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Optimisation using Natural Language Processing: Personalized Tour Recommendation for Museums Mayeul Mathias ∗, Assema Moussa ∗, Fen Zhou ∗‡, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno ∗‡§, Marie-Sylvie Poli †‡, Didier Josselin ∗‡¶, Marc El-Be`ze ∗‡, Andre´a Carneiro Linhares (cid:107), Franc¸oise Rigat ∗∗ {mayeul.mathias, assema.moussa}@alumni.univ-avignon.fr {fen.zhou, juan-manuel.torres, marie-sylvie.poli, didier.josselin, marc.elbeze}@univ-avignon.fr [email protected], francoise [email protected] ∗LIA, Universite´ d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France. †CNE, Universite´ d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France. ‡FR 3621 Agorantic - CNRS Universite´ d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France. §E´cole polytechnique de Montre´al, (Que´bec) Canada ¶UMR 7300 ESPACE - CNRS, France (cid:107)Universidade Federal do Ceara´, Brazil. ∗∗Universita` degli Studi di Torino, Italy. 5 1 0 Abstract—This paper proposes a new method to provide per- museums,asTheLouvre,offerarecommendationsystem1 but 2 sonalizedtourrecommendationformuseumvisits.Itcombinesan theyarelimitedtotheselectionofarouteinapre-established optimization of preference criteria of visitors with an automatic n set. Moreover, in this particular case, the personalization is extraction of artwork importance from museum information a restricted to the selection of a theme and the duration of the J basedonNaturalLanguageProcessingusingtextualenergy.This project includes researchers from computer and social sciences. visit in a set of no more than 10 themes and 4 different 6 Some results are obtained with numerical experiments. They durations. show that our model clearly improves the satisfaction of the It is essential to propose a personalized route for each ] I visitor who follows the proposed tour. This work foreshadows visitor or group of visitors according to their interests while A some interesting outcomes and applications about on-demand taking into account their constraints such as limited schedule, . personalized visit of museums in a very near future. s physical handicap or a list of artworks to include of the tour. c I. INTRODUCTION This operation may also reduce unuseful moves (avoid round [ MUSEUMS are no longer only institutions that acquire, trips). But to calculate an optimal tour, we need to assess the 1 store and expose our heritage. Going to a museum is a visitor interest for each artwork by asking his preferences. v learning activity but also an enjoyment for visitors. With the Modelingthepreferenceswithrandomdistributionsmaynot 2 emergenceoftheWeb,curatorsandculturalmediatorsdecided reflect reality because curators take care of the scenography 5 2 togetinvolvedincollaborativeandnumericalculturetoattract (therefore the coherence) of each room. So we worked on 1 alargerpublic.Today,almostallmuseumshaveawebsitebut prefered artists (the visitor can select a set of interesting 0 fewofthemallowthevisitorstopreparetheirvisitinthebest artists) and we propose to use the artworks description to . 1 conditions. highlight a kind of intrinsic interest from the point of view of 0 Some art, science and society museums are collaborating the museum. Indeed, the description displayed to the visitor 5 with research laboratories to develop new technologies that should show how significant is the artwork for the museum. 1 improve services in museums in response to the desires of We valuate each item by analyzing their description (with : v existing and potential visitors. Automatic Text Summarization) and use it as a base value, i X However, there are still difficulties, epistemological barri- considering that even without any preference, some artworks ers, to study the expectations and the intentions of different are more interesting than others. r a publics, including online visitors. Knowing why people want to come and visit museums could allow automatic systems to The Muse´e de l’Orangerie suggests their tour, save their time and give them the best of Duetothetimeneededtoextractandcheckallthedatawe the knowledge of the exhibited arts. worked on this small museum to test our model. Among all possibilities, a recommendation system for per- The Muse´e de l’Orangerie (Museum of Orangerie), in sonalized routing is by far one of the best