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Contributors P. C. Claspy C. Forbes Dewey, Jr. Jerry A. Gelbwachs P. L. Kelley Lloyd B. Kreuzer M. B. Robin Allan Rosencwaig John D. Stettler Norman M. Witriol OPTO ACOUSTIC SPECTROSCOPY AND DETECTION Edited by YOH-HAN PAO Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics School of Engineering Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1977 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT © 1977, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Optoacoustic spectroscopy and detection. Includes bibliographies. , 1. Optoacoustic spectroscopy. I. Pao, Yoh-han. QD96.06067 535 .84 76-52728 ISBN 0-12-544150-9 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA List of Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. P. C. Claspy (133), Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio C. Forbes Dewey, Jr. (47), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mas­ sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Jerry A. Gelbwachs (79), Chemistry and Physics Laboratory, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California P.L.Kelley (113), Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology, Lexington, Massachusetts Lloyd B. Kreuzer (1), Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California M. B. Robin (167), Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey Allan Rosencwaig* (193), Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey John D. Stettler (27), U.S. Army Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Laboratory, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Norman M. Witriol (27), U.S. Army Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Laboratory, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama * Present address: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, California. vii Preface This book is an introduction to the principles and practice of optoacoustic spectroscopy and is intended to be of use in at least the following three contexts: (1) as a treatise for self-study by researchers who wish to approach the subject on a broad intellectual basis; (2) as a reference, containing many quantitative but simple results, considerable data, and an extensive bibliography; and finally (3) as a guide, to serve as a basis for evaluation of the feasibility of using such techniques in specific instances. The book consists of eight articles, organized in the form of eight inde­ pendent chapters. These are original articles written by men who have contributed to the recent rapid development in this field. The articles vary in the extent to which they are expository or review, depending on the nature of the material covered. In any first reading of this treatise, different groupings of chapters would be of greater interest and relevance, depending on the principal interest of the reader. For example, in the early 1970s, the initial resurgence of interest in optoacoustic spectroscopy was primarily due to the high sensitivity attained in the use of the method for the detection of trace amounts of gas pollutants in the earth's atmosphere. The increased sensitivity was primarily due to the use of lasers as sources of excitation. The spectral region was that of infrared, and the physical mechanism responsible for the effect was that of vibrational-translational energy transfer in the gas. These types of results have been reproduced by many other investigators and the optoacoustic technique is by now probably the preferred method f7or detecting traces of gas contaminants at any level less than 1 part in 107 a-nd 1for measuring gas adsorption coefficients with values less than 10" cm . In this book, the reader interested primarily in the detection and identi­ fication of gas contaminants would read Chapter 1 by Kreuzer to obtain a ix X Preface general introduction and a physical description of the generation and measurement of the optoacoustic signal. The description so obtained would be macroscopic and thermodynamic in nature. Chapter 2 by Stettler and Witriol provides an understanding of the optoacoustic effect on a molecular scale, with descriptions of the energy transfer processes and estimates of the lifetimes of vibrationally excited states. In Chapter 3 Dewey makes known the options available to the researcher in the choice of optoacoustic system design. He compares the capabilities and limitations of various optoacoustic system designs and presents quantitative relations for predicting system performance. Applications and specific results are discussed by Claspy in Chapter 6, with emphasis on the use of CO and C0 2 lasers in the 5-6 /im and 9-12 /im wavelength regions. With these two types of lasers, excitation may be achieved at a very large number of different discrete wavelengths. Although such lasers are tunable, they are not continuously tunable and cannot, for example, be used in the wavelength modulation mode; nor are they appropriate for molecules that absorb, say, in the 7 /mi region. In the latter circumstance, in the infrared, either parametric oscillator or tunable diode lasers may be used and these are discussed by Kelley in Chapter 5. On the other hand, the researcher interested in solid state optoacoustic spectroscopy might want to start off by reading Chapter 8 by Allan Rosen- cwaig. For the visible spectral region, good nonlaser light sources are avail­ able and Rosencwaig shows that very interesting results can be obtained even with incoherent light sources. In particular, the technique can be used for exploring the absorption spectra of substances such as powders, gels, adsorbed films, and even organic tissues. Such substances normally scatter so much light or are in a physical form such that absorption spectroscopy techniques cannot be used for investigative and characterization purposes. Optoacoustic spectroscopy promises to be very useful in this area and may prove to be even more so once tunable lasers are used for excitation. Laser sources and especially tunable lasers available for the ultraviolet and visible wavelength regions are discussed by Gelbwachs