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by  T. Choi
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Preview Optimal quantum control of multi-mode couplings between trapped ion qubits for scalable entanglement

Optimal quantum control of multi-mode couplings between trapped ion qubits for scalable entanglement T. Choi,1 S. Debnath,1 T. A. Manning,1 C. Figgatt,1 Z.-X. Gong,1,2 L.-M. Duan,2 and C. Monroe1 1Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Department of Physics and National Institute of Standards and Technology, College Park, MD 20742 2Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA (Dated: January 9, 2014) We demonstrate high fidelity entangling quantum gates within a chain of five trapped ion qubits by optimally shaping optical fields that couple to multiple collective modes of motion. We individ- ually address qubits with segmented optical pulses to construct multipartite entangled states in a programmable way. This approach enables both high fidelity and fast quantum gates that can be scaled to larger qubit registers for quantum computation and simulation. 4 1 Trapped atomic ion crystals are the leading archi- represented by the 2S hyperfine “clock” states within 1/2 0 tecture for quantum information processing, with their 171Yb+, denoted by |0(cid:105) and |1(cid:105) and having a splitting of 2 unsurpassed level of qubit coherence and near perfect ω /2π =12.642821GHz[14]. Weinitializeeachqubitby 0 n initialization and detection efficiency [1, 2]. Moreover, optically pumping to state |0(cid:105) using laser light resonant a trappedionqubitscanbecontrollablyentangledthrough with the 2S ↔ 2P transition near 369.5 nm. J 1/2 1/2 theirCoulomb-coupledmotionbyapplyingexternalfields We then coherently manipulate the qubits with a 8 that provide a qubit state-dependent force [3–6]. How- mode-lockedlaserat355nmwhosefrequencycombbeat ] ever, scaling to large numbers of ions N within a single notes drive stimulated Raman transitions between the h crystal is complicated by the many collective modes of qubit states and produce qubit state-dependent forces p motion,whichcancausegateerrorsfrommodecrosstalk. [15, 16]. The Raman laser is split into two beams, one - t Such errors can be mitigated by coupling to a single mo- illuminating the entire chain and the other focused to n a tional mode, at a cost of significantly slowing the gate a waist of ∼ 3.5 µm for addressing any subset of ad- u operation. The gate time τg must generally be much jacent ion pairs in the chain, with a wavevector differ- q longer than the inverse of the frequency splitting of the ence ∆k aligned along the x-direction of transverse mo- [ motional modes, which for axial motion in a linear chain tion. We finally measure the state of each qubit by ap- 1 implies τg (cid:29) 1/ωz > N0.86/ωx, where ωz and ωx are plying resonant laser light near 369.5 nm that results in v thecenter-of-massaxialandtransversemodefrequencies state-dependent fluorescence [14] that is imaged onto a 5 [7]. For gates using transverse motion in a linear chain multi-channel photo-multiplier tube (PMT) for individ- 7 5 [8], we find τg (cid:29) ωx/ωz2 > N1.72/ωx. In either case, the ual qubit state detection. We repeat each experiment at 1 slowdown with qubit number N can severely limit the least 300 times and extract state populations by fitting . practical size of trapped ion qubit crystals. to previously measured fluorescence histograms [17]. 