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Optimal target search on a fast folding polymer chain with volume exchange Michael A. Lomholt, Tobias Ambj¨ornsson, and Ralf Metzler NORDITA, Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark We study the search process of a target on a rapidly folding polymer (‘DNA’) by an ensemble of particles (‘proteins’), whose search combines 1D diffusion along the chain, L´evy type diffusion mediatedbychainlooping, andvolumeexchange. Arichbehaviorofthesearch processisobtained with respect tothe physical parameters, in particular, for the optimal search. 6 0 PACSnumbers: 05.40.Fb,02.50.-Ey,82.39.-k 0 2 n Introduction. L´evy flights (LFs) are random walks nbulk k DB a whosejumplengthsxaredistributedlikeλ(x)≃|x|−1−α off J Bulk with exponent 0 < α < 2 [1]. Their probability den- excursion 6 sity to be at position x at time t has the characteristic k Sliding ∞ on function P(q,t) ≡ eiqxP(x,t)dx = exp(−D |q|αt), ] −∞ L ft a consequence of thRe generalized central limit theorem DL o [2]; in that sense, LFs are a natural extension of nor- Intersegmental transfer s mal Gaussian diffusion (α = 2). LFs occur in a wide t. range of systems [3]; in particular, they represent an op- Tfianrdginegt j(t) O a timal search mechanism in contrast to locally oversam- m pling Gaussian search [4]. Dynamically, LFs can be de- FIG. 1: Search mechanisms in Eq. (1). - scribed by a space-fractionaldiffusion equation ∂P/∂t= d n DL∂αP(x,t)/∂|x|α,aconvenientbasistointroduceaddi- o tional terms, as shown below. DL is a diffusion constant seanon-trivialproblemforLFs[12]. Notethat,although c of dimension cmα/sec, and the fractional derivative is theprocesswestudyisagenericsoftmatterproblem,we [ definedviaits Fouriertransform,F{∂αP(x,t)/∂|x|α}= here adopt the DNA-protein language for illustration. 2 −|q|αP(q,t) [3]. LFs exhibit superdiffusion in the sense Theoretical description. In our description of the v that h|x|ζi2/ζ ≃ (DLt)2/α (0 < ζ < α), spreading faster target search process, we use the density per length 2 thanthelineardependenceofstandarddiffusion(α=2). n(x,t) of proteins on the DNA as the relevant dynam- 7 ical quantity (x is the distance along the DNA contour). A prime example of an LF is linear particle diffusion 0 Apart from intersegmental transfer, we include 1D slid- 0 tonextneighborsitesonafastfolding(‘annealed’)poly- ing along the DNA with diffusion constant D , protein 1 mer that permits intersegmental jumps at chain contact B 5 points (see Fig. 1) due to polymer looping [5, 6]. The dissociation with rate koff and (re)adsorbtion with rate 0 contour length |x| stored in a loop between such contact kon from a bath of proteins of concentration nbulk. The t/ points is distributed in 3D like λ(x) ≃ |x|−1−α, where dynamics of n(x,t) is thus governedby the equation[13] a α=1/2 for Gaussian chains (θ solvent), and α≈1.2 for m ∂ ∂2 ∂α self-avoiding walk chains (good solvent) [7]. n(x,t)= D +D −k n(x,t) - ∂t (cid:18) B∂x2 L∂|x|α off(cid:19) d While non-specifically bound [8], proteins can diffu- +k n −j(t)δ(x). (1) n sively slide along the DNA backbone in search of their on bulk o specific target site, as long as the binding energy does Here,j(t)isthefluxintothetargetlocatedatx=0. We c : not exceed a certain limit [9]. Under overstretching con- determinethefluxj(t)byassumingthatthetargetisper- v