Proceedings of ICAPP ’06 Source of Acquisition Reno, NV USA, June 4-8,2006 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Paper 6 m Options for Affordable Fission Surface Power Systems Mike Houts, Steve Gaddis, Ron Porter, Melissa Van Dyke, Jim Martin, Tom Godfroy, Shannon Bragg-Sitton, Anne Garber, Boise Pearson NASA Marshall Space Flight Center VP31, MSFC, AL 35812 Tel: 256-544-8136: ,F ax: 256-544-6696: ,E mail: [email protected] Abstract - Fission surface power sysfems could provide abundanf power anywhere on fhe surface of the moon or Mars. Locafions could include permanently shaded regions on fhe moon and high lafifudes on Mars. To be fully ufilized; however, fission surface power sysfems must be safe, have adequate performance, and be affordable. This paper discusses opfions for fhe design and development of such sysfems. I. INTRODUCTION In contrast, the required thermal power for a surface fission system had been identified as <400 kWt, roughly Nuclear fission systems could serve as “workhorse” ~/~o,oooth” at of a terrestrial power plant. Surface fission power plants for the Vision for Space Exploration. In this systems of this type may not require use of refiactory context, the “workhorse” power plant is defined as a system metals, and could be designed to have a system operating that could provide power anywhere on the surface of the environment similar to that of highly-developed terrestrial moon or Mars, land on the moon using a lander developed systems. Lifetime requirements could also be quite for early robotic missions (Robotic Lunar Exploration reasonable. Qualified fuel forms could be used. Program (RLEP) or other), and would be a viable, affordable option once power requirements exceed that A viable space reactor design must be safe and have which can be provided by existing energy systems. adequate performance. Once those criteria are met, cost becomes the primary driver. This paper will discuss A primary impediment to the use of surface fission several attributes that could enable affordable surface systems is perceived development cost. The assumption is fission power systems. that because a system is “nuclear”, it must be inordinately expensive to develop and utilize. Fission is not an inherently expensive process. For example, a General Atomics TRIGAB Mark 11 research It is true that high power, cutting edge nuclear systems reactor with an initial power level of 2000 kW(t), and and facilities are expensive. For example, the 400,000 equipped for a planned future upgrade to 3,000-kilowatts kWt, sodium cooled Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) was was recently commissioned in the Kingdom of Morocco. capable of burning mixed actinide fuel and had elaborate The installation is capable of producing radioisotopes for experimental capabilities, including large in-core test medicd, industrial and environmental uses, metallurgy and positions and hot cells. The facility cost $3B (FY06) to chemistry, implementation of nuclear analytical techniques designn,c onstruct, and bring to initial operation. The such as neutron activation analysis and non-destructive Tennessee Valley Authority recently estimated that a single examination techniques, as well as carrying out basic new terrestrial nuclear power plant (3,800,000 kWt / research programs in solid state and reactor physics. Total 1,371,000 kWe) would cost $2.2B (FY06) to complete. “turnkey” cost for the facility was < $50M. The high power, fast-spectrum Prometheus-I NEP system for the previously proposed Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter 11. BACKGROUND mission was designed to use refractory metals, a new fueL’clad system, and have a 20 year life. Cost estimates Three organizations were heavily involved in for that power system exceeded 8B. Prometheus/JIMO reactor module design work. The Naval Reactors Prime Contractor Team (NRPCT) led the work for the final 13 months of the project. Los Alamos Proceedings ot ]CAP$ ’06 Reno,N V USA, June 4-8,2006 Paper 6xm National Laboratory led the government reactor module 6. The system can be designed to enable long-life. design effort prior to NRPCT involvement, and remained However, extreme lifetime requirements should not be heavily involved with the NRPCT design team after the placed on the first several units. This approach is NRPCT assumed leadership. Sandia National Laboratories analogous to the approach that was used in successfully provided reactor module design support for the industry developing long-lived radioisotope systems and naval teams, including extensive support for the winning team reactors. (NGST). 