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Optimal Control of Hepatitis C Antiviral Treatment Programme Delivery for Prevention amongst a Population of Injecting Drug Users Natasha K. Martin1,2*., Ashley B. Pitcher3*., Peter Vickerman1,2, Anna Vassall2, Matthew Hickman1 1DepartmentofSocialMedicine,UniversityofBristol,Bristol,UnitedKingdom,2DepartmentofGlobalHealthandDevelopment,LondonSchoolofHygieneandTropical Medicine,London,UnitedKingdom,3Centred’AnalyseetdeMathe´matiqueSociales,L’E´coledesHautesE´tudesenSciencesSociales,Paris,France Abstract Inmostdevelopedcountries,HCVisprimarilytransmittedbyinjectingdrugusers(IDUs).HCVantiviraltreatmentiseffective, and deemed cost-effective for those with no re-infection risk. However, few active IDUs are currently treated. Previous modelling studies have shown antiviral treatment for active IDUs could reduce HCV prevalence, and there is emerging interest in developing targeted IDU treatment programmes. However, the optimal timing and scale-up of treatment is unknown, given the real-world constraints commonly existing for health programmes. We explore how the optimal programmeisaffectedbyavarietyofpolicyobjectives,budgetconstraints,andprevalencesettings.Wedevelopamodelof HCVtransmissionandtreatmentamongstactiveIDUs,determinetheoptimaltreatmentprogrammestrategyover10years fortwobaselinechronicHCVprevalencescenarios(30%and45%),arangeofmaximumannualbudgets(»50,000–300,000 per1,000IDUs),andavarietyofobjectives:minimisinghealthservicecostsandhealthutilitylosses;minimisingprevalence at10years;minimisinghealthservicecostsandhealthutilitylosseswithafinaltimeprevalencetarget;minimisinghealth servicecostswithafinaltimeprevalencetargetbutneglectinghealthutilitylosses.Thelargestprogrammeallowedfora givenbudgetistheprogrammewhichminimisesbothprevalenceat10years,andHCVhealthutilitylossandheathservice costs, with higher budgets resulting in greater cost-effectiveness (measured by cost per QALY gained compared to no treatment).However,iftheobjectiveistoachievea20%relativeprevalencereductionat10years,whileminimisingboth healthservicecostsandlossesinhealthutility,theoptimaltreatmentstrategyisanimmediateexpansionofcoverageover 5–8years,andislesscost-effective.Bycontrast,iftheobjectiveisonlytominimisecoststothehealthservicewhileattaining the20%prevalencereduction,theprogrammeisdeferreduntilthefinalyearsofthedecade,andistheleastcost-effective ofthe scenarios. Citation:MartinNK,PitcherAB,VickermanP,VassallA,HickmanM(2011)OptimalControlofHepatitisCAntiviralTreatmentProgrammeDeliveryforPrevention amongstaPopulationofInjectingDrugUsers.PLoSONE6(8):e22309.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022309 Editor:PieterH.M.vanBaal,ErasmusUniversityRotterdam,TheNetherlands ReceivedSeptember10,2010;AcceptedJune24,2011;PublishedAugust11,2011 Copyright: (cid:2)2011 Martin et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:NKMissupportedbytheScottishGovernmentHepatitisCActionPlanandCentreforResearchonDrugsandHealthBehaviourNIHRGrant.ABPis supportedbythe‘DyXi’projectoftheSYSCOMMprogrammeoftheFrenchNationalAgencyforResearch(grantnumberANR-08-SYSC-008).PVissupportedbya MRCNewInvestigatorAward.Thefundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected](NKM);[email protected](ABP) .Theseauthorscontributedequallytothiswork. Introduction syringe exchange, and opiate substitution therapy aim to prevent transmission by reducing unsafe injecting [4]. However, despite Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a comparatively common blood- increases in intervention exposure, public health surveillance borne disease with 130–170 million people (2–3%) globally indicates that substantial decreases in HCV prevalence have not infected[1].Itisoneoftheleadingcausesofchronicliverdisease been achieved [8]. worldwide,andisthefastestgrowingcauseoflivertransplantation Antiviral treatment (peginterferon-alfa and ribavirin) for HCV indevelopedcountries[2].Ifleftuntreated,about7–18%progress has been established as effective and results in viral clearance in to liver disease within 20 years, which can result in liver failure, about45–80%ofcases,dependingongenotype[9–11].Economic cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, anddeath[3]. evaluations have found treatment cost-effective for a population The primary mode of transmission in developed countries is withnore-infectionrisk[12].Since2002,guidelinesintheUSand amongst active injecting drug users (IDUs) where it is easily UK do not exclude active IDUs from treatment eligibility, given transmittedthroughneedleandsyringesharing.IntheUK,most the growing evidence that IDUs exhibit a similar response to developedcountries,andmanyotherdevelopingcountrieswithout treatment,andcouldbejustascompliantwithtreatmentasex-or marked iatrogenic HCV risk (such as South