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Preview Optimal Nonstationary Reproduction Distribution for Nonanticipative RDF on Abstract Alphabets

Optimal Nonstationary Reproduction Distribution for Nonanticipative RDF on Abstract Alphabets Photios A. Stavrou, Charalambos D. Charalambous and Christos K. Kourtellaris ECE Department, Univercity of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus Email:{stavrou.fotios, chadcha, kourtellaris.christos}@ucy.ac.cy Abstract—THIS PAPER ISELIGIBLE FOR THE STUDENT our results apply forthe stationary case too. Note that our re- PAPER AWARD. In this paper we introduce a definition for sultsextendtheboundsdevelopedrecentlyin[6]forstationary nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function (RDF) on abstract al- Gaussian sources to general sources. phabets,andweinvokeweakconvergenceofprobabilitymeasures Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.SectionIIformulatesthe toshowvariousofitsproperties,suchas,existenceoftheoptimal reproductionconditionaldistribution,compactnessofthefidelity nonanticipativeRDF on abstractspaces. Section III, discusses set,lower semicontinuityof theRDFfunctional,etc.Further,we the relation between nonanticipative RDF with Gorbunov- 3 derive the closed form expression of the optimal nonstationary Pinsker’s nonanticipatory ǫ-entropy and sequential RDF. Sec- 1 reproduction distribution. This expression is computed recur- tion IV provides the conditions under which the existence of 0 sively backward in time. Throughout the paper we point out an the optimal reproduction conditional distribution of nonantic- 2 operationalmeaningofthenonanticipativeRDFbyrecallingthe codingtheoremderivein[1],andwestaterelationstoGorbunov- ipative RDF is derived. Finally, Section V gives the optimal n Pinsker’s nonanticipatory ǫ−entropy [2]. solutionfornonstationaryprocesses.Throughoutthepaperwe a J also include comments on the reduction of our results to the 8 I. INTRODUCTION stationary nonanticipative RDF. 2 Motivated by communication and control applications in II. NONANTICIPATIVERDF ONABSTRACT SPACES T] which lossy nonanticipative reproductions of nonstationary In this section, we define the information theoretic nonantici- I sources subject to a fidelity set are desirable, in this paper pative RDF based on the methodology described in [7]. s. we introduce a definition for nonanticipative RDF. Notation. Let N =△ {0,1,2,...}, and Nn =△ {0,1,2,...,n}. c One envisioned application is quantization of two dimen- Introduce two sequence of spaces {(X ,B(X )) : n ∈ N} [ sional sources, represented by space-time processes, in which and {(Y ,B(Y )) : n ∈ N}, wherenX ,Yn,n ∈ N, are n n n n 1 an IID assumption is impossed on the spatial index, when Polishspaces,andB(X )andB(Y )areBorelσ−algebrasof n n 2v tthoedteimriveeinadecxodiisngfixtehde.orSeumchwahimchodsetalteiss cthoantsidtheeredOpintim[1a]l subsetsofXn andYn, respectively.Pointsin XN =△ ×n∈NXn, 2 Performance Theoretically Achievable (OPTA) by sequential YN =△ ×n∈NYn are denoted by x =△ {x0,x1,...