improvements. Paris (France), regroups 144 artworks from 14 artists in 10 Indeed,somemuseumsexhibitthousandsofartworksanditis exhibition rooms. The website2 of the museum supplies a not conceivable for a visitor to admire all of them because he map (shown in Fig. 1) and indexes information about all the might spend time in front of artworks which do not match his interests and he might not be able to see other more 1http://www.louvre.fr/en/parcours interesting artworks due to tiredness or a lack of time. A few 2http://musee-orangerie.fr Fig.1. MapoftheMuse´edel’Orangerie artworks including the name of the artist, a description of the reality (in museums, artworks are often grouped in a room artwork and its date of creation. because they are related to each other, a configuration that a random distribution as they used cannot represent). Paper organization In 2013, some works [3] used the visiting style of visitors The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. We (the way a visitor go from an artwork to another) but their review the related work in Section II. In Section III, we model requires two matrices of size N2 (where N is the presentaNaturalLanguageProcessing(NLP)basedapproach number of artworks). The first one indicates the accessibility to compute artwork interest. The Personalized Tour Recom- to an artwork from another (if they are in the same room or mendation Problem is presented in Section IV. To solve this in two rooms directly connected) and the second one contains problem, we develop an Integer Linear Programming based the distance between two artworks. However as the number method to solve the tour optimization problem in Section of artworks is always greater than the number of rooms, V and define a model to represent the visitor preferences most of the museums are modeled as two sparse matrices in Section VI. The simulations are conducted and numerical with duplicated data (in a room, it is often allowed to freely results are demonstrated in Section VII. Finally, we conclude move between artworks). This makes the use of constraint the paper in Section VIII. programming expensive. II. RELATEDWORK III. ARTWORKDESCRIPTIONANALYSISUSINGTEXTUAL A first model developed in 2010 [1] proposes to formulate ENERGY the visitor routing problem as an extension of the open shop scheduling problem (in which each visitor group is a job and Our idea is to use the description of each artwork as an eachinterestingroomisamachine).Eachvisitorgrouphasto independent measure of their interest. Indeed, two similar pass through all rooms but it is impossible for two groups of artworks (same theme, support, artist) will produce the same visitorstobesimultaneouslyinthesameroom.Thisrestriction result but may be very different. By analyzing the description canleadtononoptimalorinfeasiblesolutionsiftherearemore provided by the museum, we tried to differentiate them. visitor groups than rooms in the museum (which is the case Automatic Text Summarization (ATS) techniques by ex- if we consider each single visitor as a group). traction [4], [5], [6] allow to rank a set of textual segments Relying on the constraint programming model [2], we (sentences, paragraphs etc.) depending on a measure of sim- propose to reduce the number of used variables. In [2], they ilarity. Textual Energy algorithm (Enertex) converts a textual generate a route by calculating the smallest number K of document into a physical object and use Statistical Physics to steps required to cross the museum (to visit all the rooms). measure its energy [7]. This energy, to which we should refer This model requires that each artwork is represented as K as Textual Energy, is then computed and apply to summariza- variables (one per step). Due to the fact that museums often tion. The physical model of Textual Energy gives rise to a have several thousands of artworks, it leads to a huge number single non iterative algorithm of low complexity. Therefore of variables. Moreover they use mathematical distributions to Textual Energy allows to redefine sentence ranking on simple simulate a visitor profile which does not necessary reflect and efficient matrix operations. The resulting algorithms are much easier to apply to large texts and give better results a document gives rise to a matrix. We have used VSM to without using any post-processing. representdocumentsinourmodelmagneticsystem:asentence (a row vector) is equivalent to a Ising spin chain and a A. Starting point: Hopfield Model document (a magnetic system) is represented by a matrix of Hopfield’s approach [8], [9] was based on magnetic Ising P rows × N columns. Therefore, sentences can be studied modeltobuildaNeuralNetwork(ANN)withpatternlearning as Ising spin chains. More formally, with a vocabulary of capabilities. The capacities and limitations of this ANN (an N words (terms) in a document, it is possible to represent associative memory), were well established in a theoretical a sentence as a chain of N spins, i=1,··· ,N. A document framework [8], [9]: the patterns must not be correlated to with P sentences is formed of P chains in the vector space obtain free error recovery, the system saturates quickly and Ξ of dimension N. In this paper, the description of each only a little fraction of the patterns can be stored correctly. artwork is assimilated as a long pseudo-sentence. Therefore, Despite these major drawbacks, Hopfield contributed to ANN a document (the collection of a museum) is constituted of a theory by introducing the concept of energy by analogy with set of P (pseudo-)sentences. magnetic systems. A magnetic system is a set of N spins like Documents are preprocessed by removing functional words smallmagnetsthatcanadoptseveralorientations.Thesimplest (by using a stop list), normalized and lemmatized [13], [14]. model is the dipole one or Ising model where there are only Thispreprocessingreducesconsiderablythedocumentdimen- twooppositepossibleorientations:up(↑or+1)ordown(↓or sionality. Let be T = {t ,...,t } the set of remaining 1 N 0).Isingmagneticmodelwasusedinalargevarietyofsystems terms after this preprocessing. Once segmented into units, thatcanbecompletelydescribedbyasetN ofbinaryvariables usually sentences, the text is represented by a set S = [10] with 2N possible configurations (patterns). The spins are {(cid:126)s ,...,(cid:126)s ,...,(cid:126)s } where each (cid:126)s is the bag of words in 1 µ P µ equivalenttoneuronsthatcaninteractfollowingHebb’srule3: segment µ. As usual in text vector model, we consider the (cid:88)P matrix S[P×N] = (sµ,j)1≤µ≤P,1≤j≤N of frequency/absence J = (s ×s ) (1) associated to H by: i,j µ,i µ,j µ=1 sµ,i andsµ,j arethestatesofneuronsiandj inthepatternµ. s = (cid:26) tfµ,j if tj ∈ sentence µ (3) The summation concerns the P patterns to store. This rule of µ,j 0 otherwise interaction is local, because J depends only on the states i,j of the connected unities. It has the capacity to store and where tfµ,j is the term frequency of tj in the sentence µ. to recover certain number of configurations of the system, We therefore consider the presence of term tj as a spin sj because the Hebb rule transforms these configurations into ↑ with magnitude tfµ,j (its absence by a ↓ respectively), and attractors (minimal local) of the energy function [8]: a description of each artwork (text segment) by a chain of N spins. N N 1(cid:88)(cid:88) It is common to consider that these vectors are correlated E =− (s ×J ×s ) (2) µ 2 i i,j j according to the shared words. Here the introduction of the i=1j=1 magneticmodelinducesmoreoverindirectinteractions.Inthis The fundamental concept of magnetic energy is a function model sentences that do not share any word could however of the system configuration, that is, of the state of activation interact because of the magnetic field generated by the other or non-activation of its units. The concept of energy induces sentences of the document that form the global magnetic a type of interaction. If we present a pattern ν, every spin system. will undergo a local field: hi = (cid:80)N Ji,jsj induced by the j=1 We have studied the interactions between the terms and the energy of the others spins. Therefore the total energy of the sentences using Hebb’s rule and Ising energy respectively. To newsystemmadeofthenewpatterninsertedintotheprevious obtain the matrix J of interactions between the N terms, we system reflects the interaction between the pattern and the apply Hebb’s rule (equation 1) in its matrix form: initial system. Weshallfocusontheoreticalobjectsthatareusuallyconsid- J =ST ×S (4) ered in Statistical Physics. In magnetic system analysis, these are energy function distributions [11]. Hopfield himself used where Ji,j is the number of co-occurrences of