7. Minimize the need for new nuclear infiasmcture. Use operational facilities for fuel fabrication, cold and warm In addition, Idaho National Laboratory currently has the criticality experiments, and any required ground nuclear DOE-NE charter for new reactor development activities. testing. Potentially useful facilities at Idaho National Laboratory 8. Use simple, robust radiation shield designs with no include the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR), hot cells, and materials development issues. Water may be a good option fuel fabrication facilities. for FSP systems. 9. Design the system to allow materials and component In July, 2005 a team was assembled to assess the potential testing in operational US facilities (e.g. ATR, HFIR, of using SNAP-derived technology to provide power on the ACRR). surface of the moon or Mars. The team included 10. Take advantage of reactivity feedback coefficients, individuals with direct SNAP and/or UZrH power system moderate lifetime, and moderate power level to simplify experience and participants fiom Glenn Research Center instrumentation and control. (GRC), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Los Alamos 11. Reduce system complexity. National Laboratory (LANL), Marshall Space Flight 12. Leverage off ongoing “balance-of-plant” development Center (MSFC), and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). programs, e.g. Stirling engine development activities within The focus of the team was to devise a safe, affordable NASA, industry and the DoD. fission surface power system with adequate performance to be useful on VSE missions. The team primarily focused on IV. ONGOING REACTOR MODULE TASKS non-refiactory, pumped-NaK cooled, UZrH-fueled systems, although U02 and U-Mo alloys were also considered as There are several ongoing tasks related to FSP reactor potential near-term fuel forms. module development. These include FSP reactor module design, recapture of SNAP program UZrH hydrogen barrier 111. OBSERVATIONS technology, design of fuel validation experiments, and others. These tasks leverage off of previous experience and The affordability team generated several observations ongoing programs, and are important to demonstrating the related to the affordable development and utilization of viability of affordable FSP systems. FSP systems. Observations include the following. Three ongoing tasks at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight 1. The system should be designed to fit on landers Center are developed for robotic payload delivery using existing or near-term expendable launch vehicles. To accomplish this, 1. development and testing of a representative alkali metal unit mass was limited to <3000 kg. primary test circuit; 2. The system should be designed using only well- 2. development and testing of instrumented thermal characterized materials with irradiation databases. simulators; and Refi-actorym etals and exotic materials should not be used 3. development and utilization of an affordable shield in the system. testbed. 3. The FSP system should use a nuclear fueklad combination with a significant database within or near the These tasks are briefly described below. desired operating environment and operated to the desired fuel burnup. Fuel should be readily available using 1V.A. Alkali Metal Primary Test Circuit established processes or operational fuel lines. The Alkali Metal Primary Test Circuit (AMPTC) is a key 4. The system should be designed to use uranium early step towards the design and development of an quantities, fuel forms, and/or enrichments that miniize affordable ‘’workhorse” fission surface power system. Data security-related cost and schedule impacts. fi-om the AMPTC will be useful for concept design and 5. The system should be designed to remain below the downselect activities. The ANPTC is a precursor to a joint radiation damage threshold of structural materials used in GRCMSFC Engineering Development Unit (EDU). the system. 2 Proceedings of ICAPP '06 Reno, NV USA, June 44,2006 Paper 6xxx Information gained ftom AMPTC testing will be directly useful to EDU design, development, fabrication, and test. The AMPTC will use highly realistic non-nuclear testing to obtain data associated with the thermal, structural, heat transfer, safety, and integrated system aspects of potential FSP systems. The required liquid metal fill machine and purification system are operational at the EFF-TF. Pumps and other loop components have been obtained. Primary coolant engineering for the AMTC has been completed. Initial AMPTC fill will occur in FY06. The AMPTC can be utilized with any alkali metal of interest. A description of the circuit (as configured for lithium testing) is given in Godfroy et al., 2006. Figure 2. Thermal Simulator for Realistic non-Nuclear A picture of the AMPTC is shown in Figure 1. Testing of FSP systems. N.C. Affordable Shield Testbed Most previous space reactor work has involved in-space systems operating with a high radiator temperature (>500 C for thermoelectric and thermionic power conversion). Many of these systems have also proposed operating at high thermal power, typically > 1000 kWt. The combination of high system