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Preview Optimization of Aeration and Agitation Rate for Lipid and Gamma Linolenic Acid Production by ...

Hindawi Publishing Corporation ξ€ e Scientific World Journal Volume 2014, Article ID 280146, 12 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/280146 Research Article Optimization of Aeration and Agitation Rate for Lipid and Gamma Linolenic Acid Production by Cunninghamella bainieri 2A1 in Submerged Fermentation Using Response Surface Methodology NormahSaad,1PeymanAbdeshahian,2MohdSahaidKalil,2 WanMohtarWanYusoff,1andAidilAbdulHamid1 1SchoolofBiosciencesandBiotechnology,FacultyofScienceandTechnology,UniversitiKebangsaanMalaysia, 43600Bangi,Selangor,Malaysia 2DepartmentofChemicalandProcessEngineering,FacultyofEngineeringandBuiltEnvironment,UniversitiKebangsaanMalaysia, 43600Bangi,Selangor,Malaysia CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoAidilAbdulHamid;[email protected] Received9February2014;Revised29September2014;Accepted29September2014;Published31December2014 AcademicEditor:SamiAifa CopyrightΒ©2014NormahSaadetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. ThelocallyisolatedfilamentousfungusCunninghamellabainieri2A1wascultivatedina5Lbioreactortoproducelipidandgamma- linolenicacid(GLA).Theoptimizationwascarriedoutusingresponsesurfacemethodologybasedonacentralcompositedesign. Astatisticalmodel,second-orderpolynomialmodel,wasadjustedtotheexperimentaldatatoevaluatetheeffectofkeyoperating variables,includingaerationrateandagitationspeedonlipidproduction.Processanalysisshowedthatlinearandquadraticeffect ofagitationintensitysignificantlyinfluencedlipidproductionprocess(𝑃 < 0.01).Thequadraticmodelalsoindicatedthatthe interactionbetweenaerationrateandagitationspeedhadahighlysignificanteffectonlipidproduction(𝑃<0.01).Experimental results showed that a lipid content of 38.71% was produced in optimum conditions using an airflow rate and agitation speed of0.32vvmand599rpm,respectively.Similarresultsrevealedthat0.058(g/g)gamma-linolenicacidwasproducedinoptimum conditionswhere1.0vvmaerationrateand441.45rpmagitationratewereused.Theregressionmodelconfirmedthataerationand agitationwereofprimeimportanceforoptimumproductionoflipidinthebioreactor. 1.Introduction beaccumulatedbythefungalstrainsofCunninghamellaspp. depending on the fermentation methods and culture con- Theextensiveresearchstudieshavebeencarriedoutoverthe ditions [5, 6]. Similar studies have shown that a high lipid lastdecadestodeveloplipidproduction.Theseattemptshave accumulationisattainedbyCunninghamellabainieri2A1in aimed at improving the economic production of microbial shake flask culture [7]. It is worth noticing that microbial lipidsratherthanplantandanimalderivedoils.Lipidshave lipids are mostly comprised of triacylglycerols (TAGs) with been used as transesterified form for biofuel production. thelowerquantitiesoffreefattyacids,naturallipids(monoa- Microbialoil(singlecelloil)offersfavourableadvantagesover cylglycerols, diacylglycerols, and steryl-esters), sterols, and plantoilsandanimalfatssuchasreducedlifecirculation,low polarfractionssuchasphospholipids,sphingolipids,andgly- labour efforts, higher possibility for large scale production, colipids.Ithasbeenfoundthatwhenoleaginousmicroorgan- andlowaffectionbyclimatechanges[1,2]. ismsgrowonthesubstrateswithahydrophobiccharacteristic Among microorganisms, Zygomycetes have shown to thelipidaccumulatedcontainsalowquantityofTAGs.The producemicrobialoilfromorganicsubstances[3,4].Previ- processoflipidproductionfromhydrophobicsubstrateshas ousstudieshaverevealedthatahighamountoflipidcould beenknownasdenovolipidaccumulation.Onthecontrary, 2 TheScientificWorldJournal Table1:Processvariablesanddeterminedlevelsforcentralcompositedesign. Variable Symbol Actuallevel Codedvalue Aerationrate(vvm) 𝑋1 0.16 0.30 0.65 1 1.14 βˆ’1.41 βˆ’1 0 1 1.41 Agitationrate(rpm) 𝑋2 117.16 200 400 600 682.84 βˆ’1.41 βˆ’1 0 1 1.41 lipids produced from sugar-based substances show a high 2.2. Culture Medium and Fermentation in Bioreactor. The amountofTAGsintheircompositions.Lipidsynthesisfrom Kendrick medium [22] was used in this study. The com- sugar-richsubstrateshasbeencalledexnovolipidaccumu- position of this medium was as follows (in g/L): glu- lation [8]. A number of hydrophobic substrates have been cose, 30; (NH4)2C4H4O6, 1.0; KH2PO4, 7.0; Na2HPO4, 2.0; usedinthesinglecelloil(SCO)productionbyZygomycetes MgSO4β‹…7H2O, 1.5; CaCl2β‹…2H2O, 0.1; FeCl3β‹…6H2O, 0.008; includingvariedoilsderivedfromvegetables(oliveoils,corn ZnSO4β‹…7H2O,0.001;CuSO4β‹…5H2O,0.001;Co(NO3)2β‹…6H2O, oils,andsunfloweroils),purefatty-freeacids,fattyesters,and 0.0001; MnSO4β‹…5H2O, 0.0001; and yeast extract, 1.5. The fattywastessuchascrudfishoils[8,9].Awiderangeofsugar- Kendrickmediumwasthentransferredintoa5Lsubmerged based