Asia), over 80% of non-IDUs [11–13].Despitethese recommendations andthehigh newcasesareattributedtoinjectingdrugs,with15–90%ofIDUs proportionofIDUsinfected,veryfew(v3–4%)activeIDUshave testing positive for HCV antibodies [4–7]. Public health ever been treated [14,15]. Recent mathematical modelling has interventions such as health education and advice, needle and predicted that antiviral treatment can be an effective prevention PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 1 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment measure amongst IDUs, with modest and achievable levels of annualbudgetconstraintsandtwobaselineprevalences(30%and treatmentresultinginsubstantialreductionsininfectedprevalence 45%). [16–19]. Hence, treatment of injectors could have substantial benefitsinrelationtoreducingongoingtransmission(despitesome Methods of the difficulties in delivering the treatment and potential loss of sustained viralresponse (SVR)). Model background and assumptions Ideally,fromaneconomicperspective,anyintervention,suchas Infection with HCV leads to a relatively short (weeks to HCVtreatment,thathasbeenfoundtobecost-effectivewouldbe months)acutestage,whichmayleadtoaprolongedchronicstage fullyfundedimmediately.Inreality,however,fundingandaccess lasting for decades [28]. A fraction (about 26%) of acute totreatmentmaynotbeprovidedasprogrammesarealwaysfaced infections are spontaneously cleared by the individual [29]. Due with a number of constraints. Globally, there are many totheshortdurationoftheacutestage,thenumberofinfections interventions that fall under the WHO willingness to pay caused by people with acute HCV who spontaneously clear is thresholds, but remain underfinanced by countries and face small, and we neglect it for model simplicity. Those who substantialbudgetconstraints.Forexample,inAustraliafreeHCV spontaneouslyclearbecomesusceptibleagain,andtheremaining treatment is available under the national health care system, but fraction who do not spontaneously clear progress to the chronic thegovernmentacknowledgesacapacitylimitwithinthespecialist infection stage. There is controversy around the possibility of hepatitisCtreatmentserviceswhichrestrictsthenumbersthatcan sterilisingimmunityfollowingexposuretoHCV.However,given undergo treatment each year [20]. In the UK, NICE (National that immunity following exposure to HCV is uncertain, and Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) issues guidelines on previous models have shown that, if present, this population is which treatments should be offered, but different regions relatively small, we neglect it for the purposes of this model frequently offer different levels of treatment. Global (and [16,17]. sometimes national) institutions frequently respond to this issue Antiviraltreatmentleadstoasubstantialreductioninviralload by setting targets, either for coverage or to achieve specific inthefirstfewweeks(evenamongsomeeventualnonresponders) reductions in prevalence. Indeed, the low coverage of HCV [30]. Hence, we assume that active IDUs currently on treatment treatment across the UK has resulted in the development of a arenon-infectious.Duetothelackofdefinitiveevidencetosuggest number of national action plans (Scotland, Wales, and England) otherwise, we assume that the chances of spontaneous clearance which aim to expand treatment coverage over the next 5 years are equal for na¨ıve (those who have never been infected) and re- [20–22]. These action plans do not specifically target current infected IDUs. Furthermore, we assume that the probability of IDUs,despitethegrowinginterestintargetingantiviraltreatment treatment success is the same between na¨ıve and re-infecteds, to IDUs as a means of prevention, and general movements for which is supported by experimental evidence [31]. Finally, we moreactiveIDUstobetreated[20,23].Thisstudyexamineshow assume that treatment failures return to the chronically infected constraints(annualmaximumbudgets)andobjectives(prevalence population and are eligible for retreatment as a simplifying targets, desire to minimise health utility losses) are likely to assumption, as alternative dosing and treatment durations are influence optimal timing and intensity of scale-up, and the availableforthisgroup[32].Nonetheless,overourrelativelyshort subsequent costs, impact, and cost per QALY (quality-adjusted timescale(10years)andwiththelowleveloftreatmentexamined lifeyear) gained in eachscenario. in this manuscript, simulations tracking nonresponders show that As such, our aim is not to perform an economic evaluation of negligible levels ofinfecteds are retreated [16]. antiviral treatment, but to inform policy makers on how the optimal treatment strategy and programme cost-effectiveness (measured by cost per QALY gained) may be affected when