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Optimizing T-violating Effects for Neutrino Oscillations in Matter PDF

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FERMILAB-Pub-00/300-T VAND–TH–00–8 hep-ph/0011247 November 20, 2000 Optimizing T-violating Effects for Neutrino Oscillations in Matter 1 0 0 2 Stephen J. Parke1 and Thomas J. Weiler2 n a J 1 Theoretical Physics Department, 5 2 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510, U.S.A. v 7 2 Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, 4 2 Nashville, TN 37235, U.S.A. 1 1 0 0 / h Abstract p - p e Matter effects may strongly enhancetheJarlskog factor J in TandCP-violating three- h : neutrinooscillation probabilities. However, weshowthatwhenJ isenhanced,thesame v i X matter effects suppress the oscillating factors and increase the oscillation length. The r a net result is that there is no large enhancement in measurable probabilities for earth- bound experiments using neutrino parameters suggested by current experiments. We show that by an appropriate choice of the experimental parameters, neutrino energy and travel length, the T-violating probability can be enhanced by matter effects over their vacuum values by 50%. Our approach is analytical, allowing considerable insight into the underlying physics. 1 Introduction Analogous to the CKM mixing-matrix in the quark sector of the Standard Model (SM), there is an MNS mixing-matrix [1] in the lepton sector. For three light neutrinos (assumed throughout this work) the MNS matrix consists of three angles and one (three) phase(s) for 1 Dirac (Majorana) neutrinos. Regardless of the nature of the neutrinos, Dirac vs. Majorana, neutrino oscillation experiments are sensitive to a single phase through the measurement of a T-violating asymmetry P(ν ν ) P(ν ν ) or a CP-violating asymmetry P(ν α β β α α → − → → ν ) P(ν¯ ν¯ ). Much progress has been made toward determining the values of the β α β − → three mixing angles. From measurements of the neutrino survival probabilities ν ν and µ µ → ν ν in the atmospheric flux, one infers that one mixing-angle is near maximal (π/4), and e e → one is small [2], the latter statement supported also by the Chooz experiment [3]. From the ν ν survival probability in the solar flux, one infers that the third angle is either large e e → (for the large-angle MSW (LAM) and the long-wavelength vacuum (LWV) solar solutions), or very small (for the small-angle MSW (SAM) solar solution) [4]. Nothing is known about the T and CP-violating phase. With construction underway for long-baseline terrestrial oscillation experiments, atten- tion has turned toward more precise measurements of the MNS parameters, including the phase. Measurement ofthe TandCP-violating asymmetries appearsimpossible fortheSAM andLWVsolutions. FortheSAM solution, this isbecause ofthesmallness oftwo ofthethree angles, while for the LWV solution, this is because of the extreme hierarchy of mass-squared values δm2 /δm2 10 7eV2. On the other hand, for the LAM solution, measuring T and sun atm − ∼ CP-violating asymmetries to determine the phase δ is more promising, with effects at the per cent level. In terrestrial experiments, the neutrino beam will travel underground, and one may ask whether earth-matter effects [5] can enhance the T and CP-violating probabilities [6]. Throughout this paper, we assume a three neutrino world, and the vacuum hierarchy δm2 δm2 as indicated by experiment. We focus on T-violation, defined by the asymme- 21 32 ≪ try T P P(ν ν ) P(ν ν ). (1) 6 α β β α ≡ → − → Here α and β denote different neutrino (or anti-neutrino) flavors. The CP-violating asym- metry, defined by CP P P(ν ν ) P(ν¯ ν¯ ), (2) 6 6 α β α β ≡ → − → containsthesamecontributionasPT butincludesadditionalcontributionsarisingsolelyfrom 6 matter effects. We do not pursue this complication in this work. Here we analyze the case for 2 ameasurable T-violation. Time-reversing thepathoftheneutrino throughtheearthgives no extrinsic T-violation (for a spherically symmetric earth-matter distribution). This fact, and therelativelysmalleffectsofmatteronPT derivedherein, maketheT-violationmeasurement 6 an attractive approach for extracting the intrinsic T and CP- violating parameter δ. For certain small values of mixing angles and for certain neutrino energies, strong en- hancements may occur for the Jarlskog invariant J in matter (m) relative to vacuum (v) [7]. It is not hard to see why J can be strongly enhanced