substances and agricultural wastes have already been bioreactorwithaworkingvolume4L.TheinitialpHofthe utilizedindenovolipidaccumulationincludingglycerol[10], culturemediumwasadjustedto6.0using1.0MHClor1.0M ∘ sweet sorghum [11], rice hulls hydrolysate [12], xylose [5], NaOH.Thebioreactorwassterilizedat121 Cfor30min.Seed orange peel [6], tomato waste hydrolysate [13], pectin [14], culture with an inoculums size of 10% (v/v) was aseptically and corn steep [15]. Moreover, oleaginous microorganisms added to the medium. The batch fermentation was carried ∘ arecapableofproducinglipidfromsugars-basedsubstratein outat30 Cfor120hindifferentaerationandagitationrates differentwaysofthatfromfats[16]. accordingtotheexperimentaldesign. Itiswellknownthatsubmergedfermentationprocessis 2.3.AnalyticalMethods. Thefungalmyceliumwasharvested affected by varied operating parameters such as incubation bythefiltrationof100mLofculturesuspensionusingfilter temperature, pH, aeration, and agitation. The scale-up of paper(WhatmanNo. 1).Thefilteredmyceliumwaswashed microbial product formation from a shake flask to a bio- with200mLofdistilledwater,storedatβˆ’20∘Cfor24h,and reactor involves optimization of culture conditions in fer- then put under freeze-dried conditions (Shell Freeze Dry, mentationprocesses[17].Amongoperatingfactors,agitation Labconco Lyph. Lock 6) for 24h to obtain the dry weight. andaerationarepivotalinaerobicfermentationbioreactors Thedryweightoffungalcellswasdeterminedusingabalance sincetheyareofprimeimportancein industrialbioprocess and it was used to determine the biomass, lipid, and GLA. and scale-up of aerobic biosynthesis systems [18]. A large A mixture of chloroform and methanol with a ratio of 2:1 number of fermentation processes have already been per- (v/v)wasthenaddedtodriedmycelia,mixed,andfollowed formedtoproducemicrobiallipidbyawiderangeoffungi bythefiltrationofmixturetoextractlipid.Extractedlipidwas inashakeflaskscaleduringthelastdecades[1,3–5,19–21]. transesterifiedwith5%sodiummethoxidemethanolsolution However, much less work has been carried out to produce [23].Thechloroformlayerwasobtainedandevaporatedusing fungal lipid in scale-up bioreactors using Cunninghamella a rotary evaporator. The resultant colorless or pale-yellow sp. The current research work aimed to study fungal lipid transparent methyl esters were analyzed by a Shimadzu production by Cunninghamella bainieri 2A1 in an aerated GC-14A gas chromatography equipped with a 3.1m glass submergedbioreactor.Theeffectofairflowrateandagitation column of 3.2mm bore packed (Shimadzu Shinchrom E71 intensity on lipid and GLA production was investigated by 5%/Shimalite 80–100). The instrument was fitted with a response surface methodology (RSM) based on a central flame ionization detector. Identification of peaks was based compositedesign(CCD). on standards from Orbiting Scientific Technology Sdn Bhd. Fungal biomass was expressed as gram per liter of culture 2.MaterialsandMethods medium (g/L). Lipid content was defined as the percentage of gram of lipid produced per gram of biomass (%). GLA 2.1. Microorganism and Inoculum Preparation. Locally iso- contentwasdefinedasthegramofGLAproducedpergram lated Cunninghamella bainieri 2A1 was obtained from oflipid-freebiomass(g/g). SchoolofBiosciencesandBiotechnology,FacultyofScience andTechnology,UniversityKebangsaanMalaysia.Cunning- 2.4. Experimental Design. A series of experiments was de- hamellabainieri2A1wasmaintainedonpotatodextroseagar signed based on a central composite design (CCD) for two ∘ (PDA) at 4 C. Inoculum preparation was carried out using independentvariables,andeachvariablevariedatfivelevels. 5 sporesuspensionincluding10 spores/mLharvestedfrom7- Theexperimentalvariablesstudiedwereagitationrate(rpm) day-old PDA plates. Seed culture was prepared by transfer- and aeration rate (vvm). Each variable was coded at five ring 20mL of spore suspension into a 500mL conical flask levels of βˆ’1.41, βˆ’1, 0, +1, and +1.41. The coded values and containing 180mL of nitrogen-limited medium (Kendrick the actual levels of the variables are given in Table1. The ∘ medium). Seed culture was then incubated at 30 C with an designmatrixoftheperformedexperimentalrunsisshown agitationrateof250rpmfor48handkeptfortheinoculation in Table2 representing thirteen treatment combinations of ofculturemedium. batchculture. TheScientificWorldJournal 3 Table2:ExperimentaldesignandtestresultsoflipidandGLAproducedbyCunninghamellabainieri2A1inthesubmergedbioreactor. Run 𝑋1 𝑋2 Lipidconcentration(g/L) GLAconcentration(mg/L) 1 βˆ’1 1 4.23 567.5 2 0 0 4.53 573.12 3 0 βˆ’1.41 1.23 144.0 4 0 0 4.60 602.82 5 1 βˆ’1 2.35 322.65 6 0 0 4.18 539.09 7 1.41 0 4.74 747.72 8 0 0 4.62 591.0 9 1 1 3.95 621.0 10 βˆ’1.41 0 3.01 433.5 11 0 0 4.31 573.12 12 0 1.41 4.34 567.36 13 βˆ’1 βˆ’1 1.125 145.0 𝑋1:aerationrate(vvm);𝑋2:agitationrate(rpm). 