Optimizing information flow in small genetic networks. IV. Spatial coupling Thomas R. Sokolowski∗ and Gaˇsper Tkaˇcik† Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Am Campus 1, A-3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria We typically think of cells as responding to external signals independently by regulating their geneexpressionlevels,yettheyoftenlocallyexchangeinformationandcoordinate. Cansuchspatial coupling be of benefit for conveying signals subject to gene regulatory noise? Here we extend our information-theoreticframeworkforgeneregulationtospatiallyextendedsystems. Asanexample, we consider a lattice of nuclei responding to a concentration field of a transcriptional regulator (the “input”) by expressing a single diffusible target gene. When input concentrations are low, diffusive coupling markedly improves information transmission; optimal gene activation functions also systematically change. A qualitatively new regulatory strategy emerges where individual cells 5 1 respond to the input in a nearly step-like fashion that is subsequently averaged out by strong 0 diffusion. While motivated by early patterning events in the Drosophila embryo, our framework is 2 generically applicable to spatially coupled stochastic gene expression models. n a I. INTRODUCTION nuclei can respond to a spatially distributed signal col- J lectively, by exchanging information among themselves, 6 1 Signals encoded by spatial or temporal concentration e.g.,viadiffusionofsignalingproteins. Prominentexam- profiles of certain proteins play a crucial role in commu- plesarethespecificationofemergingbodytissuesduring ] nicating information within and between cells. Such sig- embryodevelopment[20–25],theaggregationresponsein N nalsareestablishedandreadoutbyavastvarietyofgene coloniesofamoebae[26,27],andcollectivechemosensing M regulatory networks. In this process, however, informa- in cell colonies and tissues [28, 29]. Importantly, spa- tion flow is limited by the randomness associated with tial aspects not only add another layer of complexity . o gene regulatory interactions—essentially chemical reac- to the distributions of input and output signals of gene- bi tionsbetweendifferentspeciesofsignalingmoleculesand regulatory networks; they can also markedly alter noise - DNA—takingplaceatverylowcopynumbers[1]. While levels—and thus information capacity—through spatial q we increasingly understand distinct strategies of noise averaging [30–35]. A truly predictive theoretical frame- [ control in biological systems [2–6], it remains largely un- work therefore must take into account the spatial set- 1 clear how nature orchestrates these strategies to maxi- ting, where multiple regulatory networks can read out v mize information flow. theinputsatvariouslocationsandexchangeinformation 5 A recent proposal takes the idea of “information flow” between themselves locally. 1 in biological networks seriously, as formalized by Shan- 0 non’s information theory, and hypothesizes that at least 4 Here we extend the existing theory of optimal gene 0 some of the structure of genetic regulatory networks regulatory networks to such a spatial setting. We con- . could be derived mathematically, by maximizing infor- 1 struct a spatial-stochastic model of gene regulation that mationtransmissionthatsuchnetworkscansustainsub- 0 takes into account diffusive coupling between neighbor- 5 ject to biophysically realistic constraints [7]. The fea- ing reaction volumes and the relevant sources of noise. 1 sibility of information as the metric of network perfor- We derive simple expressions for the stationary means : mance was recently established by demonstrating that v and variances of input-activated local protein levels as morphogen patterns in early fly development transmit i X informationwith anaccuracyclose tothe physicallimits a function of their regulatory parameters and diffusion rate. From this we compute information transmission in r [8, 9]. Theoretically, this optimization principle was ap- a various spatial scenarios and systematically explore how plied to study information flow in different paradigmatic transmission can be optimized by changing key system gene-regulatory scenarios, including single and multiple parameters. As a motivating example, we study a model target genes regulated by a single input [10–12], feed- variant representative of the bicoid-hunchback system in forward cross-regulation [12], autoactivation [13], mul- early fruit fly embryogenesis, which enables differentiat- tistate promotor-switching [14], and time-dependent in- ing cells to acquire position-dependent fates with high puts [15–19]. These attempts yielded important insights reliability and reproducibility in spite of stochasticity in into optimal strategies with which single cells can reli- theunderlyingbiophysicalprocesses[32,36–42]. Ourap- ably respond to external stimuli. The issue that to-date proachthusspecificallyoptimizespositionalinformation, hasnotreceivedattention,however,isthatmanycellsor a notion that has been extensively discussed throughout developmental biology [43–47], but only recently rigor- ously formalized in mathematical terms, using informa- ∗ [email protected] tiontheory[48];theproposedformalism,however,gener- † [email protected] alizes to other spatially coupled gene regulatory setups. 