near a small-angle MSW reso- m nance. In the two flavor approximation, which is valid for three neutrinos with a hierarchy of vacuum mass-squared differences δm2 δm2 , the relation δm2 = sin(2θ )δm2 obtained 21 32 m v v ≪ at resonance, implies J 1/θ for small mixing-angle. The purpose of this Letter is to m v ∝ show that although J may be strongly enhanced by small-angle matter resonances, the m measurable T-violating neutrino oscillation probability proportional to J is not enhanced m for earth-bound experiments. In fact, depending on the exact values of the mixing angles and vacuum masses, matter effects, if important at all, generally suppress these probabil- ities. However, we do show that for an appropriate choice of neutrino energy and travel distance, matter effects give modest ( 50%) enhancements of the T-violating probabilities ∼ for terrestrial experiments. Our results are mainly analytical, and so some insight into the physics of the matter phenomenon emerges. 2 Enhancement of T-Violating Probabilities? The reason for the absence of a significant enhancement in probability is easy to understand, as we now demonstrate. For oscillations in vacuum the T-violating probability, eq. (1), is simply T v v v P = 16J sin∆ sin∆ sin∆ , (3) v6 v 21 32 31 where δm2 L (L/103km)(δm2 /10 3eV2) ∆v = jk|v = 1.2669 jk − ; (4) jk 4E ··· (E/GeV) ν δm2 is the difference of jth and kth vacuum mass-squared eigenvalues, E is the neutrino jk|v ν energy, and L is the travel distance. The Jarlskog factor [8], J, in the standard mixing 3 parameterization [9] is given by 2 J = s s s c c c sinδ (5) v 21 31 32 21 31 32 v h i where s sinθ , etc. J has a maximum value of 1 . Whereas for oscillations in matter 21 21 v ≡ 6√3 of constant density1 we have T m m m P = 16J sin∆ sin∆ sin∆ , (6) m6 m 21 32 31 where the m sub- or superscript indicates the value in matter. Again the maximum value of J = [s s s c c2 c sinδ] is 1 . If we now employ the elegant three generation m 21 31 32 21 31 32 m 6√3 relation [10] J [δm2 δm2 δm2 ] m = 21 32 31 v (7) J [δm2 δm2 δm2 ] v 21 32 31 m relating vacuum and matter Jarlskog factors and mass-squared differences, then the T- violation asymmetry in matter can be written as (δm2 δm2 δm2 ) T 21 32 31 v m m m P = 16J | sin∆ sin∆ sin∆ . (8) m6 v"(δm221δm232δm231) m# 21 32 31 | For small distances such that sin∆ ∆ for all ∆’s, both in vacuum and matter, then ≈ PT PT. That is, at these distances matter effects are negligible. At longer lengths, the v6 m6 ≈ bracketed ratio in eq.(8) can provide an enhancement if one of the δm2 becomes small m | compared to its vacuum value, i.e. near a resonance. The first resonance is encountered when δm2 cos2θv E 21|v 21 E1R, (9) ν ≃ 2√2G N ≡ ν F e for which 2 2 v 2 2 δm δm sin2θ and δm δm , (10) 21 m 21 v 21 32 m 32 v | ≃ | | ≃ | and the bracketed expression in eq. (8) becomes 1 . (11) sin2θv 21 The second resonance occurs when δm2 cos2θv E 32|v 31 E2R, (12) ν ≃ 2√2G N ≡ ν F e 1 In the earth this approximation is quite accurate for those paths that do not enter the earth’s core; for paths that do enter the core, the constant density approximation gives qualitatively the correct physics. 4 for which 2 2 v 2 2 δm δm sin2θ and δm δm , (13) 32 m 32 v 31 21 m 32 v | ≃ | | ≃ | and the bracketed expression in eq. (8) becomes δm2 21 v | . (14) δm2 sin2θv 32 v 31 | To illustrate how matter affects the Jarlskog factor, J , we have chosen representative m values for both the earth’s density and the neutrino vacuum parameters: a matter density typicaloftheearth’smantle( 3g cm 3)andneutrinomassesandmixingwhicharecentered − ∼ in the allowed regions for the atmospheric neutrinos and the large angle MSW solar solution. The chosen vacuum values are δm2 = 3.5 10 3eV2 sin22θv = 1 32 v − 32 | × δm2 = 5.0 10 5eV2 sin22θv = 0.8 (15) 21 v − 21 | × δm2 = 3.5 10 3eV2 sin22θv = 0.03 31 v − 31 | × sinδv = 1 Y ρ = 1.5 g cm 3. e − The CP and T-violating angle δv has been chosen to be maximal, π. The value of sin22θv 2 31 is chosen to be half an order of magnitude below the Chooz limit [3]. Using these parameter values, the matter mass-eigenvalues and the ratio J /J , equal to the bracketed ratio of m v eq. (8), is given in fig. 1. Note that away from the resonances, J /J is much less than m v one, suggesting that matter effects suppress the amplitude of the T-violating oscillation. In contrast, there are peaks in the ratio J /J near the resonances. m v In principle, the peaks inJ /J atthe