2.5. Statistical Model. Experimental data from the mixture treatments2,4,6,8,and11includedcenterpointsofdesign design(Table2)wereusedtofitasecond-orderpolynomial inwhichsameaerationrateandagitationintensitywereused regression model (1) on experimental results (Table2) to for the estimation of test error. As can be found, treatment representproductformationasafunctionofvariablestested: 7 showed high levels of lipid and GLA concentrations with valuesashighas4.74g/Land747.72mg/L,respectively,where π‘Œ=a0+βˆ‘a𝑖𝑋𝑖+βˆ‘a𝑖𝑖𝑋𝑖2+βˆ‘a𝑖𝑗𝑋𝑖𝑋𝑗, (1) aeration and agitation rates were set at 1.14vvm (1.41 as a codedvalue)and400rpm(0asacodedvalue).Lipidaccumu- whereπ‘Œisthemeasuredresponse,𝑋𝑖 and𝑋𝑗 aretheinde- lationbydifferentfungisuchasCunninghamellaechinulata, pendent variables, a0 represents the intercept, and a𝑖, a𝑖𝑖, Mortierellaisabellina,andMucorrouxiihavepreviouslybeen and a𝑖𝑗 are the regression coefficients of the model [24]. studied[5,6,10–12].Inlinewiththisstudy,Fakasetal.[13] The behavior of the generated model for two independent showed that flask culture of Cunninghamella echinulata on variablesisexpressedmathematicallyas a tomato waste hydrolysate medium could produce a lipid concentration of 7.8g/L. The production of SCO by Cun- π‘Œ=a0+a1𝑋1+a2𝑋2+a11𝑋12+a22𝑋22+a12𝑋1𝑋2, (2) ninghamella echinulata and Mortierella isabellina was stud- ied in shake-flask culture using sugar-based medium. The whereπ‘Œisthemeasuredresponse,a1anda2arelinearcoef- experimental results revealed that C. echinulata produced ficients, a11 and a22 are squared coefficients, and a12 is an 3.9g/L lipid and 760.5mg/L GLA; however, M. isabellina interactioncoefficient.𝑋1 and𝑋2 representcodedvaluesof triggered 9.9g/L lipid and 346.5mg/L GLA [25]. The same aerationrate(vvm)andagitationspeed(rpm),respectively. study revealed that lipid biosynthesis by M. isabellina from Three responses were studied including biomass concen- glucose in a 3-L bioreactor increased up to 12.7g/L. In this tration (g/L), lipid content (%), and GLA content (g/g). regard, studies fulfilled by Papanikolaou et al. [26] showed StatisticalanalysisofthedatawasperformedusingDesign- thatThamnidiumelegansCCF-1465producedalipidconcen- Expert software (version 6.0.6 Stat-Ease, Inc.). The same trationof9g/Linshakeflaskusingculturemediumcontain- softwarewasusedforoptimizationofthevariables. ingamixtureofglucose,fructose,andsucrose.Ontheother hand,thebiosynthesisoflipidbyThamnidiumelegansfrom 2.6.VerificationoftheQuadraticModel. Inordertovalidate glucoseina3-Lsubmergedbioreactorexhibitedalipidand optimumconditionspredictedbytheempiricalmodel,aset GLA concentration of 13.9g/L and 742mg/L, respectively, ofbatchfermentationwasperformedinthebioreactorunder after200hfermentation[27].ItwasnotedthatM.isabellina optimumconditions. could produce 301mg/L GLA from lactose supplemented whey[28]. 3.ResultsandDiscussion 3.2. Biomass Concentration in the Bioreactor. The biomass 3.1.LipidandGLAProductionintheBioreactor. Experimen- production by Cunninghamella bainieri 2A1 with different tal results of lipid and GLA production by Cunninghamella combinationsofaerationandagitationratestudiedisshown bainieri2A1accordingtoCCDareshowninTable2.Ascan in Table3. As can be seen, treatments 2, 4, 6, 8, and 11 be observed, two independent variables (aeration rate and included center pointsin the experimentaldesign in which agitationintensity)werecontrolledatthelevelsdetermined the same aeration rate and agitation speed were used. As byexperimentaldesign,whichwererepresentedasβˆ’1.41,βˆ’1, showninTable3,thehighestvalueofbiomassconcentration 0,1,and1.41(Table1).AscanbeseenfromresultsinTable2, was obtained in the treatment 9 with the value as high as 4 TheScientificWorldJournal Table3:Experimentaldesignandtestresultsofbiomassconcentration,lipidyield,andGLAyieldproducedbyCunninghamellabainieri2A1 inthesubmergedbioreactor. Run 𝑋1 𝑋2 Biomassconcentration(g/L) Lipidyield(%) GLAyield(g/g) Actualvalue Predictedvalue Actualvalue Predictedvalue Actualvalue Predictedvalue 1 βˆ’1 1 11.35 11.35 37.28 39.06 0.05 0.052 2 0 0 11.94 11.82 38 37.75 0.048 0.049 3 0 βˆ’1.41 4.80 4.61 25.79 24.65 0.03 0.028 4 0 0 11.82 11.82 39 37.75 0.051 0.049 5 1 βˆ’1 7.17 7.38 32.79 34.27 0.045 0.047 6 0 0 11.47 11.82 36.48 37.75 0.047 0.049 7 1.41 0 12.06 11.82 39.33 37.43 0.062 0.060 8 0 0 11.82 11.82 39.17 37.75 0.05 0.049 9 1 1 12.42 12.55 31.85 34.01 0.05 0.052 10 βˆ’1.41 0 8.67 8.49 34.81 33.45 0.05 0.048 11 0 0 11.94 11.82 36.12 37.75 0.048 0.049 12 0 1.41 11.82 11.70 37.52 35.41 0.048 0.046 13 βˆ’1 βˆ’1 5.0 5.15 22.5 23.59 0.029 0.031 𝑋1:aerationrate(vvm);𝑋2:agitationrate(rpm). Table4:AnalysisofvarianceforthequadraticpolynomialmodelofbiomassproductionbyCunninghamellabainieri2A1. Source Polynomialcoefficients Sumofsquares DF Meansquare 𝐹value Prob>𝐹 Model 1.39 5 0.28 335.28 <0.0001βˆ— Intercept 2.47 1 𝑋1 0.11 0.11 1 0.11 127.19 <0.0001βˆ— 𝑋2 0.33 0.87 1 0.87 1045.02 <0.0001βˆ— 𝑋2 βˆ’0.081 0.046 1 0.046 54.94 0.0001βˆ— 1 𝑋2 βˆ’0.23 0.38 1 0.38 461.40 <0.0001βˆ— 2 𝑋1𝑋2 βˆ’0.066 0.018 1 0.018 21.18 0.0025βˆ— Residual 5.805πΈβˆ’003 7 8.293πΈβˆ’004 LackofFit 4.397πΈβˆ’003 3 1.466πΈβˆ’003 4.16 0.1010 PureError 1.408πΈβˆ’003 4 3.521πΈβˆ’004 βˆ— Statisticallysignificantat99%probabilitylevel. 