} ∈ XN, 5 quantizersisgivenbytheso-calledsequentialRDF,expressed y =△ {y ,y ,...} ∈ YN, respectively, while their restrictions 6 0 1 . intermsofmutualinformationandaconditionalindependence to finite coordinates by xn =△ {x ,x ,...,x } ∈ X , 1 0 1 n 0,n 0 impossedonthefidelityset.Anotherenvisionedapplicationis yn =△ {y0,y1,...,yn}∈Y0,n, for n∈N. source-channelmatching [3], [4], in which nonanticipationof 13 the reproductiondistribution is a necessary conditions for the Let B(XN)=△ ⊙i∈NB(Xi) denote the σ−algebra on XN gen- : realizationofthisconditionaldistributionbyencoder-channel- eratedbycylindersetsandsimilarlyforB(YN)=△ ⊙i∈NB(Yi), v i decodermapsthatoperatewithoutanticipation,andhencethe whileB(X0,n)andB(Y0,n)denotetheσ−algebraswithbases X delayincurredontheend-to-endsystemislimited,oruncoded over Ai ∈ B(Xi), and Bi ∈ B(Yi), i = 0,1,...,n, r transmission [3]. respectively.Let Q(Y;X) denote the set of stochastic kernels a Inthispaper,thenonanticipativeRDFisdefinedonabstract on Y given X [8]. alphabets, using an information measure which is a special A. Construction of the Measures case of directed information [5] from the source sequence to the reproduction sequence. The main contributions are Source Distribution. The source distribution the treatment of the nonanticipative RDF without assuming {pn(dxn;xn−1):n∈N} satisfies the following conditions. stationarity of the source, the derivation of various results i) For n∈N, pn(·;xn−1) is a probabilitymeasure on B(Xn); regarding existence of the optimal nonstationary reproduction ii) For every An ∈ B(Xn), n ∈ N, pn(An;xn−1) is a distribution, its closed form expression via backward recur- ⊙in=−01B(Xi)-measurable function of xn−1 ∈X0,n−1. sions, relations to existing coding theorems, and relations to Any distribution satisfying i), ii) is denoted by the nonanticipatory ǫ−entropy introduced by Gorbunov and pn(·;·)∈Q(Xn;X0,n−1). Pinsker [2]. Since nonstationarynonanticipative RDF embeds Let A ∈ B(X0,n) be a cylinder set of the form thestationarynonanticipativeRDF,undercertainassumptions, A =△ x ∈ XN : x ∈ A ,x ∈ A ,...,x ∈ A , A ∈ 0 0 1 1 n n i (cid:8) (cid:9) −→ B(X ), i= 0,1,...,n. Define a family of measures P(·) on P3: The product distribution Π : B(X )⊙B(Y ) 7→ i 0,n 0,n 0,n B(XN), denoted by the set M (XN), given by [0,1] defined uniquely for A ∈ B(X ), B ∈ B(Y ), i = 1 i i i i 0,1,...,n, by P(A)=△ p (dx )... p (dx ;xn−1)≡µ (A ) 0 0 n n 0,n 0,n ZA0 ZAn −→Π (×n (A ×B ))=△ (µ ⊗ν )(×n (A ×B )). (1) 0,n i=0 i i 0,n 0,n i=0 i i where A0,n = ×ni=0Ai. The notation µ0,n(·) is used to Theinformationtheoreticmeasureofinterestisa specialcase denote the restriction of the measure P(·) on cylinder sets ofdirectedinformation[1]definedbyrelativeentropy D(·||·)1 A∈B(X ), for n∈N. 0,n Reproduction Distribution. The reproduction distribution I (Xn →Yn)=△ D(µ ⊗−→Q ||−→Π ) (4) {qn(dyn;yn−1,xn) : n ∈ N} satisfies the following µ0,n −→ 0,n 0,n 0,n conditions. = log Q0,n(dyn|xn) (µ ⊗−→Q )(dxn,dyn) (5) iv) For n ∈ N, qn(·|yn−1,xn) is a probability measure on Z (cid:16) ν0,n(dyn) (cid:17) 0,n 0,n B(Yn); ≡I (µ ,−→Q ). (6) v) For every B ∈ B(Y ), n ∈ N, q (B ;yn−1,xn) is Xn→Yn 0,n 0,n n n n n a ⊙n−1 B(Y ) ⊙ B(X ) ⊙ B(X )-measurable function of i=0 i i n Theequivalencebetween(4) and(5) followsfromthe Radon- xn ∈X0(cid:0),n, yn−1 ∈Y0,n−(cid:1)1. Nikodym Derivative (RND). The notation IXn→Yn(·,·) in- Given a cylinder set B =△ y ∈ YN : dicates the functional dependence of I (Xn → Yn) on →− µ0,n Qy0(∈·|Bx0),oyn1∈BB(Y1,N.)..b,yyn∈Bn(cid:9), define a (cid:8)family of measures {µ0,n,Q0,n}. Q(B|x)=△ q (dy ;x )... q (dy ;yn−1,xn) (2) B. Nonanticipative RDF 0 0 0 n n Z Z −→B0 Bn We are now ready to introduce the information definition of ≡ Q0,n(B0,n|xn), B0,n ∈B(Y0,n). (3) nonanticipative RDF. The distortion function d0,n(xn,yn) : Then Q(·|x) is a unique measure on (YN,B(YN)) for which X0,n×Y0,n 7→[0,∞)isameasurablefunction,andthefidelity the family of distributions {q (dy ;yn−1,xn) : n ∈ N} is of reproduction is defined by n n obtained. −→ △ −→ C1 Considerany family of measures Q(·|x) on B(YN) satisfying Q0,n(D)= Q0,n ∈Q (Y0,n;X0,n): n tCh1e:foIflloDwi∈ngBc(oYn0s,inst)e,ntchyencoQnd(iDtio|xn). is B(X0,n)−measurable ℓd0,n(−→Q0,n)=△ n+1 1Z d0,n(xn,yn)(µ0,n⊗−→Q0,n)(dxn,dyn) function of x∈XN. The set of such measures is denoted by QC1(YN,XN). ≤D , D ≥0. (7) o Then, for any family of measures Q(·|x) on (YN,B(YN)) The information nonanticipative RDF is defined by satisfying consistency condition C1 one can construct a col- lection of functions {q (dy ;yn−1,xn) : n ∈ N} satisfying conditions iv) and v) wnhichn are connected with Q(·|x) via −→R0,n(D)=△→− i→−nf IXn→Yn(µ0,n,−→Q0,n). (8) relation (2) (see also [7]). Q0,n∈Q0,n(D) Byfollowingthemethodologyin[7],giventhebasicmeasures −→ P(·)onXNandQ(·|x)onYNsatisfyingconsistencycondition If the infimum in (8) does not exist then R0,n(D)=∞. The nonanticipative RDF rate is defined by C1, we can uniquely define the collection of conditional distributions {p (·;·) ∈ Q(X ;X ) : n ∈ N} via (1), n n 0,n−1 −→ 1 −→ and {q (·;·,·) ∈ Q(Y ;Y × X ) : n ∈ N} via (2), R(D)= lim R (D) (9) n n 0,n−1 0,n n→∞n+1 0,n respectively,andviceversa,hencethedistributionofthe RV’s {(Xi,Yi):i∈Nn} is well defined. provided the limit exists. Next, we introduce the information definition of nonanticipa- tive RDF. Given the source distribution P(·)∈M (XN) and reproduction distribution Q(·|·) ∈ QC1(YN;XN)1define the III. NONANTICIPATORYǫ-ENTROPY, MESSAGE GENERATIONRATES AND SEQUENTIALRDF following measures. P1: The joint distribution on XN×YN defined uniquely by In this section, we establish some preliminary relations be- (µ ⊗−→Q )(×n A ×B ),A ∈B(X ), B ∈B(Y ). tween (8), (9) and 1) Gorbunov-Pinsker’s nonanticipatory ǫ- 0,n 0,n i=0 i i i i i i entropy and message generation rates [2] and 2) sequential P2:ThemarginaldistributiononYNdefineduniquelyforBi ∈ RDF and coding theorem [1]. B(Y ), i=0,1,...,n, by i ν (×n B )=(←P− ⊗−→Q )(×n (X ×B )). 