2 We find that spatial coupling can markedly improve information transmission when the dominant source of noise in gene regulation is on the “input side,” e.g., due G to the random arrival of the regulatory molecules (tran- scriptionfactors)totheirbindingsitesontheDNA.This el is in accordance with the known fact that spatial aver- v f(c) e aging can remove super-Poissonian contributions to the l n noise [30, 31]. Moreover, with diffusion the maximal in- ei c formation capacity reached upon optimization becomes ot increasingly invariant to the spatial details of the input Pr λ signal. Finally, in a defined noise regime that we detail 0 below, we observe the emergence of a novel optimal reg- x ulatory strategy where diffusion generates graded, and thus informative, spatial profiles of regulated genes de- spite their sharp, threshold-like activation by the regula- tory inputs. δ G II. METHODS c i i Here we construct a model in which we can analyt- r h K ically calculate how much information expression levels i of diffusible proteins encode locally about the position itself, if these proteins are expressed in response to a concentration field of regulatory input molecules. The τ -1 outline of our approach is as follows. We (i) define a Ø generic spatial-stochastic model of gene regulation that explicitly accounts for diffusive signaling between adja- cent volumes which collectively interpret a spatially dis- tributed input signal (Section IIA). Starting from a set ofcoupledLangevinequations,inSectionIIBwe(ii)de- rivegeneralanalyticexpressionsforthestationarymeans andvariancesoftheregulatedproteinlevels,andprovide FIG. 1. Model schematic. The spatial-stochastic model of intuitive insight for the role of diffusion prior to specify- gene regulation consists of a discrete set of identical reaction ing any gene regulatory details. We then (iii) impose volumes (indicated by i) arranged in a regular lattice with realistic expressions for the gene regulatory function and lattice spacing δ. While here for clarity we only draw a 1D noise,basedonwell-establishedbiochemicalmodels(Sec- lattice,wealsostudya2Dmodelwithperiodicboundarycon- tion IIC). Section IID illustrates how we (iv) quantify ditions, and our framework supports arbitrary coordination theencodingofpositionalinformation,usinginformation numbers. Thevolumescollectivelysenseaspatialsignalc(x) theory and the stationary moments derived in (ii). Fi- which maps the position x to an input concentration c (red), creating a spatial distribution of output proteins G (blue). nally,wevarytheparametersofthemodeltofindtheop- Each volume contains an identical promotor activated with timalregulatorystrategiesinthespatiallycoupledsetup, probability f(c ), where f(c) is the regulatory function and which we present in the “Results” Section III. i c the activator concentration in volume i. This results in a i localproductionrater =r f(c )andlocallevelsG ofthe i max i i productprotein. Gproteinsaredegradedwitharate1/τ and A. Spatial-stochastic model of gene regulation can hop to the neighboring volumes with a rate h = D/δ2, whereDistheirdiffusioncoefficient. Theregulatoryfunction f(c) is characterized by the activation threshold K and the Figure 1 shows a schematic of the spatially coupled regulatory cooperativity H, as detailed in Section IIC. generegulationmodelthatwestudythroughoutthispa- per. We consider a two-dimensional lattice of N ×N x y reaction volumes with equal spacing δ between the vol- umes. Inthiswork,weparticularlyfocusonacylindrical mentofequallyspacedreactionvolumes. Wewillinitially geometry of the lattice, with periodic boundary condi- considerthespecialcaseNy =1asthe“1Dmodel,”while tionsalongthecircumference(y-direction),andreflective referring to the case Ny >1 as the “2D model.” boundary conditions in axial (x-) direction. While this Eachvolumecontainsthepromotorofanidenticalgene geometry deliberately mimics the syncytial state of the controlledbyasingletranscriptionfactor,whoseconcen- developing embryo of the fruit fly Drosophila, our model tration we denote by c. The copy number of proteins couldbeeasilyadaptedtoanyarbitrarydiscretearrange- expressed from this gene of interest will be denoted by 3 G, while g =G/N will refer to the copy number nor- follows [49–51]: max malized by the maximal average expression level Nmax (cid:88) (cid:10) (cid:11) ∂ (cid:104)g (cid:105)=(cid:104)F(g ,c )(cid:105)−h g −g (2) at full induction. At the core of our model is the regu- t i i i i ni latory function f(c) which determines how the activator ni∈N(i) concentration c maps to the effective synthesis rate of ∂ (cid:104)δg δg (cid:105)=(cid:104)δg F(g ,c )(cid:105)+(cid:104)δg F(g ,c )(cid:105) t i j i j j j i i G proteins. We will also refer to c as the “input,” and (cid:42) (cid:43) to G and g as the “output.” For simplicity we treat (cid:88) +h δg (g −g ) transcription and translation as a single production step i nj j withmaximalproductionrater reachedatfullactiva- nj∈N(j) max (cid:42) (cid:43) tion. Gmoleculesaredegradedwithaconstantrate1/τ, (cid:88) +h δg (g −g ) whereτ istheaverageproteinlifetime. Inaddition, each j ni i volume can exchange the product molecules G with its ni∈N(i) (cid:88) neighboringvolumesviadiffusion. Here,weapproximate + (cid:104)Γ Γ (cid:105) (3) ik jk thisexchangewithaneffective“hoppingrate”h=D/δ2, k where D is the diffusion coefficient of G molecules. Here the function F(g ,c ) = 1 (f(c )−g ) groups the Denoting the position of volume i by x , we can write i i τ i i i production and degradation terms and depends on the downastochasticequationforthecombinedproduction- regulatory function f(c). The n - and n -sums run over degradation-diffusion process in volume i as follows: i j the nearest-neighbor volumes of i and j, respectively. Note that in the k-sum running over all noise sources 1 ∂ G =r f(c(x ))− G in the system usually most terms will be zero. t i max i τ i ThehithertoarbitrarynoisepowersΓ canbewritten D (cid:88) (cid:88) ik − (G −G )+ Γ η (1) outmoreexplicitly bylistingallnoise sourcesthataffect δ2 i n ik k volume i in the following way: n∈N(i) k (cid:88) Γ η =G (c ,g)γ Here G denotes the number of G proteins in the vol- ik k i i i i k ume, while the first and second term in the equation (cid:88) (cid:88) describe their production and degradation, respectively. − D(i→n)ξ(i→n)+ D(n→i)ξ(n→i) The third term is a discretized Laplacian accounting for