1 0 In this letter, we circumvent this scaling problem by When a constant state-dependent force is applied to 4 applyingqubitstate-dependentopticalforcesthatsimul- the ion qubits, the multiple incommensurate modes gen- 1 taneously couple to multiple modes of motion. We ad- erally remain entangled with the qubits following the in- : v dresssubsets ofionsimmersedin afive-ionlinearcrystal teraction, thereby degrading the quantum gate fidelity. i and engineer laser pulse shapes to entangle pairs of ions However, more complex optical pulses can be created X with high fidelity while suppressing mode crosstalk and that satisfy a set of constraints for disentangling every r a maintaining short gate times [8, 9]. The pre-calculated mode of motion following the gate. This optimal control pulseshapesoptimizetargetgatefidelity,achievingunity problem involves engineering a sufficiently complex laser for sufficiently complex pulses. In the experiment, we pulse that maximizes or even achieves unit fidelity. concatenatetheseshapedgatestoentanglemultiplepairs The qubit state-dependent optical force is applied by of qubits and directly measure multi-qubit entanglement generating bichromatic beat notes near the upper and in the crystal. Extensions of this approach can be scaled lower motional sideband frequencies at ω0 ± µ, where to larger ion chains and also incorporate higher levels of the detuning µ is in the neighborhood of the motional pulse shaping to reduce sensitivity to particular experi- mode frequencies. Using the rotating wave approxima- mental errors and drifts [10–12]. tion in the Lamb-Dicke limit, the evolution operator of the dipole interaction Hamiltonian becomes [9, 18, 19] In the experiment, five 171Yb+ ions are confined in a three-layer linear rf trap [13] with transverse center-   of-mass (CM) frequency ranging from ω /2π = 2.5 − x 4.5MHzandaxialCMfrequencyωz/2π =310−550kHz, Uˆ(τ)=exp(cid:88)φˆi(τ)σˆx(i)+i(cid:88)χi,j(τ)σˆx(i)σˆx(j). (1) with a minimal ion separation of ∼5 µm. Each qubit is i i,j 2 Toaawˆnn†mehde(idaˆoσeˆfimnfix(ri)sni)t,eiiwtsstehhrttemhehreexec-Proaφˆaarxiiru(isesτilsni)o-pgXf=otn(ohld(cid:80)opeswemqtreouar(cid:2)tibαtnoihgtri,e)mBoqf(oluτoptbc)heaˆhiret†ma-sitmpt−ohhoretαqrioiouef,nmbami∗cct(co,oτoudw)rpeaˆdhlmiiemnnr(cid:3)gge,, ytiledif etats gytilediF tneme (a)001 ...680 ((bc)) 4  ycneuq)ezrHf Mib( a)Rt()zHM( ycneuqerF ibaR i-000...5050.0 0.2F Graact0et. 4itoimn4ea (l0 .Gg6atea)te0 T.8ime 1.0 |ts0ot(cid:105)att±he-e|d1pe(cid:105)phseatnsaedteeosnftftohdleliospbwliacthchereommternaattjiecocftboterhaieetsnioo±tneαsii,[ms2u(0cτ]h.)Titnhhaipsthitashsaee nilgnatnElgnatnE00..24 t4il.t3 4D D e et TTEE ucc55hhxxtuooeepp--nssooeennnrrrreeissyyiinmmigg ttn((aammcfeegignnonnv4ee entttt  .-s((nnppscf3titteaouuv/ 6gppn2enllssmt-suu seeptellea ssu ng(n(((eeltMmstetM h pepx((eu)euteHnpHhllosxts. e)ezrppez y)ou).))))lrs ye)) 4C.M38 PP --4202-4CM-2 XX0 123452snrttssssshhdtd seeeeeeggggggPm..... e15234n --t44202-4 -2 X0 tilt2 4 space of the mth motional mode according to [9] (cid:90) τ FIG. 1. Improvement of entangled state creation using pulse α (τ)=iη Ω (t)sin(µt)eiωmtdt. (2) shaping on N = 2 trapped ion qubits. (a) Comparison of i,m i,m i 0 Bell state entanglement fidelity for a constant pulse (black) Here, η = b ·∆k(cid:112)(cid:126)/2Mω is the Lamb-Dicke pa- versus a five-segment pulse (red) over a range of detuning i,m i,m m µ,showingsignificantimprovementwiththesegmentedgate. rameter, b is the