+N (T)withthenum- ex ber of excess photons given by 1 The steady state cavity occupation can be expressed Nex(T)=2κf(cid:90) T dt(cid:104)c†freecfree(cid:105)(t), (23) adsefin(cid:104)ecd†c(cid:105)friene A=pp.(cid:82)B.d2πωCN212e1g(ωle)c,tingwithnonth-ReWAmatricxorreCc1t1io(ωns) 0 to the thermal contribution, we obtain (cid:104)c†c(cid:105) ≈ free which simply yields Nex(T) = 2κfT (cid:104)c†freecfree(cid:105)(0) for (cid:82) d2πω(cid:0)γmNm|A21(ω)|2+2κ|A24(ω)|2(cid:1) which we evaluate time-independentOMparameters. ForT =Γ−1,κ0 =0, toleadingorderinG2/ωr2 [52]. 8 z along the fiber, with c denoting the driven cavity where vi = (b ,c ,b†,c†)T and Mi is defined as i+1 i i i i i mode at node i. in Eq.(15). The vector Ii(t) = (0,f ,0,f† )T in,i in,i In a first step, we eliminate the modes of the optical contains the fiber-input of node i, while Ri(t) = fiber in a procedure similar to the one in Sec.IIB. For (√γ ξ ,√2κ f ,√γ ξ†,√2κ f† )T summarizes local eachnode,weobtainaninput-outputrelationoftheform m i 0 0,i m i 0 0,i noise inputs. (8) and in addition, we find a cascaded coupling where the output of a given cavity drives the subsequent one [49, 53]: A. Ideal effective qubit network √ c˙ (t)≈i[Hi ,c ]−κ c (t)− 2κ f (t), i node i f i f in,i We derive an effective description of the qubits on fin,i(t)≈fout,i−1(t−τi,i−1)eiωLτi,i−1. the basis of the assumption that their coupling to the resonators is slow compared to the OM dynamics (cf. Here,Hi inHi isreplacedbytheanalogueofEq.(6), om node Sec.II). This allows us to eliminate the OM degrees of τ = (z − z )/c is the propagation time between the ij i j freedom and most importantly, we expect the qubits nodes and f (t) = f (t) is a vacuum white-noise in,1 in to inherit the cascaded nature of the coupling present operator. To simplify notation, we assume quantities between the cavities. We have seen before that a sin- √ without index to be the same for all nodes and define gle OMT mediates a qubit-fiber coupling ∼ Γ, and rotated and retarded photonic operators, i.e., c (t) → i we hence expect the effective cascaded coupling between eiωLzi/cci(t−zi/c) and similarly for fin,i, fout,i, Ei. All qubitsiandj duetoemissionandre-absorptionofapho- otherquantitiesareredefinedas,e.g.,b (t)→b (t−z /c) (cid:112) i i i tontoscaleas Γ Γ . Thegeneraleliminationprocedure i j andwecanthenshiftthetimeintheQLEsfornodeiac- is presented in App.A and B and for later convenience cordingtot→t+z /c. Includinglocaldissipativeeffects i inderivingthestatetransferprotocolanddiscussingim- as above, the full OM QLEs for λ→0 read perfections, we present the results in a master equation (ME)formulationforthereducedqubitdensityoperator γ √ b˙i(t)=i[Hniode,bi]− 2mbi− γmξi(t), (27) µ. √ √ To focus on the key points, we postpone the general c˙ (t)=i[Hi ,c ]−κc − 2κ f (t)− 2κ f (t), i node i i f in,i 0 0,i situationtothenextsubsectionandfirstdiscusstheide- alizedcaseinwhichwe(i)taketheOMcouplinginRWA where the cascaded coupling is encoded in the input- (ζ =0)and(ii)assumealladditionaldecaychannelsand output relation noise sources to be zero. The general effective ME (B1) √ then assumes a very simple form: f (t)=f (t)=f (t)+ 2κ c (t). (28) in,i+1 out,i in,i f i µ˙ =L µ+L µ. (31) Now, we can treat the classical laser drives by making 0 ideal the replacements ci → ci + αi and bi → bi + βi, and Here, L µ = −i(cid:80) ω˜i[σi,µ]/2 is the renormalized free from the requirement of vanishing classical forces on the 0 i q z qubit Liouvillian with ω˜i = ω +∆ , where the shifts shifted operators we obtain the system q q 0,i ∆ are defined below. The second term describes the 0,i α˙ =−(i∆ +κ)α −ig (β +β∗)α +Eeff, (29a) ideal cascaded interaction [49] and