terms in these functions to show that the recovery is convergent. Our sentences. The energy function (equation 2) of a (magnetic) Enertex system is entirely grounded on them. system S is: B. Energy as a document similarity measure E =S×J ×ST =(S×ST)2 (5) The Vector Space Model (VSM) has also been applied Each element E represents the energy between sentences µ,ν to texts since [12] following a bag of word representation µ and ν. The values in the first matrix diagonal quantify the of sentences. In this model vectors represent sentences and interaction energy between words into a sentence meanwhile theothervaluesintherestofthematrixshowtheinteractions 3Hebb [9] suggested that synaptic connections change according to the correlationbetweenneuronalstates. betweendistinctsentences.Thesumofabsolutevaluesinone row gives the total energy of interaction of the corresponding W W 1 2 sentence µ with the document: E (cid:88) E = |e | (6) µ µ,ν H ν X We use this energy value to rank sentences (description 8 6 4 of artwork) by order of decreasing importance. The most 7 5 energetic will be considered as the most important. 1 2 3 IV. PERSONALIZEDTOURRECOMMENDATIONPROBLEM The Personalized Tour Recommendation Problem (PTRP) can be viewed as an optimization problem and solved by Fig.2. ApossiblegraphfortheMuse´edel’Orangerie optimization techniques. For this purpose, we first model the TABLEI museum topology as a graph and then formulate the studied THEMUSE´EDEL’ORANGERIE:VERTICESANDROOMS problem as an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) instance. Vertex Room Therefore, the optimal personalized tour can be obtained by E Entrance solving the ILP model we propose. X Exit H Hall A. Museum modeling W1 WaterLilies(firstpart) A museum is modeled as a 7-tuple G=(cid:104)V,A,E,X,P,r(cid:105) W2 WaterLilies(secondpart) 1 L’Aged’Or where: 2 PaulGuillaumeRoom • V isthesetofvertices,eachvertexisanexhibitionroom, 3 Impressionism 4 Modernprimitives an entrance or an exit of the museum. 5 Laurencinroom • Aisthesetofarcswhichconnectdifferentrooms.There 6 Modernclassicism is an arc a ∈ A between two vertices i and j, if we 7 Derainroom ij can go from room i to room j directly without passing 8 Soutine/Utrilloroom through other rooms. • E is the set of entrances of a museum, which is a subset of V, i.e. E ⊂V. • G is the museum graph representing the museum topol- ogy as defined above. • X is the set of exits of a museum, which is also a subset of V, i.e. X ⊂V. • I is the set of artworks which have to be included in the tour. • P is the set of all artworks in the museum. • risamappingfunctionP →V.Foreachartworkp∈P, • R is the set of artworks which have to be excluded of the tour. r(p) is the room containing p. • u is a mapping u : P → R+. For each artwork p ∈ P, Some large museums may have several entrances and exits, u(p) denotes the interest of the visitor for the artwork p. that is why E and X are two subsets of V. We also admit • t is a mapping t:A∪V ∪P →R+. For each room, arc that there is always a path from any entrance to an exit. We and artwork, we have a time to spend. It can be the time consider directed arcs and not edges because some museums needed to cross a room or an arc. It can also be the time may impose a flow direction for several reasons (minimizing to see an artwork. congestion, pedagogical tour). Note that by definition of A, • TMAX isthemaximumtimethatavisitorwantstospend there is no incoming arc to any entrance and there is no any in the museum. outgoing arc from any exit neither. A visit tour may be a simple path without any cycles (an Application to the Muse´e de l’Orangerie: The Muse´e de elementary path) or a sophisticate path including cycles (a l’OrangeriecanberepresentedasthegraphpresentedinFigure non-elementary path). 