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Preview Optimal Hedging for Fund & Insurance Managers with Partially Observable Investment Flows

Optimal Hedging for Fund & Insurance Managers with Partially Observable Investment Flows ∗ 4 1 Masaaki Fujii†, Akihiko Takahashi‡ 0 2 First version: January 10, 2014 l u This version: July 25, 2014 J 6 2 ] P C Abstract . n i All the financial practitioners are working in incomplete markets full of unhedge- f - able risk-factors. Makingthe situation worse,they areonly equipped with the imper- q fect information on the relevant processes. In addition to the market risk, fund and [ insurance managers have to be prepared for sudden and possibly contagious changes 2 in the investment flows from their clients so that they can avoid the over- as well as v under-hedging. Inthiswork,thepricesofsecurities,the occurrencesofinsuredevents 4 1 and (possibly a network of) the investment flows are used to infer their drifts and 3 intensities by a stochastic filtering technique. We utilize the inferred information to 2 provide the optimal hedging strategy based on the mean-variance (or quadratic) risk . 1 criterion. A BSDE approach allows a systematic derivation of the optimal strategy, 0 whichisshowntobe implementablebyasetofsimpleODEsandthe standardMonte 4 Carlo simulation. The presented framework may also be useful for manufactures and 1 energy firms to install an efficient overlayof dynamic hedging by financial derivatives : v to minimize the costs. i X r a Keywords : Mean-variance hedging, BSDE, Filtering, Queueing, Jackson’s network, Poisson random measure ∗All the contents expressed in this research are solely those of the authors and do not represent any views or opinions of any institutions. The authors are not responsible or liable in any manner for any losses and/or damages caused by theuse of any contentsin thisresearch. †Graduate School of Economics, TheUniversity of Tokyo. e-mail: [email protected] ‡Graduate School of Economics, TheUniversity of Tokyo. e-mail: [email protected] 1 1 Introduction Inthispaper,wediscusstheoptimalhedgingstrategybasedonthemean-variancecriterion forthefundandinsurancemanagers inthepresenceofincompleteness aswell asimperfect information in the market. If an unhedgeable risk-factor exists, the fund and insurance managers are forced to work in the physical measure and resort to a certain optimization technique to decide their trading strategies. In the physical measure, however, they soon encounter the problem of imperfect information which is usually hidden in the traditional risk-neutral world. One of the most important factors in the financial optimizations is the drift term in the price process of a financial security. In fact, many of the financial decisions consist of taking a careful balance between the expected return, i.e. drift, and the size of risk. However, the observation of a drift term is always associated with a noise, and we need to adoptsome statistical inferencemethod. Ina large numberof existing works on themean- variance hedging problem, which usually adopt the duality method, Pham (2001) [26], for example, studied the problem in this partially observable drift context. In spite of a great amount of literature 1, results with explicit solutions which can be directly implementable by practitioners have been quite rare thus far. When the explicit forms are available, they usually require various simplifying assumptions on the dependence structure among the underlying securities and their risk-premium processes, and also on the form of the hedging target, which make the motivations somewhat obscure from a practical point of view. A new approach was proposed by Mania & Tevzadze (2003) [22], where the authors studied a