resonances become significant enhancements, 1, m v ≫ when either δm2 sin2θv 1, or sin2θv 21|v < (10 2), (16) 21 ≪ 31 ≪ δm2 O − 32 v ∼ | holds. (Neither of these conditions is satisfied in our representative example.) However if either of these conditions holds, then the vacuum Jarlskog factor J of eq. (5) is itself very v small. The message here is that the Jarlskog factor can be strongly enhanced by matter, as in [7], only when the vacuum value is very small to begin with; the enhancement never 5 Figure 1: Shown are (a) the neutrino mass-squared eigenvalues in matter and (b) the ratio J /J , for the parameters listed in eq. (15), as a function of the neutrino energy. Positive m v energies correspond to neutrinos, and negative energies correspond to anti-neutrinos (vice versa for inverted δm2’s). produces a large value of J . A quantitative view of the impossibility of matter to produce m a truly large amplitude results when the explicit expression for J in eq. (5) is substituted v into eq. (8). The result is [(sin2θ δm2 )(sin2θ δm2 )(sin2θ δm2 )] T v v 21 21 32 32 31 31 v m m m P = 2cosθ sin(δ ) sin∆ sin∆ sin∆ . m6 31 " [δm221 δm232 δm231]m # 21 32 31 (17) Asseen fromeqs. (10)and(13),ateither resonance thebracketed factorinthisequationdoes not become large. What the resonance manages to do is to cancel the small vacuum value of sin2θv or sin2θv in the amplitude (16J ) of the T-violating oscillation. But accompanying 21 31 v even this cancellation is a negative consequence for the associated oscillation lengths, to which we now turn. 3 Baseline Limitations A significant enhancement of T-violating oscillation amplitudes requires a small-angle reso- nance. The conditions for this are either 2 2 2 2 δm δm or δm δm . (18) 21 m 21 v 32 m 21 v | ≪ | | ≪ | 6 These conditions in turn imply that the oscillation length in matter associated with the smallest δm2 is larger than the largest oscillation length in vacuum, the one associated with the smallest vacuum δm2, i.e. δm2 . Thus, there is the danger that for an enhanced 21 v | amplitude, the baseline requirement will exceed the capability of a terrestrial experiment. In fact, this happens. Assuming hierarchical mass splittings, the fast oscillation governed by the larger δm2L m m m + ∆ max[∆ ,∆ ] (19) + 21 32 ≡ ≡ 4E ν will be amplitude modulated by the slow oscillation, governed by δm2L m m m ∆ min[∆ ,∆ ] . (20) 21 32 − − ≡ ≡ 4Eν TheconsequenceisthattheT-violatingoscillationisboundedabovebysin(∆m)cos2(∆m/2), − − and below by sin(∆m)sin2(∆m/2). An idealized experiment would resolve the fast oscil- − − − lation and measure the difference of the bounding envelopes. This difference is just sin(∆m), − which is maximized at (2n+1)π/2. However, a realistic measurement will average over the fast oscillation, thereby measuring the mean of the envelopes given by 1 sin(2∆m), 4 − which is maximized at ∆m = (2n+1) π. The choice n = 0 minimizes the source-detector 4 − distance, and therefore optimizes the incident flux. So we are led to consider ∆m = π as 4 − the condition which maximizes the size of the T-violating asymmetry. The corresponding distance, LT, is given by 6m πE T ν L = (21) 6m δm2 − which at the first or second resonance (eqs. (9) and (10), or (12) and (13)) becomes 0.2D 0.2D T L6m = tan2θ⊕v or tan2θ⊕v (22) 21 31 when the conversion π = 0.2 D (23) 2√2G N ⊕ F e is used to relate the matter scale to the earth’s diameter, D 13,000 km. This latter ⊕ ∼ conversion holds for the mantle density given in eq.(16) – the matter density is a factor of 2 larger (smaller) in the earth’s core (outer crust). For a significant amplitude enhancement to occur the corresponding θv is necessarily small. Therefore it follows that when J J , m v ≫ 7 then LT approaches or exceeds the diameter of the earth. This in turn ensures that for 6m terrestrial experiments with L LT, the resonant δm2 is such that sin∆m ∆m 1 and 6m ≪ − − ∼ − ≪ that PT is of the same order as PT, i.e. no large enhancement. m6 v6 4 Magnitude of the First Peaks Two arguments may be made for the importance of the very first, or first few, peaks as the target for measurement. The first argument is that the T-violating oscillation length in the earth, as discussed above, is characteristically of order of the earth’s diameter or longer. Thus, even long baseline experiments may be limited to the first few peaks. The second argument is that the 1/L2 fall-off of the incident neutrino flux for any aperture-limited