2. We can see that there is only one entrance and one exit in themuseumandtheyarelocatedatthesameplace.Therefore, we consider the entrance and the exit as two different vertices in the graph to facilitate the model. The mapping between vertices and rooms is shown in Table I. B. Personalized tour problem modeling For the sake of satisfying the visitor maximally, a visit tour should be proposed according to the visitor’s preferences and constraints. A personalized tour problem can be defined as a 6-tuple (cid:104)G,I,R,u,t,T (cid:105) where: MAX We define a tour as a sequence of pairs (cid:104)v,P (cid:105) where Given a personalized tour problem (as defined in section v v ∈ V and P ⊆ r(v) (note that P may be ∅ because IV), the objective function of the Optimal Personalized Tour v v we can cross a room without seeing any artwork). A tour RecommendationProblem(OPTRP)istomaximizetheoverall T =((cid:104)v ,P (cid:105),...,(cid:104)v ,P (cid:105)) is a solution to the personalized satisfaction of the proposed visit tour for the visitor: 1 vi n vn tour recommendation problem when: (cid:88) 1) The vertex v in the first element of T is an element of max x ×u(p) OPTRP (7) p E (the tour starts by an entrance). p∈P 2) The vertex v in the last element of T is an element of s.t. X (the tour ends by an exit). (cid:88) (cid:88) 3) AllconsecutiveelementsT1 andT2 ofT sharethesame ya =1 (8) vertex or an arc a ∈A must exist from the vertex i of ij v∈Ea∈δ+(v) T1 to the vertex j of T2. (cid:88) (cid:88) y =1 (9) 4) The total time required to see all the artworks and pass a through all the rooms (and ways) is not bigger than v∈Xa∈δ−(v) (cid:88) (cid:88) T . y = y , ∀v ∈V \(E∪X) (10) MAX a a Application to the Muse´e de l’Orangerie: we may have a a∈δ+(v) a∈δ−(v) visit tour like the following: f ≥y , ∀a∈A (11) a a f ≤|V|×y , ∀a∈A (12) ((cid:104)E,∅(cid:105),(cid:104)H,∅(cid:105),(cid:104)W ,p (cid:105),(cid:104)W ,p (cid:105),(cid:104)W ,∅(cid:105),(cid:104)H,∅(cid:105), a a 1 1 2 5 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) f = f −z , ∀v ∈V \(E∪X) (13) (cid:104)1,p (cid:105),(cid:104)8,p (cid:105),(cid:104)1,∅(cid:105),(cid:104)H,∅(cid:105),(cid:104)X,∅(cid:105)) a a v 10 103 a∈δ−(v) a∈δ+(v) In this tour, the visitor should cross the receiving hall H (cid:88) (cid:88) y + y ≥z , ∀v ∈V (14) a a v three times, exhibition room W and 1 twice respectively. 1 a∈δ+(v) a∈δ−(v) Although we may traverse a room several times, the visitor y ≤z , ∀v ∈V,∀a∈δ+(v)∪δ−(v) issupposedtovisittheroomonlyonce.Considerforinstance a v (15) the exhibition room W , we may visit the selected artworks 1 when we reach this room for the first time. The second time, xp ≤zv, ∀v ∈V,∀p∈{p:r(p)=v} we would just cross the room to visit another one. (16) x =1, ∀p∈I (17) V. INTEGERLINEARPROGRAMMINGAPPROACHTOSOLVE p THEOPTIMALPERSONALIZEDTOURRECOMMENDATION xp =0, ∀p∈R (18) PROBLEM (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) z ×t + y ×t + x ×t ≤T (19) Before introducing an ILP model to solve the Personalized v v a a p p MAX Tour Recommendation Problem, we define several decision v∈V a∈A p∈P variables: Constraints(8)and(9)ensurethatthevisitorshouldentera • xp equals 1 if the artwork p ∈ P is included in the museumfromauniqueentranceandfinishthevisitbyaunique proposed tour, 0 otherwise. exit respectively (this model considers the case of multiple • ya equals 1 if arc a∈A is crossed in the proposed tour, entrances and exits). Constraint (10) makes sure that a visitor 0 otherwise. should exit a room v after crossing or visiting it. Constraint • fa denotes the number of rooms crossed when we arrive (11)expressesthatavisitorshouldhavecrossedatleastaroom at arc a∈A in the visit walk. before arriving at an arc a, while constraint (12) imposes that • zv equals 1 if room v ∈ V is traversed in the proposed no flow is moving on the arc a, if it is not crossed in the tour (no matter whether we visit an artwork of this room visit tour. Constraint (13) means that if a room v is crossed in or not), 0 otherwise. the tour, then the number of rooms crossed before arriving at this room equals the number of rooms crossed after leaving v minus one. Otherwise, they should be equal, since the room will not appear in the tour. Constraint (15) imposes that a room v should be crossed as long as one input arc or one outgoing arc is crossed. Constraint (14) ensures that a room v should not be crossed if none of the input arc or output link is used during the visit. Constraint (16) indicates that if a room v is not crossed, none of its artworks will be proposed for visiting. Constraints (17) and (18) ensure that an artwork should be included or excluded from the proposed tour if the visitor asks for it. The last constraint (19) guarantees that the time spent in front of the artworks and the time required to pass through rooms (and ways) does not exceed the available • ThegraphmodelingthemuseumasdefinedinsectionIV time for the visitor. • The interest function f