ditions preventing looping, pure 1D sliding search could fectly absorbing: n(0,t) = 0. Be initially the system at i X be observed in vitro [10]. In absence of the stretching equilibrium, except that the target is unoccupied; then, force,thecombinationofintersegmentaljumps(LFcom- the initial proteindensity is n =n(x,0)=k n /k r 0 on bulk off a ponent) and 1D sliding may be a goodapproximationto [14]. The total number of particles that have arrived at the motionofbinding proteinsorenzymesalongaDNA. t ′ ′ the target up to time t is J(t) = dt j(t). We derive In general, however, proteins detach to the volume and, 0 explicit analytic expressions for J(Rt) in different limiting afterabulkexcursion,reattachsuccessivelybeforereach- regimes,and study the generalcase numerically. We use ingthetarget. Thismediationbyde-and(re)adsorption J(t)toobtainthemeanfirstarrivaltimeT tothetarget; rates k and k is described by the Berg-von Hippel off on in particular, to find the value of k that minimizes T. off model sketched in Fig. 1 [11]. We here explore by com- Toproceed,weLaplaceandFouriertransformEq.(1): binationofanalyticalandnumericalanalysisforthe first time (1) the combination of 1D sliding, intersegmental un(q,u)−2πn δ(q)= − D q2+D |q|α+k 0 B L off transferand volumeexchange,(2)aparticlenumberden- ×n(q,u)+2πk(cid:0) n δ(q)/u−j(u),(cid:1) (2) on bulk sity instead ofa single searchingprotein; and(3) the ex- plicit determination of the first arrival to the target, per with n(q,u) = L{n(q,t)}. Integration over q produces 2 From these limits, we now infer the behavior of J(t), 10000 Numerical solution, α=3/2 Sliding search, α=3/2 based on Tauberian theorems stating that J(t) at t→0 Interr. Levy search, α=3/2 Fussy Levy search, α=3/2 is determined by J(u) at u→∞, and vice versa [1]. We 100 NumSelriidcianlg s soeluatriochn,, αα==11//22 discover a rich variety of domains, compare Tab. I: Sloppy Levy search, α=1/2 (1.) Sliding search: Desorption from the DNA can be neglected for times t ≪ k−1. If also t ≪ τ , Eq. (5) J(t) 1 nτB0L==21500- 5((kkoofff)f)1-/12/(DB)1/2 with koff =0 by inverse Laopfflace transform leBaLds to 0.01 nτB0L==(k1o0ff-)91(/k2o/(ffD)-B1)1/2 J(t)∼(t/τ1)γ1, γ1 =1/2, τ1 =π/(16DBn10/γ1). (8) 1e-04 In this regime, only the 1D sliding mechanism matters. (2.) Fussy L´evy search: For τ ≪ t ≪ k−1 (α > 1), BL off the LFdominates the flux into the target; fromEq.(6), 1e-06 1e-12 1e-10 1e-08 1e-06 1e-04 0.01 1 100 koff t J(t)∼(t/τ )γ2, γ =1/α, τ =C /(D n1/γ2), (9) 2 2 2 2 L 0 FIG. 2: Number of proteins arrived at the target up to t. where C = {Γ(1+1/α)/[αsin(π/α)]}α. Now, LFs are Numerical solutions of Eq.(3) and limiting regimes. 2 the overalldominating mechanism. This contrasts: (3.) Sloppy L´evy search: For α < 1, t ≫ τ , and BL J(u) = j(u)/u = n / u2W (u) due to the perfect ab- k−1 ≫τ , we obtain from Eq. (7) 0 0 off BL sorption condition n(0(cid:2),u)=(2π(cid:3))−1 dqn(q,u)=0. Or, R t γ3 Dα/[2(2−α)]−1/2 J(t)∼ , γ =1, τ =C B , (10) 0tdt′ W0(t−t′)J(t′)=n0t (3) (cid:18)τ3(cid:19) 3 3 3 DL1/(2−α)n10/γ3 R in the t-domain. Eq. (3) is a Volterra integral equation and C = {(2−α)sin([1− α]π/[2− α])}−1. For α < 3 of the first kind, whose kernel W is read off Eq. (2): 1, even the step length dx|x|λ(x) diverges, making it 0 ∞ impossible for the proteiRn to hit a small target solely by dq 