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Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engineering PDF

479 Pages·2011·2.052 MB·English
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Contents ix 5.7 Convexity 212 5.8 SensitivityofOptimumSolutiontoProblemParameters 214 5.9 Rosen’sGradientProjectionMethodforLinearConstraints 216 5.10Zoutendijk’sMethodofFeasibleDirections(Nonlinear Constraints) 222 5.11TheGeneralizedReducedGradientMethod(Nonlinear Constraints) 232 5.12SequentialQuadraticProgramming(SQP) 241 5.13FeaturesandCapabilitiesofMethodsPresentedinthisChapter 247 6 PenaltyFunctions,Duality,andGeometricProgramming . . . . . . . . . 261 6.1 Introduction 261 6.2 ExteriorPenaltyFunctions 261 6.3 InteriorPenaltyFunctions 267 6.4 Duality 269 6.5 TheAugmentedLagrangianMethod 276 6.6 GeometricProgramming 281 7 DirectSearchMethodsforNonlinearOptimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 7.1 Introduction 294 7.2 CyclicCoordinateSearch 294 7.3 HookeandJeevesPatternSearchMethod 298 7.4 Rosenbrock’sMethod 301 7.5 Powell’sMethodofConjugateDirections 304 7.6 NelderandMeadSimplexMethod 307 7.7 SimulatedAnnealing(SA) 314 7.8 GeneticAlgorithm(GA) 318 7.9 DifferentialEvolution(DE) 324 7.10Box’sComplexMethodforConstrainedProblems 325 8 MultiobjectiveOptimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 8.1 Introduction 338 8.2 ConceptofParetoOptimality 339 8.3 GenerationoftheEntireParetoCurve 343 8.4 MethodstoIdentifyaSingleBestCompromiseSolution 345 9 IntegerandDiscreteProgramming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359 9.1 Introduction 359 9.2 Zero–OneProgramming 361 9.3 BranchandBoundAlgorithmforMixedIntegers(LP-Based) 368 x Contents 9.4 GomoryCutMethod 372 9.5 Farkas’MethodforDiscreteNonlinearMonotone StructuralProblems 377 9.6 GeneticAlgorithmforDiscreteProgramming 380 10 DynamicProgramming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 10.1Introduction 385 10.2TheDynamicProgrammingProblemandApproach 387 10.3ProblemModelingandComputerImplementation 392 11 OptimizationApplicationsforTransportation,Assignment, andNetworkProblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 11.1Introduction 400 11.2TransportationProblem 400 11.3AssignmentProblems 408 11.4NetworkProblems 413 12 FiniteElement-BasedOptimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 12.1Introduction 424 12.2DerivativeCalculations 427 12.3Sizing(i.e.,Parameter)OptimizationviaOptimality CriteriaandNonlinearProgrammingMethods 432 12.4TopologyOptimizationofContinuumStructures 437 12.5ShapeOptimization 441 12.6OptimizationwithDynamicResponse 449 Index 461 Preface This book is a revised and enhanced edition of the first edition. The authors have identifiedaclearneedforteachingengineeringoptimizationinamannerthatinte- gratestheory,algorithms,modeling,andhands-onexperiencebasedontheirexten- sive experience in teaching, research, and interactions with students. They have strived to adhere to this pedagogy and reinforced it further in the second edition, withmoredetailedexplanations,anincreasednumberofsolvedexamplesandend- of-chapterproblems,andsourcecodesonmultipleplatforms. The development of the software, which parallels the theory, has helped to explain the implementation aspects in the text with greater insight and accuracy. Studentshaveintegratedtheoptimizationprogramswithsimulationcodesintheir theses. The programs can be tried out by researchers and practicing engineers as well. Programs on the CD-ROM have been developed in Matlab, Excel VBA, VBScript, and Fortran. A battery of methods is available for the user. This leads to effective solution of problems since no single method can be successful on all problems. The book deals with a variety of optimization problems: unconstrained, con- strained, gradient, and nongradient techniques; duality concepts; multiobjective optimization; linear, integer, geometric, and dynamic programming with applica- tions; and finite element–based optimization. Matlab graphics and optimization toolbox routines and the Excel Solver optimizer are presented in detail. Through solved examples, problem-solving strategies are presented for handling problems wherethenumberofvariablesdependsonthenumberofdiscretizationpointsina meshandforhandlingtime-dependentconstraints.Chapter8dealsexclusivelywith treatmentoftheobjectivefunctionitselfasopposedtomethodsforminimizingit. Thisbookcanbeusedincoursesatthegraduateorsenior-undergraduatelevel andasalearningresourceforpracticingengineers.Specifically,thetextcanbeused xi xii Preface in courses on engineering optimization, design optimization, structural optimiza- tion,andnonlinearprogramming.Thebookmaybeusedinmechanical,aerospace, civil, industrial, architectural, chemical, and electrical engineering, as well as in appliedmathematics.Indecidingwhichchaptersaretobecoveredinacourse,the instructor may note the following. Chapters 1, 2, 3.1–3.5, and 8 are