to use. This function produces The ILP model we propose provides a visit tour starting interest vectors as defined in section VI from an entrance and terminating at an exit. In [2], authors • The maximum duration that a visitor can spend in the also proposed an ILP model to plan the personalized visit. museum Theydividedthestudiedproposedintotwosub-problems:first It outputs the proposed tour (as defined in section IV). determinethenumberofmoves(denotedasK)foracomplete A. Intrinsic interest walkinthemuseumgraph,andthensolvethemuseumrouting problem while maximizing visitor satisfaction. Since both of As we saw in section III, the Enertex algorithm ranks the these sub-problems are NP-Hard, authors of [2] proposed to sentences of a document. We used Enertex as the following: solve both of them by constraint programming. The complex- 1) From the website of the museum, we created an XML ity of their model depends a lot on K, which is generally file containing the following information for each art- large (at least equals to |V|). To compare the complexity of work:thetitle,theartistname,theyearandthedescrip- our model with the ILP mode in [2], the number of variables tion of the artwork. and constraints are listed in Table II. 2) WeextracteddatafromtheXMLtoproduceafilewhere each pseudo sentence is a concatenation of title, artist VI. VISITORPREFERENCESMODELING and description. The interest function u should reflect the satisfaction of the 3) The latter file is used as an input to Enertex with visitor for each artwork p∈P. The nearer to his preferences the query ”muse´e orangerie peinture impressionniste is an artwork p, the greater is u(p). postimpressionniste” to drive the balancing process of the system. Representation of artworks and the visitor preferences It produces a ranking for artworks depending on the infor- We define C as the set of all characteristics of an art- p mation displayed by the museum (for each artwork, the result work p and C as the union of all these sets (i.e. C = is a value ranging from 0 to 1). {c|c∈C ∀p∈P}). A characteristic may be the theme, the p Fig. 3 shows the ranking of the artworks in the Muse´e de type of support, the date of creation, the name of the artist or l’Orangerie provided by Enertex. anything that identify an artwork. We can represent any artwork p ∈ P as a caracteristics vectorv =(v ,...,v )inavector-spaceof|C|dimensions. p p1 pn Each element v ∈ R+ in the vector is a numerical value pi measuring the relevance of the artwork p to the associated characteristic. Additionally we define a vector v in the same vector-space as the vector representing the visitor preferences (where each element of v measures the interest of the visitor for the associated characteristic). Measuring the interest for an artwork To identify the interest for the visitor to an artwork, we compare v and v with the cosine similarity which calculate p the angle between two vectors. The formula is the following: (cid:80)nv ×v similarity(v ,v)= i pi i (20) p (cid:113) (cid:113) (cid:80)nv2 × (cid:80)nv2 i pi i i The resulting similarity ranges from 0, meaning that the visitor is not interested at all by the artwork, to 1 meaning Fig.3. RankingbyEnertexoftheartworksintheMuse´edel’Orangerie that the artwork exactly matches his preferences. In our model, we used u(p) = similarity(vp,v) where Aswecansee,theresultingrankingisinagreementwiththe vp and v are the vectors of the artwork p and the visitor informationprovidedbythemuseum.Indeedthemasterpieces preferences respectively. (according to the website of the museum) represent the most important artworks (which have the highest scores). VII. SIMULATIONSANDNUMERICALRESULTS We implemented the ILP model described in section V by using the IBM CPLEX 12 library4. The program takes several input parameters: 4http://www-01.ibm.com/software/commerce/optimization/cplex-optimizer/ TABLEII COMPARISONOFILPMODELS Terms OPTRPILP ILP[2] Variables xp,ya,fa,zv xp,xp,k,ci,j,k Numberofvariables |P|+2|A|+|V| (|P|+|A|)×K+|P| Constraints (8)-(19) (2)-(8)in[2] Numberofconstraints 3+4|A|+|P|+3|V|+|I|−2(|E|+|X|) |A|×(K−1)+|P|×(2K−1)+K+3 B. Interest functions havethesameinterest,thetourincludesthegreatestnumberof artworks).WithEnertexweareabletoproposeefficenttoursto Four different interest function were designed to simulate visitors who want to discover the museum (without particular