normal mode transformation matrix i,m (b)Thesegmentedpulsepattern, parameterizedbytheRabi forioniandmodem[21],ωm isthefrequencyofthemth frequency Ωi(t) with the particular detuning µ near the 2nd motionalmode,andM isthemassofasingle171Yb+ion. (“tilt”) motional mode (arrow in (a)) and measured state fi- The second term of Eq. (1) describes the entangling in- delity≥94(2)%. (c)Phasespacetrajectories(arbitraryunits) teraction between qubits i and j, with [9] subject to pulse sequence in (b) for both CM and tilt modes of the two ions. The five-segment pulse pattern brings the (cid:88) (cid:90) τ(cid:90) t(cid:48) two trajectories back to their origins, simultaneously disen- χ (τ)=2 η η Ω (t)Ω (t(cid:48)) i,j i,m j,m i j tangling both modes of motion from the qubits. (3) m 0 0 ×sin(µt)sin(µt(cid:48))sin[ω (t(cid:48)−t)]dtdt(cid:48). m In Eqs. (2-3), the time-dependent Rabi frequency Ω (t) Figure 1a shows theoretical and measured fidelity of i ontheithionisusedasacontrolparameterforoptimiza- the Bell state Uˆ(τg)|00(cid:105) = |00(cid:105)+i|11(cid:105) for both a sim- tionofthegateandisassumedtoberealwithoutlossof ple constant pulse and a five segment pulse on a two-ion generality. (We could alternatively vary the detuning µ chain, as a function of detuning µ for a fixed gate time over time for control [22].) τg = 104 µs. For two ions, the five segments provide InordertoperformanentanglingXX gateontwoions full control (2N +1 = 5), meaning that a pulse shape a and b in a chain of N ions, we apply identical state- canbecalculatedateachdetuningthatshouldyieldunit dependent forces to just these target ions and realize fidelity. As seen in Fig. 1a, a constant pulse can be op- Uˆ(τ ) = exp[iπσˆ(a)σˆ(b)/4]. This requires χ (τ ) = π/4 timized to achieve high fidelity, but only at detunings µ g x x a,b g along with the 2N conditions α (τ ) = 0 so that the whose frequency difference from the two modes is com- a,m g phase space trajectories of all N motional modes return mensurate [19], which in this case has many solutions to their origin and disentangle the qubits from their mo- spaced by 1/τg. The observed fidelity of the constant tion [4–6]. These constraints can be satisfied by evenly pulse follows theory, with uniformly lower fidelities con- partitioning the pulse shape Ω (t) = Ω (t) into 2N +1 sistent with known errors in the system. On the other a b segments[8,9],reducingtheproblemtoasystemoflinear hand,highfidelitiesofthefivesegmentpulseareobserved equations with a guaranteed solution. The detuning and over a wide range of detunings for the same gate time, gatedurationbecomeindependentparameterssothatin with the details of a particular pulse sequence shown in principle, the gate can be performed with unit fidelity at Fig. 1b-c. We measure the fidelity by first observing any detuning µ (cid:54)= ω and any gate speed on any two the populations of the |00(cid:105) and |11(cid:105) states, then extract- m ions in a chain, given sufficient optical power. ing their coherence by repeating the experiment with When the gate is faster than the trap frequencies an additional global π/2 analysis rotation R(π/2,φ) and [23, 24], the motion of the target ions is excited and measuring the contrast in qubit parity as the phase φ is stopped faster than the response time of the chain. In scanned [25]. this case, the motion is better described using the basis WhenthenumberofionsinachainincreasestoN >2, set of “local modes” involving