n∈N(i) n∈N(i) the diffusive exchange of G molecules between volume (4) i and its nearest-neighbor volumes n ∈ N(i). Function Herein γ is the noise in the combined process of ran- c(x) maps positions x to local transcription factor con- i i dom regulation, production and degradation, and ξ centrationsc . Inthisworkweconsiderthecaseinwhich (i→j) i the noise caused by random hopping from volume i to c(x) is invariant in y-direction, i.e. c ≡ c(x ) = c(x(i)); i i j. A crucial step in specifying the expression above is to we specify the functional form of c(x) at the end of this (cid:80) writethenoisepowersoftheincomingandoutgoinghop- section. The noise term Γ η comprises all noise k ik k pingprocesseswithdifferentsigns,becauseeachhopping sources η that act on the protein level G , including k i eventcausinganegativefluctuationinthevolumeofori- those outside of volume i. We assume that all fluctu- gin always causes a positive fluctuation in the volume of ations are well represented by non-multiplicative, zero- arrival. The hopping thus is a birth process when seen mean Gaussian white noise, and compute the relevant fromthevolumeofarrival,andadeathprocesswhenseen noise powers Γ below. ik from the volume of origin. This intuitive argument can be derived more rigorously from the Langevin equation following the method portrayed by Gillespie [52], and is B. Means and variances with spatial coupling quantitatively confirmed by stochastic simulations, em- ploying (e.g.) the next-subvolume method [53, 54]. The set of coupled Langevin equations [Eq. (1)] is a Using Eq. (4) we can rewrite the noise term (cid:80) special case of what is known as the “N-unit generalized k(cid:104)ΓikΓjk(cid:105) in Eq. (3) for the variances (case i=j) and Langevin model” [49, 50] in other contexts. To compute nearest-neighbor covariances (case i∈N(j)) as follows: the steady-state means and variances we employ a tech- (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:104)Γ Γ (cid:105)=(cid:104)G2(c,g)(cid:105)+ (cid:104)D2 +D2 (cid:105) nique based on It¯o calculus which allows to convert the ik jk i (i→n) (n→i) set of coupled stochastic equations for the variables G k n∈N(i) i into a set of ODEs for their moments that hold exactly. ≡N2 for i=j (5) ii This can be performed for an arbitrary discrete coupling (cid:88) (cid:104)Γ Γ (cid:105)= (cid:104)Γ Γ (cid:105) + (cid:104)Γ Γ (cid:105) network,andevenforthecaseofmultiplicativenoise(not ik jk iκ jκ iκ(cid:48) jκ(cid:48) (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) k considered here) [49–51]. hopping(i→j) hopping(j→i) We can write down the equations of motion for the =−(cid:104)D2 (cid:105)−(cid:104)D2 (cid:105) (i→j) (j→i) mean of the normalized local output g = G /N and i i max ≡N2 for i∈N(j) (6) the (co)variances of its fluctuations δgi ≡ gi − (cid:104)gi(cid:105) as ij 4 To obtain the stationary means and covariances of the the local production to the apparent copy number in the protein number g , we solved Eqs. (2) and (3) in steady volume is reduced (T <τ). An analogous interpretation i state by setting their left sides to zero (∂ (cid:104)..(cid:105) = 0). Af- holdsforσ2 if 1N2 isinterpretedasa“noiseproduction” t i 2 ii ter substituting g = (cid:104)g (cid:105)+δg , we regroup covariances term. i i i (cid:104)δg δg (cid:105)andmeans(cid:104)g (cid:105)andrelatethemtotherespective We verified that Eqs. (9), (10) and (11) correctly re- i j i quantities in the neighboring volumes (see Appendix A). producetheknownresultthatallsuper-Poissoniannoise In this context, we introduce the pragmatic assump- isattenuatedinthe“Poissonianlimit,”meaningthat(in tionthatonlyconcentrationsinvolumesthatarenearest non-normalizedunits) the variance becomesequal tothe neighborsonthelatticehavesignificantcorrelations,i.e., meanforinifinitelystrongcoupling∆→∞[30,31]. This we enforce holds both in 1D and 2D, and with or without short- correlations assumption. (cid:104)δg δg (cid:105)=0 for j ∈/ N(i) (7) i j Equations(9),(10)and(11)canbesolvedforthevari- ables g¯, σ2 and C after specifying the detailed forms While this “short correlations assumption” markedly fa- i i ij oftheregulatoryfunctionandnoisestrengthandimpos- cilitatesbothanalyticalprogressandcomputationspeed, ing meaningful boundary conditions. If the regulatory and yields formulas that are intuitive to interpret, our function and noise do not contain terms nonlinear in the results only change marginally when the assumption is variables of interest, Eqs. (9), (10) and (11) form a set released (see Section IIID). For brevity, in the following of coupled linear equations that can be solved by simple we write matrix inversion. Also notice that we may use Eq. (11) g¯ ≡(cid:104)g (cid:105), σ2 ≡(cid:104)δg2(cid:105), C ≡(cid:104)δg δg (cid:105) (8) to simplify Eq. (10) further if we are only interested in i i i i ij i j solving for the variances σ2 (as in this work); we show i for the steady-state means, variances and covariances, the respective formulas for the 1D and 2D model in Ap- respectively. Treating the cases i = j and i ∈ N(j) pendix B. in Eq. (3) separately, we arrive at the following set of coupled equations for these quantities (cf. Appendix A): C. Regulatory function and gene expression noise τ (cid:88) g¯i = 1+2d∆ri+h g¯ni Todescribetheprobabilityofthepromotorbeinginits ni∈N(i) activestategiventhattheconcentrationofthetranscrip- ≡Tr +Λ2 (cid:88) g¯ (9) tion factor is c, we choose a simple Hill-type regulation i ni model: ni∈N(i) σi2 =Λ2 (cid:88) Cini + T2Ni2i (10) f(c)= cH +cHKH, (12) ni∈N(i) C = Λ2 (cid:0)σ2+σ2(cid:1)+ TN2 (11) where H is the Hill coefficient, quantifying the cooper- ij 2 i j 2 ij ativity of the activation process, and K the activation threshold, i.e. the concentration at which half-activation Here we abbreviate normalized production rate r = i occurs, f(K)=1/2. f(c )/τ; d is the lattice