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OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOWEST EIGENVALUE FOR LEAKY STAR GRAPHS PAVEL EXNER AND VLADIMIR LOTOREICHIK Abstract. We consider the problem of geometric optimization for the lowest eigenvalue of 7 the two-dimensional Schrödinger operator with an attractive δ-interaction of a fixed strength 1 0 the support of which is a star graph with finitely many edges of an equal length L ∈ (0,∞]. 2 Under the constraint of fixed number of the edges and fixed length of them, we prove that n the lowest eigenvalue is maximized by the fully symmetric star graph. The proof relies on a the Birman-Schwinger principle, properties of the Macdonald function, and on a geometric J inequality for polygons circumscribed into the unit circle. 4 2 ] P S . 1. Introduction h t a m Thetopicaddressed inthisnoteisthespectral optimizationproblem forthelowest eigenvalue [ of the two-dimensional Schrödinger operator with a δ-interaction supported by a star graph. 1 This problem can be regarded as a two-dimensional counterpart of our recent analysis [EL16] v of δ-interactions supported by conical surfaces in R3. As in the said paper, in order to obtain 0 4 the main result we have to combine the Birman-Schwinger principle with a certain geometric 8 inequality. To advocate the use of this principle as a powerful tool of proving spectral 6 0 optimization results is an additional motivation of our present considerations. . 1 Todescribe our mainresult weneed tointroduce somenotations. Inwhat followsweconsider 0 7 a star graph Σ = Σ (L) ⊂ R2, which has N ≥ 2 edges of length L ∈ (0,∞] each. Being N N 1 enumerated in theclockwise manner, these edges are, uptoanoverall rotation, characterized : v by the angles φ = φ(Σ ) = {φ ,φ ,...,φ } between the neighboring edges. We also adopt i N 1 2 N X the natural assumptions φ ∈ (0,2π) for all n ∈ {1,...,N} and N φ = 2π; when n n=1 n r convenient we say that φ is the vector of angles for the star graph Σ . Furthermore, by a N P Γ we denote the star graph with maximum symmetry, having the same number N ≥ 2 N of edges of the same length L ∈ (0,∞] each, and whose vector of angles is given by φ = φ(Γ ) = 2π, 2π,..., 2π . For brevity we refer to Γ as to the symmetric star graph. N N N N N Examples of star graphs Σ and Γ for N = 5 are plotted in Figure 1.1. (cid:8) N (cid:9) N Given a real number α > 0, we consider spectral problem for the self-adjoint operator H α,ΣN corresponding via the first representation theorem to the closed, densely defined, symmetric, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35P15 (primary); 58J50, 81Q37 (secondary). Key words and phrases. Singular Schrödinger operator, δ-interaction on a star graph, lowest eigenvalue, spectral optimization problem, Birman-Schwinger principle. 1 2 PAVEL EXNER AND VLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK Γ 5 Σ 5 25π 25π φ5 φ1 25π 25π 25π φ4 φ3 φ2 Figure 1.1. The star graphs Γ and Σ with N = 5 and L < ∞. 