𝑋1:aerationrate(vvm);𝑋2:agitationrate(rpm);𝑋12and𝑋22:thequadraticterms;𝑋1𝑋2:theinteractionterm. 𝑅2=0.9958. 12.42g/L where an aeration rate of 1.0vvm (1 as a coded of the fitted model was evaluated using the statistical test value)andanagitationrateof600rpm(1asacodedvalue) for analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Table4). As the results wereappliedinthebioreactor.However,thelowestbiomass shown in Table4, calculated model’s 𝐹 value of 335.28 with concentration (4.80g/L) was measured when fermentation a probability value (𝑃 > 𝐹) less than 0.0001 suggested that processwascarriedoutatanaerationrateandagitationspeed theselectedquadraticmodelwassignificantandfittedwellto of 0.65vvm (0 as a coded value) and 117.16rpm (βˆ’1.41 as a theexperimentaldata(𝑃 < 0.01).Ascanbeobservedfrom codedvalue),respectively(treatment3).Onthebasisofthe Table3,thevaluespredictedbytheexperimentalmodelwere quadraticpolynomialequationofresponsesurfacemodel(2), also close to the actual values obtained in the experimental thepresentmodelanddataanalysiswasdefinedforcombined results.Thelackoffitisameasureofthefailureofamodel effectsoftheindependentvariablesunderstudyintermsof torepresentdataintheexperimentaldomainatwhichdata codedfactors(3).Themodelwasalsotransformedtofitthe pointswerenotincludedintheregressionmodelorvariations modelontheexperimentaldata: inthemodelscannotbeaccountedbyrandomerror.Ifthere π‘Œ=2.47+0.11𝑋 +0.33𝑋 βˆ’0.081𝑋2 is a significant lack of fit, the response is not fitted. The 𝐹 1 2 1 valueforlackoffitwithavalueof4.16impliedthatthelack (3) βˆ’0.23𝑋2βˆ’0.066𝑋 𝑋 , of fit was insignificant and hence the model was valid for 2 1 2 furtherstudies.Table4alsoshowsthesignificanceoflinear, where π‘Œ is the biomass concentration value (g/L) and 𝑋1 interaction, and quadratic effects of the variables based on and 𝑋2 are the coded values of aeration rate (vvm) and theirprobabilityvalues.Ascanbeseen,linearterms(𝑋1and agitationrate(rpm),respectively.Thestatisticalsignificance 𝑋2),interactioneffect(𝑋1𝑋2),andquadraticterms(𝑋12 and TheScientificWorldJournal 5 12.55 )L 13.42 on (g/L) 9.77 /g( noita 108..5362 ntrati rtnec 6.55 ce no 4.98 n c omass co 7.61 ssamoiB bi d dicte 5.92 600 e 1 Pr 500 4.61 4.61 5.92 7.61 9.77 12.55 Agitation rate (4rp0m0)300 200 0.30 0.48 Aer0a.t6i5on rat0e .8(v2v m) Actual biomass concentration (g/L) Figure2:Responsesurfaceplotshowingthesimultaneouseffects Figure 1: Experimental biomass concentration produced versus of aeration rate and agitation rate on biomass production by thepredictedbiomassconcentrationbythestatisticalmodelunder Cunninghamellabainieri2A1. operatingconditions. 𝑋2)ofaerationrateandagitationspeedhadhighlysignificant 2 99 effects on biomass concentration (𝑃 < 0.01). The multiple coefficientofdetermination(𝑅2)representsthemeasurement 95 ofthedegreeofthereductionintheresponsevariability.Itis 90 postulatedthat𝑅2valuehigherthan0.9representsastronger %) rthegisrecsassieo,n𝑅m2woditehltfhoerathcceepprteadbilcetvioanluoefotfh0e.9r9es5p8oinmspel[ie2d9]t.hIant bability ( 758000 99.58%ofthevariabilityintheresponsecouldbeattributed pro totheindependentparametersstudiedandonly0.42%ofthe al 30 m 20 totalvariationcouldnotbeexplainedbythequadraticmodel. or N 10 A regression model can be used to predict observations 5 on the response (biomass concentration) corresponding to particular values of the regressor variables. Figure1 shows 1 observed biomass production versus those predicted from themodel(3).Thisfigureconfirmsthatthepredicteddataof theresponsesurfacebythestatisticalmodelwereconsistent withtheobservedonesintherangeoftheoperatingvariables. βˆ’1.95 βˆ’0.94 0.07 1.07 2.08 Inordertofindouttheinteractioneffectsbetweenvariables Studentized residuals on the response, three-dimensional response surface graph wasconstructedbyplottingtheresponseonthe𝑧-axisagainst Figure3:Normalprobabilityofstudentizedresidualsforbiomass concentration twoindependentvariables(Figure2). Figure2showsthecombinedeffectofaerationrateand agitation speed on the biomass concentration. As can be seen, an increase in biomass concentration occurred when assumption (Figure3). As can be seen from Figure3, the aerationratebegantoincreasewiththelowlevelofagitation normalassumptionwasacceptableasanormaldistribution speed.Asubsequentriseinagitationrateresultedinasignif- of residuals was generated. A plot of residuals