1 W (u)= , (4) LF, and local sampling by 1D sliding becomes vital. At 0 Z−∞ 2πDBq2+DL|q|α+koff +u longer times, volume exchange mediated by koff enters: (4.) Interrupted L´evy search: For α > 1 and t ≫ that is the Laplace transform of the Green’s function k−1 ≫τ we can ignore u in Eq. (6), yielding of n(x,t) at x = 0. Back-transforming, we obtain off BL W (t) = (2π)−1 ∞ dqexp −(D q2+D |q|α+k )t , 0 −∞ B L off J(t)∼(t/τ )γ4, γ =1,τ =C /(D1/αk1−1/αn1/γ4), which has a singRularity at t(cid:0)= 0. Eq. (3) can be solve(cid:1)d 4 4 4 4 L off 0 (11) numerically by approximating J(t) by a piecewise linear with C = 1/[αsin(π/α)]. The search on the DNA is function, converting the integral equation to a linear set 4 dominatedbyLFs,interruptedby3Dvolumeexcursions. of equations. Typical plots are shown in Fig. 2. Eq. (4) reveals only two relevant time scales: k−1 and (5.) Interrupted sliding search: IfτBL ≫ko−ff1,LFs will τ = (Dα/D2)1/(2−α). We now obtain asymptootffic re- not contribute at any t. Instead we find from Eq. (5) BL B L sults for small and large (k +u), compared to τ−1. k +u≫τ−1: Inthislimoifft,thedenominatorofBthLein- J(t)∼(t/τ5)γ5, γ5 =1, τ5 =1/(2DB1/2ko1ff/2n10/γ5) (12) off BL tegrandinEq.(4) isdominatedeither by the termDBq2 for t ≫ k−1. This is sliding-dominated search with 3D or by k +u for any q; we find the approximation [15] off off excursions. Thereexistthreescalingregimesfor1<α< W (u)∼ W (u)| =[D (k +u)]−1/2/2. (5) 2, and two for 0<α<1; see Fig. 2 and Tab. I. 0 0 DL=0 B off We found that the relevant time scales k−1 and τ off BL k +u ≪ τ−1 and α>1 (‘connected LFs’): Here, a together with α give rise to 5 basic search regimes, each off BL singularity exists at small q as koff +u → 0. For finite characterized by an exponent γi and characteristic time but small koff +u → 0, the integrand is dominated by scale τi. In particular, we saw that J(t) ∼ (t/τi)γi, the DL|q|α term compared to DBq2 at small q, yielding where the exponent γi 6= 1 for the first two regimes (i = 1,2); in the other cases, we have γ = 1. The i W (u)∼ αsin(π/α)D1/α(k +u)1−1/α −1. (6) stable index α characterizing the polymer statistics thus 0 h L off i strongly influences the overall search. Also note that k +u ≪ τ−1 and α<1 (‘disconnected LFs’): Now, J(t) ≃ t when t ≫ ko−ff1, or t ≫ τBL and α < 1. The off BL characteristic time scales τ , since J(t) ≃ n , scale like the singularity is weak, and the integral becomes i 0 τ ≃ n−1/γi. As any integral I = ∞dtf(t/τ ) can be W (u)∼ (2−α)sin 1−απ D τ−1 −1. (7) triansfo0rmedby s≡t/τi to I =τi 0∞R0dsf(s), itiis I ≃τi. 0 (cid:20) (cid:18)2−α (cid:19)q B BL(cid:21) Thus, we find that the mean firstRarrival time scales like 3 Regime 0<α<1 1<α<2 J ∼(t/τi)γi 1 t≪{τBL,ko−ff1} Sliding Sliding γ1 =1/2 0.9 (cid:11)(cid:11)==33==42,,EEqq..((1144)) τBL ≪t≪ko−ff1 Sloppy L´evy Fussy L´evy γ3 =1|γ2 =α−1 0.8 (cid:11)(cid:11)==13==44,,EEqq..((1146)) τBL ≪ko−ff1 ≪t Sloppy L´evy Int. L´evy γ3=1|γ4=1 0.7 (cid:11)=1=4,Eq.(17) {t,τBL}≫ko−ff1 Int.Sliding Int.Sliding γ5=1 0kon0.6 TABLE I: Summaryof search regimes. See text. opt =ko(cid:11)0.5 0.4 0.3 T =τ ∞dsexp(−sγi)=τ Γ(1/γ )/γ ≃n−1/γi (seebe- PSfragrepla ements 0.2 i 0 i i i 0 low) whRenever a single of the five regimes dominates the 0.1 integral. Inparticular,the variationofT−1 withthe line 0 density n rangesfromquadratic (1D sliding) overnα in 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 the fussy0L´evy regime (1 < α < 2) to linear, the la0tter DL=(DB(cid:11)=2ko0(n1(cid:0)(cid:11)=2)) being shared by sloppy L´evy and bulk mediated search. FIG. 3: Optimal choice of off rate koff as function of the LF Note that if 1D sliding is the sole prevalent mechanism, diffusionconstant,fromnumericalevaluationofEq.