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Optimal PowerDistributionControlfor a NetworkofFuel CellStacks Resmi SureshM Pa, GaneshSankaranb,SreeramJoopudib, ShankarNarasimhana, SumanRoy Choudhuryc, RaghunathanRengaswamya 6 1 aIndianInstitute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, TamilNadu, India600036. 0 2 bGyanData Private Limited, Taramani,Chennai, India n cNaval MaterialsResearch Laboratory, Ambernath, India a J 7 2 Abstract ] Y In power networks where multiple fuel cell stacks are employed to deliver the required power, optimal sharing of the power S demand between different stacks is an important problem. This is because the total current collectively produced by all the stacks is directly proportional to the fuel utilization, through stoichiometry. As a result, one would like to produce the . s required power while minimizing the total current produced. In this paper, an optimization formulation is proposed for this c power distribution control problem. An algorithm that identifies the globally optimal solution for this problem is developed. [ Throughan analysisoftheKKTconditions,thesolution totheoptimization problem isdecomposed intooff-lineandon-line 1 computations. The on-line computations reduce to simple equation solving. For an application with a specific v-i function v derivedfrom data,weshowthatanalyticalsolutionsexistforon-linecomputations.Wealsodiscussthewiderapplicabilityof 5 theproposed approach for similar problems in otherdomains. 7 2 7 Keywords: Power sharing; Optimization;Fuelcell; Analytical solution 0 . 1 0 1 Introduction degradationcould be due to many factors such as elec- 6 trolyte degradation, catalyst poisoning, water flooding 1 etc. [2,3]. Such degradation can result in reduced cur- : Fuelcellshavegainedconsiderableattentioninthefield v rentbeingdrawnfromthestackatthesamevoltage.As of power conversion, especially in the past few decades i a result, the overall system performance could be com- X [9,2,10].Fuelcellsarecapableofextractingenergyfrom promised, and in the worst case of complete stack fail- the fuel more efficiently than internal combustion en- r ure,thewholesystemcouldfail[3].Thisissueisusually a gines [2]. Due to this higher fuel-efficiency, less harmful addressedbydesigningareliableparallelconnectedfuel emissions,lowoperationalnoise andabsence ofmoving cellarchitecturewithanadditionalpowerbusasshown parts, fuel cells have been proposed for a wide variety in Fig. 1 [8]. Another approachto improve reliability is ofapplications[7,2].Thepowerobtainablefromasingle the use of multiple power sources in the same network fuelcellisratherlowincomparisontothepowerrequire- [4,5]. While considerable research has been devoted to ment for most of the applications. Hence, to meet real- concerns related to output voltage, state of charge, re- istic power requirements, active surface area has to be liabilityandnetworkconfiguration,verylittle workhas increased.Inviewofthis,multiplefuelcellsarestacked focused on developing operational strategies that min- or connected in series and/or parallel arrangements to imize the fuel consumption through online control. We enhancethe output voltageandpower[3,1]. addressthis controlprobleminthis paper. Whilefuelcelltechnologyhasseveraladvantages,there are also problems related to long term durability and 2 ProblemStatement graduallossofperformanceovertime.Theperformance Consider a fuel cell network with N branches and