versus the icant increase in biomass concentrationwhich indicated an predicted response values is given in Figure4. As shown, interactionbetweenaerationandagitationaffectingbiomass there was a random scatter of residuals across the graph production. which suggested that the variance of original observations Generally, it is important to find out the adequacy of wasconstantforallvaluesof𝑦-axis.Bothoftheplots(Figures the fitted model to make sure that it provides an adequate 3 and 4) confirmed that the empirical model was adequate approximation to the real conditions. By plotting a normal to describe biomass production by the response surface. probabilityofresiduals,acheckwasmadeforthenormality The empirical model was also used to determine optimum 6 TheScientificWorldJournal Table5:AnalysisofvarianceforthequadraticpolynomialmodeloflipidcontentproducedbyCunninghamellabainieri2A1. Source Polynomialcoefficients Sumofsquares DF Meansquare 𝐹value Prob>𝐹 βˆ— Model 300.21 5 60.4 13.84 0.0016 Intercept 37.75 1 𝑋1 1.41 15.83 1 15.83 3.65 0.0978 𝑋2 3.80 115.74 1 115.74 26.68 0.0013βˆ— 𝑋2 βˆ’1.161 9.30 1 9.30 2.14 0.1865 1 𝑋2 βˆ’3.86 103.86 1 103.86 23.94 0.0018βˆ— 2 𝑋1𝑋2 βˆ’3.93 61.78 1 61.78 14.24 0.0070βˆ— Residual 30.37 7 4.34 Lackoffit 22.46 3 7.49 3.79 0.1156 Pureerror 7.91 4 1.98 βˆ— Statisticallysignificantat99%probabilitylevel. 𝑋1:aerationrate(vvm);𝑋2:agitationrate(rpm);𝑋12and𝑋22:thequadraticterms;𝑋1𝑋2:theinteractionterm. 𝑅2=0.9081. glucose-basedmedium.Inanattemptfortheproductionof 3.00 lipidinalaboratory-scalebioreactorwithaworkingvolume of2.5L,thehighestbiomassproducedbyMortierellaraman- niana,Mucorsp.,andZygorhynchusmoellerionglycerolwere 1.50 7.2g/L,1.6g/L,and0.7g/L,respectively[10].Thecultivation of oleaginous strain Thamnidium elegans in the bioreactor als containingglucoseandolivemillwastewaterresultedinthe u d esi productionof2.5g/Loffat-freebiomass[30]. d r 0.00 e z nti 3.3.LipidContentintheBioreactor. Lipidcontent(lipidper- de centage)producedbyCunninghamellabainieri2A1atvaried u St combinations of aeration rate and agitation speed is shown βˆ’1.50 in Table3. As can be seen, the lipid content obtained in the center points of experimental design is presented in treatments 2, 4, 6, 8, and 11 using an aeration rate and agitationspeedof0.65vvm(0asacodedvalue)and400rpm βˆ’3.00 (0 as a coded value), respectively. As can be found, the highest lipid content was obtained in the treatment 7 with 4.61 5.92 7.61 9.77 12.55 thevalueashighas39.33%whenfermentationprocesswas Predicted biomass concentration (g/L) carried out at an aeration rate of 1.14vvm (1.41 as a coded Figure4:Plotofstudentizedresidualsversusthepredictedbiomass value)andanagitationrateof400rpm(0asacodedvalue). concentration. However, minimum lipid content of 22.5% was measured whenfermentationprocesswascarriedoutatanaerationrate and agitation speed of 0.30vvm (βˆ’1 as a coded value) and 200rpm(βˆ’1asacodedvalue),respectively(treatment13).By conditionsforthehighestproductionofbiomass.Theopti- applying multiple regression analysis to the test results, the mum conditions suggested by the quadratic model were an followingsecondorderpolynomialequation(4)wasobtained aeration rate of 0.63vvm and an agitation rate of 506rpm. inordertorepresentlipidcontentasafunctionofairflowrate The biomass production of 13.07g/L was predicted by the andagitationspeed: regressionmodelinoptimumconditionssuggested.Inorder to verify optimum conditions, a fermentation experiment π‘Œ=37.75+1.41𝑋 +3.80𝑋 βˆ’1.161𝑋2 1 2 1 was run by the cultivation of Cunninghamella bainieri 2A1 (4) in the bioreactor under optimum conditions determined. βˆ’3.86𝑋2βˆ’3.93𝑋 𝑋 , 2 1 2 Theexperimentalresultshowedthatabiomassconcentration of 13.0g/L was obtained confirming a high fit between the where π‘Œ is the lipid content (%) and 𝑋1 and 𝑋2 are the statistical model and experimental data. It was noted that coded values of aeration rate (vvm) and agitation rate thecultivationofThamnidiumelegansinthebioreactorusing (rpm),respectively.Thestatisticaltestforanalysisofvariance glucose-rich medium brought about 30.1g/L biomass [27]. (ANOVA)wasgeneratedtoevaluatestatisticalsignificanceof Fakas et al. [5] found that Cunninghamella echinulata and theempiricalmodelselected(Table5). Mortierella isabellina produced a biomass concentration of It is noteworthy that the actual values of lipid content 15g/L and 27g/L, respectively, in shake flask containing obtainedintheexperimentalresultswellmatchedthevalues TheScientificWorldJournal 7 39.33 39.06 35.12 %) %) 35.19 d lipid content ( 30.91 Lipid content ( 322173..3.45269 e ct di Pre 26.71 1 0.82 m) 600 v 22.50 22.50 26.71 30.91 35.12 39.33 A5gi0t0ation ra4t0e 0(rpm)300 200 0.300.480.A6era5tion rate (v Actual lipid content (%) Figure6:Responsesurfaceplotshowingthesimultaneouseffects