temperatures, high thermal power, and microgravity operation resulted in the need for solid metal hydride shielding materials capable of long- term operation at high temperature in a high radiation field with significant internal heat generation. These metal hydride shields have been viewed as high risk and expensive to develop by previous programs. Figure 1. Alkali Metal Primary Test Circuit. Power conversion systems of current interest (Brayton or W.B. Instrumented Thermal Simulators Stirling) typically operate with average radiator temperatures a00 C. Proposed surface power systems Specialized thermal simulators are needed to maximize the typically operate at power levels of 100 - 400 kWt. information gained from non-nuclear testing, and the Gravity on the surface of the moon or Mars can be used to accuracy of that information. Thermal simulators enhance heat transfer and provide confidence in the optimized for use with difficult to access systems (e.g. location of voids. pumped alkali metal) have been designed, and initial development testing completed. The simulators are being The combination of gravity, reduced system temperatures, designed to accommodate thermocouples or fiber optic and moderate power levels facilitates the use of a water instnunentation, which will give direct information on neutron shield. The radiation attenuation performance of a reactor module temperature distribution and indirect water shield is comparable to that of an advanced lithium information related to alkali metal flow distribution. The hydride shield. However, the water shield has the potential thermal simulators will also allow close matching of the of being lower risk and lower cost for surface applications. total power and axial and radial power profiles that would be experienced by the actual flight system. The combined A testbed has been fabricated to validate water shield capability of the thermal simulators and the AMPTC will performance. The testbed is capable of measuring produce high fidelity data associated with the thermal, temperature distribution in the shield and providing structural, heat transfer, safety, and integrated system visualization capability for natural circulation. The shield aspects of potential nuclear surface power systems. This power input simulator matches the geometry and heat flux data will be used to reduce risk and improve designs profile of the reactor. The testbed can be used for testing associated with the EDU and actual flight systems. water shields associated with any nuclear surface power 3 Proceedings of ICPPP ’06 Reno, NV USA,J une 4-8,2006, ~ Paper 6 m concept. Additional information related to water shield ACKNOWLEDGMENTS design can be found in Sadasivan et al., 2006. The work reported in this paper was primarily funded A picture of the AST during assembly is shown in Figure 3. by NASA MSFC. Additionally, internal support was The reactor module / shield interface is shown in Figure 4. provide by GRC, INL, MSFC, and SNL. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and not official NASA policy. NOMENCLATURE AMPTC Alkali Metal Primary Test Circuit AST Affordable Shield Testbed I FSP Fission Surface Power GNEP Global Nuclear Energy Partnership GRC Glenn Research Center m Idaho National Laboratory LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory SNL Sandia National Laboratories Figure 3. Assembly of the Affordable Shield Testbed REFERENCES 1. Godfi-oy, T., A Garber, and J. Martin (2006) “Lithim Circuit Test Section Design and Fabricationyy, proceedings of Space Technology and Applications International Forum - STAIF 2006, edited by M.S. El- Genk, 2006 American Institute of Physics 0-7354- 0305-8, pp 408 - 417. 2. P. SADASWAN., R.J. Kapernick. and D.I. Poston (2006) “Thermal-Structural Design of a Water Shield for Surface Reactor mission^'^, proceedings of 2006 ,, International Congress on Advanced in Nuclear Power Figure 4. Reactor Module and Shield Interface Testing Plants, Reno, W,J une 4-8,2006. V. CONCLUSIONS Safe, affordable fission surface power systems can be designed that provide adequate performance while using established nuclear technology. While these systems will be more expensive than a typical university or research reactor, they should be significantly less expensive than large, sophisticated, world-class nuclear facilities that have been built in the past. A modest, near-term investment can help ensure that affordable FSP systems are available when needed. For the reactor module, this includes validating potential fuel forms (leveraging off of GNEP activities), recapturing hydrogen barriers (to allow UZrH systems to be considered), adding fidelity to potential reactor module designs, adding fidelity to integrated system designs, design, development, fabrication and test of an engineering development unit (andor precursors), and the development of affordable approaches to radiation shielding. . 4