1Unless stated otherwise, integrals with respect to measures are over the 0,n i=0 i 0,n 0,n i=0 i i spaces onwhichthesearedefined. A. Nonanticipatoryǫ-Entropy and Message Generation Rates lim 1 Rna(D) = Rna(D) < ∞, or 2) for k→∞ k+1 0,k We recall Gorbunov-Pinsker’s definition of nonanticipatory any k ∈N, R0n,ak(D)=Rna(D)=∞. GP 3:For a single letter distortion and stationary source, ǫ-entropy [2]. Given a source P ∈ M (X ) and a Xn 1 0,n reproduction P ∈ Q(Y ;X ) introduce the fidelity if Rna(D) = Rna,+(D) then the analysis of in- Yn|Xn 0,n 0,n fimum in (12) is realizable in terms of stationary set source-reproduction pairs {(X ,Y ) : i ∈ N} Q0,n(D)=△ PYn|Xn(dyn|xn): such that PYn|X∞(dyn|x∞) =i iPYn|Xn(dyn|xn) n 1 d (xn,yn)P (dyn|xn)⊗P (dxn)≤D . and PYn|Xn ⊗PXn ∈Q0,n(D). n+1Z 0,n Yn|Xn Xn o With respect to Gorbunov-Pinsker’sdefinition of nonanticipa- tory ǫ-entropy and message generation rate, 1) we show that Next we introduce two definitions from [2]. (10) reduces to the information definition of nonanticipative Definition 1. (1) The source X∞ =△ {X : i ∈ N} is RDF (8), 2) under certain general conditions the infimum in i called “specified” if PYk|Xk ∈ Q0,k(D) and PYn |Xn ∈ (10) exists and it is finite, and, 3) we derive an expression k+1 k+1 Q (D) implies P ∈ Q (D), and it is of the optimal reproduction distribution which achieves the k+1,n Yk,Yn |Xk,Xn 0,n called “consistent” if the rke+v1erse hko+ld1s. infimum in (8) or (10). (2) The source is called stationary if {X : i ∈ N} is First, we establish the connection between nonanticipatory i stationaryandforanyk,Q (D)andQ (D)arecopies ǫ-entropy (10) and nonanticipative RDF (8) by utilizing the 0,n k,n+k of the same set. following general equivalent statements of MCs. Typical example are stationary sources with single letter Lemma 1. The following are equivalent for each n∈N. fidelities d0,n(xn,yn) = ni=0ρ(xi,yi). For a specified (1) PYn|Xn(dyn|xn)=−→PYn|Xn(dyn|xn)-a.s.; source, Gorbunov and PinskPer restricted the set Q0,n(D) to (2) For each i = 0,1,...,n − 1, Yi ↔ (Xi,Yi−1) ↔ those reproduction distributions which satisfy the Markov (X ,X ,...,X ), forms a MC; i+1 i+2 n chain (MC) Xn∞+1 ↔ Xn ↔ Yn ⇔ PYn|X∞(dyn|x∞) = (3) For each i = 0,1,...,n−1, Yi ↔ Xi ↔Xi+1 forms PYn|Xn(dyn|xn) − a.s., n = 0,1,..., and introduced the a MC; nonanticipatory ǫ-entropy defined by (4) For each i=0,1,...,n−1, Xn ↔Xi ↔Yi, forms i+1 a MC. Rna(D)=△ inf I(Xn;Yn). (10) 0,n PYn|Xn∈Q0,n(D): Proof: The derivation is straightforward. Xin+1↔Xi↔Yi, i=0,1,...,n−1 By utilizing Lemma 1, then −→R (D) = Rna(D). Then the 0,n 0,n If the infimum in (10) does not exist then Rna(D)=∞. extremum of the nonanticipatory ǫ-entropy (10) is equivalent 0,n −→ The difference between the classical RDF [9] and (10) is the to the extremum of R (D) given by (8). 