N f,i Emailaddress: [email protected] (Raghunathan stacksintheithbranch(asshowninFig.2).Thecontrol Rengaswamy). problemisoneofminimizingthetotalcurrentdrawn(a Preprintsubmitted toAutomatica 28 January 2016 branchisthedecisionvariable.Subscriptslbandubde- notethe lowerandupper bounds respectively. Assumptions: 1 The potentialacrosseachfuel cellis assumedto be a staticmapf : ij V =f (I ) i=1:N; j =1:N (2) ij ij i f,i ∀ 2 Numberofstacksineachbranchofthenetworkunder consideration,is assumedto be one (N =1 i= f,i ∀ 1:N). 3 Minimum possible power from the fuel cell network isachievedwhenallstacksareoperatingattheircor- responding I . Pathological cases where P < lb ij|Ii,ub Fig. 1. Schematic of a parallel connected fuel cell network P forjthstackinith,whichmayarisedepending with n branches ij|Ii,lb onthe voltage-currentprofile,areneglected. surrogate for total fuel utilized) while meeting a fixed power requirement. This can be posed as the following Using equation (2), voltage constraints can be trans- optimizationproblem. formedtocurrentconstraints.Also,anetworkwithmul- tiple stacks in a branch can be converted to an equiva- lent networkwith a single stack in eachbranch, as cur- rent flow in each stack of a branch is equal. Power in each branch of the resulting equivalent network can be writtenas P =P =φ V I =φ f (I )I (3) i eff,i i i i i i i i where V , P and φ are the voltage, power deliverable i i i andefficiencyofthesinglefuelcellstackintheithbranch ofthe equivalentcircuit. Usingalltheseassumptions,thegeneralconstrainedop- timizationproblemdescribedin(P1)canbereducedto the following minimization problem (P2) for a network asshowninFig.1. Fig. 2. Schematic of a parallel connected fuel cell network N with N branchesand Nf,i fuelcell stacks intheith branch. min I = I (4a) net i Ii i=1 X N N N subjectto P = φ f (I )I =P (4b) min I = I (1a) i i i i i req net i Ii i=1 Xi=1 Xi=1 X I I 0 i=1:N (4c) N Nf,i i,lb− i ≤ ∀ I I 0 i=1:N (4d) subjectto Pij =Preq (1b) i− i,ub ≤ ∀ i=1 j=1 XX Theoptimizationproblem(P2)inequation(4)involves V V i=1:N; j =1:N ij ≥ ij,lb ∀ f,i a linear objective function with one nonlinear equality (1c) constraint and 2N linear inequality constraints. Due to Vij Vij,ub i=1:N; j =1:Nf,i non-linearequalityconstraintpresent,this optimization ≤ ∀ (1d) problembecomesnon-convex. whereI isthetotalcurrentfromallbranches,I rep- net i resentsthecurrentdrawnfromtheithbranchofthefuel 3 Theoretical AnalysisusingKKTConditions cell network. V , P (=φ V I ) and φ are voltage, ij ij ij ij ij ij power produced and efficiency of the jth stack in the Theorem1 Whenafuelcellnetworkisusedtoachieve ith branch respectively. Current (I ) drawn from each apowerofP ,optimumissuchthatstacksoperatingat i req 2 acurrentvaluewithinallowablelimits(I <I <I ) Using dL =0, aremaintained at equal dPi. i,lb i i,ub dIi dIi dP i 1 λ µ +γ =0 i=1:N (10) Proof: For any V-I characteristics, Karush-Kuhn- − dI − i i ∀ (cid:18) i(cid:19) Tucker (KKT) conditions [6] can be used to prove the above theorem. Lagrangian of the minimization prob- Forthe givencase,KKTconditionscanbe reduced lemdescribedin (4)canbe writtenasfollows. to N N N 0 fori=1:M L= Ii+λ Preq Pi + µi(Ii,lb Ii) µi = − ! − ( 0 fori=1+M :N i=1 i=1 i=1 ≥ X X X N 0 fori=1:K + γ (I I ) (5) γ = ≥ i i i,ub i i=1 − ( 0 fori=1+K :N X There are 2N inequality equations out of which first N Substituting inequation(10), arelowerboundsonI andthelastNareupperbounds i on I . Necessary conditions