dimension, or half of the coor- i To complete our analytical model we need to accu- dination number of a reaction volume. We introduce the ratelyspecifythenoisepowers(cid:104)G2(cid:105)and(cid:104)D2 (cid:105)appear- dimensionless diffusion constant ∆ ≡ D/D , which is i (i→j) 0 ing in the noise terms N2 and N2. In steady state, all equal to the diffusion constant measured in the “natu- ii ij ral” unit D = δ2/τ; note that ∆ = hτ. We will also of these noise powers only depend on the mean levels of 0 the transcription factor ({c }) and product ({g¯}). refer to ∆ as the “spatial coupling.” i i Let us first specify the power of the regula- Theaboveequationsdefinetwo“effectiveparameters”: tion/production/degradation noise, (cid:104)G2(cid:105), which has two (i), an “effective residence time” T = τ/(1+2d∆), re- i contributions: super-Poissonian “input noise” (cid:104)G2 (cid:105) flecting the fact that with diffusion proteins are taken TF,i originating from random arrival of regulatory transcrip- out from the reaction volume faster than through reg- tionfactors, andPoissonian“outputnoise”(cid:104)G2 (cid:105)from ular degradation in the absence of diffusion; a√nd (ii), PD,i theproductionanddegradationofthegeneproduct. The the (dimensionless) “mixing parameter” Λ = +hT = √ (cid:112) input noise is a function of the transcription factor con- +DT/δ = ∆/(1+2d∆), which equals the distance centration and is well-approximated by [11, 55, 56] travelled via diffusion during the time T, measured in units of the lattice spacing δ. These quantities cap- (cid:34) (cid:18)∂f(c)(cid:19)2 2c (cid:35) ture the essential effect of diffusive coupling between (cid:104)G2 (cid:105)= r2 (13) thestochasticprocessesinneighboringreactionvolumes: TF,i max ∂c Dclc With increasing coupling (∆ > 0 ⇒ Λ2 > 0), the mean c=ci output level g¯ is increasingly set by the mean levels in where D is the diffusion coefficient of the transcription i c theneighboringvolumesg¯ ,whereasthecontributionof factors,l thetypicalsizeofatranscriptionfactorbinding ni c 5 site and c the local activator concentration. The above D. Quantifying positional information i formula describes fluctuations of G in absolute units; i to obtain the noise power (cid:104)GˆTF,i(cid:105) of fluctuations in the Building on our previous work [8, 10–13], we quantify normalized output gi, (cid:104)GT2F,i(cid:105) has to be normalized as the amount of information that the noisy output signal well by Nm2ax =(rmaxτ)2: g(x) carries about the position x using the mutual infor- (cid:104)G2 (cid:105) 1 (cid:34)(cid:18)∂f(c)(cid:19)2 2cN (cid:35) mation I(x;g) between the input and output [57, 58], a (cid:104)Gˆ2 (cid:105)= TF,i = max central quantity of Shannon’s information theory [57]: TF,i N2 N τ ∂c D l τ max max c c c=ci (cid:90) (cid:90) (cid:20)P(g|x)(cid:21) 1 (cid:34)(cid:18)∂f(c)(cid:19)2 (cid:35) I(x;g)= dxPx(x) dgP(g|x)log2 P (g) (20) = 2cc (14) g N τ ∂c 0 max Intheinformation-theoreticpictureintroducedhere, the c=ci information channel is defined by a set of sampling units In the last step, c ≡ N /(D l τ) defines a typical 0 max c c (cells or nuclei at a particular position) that implement concentration scale for our problem; in the following we thesamegeneregulatorynetwork. Thesesamplingunits will measure concentrations in units of c . 0 read out the input signal c with a distribution that is The output noise in absolute units can be written as jointly determined by the shape of the concentration the sum of production and degradation rate, as for a field, c(x), and the spatial distribution of the sampling regular birth/death process: units, P (x). In response to these inputs, the regulatory x 1 networks locally express the output gene g at the corre- (cid:104)G2 (cid:105)=r f(c )+ (cid:104)G (cid:105) (15) PD,i max i τ i sponding level, producing an output distribution Pg(g) across the ensemble of sampling units. Note that in general (cid:104)G (cid:105) (cid:54)= r f(c )τ due to the dif- i max i The mutual information can be rewritten as a dif- fusive coupling. Also note that bursty production (not ference between the entropy of the output distribution consideredinthiswork)couldbeeasilyincorporatedinto (cid:82) S[P (g)] = − dgP (g)log P (g) and the average en- the model via a prefactor φ (Fano factor) in the produc- g g 2 g tropyoftheconditionaldistributionofgatfixedposition tion term: r f(c )→φr f(c ). In normalized units max i max i x: the production/degradation noise reads: (cid:90) (cid:104)Gˆ2 (cid:105)= (cid:104)GP2D,i(cid:105) = 1 (f(c )+g¯) (16) I(x;g)=S[Pg(g)]− dxPx(x)S[P(g|x)] (21) PD,i N2 N τ i i max max When only the local distribution of outputs P(g|x) is In our model, diffusive hopping of a molecule is iden- known, P (g) can be straightforwardly constructed from g tical with its degradation in the volume of origin and P(g|x) and P (x): x simultaneous production of a molecule in the volume of (cid:90) arrival. The corresponding noise powers D2 thus are (i→j) P (g)= dxP (x)P(g|x) (22) g x given by the rate of particle loss through diffusive hop- ping from the volume of origin, which in steady state is In our discrete model we assume uniform spacing of the givenbythemeancopynumberinthatvolumetimesthe sampling positions x ∈ [0,N δ], i.e. P (x ) = 1/N . hopping rate, and can be normalized in the same way as i x x i x Equations (21) and (22) then respectively become: the other noise powers: (cid:90) (cid:104)D2 (cid:105)= D(cid:104)G (cid:105), (cid:104)Dˆ2 (cid:105)= (cid:104)D(2i→j)(cid:105) = ∆ g¯ I(x;g)=− dgPg(g)log2Pg(g) (i→j) δ2 i (i→j) N2 N τ i max max 1 (cid:88)Nx (cid:90) (17) + dgP(g|x )log P(g|x ) (23) N i 2 i x Adding up all contributions, we obtain for the (nor- i=1 malized) combined noise powers N2 and N2: 1 (cid:88)Nx ij ii P (g)= P(g|x ) (24) g N i N2 =−(cid:104)D2 (cid:105)−(cid:104)D2 (cid:105)=− ∆ (g¯ +g¯ ) (18) x i=1 ij (i→j) (j→i) N τ i