the visitor preferences. preferences). The combination of both visitor preferences and • f1: produces the same vector v = (1) for each artwork intrinsic preferences produces the best results up to 49% of and visitor preferences relevanceimprovement.Italsoappearsthatafter150minutes, • f2: produces a vector vp = (sp) where sp is the score the improvement is less significant, we could assume that, givenbyEnertexfortheartworkpandproducesavector from the visitor point of view, the optimal tour duration is v =(1) as the visitor preferences. about 2 hours and a half. • f3: produces vectors v =(v1,...,vn) of size n equals to the number of artists. Each artwork is represented as a VIII. CONCLUSIONANDFUTUREWORKS vectorwherev =1iftheartworkiscreatedbytheartist i This research tackles the problem of optimizing museum i, 0 otherwise. The visitor preferences are represented as visitsaccordingtovisitorspreferenceandartworkimportance. a vector where v = 1 if the visitor is interested by the i As a first milestone for next works taking into account the artist i, 0 otherwise. individualbehaviorinmuseumvisits,itsetsanoriginalmodel • f4:producesvectorsv =vf2(cid:107)10×vf3 wherevf2 andvf3 combining computational optimisation and automatic learning are the vectors produces by f and f respectively. 2 3 viaartificialintelligence.Wefirstdrewtheoptimizationframe- Thefirstfunctiondefinesthebaseline:thevisitorhasnoin- work based on graph theory to depict the spatial organization terestatall.ThesecondusestherankingprovidedbyEnertex: of the museum (including rooms and paths), that requires an the visitor wants to discover the most important artworks of Integer Linear Programming to maximize the visitor overall the museum. The third uses the visitor preferences (a set of satisfaction and to generate an optimal path, that is to say interesting artists). The last combines both visitor preferences a series of rooms and artworks to be seen by the visitor. In and museum point of view (we multiply by 10 because we complement,wecomputeanartworkdescriptionanalysisbya want to give more importance to the visitor preferences than naturallanguageprocessingbasedontextualenergy(usingan to the museum point of view). algorithm called Enertex). This leads to ranking the different artworks according to the descriptions given by the museum, C. Evaluation related to their artistic importance. Associating those two To evaluate the output tour, we measure the relevance complementaryapproaches,wearethenabletodesignoptimal percentage defined as : pathsforvisitorsaccordingtodifferentinterestfunctionsbased (cid:80) on artwork objective values assigned by museums. 100∗ f(p) rp= p∈T (21) Future works concern more subjective behavior of visitors (cid:80) f(p) p∈P depending on their profiles and leisure practices. Indeed, the project aims at finding relevant recommendations for optimal where T is the set of artworks proposed in the tour (i.e. visit tours that rise a better fitness between the visitor wishes T ⊆ P) and f the interest function used (as saw above). andthemuseumartisticsupply.Wecanthinkaboutusingnat- The relevance percentage rp denotes a satisfaction rate of the ural language processing to generate the set of characteristics visitor. for all the artworks in a museum and calculate better interest D. Results vectors but also produce a summary of the proposed tour. Foreachfunctionf,werantheprogramwithdifferenttime This information may advantageously be used by existing limits from 30 to 330 minutes (the time required to visit the and potential visitors to refine the way they get involved in entire collection) by steps of 15 minutes. For f and f , we their cultural pratices. Indeed, it is admitted that the museum 2 3 randomly pre-generated 5,000 combinations of 2, 3, 4 and 5 connoiseurs use to develop a critical mind about new services artists (i.e. the same combinations are used with f and f ) in a numerical society. Thence, aware visitors become able to 2 3 and calculated the arithmetic mean relevance percentage for appreciate the personalized routing recommendation system each duration. provided by their prefered museums. Figure 4 shows the evolution of rp for each function f. As expected, the first interest function f produces a linear 1 evolution of the relevance percentage (given that all artworks Fig.4. 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