Figure5:Experimentallipidcontentproducedversusthepredicted of aeration rate and agitation rate on lipid content produced by lipidcontentbythestatisticalmodelunderoperatingconditions. Cunninghamellabainieri2A1. predicted by the experimental model (Table3). As can be observed from Table5, computed model’s 𝐹 value of 13.84 99 withaprobabilityvalue(Prob> 𝐹)of0.0016indicatedthat the quadratic regression model was significantly fitted for 95 experimental data (𝑃 < 0.01). The lack of fit related to 𝐹 90 value (3.79) implied that the lack of fit was not significant %) raeclcaetpivteabtloeftohrefuprutrheererervoarl.uHateionnce.A, tshceanrebgeresesseinonfrommoTdaebllwea5s, bility ( 7800 thhaedlihniegahrlyansdigqnuifiadcarnatticeffteercmt oonfalgiiptiadtioynierldate(𝑃(𝑋2<and0.0𝑋122)). mal proba 532000 Theregressionmodelalsoshowedthattheinteractioneffect or between aeration rate and agitation rate (𝑋1𝑋2) was highly N 10 significantat99%probabilitylevel(𝑃 < 0.01).Themultiple 5 coefficientofdetermination(𝑅2)withthesatisfactoryvalue 1 of 0.9081 implied that 90.81% of the variability in response couldbeexplainedbytheempiricalmodelandonly9.19%of thetotalvariationcouldnotbeexplainedbythemodel. Figure5plotsexperimentalresultsoflipidcontentversus βˆ’1.70 βˆ’0.86 βˆ’0.02 0.82 1.66 thevaluesoflipidcontentpredictedbythequadraticmodel Studentized residuals (4). Thisfigure confirmsthat thepredictedlipid contentby Figure7:Normalprobabilityofstudentizedresidualsforlipidcon- the regression model was in line with the obtained results tent. in the range of the variables studied. In order to describe the effects of aeration and agitationon lipid content, three- dimensionalresponsesurfacegraphofsimultaneouseffectof thevariablesonlipidpercentagewasconstructedonthebasis across the graph. The plots illustrated in Figures 7 and 8 ofthemodel(Figure6).Asshown,thevariationsinaeration indicatedthatthepolynomialregressionmodelhadsatisfac- rateinteractedwithagitationratesusedsothatanincrement toryadequacyforrepresentinglipidcontentobtainedbythe in aeration rate and agitation speed concurrently increased responsesurface.Theanalysisofthestatisticalmodelshowed lipidcontentuptoamaximumlevel. that the optimum conditions for the highest achievement Thenormalplotofresidualsforlipidcontentisdepicted of lipid content was obtained when airflow and agitation in Figure7. As can be seen, a satisfactory distribution of speed were used at the rates of 0.32vvm and 599rpm, normal probability in relation to residuals was generated. respectively. The statistical model predicted that a lipid Moreover, the plot of residuals versus the predicted lipid contentof39.04%couldbeproducedunderoptimumcondi- yield (Figure8) showed an acceptable scatter of residuals tionssuggested.Averificationexperimentwasperformedin 8 TheScientificWorldJournal Table6:AnalysisofvarianceforthequadraticpolynomialmodelofGLAcontentproducedbyCunninghamellabainieri2A1. Source Polynomialcoefficients Sumofsquares DF Meansquare 𝐹value Prob>𝐹 Model 8.534πΈβˆ’004 5 1.707πΈβˆ’004 27.81 0.0002βˆ—βˆ— Intercept 0.49 𝑋1 4.121πΈβˆ’003 1.359πΈβˆ’004 1 1.359πΈβˆ’004 22.14 0.0022βˆ—βˆ— 𝑋2 6.432πΈβˆ’003 3.310πΈβˆ’004 1 3.310πΈβˆ’004 53.93 0.0002βˆ—βˆ— 𝑋2 2.600πΈβˆ’003 4.703πΈβˆ’005 1 4.703πΈβˆ’005 7.66 0.0278βˆ— 1 𝑋2 βˆ’5.900πΈβˆ’003 2.422πΈβˆ’004 1 2.422πΈβˆ’004 39.46 0.0004βˆ—βˆ— 2 𝑋1𝑋2 βˆ’4.000πΈβˆ’003 6.400πΈβˆ’005 1 6.400πΈβˆ’005 10.43 0.0145βˆ— Residual 4.295πΈβˆ’005 7 6.136πΈβˆ’006 Lackoffit 3.215πΈβˆ’005 3 1.072πΈβˆ’005 3.97 0.1081 Pureerror 1.080πΈβˆ’005 4 2.700πΈβˆ’006 βˆ— Statisticallysignificantat95%probabilitylevel. βˆ—βˆ— Statisticallysignificantat99%probabilitylevel. 𝑋1:aerationrate(vvm);𝑋2:agitationrate(rpm);𝑋12and𝑋22:thequadraticterms;𝑋1𝑋2:theinteractionterm. 𝑅2=0.9521. 3.4.GLAContentintheBioreactor. Table3showstheexper- 3.00 imentalresultsofGLAcontentobtainedfromthecultivation ofC.bainieri2A1indifferentlevelsofaerationandagitation rateswhichweredeterminedbytheexperimentaldesign.It 1.50 isobviousthatthecenterpointsoftheexperimentaldesign were in treatments 2, 4, 6, 8, and 11. As is evident, the uals highestvalueofGLAcontentwasobtainedinthetreatment d esi 7 with the value as high as 0.062 (g/g) when fermentation d r 0.00 process was carried out at an aeration rate of 1.14vvm (1.41 e ntiz as a coded value) and an agitation rate of 400rpm (0 as de a coded value). However, minimum GLA content of 0.029 u St (g/g)wasmeasuredwhenfermentationprocesswascarried βˆ’1.50 out at an aeration rate and agitation speed of 0.30vvm (βˆ’1 as a coded value) and 200rpm (βˆ’1 as a coded value), respectively(treatment13).Asecondordermodelequation (5)wasfittedontheexperimentaldataobtainedaccordingto βˆ’3.00 theexperimentaldesign: 23.59 27.46 31.33 35.19 39.06 π‘Œ=0.049+4.121πΈβˆ’003𝑋 +6.432πΈβˆ’003𝑋 +2.600𝐸 1 2 Predicted lipid content (%) βˆ’003𝑋2βˆ’5.900πΈβˆ’003𝑋2βˆ’4.000πΈβˆ’003𝑋 