j max I(x;g) is therefore fully characterized by the conditional (cid:88) N2 =(cid:104)G2 (cid:105)+(cid:104)G2 (cid:105)+ (cid:104)D2 +D2 (cid:105) output distribution P(g|x ). Since here we only consider ii PD,i TF,i (i→n) (n→i) i non-multiplicative white noise, P(g|x ) is Gaussian: n∈N(i) i 1 (cid:34)(cid:18)∂f(c)(cid:19)2 (cid:35) 1 (cid:32) (g−g¯(x ))2(cid:33) = Nmaxτf(ci)+g¯i+ ∂c 2cc0 c=ci P(g|xi)= (cid:113)2πσg2(xi)exp − 2σg2(xii) (25) (cid:88) The information I(x;g) is therefore fully determined by +∆ (g¯i+g¯n) (19) the (local) means and variances of the conditional distri- n∈N(i) butions P(g|x ). i 6 Inourpreviouswork[8,10–13],wehavecomputedthe For computational efficiency we initially studied the maximum achievable information transmission (channel 1Dmodelwithshort-correlationsassumption(SCA),and capacity)byoptimizingoverthedistributionofinputsig- latercomparedtothe2DmodelswithandwithoutSCA, nals,relyingonthe“smallnoiseapproximation”tomake finding only minor differences (see Section IIID). theproblemanalyticallytractable. Here,incontrast,the spatialsettinghasledustochooseauniformdistribution of sampling points, P (x). While this relieves us of the x A. Spatial coupling can enhance information need to use the small noise approximation, to fully spec- transmission ify the problem we still need to select the function c(x) that maps the input of the regulatory network to spa- We first assessed how introducing diffusive coupling tial positions. Motivated by the developmental example changes the information capacity of the system in the of the fruit fly, here we choose an exponential function space of regulatory parameters K and H. To establish [36, 37]: the baseline for comparison, we started with the case c(x)=c e−x/(λγ0), (26) without spatial coupling, ∆(cid:39)0, fixing C =1 and input max gradientlengthλ=1. Figure2Ashowsthe“information wherec controlsthemaximumachievableinput,γ ≡ plane” for this case, i.e., the mutual information I(x;g) max 0 L/5 ≡ N δ/5 is the decay length of a typical exponen- as a function of the Hill coefficient H and the activa- x tial morphogen gradient relative to the system size L tionthresholdK. Consistentlywithourpreviousstudies [36, 37, 59], and λ a variable dimensionless scaling fac- [10, 11], the information plane displays a clear optimal tor (the precise value of γ is insignificant; we could opt choiceofH andK thatmaximizesinformationtransmis- 0 for any convenient length unit). This choice generates sion. Theoptimumresultsfromanontrivialcompromise a family of input profiles parametrized by c and λ, betweenevenlyspreadingthewholedynamicrangeofthe max and we will explore various settings for these parameters outputsignalalongthex-axis,whichideallyrequireslow to maximize the positional information encoded by the Hill coefficients and half-activation at the system center expression level g. (x=L/2,K =c(L/2)), and a system-wide minimization We can now assemble the different components of the ofthenoise; thelattergenerallyfavorsactivationathigh model. By inserting the regulation and noise terms input concentrations (to avoid large fluctuations at low [Eqs. (12), (18) and (19)] into the steady-state solutions c) and thus higher K. of the coupled stochastic equations [Eqs. (9), (10), (11)] Figures 2B and 2C show the same information plane, we obtain two coupled linear equation systems for mean but now at increasing values for the spatial coupling ∆. expression levels g¯ and (co)variances C and σ2 which Thefirstobservationisthatwithnonzero∆information i ij i wecansolvegiventheselectedboundaryconditions. Us- can be increased relative to the baseline at the optimal ingEq.(23)wecanthencomputethemutualinformation choiceofH andK,butthattheinformationdropsagain I(x;g). Whencomputingthestochasticmoments,wecan whenthediffusivecouplingistoostrong, indicatingthat varytheparametersoftheinputfunction,theregulation there exists a nontrivial optimal value for ∆ that maxi- and the spatial coupling, and thus compute I(x;g) as mizesinformation. Thesecondobservationrelatestothe a function of its key determinants. The baseline set of concomitantchangeintheoptimalparameters{K∗,H∗} parameters that we used for numerical computation is as the diffusive coupling is increased. In particular, in- presented in Appendix D. creasing the diffusion constant shifts the optimum to- wards higher H and lower K. The third observation is that strong diffusion also increases the capacity away III. RESULTS from the optimum in the regime of high H, creating a flat plateau where the precise value of H is not crucial In order to elucidate how spatial coupling alters the for attaining high information transmission. capacity of encoding positional information in the down- All these observations can be understood intuitively: stream gene g, we optimized the mutual information The increase in capacity for nonzero diffusion is due to I(x;g) over the parameters of our model: the dissoci- thetrade-offbetweentheabilityofdiffusivespatialaver- ation constant, K, and the Hill coefficient of regulation, aging to reduce noise (thus increasing the transmission), H; the (normalized) diffusion constant of the gene prod- and smoothing out the response profile (thus decreasing uct,∆;andthelengthscaleoftheinputgradient,λ. Asis the transmission) [30, 31]. The shift in optimal regu- knownfrompreviouswork,thekeyparameterthatqual- latory parameters is a direct consequence of these two itativelydeterminestheshapeoftheoptimalsolutionsis effects: the detrimental effect of smoothing out the re- theratiooftheoutputtoinputnoise,whichissetbyadi- sponseprofilecanbepartiallycompensatedforbychoos- mensionless maximal input concentration, C = c /c inghigheroptimalHillcoefficients,whilenoisereduction max 0 [11]; in general, C (cid:29)1 is the regime of dominant output allows the optimal K to move towards lower concentra- noise,whileC (cid:28)1istheregimeofdominantinputnoise, tions to better utilize the dynamic range. The plateau as defined in Section IIC. We thus explored the optimal in information at high diffusion results from the abil- solutions as a function of C in what follows. ity of the diffusion to flatten sharp, nearly step-like gene 7 A B C Δ ≃ 0 Δ = 10 Δ ≃ 316 [bits] 2.2 3.0 2.5 0.42 2.0 0 K/c 7.9·10-2 1.5 1.0 1.5·10-2 0.5 3.1·10-3 0.0 0.10 0.45 2.15 10.37 50.00 0.10 0.45 2.15 10.37 50.00 0.10 0.45 2.15 10.37 50.00 H H H FIG. 2. Information planes for different values of the spatial coupling, ∆. Shown is the mutual information I(x;g) as a function of the Hill coefficient H and the activation threshold K, (A) with negligible spatial coupling, ∆(cid:39)0; (B) with intermediate spatial coupling, ∆ = 10; and (C) with very strong spatial coupling, ∆ (cid:39) 316. The data shown is for the 1D model with short-correlations assumption. activation profiles at high H (limited to at most 1 bit a minor role for C (cid:29) 1, thereby limiting the potential of positional information for H → ∞ and ∆ → 0) into role of diffusion. We note that super-Poissonian fluctu- smoothspatialgradientsthatcanconveymorepositional ations could also occur on the output side (e.g., when information. gene expression is bursty and multiple protein copies are producedfromeachmRNA),inwhichcasediffusivecou- pling could be beneficial even for C (cid:29) 1. As expected, B. Spatial coupling is most beneficial when input for all C, the information capacity drops to zero at very noise is dominant high∆independentlyofallotherparameters,becausein that limit all output profiles become flat and thus unin- After understanding the optimal behavior of informa- formative. tionasafunctionofregulatoryparametersH,K atfixed C = 1, λ = 1, and ∆, we systematically varied the dif- fusive coupling ∆ and the input gradient length scale We systematically explored how diffusion affects the λ for several different values of C. For each choice of optimal information transmission as a function of C in (∆,λ) parameters, we separately mapped out the infor- Fig.4,bycomparingtheoptimallycoupledspatialmodel mation as a function of H and K to find the optimal toamodelwherediffusionissettozero. Becausethein- values (H∗,K∗) and the corresponding maximal infor- formation transmission is largely invariant to λ and for mation transmission. mostvaluesofC peaksinaverybroadplateauatλ=1, Figure 3 summarizes this exploration and shows the wefixedλ=1forthiscomparison,whileoptimizingover informationcapacityasafunctionof∆andλforaseries allotherparameters(separatelyforthespatiallycoupled of 6 different C values. White stars mark the maximal system and the system with ∆(cid:39)0). Clearly, in the low- capacity for the given C, i.e., the capacity for jointly C regimeoptimaldiffusivecouplingcanenhanceinforma- optimal choice of H, K, ∆ and λ. tion capacity by more than a bit, while for C (cid:38) 100 the The panel for C = 1 demonstrates two beneficial ef- noise composition is strongly dominated by Poissonian fects of diffusion on information capacity: increasing ∆ output noise such that diffusion cannot further improve from very low values to ∆ (cid:46) 100 increases I(x;g) and information throughput. simultaneously enlarges the range of λ over which high capacity can be reached. This effect is even more pro- nounced when C < 1: at very low C the beneficial val- ues for the diffusion constant ∆ are strongly constrained Instead of varying C by changing the maximal input to a narrow interval, and the resulting capacity gain at concentration c , we also varied C via N , thus al- max max optimal ∆ with respect to low ∆ increases markedly. In tering output noise at constant levels of input noise. In contrast,whenC ishigh,diffusivecouplingdoesnotcon- that case we observe the same behavior, i.e. significant vey a large benefit in information transmission. This is capacity enhancement by diffusion in the low-C regime, due to the fact that diffusion can only remove super- withthe smalldifference thatnow the capacity increases Poissonian parts of the noise [30, 31]. In our model, withdecreasingC ∼1/N ,aspresentedinmoredetail max super-Poissoninan noise is the input noise, which plays in Appendix E. 8 C = 100 C = 10 C = 1 [bits] 8 3.5 3.0 4 2.5 2 3.2 2.0 λ 1 1.5 3.1 3.1 1/2 1.0 1/4 0.5 1/8 0.0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Δ Δ Δ C = 0.1 C = 0.01 C = 0.001 [bits] 8 3.5 3.0 4 2.5 2 2.0 λ 1 1.5 2.9 2.7 2.6 1/2 1.0 1/4 0.5 1/8 0.0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Δ Δ Δ FIG. 3. Information transmission as a function of the spatial coupling ∆ and the input gradient length λ for various values of maximal input concentration, C. For comparison, the same scale is used for all contour maps. White stars mark the overall maximum of I(x;g) in each respective panel; white boxes show the corresponding optimal amount of transmitted information (in bits). Each datapoint was obtained by optimizing I(x;g) over the regulatory parameters H and K for the given set of C, ∆ and λ. The data shown is for the 1D model with short-correlations assumption. C. Spatial coupling enables a novel regulatory For C = 100, input noise levels are so low that the strategy at high input noise total noise is dominated by purely Poissonian output noise throughout the whole system (Φ(xˆ) (cid:39) 1). There- Spatialcouplingaffectsboththenoiseleveloftheout- fore, strong spatial coupling would fail to decrease the put gene as well as the shape of its output profile. We noise further and would merely fade out the mean out- wondered how these two effects combine to affect the putprofile. Consequently, theoptimaldiffusionconstant information transmission. Figure 5 shows the optimal ∆∗ = 1 is low, and the spatially coupled system only mean output profile g¯(xˆ), the underlying activation pro- differs marginally from the