0,n presence of the MC, which implies that for each i, Y is a i function of the past and present source symbols Xi, and it is B. Sequential RDF and Coding Theorems −→ independent of the future source symbols Xn , n∈N. Next, we establish a coding theorem for R (D) using the i+1 0,n Moreover, the authors in [2] also introduced the nonanticipa- information sequential RDF introduced by Tatikonda in [1], tory message generation rate of the source defined by which utilizes a similar formulation to the nonanticipatory ǫ-entropy. The coding theorem is derived by considering a 1 Rna(D)=nl→im∞n+1R0n,an(D) (11) two dimensional source Xn,s =△ {Xi,j : i = 0,...,n,j = 0,...,s} ∈ ⊗n ⊗s X , where i represents time index provided the limit exists. i=0 j=0 i,j and j represents spatial index. The coding theorem is based An alternative definition of the nonanticipatory message gen- on the following definitions. eration rate of the source is defined by [2] I(Xn;Yn) Definition 2. A sequential quantizer is a sequence of mea- Rna,+(D)= inf lim (12) surable functions fn = {f : i = 0,1,...,n} defined by PY∞|X∞∈Q0,∞(D): n→∞ n+1 f :Xi,s×Yi−1,s 7→Ys, Yis =f (xi,s,yi−1,s), i=1,...,n. X∞ ↔Xi↔Yi, i=0,1,... i i i i i+1 The set of all such quantizers is denoted by Fn,s. whenever the limit exists. Clearly, in general Rna,+(D) ≥ Rna(D). Definition 3. Let QS0,RnD,s,o(D) denote the fidelity set The main results derived in [2] are the following. n GP 1:RIfntah(eDs)ou<rcedi=s sctaotniosntaanryt f<or∞so,mtheenfinRitenak(D, )i.ei.s, QS0,RnD,s,o =△ nfn ∈Fn,s : n+1 1Xi=0EPXi,sρs(Xis,Yis)≤Do 0,k defined and it is finite, and Rna(D) ≥ Rna,+(D), whereρ :Xs×Ys 7→[0,∞): i=0,1,...,nismeasurable. s i i hence Rna(D)=Rna,+(D). The operational sequential RDF is defined by GP 2:If the source is stationary and consistent then Rna(D) is always defined, and either 1) for RSRD,o(D)=△ inf 1 H(Ys,...,Ys) some finite k, Rna(D) < ∞ which implies 0,n,s fn∈QS0,RnD,s,o(D)(n+1)(s+1) 0 n 0,k and the operational sequential RDF rate is defined by Theorem 2. [7] Let {X : n ∈ N} and {Y : n ∈ N} be n n Polish spaces. Then RSRD,o(D)=△ sl→im∞R0S,Rn,Ds,o(D). (1) The set QC1(Y−→0,n;X0,n) is convex. The information sequential RDF for which a coding theo- (2) −→IXn→Yn(µ0,n,Q0,n) is a convex functional of rem is derived in [1] is the following. Given the two di- Q0,n ∈ QC1(Y0,n;X0,n) for a fixed µ0,n ∈ mensional source PXn,s(dxn,s), a reproduction distribution M1(X0,−→n). PYn,s|Xn,s(dyn,s|xn,s), and a fidelity set (3) The set Q0,n(D) is convex. QSRD(D)=△ P (dyn,s|xn,s): Let BC(Y0,n) denotes the set of bounded continuous real- 0,n,s Yn,s|Xn,s valued functions on Y . Below, we introduce the main n 0,n 1 n conditions for the existence of nonanticipative RDF (8). E ρ (Xs,Ys)≤D (13) n+1Xi=0 PXis,Yis s i i o Assumption 1. The following are assumed. (A1) Y is a compact Polish space, X is a Polish the information sequential RDF is defined by 0,n 0,n space; R0S,Rn,Ds(D)= inf (A2) For all h(·)∈BC(Y0,n), the function PYn,s|Xn,s∈QS0,RnD,s(D) n mapping (xn,yn−1) ∈ X0,n × Y0,n−1 7→ (Xis+1,..1.,Xns)↔(XIi(,Xs,Yni,−s;1,Ys)n↔,sY)is,i.