𝑋 , 1 2 1 2 Figure 8: Plot of studentized residuals versus the predicted lipid (5) content. whereπ‘ŒistheGLAcontent(g/g)and𝑋1and𝑋2arethecoded valuesofaerationrate(vvm)andagitationrate(rpm),respec- optimumconditionstomeasurelipidpercentageinthebio- tively. The significance of the response surface quadratic reactor. Experimental result showed that a lipid content of model was evaluated using statistical analysis of variance 38.71%wasproducedwhichconfirmedthatthemodelused (ANOVA), which is essential for determining patterns of was valid and the results could be reproducible. Scaling- interactionbetweenexperimentalvariables(Table6).Onthe up of lipid production by M. isabellina on glucose in a other hand, GLA content obtained from the experimental submerged-bioreactor showed that a lipid content of 72.5% resultswasappropriatelyconsistentwiththevaluespredicted wasproduced[25].SubmergedfermentationofThamnidium bytheexperimentalmodel(Table3).Obviously,themodel𝐹 elegans CCF-1465 in shake-flask culture revealed that this valueof27.81withaprobabilityvalue(Prob> 𝐹)of0.0002 strainassimilatedsugarsinthemediumandproduced70% impliedthattheregressionmodelwassignificant(𝑃<0.01). lipidindrybiomass[26].TheproductionoflipidbyMucor Furthermore, the lack of fit of the model with the value of circinelloides from citric acid as sole carbon source was 3.97indicatedthatthelackoffitwasinsignificant.Therefore, studied by Aggelis [31]. This study revealed that maximum the empirical model adequately fitted on the experimental 15.9%lipidcontentwasobtainedwhere10g/Lcitricacidwas results.AsshowninTable6,thelineareffectofaerationrate supplementedtotheculturemedium. andagitationrate(𝑋1and𝑋2)hadahighlysignificanteffect TheScientificWorldJournal 9 0.062 0.055 g) nt (g/g) 0.053 ntent (g/ 00..004493 onte A co 0.037 A c 0.045 GL 0.030 L G d e ct di Pre 0.036 1 600 0.82 500 m) 0.028 Agitation ra4te0 (0rpm)300 200 0.30 0.48Aer0at.i6o5n rate (vv 0.028 0.036 0.045 0.053 0.062 Figure10:Responsesurfaceplotshowingthesimultaneouseffects Actual GLA content (g/g) of aeration rate and agitation rate on GLA content produced by Cunninghamellabainieri2A1. Figure9:ExperimentalGLAcontentproducedversusthepredicted GLAcontentbythestatisticalmodelunderoperatingconditions. onGLAcontent(𝑃<0.01).Moreover,thequadraticeffectsof aerationrateandagitationrate(𝑋2and𝑋2)onGLAcontent 99 1 2 weresignificantat95%probabilitylevel(𝑃 < 0.05)and99% 95 probability level (𝑃 < 0.01), respectively. The significance 90 studyofthemodeltermsalsorevealedthattheaerationrate %) aonndGaLgiAtatcioonnterantte(h𝑃ad<as0i.g0n5i)fi.cThaneti𝑅nt-esrqaucatrioedneofffetchte(𝑋m1o𝑋d2e)l bility ( 7800 (𝑅2) with the value of 0.9521 suggested that 95.21% of the oba 50 variabilityintheresponse(GLAcontent)couldbeexplained mal pr 3200 bytheregressionmodelandonly4.79%ofthetotalvariation or couldnotbeexplainedbythequadraticmodel. N 10 5 ThevaluesofGLAcontentmeasuredintheexperimental results versus predicted values by the statistical model are 1 depicted in Figure9. As is evident, observed GLA content valueswereinaccordancewiththosepredictedbythemodel (Table3). The three-dimensional response surface graph of simultaneouseffectofaerationandagitationwasconstructed βˆ’1.44 βˆ’0.72 βˆ’0.01 0.71 1.43 toillustratetheinteractioneffectofthesevariablesonGLA Studentized residuals content (Figure10). As can be observed, a quadratic rise in the response was formed with increased aeration and Figure11:NormalprobabilityofstudentizedresidualsforGLAcon- agitationratesintherangeoflevelstested.Hence,variations tent. in response were affected by different rates of aeration and agitationindicatingtheinteractionbetweentheseparameters ontheGLAcontentproduced.Thenormalplotofresiduals 1.0vvmandanagitationspeedof441.45rpm.Thequadratic for GLA content is illustrated in Figure11. As shown, an modelalsopredictedthataGLAcontentof0.055(g/g)could appropriate distribution of normal probability in relation beattainedintheoptimumconditions. to residuals was formed. The plot of residuals versus the Inordertoverifyoptimumconditionssuggestedbythe predicted GLA content is shown in Figure12. Obviously, model, a set of experiment was performed in the optimum an acceptable scatter of residuals across the graph was conditions suggested by the cultivation of C. bainieri 2A1 generated.TheplotsshowninFigures11and12revealedthat in the bioreactor under optimum conditions. The result the quadratic regression model had a suitable adequacy to obtained from verification experiment showed that a GLA explainGLAcontentobtainedbytheresponsesurface.Fur- content of 0.058 (g/g) was produced. This finding validated ther statistical analysis suggested that optimum conditions theaccuracyoftheempiricalmodelusedforattainingsuffi- forthehighestproductionofGLAcontentwasaflowrateof cienthomogeneityandadequateaerationintheculture.Ithas 