minimization problem for a convex cost function and showed that the optimal value function follows a backward stochastic partial differential equation (BSPDE). They were able to decompose it into three backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) when the cost function has a quadratic form. Although the relevant equations are quite complicated, their approach allows a systematic derivation for a generic setup in such a way that it can be linked directly to the dynamic programming approach yielding HJB equation. InFujii& Takahashi(2013) [9], wehave studiedtheir BSDEs to solve themean- variance hedging problem with partially observable drifts. In the setup where Kalman- Bucyfilteringschemeisapplicable, wehaveshownthatasetofsimpleordinarydifferential equations (ODEs) and the standard Monte Carlo simulation are enough to implement the optimal strategy. We have also derived its approximate analytical expression by an asymptotic expansion method, with which we were able to simulate the distribution of the hedging error. The problem of imperfect information is not only about the drifts of securities. Fund andinsurancemanagershavetodealwithstochasticinvestmentflowsfromtheirclients. In particular,thetimingsofbuy/sellordersareunpredictableandtheirintensitiescanbeonly statistically inferred. The same is true for loan portfolios and possibly their securitized products. It is, in fact, a well-known story in the US market that the prepayments of residential mortgages have a big impact on the residential mortgage-backed security (RMBS) price, which in turn induces significant hedging demand on interest rate swaps andswaptions. See[25],forexample,asarecentpracticalreviewontherealestatefinance. 1See Schweizer (2010) [31] as a brief survey. 2 Inthispaper,weextend[9]toincorporatethestochasticinvestmentflowswithpartially observable intensities 2. In the first half of the paper, where we introduce two counting processes to describe the in- and outflow of the investment units, we provide the mathe- matical preparations necessary for the filtering procedures. Then, we explain the solution technique for the relevant BSDEs in detail, which gives the optimal hedging strategy by means of a set of simple ODEs and the standard Monte Carlo simulation. In the latter half of the paper, we further extend the framework so that we can deal with a portfolio of insurance products. We provide a method to differentiate the effects on the demand for insurance after the insured events based on their loss severities. Furthermore, we explain how to utilize Jackson’s network that is often adopted to describe a network of computers in the Queueing analysis. We show that it is quite useful for the modeling of a general network of investment flows, such as the one arising from a group of funds within which investors can switch a fund to invest. Althoughweareprimarilyinterested inprovidingaflexibleframeworkfortheportfolio management, the presented framework may be applicable to manufacturers and energy firms operating multiple lines of production. For example, they can use it to install an efficientoverlayofdynamichedgingbyfinancialderivatives,suchascommodityandenergy futures, in order to minimize the stochastic production as well as storage costs. 