experiment favors shorter distances.2 In vacuum, the first few peaks in the T-violating asymmetry given by eq. (3) occur when sin∆v21sin∆v32sin∆v31 ≈ δδmm222312||vv∆v32sin2∆v32 is maximized. The rough location of these peaks is given by L 1 v (2n+1)2π , (24) E ∼ δm2 ν 32 v | for n=0,1,2 until the approximation sin∆v ∆v is no longer valid. The asymmetry at 21 21 ··· ≈ the n-th peak is equal to δm2 21 v (2n+1)8π J | . (25) v δm2 32 v | Thustheasymmetryandthedistancetothen-thpeakbothgrowas(2n+1). Inparticularthe second peak is three times larger than the first peak and three times further out. Remember however that the neutrino beam intensity falls as L 2 for fixed E , disfavoring the more − ν distant peaks. For the first peak, a numerical calculation produces an estimate more accurate than eqs. (24) and (25); the result is 7π L 7π 1 v v ∆ , i.e. , (26) 32 ∼ 12 E ∼ 3 δm2 ν 32 v | 2When sin(∆m) ∆m applies, one power of L−1 is compensated. − − ∼ 8 with the size of the asymmetry at the first peak being δm2 21 v 8.7 π J | . (27) ∼ v δm2 32 v | So even the first peak is reasonably approximated by the general results above. In matter, the physics is more complex since the δm2’s change with energy. We start by looking at the product of the three sine terms m m m m sin(∆ )sin(∆ )sin(∆ +∆ ). (28) + + − − The first peak of this product occurs when 7π m m m m ∆ +∆ if ∆ ∆ , (29) + + ∼ 12 ≪ − − and at 2π m m m m ∆ +∆ = if ∆ = ∆ . (30) + + 3 − − In terms of (∆m +∆m), the first peak moves monotonically from 7π to 2π as the ratio of + ∼ 12 3 − ∆m to ∆m changes from 0 to 1. At the first peak this product of the sines may be written as + − 2∆m∆m 2δm2δm2 + + η = η (31) (∆m +−∆m)2 (δm2 +−δm2)2 + + − − where η is slowly varying, monotonically increasing, function of ∆m− = δm2− with η(0) 0.86 ∆m+ δm2+ ≈ and η(1) = 3√3/4 1.30. ≈ Thus the full T-violating asymmetry, eq.(8), at the first peak is (δm2 δm2 δm2 ) T 21 32 31 v P = 32 J η | . (32) m6 v " (δm2 +δm2+)3 # − For energies between the two resonances, eqs.(9) and (12), the following sum-rule holds 2 2 2 (δm +δm ) δm , (33) + 32 v ≈ | − as evidenced in Fig. 1 (a). This is a good approximation provided both δm2 sin2θv and 21 v 21 | δm2 sin2θv are much smaller than δm2 . 32 v 31 32 v | | Below the first resonance and above the second resonance, (δm2 +δm2) grows approx- + − imately linearly with energy from the minimum value, δm2 . Since the function η varies 32 v | 9 little it cannot compensate for the increase in size of (δm2 +δm2) for energies below the first + − resonance or above the second resonance. Therefore the maximum value of the first peak of the T-violating asymmetry occurs between the resonances where η is maximized, i.e. 1 2 2 2 δm = δm δm . (34) + 32 v ≈ 2 | − This is shown in Fig. 2(a) where the ratio of the asymmetry in matter and in vacuum at their respective first peaks, is plotted versus energy. (The vacuum value of the first peak is energy independent, eq.(27)). The neutrino energy for the maximum first peak in matter is given by (recall eq. (12)) 1 δm2 cos2θv E E2R = 32|v 31 (35) ν ≃ 2 ν 4√2G N F e δm2 1.5 g cm 3 v 32 v − 7.6cos2θ | GeV, (36) ∼ 31 "3.5 10−3 eV2# " Yeρ # × and the peak occurs at a distance fixed by ∆m = ∆m = π/3, i.e. + − 8π E 4π cos2θv 1.5 g cm 3 ν 31 v − L = = 3600 cos2θ km. (37) 3 δm232|v 3 2√2GFNe ∼ 31 " Yeρ # Note that this distance is independent of δm2 . The value of the T-violating asymmetry at v | this peak is δm2 24√3J 21|v . (38) vδm2 32 v | The matter asymmetry at this peak is 52% larger than the asymmetry at the first peak in vacuum, given in eq. (27). From Fig. 1 (b) we see that, for our chosen parameters, matter effects at E = 7.6 GeV actually suppress J by more than an order of magnitude which is ν more than compensated by an increase in the product of sines due to matter. But at this energy the L value for the first peak in matter exceeds the same in vacuum by 14%. In Fig. 2(b) we show the repeating (in L) peaks for the T-violating asymmetry with the energy fixed at one half the second resonant value for both neutrinos and anti-neutrinos in matter and vacuum. For neutrinos this energy gives the largest first peak in matter and all subsequent peaks have the same magnitude but alternate in sign. To go beyond the first peak in the asymmetry is quite complicated. For the second peak, the general features are that matter effects, if important, suppress the magnitude of the 10

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