(14). The we recover the result T =π/[8DBn20] of Ref. [10]. circleontheabscissamarkswherekooffpt becomes0(Eq.(17)). Optimal search. We nowaddressthe optimalsearch of the target, i.e., which k minimizes the mean first off andontheDNA.Thiscorrespondstotheresultobtained arrival time T when D , D , k , the DNA length L, B L on for single protein searching on a long DNA [9, 16]. Two and the total amount of proteins are fixed. To quantify additionalregimesunfoldforstrongLFsearch,D →∞: the latter, we define l ≡ L/V, where V is the sys- L DNA (ii) For α>1, where Eq. (6) applies, we find tem volume. The overall protein volume density is then n =l n +n . With the equilibrium condition total DNA 0 bulk ′ kopt ∼(α−1)k′ : (15) k n =k n , this yields n =n k /(k +k ) off on off 0 on bulk 0 total on off on ′ and a corresponding expression for n ; here, k = bulk on The optimal off rate shrinks linearly with decreasing α. konlDNA is the inverse average time a single protein (iii) For α < 1, the value of kopt approaches zero as spendsinthebulksolventbefore(re)bindingtotheDNA. off D →∞: ThesloppyLFmechanismbecomessoefficient L To extract the mean first arrival time T, we reason as that bulk excursions become irrelevant. More precisely, follows(compareRef.[10]): Thetotalnumberofproteins for 1/2<α<1 as D goes to infinity, ′ L that have arrived at the target between t = 0 and t is J(t). IfN istheoverallnumberofproteins,theprobabil- α (2−α)(1−α)sin 1−απ 2α−1 iitsyJf(otr)/aNn.inIdnivthideulaimlpitrootfelianrgtoehNa,vweearorbivteadinatthtehseutravrigveatl kooffpt ∼ α2sin 2α−1π(cid:16)2−α (cid:17)ko′nτB1/Lα−1 α probability of the target (no protein has arrived) as  (cid:0) (cid:1)  (16) P (t)= lim (1−J(t)/N)N =exp[−J(t)], (13) At α=1/2,we observe a qualitative change: When α< surv N→∞ 1/2,the ratekopt reacheszeroforallfinite D satisfying off L ∞ andthusT = dtP (t). NotethatforLFs,thefirst 0 surv arrival is cruciRally different from the first passage [12]. τ−1 ≥ (1+α)sin([1−α]π/[2−α]) k′ . (17) The optimization is complicated by the exponential BL (2−α)sin([1−2α]π/[2−α]) on function inEq.(13). However,both invitro andinvivo, n (and hence n ) is in many cases sufficiently small, Note that when α < 1, the spread of the LF (≃ t1/α) total 0 suchthatthe relevantregimeis J(t)∝t (i.e.,we canap- grows faster than the number of sites visited (≃ t), proximate W (u) by W (u=0)). The mean first arrival rendering the mixing effect of bulk excursions insignif- 0 0 time in this linear regime becomes icant. A scaling argument to understand the crossover at α=1/2 relates the probability density of first arrival ′ ′ T =W0(u=0)[(koff +kon)/kon][lDNA/ntotal]. (14) with the width (≃ t1/α) of the Green’s function of an LF, p ≃ t−1/α. The associated mean arrival time be- Weobserveatradeoffintheoptimalvaluekopt,thatmin- fa off comes finite for 0 < α < 1/2, even for the infinite chain ′ ′ imizesT: Thefractionk /(k +k )ofboundproteins on off on considered here. shrinkswithincreasingkoff,increasingT. Counteracting Discussion. Eq. (1) phrases the target search prob- is the decrease of W (u=0) (and T) with growing k . 0 off lemasafractionaldiffusion-reactionequationwithpoint Numerical solutions to the optimal search are shown sink. This formulation pays tribute to the fact that for in Fig. 3 for different α. Three different regimes emerge: LFs, the first arrival differs from the first passage: With (i) Without LFs (DL → 0 or DL ≪ DBα/2(ko′n)1−α/2), thelong-tailedλ(x)ofanLF,theparticlecanrepeatedly from Eq. (5) with W at u = 0, we obtain kopt = k′ : jump across the target without hitting, the first arrival 0 off on the proteins shouldspend equalamounts oftime in bulk becoming less efficient than the first passage [12]. 4 A borderline role is played by the Cauchy case α=1, ics may also be a novel way of investigating soft matter separatingconnected(meanjumplengthh|x|iexists)and properties regarding both polymer equilibrium configu- disconnectedLFs. For α<1,the number of visited sites rations,giving rise to α, and its dynamics. With respect grows slower than the width of the search region and to the first arrival properties, it would be interesting to theLFmimicstheuncorrelatedjumpsofbulkexcursion; study the gradualchangeofthe polymerpropertiesfrom the latter becomes obsolete for high LF diffusivity D . self-avoidingbehaviorinagoodsolventtoGaussianchain L Below α = 1/2, bulk excursions already for finite D statistics under θ or dense conditions. L are undesirable. A similar observation can be made for In a next step, it will be of interest to explore effects the scaling of the mean search time T with the L´evy on the DNA looping behavior due to (a) the occurrence diffusivity D , that is proportional to the rate an LF is L of local denaturation bubbles performing as hinges [18], performed: For α > 1 in the interrupted L´evy search, whose dynamics can be understood from statistical ap- T ≃ DL−1/α, whereas T ≃ DL−1/(2−α) in the sloppy L´evy proaches[19]; or(b)kinks imprintedonthe DNA locally search, where α<1. The L´evy component is thus taken by binding proteins. In the presence of different protein mostprofitofwhenαapproaches1. Generally,tooshort species, the first arrival method may provide a way to jumps, leading to local oversampling,as well as too long probeproteincrowdingeffectstoexpandexistingmodels jumps, missing the target, are unfavorable. toward the in vivo situation. A crucial assumption of the model, analogous to the Conclusion. Our search model reveals rich behavior derivationinRef. [6], is that onthe time scale ofthe dif- in dependence of the LF diffusivity D and exponent α. fusion process the polymer chain appears annealed; oth- L In particular, we found two crossovers for the optimal erwise, individual jumps are no longer uncorrelated [5]. searchthatweexpecttobeaccessibleexperimentally. In Generally, for proteins D is fairly low, and can be fur- B that sense, our model system is richer than the 2D al- ther lowered by adjusting the salt condition, so that the batross search model [4]. We note that in the Cauchy conditions forthe annealedcasecanbe met. Conversely, case α = 1 additional logarithmic contributions are su- by increasing D in respect to the polymer dynamics, B perimposed to the power laws [20]. 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