Details and explanation of the model different constraints are applied. This type of analysis (using WemodelthetransmissionofHCVamongstactiveIDUs,using optimal control theory to determine the optimal resource asystemofordinarydifferentialequationssimplifiedfrom[16,17]. allocation as an epidemic progresses) has been used before in We utilise a three compartment model, tracking susceptible, infectious disease prevention [24–27]. Hence, our aims and chronicallyinfected,andtreatedIDUs.SusceptibleIDUsbecome mathematical techniquesarewellestablishedininfectiousdisease infected through sharing needles with infected IDUs. About one literature, although its specific application to HCV is novel. quarterspontaneouslycleartheinfection,andbecomesusceptible Importantly, few have managed to present this technique to a again.Theremainingthree-quartersprogresstochronicinfection. broader audience (outside of mathematical modellers) and with Chronicinfectedscanbetreated,withacertainchanceofsuccess, real-world budget constraintsandobjectives. andeitherfailtreatmentandreturntotheinfectioncompartment, Weparameteriseourepidemicmodelwithrecentdatafromthe or clear thediseaseandbecome susceptible again. UK, and our cost coefficients with current UK costs of antiviral In our model, X denotes the number of susceptible IDUs treatment and HCV infection. We then examine the optimal (including those who have cleared the infection), C denotes the treatment strategy for different economic and policy objectives, number of both chronically infected and acutely infected IDUs which range from ‘ideal’ public health objectives (where health which will proceed to chronic infection, and T denotes the service costs and HCV health utility loss or just prevalence is number of IDUs in treatment, t is time in years, and where minimised)to‘lessideal’butperhapsmorerealisticscenarioswith N~total population~XzCzT. The equations describing the a specific policy objective of reducing prevalence by a specific HCV transmissionare: percentage by the end of the 10 year timeframe. The specific scenarios we examine are: 1) minimising health service costs and dX C healthutility(QALY)loss;2)minimisingprevalence;3)minimising ~h{p(1{d) XzvaT{mX, ð1Þ dt N health service costs and health utility loss while achieving a final time prevalence reduction of 20%; 4) minimising health service costs while achieving a final time prevalence reduction of 20% dC C (and neglecting health utility loss). This is done for a variety of ~p(1{d) X{uCzv(1{a)T{mC, ð2Þ dt N PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 2 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment dT dx ~uC{vT{mT, ð3Þ ~m(1{x){p(1{d)cxzvat, ð8Þ dt dt with initial conditions X(0)~X , C(0)~C , T(0)~0. For the 0 0 initial conditions, we assume that the epidemic is at steady state dc with no treatment,as isthecaseinmost placesintheUK[8]. ~p(1{d)cx{uczv(1{a)t{mc, ð9Þ dt Equation (1) represents the rate of change of the size of the susceptible population, where new IDUs enter at a fixed rate h. The second term in Equation (1) models the infection of dt susceptible IDUs, which is proportional to the number of ~uc{vt{mt: ð10Þ dt susceptibles, the fraction of the population chronically infected, andtheinfectionratep.Theacuteinfectionspontaneouslyclears Since xzczt~1, we can substitute t~1{x{c into Equations in a proportion d, who return to the susceptible pool. The (8) and (9) and get rid of (10) so that we are left with the smaller remaining infected fraction which do not spontaneously clear, 1{d,progresstochronicinfection.ThethirdterminEquation(1) system represents IDUs who exit treatment at a rate v, with successful treatment proportion a. dx Equation (2) models the rate of change of the number of ~mzva{(mzva)x{vac{p(1{d)cx, ð11Þ dt chronically infected IDUs. The first term represents those who enter from the susceptible pool, which is proportional to the number ofsusceptibles, thefractionofthepopulationchronically dc infected, the infection rate (p), and the fraction who do not ~v(1{a)(1{x{c){uczp(1{d)cx{mc, ð12Þ dt spontaneously clear the acute infection (1{d). The fraction of nonresponders to treatment, (1{a), return from treatment with initialconditions proportional torate v. The second term in Equation (2), {uC, represents the movement of infected IDUs into treatment. The proportion of x(0)~x w0, ð13Þ 0 infecteds put on treatment per year as an instantaneous rate represented by u, can vary through time and is the function we would like to optimise with respect to, given the constraints c(0)~c w0, ð14Þ 0 described later. Equation (3) represents the rate of change of the number of where x ~mX =h, c ~mC =h and x zc ~1. We wish to find 0 0 0 0 0 0 IDUscurrentlyintreatment.InfectedIDUsentertreatmentatthe the function u(t) over the time