2 The financial market Weconsiderthemarketsetupquitesimilartotheoneusedin[9]excepttheintroductionof the stochastic investment/order flows with partially observable intensities. Let (Ω,F,P) be a complete probability space with a filtration F = {F ,0 ≤ t ≤ T} where T is a t fixed time horizon. We put F = F for simplicity. We assume that F satisfies the usual T conditions and is big enough in a sense that it makes all the processes we introduce are adapted to this filtration. We consider the financialmarket with onerisk-freeasset, dtradable stocks or any kind of securities, and m := (n−d) non-tradable indexes or otherwise state variables relevant for stochastic volatilities, etc. For simplicity of presentation, we assume that the risk-free interest rate r is zero. Using a vector notation, the dynamics of the securities’ prices S = {S } and the non-tradable indexes Y = {Y } are assumed to be given i 1≤i≤d j d+1≤j≤n by the following diffusion processes: dS = σ(t,S ,Y ) dW +θ dt t t t t t (cid:16) (cid:17) dY = σ¯(t,S ,Y ) dW +θ dt +ρ(t,S ,Y ) dB +α dt . (2.1) t t t t t t t t t (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Here, (W,B) are the standard (P,F)-Brownian motions independent of each other and valued in Rd and Rm, respectively. The known functions σ(t,s,y), σ¯(t,s,y) and ρ(t,s,y) are measurable and smooth mappings from [0,T]×Rd×Rm into Rd×d, Rm×d and Rm×m, θ t respectively. The risk premium z := is assumed to follow a mean-reverting linear t α t (cid:18) (cid:19) 2Note that the standard setup with the perfect observation can be treated as a special case of our framework. 3 Gaussian process: dz = [µ −F z ]dt+δ dV (2.2) t t t t t t where µ, F and δ are continuous and deterministic functions of time taking values in Rn, Rn×n and Rn×p. V is a p-dimensional standard (P,F)-Brownian motion independentfrom W as well as B. Let us now discuss the dynamics of the investment flows. We introduce the two count- ingprocessesAandD,i.e. right-continuousintegervaluedincreasingprocesseswithjumps of at most 1. (A ,D ) represent, respectively, the total inflow and outflow of investors or t t investment-units3 for an interested fund in the time interval (0,t] with A = D = 0. 0 0 For simplicity, we assume that they do not jump simultaneously. The total number of investment-units for the fund at time t is denoted by Q , which is given by t Q = Q +A −D . (2.3) t 0 t t In this way, we model the change of the investment-units by a simple Queueing system with a single server. Later, we shall make use of a special type of Queueing network to allow investors to switch within a group of funds,which typically bundles Money-Reserve, Bond, Equity, Bull-Bear, or regional equity indexes. See [2] as a standard textbook on Queueing systems. We assume that the counting processes have (P,F)-compensators, i.e. t Aˇ := A − λA(s,X )ds t t s− Z0 t Dˇ := D − λD(s,X )1 ds (2.4) t t s− {Qs−>0} Z0 are (P,F)-martingales. Here, the intensity processes are modulated by a finite-state Markov-chainprocessX whichtakesitsvalueinoneoftheN unit-vectors,E = {~e ,··· ,~e }. 1 N The dynamics of X is assumed to be given by t X =X + R X ds+U . (2.5) t 0 s s− t Z0 Here {R ,0 ≤ t ≤ T} is a deterministic RN×N-valued continuous function with [R ] t t i,j denoting the rate of transition from state j to state i. U is a bounded RN-valued (P,F)- martingale independent of W, B, V, A and D. We assumethat the fundmanager can continuously observe S, {Y}obs ⊂ {Y } , j d+1≤j≤n and the flows of investments, i.e. A and D. Q , which is the initial number of investment- 0 units, is known for the manager at t = 0. We introduce G = {G ,0 ≤ t ≤ T} that is the t P-augmented filtration generated by the observable processes (S,{Y}obs, A, D). Q (∈ R) 0 is assumed to be G -measurable. As one can see from the definition of (A,D), the timing 0 of an each investment flow is totally inaccessible for the fund manager. For the fixed-term 3For practical use, one may need the appropriate rescaling to make Q havetractable size. 4 contracts, the manager can know exactly the timing of expiries given the knowledge of the initiation dates of the contracts. However, we think that it is rather unrealistic to seek the optimal control based on the knowledge of a specific date of expiry of an each