Optimal Control of the SugarScape ABM Scott Christley Department of Surgery University of Chicago SwarmFest 2014 Scott Christley, SugarScape Optimal Control Control Engineering • Control is about designing and building systems that achieve desired behavior. • Most control problems fall into one of two categories – Move a system from current state to desired state – Keep a system operating near a desired state • These are formalized as control objectives. • Optimal control seeks to achieve control objectives by posing and solving an optimization problem. – Moving to desired state in minimum time/minimum fuel/etc – Minimizing the discrepancy between current and desired state • A model of the system is crucial for design and analysis. Modified from Ben Fitzpatrick (tempest-tech.com) A Block Diagram of Model-Based Control u = control input y = observed output “Real” System (“Plant”) y’ = approximated output “Approximate” System (“Model”) Control Algorithm (“Controller”) • The “model” is typically a mathematical object well-suited to control. • The “controller” is a means to make the “plant” behave as desired. Modified from Ben Fitzpatrick (tempest-tech.com) Control Modeling and ABMs • We will be thinking about the “plant” as the agent-based model. • Abstract away the real system, and the “model” becomes an approximation of the ABM. u = control input y = observed output “Real” System (“Plant”) ABM “Approximate” System (“Model”) Control Algorithm (“Controller”) Modified from Ben Fitzpatrick (tempest-tech.com) SugarScape ABM • Netlogo wealth distribution model • Agents – Eat sugar in environment – Metabolize (lose) sugar each time step – Vision (and movement) to patches with higher sugar – Heterogenous: metabolism rate, vision – Die when sugar <= 0 • Environment – Sugar regrows eat time step – Spatial heterogeneity for sugar growth SwarmFest 2014 Scott Christley, SugarScape Optimal Control SugarScape ABM • Demonstrate wealth inequality over time • Implement a tax policy to achieve a desired outcome? SwarmFest 2014 Scott Christley, SugarScape Optimal Control Optimal Control of SugarScape 1. PDE (partial differential equation) approximation of ABM. 2. Define control objective function. 3. Derive the optimal control characterization for the PDE and objective function. 4. Numerically solve the PDE and associated optimal control problem. 5. Transform and apply the optimal control to SugarScape ABM. 6. Evaluate performance of outcome. SwarmFest 2014 Scott Christley, SugarScape Optimal Control PDE Approximation • Challenging: moving from a discrete model (which can have discontinuities) to a continuous model. – Agent movement: agents can “jump” to a far away spatial location without visiting the intermediate space (teleportation). – This essentially applies to all agent attributes (metabolism, sugar) • Translate agent and environment behaviors into mathematical equations. • Open question on whether this translation can be performed in general. • SugarScape is simple model, we ad-hoc constructed a PDE. SwarmFest 2014 Scott Christley, SugarScape Optimal Control 1 Control Problem N (x, s, t) denotes the density of individuals in class i = 1, 2, 3, 4 at location x = (x , x ) in i 1 2 ⌦ = (0, L) (0, L) and with sugar quantity s 0. ⇥ PDE Appro�ximation The PDE for N = N (x, s, t) is expressed as i i 2 2 2 @N @ N @N @ i i i a(x) + b (x) + (R (x, s, t)N ) = d (s)N (1) ij i i i i @t � @x2 @x @s � j j j=1 j=1 X X where R (x, s, t) = S(x) m u (x, t)s. i i i � � Change in agent Sugar: eating Advection: NOTE it is easier to leave in the first order terms above form when calculating adjoint operator. population (N) Diffusion: and metabolism, directed agent over time random agent and also control ALSO NOTE that it would be a more cmoovrermeecntt diffusion representation, if the diffusion term was movement (a is towards higher rate parameter) sugar (b is rate 2 parameter) [(a(x)N ) ] . i x x j j • 3D PDE, 2 space dimensions and 1 sugar dimension. j=1 X • We initially made rough guess estimates for a and b parameters. The adjoint variables are calculated using equation (1). • We calibrated the PDE simulation output against average ABM @ After using the definition of R and applying the product rule to evaluate the term with , i @s simulation output to find the best parameters. equation (??) can be written as 2 2 2 @N @ N @N @ SwiarmFest 2014 i i Scott Christley, SugarScape Optimal Control a(x) + b (x) + (S(x) m u (x, t)s) N = u N d (s)N (2) ij i i i i i i i @t � @x2 @x � � @s � j j j=1 j=1 X X Boundary conditions for the PDE were chosen to reflect a wrap-around spatial domain in the vertical direction and no flux movement in the horizontal direction. Also, when sugar reaches zero, individuals die. At the initial time, there is an initial distribution of individuals given by ¯ N (x , x , s). i 1 2 The boundary conditions are N (x , 0, s, t) = N (x , L, s, t) (3) i 1 i 1 @N (x , 0, s, t) @N (x , L, s, t) i 1 i 1 = (4) @x @x 2 2 @N (0, x , s, t) i 2 = 0 (5) @x 1 @N (L, x , s, t) i 2 = 0 (6) @x 1 N (x , x , 0, t) = 0 (7) i 1 2 ¯ N (x , x , s, 0) = N (x , x , s) (8) i 1 2 i 1 2 ASSUME a(x , 0) = a(x , L) 1 1 b (x , 0) = ab (x , L) 2 1 2 1 1 1 PDE model PDE Approximation Agents in the Sugarscape model are aggregated into one of four classes: (1) high vision - high metabolism, (2) high vision - low metabolism, (3) low vision - high metabolism, (4) low vision - lowmetabolism. WeletN (x,s,t)denotesthedensityofindividualsinclassi = 1,2,3,4atlocationx = (x ,x ) • Original SiugarScape environment consists of two 1“h2 ills” in⌦ = (0,48) (0,48)andwithsugarquantity0 s s¯. ThePDEforN = N (x,s,t)isexpressed i i ⇥ as of sugar. @N 2 @2N 2 @N @ i i i a (x) + b (x) + (R (x,s,t)N ) = 0 (1) @t � i @x2 ij @x @s i i j=1 j j=1 j • We simplified the sXugar eXnvironment into a gradient with 4 where R (x,s,t) = S(x) m u (x,s,t)s. The function S(x) describes the amount of environ- i i i � � mental sugar given to any agent inhabiting location x = (x ,x ) in ⌦. The sugar at location x is regions of increasing sugar. 1 2 never depleted; S(x) remains constant for all t. The function u (x,s,t) is the proportion of sugar i removedfromanagentinclassiwithsugarsatlocationxandtimet. • This gBoiuvndeasry cuonsd itaio nps frorethdeiPcDEtawberelceho saengteo rneflte ctma woratpi-aoronun,d fspraotiaml do mleainfitn tthoe right vertical direction and no flux movement in the horizontal direction. Boundary conditions on the towas-vradriasbl egwrereeachtoesern tsoureflgecat dre.a th when sugar reaches 0 and restricted sugar growth when sugar reaches a selected upper bound, s¯. At the initial time, there is an initial distribution of individualsgivenbyN¯ (x ,x ,s). ThelocationoftheBCats = 0ors = s¯dependsonthesignof i 1 2 • Agent vision and sugar environment à advection motion R. in PDE. 48 Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 x2 S(x) =1 S(x) =2 S(x) =3 S(x) =4 0 0 12 24 36 48 x1 SwarmFest 2014 Scott Christley, SugarScape Optimal Control Figure1: Pictureofspatialdomain⌦. FunctionS(x)representsamountofsugaratlocationx ⌦. 2 1