5 5 and semi-bounded quadratic form in L2(R2), (1.1) h [u] := k∇uk2 −αku| k2 , domh := H1(R2); α,ΣN L2(R2;C2) ΣN L2(ΣN) α,ΣN here u| denotes the usual trace of u ∈ H1(R2) onto Σ ; cf. [BEKŠ94, Sec. 2] and ΣN N [BEL14, Sec. 3.2]. The operator H is usually called Schrödinger operator with the δ- α,ΣN interaction of strength α supported by Σ . In recent years the investigation of Schrödinger N operators with singular interactions supported by sets of lower dimensionality became a topic of permanent interest – see, e.g., [BEL14, BLL13, BEKŠ94, BEW09, DR14, EN03, EV16, LO16, P15], the monograph [EK], and the references therein. The typical physical use of the Hamiltonian H is to model electron behavior of dilute electron gas in quantum wire α,ΣN networks, that is, very thin structures constructed from semiconductor or other materials, the confinement being realized by potential jump between different material types. With an acceptable idealization we can neglect the ‘wire’ width and suppose that the interaction is supported by the network skeleton, for instance, by the graph Σ . One usually employs the N name ’leaky star graph’ for such models [E08] to underline that, in contrast to the standard quantum graphs models [BK], they do not neglect quantum tunnelling. Another physical use of the Hamiltonian H can be found in the few-body quantum mechanics with zero-range α,ΣN interactions – see, e.g., [BK13, BD06, CDR08, HKPC17, LL63]. Recall that the essential spectrum of H coincides with the set [0,∞) if L < ∞ and with α,ΣN the set [−1α2,+∞) if L = ∞. The negative discrete spectrum is known to be non-empty 4 and finite unless we have simultaneously L = ∞, N = 2, and φ = {π,π}; cf. Section 2 below for details. By λα(Σ ) we denote the spectral threshold of H which, except for 1 N α,ΣN the mentioned trivial case, is an isolated eigenvalue. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that λα(Σ ) is maximized by the symmetric star 1 N graph Γ . A precise formulation of this claim is the contents of the following theorem. N Theorem 1.1. For all α > 0 we have (1.2) max λα(Σ (L)) = λα(Γ (L)), 1 N 1 N ΣN(L) where the maximum is taken over all star graphs with N ≥ 2 edges of a given length L ∈ (0,∞]. In the case L < ∞ the equality in (1.2) is achieved if and only if Σ and Γ are N N congruent. OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOWEST EIGENVALUE FOR LEAKY STAR GRAPHS 3 Our method of the proof of Theorem 1.1 relies on the Birman-Schwinger principle for H α,ΣN and on the trick proposed in [E05a, EHL06] and further applied and developed in [BFK+16, EL16, L16]. The main geometric ingredient in the proof of Theorem 1.1 is an inequality for the lengths of the diagonals for polygons circumscribed into the unit circle. This inequality can be viewed as a discrete version of the mean chord-length inequality known for smooth arcs [ACF+03, EHL06, Lu66]. Finally, we mention that a slightly different discrete version of the mean chord-length inequality is used in [E05b, E06] to prove a spectral isoperimetric inequality for Schrödinger operators with point interactions. Organisation of the paper. In Section 2 we recall the known spectral properties of H α,ΣN that are needed in this paper. Section 3 is devoted to the Birman-Schwinger principle for H and its consequences. Theorem 1.1 is proven in Section 4. The paper is concluded by α,ΣN Section 5 containing a discussion of the obtained results and their possible extensions and generalizations. 