for optimality as described i dP i byKKTconditions forall iǫ 1,...,N are 1 λ + γi =0 i=1:K (11) { } − (cid:18)dIi(cid:19)Ii,ub ∀ µi ≥0 (6) 1 λ dPi =0 i=1+K :M (12) γi ≥0 (7) − (cid:18)dIi(cid:19)Ii,opt ∀ µi(Ii,lb−Ii)=0 (8) 1 λ dPi µ =0 i=1+M :N (13) γi(Ii−Ii,ub)=0 (9) − (cid:18)dIi(cid:19)Ii,lb − i ∀ DifferentcasesinKKTconditionsareobtainedbyvary- I is the optimum current drawn from ith ing the number of active and inactive constrains, all of i,opt stack.Fromequation(12), whichfallsintoanyofthe following2casesfordifferent valuesofMandK. 1 λ= i=K+1:M (14) Case 1 dPi ∀ dIi Ii,opt (cid:16) (cid:17) For1 M N and1 K N, ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ Constraints1:M areinactive, M +1:N areactive. ConstraintsN+1:N+K areinactive,N+K+1:2N = dPk+1 = dPk+2 =... areactive. ⇒ (cid:18)dIk+1(cid:19)Ik+1,opt (cid:18)dIk+2(cid:19)Ik+2,opt dP M = (15) (a) If K M, for i = M +1 : N, I = I = I i i,lb i,ub dI which≤is notfeasible. (cid:18) M (cid:19)IM,opt (b) IfK >M,fori=K+1:N,I =I =I which is notfeasible. i i,lb i,ub Hence, ddPIii of all stacks operating within their al- lowablelimits areequal.Also,from(11)and(13), Case 2 dPj CFoorn1st≤raiMnts≤1N:Manadre1i≤naKctiv≤e,NM, +1:N areactive. γj =−1+ (cid:16)ddPIij(cid:17)Ij,ub ∀ j =1:K; ConstraintsN +1:N +K are active,N +K+1:2N dIi Ii,opt (cid:16) (cid:17) areinactive. i=K+1:M (16) (a) If K > M, For i = 1+M : K, I = I = I i i,lb i,ub whichis notfeasible. dPj (b) If K ≤M, µj =1 (cid:16)dIj(cid:17)Ij,lb j =1+M :N; − dPi ∀ Ii,ub for i=1:K dIi Ii,opt I = (cid:16) (cid:17) i i=K+1:M (17) ( Ii,lb fori=1+M :N 3 Itcanbeseenthatγ 0issatisfiedifandonlyif I , then according to the algorithm, any incremental j N ≥ power demand dP should be met by drawing addi- net dP dP tionalcurrentfromthose ’l’suchthat, j i (18) dI ≥ dI (cid:18) j (cid:19)Ij,ub (cid:18) i(cid:19)Ii,opt dPnet dPnet n ǫ N (25) dI ≥ dI ∀ andµj 0canbe achievedonly if (cid:18) l (cid:19)Il (cid:18) n (cid:19)In ≥ ForapowerrequirementofP ,anyconfigurationthat dP dP req j i (19) satisfies the above criterion will be a local optimum to dI ≤ dI (cid:18) j (cid:19)Ij,lb (cid:18) i(cid:19)Ii,opt the problem. Multiple solutions are possible depending on the V-I profile. Global optimum can be obtained Combining (18)and(19), based on the value of objective function for those so- lutions which satisfy all these constraints.The solution dP dP dP whichhas lowestvalue of objective function will be the j i r (20) dI ≤ dI ≤ dI globaloptimum.Thisoptimumwillhavemaximumrise (cid:18) j (cid:19)Ij,lb (cid:18) i(cid:19)Ii,opt (cid:18) r (cid:19)Ir,ub intotalpowerfromthenetworkforaspecificincreasein j =M +1:N; i=K+1:M; r =1:K (21) currentdrawn dPnet = N dPi . dInet i=1 dIi Thus, first order optimality conditions imply that the (cid:16)(cid:16) (cid:17) P (cid:17) only feasible solution to the concerned optimization Remark1 Theoptimizationproblemdescribedin(4)is problem (P2) is such that ’M’ stacks are operating at convexforanyV-Iprofile,V =f (I ),witharestriction i i i a current higher than their minimum allowable current thatcorrespondingpower(P =φ I f (I ))isaconcave i i i i i (Ii,lb) andout ofwhich’K’stacksare operatingatIi,ub function(orinotherwordsHessianofpowerisnegative andthe conditions(15)and(20)aresatisfied. definite). For this convex subproblem, though multiple solutionsareobtainedbysolvingequations (22),(23)and (24), onlyone ofthem will satisfy theactual constraints 4 ProposedAlgorithm of the optimization problem (P2), resulting in a unique solution.Proof can befound in Appendix A. Anewalgorithmisproposedtofindanoptimumsolution totheminimizationproblem(P2)describedusingequa- tion(4).Foranetworkof’N’brancheswithasinglestack 5 Implementation ineachbranch,todeliverP ,sayI >I forfirst’m’ req i i,lb stacks and among these, ’k’ stacks operate at I = I i i,ub Theimplementationofproposedalgorithmisdescribed at optimum. Stacks k+1 to m are then operating at a in Fig. 3. Input to the algorithm will be the V-I model current in between their bounds, I < I < I . At i,lb i i,ub parameters, bounds on current and the required power optimum,accordingto theorem1, (P ).Usingthenewalgorithm,majorityofthecalcula- req tionsforestimating optimumcurrentcanbe performed dP dP i = j i,j =k+1:m (22) off-line, reducing the on-line computations. The major (cid:18)dIi(cid:19)Ii,opt (cid:18)dIj (cid:19)Ij,opt ∀ stepintheoff-linemodeistoidentify observablepoints (kink points which decide whether to add or remove subjectto stacksfromthelistofstacks,forwhichcurrentneedsto be optimized). Observable points are decided based on m (dPj/dIj) of each stack evaluated at both Ij,lb and Ij,ub, P =Peff (23a) wherejcorrespondstothebranchnumber.Eachvaluein i req i=Xk+1 the list of (dPj/dIj) corresponds to an observable point. dP dP dP ForafuelcellnetworkwithNbranches,therewillbe2N j i r (23b) observable points. These observable points are then ar- dI ≤ dI ≤ dI (cid:18) j (cid:19)Ij,lb (cid:18) i(cid:19)Ii,opt (cid:18) r (cid:19)Ir,ub rangedsuchthatthepowercorrespondingtotheobserv- ablepointdecreasesdownthelist.Correspondingtothe suchthat j =m+1:N; i=k+1:m; r=1:k ith valueof(dP/dI)inthesortedlist,ifforanyj ǫ1:N, and (dPj/dIj)Ij=Ij,lb ≤ (dP/dI)i, then jth stack should be op- Preefqf =Preq− N Pj,min− k Pr,max (24) e(edrrPaa/ttiidnnIgg)iaa>ttI(jad,lPbcj./uAdrIrnjed)nIjft=orIijna,unbby,etjthwǫee1nen:jNthI,sitfa(cadknPjds/hdIoIju)lIdj=.bIOje,lpbotp>i-- j=m+1 r=1 j,lb j,ub X X mum current to be drawn from these stacks can be ob- Corresponding to a power requirement of Preq, let the tained by solving (dPj/dIj)Ij,opt = (dP/dI)i. Further, if optimal current drawn from branches be I1, I2,..., and for any j ǫ 1 : N, (dPj/dIj)Ij=Ij,ub ≥ (dP/dI)i, then jth 4 Start on-linesuchthatequations(22),(23)and(24)aresatis- fied.Theexactsolutiontothissetofequationshasbeen f(Ii),Iub,Ilb obtained analytically for a specific function Vi = fi(Ii) and is discussed in section 6. If multiple solutions are CalculatePobt,minandPobt,max obtainedby solvingthese setofequationswhichsatisfy the bounds on current, then global optimum is found Arrangecellsindecreasingorderof(dP) based on the value of objective function. The solution dI calculatedforeachcellatIi,lbandIi,ub. with lowest value of net current is the global optimum i = 1 : 2Nrepresentsindexofsortedlist forthe problem. ComputePobtateachobservablepoints 6 Analytical solution for a specific convex sub- problem Preq PrePqob≤t,mPionbt,≤max no Eprbroeowroe:rbRtcaeaqinnuneidoretd V−I characteristics of a fuel cell 26 Experimental Data n=0 yes Model Fit n=n+1 24 Preq≤Pobt,n no Updaten ge (V) 22 (cid:9)MV o=d e2l7 O.3b8t7a3in −ed 0.7804 I0.5 a yyeess Correspondingobservablepoint=n-1 Volt 20 FindcellsoperatingatIub(kcells)andIlb(N−mcells) 18 Findcellnumbersforwhichcurrent needstobeoptimized(m kcells) 16 − 0 50 100 150 200 Current (A) Calculate Preefqf (24) Fig. 4. Comparison of experimental data obtained from Solve(dPi) = constant i = k+1 : m