in Chapter 4. Photochemists and organic chemists are likely to find Chapter 7 by Robin on optoacousti- cally determined electronic spectra to be of particular interest. To date, the optoacoustic effect has been employed in a wide variety of experimental situations, each having its particular needs with respect to sensitivity, accuracy, dynamic range, sample conditioning, and measure­ ment. Accompanying these applications, there have been further significant advances in techniques, some examples of which are the use of second harmonic and wavelength modulation for discriminating against window noise and the use of resonant and/or multipath simple cells for increasing the signal level. Preface xi Heretofore, accounts of these advances and the many other results and discussions contained in this book could be found only in widely scattered technical journal literature. One of the purposes of this volume is to make these available to the researcher in a collected and coordinated format. 1 The Physics of Signal Generation and Detection Lloyd B. Kreuzer Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Palo Alto, California I. Introduction 1 II. Absorption of Light 2 III. Excitation of Sound 5 A. Normal Mode Amplitudes 5 B. Calculation of Q 10 C. Thermal Fluctuation Noise 11 IV. Signal Detection 12 A. Microphone Mechanical Model 13 B. Microphone Electrical Model 17 C. Electrical Noise 19 V. Optimum Design of an Optoacoustic System 20 VI. Numerical Example 22 References 25 I. Introduction In optoacoustic spectroscopy light energy is first converted into sound and then into an electrical signal (Hill and Powell, 1968). Figure la represents a simplified experimental arrangement. Light from the laser is modulated by passing it through a rotating "light chopper." The modulated beam then passes through a container that holds a gas sample. Energy absorbed by the gas from the beam heats the gas and causes its pressure to rise. Since the beam is modulated, this pressure rise is periodic at the beam 1 2 Lloyd B. Kreuzer GAS CONTAINER J MICROPHONE MODULATOR - (LIGHT CHOPPER) AMPLIFIER (a) NOISE I GENERATION 8 AABBSSOORRPPTTIIOONN EEXXCCIITTAATTIIOONN DETECTION MMOODDUULLAATTIIOONN OF RADIATION OF SOUND OOFF SSOOUUNNDD AAMMPPLLIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN OOFF LLIIGGHHTT BBEEAAMM SIGNAL + NOISE (b) Fig. 1. Laser optoacoustic spectrometer, (a) Diagram of the apparatus, (b) The steps in the generation of the optoacoustic signal. modulation frequency. It is detected by a microphone and converted into an electrical signal. The electrical signal is fed into the input of an amplifier Figure lb represents the stages of this process. At each stage of the process there will be mechanisms which add noise and degrade the ability to detect a small signal. The existence of noise sources is included in Fig. lb. This chapter provides a physical description of the generation and measurement of the optoacoustic signal. Noise sources that come from thermal fluctuations and noise at the input of the amplifier are discussed. The chapter concludes with a short section on optimum design and a numerical example. II. Absorption of Light The first step in the generation of the optoacoustic signal is the absorption of energy from the modulated light beam. This absorbed energy produces a periodically varying heat source in the gas that acts as the source of sound. 1. Signal Generation and Detection 3 In this section the production of this heat source and its dependence on the properties of the incident b-2eam an1d the absorbing gas is described. Let the intensity in ergs cm sec" of the light beam be given by /(r, t), where r describes the position and t is the time, and let the heat source produced by this- 3beam be H(r,t). H has dimensions of power per unit volume (erg cm sec). In many common experimental situations, H and / are related by a simple proportionality constant a, which H = al - 1 (1) has the dimensions of reciprocal length (cm ) and is called absorbance, as measured by the optoacoustic method. Equation (1) is valid when two conditions are satisfied simultaneously. First, the intensity / is sufficiently small so that the absorbing transition is not saturated. Second, the time variation of / is much slower than the rate of transfer of absorbed energy from the absorbing transition into heat. If the first condition is not satisfied, then the relationship between H and / becomes nonlinear, and H will contain frequency components not present in J. For example, if / has a sinusoidal time dependence of frequency co, then H will have frequency components at oj and 2co as well as other frequencies with amplitudes related in a non­ linear way to the amplitude of /. On the other hand, if the first condition is satisfied, but the second is not, then the time variation of H will lag behind that of /, and the constant a in Eq. (1) is replaced by a term that is frequency dependent. If the Fourier transforms of /(r, t) and H(r, t) are /(r,co) and H(r, co), then H(T,OJ) = a(co)/(r, co). (2) If both conditions are not satisfied, then the behavior can be very complex and quantum mechanical coherent effects may be important. Although this type of effect undoubtedly can be detected by optoacoustic means it has not been of importance, up to now. It is not discussed in this chapter. In the absence of quantum coherent effects, a rate equation treatment (Kaiser, 1959; Kreuzer, 1971) is adequate to connect / and H. In order to illustrate the rate equation approach, a summary of equations describing a simple two-level system is given. Let N be the density of ab­ sorbing molecules, n1 the density of absorbing molecules in the excited state, hv the energy of the transition, Av the linewidth of the transition, S the line strength of the transition, T r the radiative lifetime, and T c the collisional decay time of the upper state. The equation describing upper state population follows in a straightforward manner assuming that the only paths for decay of the upper state are radiation and collision-induced decay:

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