reads i c i 0 i i i i β˙i =−(iωr+γm/2)βi−ig0|αi|2 . (29b) L µ=−iH µ+iµH† +SµS†, (32) ideal eff eff Here, Eeff = E −2κ (cid:80) α is the effective coherent H =−iS†S− i (cid:88)(cid:112)Γ Γ (cid:0)σ+σ−−σ−σ+(cid:1) , i i f j<i j eff 2 2 i j i j i j drive for node i, which is the superposition of the lo- i>j cal drive and the output of previous cavities. By taking (33) this accumulation into account, it is in principle pos- √ sible to control the classical fields in the cavities inde- whereS =(cid:80) Γ σ− isthecollectivejumpoperatorand i i i pendently. However, by considering schemes with more thesingle-qubitdecayratesΓ aregivenbelow. Thefirst, i than one cavity per node [42, 43], one could also pre- anti-hermitiantermintheeffectiveHamiltonianH en- eff vent the classical control signals from propagating down sures that L is of Lindblad form with a single jump ideal the fiber in the first place and thereby achieve indepen- operator S and the second, hermitian term describes the dent tunability more easily. The steady state for each αi coherent part of the fiber-induced dynamics. In writing is given by Eq.(11) with the replacement E → Eeff and the above equations, we have further absorbed phases i similar statements on adiabaticity apply. Provided that e−iθiσ− →σ− into the qubit operators to simplify nota- i i |αi|2 (cid:28) 1, we may linearize the OM coupling as before tion 2. Note that the two-qubit terms in the hermitian andtheresonatorsandcavitiesarethendescribedbythe linear system √ v˙i(t)=−Mivi(t)−Ri(t)− 2κfIi(t). (30) 2 The two-qubit terms are determined by the cascaded coupling 9 andnon-hermitianpartsofH havethesamemagnitude eff and a specific phase-relation, such that they actually in- terfere to produce the cascaded coupling. This is more evident when rewriting H as eff H =−i(cid:88)Γi σ+σ−−i(cid:88)(cid:112)Γ Γ σ+σ−. (34) eff 2 i i i j i j i i>j Apart from generating single-qubit decays, this Hamil- tonian may transfer excitations from qubit j to a sub- FIG. 3. (Color online) Accumulation of noise in a cas- sequent qubit i > j, but not in the other direction. As caded network where. Thick, wavy arrows denote noise pho- expected, these cascaded interactions take place on the (cid:112) tons (red, single-headed) and noise phonons (green, double- scale Γ Γ and we will exploit them to perform a state i j headed). Each node emits noise photons generated by transfer below. non-RWA scattering events or by up-conversion of thermal The effective quantities entering the above ME are phonons. At successive nodes, these noise photons may be given by the dynamical properties of the underlying down-converted and lead to decoherence of the qubits (thin multinode OM system. To determine the cascaded dy- wavy arrows). namics we use the general relations from App.B, λ2 λ2 in SecII, the effects of the thermal noise and non-RWA Γi+2i∆0,i = 2 Xii(ωq), Jij = 4 Xij(ωq), (35) corrections for a single node are two-fold: They lead to heatingoftheattachedqubitaswellascontaminationof wherethecascadedcouplingJ determinesthetwo-qubit the OMT’s output with noise photons. In a multiqubit ij terms in H . The correlation function X (ω) is gener- network, these noise photons naturally affect successive eff ij ally defined as nodes and when moving down the fiber we expect an ac- cumulation of noise, as illustrated in Fig.3. The general (cid:90) ∞ X (ω)= dτ(cid:104)[b (τ),b†(0)](cid:105) eiωτ, (36) ME for an N-node network capturing all these imperfec- ij i j free tions is derived in App.B and reads: 0 where the subscript “free” denotes the expectation value µ˙ = 1(cid:88)(cid:110)−iω˜i[σi,µ]+Γ D[σ−]µ(cid:111) (37) in the steady state of the OM dynamics in the absence 2 q z i i i of the qubits as described by Eqs.