uncoupled system. file f(xˆ), and two measures of the noise in gene expres- For C = 1 in the uncoupled system, input noise be- sion, the standard deviation σ2(xˆ) and the Fano fac- comes more prominent as a fraction of the total noise, tor Φ(xˆ) = N σˆ2(xˆ)/g¯(xˆ), as a function of position such that Φ(xˆ) > 1 for xˆ (cid:38) 0.3 (cyan colored line max xˆ ≡ x/L ∈ [0,1]. We plot these quantities for three in Fig. 5F); in line with this, the activation thresh- values of C, representative of the input-noise-dominated old is shifted towards higher input concentrations (i.e. regime (C = 0.01), the regime in which input and out- smallerxˆ)attheexpenseofreducingthedynamicrange. put noise are approximately balanced (C = 1), and the In the coupled system the optimal diffusion constant output-noise-dominated regime (C = 100). In each plot is markedly higher (∆∗ = 25) than at C = 100, and we directly compare the system in which the diffusion the resulting spatial averaging can almost completely re- constant is optimized along with all other parameters, move the additional non-Poissonian noise contributions vs. the system that is optimal at zero spatial coupling. (Φ(xˆ)(cid:39)1). This allows the optimal activation threshold 9 3.5 C = 100, Δ* = 1 C = 1, Δ* = 25 C = 0.01, Δ* = 75 1.0 f f f 0.8 ḡ, Δ=Δ* ḡ, Δ=Δ* ḡ, Δ=Δ* 3.0 ̄̂g(x) 0.6 ḡ, Δ=0 ḡ, Δ=0 ḡ, Δ=0 ̂f(x), 00..42 A D G 0 10 s] 2.5 B E H bit 1 x;g) [ ̂(x)σ 0.1 I( 2.0 0.01 10100−3 104 C F I 1.5 I*(C) ̂(x)Φ 10 100 I (C) 0 1 10 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −4 −2 0 2 4 10 10 10 10 10 x̂ x̂ x̂ C = c /c max 0 FIG.5. Comparison of optimal output profiles for dif- ferent values of the maximal input concentration, C. FIG. 4. Information capacity for varying maximal in- (A-C) Dominant output noise, C = 100, blue lines. (D- put concentration, C. Shownistheoptimizedinformation F) Balanced noise, C = 1, red lines. (G-I) Dominant in- capacity as a function of C =cmax/c0 with optimal diffusive put noise, C = 0.01, green lines. For every value of C, the coupling (I∗(C), solid blue line) and without diffusive cou- normalized mean output profile g¯(xˆ) (dashed lines) and the pling (I0(C), dashed blue line). At small C, non-Poissonian optimal activation profile f(xˆ) (faint solid lines) are shown inputnoiseisdominant,whilePoissonianoutputnoisedomi- in the top row; the noise in gene expression is shown as the natesforlargeC. Theblue-shadedareadepictsthemaximal standarddeviationσ(xˆ)inthemiddlerow;andtheFanofac- gain in information capacity from diffusive coupling: spatial torΦ(xˆ)=N σ2(xˆ)/g¯(xˆ),isshowninthebottomrow. All max couplingenhancesinformationcapacitymostefficientlywhen profiles are shown as a function of the normalized position, inputnoisedominates. ThedashedverticallinesmarktheC xˆ = x/L. The corresponding quantities for the optimal spa- values corresponding to the three cases displayed in Fig. 5. tiallyuncoupled(∆(cid:39)0)systemareshownincomplementary colors (see plot legends). K toshifttowardslowerinputconcentrationsinorderto attain a similarly large dynamic range as for C =100. fusive spatial averaging. In sum, at low C, the optimal At C = 0.01, when input noise is exceedingly domi- strategyistouseverysharpactivationprofiles,sincethey nant, we observe the emergence of a qualitatively new act as a “filter” for input noise (which must go to zero regulatory strategy in the spatially coupled system. For atzeroorsaturatedgeneexpression); thestrongoptimal both spatially coupled and uncoupled systems, low C fa- diffusion then smoothes out the step-like activation into vors sharp activation profiles with high Hill coefficients a graded response and removes much of the remaining H. Forthespatiallyuncoupledsystem,theoptimalacti- inputnoisearoundtheverylocalizedtransitionregionat vation threshold K∗ moves towards central positions. In c≈K∗. contrast,intheoptimalspatiallycoupledsystem,theop- Usually, the effect of diffusion on information trans- timalactivationthresholdK∗movesclosertowardsxˆ=0 mission is understood to be a tradeoff between the ben- where input noise is smaller, and the optimal Hill coeffi- eficial effect of noise averaging and detrimental effect of cientmakestheactivationnearlystep-like. Withoutspa- smoothing the profile, but here it seems that smoothing tialcoupling,thisstrategycouldnotbeoptimal,because the step-like activation profile is also beneficial for the it would be limited to at most one bit—in the region information flow. To check that this is indeed a qualita- wheretheactivationprofileisflat,positionscouldnotbe tivelydifferentoptimalregulatorystrategy,weperformed discriminated based on the gene expression level g. Op- a systematic study of the optimal regulatory parameters timal diffusion can, however, smooth out this step-like between C = 0.1 and C = 0.01. We found that here activation to generate a graded gene expression profile two regulatory strategies compete, as evidenced by two andrestorepositiondiscriminabilityatessentiallyallpo- local maxima in the (K,H) information planes for this sitions. Simultaneously, optimaldiffusiontransformsthe range of C values: one favors relatively low Hill coeffi- noiseinaninterestingway,ascanbeseeninFig.5Hand cients, H∗ (cid:39) 1, and high activation thresholds K∗; the I. The step-like activation curve suppresses the super- other favors high H∗ and lower K∗. For C = 0.01 and Poissonian input noise everywhere except for the narrow 10 (cid:46) ∆ (cid:46) 30 both regulatory strategies lead to almost intervalofxaroundthetransitionpointwherethesuper- equalinformationcapacities,butfor∆(cid:38)30steepactiva- Poisson component has a very sharp and tall peak; but tioncombinedwithfastdiffusionispreferable. FigureS2 this can very effectively be removed by the strong dif- in Appendix F illustrates this phenomenon. 