=0,1,...,n (14) RjoYinnthly(yin)qtnh(edyva;ryina−b1le,sx(nx)n,y∈n−1)R∈Xis0,nc×onYti0n,nu−ou1s; (n+1)(s+1) o (A3) d0,n(xn,·) : Y0,n 7→ [0,∞) is continuous on Y0,n, The sequential source coding theorem is the following. uniformly in xn ∈X0,n; (A4) There exist sequence(xn,yn)∈X ×Y satisfy- 0,n 0,n Theorem1. (SequentialSourceCodingTheorem[1])Suppose ing d (xn,yn)<D. 0,n {X : i = 0,1,...,n,j = 0,1,...,s} are finite alphabets, i,j P (dxn,s) = ⊗s P(dxn), {Xn : j = 0,1,...,s} Thefollowingweakcompactnessresultcanbeobtained,which Xn,s j=0 j j will be used to establish existence. identically distributed, and there exists an x and D >0 0 max sju=ch0th,a1t,.E.P.,Xsi,.jρTsh(eXni,fjo,rxa0n)y<ǫD>m0axa,nfodrfianliltei=n 0∈,1N,,..th.,enre, Le(m1)ma 2T.he[4s]etSuQpCpo1s(eYAss;uXmpti)onis1w(eAa1kl)y, (cAo2m)phaocltd.. Then 0,n 0,n exists s(ǫ,n) such that for all s≥s(ǫ,n) we have (2) Under the additional conditions (A3), (A4) the set −→ RSRD,o(D+ǫ)≤RSRD(D)+ǫ Q0,n(D) is a closed subset of QC1(Y0,n;X0,n) 0,n,s 0,n (hence compact). where The next theorem establishes existence of the minimizing RSRD(D)=△ inf I(Xn;Yn).reproductiondistribution for (8). First, we need the following 0,n PYn|Xn:n+11EPXn,Yn{Pni=0ρ(Xi,Yi)≤D} n+1 Lemma. Xin+1↔(Xi,Yi−1)↔Yi: i=0,1,...,n Lemma 3. [7] Under Assumptions 1 (A1), (A2), (15) −→ I (µ ,Q ) is lower semicontinuous on NoticethatR0S,RnD(D)ispreciselyGorbunov-Pinsker’snonan- −→QX0n,→nY∈nQC01,n(Y0,n0,;nX0,n) for a fixed µ0,n ∈M1(X0,n). ticipatory ǫ-entropy 1 Rna(D) [2]. Moreover,by Lemma1 −→n+1 0,n Next, we state the main Theorem. RSRD(D)≡ 1 R (D)givenby(8).However,thecoding 0,n n+1 0,n Theorem1 is validforfinite time index n, since its derivation Theorem3. (Existence[4])SupposeAssumption1hold.Then −→ is based on taking s → ∞. Consequently, with respect R (D) has a minimum. 0,n to the information sequential RDF (15), our objective is to Thus, Theorem 3 implies the following results. By GP1, find the expression of the nonstationary optimal reproduction for a stationary source Rna(D) = Rna,+(D) is defined distribution. and it is finite, by GP2, for a stationary consistent source IV. EXISTENCE OFREPRODUCTION CONDITIONAL limk→∞ k+11R0n,ak(D) = Rna(D) < ∞, and by GP3, for DISTRIBUTION OFNONANTICIPATIVERDF a stationary source and single letter distortion, Rna(D) = Rna,+(D) and the infimum in (12) is realized by stationary In this section, the existence of the minimizing (n+1)-fold source-reproductionpairs. convolution of conditional distributions in (8) is established by using the topology of weak convergence of probability V. OPTIMALREPRODUCTION OFNONANTICIPATIVERDF measuresonPolishspaces.Infact,ourresultsaremoregeneral In this section, we derive the expression of reproductioncon- than what is envisioned by the assumptions in [1], [2], since −→ ditional distribution which achieves the infimum of R (D) 0,n we work with abstract Polish spaces and general distortion or RSRD(D). We assume a distortion function of the form functions. First, we recall some properties from [7]. 