(28) and (30). It can −(cid:88)(cid:0)J (cid:2)σ+,σ−µ(cid:3)+J∗ (cid:2)µσ+,σ−(cid:3)(cid:1) be evaluated using the quantum regression theorem [49] ij i j ij j i with the initial condition (cid:104)[b (0),b†(0)](cid:105) = δ . Defin- i>j i(nMgit−heiωO1M)−1,rewspeofinnsed imnagterinixeroafljtnhoadteXfreie(aωs)A=iji(Aωiq)(ω=) + 12(cid:88)ΓiNi(cid:0)(cid:2)(cid:2)σi+,µ(cid:3),σi−(cid:3)+(cid:2)σi+,(cid:2)µ,σi−(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:1) ii 11 i and also that Jij = 0 for i < j, which yields the uni- +(cid:88)D (cid:2)(cid:2)σ+,µ(cid:3),σ−(cid:3) , directionality of the coupling. In contrast, for i > j the ij j i i(cid:54)=j correlationfunctiondescribesthepropagationofasignal from node j to node i including various filtering and ab- where D[a]µ=2aµa†−a†aµ−µa†a is a Lindblad term sorption effects taking place at intermediate nodes (see with jump operator a. The first two lines contain the App.B for details). For the idealized case considered in fiber-induced decay and cascaded coupling of the qubits thissection, theseeffectsonlyamounttoaphaseandwe as discussed in the previous subsection, with the associ- (cid:112) obtain |Jij|= ΓiΓj as expected. ated rates Γi and Jij given in Eq.(35). The renormal- ized qubit frequencies are given by ω˜i = ω +∆ , with q q i ∆ = ∆ +∆ , where the second, thermal contribu- i 0,i th,i B. Full master equation tion∆ isnegligibleforourpurposes(seethediscussion th,i in AppB). In contrast, the last two lines describe addi- The ideal picture presented in the previous subsection tional decoherence processes, characterized by effective has to be refined in order to discuss the impact of the bath occupation numbers N and the rates of correlated i various imperfections. As has already been discussed diffusion D . These quantities are given by ij λ2 λ2 Γ N = Y (ω ), D = Y (ω ), (38) i i 4 ii q ij 4 ij q Jij introducedinEq.(35)(cid:112). InOMRWAandforγm=κ0=0it whereYij(ω)isdeterminedbytheOMdynamicsaccord- can be written as Jij = ΓiΓjexp[i(θi−θj)] for i > j, where ing to θi=φi+(cid:80)in−=112φn withφn =arg{iAn21(ωq)}andGi takento (cid:90) ∞ bσie−r.ealforsimplicity. Thisstructureallowstoabsorbe−iθiσi−→ Yij(ω)= −∞dτ(cid:104)b†i(τ)bj(0)(cid:105)freee−iωτ, (39) 10 andthepropertyY (ω)=Y∗(ω)ensuresthattheN are many rather quantitative corrections of the decay rates ij ji i real. Finally, we note that the explicit Lindblad form of and cascaded couplings as compared to the RWA case, (cid:112) Eq.(37) is in general not very illuminating and also te- suchasthefactthattherelation|J |≈ Γ Γ becomes ij i j dious to compute except for special cases as given below approximate. However, the general picture of emission or in the previous subsection. Nevertheless, it is ensured and reabsorption of qubit excitations as conveyed by the bytheproperty(cid:104)b†i(τ)bj(0)(cid:105)free =(cid:104)b†i(0)bj(−τ)(cid:105)free ofthe ideal cascaded Liouvillian Lideal remains valid. OM correlation functions that the qubit density opera- tor µ remains positive semi-definite under the evolution described by Eq.(37) (see Ref.[54]). 3. Accumulation of noise In the previous subsection, we assumed the idealized conditions of vanishing intrinsic decays κ = γ = 0, In Sec.IIE we have discussed the photonic noise 0 m and ζ = 0. In this limit, we obtain N = 0, D = 0, present in the output of a single OMT. Clearly, in the i ij and|J |=(cid:112)Γ Γ ,whichallowsonetorewritetheresult current multinode setting these noise photons will prop- ij i j Eq.(37)inthesimpleformofEq.(31). Wewillnowrelax agate down the fiber and affect successive qubits (see these restrictions to discuss the influence of the various Fig.3). Sincethelocalnoisesources(encapsulatedinthe imperfections and give the conditions under which their Ri(t) in Eq.