10 D. Full solution in 2D geometry differs only The theory presented here is a direct continuation of marginally from an approximate solution in 1D our previous work on quantifying information flow in gene regulatory networks at increasing levels of realism All results presented in the previous sections were ob- [10–14]. In our previous approaches, however, we were tained using the 1D model with short-correlations as- striving for analytical approximations that would per- sumption (SCA). To assess how representative they are mit computing the channel capacity, that is, performing of the fully detailed model, we compared the 1D model analytical optimization over all possible distributions of with SCA to the 2D model with SCA, and finally to the inputsignals, Pc(c); thisledustoadoptthe“smallnoise 2D model that retains more than only nearest-neighbor approximation.” Here, in contrast, we assumed a partic- correlations(seeAppendixBfortheformulasinthefirst ulargeometry(withauniformdistributionoversampling two cases and Appendix C for the latter case). units, Px(x)) and a particular functional form of the in- Figure S3 in Appendix G compares the information put concentration field, c(x); the latter can depend on planes I(∆,λ) for the three cases at C = 1. The re- parameters which one can optimize, but we do not per- sultssuggestthattheinfluenceoflateralspatialcoupling formfunctionaloptimizationoverallpossiblec(x). While present in the 2D model is minor. Particularly in the theserestrictionsmayappearstrongerthaninourprevi- rangeofspatialcouplings∆aroundtheinformationmax- ous work, they also allow us to move to a truly spatially imum, where the system is operating close to the hard discretesetup(thathasanaturalminimalspatialscaleof bound set by irreducible Poissonian noise, the difference a cell or nucleus, as is the case in reality), and permit to between information capacities in 1D and 2D is almost relax the small noise approximation, which is no longer negligible. Inclusion of 2D couplings mainly increases assumed in this work. We also note that a parametric I(x;g) values away from the optimal range of parame- choice of c(x) is not as restrictive as it might appear ini- ters, thus effectively enlarging the region of parameter tially. First, one could choose a rich enough parametric spaceinwhichthesystemcanattainclose-to-optimalin- form (basis set) for c(x) that ensures spatial smoothness formationtransmission. Thisagainismostprominentfor but otherwise allows optimization in a full space of plau- thelowC regime,asexpected,butstilllimitedtoasmall sible profiles. Second, it is intuitively clear that mono- fraction ((cid:46)10%) of the total capacity (data not shown). tonicfunctionsencodepositionalinformationbetterthan The effect of incorporating longer-ranged correlations is non-monotonic,orevenconstantfunctions,stronglynar- minor as well: the information planes for the 2D model rowing the range of functional forms over which opti- with and without SCA are almost indistinguishible. mization should take place. Third, while we focused on Overall, this demonstrates that the 1D model with exponential gradients which can be easily parametrized short-correlations assumption is a good approximation byonlytwoparameters,exponentialprofilesactuallyare of the fully detailed model. In the given context, the widespread throughout biology [23, 24, 42, 59, 60]. strength of spatial coupling appears more relevant than Several previous approaches assessed how diffusive its topology. coupling alters the precision of spatial protein pat- terns driven by spatially distributed inputs [30, 31, 61]. While similar in spirit to ours, these works employed IV. DISCUSSION measures of “regulatory precision” such as the output pattern steepness and sharpness, which—unlike mutual information—do not capture the problem in its full rich- We developed a generic framework to compute infor- ness: these measures quantify precision only locally, on mation flow through spatially coupled gene regulatory parts of the output signal, and moreover, make implicit networks at steady state. As the simplest example, we assumptions about which feature of the output (bound- considered how a spatially varying concentration field ary steepness, boundary position, etc.) is informative. (“input profile”) is read out collectively by a regular 1D Information theory removes this arbitrariness [48], and or 2D lattice of sampling units that are interacting by permitsextensionsbeyondthesimplecasesstudiedhere. local diffusion of the gene product. A directly applicable Similarapproacheshaverecentlybeensuggestedforspe- example could be cells (or nuclei) in a developing mul- cific biological systems [34, 35, 62]. ticellular organism that respond to the morphogen field by expressing developmental genes whose products can In our example application we studied how spatial be exchanged between neighboring cells. We emphasize coupling alters optimal information flow in a single- that our framework is generic in that effects due to spa- input/single-output gene regulatory network motivated tial coupling in any chosen geometry can be worked out by the bicoid-hunchback system, which is a part of the before assuming any particular gene regulatory function gap gene network in early fruit fly development [20, 21]. and writing down the relevant noise power spectra, as The main outcome of this analysis is that diffusive cou- is evident from Eqs. (9), (10) and (11). This makes the pling enhances information capacity by removing super- framework widely applicable to a broad range of biolog- Poissoniancomponentsofthenoise,inlinewithprevious ical problems in which spatially distributed information work[30,31]; thiseffectislargewheninputnoiseisnon- is collectively sensed by a set of discrete sampling units negligible (C ≤ 1). When diffusion plays a large role in and encoded into a spatial output. an optimal system, the activation functions can deviate