investment-unit. In our setup, the manager partially knows (i.e. statistically infer) the rate of the investment flow but cannot tell its timing at all. {Y}obs are intended to be any index processes continuously observable in the market butnontradableforthemanager,whichpossiblyincludefinancialindexesbutnon-tradable for the manager by regulatory or some other reasons. {Y}obs can also represent various characteristics of investors which affect the dynamics of the investment flows. They can be very important non-financial factors for the modeling of residential mortgages and life/health insurance, for example. Various aggregations of individual data at a portfolio level can be used to construct (approximately) real-time composite indexes, which then can be used as non-tradable indexes included in {Y}obs. If the process turns out to be rather stable, then, it can be simply added as a deterministic function. Remark 1 : It is straightforward to introduce a stochastic interest rate if we assume that the short-rate process r is perfectly observable. In particular, if r follows a (quadratic) Gaussian process, we lose no analytical tractability for BSDEs relevant for the mean- variance hedging. The contracts of Futures written on interest rates, commodities, ener- gies etc., which have the cycles of enlists and delists, can also be embedded into exactly the same framework. Full details are available in the extended version of our previous work [10]. (cid:4) Assumption (A1) (i) The stochastic differential equations (SDEs) given in (2.1) have the unique strong so- lutions for S and Y. (ii) Every Y (d+1 ≤ j ≤ n) is adapted to the observable filtration G. j (iii) The matrices σ and ρ are always invertible. Let us make a comment on the assumption (ii). Through the observation of the quadratic (co)variations of (S,{Y}obs), we can recover the values of σ σ⊤, σ¯obsσ⊤ and (σ¯ σ¯⊤ + t t t t t t ρ ρ⊤)obs. We can satisfy (ii) by assuming the maps (σ,σ¯,ρ) are constructed in such a way t t that they allow to fix the values of all the remaining Y ∈ {Y} \{Y}obs uniquely k d+1≤j≤n from these quantities at any time t ∈[0,T] 4. As a result, we can see that G is in fact the augmented filtration generated by (S,Y,A,D), and we express this fact by G = FS,Y,A,D. If necessary, we can extend the model of (S,Y) in such a way that (σ,σ¯,ρ) can be generic G-predictable processes, and hence can be dependent on the past history of (A,D), as long as Assumption (A1) is sat- isfied. This may represent a possible feedback from the investment flows to the financial market. 4In the case of d=m=1, it is automatically satisfied by many stochastic volatility models where σ2 dependson Y monotonically. 5 Assumption (A2) (i) For every ~e ∈ E, {λA(s,~e),0 ≤ s ≤ T} and {λD(s,~e),0 ≤ s ≤ T} are strictly positive G-predictable processes. (ii) E T λA(s,X )ds +E T λD(s,X )ds <∞. 0 s− 0 s− h i h i R R The assumption (ii) simply guarantees Aˇ and Dˇ are true (P,F)-martingales. Note that the assumption (i) allows (λA, λD) to be dependent on (S ,Y ,A ,D ) and possibly on t t t t t− t− their past history. This flexibility is crucial for the practical use, where the first step to describe the flow of investments is regressing it by various observable quantities. We are going to model remaining unobservable effects by the hidden Markov-chain X. Note that this setup can incorporate the self-exiting jump processes (Cohen & Elliott (2013) [3]), which may be useful when there exist strong clusterings in the buy/sell orders from the investors. See also [8] for various techniques and applications of hidden Markov models. W t Let us put w := and introduce the following process: t B t (cid:18) (cid:19) t t 1 ξ := 1− ξ z⊤ dw + ξ −1 dAˇ t s− s− s s− λA(s,X ) s Z0 Z0 (cid:18) s− (cid:19) t 