(30)) are uncorrelated, we expect the effec- effects are small. tive bath occupation numbers to scale with the number of preceding nodes, i.e., N ∝ i. To be more specific, we i approximate them as 1. Intrinsic cavity decays N ≈N +N . (41) i 0,i c,i Fornon-vanishingintrinsiccavitydecayκ onlyapor- Here, N is the local contribution as given before in 0 0,i tion η =κ /κ of the qubit excitation is actually emitted Eq.(22) and the effect of previous nodes is summarized f into the fiber, while the rest gets lost to other channels. by the cascaded occupation number N . Neglecting a c,i For the simple case of two nodes and ζ = 0, the ME non-RWApre-factortoN ,itisdefinedasthespectrum c,i can be written exactly as the sum of a reduced cascaded of the cavity input evaluated at the qubit frequency, i.e., interaction plus additional on-site decays: Nc,i = (cid:82)−∞∞dτ(cid:104)fi†n,i(τ)fin,i(0)(cid:105)freee−iωqτ and we have N =0 for the first node. c,1 µ˙ =L µ+ηL µ+(1−η)(cid:88)2 ΓiD[σ−]µ, (40) More explicitly, for the case of N = 2 nodes, the cas- 0 ideal 2 i caded noise is simply determined by the output of the i=1 firstcavityanditcanbeexpressedasN =2κ C11(ω ), c,2 f 22 q with the steady-state correlation matrix C11(ω) defined with Γ given in Eq.(20). For more than two nodes the i in App.B. Assuming that the first qubit is on resonance ME is less simple, since every cavity provides an ad- with one of its associated OM normal modes, we obtain ditional decay channel with an associated jump oper- for κ,|G|(cid:28)ω =∆ : ator involving all previous qubits. Therefore, we only r c note that the cascaded couplings decay exponentially κ (cid:18) γ N κ |G|2(cid:19) √wiΓth|tthe.n.u.tmbe|r(cid:112)oΓf inwtheerrmeetd(iaωte)=noCdeis,(ωi.e).a,re|Jtirja|n=s- Nc,2 ≈ κf 2 mγopm + γop ωr2 χ, (42) i i−1 j+1 j i q 22 q fer amplitudes of the intermediate cavities with the ma- where χ = 1 for weak OM coupling (|G| ≤ κ/2) and tricesCi(ω)definedinApp.B.Forκ0 (cid:28)κf and∆c =ωr χ = 1|G|2/(|G|2 − 3 κ2) ≤ 2 for strong OM coupling we find 1−|t |(cid:46)2κ /κ . 2 16 i 0 f (|G|>κ/2). When comparing this to the naive estimate for the excess noise given in Eq.(24), we note that we haveobtainedthescalingN ∼N (Γ−1)Γ/γ ∼N . c,2 ex op 0,1 2. Non-RWA corrections This means that the OMT at the second node provides exactly the filtering needed to suppress the noise origi- The most important effect of the non-RWA terms in nating from the first node (cf. Sec.IIE). Therefore, we the OM coupling is the appearance of additional con- conclude that exchanging a single photon between two tributions to the single- and multiqubit noise terms due nodes of the quantum network is in principle possible. to Stokes scattering, as has already been discussed for For completeness, we briefly consider the general case the single-qubit case in Sec.II (see Eq.(22)). Since ex- of many nodes. To get a quantitative picture, it is again plicit expressions for these contributions are lengthy and instructive to consider the simple case of ζ = 0 and not very illuminating, we only mention that their effect κ = 0, such that for γ → 0 the only imperfection is 0 m scales as κ2/ω2, |G|2/ω2 and they are therefore small in mechanicaldiffusionatrateγ N . Inthiscase,Eq.(41) r r m m theresolved-sidebandlimit. Note,however,thatthenon- holds exactly and we obtain RWA terms in the various nodes are in principle phase- (cid:88) coherent, which can lead to non-trivial interference ef- Nc,i = 2κf|An21(ωq)|2γmnNmn , (43) fects. Apart from the additional noise, one also obtains n<i

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