horizon 0ƒtƒt such that we f rate u as discussed for Equation (2). IDUs exit treatment minimise theobjective functional proportional totherate v. Ineachofthepopulations,IDUsleave(duetodeathorceasing ðtf injection)proportional totherate m. J(u):~ ½(b zb )ucNz(f zf )cNzcu2(cid:2)dt, ð15Þ 1 2 1 2 0 System and Objective Functional subject totheconstraints X C T Ifweletx~ ,c~ ,t~ ,sothatthestatevariablesarenow N N N the fraction of the population in each compartment, then 0ƒuƒ1, ð16Þ Equations (1)–(3) become dx~h(1{x){p(1{d)cxzvat, ð4Þ b1ucNzcu2ƒM, ð17Þ dt N where M is a positive constant representing the maximum programmespendrate,andb ,b ,f ,f andcarethefollowing dc hc 1 2 1 2 ~p(1{d)cx{uczv(1{a)t{ , ð5Þ decreasing functions of time: dt N b (t)~b e{rt, ð18Þ dt ht 1 10 ~uc{vt{ , ð6Þ dt N b (t)~b e{rt, ð19Þ where N evolves accordingtotheequation 2 20 dN~h{mN: ð7Þ c(t)~c e{rt, ð20Þ dt 0 Since the population is assumed to be in steady state, then N~h=m.Making thissubstitution, Equations (4)–(6)become f (t)~f e{rt, ð21Þ 1 10 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 3 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment Optimal control f (t)~f e{rt: ð22Þ The optimal control problem is minuJ(u) subject to (11)–(14), 2 20 (16)and(17).Inotherwords,weseekthefunctionu(t)suchthat Theparametersb ,b ,c ,f ,f andrarepositiveconstants. J(u) isminimisedsubject tothestate equations (11) and(12),the 10 20 0 10 20 The constant r is the instantaneous discount rate and can be initial conditions(13) and(14) andtheconstraints(16) and(17). calculated using theformula WeemployPontryagin’sminimumprinciple[34]todetermine necessaryconditionsthatmustbesatisfiedbyanoptimalcontrol,if oneexists.Theexistenceofanoptimalcontrolandcorresponding r~{log(1{r), ð23Þ optimal states is guaranteed for this optimal control problem as criteria (a),(b),(c) of Theorem 4.1 and criteria (d’) and (e’) of where r istheannual effectivediscount rate. Corollary 4.1 foundin[35, chap.3] aresatisfied. WedividedthecostassociatedwithHCVintotwotypes.First, The optimal control theory associated with various types of we have the programme costs. These are the costs required to inequalityconstraints,includingtheonesconsideredhere,canbe search for and treat patients. Secondly, we have the costs foundin[36].Forageneral introductorytextonoptimalcontrol associated with infection. These are the costs incurred by the methodsappliedtobiologicalsystems,wedirectinterestedreaders health service when managing patients who are untreated and towardsthetextbyLenhartandWorkman[37].Thefirststepisto remain infected. Together, programme (antiviral treatment and form the Hamiltonian associated with this optimal control search) and infection costs add up to the health service costs associated with HCV. More precisely, the function b represents problem, i.e. 1 theaveragecostofantiviraltreatmentperperson.Thesearchcosts related to finding, diagnosing, and recruiting active IDUs onto H~(b zb )ucNz(f zf )cNzcu2H 1 2 1 2 treatmentarerepresentedbythetermcu2.Asiscommonlydone zl (mzva{(mzva)x{vac{p(1{d)cx) inoptimalcontrolmodelsofinfectiousdiseases,weuseaquadratic x ð24Þ function of the control to represent increasing marginal costs zl (v(1{a)(1{x{c){uczp(1{d)cx{mc) c associated with achieving high treatment coverage levels [24,33]. The function f1 represents the average annual infection cost per zL(b1ucNzcu2{M), chronically infectedIDU. where l , l and L are functions of t. The multiplier L is an To be able to incorporate health utility losses into the optimal x c adjoining Lagrange multiplier that must satisfy control framework, we monetarise the QALY losses associated with HCV infection and antiviral treatment. We detail this approachfullyinthesection‘Economicparameters’.Inparticular, L(t)§0, if b ucNzcu2~M, ð25Þ 1 b represents the monetarisation of the QALY loss per antiviral 2 treatment,andf representsthemonetarisationoftheQALYloss 2 peryearassociatedwithHCV.Theparametersb ,b ,f ,and 10 20 10 L(t)~0, if b ucNzcu2vM: ð26Þ f representtheinitial valuesof these costs at t~0. 1 20 The first constraint 0ƒuƒ1 means that we cannot treat at a To find the characterisation of the optimal control, by Pontrya- ratehigherthan100%oftheinfectedpopulationperyear,andthe gin’sminimumprinciplewejustneedtofindtheuthatminimises treatment rate cannot be negative. The second constraint theHamiltonian.Sincethecontroluappearsquadraticallyinthe b ucNzcu2ƒM limits the spending rate of the treatment 1 Hamiltonian,thentodothis wesimplyset programme (antiviral treatment and search costs) so that the programmespendingratecanneverbegreaterthan»M peryear. LH M will be referred to as the annual or yearly budget. As health ~0, ð27Þ servicecostsrelatedtoinfection,f cN,areunrelatedtothedirect Lu 1 programme budget, we do not incorporate these into