0,n d (xn,yn)=△ n ρ (xi,yi). We shall need, the Gateaux 0,n i=0 0,i P differential of IXn→Yn(µ0,n,−→Q0,n) in every direction of For k =0,1,...,n, i=△ n−k, we get e00{Tv,,qhe11ie(r,,doy..ry..ei−→..Q;m,,ynn0i,−})n41.→,=△∈x(iGI)µIQa:X0t,ieCnna=1(→uq(xiYY0(,n0·;1D,(n·,µ,e;.·0rX.),in.v0:,a,,nn→−tQii)}v.0=e(,)nTd)uh0Lee,en1btt,eo.{I.nqwµ.oi0,e(n,nnl·sl;()t·aq,dtii·ise)ofinG:na:eardititieya)fuo.==xr qqni∗∗((ddyyin;;yyin−−1,1x,xi)n=)=RYReiYseeρnss0,ρρei00s(,,xρni0(i(,x,xnyini(,)yx,−yin)ng,−y)i,νngnin)∗(,νnx(n∗d(ix,(yyidin,)yy;νiny)i∗;νn(yi∗−dn(y1d−i)y;1iy);iy−i1((−11)187))). differentiable at every point in Q(Y ;Y ×X ), and the i 0,i−1 0,i Gateaux derivative at the points q∗(·;·,·) in each direction The nonanticipative RDF is given by i δqi =qi−qi∗, i=0,...,n, is −→ n δIµ0,n(qi∗,qi−qi∗ :i=0,...,n) R0,n(D)=s(n+1)D−Xi=0Z (cid:18)Z gi,nqi∗(dyi;yi−1,xi)+ =Xi=n0Z log(cid:18)qi∗ν(i∗d(ydiy;iy;iy−i1−,1x)i)(cid:19)ddǫ−→Qǫ0,i(dyi|xi)(cid:12)(cid:12)ǫ=0µ0,i(dxi) logZ esρ0,i−gi,nνi∗(dyi;yi−1)(cid:19)×−→Q∗0,i−1(dyi−1|xi−1)µ0,i(dxi) where −→Qǫ =△ ⊗i qǫ(dy ;yj−1,xj), qǫ =q∗+ǫ(cid:12) q −q∗ , Discussion. The above recursions illustrate the nonanticipa- 0,i j=0 j j j j j j tion, since g (xi,yi), i =n−k, k = 0,1,...,n, appearing j =0,1,...,i, i=0,1,...,n, (cid:16) (cid:17) i,n in the exponentof the reproductiondistribution (18) integrate d −→ Qǫ(dy ;x ) =δq (dy ;x ) out future reproduction distributions. Note also that for the dǫ 0 0 0 (cid:12)ǫ=0 0 0 0 stationary case all reproduction conditional distributions are ddǫ−→Qǫ0,1(dy1|x1(cid:12)(cid:12))(cid:12)ǫ=0 =δq0(dy0;x0)⊗q1∗(dy1;y0,x1) tihsegsivaemnebaynd(1h7e)n.cTe,hegi,anb(o·,v·e) r=ecu0r,siwonhsichareimgpelineesraqln,∗(w·;h·,il·e) (cid:12)(cid:12) +q0∗(dy0;x0)⊗δq1(dy1;y0,x1) depending on the assumptions imposed on the distortion . function and source they can be simplified considerably. . . d −→ VI. CONCLUSION Qǫ (dyi|xi) =δq (dy ;x0)⊗i q∗(dy ;yj−1,xj) dǫ 0,i (cid:12)ǫ=0 0 0 j=1 j j Inthispaper,wederiveananalyticalclosedformexpression +q0∗(dy0;x0)δq(cid:12)(cid:12)1(dy1|y0,x1)⊗ij=2qj∗(dyj;yj−1,xj) for the nonanticipative RDF for nonstationary processes, and werelatethedefinitionofnonanticipativeRDFtootherworks ...+⊗i−1q∗(dy ;yj−1,xj)⊗δq (dy ;yi−1,xi). j=0 j j i i in the literature. Proof: The derivation is lengthy, hence it is omitted. The constrained problem defined by (8) can be reformulated REFERENCES using Lagrange multipliers (due to its convexity) by utilizing [1] S. C. Tatikonda, “Control over communication constraints,” Ph.D. dis- Lagrange Duality Theorem [10] to obtain sertation, Mass.Inst.ofTech.(M.I.T.),Cambridge, MA,2000. [2] A.K.GorbunovandM.S.Pinsker,“Nonanticipatoryandprognosticep- −→ −→ R (D)= inf I (µ ,Q ) silonentropies andmessagegeneration rates,” ProblemsofInformation 0,n →− →− Xn→Yn 0,n 0,n Transmission,vol.9,no.3,pp.184–191, July-Sept. 1973. 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