NMRLwith theassumed V-Icharacteristics form. dIiand ki=1Pi ∀= Preefqf Voltage and current data (See Fig. 4) for a typical fuel cell stack are obtained from Naval Materials Research MultiplesoPlutions Laboratory(NMRL). V-I characteristics of the form as Currentincellsi = k + 1 : m described in (26) is assumed for which corresponding power is a concave function. The assumed profile has Current i=1:k&i=m+1:N ∀ beentestedonthedataanda99.87%goodfitisobtained Allpossiblelocaloptima asshowninFig.4. Minimumtotalcurrent Optimum Current:Iopt V(Ii)=fi(Ii)=ai+bi Ii (26a) suchthat a 0 (26b) Stop i ≥ p Onlinemode b 0 i=1:N (26c) i ≤ ∀ Fig. 3. Proposed algorithm: A fuel cell network with N As power corresponding to this V-I profile is concave, branches is considered such that, to deliver the required corresponding optimization problem is convex as de- power(Preq)mcellsshouldbeoperatedatacurrenthigher scribedinAppendixAandthuswillhaveauniqueglobal thanI , outof which k cells operateat I . lb ub solution. Analytical solution is derived for this specific stack should be operating at I . Hence, correspond- V-Icharacteristics. j,ub ing to each observable point, current in each stack is pre-calculatedoff-line. This informationcan be used to Consider ’n1’ cells operating at I at optimum such j,opt evaluatethe powerateveryobservablepoint. that I < I < I . The following equations can j,lb j,opt j,ub beobtainedusingTheorem1andareusedtodetermine When there is a specific power requirement, the stacks optimum current drawn from those ’n1’ cells as shown to be operated at current values between their bounds inFig.3. areidentifiedbasedonthepre-calculatedpowerateach P1+P2+...+Pn1 =Preefqf (27) observablepoint.Upperandlowerboundconstraintson currentareinactive for these stacks.The optimumcur- dP1 dP2 dPn1 = =...= (28) rent to be drawnfrom eachof these stacks is evaluated dI1 dI2 dIn1 5 Usingequation(3)and(26),andsubstitutingx = I , multiple stacks in a branch. Finally, efficiency of the j j equation(27)and(28)reducesto algorithmiscomparedwiththatofstandardoptimizers. p n1 7.1 Working ofalgorithm (φ a +φ b x )x2 =Peff (29) j j j j j j req j=1 X Consideranexampleofafuelcellnetworkconsistingof 3 fuel cell stacks that are connected in parallel using a 3 3 φ1a1+ φ1b1x1 = φjaj + φjbjxj j =2:n1 powerbus.Parametersusedforsimulationaredescribed (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) ∀ in Table 1. The variation of dPi/dIi with √Ii for all the (30) stacks are shown in Fig. 5. It can be clearly seen that Forj =1:n1,rearrangingequation(30), stack1hasthehighestdPi/dIiatitslowerboundandsoit should start operating first according to the algorithm. xj =gjx1+hj (31) The observable points as explainedin section 4 are cal- x2j =gj2x21+2gjhjx1+h2j (32) culated and tabulated in Table 2 and are also marked in Fig. 5. Power obtainable from the network when all x3j =gj3x31+x21 3gj2hj +x1 3gjh2j +h3j (33) Table1 where (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Parameters for afuel cellnetwork with 3 fuelcell stacks Stack Lowerbound Upperbound φ a b g = φ1b1 and h = (φ1a1−φjaj) (34) Number oncurrent(A) oncurrent(A) j j φ b 1.5φ b j j j j 1 2.103 106.8127 1 47.655 -1.297 Substituting in equation (29) and simplifying, we get a 2 0 325.6562 1 39.895 -0.557 cubic equation. 