the budget whichgives theequation constraint. Withourmodel,weprojecttheoptimaltreatmentprogramme overtime,thecorrespondingprevalencereductionsandinfections (b1zb2)cNz2cu{clczb1cNLz2cuL~0: ð28Þ averted with each programme, total programme costs, and total infection costs. We divide our total programme costs by the Ifb1ucNzcu2vM,then(28),withL~0andtheconstraint(16), number of infections averted to calculate cost per infection provides theoptimal control characterisation (call itu(cid:3)): averted. We also calculate net monetary benefit (monetarised benefits associated with QALYs gained minus net health services cl {(b zb )cN u(cid:3)~minfmaxf0, c 1 2 g,1g: ð29Þ costs) related to each programme compared to no treatment. 2c Finally,wecalculatethehealthservicecostperQALYgainedfor each programme. Due to the prevention impact of antiviral If b ucNzcu2~M, then the optimal control characterisation is 1 treatment, it is important to capture the future benefits of the derived bysimply solvingthisquadratic equationfor u toobtain treatmentprogramme.Forthesecalculations,wesimulateeach10 year treatment programme, and then continue calculating qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi discountedhealthservicecostsandQALYsforafurther40years, {b cNz (b cN)2z4cM u(cid:3)~minfmaxf0, 1 1 g,1g, ð30Þ in order to determine the onward prevention impact of the 2c different 10 year treatment programmes. Hence, the total time horizoninthecostperQALYgainedcalculationis50years.We where we have taken the positive root because the negative root calculatethecostperQALYgainedascomparedtoabaselineof always yields a negative value of the fraction in (30) since the no treatment. parametersareallpositive.Duetothecontrolconstraint(16),the PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 4 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment optimalcontrolisforcedtoliewithinitsadmissiblebounds0and If instead we wish to simply minimise final time prevalence 1. subjecttoourbudgetconstraint,wecandothisbyaddingtheterm We know from (26) that L~0 when the constraint (17) is not wc(tf)totheobjectivefunctionalandmakingthepositiveconstant tight. When the budget constraint is tight, the function L can be wverylarge,e.g.w~1010 sothattheothertermsintheobjective determined from (28)with u~u(cid:3) asdefined in (30),sothat arenegligiblebycomparison.Mathematically,thisadditiontothe objective functional leads to a different final time boundary condition on l ,i.e. l (t )~w. cl {2cu(cid:3){(b zb )cN c c f L~ c 1 2 : ð31Þ b1cNz2cu(cid:3) Uncertainty analysis To examine how the uncertainty in the biological and cost parametersalterstheoptimalcontrolsolution,weperformaLatin Itisimportanttokeepinmindthatthesearchcostcoefficientc Hypercube Sampling (LHS) of the cost parameters (b , b , f , cannot at anytime be zero or else the optimal control problem is 10 20 10 f , c ) and biological parameters (a , a , m and d) over a singular. Singular optimal control problems require different 20 0 1 2=3 uniformrangeofvalues.Foreachofthe100parametersetsinour solution methods (see[38–40], and[37]). sampling, we calculate the corresponding infection rate (p) and The corresponding differential equations for the adjoint new injector rate (h) which gives the desired untreated endemic variables (l and l ) are determined from partial derivatives of x c prevalence(30%or45%),andretainsatotalof1,000IDUsinthe theHamiltonian: population. With each of these parameter sets, we calculate the corresponding optimal control solution and infected prevalence dl LH reduction. x~{ , ð32Þ dt Lx Sensitivity analysis Asensitivityanalysiswasperformedtodeterminehowsensitive dlc~{LH, ð33Þ the infected prevalence is to variations in the epidemiological dt Lc parameters and in the presence of treatment. This allows us to identify which parameters play the most significant role in the disease dynamics, as well as how the prevalence sensitivity varies fromwhichweobtain theadjoint equations between baseline prevalence scenarios. For the analysis, the control function u is considered a constant function of time dl x~(mzva)l zp(1{d)cl zv(1{a)l {p(1{d)cl , ð34Þ ranging from zero to one. We then assess the variability in our dt x x c c prevalenceat10years(thetimescaleunderconsideration).Wedo this by again utilising LHS to select 1,000 combinations of the inputparametersd,m,a ,a andu.Foreachsetofparameters,the 1 2 dlc~{(b zb )u(cid:3)N{b u(cid:3)NL{(f zf )Nzval infection rate, p, is then calculated given the untreated endemic dt 1 2 1 1 2 x ð35Þ prevalence.Thevalueforhiscalculatedfrommtoretainatotalof zp(1{d)xl zv(1{a)l {p(1{d)xl zu(cid:3)l zml : 1,000 IDUs. We then solve the system of ordinary differential x c c c c equations usingMATLAB,andtracktheprojectedprevalenceat The adjointequations have thefinal conditions