only the two target ions, itbecomesdifficulttofinddetuningsµofaconstantpulse therebyreducingthecontrolproblemto2N+1=5equa- whose difference frequencies µ−ω from all modes are m tions regardless of the total number of ions in the chain nearly commensurate, without significantly slowing the [9, 24]. In the experiment, the minimum achievable gate gate. Figure 2 shows the state fidelity for a constant time of τ ∼20 µs is considerably longer than the trap pulseversusanine-segmentpulseforentanglingadjacent g period of 2π/ω < 1 µs, implying that all 2N +1 con- ion pairs 1&2 or 2&3 within a five ion chain, with gate x trolparametersarerequired. However,ajudiciouschoice time τ = 190 µs. We find significant improvement over g of detuning can often reduce the number of parameters a wide range of detunings when using more segments, required to achieve near-unit gate fidelities [8, 9]. even though fewer than 2N +1 = 11 control parame- 3 (a) A further advantage of using multi-segment pulses is )yroehT( ytiledif etatSytilediF tnemelgnatnE 000001......024680 5th 4th c9CNo-oinsnne3ess-rgsttdaaemn gntemt p npeutun lpstls eupe lufso lfesro e tirfo i oflinotor r npi oiasoni nr1s 1p &&1aC2 i rM2& 1 &2 2ytiraP ytiraP--P10001.....05050a0r ity PPhhaasπe s (era dEFfix)tp e riment2π )zHM( ycneuqerF ibaR () ycneuqerf izbH a)MRt(i000...0240Fr1ac tio2Gna itaeo lt3 inmG e a(#4tgea te )T5im e 1 tatsahhendgeedmmirpitterurtnaelitpsnlaegptfruissvehloqesaleuupisenteincsoecainsnynssnωisttoihmigvan.litotiSfinyducgotaceohnrntofldolytuprictcfmtihtmusiatanacitgalgi.auoetnseHresaotepihwnriridesodlvyreeesrtrwru,boinemtrcihnau[1gudl1tseiµ]e--, 2.50 2.55 2.60 tuning. AsseeninFig. 3,aconstantpulseisexpectedto (b) DeDteutnuinnigng  /2 ( M(MHHzz)) )yroehT( ytiledif etatSytilediF tnemelgnatnE 000001......024680 5th 4th CNc9ooi-nsnne3ess-rgsttadaemngn tem tp npeutunl sptls eup euflso lfsero et irof i oflinotor r pn iioasoin nr2 s 2p &&2aC3i rM3& 2 &3 3 ytiraP--P10001.....05050a0r ity PPhhasaπe s (re EFaix dtpf)er i ment 2π )zHM( ycneuqerF ibaR  ycneuq)ezrHf Mib( a)Rt(i000...0240Fra1c tioG2nat aei olt i3m Gne a (#tg4eat e )Ti5m e 1 diotwnofehgTg8i,drco2aehw(gd3hdrce)aioe%ctdmmhh.epeoiHsnatfihrsocdetewoersnalefiitsvttdoieyeserttlb,ehiptynteuyht∼loesbwbeyn1-sist5eihnhor%avent-pelfhsydeoeedrgfi1mmad%geee1alnaiftksttoeyuHrsprzouetfodlhdsn9eers5itfis(atssa2utim)eenb%xsefipde.dteedsectrlutiieftnotdy-f, 2.50 2.55 2.60 DeDtuetnuinnign g /2 ( M(MHHz)z) qubits in a linear crystal, we produce tripartite entan- (c) PP --4202CM-2 X0 X2 123456789 ssssssssssnrtttttthhhhhhdtd eeeeeeeeeseggggggggg4Pg.........m 192345678e--n 4202t til-2t 0X2 P4 --02423r-2d 0X2 P4 --02424t-2h 0-000X...505 -0.25 0.0 4P0.5--02425t-2h 0-000X...505-0.5 2 0.0 4 0.5 gcanhlceeraidgoinhsssbt(oatshrteeeepsafiFbixryigse.dcoofln4atacsha)ee.tretbnhWearaeteimenatgsdaiitranwgbeooatrtXidioceXanrlsltygaoanstadhedusiddtirtenelaesalsltyfihnvceereaeiroaieontsnest a GHZ-type state FIG.2. EntanglementofqubitpairswithinachainofN =5 trappedions. (a)Comparisonoftheoreticalentangledstatefi- |000(cid:105)→|000(cid:105)+i|110(cid:105)+i|011(cid:105)−|101(cid:105). (4) delityforaconstantpulse(black)versusanine-segmentpulse The measured state populations are consistent with the (red)whenthegateisperformedonionpair1&2. Theblack above state, as shown in Fig. 4b. arrow indicates the optimal detuning for the constant pulse. Therightpanelsshowmeasuredparityoscillationforthegate In order to measure the coherences of the three-qubit