3 6.646 236.4155 1 33.847 -0.5976 stacksareoperatingattheircorrespondinglowerbounds n1 n1 x3 φ b g3 +x2 3φ b g2h +φ a g2 is 310.976 W. For each observable point, stacks which 1 j j j 1 j j j j j j j  areto be operatedat their correspondinglowerbounds j=1 j=1 X X(cid:0) (cid:1) andupperboundscanbepre-calculatedandaregivenin  n1    Table2.ItcanbeseenfrombothTable2andFig.5that +x1 3φjbjgjh2j +2φjajgjhj =Preefqf (35) stack1startsoperatingfirstonincreasingthepowerre- Xj=1(cid:0) (cid:1) quirement from Pmin (= 310.976W). When the power   requiredreachesthepowercorrespondingtothe second Current drawn from all stacks can be evaluated using observable point (corresponding to dP2/dI2 evaluated at equations(31)and(36)aftersolvingforx1 (usingequa- I2,lb), then stack 2 also starts to operate. Each stack tion(35)). starts to operate one by one and for the stacks oper- I =x2 (36) ating,optimumcurrentsarecalculatedusinganalytical opt,j j solution described in section 6. If observable point cor- Astheanalyticalsolutionisobtainedbysolvingacubic respondingtoupperboundcurrentofstackjisreached, equation (Equation (35)), it will result in three sets of thenfromthatpoweronwards’jth’stackshouldbeoper- solutions.Butastheproblemisconvexandhasaunique atingatitsupperboundcurrent.Thiscanbeseenstart- minimum, it is guaranteed that there can only be one ing from observable point 4, where stacks reaches their solutionsetamongthosethreewhichwillsatisfyallcon- corresponding upper bounds one by one. The process straintsofthe actualoptimizationproblem(P2). continuesinasimilarmannertillallstacksareoperating at their upper bound. Fig. 5 shows how various stacks shouldbeoperatedatoptimaforvariouspowerrequire- 7 Resultsand Discussion ment regimes. Fig. 6 shows the optimum current cal- culatedusing the proposedalgorithmforvariouspower The algorithm proposed in section 4 has been imple- requirements. mentedonvariousfuelcellnetworks.Allfuelcellstacks are assumed to follow V-I characteristics described in For any power requirement, we get three solutions by equation (26). Parameters for various stacks are ob- solving equation (35). For example, when P = 8000, req tained by perturbing the parameters calculated for a threesolutionsobtainedaregiveninTable3.Butasex- typical fuel cell stack V-I profile shown in Fig. 4. The plainedinsection6,itcanbeseenthatonlyonesolution results obtainedfor three different case studies are pre- satisfiesupperandlowerboundsforcurrent.Itisanin- sented here. The working of algorithm is shown using terestinginferencethatonlyasinglesolutionwillsatisfy thefirstcasestudywhilethesecondoneaimsatdemon- alltheconstraintsoutofallthesolutionsobtainedusing stratingtheapplicationofalgorithmforanetworkwith algorithmfor aconvexproblem. 6 Fig. 5. dPi/dIi variation for different stacks in the network for which parameters are described in Table 1. Variation is shown with respect to √I suchthat I variesfrom I toI .Each horizontal line representsan observablepoint. lb ub Table2 Observablepoints calculated for thefuelcell network with 4 stackswhose parameters aredescribed in Table 1 Sl.no Corresponding Corresponding Stacksoperating Stacks Stacksoperating totalpower dP/dI atImin tobeoptimized atImax 1 310.976 44.834 1,2,3 - - 2 890.577 39.895 2,3 1 - 3 6183.777 31.536 3 1,2 - 4 12037.033 27.548 - 2,3 1 5 16200.563 24.818 - 3 1,2 6 19206.708 20.064 - - 1,2,3 Table3 ble4.Forapplyingthealgorithm,anequivalentnetwork Three solutions obtained by solving equation for the fuel with single stack in each branch is constructed for this cell network with parameters shown in Table 1 for a power network such that total power