10 TheScientificWorldJournal production.Ithasbeenknownthataerationandagitationare 3.00 ofgreatimportanceinaerobicculture.Ariseinaerationand agitationratesleadstoanincreasedoxygensupply,improved mixing and enhancement of mass transfer phenomenon 1.50 in a bioreactor of submerged fermentation, which in turn increasesmicrobialcellgrowthandbiomassproduction[34]. uals Asreportedelsewhere,aerationratehadfavorableeffectson d esi the production of GLA by Mortierella isabellina using olive d r 0.00 mill wastewater [30]. Studies fulfilled by Bajaj and Singhal e ntiz [35]alsorevealedthatairflowrateandagitationspeedwere de criticalfactorsforbiomassproductionbymicrobialcells. u St Similar to biomass production, a reciprocal relation βˆ’1.50 between agitation intensities and lipid yield was found (Figure6). As can be seen, an increase in agitation rate resultedinincreasedlipidyield.Thisfactcanbeattributedto improvedhomogeneityofthecultureandtheenhancement βˆ’3.00 ofheatandnutrienttransferintheculturewhichincreased microbialgrowthandmetabolism-mediatedproductforma- 0.028 0.036 0.044 0.052 0.060 tion. In an attempt for the production of lipid by Yarrowia Predicted GLA content (g/g) lipolyticaithasbeenfoundthatincreasedagitationintensity Figure12:PlotofstudentizedresidualsversusthepredictedGLA andaerationratecausedariseinbiomassproductioncom- content. pared to shake flask, whereas a low lipid was accumulated compared to that in flask scale [36]. On the other hand, an incrementinaerationcausedabettermixingintensitywith higherdissolvedoxygenmaintenanceintheculturemedium been foundthatGLAsynthesisisvariedinrelationtolipid [37].Consequently,airflowandagitationcausedaninterac- accumulationbyZygomycetes.Inthisregard,theproduction tioneffectonlipidproductionbyC.bainieri2A1(Figure6). oflipidislowatearlylipidaccumulation,whileGLAcontent The model trend in the response formed for GLA yield is high at this time. As lipid synthesis proceeds, with the revealed that aeration and agitation intensity had positive increasing in the concentration of oil content the quantity effects on GLA production (Figure10) because increased of GLA starts dwindling. The process of SCO synthesis is aerationandagitationratesmadebettermechanicalmixing followedbyanincrementinGLAcontentatthelateprocess and enhanced oxygen and nutrient transfer in the culture, whereadecreaseinlipidproductionoccurs[32]. whichinturnariseinmyceliagrowthandGLAproduction TheproductionofGLAbyThamnidiumelegansonglu- occurred[38]. coseinalaboratorybioreactorwasinvestigated.Itwasnoted thatfungalstrainusedcouldtriggerGLAcontentof0.031g/g [27].TheproductionofGLAbyCunninghamellaechinulata 4.Conclusions and Mortierella isabellina in shake flask revealed that 19.5% GLAwasproducedbyC.echinulataand3.5%GLAwaspro- This study showed a successful process modeling in the ducedbyM.isabellina[25].InanattemptforGLAsynthesis productionofbiomass,lipid,andGLAbyC.bainieri2A1in by different strain of Zygomycetes, it was found that GLA a submerged bioreactor using RSM. The regression models contentproducedbyZ.moelleri,Cunninghamellaechinulata, fittedwellwithexperimentalresultsobtained.Theanalysisof and Mucor sp., from glycerol were 21.4%, 19.9%, and 19.8%, themodelsrevealedthatairflowratesandagitationintensities respectively[10].TheproductionoflipidbyCunninghamella hadsignificanteffectsonbiomass,lipid,andGLAsynthesisby echinulata was studied by Gema et al. [6] who used orange C. bainieri2A1intherangeofoperatinglevels determined. peel as substrate for lipid synthesis. The authors found that The product values obtained in optimum conditions were themaximumGLAcontentof1.2–15mg/gfermentedorange close to the values predicted by the models confirming the peelwasobtainedwheresolid-statefermentationwasapplied. accuracyofthemodelsused. 3.5.TheEffectofAerationandAgitation. Aerationhasacru- ConflictofInterests cial effect on SCO synthesis by oleaginous microorganisms The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests usingsugar-basedmediumsinceaerationpositivelyincrease regardingthepublicationofthispaper. consumption of fermentable sugars by lipid-producing microorganisms resulting in increased yield of SCO pro- ducedperunitofsugarconsumed[33].AsshowninFigure2 Acknowledgments anincreaseinaerationratefrom200vvmto600rpmcaused aquadraticincreaseinbiomassconcentration.Similartrend The authors wish to express their gratitude to Univer- wasfoundforvariationsinagitationratessothatincreased siti Kebangsaan Malaysia for financing this research work agitation intensities resulted in an increment in biomass throughGrant02-01-02-SF0138.

been used as transesterified form for biofuel production. Microbial oil (single cell and low affection by climate changes [1, 2]. Among microorganisms
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