2. The spectral problem for δ-interactions supported by star graphs Throughout this section, Σ is an arbitrary star graph in R2 with N ≥ 2 edges of length L ∈ N (0,∞]each; cf. Figure 1.1forthecaseN = 5. Theedges ofΣ arelabeled by σ ,σ ,...,σ N 1 2 N being enumerated intheclockwise way. Forconvenience weextendthesequence ofedges ina periodic manner by letting σ := σ for all k ∈ N and n ∈ {1,2,...,N}. By φ ∈ (0,2π) kN+n n n with n ∈ N we denote the magnitude of the angle between the edges σ and σ , measured n n+1 againintheclockwisedirection. Thevectorofanglesφ = φ(Σ ) = {φ ,φ ,...,φ }satisfies N 1 2 N φ ∈ (0,2π) for all n ∈ {1,...,N} and N φ = 2π. At the same time, the (attractive) n n=1 n coupling strength α is a fixed positive number. P We are interested in spectral properties of the self-adjoint operator H in L2(R2) in- α,ΣN troduced via the first representation theorem [K, Thm. VI 2.1] as associated with the closed, densely defined, symmetric, and semi-bounded quadratic form h defined in (1.1); α,ΣN see [BEKŠ94, Sec. 2] and also [BEL14, Prop. 3.1]. For the sake of completeness, let us add a few words about the operator domain of H . α,ΣN Let Σ = Σ (∞) ⊂ R2 bethe natural extension ofΣ up tothe stargraph with semi-infinite N N N edges {σ }N ; in the case L = ∞ it is, of course, trivial, we clearly have Σ = Σ . The n n=1 N N grapeh Σ oebviously splits R2 into N wedge-type domains {Ω }N with the angles {φ }N at N n n=1 n n=1 their coreners. Again forthe sakeof convenience weextend the sequences of edeges forΣ and N of respeective wedges putting σ := σ and Ω := Ω for k ∈ N and n ∈ {1,...,N}. kN+n n kN+n n For any u ∈ L2(R2) we introduce the notation u := u| , n ∈ N. Then the operator deomain n Ωn of Hα,ΣN consists of functiones u ∈ H1e(R2), which satisfy ∆un ∈ L2(Ωn), n ∈ N, in the distributional sense and the δ-type boundary condition on each edge, ∂νnun|σen+1 +∂νn+1un+1|σen+1 = αχσnu|σen+1, n ∈ N, 4 PAVEL EXNER AND VLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK in the sense of traces, where χ : σ → {0,1}, n ∈ N, is the characteristic function of the σn n set σn ⊂ σn, and where ∂νnun|σen and ∂νnun|σen+1 denote the traces of normal derivatives of un onto the edges σn and σn+1, resepectively, with the normal vector at the boundary of Ωn pointing oeutward. Moreover, for any u ∈ domHα,ΣN we have Hα,ΣNu = − ⊕Nn=1 ∆un. The reader may consulte[BEL14e, Sec. 3.2] for a more precise description of domHα,ΣN. It is not surprising that the operator H has a non-empty essential spectrum. More α,ΣN specifically, we have the following statement. Proposition 2.1. Let Σ = Σ (L) ⊂ R2 be a star graph with N ≥ 2 edges of length N N L ∈ (0,∞]. Then for all α > 0 the essential spectrum of H is characterized as follows: α,ΣN (i) σ (H ) = [0,∞) if L < ∞; ess α,ΣN (ii) σ (H ) = [−1α2,∞) if L = ∞. ess α,ΣN 4 The claim(i) of this proposition is easy to verify, because the essential spectrum of the Laplacian in the whole space R2 equals [0,∞) and introducing a δ-interaction supported by Σ with L < ∞ leads to a compact perturbation in the sense of resolvent differences; we N refer to [BEKŠ94, Thm. 3.1] or to [BEL14, Thm. 4.2]. For a proof of Proposition 2.1(ii) see [EN03, Prop. 5.4]. As for the discrete spectrum of H , various properties of it are investigated in or follow α,ΣN from [BEW09, CDR08, DR14, EI01, EN03, KP16, KL14, P15]. For our purposes we need the following statement. Proposition 2.2. Let Σ = Σ (L) ⊂ R2 be a star graph with N ≥ 2 edges of length N N L ∈ (0,∞]. If L = ∞ and N = 2 hold simultaneously, we additionally assume that φ(Σ ) 6= 2 1 {π,π}. Then #σ (H ) ≥ 1 holds for all α > 0 . dis α,ΣN Nontriviality of σ (H ) for L < ∞ follows from [KL14, Thm. 3.1]. It can be alternatively dis α,ΣN proven via the test function argument as in the proof of [KL16, Prop. 2]. The fact that σ (H ) is non-void for L = ∞ is shown in [EN03, Thm. 5.7]; note that by [KL16, Thm. dis α,ΣN E.1] this discrete spectrum is finite. Summarizing, the