from each branch of the requirementof 8000 W. originalnetworkisthesameasthepowerfromthatsin- Stack1 Stack2 Stack3 TotalCurrent gle stack in the corresponding branch of the equivalent network. Solution1 1140.37A 4808.83A 3350.97A 9300.17A Solution2 81.02A 136.23A 17.07A 234.32A Solution3 1.93A 36.6A 153.407A 191.94A Let P be the power acquired from ith branch in the i 7.2 Equivalent network formation for a network with equivalentnetwork,then multiplestacks in each branch Nf,i Nf,i Consider a network of 30 fuel cell stacks unequally dis- P = P = φ V I (37) i ij ij ij i tributedin15brancheswithparametersasgiveninTa- j=1 j=1 X X 7 Table5 350 Comparisionoftheresultsobtainedforunequaldistribution Cell 1 of fuel cell stacks in different rows using a standard opti- 300 Cell 2 mization routine and the proposed algorithm. Preq=75000 Cell 3 W, φ=0.8 Numberof fuel cell stacks = 30. Parameters and 250 optimumcurrent drawn aredescribed in Table 4. A) Optimizer ProposedAlgorithm nt (200 e urr150 TotalCurrent(A) 828.88 828.88 C TotalPower(W) 75000 75000 100 Timetakenforoptimizing(sec) 0.104 0.0024 50 sets of solutions obtained from the algorithm satisfied 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 upper and lower bound constraints. It is surprising to Power (W) ×104 seethatacubicequationasgivenin(35)willalwaysre- sult in one and only one solution that satisfies all the Fig. 6. Optimum currents obtained for stacks for various constraints for a network with all stacks having a con- powerrequirement cavepowerprofile.Fortheconvexsubproblem,aunique optimumisguaranteedfromthe algorithm. ForaV-I profilegiveninequation(26), Nf,i Forageneralproblem,ifrequiredpowerisfeasiblefrom P = φ (a +b I )I (38) thefuelcellnetwork,thenallpossiblelocalminima can i ij ij ij i i beobtainedfromtheproposedalgorithmunlikeconven- j=1 X p tional optimizers where a single local optimum is ob- Nf,i tained based on the initial guess. Also, all these pos- = (φ a I +φ b I1.5) (39) ij ij i ij ij i sible local optima are estimated in a very short time. Xj=1 Globaloptimumisguaranteedusingtheproposedalgo- =(a +b I )I (40) rithmunlikestandardoptimizersasitcanbeestimated i i i i easily using all possible local optima. If power is a con- p where a = Nf,i(φ a ) and b = Nf,i(φ b ) are cavefunctionofcurrentforallcellsinthenetwork,then i j=1 ij ij i j=1 ij ij a unique local optimum is obtained from the algorithm parametersinvoltageprofileforthestackinithbranchof P P and this local optimum will be the global optimum to theequivalentnetwork.Usingtheequivalentnetworkof theproblem.Optimumsolutionandcomputationaltime theabovementionednetwork,optimumcurrentineach arehighly dependent onthe initialguess fedby the op- branchisestimatedforapowerrequirementof75000W eratorincaseofanyoptimizationroutine.Whereas,the andis giveninTable 4. algorithmproposeddoesnotrequireaninitialguessand ismuchmorecomputationallyefficient. 7.3 Comparison of proposed algorithm with conven- tional optimizers Thoughthisproblemcanbesolvedusingstandardopti- mizersinMATLAB orPython,itisnotpossibletoem- The optimumcurrentestimated in eachbranchofvari- bed this optimizer in a chip due to various limitations ousfuel cellnetworksusing proposedalgorithmis com- givenbelow. pared with that of standard optimizers. The optimum currents obtained using both approaches are found to (a) Itcannotdeterminewhetherasolutiontotheproblem bematchingwellforallthenetworks.Table4showsthe isfeasible ornot. comparison