fundamental. Chapters4,9,and11focusonlinearproblems,whereasChapters5–7focusonnon- linearproblems.Evenifthefocusisonnonlinearproblems,Sections4.1–4.6present important concepts related to constraints. Chapters 10 and 12 are specialized top- ics.Thus,forinstance,acourseonstructuraloptimization(i.e.,finiteelement-based optimization)maycoverChapters1–2,3.1–3.5,4.1–4.6,5,6,7.7–7.10,8,and12. Wearegratefultothestudentsatourrespectiveinstitutionsformotivatingus todevelopthisbook.Ithasbeenapleasureworkingwithoureditor,PeterGordon. OPTIMIZATION CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING SecondEdition 1 Preliminary Concepts 1.1 Introduction Optimization is the process of maximizing or minimizing a desired objective func- tion while satisfying the prevailing constraints. Nature has an abundance of exam- pleswhereanoptimumsystemstatusissought.Inmetalsandalloys,theatomstake positions of least energy to form unit cells. These unit cells define the crystalline structureofmaterials.Aliquiddropletinzerogravityisaperfectsphere,whichis the geometric form of least surface area for a given volume. Tall trees form ribs near the base to strengthen them in bending. The honeycomb structure is one of themostcompactpackagingarrangements.Geneticmutationforsurvivalisanother exampleofnature’soptimizationprocess.Likenature,organizationsandbusinesses have also strived toward excellence. Solutions to their problems have been based mostlyonjudgmentandexperience.However,increasedcompetitionandconsumer demandsoftenrequirethatthesolutionsbeoptimumandnotjustfeasiblesolutions. A small savings in a mass-produced part will result in substantial savings for the corporation. In vehicles, weight minimization can impact fuel efficiency, increased payloads, or performance. Limited material or labor resources must be utilized to maximizeprofit.Often,optimizationofadesignprocesssavesmoneyforacompany bysimplyreducingthedevelopmentaltime. In order for engineers to apply optimization at their work place, they must haveanunderstandingofboththetheoryandthealgorithmsandtechniques.This isbecausethereisconsiderableeffortneededtoapplyoptimizationtechniqueson practicalproblemstoachieveanimprovement.Thiseffortinvariablyrequirestuning algorithmicparameters,scaling,andevenmodifyingthetechniquesforthespecific application. Moreover, the user may have to try several optimization methods to findonethatcanbesuccessfullyapplied.Todate,optimizationhasbeenusedmore asadesignordecisionaid,ratherthanforconceptgenerationordetaileddesign.In 1 2 PreliminaryConcepts thissense,optimizationisanengineeringtoolsimilarto,say,finiteelementanalysis (FEA). Thisbookaimsatprovidingthereaderwithbasictheorycombinedwithdevel- opment and use of numerical techniques. A CD-ROM containing computer pro- grams that parallel the discussion in the text is provided. The computer programs givethereadertheopportunitytogainhands-onexperience.Theseprogramsshould be valuable to both students and professionals. Importantly, the optimization pro- gramswithsourcecodecanbeintegratedwiththeuser’ssimulationsoftware.The developmentofthesoftwarehasalsohelpedtoexplaintheoptimizationprocedures inthewrittentextwithgreaterinsight.Severalexamplesareworkedoutinthetext; many of these involve the programs provided. User subroutines to solve some of theseexamplesarealsoprovidedontheCD-ROM. 1.2 HistoricalSketch The use of a gradient method (requiring derivatives of the functions) for min- imization was first presented by Cauchy in 1847. Modern optimization methods were pioneered by Courant’s [1943] paper on penalty functions, Dantzig’s paper on the simplex method for linear programming [1951]; and Karush, Kuhn, and Tucker who derived the “KKT” optimality conditions for constrained problems [1939, 1951]. Thereafter, particularly in the 1960s, several numerical methods to solve nonlinear optimization problems were developed. Mixed integer program- mingreceivedimpetusbythebranchandboundtechniqueoriginallydevelopedby Land and Doig [1960] and the cutting plane method by Gomory [1960]. Methods forunconstrainedminimizationincludeconjugategradientmethodsofFletcherand Reeves[1964]andthevariablemetricmethodsofDavidon–Fletcher–Powell(DFP) in [1959]. Constrained optimization methods were pioneered by Rosen’s gradient projection method [1960], Zoutendijk’s method of feasible directions [1960], the generalized reduced gradient method by Abadie and Carpenter [1969] and Fiacco and McCormick’s SUMT techniques [1968]. Multivariable optimization needed efficient methods for single variable search. The traditional interval search meth- ods using Fibonacci numbers and Golden Section ratio were followed by effi- cient hybrid polynomial-interval methods of Brent [1971] and others. Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods for constrained minimization were devel- opedinthe1970s.Developmentofinteriormethodsforlinearprogrammingstarted withtheworkofKarmarkarin1984.HispaperandtherelatedUSpatent(4744028) renewed interest in interior methods (see the IBM Web site for patent search: http://patent.womplex.ibm.com/). Also in the 1960s, alongside developments in gradient-based methods, there were developments in nongradient or “direct” methods, principally Rosenbrock’s method of orthogonal directions [1960], the pattern search method of Hooke and 1.2 HistoricalSketch 3 Jeeves[1961],Powell’smethodofconjugatedirections[1964],thesimplexmethod of Nelder and Meade [1965], and the method of Box [1965]. Special methods that exploitsomeparticularstructureofaproblemwerealsodeveloped.Dynamicpro- grammingoriginatedfromtheworkofBellmanwhostatedtheprincipleofoptimal policyforsystemoptimization[1952].Geometricprogrammingoriginatedfromthe workofDuffin,Peterson,Zener[1967].Lasdon[1970]drewattentiontolarge-scale systems.Paretooptimalitywasdevelopedinthecontextofmultiobjectiveoptimiza- tion. More recently, there has been focus on stochastic methods, which are better able to determine global minima. Most notable among these are genetic algo- rithms [Holland 1975, Goldberg 1989], simulated annealing algorithms that origi- natedfromMetropolis[1953],anddifferentialevolutionmethods[PriceandStorn, http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/∼storn/code.html]. In operations research and industrial engineering, use of optimization tech- niquesinmanufacturing,production,inventorycontrol,transportation,scheduling, networks,andfinancehasresultedinconsiderablesavingsforawiderangeofbusi- nesses and industries. Several operations research textbooks are available to the reader. For instance, optimization of airline schedules is an integer program that can be solved using the branch and bound technique [Nemhauser 1997]. Shortest path routines have been used to reroute traffic due to road blocks. The routines mayalsobeappliedtoroutemessagesontheInternet. The use of nonlinear optimization techniques in structural design was pio- neeredbySchmit[1960].EarlyliteratureonengineeringoptimizationareJohnson [1961], Wilde [1967], Fox [1971], Siddall [1972], Haug and Arora [1979], Morris [1982], Reklaitis, Ravindran and Ragsdell [1983], Vanderplaats [1984], Papalam- brosandWilde[1988],Banichuk[1990],HaftkaandGurdal[1991].Severalauthors have added to this collection including books on specialized topics such as struc- tural topology optimization [Bendsoe and Sigmund 2004], design sensitivity anal- ysis [Haug, Choi and Komkov 1986], optimization using evolutionary algorithms [Deb 2001] and books specifically targeting chemical, electrical, industrial, com- puter science, and other engineering systems. We refer the reader to the bibliog- raphy at end of this book. These, along with several others that have appeared in thelastdecade,havemadeanimpactineducatingengineerstoapplyoptimization techniques.Today,applicationsareeverywhere,fromidentifyingstructuresofpro- tein molecules to tracing of electromagnetic rays. Optimization has been used for decadesinsizingairplanewings.Thechallengeistoincreaseitsutilizationinbring- ingoutthefinalproduct. Widely available and relatively easy to use optimization software packages, popular in universities, include the MATLAB optimization toolbox and the EXCELSOLVER.AlsoavailableareGAMSmodelingpackages(http://gams.nist. gov/) and CPLEX software (http://www.ilog.com/). Other resources include Web sitesmaintainedbyArgonnenationallabs(http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/OTC/Guide/ 4 PreliminaryConcepts f x Figure1.1. Maximizationoffisequivalent x* tominimizationof−f. −f SoftwareGuide/) and by SIAM (http://www.siam.org/). GAMS is tied to a host of optimizers. Structural and simulation-based optimization software packages that can be procured from companies include ALTAIR (http://www.altair.com/), GENESIS (http://www.vrand.com/),iSIGHT(http://www.engineous.com/),modeFRONTIER (http://www.esteco.com/), and FE-Design (http://www.fe-design.de/en/home.html). OptimizationcapabilityisofferedinanalysiscommercialpackagessuchasANSYS andNASTRAN. 1.3 TheNonlinearProgrammingProblem Mostengineeringoptimizationproblemsmaybeexpressedasminimizing(ormax- imizing)afunctionsubjecttoinequalityandequalityconstraints,whichisreferred to as a nonlinear programming (NLP) problem. The word “programming” means “planning.”Thegeneralformis minimize f(x) subject to g (x)≤0 i =1,...,m i (1.1) and h (x)=0 j =1,...,(cid:2) j and xL ≤x≤xU where x=(x ,x ,...,x )T is a column vector of n real-valued design variables. In 1 2 n Eq.(1.1),f istheobjectiveorcostfunction,g’sareinequalityconstraints,andh’sare equality constraints. The notation x0 for the starting point, x∗ for optimum, and xk forthe(current)pointatthekthiterationwillbegenerallyused. MaximizationversusMinimization Notethatmaximizationoffisequivalenttominimizationof−f(Fig.1.1). Problems may be manipulated so as to be in the form (1.1). Vectors xL, xU representexplicitlowerandupperboundsonthedesignvariables,respectively,and

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