essential spectrum of H coincides with the interval [0,∞) if L < ∞ α,ΣN and with the interval [−1α2,∞) if L = ∞, and there is at least one isolated eigenvalue 4 below the threshold of the essential spectrum, unless simultaneously L = ∞, N = 2, and φ(Σ ) = {π,π} hold. 2 1 Given a self-adjoint operator T we denote by #σ (T) the cardinality of the discrete spectrum with the dis multiplicities of the eigenvalues taken into account. OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOWEST EIGENVALUE FOR LEAKY STAR GRAPHS 5 3. Birman-Schwinger principle Inthis section we formulate a version of the Birman-Schwinger-type principle for the operator H and derive a related characterization of its lowest eigenvalue λα(Σ ). A standing α,ΣN 1 N assumption throughout this section is L < ∞, although most of the results hold or can be reformulated for L = ∞ as well. First of all, we parametrize each edge σ of Σ by the unit-speed mapping σ : I → R2 with n N n I := [0,L], i.e. |σ′(s)| = 1 holds for all s ∈ I. We choose this parametrisation in such a way n that σ (0) = σ (0) = ··· = σ (0). Clearly, the Hilbert spaces L2(Σ ) and H := ⊕N L2(I) 1 2 N N n=1 can be identified. For any ψ ∈ H we denote by [ψ] ∈ L2(I) (with n ∈ {1,2,...,N}) its n n-th component in the orthogonal decomposition of H. Furthermore, we define a weakly singular integral operator Q (κ): H → H for κ > 0 by ΣN N 1 L (3.1) [Q (κ)ψ] (s) := K (κ|σ (s)−σ (t)|)[ψ] (t)dt, ΣN n 2π 0 n m m m=1 Z0 X where n ∈ {1,2,...,N} and K (·) is the modified Bessel function of the second kind having 0 the order ν = 0; cf. [AS64, §9.6]. In the next proposition we state basic properties of this integral operator. Proposition 3.1. Let Σ = Σ (L) ⊂ R2 be a star graph with N ≥ 2 edges of length N N L ∈ (0,∞). Then the operator Q (κ) in (3.1) is self-adjoint, compact, and non-negative ΣN for all κ > 0. Proof. Self-adjointness and non-negativity of Q (κ) directly follow from more general re- ΣN sults in [B95]. Compactness of Q (κ) is a consequence of [BEKŠ94, Lem. 3.2]. (cid:3) ΣN Now we have all the tools to formulate our Birman-Schwinger-type condition for H . α,ΣN Theorem3.2. LetΣ = Σ (L) ⊂ R2 beastargraphwithN ≥ 2edgesoflengthL ∈ (0,∞). N N Let the self-adjoint operator H in L2(R2) represent the quadratic form in (1.1) and let α,ΣN the operator-valued function (0,∞) ∋ κ 7→ Q (κ) be as in (3.1). Then the following claims ΣN hold: (i) dimker(H +κ2) = dimker(I −αQ (κ)) for all κ > 0. α,ΣN ΣN (ii) The mapping u 7→ u| is a bijection between ker(H +κ2) and ker(I −αQ (κ)). ΣN α,ΣN ΣN Proof. The claim (i) is a particular case of [BEKŠ94, Lem. 2.3(iv)]. The claim (ii) follows from an abstract statement in [B95, Lem. 1]. (cid:3) We conclude this section by two corollaries of Theorem 3.2. Corollary 3.3. Let the assumptions be as in Theorem 3.2, and moreover, let κ > 0 be such that λα(Σ ) = −κ2. Then the following claims hold: 1 N 6 PAVEL EXNER AND VLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK (i) ker(I −αQ (κ)) = span{ψ } where ψ ∈ H is a positive function. ΣN ⋆ ⋆ (ii) For the symmetric star graph Γ the corresponding function ψ depends only on the N ⋆ distance from the vertex of Γ ; i.e.