1 e + ξ e −e1 dDˇ (2.6) s− λD(s,X ) s Z0 (cid:18) s− (cid:19) e which yields t 1 t ξ = exp − z⊤dw − ||z ||2ds t s s 2 s (cid:18) Z0 Z0 (cid:19) t t e ×exp (λA(s,X )−1)ds+ (λD(s,X )−1)1 ds s− s− {Qs−>0} (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) 1 ∆As 1 ∆Ds × . (2.7) λA(s,X ) λD(s,X ) s− s− s∈Y(0,t]h i s∈Y(0,t]h i We also define t ξ := 1− ξ z⊤dw 1,t 1,s s s Z0 t 1 t e = exp −e z⊤dw − ||z ||2ds (2.8) s s 2 s (cid:18) Z0 Z0 (cid:19) t 1 t 1 ξ := 1+ ξ −1 dAˇ + ξ −1 dDˇ 2,t 2,s− λA(s,X ) s 2,s− λD(s,X ) s Z0 (cid:18) s− (cid:19) Z0 (cid:18) s− (cid:19) t t e = exp e(λA(s,X )−1)ds+ (λD(s,Xe )−1)1 ds s− s− {Qs−>0} (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) 1 ∆As 1 ∆Ds × . (2.9) λA(s,X ) λD(s,X ) s− s− s∈Y(0,t]h i s∈Y(0,t]h i 6 We can show that {ξ ,0 ≤ t ≤ T} is a true (P,F)-martingale due to the linear Gaussian 1,t nature of z and Lemma 3.9 in [1]. e Assumption (A3) (i) {ξ ,0 ≤ t ≤ T} is a true (P,F)-martingale. t (ii) {ξ ,0 ≤ t ≤ T} is a true (P,F)-martingale. 2,t e UndereAssumption (A3), we can definethe three probability measures P, P and P equiv- 1 2 alent to P on (Ω,F): e e e dP = ξ , 0 ≤ t ≤ T (2.10) dP Ft t dPe(cid:12)(cid:12) 1(cid:12) =eξ , 0≤ t ≤ T (2.11) dP Ft 1,t dPe (cid:12)(cid:12) 2(cid:12) = ξe , 0≤ t ≤ T . (2.12) dP Ft 2,t e (cid:12) (cid:12) Then, by Girsanov-Maruyama theore(cid:12)m (seee, for example, [28]), one can show that t W := W + θ du (2.13) t t u Z0 t f B := B + α du (2.14) t t u Z0 e are the standard (P,F) as well as (P ,F)-Brownian motions, and that 1 e At :e= At−t (2.15) t D := D − 1 ds (2.16) et t {Qs−>0} Z0 e are (P,F) as well as (P ,F)-martingales. The following lemma tells us that the filtration 2 G can be generated by these simple martingales, too. This is crucial for the filtering techneique we shall useebelow. Lemma 1 The filtration G = FS,Y,A,D is the augmented filtration generated by (W,B,A,D). Pfroofe: Seincee σ and ρ are assumed to be always invertible, we can write t W = σ−1(u,S ,Y )dS (2.17) t u u u Z0 t Bf = ρ−1(u,S ,Y ) dY −σ¯(u,S ,Y )σ−1(u,S ,Y )dS . (2.18) t u u u u u u u u Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) e 7 In addition, A = A −t (2.19) t t t D = D − 1 ds (2.20) et t {Q0+As−−Ds−>0} Z0 e and Q ∈ G . Hence it is clear that FW,B,A,D ⊂ G. On the other hand, we have 0 0 f e e e t S = S + σ(u,S ,Y )dW t 0 u u u Z0 t t f Y = Y + σ¯(u,S ,Y )dW + ρ(u,S ,Y )dB t 0 u u u u u u Z0 Z0 At = At+t f e t D = D + 1 du (2.21) t et {Q0+Au−−Du−>0} Z0 e and hence G ⊂ FW,B,A,D. (cid:3) f e e e 3 Filtering equations In order to obtain tractable filtering equations for the unobservable processes (θ,α,X), we want to use the method of the “reference” measure where every increment of the stochastic factors becomes independent from the past filtration. The following lemmas are modifications of Proposition 3.15 in [1] to our setup. Lemma 2 Let Ψ be an integrable F -measurable (t ∈ [0,T]) random variable. Then, t t EPe Ψt|GT = EPe Ψt|Gt . (3.1) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) Proof: Let us put G = σ W −W ,B −B ,A −A ,D −D ;u ∈ [t,T] , (3.2) t,T u t u t u t u t (cid:16) (cid:17) and then f f e e e e e e G = G ∨G := σ(G ∪G ). (3.3) T t t,T t t,T If G is independent of F under the measure P, it is clear that (3.1) holds as explained t,T t in [1]. Unfortunately, this is not the case in our setup due to the information carried by the jump intensity of D, which is 1 . Heowever, in measure P, (A,D,Q) consists {Q−>0} of a completely decoupled Queueing system with a single server, where the entrance of new queue is given byethe Poisson process with unit intensity andethe service (or exit) intensity is also 1 unless the queue is empty. Thus, all the information dependent on F t contained in G is restricted to the Queueing system {(A ,D ,Q ),t < s ≤ T}. Since it t,T s s s is irrelevant for Ψ , (3.1) holds true. (cid:3) t 8 Let D (C) be the set of all E-valued c`adla`g (Rn-valued continuous) functions in the time interval [0,T], respectively. Lemma 3 Let Ψ be a map Ψ :[0,T]×Ω×D → R in such a way that {Ψ (x),0 ≤ t ≤ T} t is an integrable G-predictable process for any given step function x ∈ D. Then, using the hidden Markov-chain X in (2.5), we have EPe2 Ψt({Xs,0 ≤ s ≤ t}) GT = EPe2 Ψt({Xs,0 ≤ s ≤ t}) Gt . (3.4) h (cid:12) i h (cid:12) i (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Proof: (A,D,Q) consists of a completely decoupled Queueing system with unit entrance andserviceintensities alsoinmeasureP . Although(W,B)carriesnontrivialinformation 2 θ through its drift z = , it does not affect the dynamics of X by the model setup. (cid:3) α e f e (cid:18) (cid:19) Similarly, we also need the following lemma. Lemma 4 Let Ψ be a map Ψ :[0,T]×Ω×C → R in such a way that {Ψ (x),0 ≤ t ≤ T} t is an integrable G-predictable process for any given continuous function x ∈ C. Then, using the hidden process z in (2.2), we have EPe1 Ψt({zs,0 ≤ s ≤ t}) GT = EPe1 Ψt({zs,0 ≤ s ≤ t}) Gt . (3.5) h (cid:12) i h (cid:12) i (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Proof: In measure P , (W,B) becomes a n-dimensional standard Brownian motion and 1 hence the information generated by its increments is independent of F . On the other t hand, the observatioen offA aend D provides non-trivial information through their intensi- ties, (λA(s,X ),λD(s,X )). However, by Assumption (A2) (i), any available informa- s− s− tion on diffusions can only appear in the form generated by (W,B) and X is irrelevant for z. (cid:3) f e We would like to obtain the filtering equations for θˆ := E θ |G , αˆ := E α |G (3.6) t t t t t t (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) and Xˆ := E X |G . (3.7) t t t (cid:2) (cid:3) Since X is valued in E = {~e ,··· ,~e }, we have t 1 N λˆA := E λA(t,X )|G = E λA(t,X )|G t t− t t− t− = λ(cid:2)A(t,~e)·Xˆt− (cid:3), (cid:2) (cid:3) (3.8) (cid:0) (cid:1) 9 and similarly for λˆD. Here, we have used the inner product defined by t N λA(t,~e)·Xˆ := λA(t,~e )Xˆi (3.9) t− i t− i=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) X where Xˆi is the i-th element of Xˆ. For notational simplicity, let us put E[θ |G ] zˆ := E[z |G ]= t t . (3.10) t t t E[α |G ] t t (cid:18) (cid:19) Using Kallianpur-Striebel formula, we have EP1 ξ z |G e 1,t t t zˆ = (3.11) t EPe1(cid:2) ξ1,t|Gt (cid:3) and (cid:2) (cid:3) EP2 ξ X |G Xˆ = e 2,t t t (3.12) t EPe(cid:2)2 ξ2,t|Gt (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) where ξ := 1/ξ and ξ := 1/ξ . Note that {ξ ,0 ≤ t ≤ T} and {ξ ,0 ≤ t ≤ T} 1,t 1,t 2,t 2,t 1,t 2,t are (P ,F) and (P ,F) martingales, respectively. This fact can be easily proved by Bayes 1 2 formula and Asseumption (A3). Theey define the inverse measure-change by: e e dP dP = ξ , = ξ . (3.13) 1,t 2,t dP1 Ft dP2 Ft (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) e e Remark 2: Of course, (zˆt,Xˆt) can also be given by the Bayes formula with EPe[·|Gt] and a (P,F)-martingale ξ := 1/ξ which defines t t dP e e = ξ , (3.14) t dP Ft (cid:12) (cid:12) oranyotherequivalent probabilitymeasur(cid:12)eswiththecorrespondingRadon-Nikodymden- e sities. However, other choices do not lead to a tractable filtering equation since z and X appear together in a single equation, or the properties proved in Lemma 3 and 4 do not hold which then mixes the filter and the smoother of the unobservables. (cid:4) Applying Itˆo formula, one can easily find t ξ = 1+ ξ z⊤dw 1,t 1,s s s Z0 t 1 t = exp z⊤dwe− ||z ||2ds (3.15) s s 2 s (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) e 10

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