detuningindicatedbytheredarrowalongwiththesegmented subsystem, we apply analysis rotations R(π/2,φ) to any pulse pattern used at this detuning. (b) Same as (a), except two of the three qubits, then measure their parity as the gate is performed on ion pair 2&3, with the gate detun- before. (The individual rotations are accomplished by ing indicated by the blue arrow. (c) Phase space trajectories adiabatically weakening the axial trap confinement and (arbitrary units) for the solution on ion pair 1&2 in at the shuttling the ions so that the focused Raman laser beam detuning indicated by the red arrow in (a). addressesjustthetargetion.) Asthephaseφoftheanal- ysisrotations isscanned, the parityshouldoscillate with y period π or 2π when the third ion is post-selected to be tile in state |0(cid:105) or |1(cid:105), respectively, as seen in Fig. 4c for one d if e of the pairs. By measuring the contrasts of the two par- ta itycurvesforeachofthethreepossiblepairsconditioned ts lac optimized constant pulse upon the measured value of the third, we obtain the six ite fixed constant pulse coherences of the final state. Combined with the state ro optimized 9-segment pulse ehT fixed 9-segment pulse populations (Fig. 4b), we calculate a quantum state fi- delity of 79(4)% with respect to Eq. (4). This level of -2 -1 0 1 2 fidelity is consistent with the compounded XX gate fi- Detuning error Dm/2p (kHz) delities (∼ 95% each) and the discrimination efficiency (∼93%) for post-selection of the third qubit. FIG. 3. Theoretical entangled state fidelity as a function of To prove genuine tripartite entanglement within the detuning error ∆µ. The black (red) line corresponds to a constant(nine-segment)pulseshapeonionpair1&2inafive- five ion chain, we use single qubit rotations to trans- ionchainatthedetuningsindicatedbytheblack(red)arrows form the state given by Eq. 4 into a GHZ “cat” state in Fig. 2a. The multi-segment approach is less sensitive to |000(cid:105) + i|111(cid:105) [26]. As shown in the circuit of Fig. detuning (or trap frequency) fluctuations. 4d, this is achieved by applying a Z-rotation opera- tionR (−π/2)=R(−π/2,0)R(π/2,π/2)R(π/2,0)tothe z middle ion only followed by R(π/2,0) rotations to all ters are utilized. Using nine-segment pulses, we achieve three ions. We finally measure the parity of all three state fidelities over 95(2)% for ion pairs 1&2 and 2&3 at qubitswhilescanningthephasesofsubsequentR(π/2,φ) the detunings indicated by the red and blue arrows in analysispulses,andtheoscillationwithperiod2π/3with Fig. 2a-b. In this overconstrained case, the calculation a contrast of over 70% (Fig. 4e) verifies genuine tri- becomes an optimization problem, where more weight is partite entanglement [25]. This is a conservative lower given to the closing of more influential phase space tra- limittotheentanglementfidelity,givenknownerrorsand jectories (Fig. 2c). crosstalk in the rotations and the measurement process. 4 (a) ||||00002134 XX XX 𝑅𝜋/2𝑅,𝜙𝜋/ 2,𝜙 (b) snioitalupoP snoitalupoP0001....25705050 EThxpeoerriyment msoptuiplmoyrtreiutmesolatatathhlinaoaqynntusqaetuwnnoattfoaunpnmtqaugurmlbcteoiictinssnuut,flrbaooosrrrlemtHwgsaleaotomibdofaeinqllmtuaooobnnpnidietasrstsnarittmamhitoureonoladhsuteegfilrohosern[ac2qao9ubru]cao.lhndsiotTtaunehpmciec-- |05 0.00 quantum bus having multi-mode components, such as P P P P 0 1 2 3 cavity QED [30] and superconducting circuits [31]. 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