year10witheachparameterset.WethencalculateaPartialRank Correlation Coefficient (PRCC) to assess the relative importance ofeachparameterindetermininginfectedprevalence.PRCCsare l (t )~0, ð36Þ x f widely used in sensitivity analyses in systems biology and disease transmission models to determine the importance of a parameter on a given output while fixing the other parameters at their lc(tf)~0: ð37Þ expected value [24,41–43]. The larger the absolute value of the PRCC,themoreinfluenceaparameterhasonprevalence,witha PRCC magnitude greater than 0.5 and a p-value of v0.05 The state and adjoint equations and their four associated indicating the output is sensitive to changes in the input boundary conditions constitute a two-point boundary value parameter. problem which we solve in MATLAB using the forward-backward sweep numericalmethod [37]. Discussion of parameter estimates In order to force a specific final time prevalence, we must Biological parameters. We obtain the model parameters remove the final time condition lc(tf)~0. Instead, an iterative from the relevant literature on injecting drug use and HCV bisectionmethodisusedtofindthevalueoflc(tf)thatyieldsthe treatment as well as epidemiological data collected in the UK desired final timetarget prevalence c(tf). (Table 1). We present results for two common baseline chronic Numerical solutions with a final time prevalence specified are prevalences:30%and45%(approximatelyequivalentto40%and run with tf~10 years. Numerical solutions without a final time 60% antibody prevalences, respectively). The exit rate is prevalence specified are run with tf~50 years, and results determined by the sum of the cessation of injecting rate (calcu- presentedforthefirst10years.Theuseofanexpandedtimerange latedbyusingtheaverageinjectingduration)andtheIDUdeath (tf~50) when there is no final time prevalence specified is rate. We use an average injecting duration of 11.5 years necessarytoensurethatprematureterminationoftreatmentisnot (corresponding to a cessation rate of 8.7% per year) found in recommended due to the lack of consideration for onward [44]. This estimate for injecting duration is similar to an average transmissionaftertheinitialdecadeofinterest.Asnewtreatments estimate across England and Wales, and so is likely to be will likely be introduced in the next decade (with different cost representativeofmanyareasintheUK[45].Arecentstudyfound implications), itisreasonable tofocuson a 10yeartimeframe. anIDUmortalityrate(duetooverdose,suicide,andothercauses) PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 5 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment Table1. Biologicalparameter valuesused inthe numericalsimulations. Parameter Definition Value Units Source a Proportioninfectionscuredbytreatment 0.625a - [11,13] v 1/treatmentduration 1.992b peryear [11,13] d Proportioninfectionsspontaneouslyclear 0.26 - [29] p Infectionrate 0.1834–0.2334 peryear Fitto30%and45%infectionprevalences[44] m Exitrate(throughdeathorcessation) 0.095c peryear [44–46] h Newinjectorentrancerate 95 per1,000IDUsannually Givenvaluetoretainpopulationof1,000IDUs aAverageofthegenotype1curerate(a1~0:45)andthegenotype2/3curerate(a2=3~0:8). bExitratecalculatedfromtheaverageofthegenotype1treatmentlengthforrespondersandnonresponders:(a1|48z(1{a1)|12)weeksandthegenotype2 treatmentlength,24weeks. cBasedonacessationrateof8.7%peryear,andanIDUdeathrateof0.75%peryear. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022309.t001 of0.75%peryear[46].TherateofIDUsenteringthepopulation high coverage rates, due to the assumed increased difficulty in is calculated from the exit rate to retain 1,000 IDUs in the recruitmentanduptake[33].AllIDUswouldneedtobeantibody population. tested. The cost of a dried blood spot antibody test is Treatmentdurationandsuccessdependsonthespecificgenotype approximately »19.84,so»19,840 inapopulation of1000IDUs. of HCV being treated. In general, SVR is high for IDUs with The additional cost of RNA PCR for those who are chronically genotype 2 or 3 (75–85%), and lower for genotype 1 (40–50%) infected and will enter treatment is incorporated in the antiviral [9,11,13,47].Therecommendeddurationoftreatmentforgenotype treatment costs. About one quarter of those who are antibody 2/3 is 24 weeks for both responders or nonresponders, and for positive have spontaneously cleared the acute disease, and would genotype1thedurationis48weeksforrespondersand12weeksfor needaPCRtesttoconfirmtheirnegativestatus.Atworst,inour nonresponders[11,13].IntheUnitedKingdom,abouthalfofthe population of 30–45% prevalence, this amounts to about 150 infections are genotype 1, with the remaining half 2 or 3 [11]. IDUsperyear.Atacostof»70.77forthePCRtest,themaximum Hence, we take an average between the genotype 1 and 2/3 costof PCR testingis»10,615. parameters