of optimum current estimated using stan- (b) It is sensitive to the initial guess passed to the opti- dard optimizer and proposed algorithm in Python en- mizer. vironment for one of the networks. The time taken for (c) Robustnesscannotbe ensured. optimization and the value of objective function using (d) Increasedcomputationalloadonthe hardware. bothapproacheswhenimplementedinPythonaregiven (e) It requires large computational time and storage in Table 5. It can be seen that the proposed algorithm space. ismuchfasterthanthe standardoptimizer. (f) Itdoesnotguaranteeglobalsolution. Multipletrialswererunfordifferentpowerrequirements andforvariousfuelcellnetworkswhereallstacksareas- All the above limitations can be overruled by the new sumedtohaveaconcavepowerprofile..Itwasobserved algorithmandthuscanbeembeddedintoachipforon- thatinalltheseruns,onlyonesolutionamongthethree line applications. 8 Table4 Optimum current values obtained in case of unequal distribution of fuel cell stacks in different rows. Preq=75000 W, φ=0.8, Numberof FuelCell Stacks= 30, 0.1 I inf ≤ ≤ Stack Row a b I (A) I (A) opt opt No. No. values values (Optimizationroutine) (ProposedAlgorithm) 1 1 49.25 -0.25 9.5299 9.5355 2 1 49.302 -0.302 3 2 49.353 -0.353 0.1 0.1 4 3 49.405 -0.405 5 3 49.457 -0.457 648.8999 648.9024 6 3 49.509 -0.509 7 4 49.56 -0.56 3.2599 3.262 8 4 49.612 -0.612 9 5 49.664 -0.664 2.6699 2.674 10 5 49.716 -0.716 11 6 49.767 -0.767 2.2799 2.2766 12 6 49.819 -0.819 13 7 49.871 -0.871 1.99 1.993 14 7 49.922 -0.922 15 8 49.974 -0.974 0.1 0.1 16 9 50.026 -1.026 1.6899 1.6946 17 9 50.078 -1.078 18 10 50.129 -1.129 1.55 1.55 19 10 50.181 -1.181 20 11 50.233 -1.233 21 11 50.284 -1.284 90.0699 90.0715 22 11 50.336 -1.336 23 12 50.388 -1.388 1.3 1.2976 24 12 50.44 -1.44 25 13 50.491 -1.491 26 13 50.543 -1.543 64.1899 64.1877 27 13 50.595 -1.595 28 14 50.647 -1.647 1.13999 1.1365 29 14 50.698 -1.698 30 15 50.75 -1.75 0.1 0.1 9 8 Conclusions [7] James Larminie, Andrew Dicks, and Maurice S McDonald. 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AcademicPress,2011. optimization problem concerned unlike local optimum obtained using the conventional method of using stan- dardoptimizersandinamuchshortertime.Thiscanbe A Relaxed OptimizationProblem veryuseful inoptimizingthe currentandimplementing control strategies in a real fuel cell network. Analytical Consider the optimization problem (P3) where the solutionfor a specific convexsubproblemis alsoformu- equalityconstraintis relaxedto inequalityconstraint. latedinthiswork.Thoughtheanalyticalsolutionisap- plicableonlyforaspecificvoltagecurrentprofile,theal- gorithmcanbeusedforanyotherV-Icharacteristicsas N well, irrespective of whether the resulting optimization min Inet = Ii (A.1a) problemis convexornot. Ii i=1 X N subjectto P P (A.1b) Theproposedalgorithmcanbefurtherextendedtoother i req ≥ power distribution systems including pumps and com- i=1 X pressors,generators, batteries and solar cells, though a Ii,lb Ii 0 i=1:N − ≤ ∀ fuel cell network is considered through out this paper. (A.1c) Forexample,inamultiple pumpsystemusedforwater I I 0 i=1:N i i,ub transport with varying demand, the algorithm can de- − ≤ ∀ (A.1d) terminewhichpumpshouldoperateatwhatflowrateto satisfythe requiredwaterdemandatanypointoftime. Lagrangianforthis problemis Here, flow rate is analogous to current while head or pressure drop is comparable to voltage. 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