[ψ ] = [ψ ] = ··· = [ψ ] . N ⋆ 1 ⋆ 2 ⋆ N Proof. The proof of (i) is completely analogous to the proofs of [EL16, Prop. 2.3] and of [L16, Cor. 3.3], hence we skip it to avoid self-repetition. In order to prove (ii) we define the subspace H = ψ ⊕ψ ⊕···⊕ψ: ψ ∈ L2(I) sym of the Hilbert space H. It is not diffi(cid:8) cult to check that the operat(cid:9)or Q (κ) can be rewritten ΓN as an orthogonal sum Qk (κ)⊕Q⊥ (κ) with respect to the orthogonal decomposition H = ΓN ΓN H ⊕H⊥ . Thus, the function ψ in (i) is an eigenfunction of at least one of the operators sym sym ⋆ Qk (κ) and Q⊥ (κ). ΓN ΓN It is clear that ψ , being a positive function, can not belong to the space H⊥ . This allows ⋆ sym us to conclude ψ ∈ H by which the claim of (ii) is proven. (cid:3) ⋆ sym Next we provide the second consequence of Theorem 3.2. The proof of this corollary is analogous to the one of [EL16, Prop. 2.3] or of [L16, Cor. 3.4] which is why we can skip it. Corollary 3.4. Let the assumptions be as in Theorem 3.2. Let κ > 0 be fixed. Then the following claims hold: (i) supσ(αQ (κ)) ≥ 1 if and only if λα(Σ ) ≤ −κ2. ΣN 1 N (ii) supσ(αQ (κ)) = 1 if and only if λα(Σ ) = −κ2. ΣN 1 N 4. Proof of Theorem 1.1 Now we are finally in position to establish Theorem 1.1. Throughout this section, we assume that Σ = Σ (L) ⊂ R2 is a star graph with N ≥ 2 edges of length L ∈ (0,∞]. N N First of all, we suppose that the star graph has edges of finite length L < ∞, and that they are parametrized as in Section 3 via the mappings {σ }N . Let Γ ⊂ R2 be the symmetric n n=1 N star graph having the same length L ∈ (0,∞) of the edges, which are also parametrized by the unit-speed mappings {γ }N in the same way. In addition, we assume that Σ is not n n=1 N congruent to Γ , in other words, the corresponding vectors of angles φ(Σ ) and φ(Γ ) do N N N not coincide. Without loss of generality we may assume that the vertices of Σ and of Γ N N are both located at the origin. Recall that λα(Σ ) and λα(Γ ) denote the lowest (negative) eigenvalues of H and of 1 N 1 N α,ΣN H , respectively. Furthermore, we fix κ > 0 such that λα(Γ ) = −κ2. By Corollary 3.3(i) α,ΓN 1 N wehave ker(I−αQ (κ)) = span{ψ }, where ψ ∈ H ∼= L2(Γ )is a positive function, which ΓN ⋆ ⋆ N OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOWEST EIGENVALUE FOR LEAKY STAR GRAPHS 7 according to Corollary 3.3(ii) depends on the distance from the origin only. We normalise ψ so that kψ k = 1. Note that by Corollary 3.4(ii) we also have supσ(αQ (κ)) = 1. ⋆ ⋆ L2(ΓN) ΓN Let S1 ⊂ R2 be the unit circle centred at the origin. In what follows we fix the points on S1 by y := L−1σ (L) and x := L−1γ (L) for all n ∈ {1,...,N}. The sequences of points n n n n {y }N and {x }N can be interpreted as vertices of polygons circumscribed into S1. Next, n n=1 n n=1 we extend these sequences to all n ∈ N in a natural periodic manner with the period N. We also adopt the notation ∠σ σ ∈ (0,2π) for the magnitude of the angle between the edges n m σ and σ , measured from σ to σ in the clockwise direction. Using the cosine law for m n m n triangles and Jensen’s inequality applied for the concave function (0,π) ∋ x 7→ sin2(x) we find N N ∠σ σ N ∠σ σ |y −y |2 = 4 sin2 n+m n ≤ 4Nsin2 n+m n n+m n 2 2N ! n=1 n=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) n=1 X X X m−1 N ∠σ σ (4.1) = 4Nsin2 n+k+1 n+k 2N ! k=0 n=1 XX N πm = 4Nsin2 = |x −x |2, N n+m n (cid:16) (cid:17) Xn=1 for any m ∈ N . Note that the sequence {∠σ σ }N does not consist of equal numbers, 0 n+1 n n=1 sincethestargraph Σ isnotcongruent tothesymmetricstargraphΓ . Thus, theinequality N N in (4.1) is strict at least for m = 1, because the function (0,π) ∋ x 7→ sin2(x) is strictly concave. Furthermore, the cosine law for triangles implies that for any s,t ∈ I and n,m ∈ N one has the identities |σ (s)−σ (t)|2 = (s −t)2 +st|y −y |2, n m n m |γ (s)−γ (t)|2 = (s −t)2 +st|x −x |2. n m n m Next we introduce an auxiliary function by R ∋ x 7→ F (x) := K κ (s −t)2 +stx , for s,t ∈ I, κ > 0. + s,t 0 (cid:16) p (cid:17) Differentiating it with respect to x twice, we get κstK (κ (s −t)2 +stx) F′ (x) = − 1 < 0, s,t 2 (s −t)2 +stx p F′′ (x) = κs2t2Kp1(κ (s −t)2 +stx) − κ2s2t2K1′(κ (s −t)2 +stx) > 0, s,t 4((s −t)2 +stx)3/2 4((s −t)2 +stx) p p where we have employed that the Bessel function K (·) is monotonously decreasing and 1 positive [AS64, §9.6]. Thus, we conclude that F is a strictly decreasing and strictly convex s,t 8 PAVEL EXNER AND VLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK function. Using the min-max principle we can further infer that L L N N 2πsupσ(Q (κ)) ≥ K (κ|σ (s)−σ (t)|) ψ (s)ψ (t)dsdt ΣN 0 n m ⋆ ⋆ Z0 Z0 n=1m=1 ! (4.2) XX N−1 L L N = F |y −y |2 ψ (s)ψ (t)dsdt. s,t n+m n ⋆ ⋆ m=0Z0 Z0 n=1 ! X X (cid:0) (cid:1) Plugging now the geometric inequality (4.1) into (4.2) and using the positivity of ψ , prop- ⋆ erties of the function F (·), and Jensen’s inequality, we obtain s,t N−1 L L N |y −y |2 2πsupσ(Q (κ)) ≥ N F n+m n ψ (s)ψ (t)dsdt ΣN s,t N ⋆ ⋆ m=0Z0 Z0 n=1 !! X X N−1 L L > N F |x −x |2 ψ (s)ψ (t)dsdt s,t n+m n ⋆ ⋆ m=0Z0 Z0 X (cid:0) (cid:1) N−1 L L N = F |x −x |2 ψ (s)ψ (t)dsdt s,t n+m n ⋆ ⋆ m=0Z0 Z0 n=1 ! X X (cid:0) (cid:1) L L N N = K (κ|γ (s)−γ (t)|) ψ (s)ψ (t)dsdt 0 n m ⋆ ⋆ Z0 Z0 n=1m=1 ! XX 2π = 2πsupσ(Q (κ)) = . ΓN α This means that supσ(αQ (κ)) > 1 and using Corollary 3.4 we get the inequality ΣN λα(Σ ) < −κ2 = λα(Γ ) 1 N 1 N which concludes the proof for L < ∞. In the case of semi-infinite edges we first show that H and H converge to α,ΣN(L) α,ΓN(L) H andH inthestrongresolvent senseasL → ∞. Indeed, thesequences ofqua- α,ΣN(∞) α,ΓN(∞) dratic forms h and h are decreasing in L in the sense of form ordering and for any α,ΣN(L) α,ΓN(L) u ∈ H1(R2) the dominated convergence theorem implies lim h [u] = h [u] L→∞ α,ΣN(L) α,ΣN(∞) and lim h [u] = h [u]. Hence, the desired strong resolvent convergence fol- L→∞ α,ΓN(L) α,ΓN(∞) lows from [RS-I, Thm. S.16]. By [W, Satz 9.26(b)] we then get lim λα(Σ (L)) = λα(Σ (∞)) and lim λα(Γ (L)) = λα(Γ (∞)). 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 N L→∞ L→∞ Now the claim for infinite star graphs follows by passing to the limit L → ∞ in the inequality λα(Σ (L)) ≤ λα(Γ (L)) demonstrated above. (cid:3) 1 N 1 N Remark 4.1. Note that for L = ∞ the equality in Theorem 1.1 is apparently achieved if ∼ and only if Σ (∞) = Γ (∞), however, the used method of the proof through the spectral N N convergence is not refined enough to make this conclusion. We do not pursue this question further, instead we review below several less trivial extensions of the above considerations. OPTIMIZATION OF THE LOWEST EIGENVALUE FOR LEAKY STAR GRAPHS 9 5. Discussion The present analysis adds one more item to the long list of various ‘isoperimetric’ results having in mathematical physics a tradition almost a century old starting from the papers [F23, K24]. The symmetry embedded in the result comes naturally from the symmetry of the interaction. This would change when the latter is violated, for instance, by choosing the edges of the graph having different lengths, or alternatively by adding a potential bias in the spirit of [EV16] to the Schrödinger operator in question. There is no need to stress that the problem then becomes more complicated. 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