for the treatmentsuccess parameter(a), as well as the With current dried blood spot testing technology, HCV testing treatmentduration(1=v).Finally, [29]performeda meta-analysis canbeimplementedbylocaloutreachservices(suchasneedleand and found that 26% of infections lead to spontaneous clearance, syringeprogrammes),howevertheimplementationofanintensive whichweusefortheparameterd.Theparameterpisdetermined testing programme would likely require staff and training, and for the two different prevalence scenarios by assuming that HCV potentially overheads. There is no published cost estimation for amongstIDUsisinsteadystate,areasonableassumptionforHCV needleandsyringeprogrammes(inparticulartrainingandstaffing) amongstIDUstheUK[44]. in the UK [51] so estimates were taken from two other countries Economic parameters. A summary of the economic (Canada and Ukraine) and costs translated to the UK using the parameters can be found in Table 2, with the specific maximum 2009PurchasingPowerParity(PPP)IndexprovidedbytheWorld annualbudgetsconsideredshowninTable3.Programmetreatment Bank[52].Jacobsetal.[53]reportedtheyearlycosttorunalocal costsareconstructedfromcurrentdrugpriceestimatesandcosting needleandsyringeexchangeprogramme(includingstaff,training, studies.Dependingonthetypeofpeginterferonalfaused(2aor3b) andoverheads,butexcludingsyringecosts)inEdmonton,Canada andbody weight, thedrug costsofcombinationpeginteferonand as $253,553 CAD (2009). The programme distributed 565,754 ribvirin treatment is between »12,496–14,221 per person [11]. In needles in a year, but did not document the number of visits per addition to drug costs, we include patient evaluation, tests, year.Noestimatesweregivenforthenumberofneedlesdistributed screening, and consultations during and after treatment. Cost- at a time, however the mean number of syringes collected per effectivenessanalysesforHCVtreatmenthaveestimatedthesetotal contact has been estimated at around 20 [54], leading to coststobe»760(in2008/2009GBP)forinvestigationsofapatient approximately28,288contactsperyear,or$8.96CADpercontact. who is considered for treatment, and »810.32–1,084.30 for Usingthe2009PPPconversionfactor(approx.1.76)[52]andthe consultations depending on treatment length [12]. Therefore, the averageexchangeratein2009(1.78CADto1GBP,www.x-rates. totalcostsofdeliveringantiviraltreatmentare»14,066–16,064per com),thisresultsinanaveragecostpercontactof»8.86(2009).In year,andweuseameanvalueof»15,065peryear,varyingthisin thisstudy,alocalvanwasusedforoutreach,whichislikelysimilar the uncertainty analysis. We calculate the cost per treatment by tothekindofprogrammewhichwouldbeusedintheUKiftheaim multiplying the yearly treatment cost (which we denote b ) and wastoattainhighcoverage.Wethereforeuseitasthebaseforour yr averagetreatmentduration(1/v). programmecostestimation. The parameter c represents the cost of ensuring 100% A similar analysis on data from the first year of a needle and 0 treatment coverage in the first year, which would involve an syringeprogrammeinUkraine[55]includesbuildingpurchaseand extensivetestingandrecruitmentprogramme.Programmesearch constructioncosts,givingahighercostpercontactof»22.10(2009). costsaredifficulttoestimate,asthereisnopublishedliteratureon Of this amount, nearly 25% is comprised of the first year capital cost analysis of IDU recruitment to services by coverage level. non-reoccurringcosts.However,thisislikelytobeanappropriate Systemic reviews examining costs of vaccination scale-up pro- upper bound as in subsequent years, especially in situations grammesshowalackofgoodmethodologicalstudiesandrigorous targetinghighcoverageorwithlowprevalence,amediacampaign cost analyses [48–50]. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume might be necessary. Hence, the repeated inclusion of this 25% increasingmarginalcostwhenattemptingtoincreasecoverageto excesscost(forcapital,media,orother)seemsappropriate. PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 6 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment Table2. Economicparameters. Parameter Definition Scenario Value Source b10 Antiviraltreatmentcostspertreatment all »15,065=v [12,56,73] b20 MonetarisedQALYlosspertreatment A,B »5,800=v Seetext C »0 - f10 HCVinfectioncostsperyear all »657 [12,56,73] f20 MonetarisedQALYlossforHCVperyear A,B »3,800 Seetext C »0 - c0 Recruitmentandtestingcost(peryearperunitu2) all »40,000 Littledata,seetext[53,55] r Discountingrateforcostsandhealthutilitylosses(annual) all 3.5% [60] M Maximumannualbudget(per1,000IDUs) all »50,000–300,000 - ScenarioA:minimisinghealthservicecostsandHCVhealthutilitylosses(measuredinmonetarisedQALYloss).ScenarioB:minimisinghealthservicecostsandHCV healthutilitylosseswithafinaltimeprevalencetarget.ScenarioC:minimisingonlyhealthservicecostswithafinaltimeprevalencetarget. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022309.t002 In total, for u~1 (treating at a rate of 100% of the IDU These costs escalate markedly in the later stages of disease, but population per year), the total cost of programme outreach and given the long timescale of disease progression to cirrhosis testing of 1,000 IDUs would be »39,315, with a maximum (decades) and the average injecting duration (approximately 11 estimate of »52,555. We therefore use c ~»40,000 and varythis years)itisassumedallinfectedactiveIDUsareeitherinthemild 0 from»39,000 to »53,000 intheuncertainty analysis. or moderate stage. The infection costs (f ) associated with a person with mild to InordertoquantifythequalityoflifereductionforactiveIDUs 10 moderatechronicHCVareapproximately»657peryear[12,56]. withHCVandforactiveIDUswithHCVundergoingtreatment, Table3.Netcosts,netQALYsgained,andcostperQALYgainedascomparedtonotreatmentprogrammeforthe30%and45% HCVprevalence scenariosand various optimisationprogrammes. 30%HCVprevalence 45%HCVprevalence Maxannual Net NetQALY Cost(»)per Net NetQALY Cost(»)per Scenario budget(») costs1(») gain2 QALYgained costs1(») gain2 QALYgained A 50,000 220,028 135 2148 - - - 100,000 299,210 287 2346 - - - 150,000 2256,459 462 2555 327,996 293 1,120 200,000 2520,789 668 2780 359,397 413 870 250,000 - - - 332,703 550 605 300,000 - - - 227,253 710 320 B 50,000 - - - - - - 100,000 249,338 203 2243 - - - 150,000 246,459 216 2215 288,304 233 1,237 200,000 244,793 224 2200 316,510 251 1,263 250,000 - - - 335,742 263 1,277 300,000 - - - 349,527 272 1,285 C 50,000 - - - - - - 100,000 240,348 159 2254 - - - 150,000 233,130 145 2228 213,173 179 1,192 200,000 223,268 137 2169 190,679 163 1,167 250,000 - - - 183,950 154 1,192 300,000 - - - 183,212 148 1,239 Theoptimal10yearprogrammeisdeterminedforeachscenario,andthencostsandQALYsarecalculatedforafurther40years(fora50yeartimehorizon)inorderto accountfortheonwardpreventionbenefitsofthetreatmentprogramme.ScenarioA:minimisinghealthservicecostsandHCVhealthutilitylosses(measuredin monetarisedQALYloss).ScenarioB:minimisinghealthservicecostsandHCVhealthutilitylosseswithafinaltimeprevalencetarget.ScenarioC:minimisingonlyhealth servicecostswithafinaltimeprevalencetarget. 1Netcosts=healthcarecostsover50yearswiththe10yeartreatmentprogramme-healthcarecostsover50yearswithnotreatment.Healthcarecostsaredefinedas programme(antiviraltreatmentandsearch)costsaswellasHCVinfectionrelatedcosts. 2NetQALYgain=QALYsgainedover50yearswiththe10yeartreatmentprogramme-QALYsgainedover50yearswithnotreatment. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022309.t003 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 7 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment we monetarise the QALY loss in each case. This approach examineseveralbudgetscenarios,fromamaximumyearlybudget excludesnon-healthbenefitsassociatedwiththeintervention(such of »50,000to»300,000per 1,000 IDUs. asimpactonproductivity),butnonethelessallowsustoarriveatan Parameter ranges for the uncertainty analysis. During estimate of the net monetary benefit of the programme. In the the uncertainty analysis, each parameter istaken tobe uniformly UK,thisispossibleusingthe‘willingness-to-pay’thresholddefined distributed, with ranges as shown in Table 4 for the biological by NICE, which essentially determines the amount the UK’s parametersvaried.Forthecostparameters,therangesforb ,b , 10 20 National Health Service is willing to pay for a treatment. The f , and f were taken to be plus and minus 10% of the values 10 20 current willingness-to-pay threshold (i.e. the UK’s monetarised giveninTable1.Duetothehighuncertaintyinc ,therangeused 0 value of a QALY) is approximately »20,000 per QALY gained was from»39,000to»53,000. [57].Estimatesforthehealthstateforanon-orex-IDUwithmild chronic HCV infection are around 0.78 QALYs per year, Results depending on the evaluation method [12]. Healthy active IDUs tendtohavealowerbaselinequalityoflifethannon-orex-IDUs, Ifonlyhealthservicecostsareminimised(withnorequirement with estimates at around 0.85 QALYs per year [56], i.e. a 15% to reduce health utility losses or reach a final time prevalence reductioninqualityoflifefromthehealthynon-IDUstate.Weuse reduction), the optimal solution is to treat no one. In each of the this15%reductiontocalculatethehealthstatereductionforactive scenarios considered below, we add further considerations to this IDUswithHCV,inlinewithothereconomicevaluationsofHCV baseline case. in active IDUs [56]. Hence, we estimate that the health state for anactiveIDUwithHCVis0.66QALYsperyear,i.e.anabsolute Scenario A: Minimising health service costs and HCV reduction of 0.19 QALYs per year from the healthy active IDU health utility losses (f ,b w0) state, meaning that the (monetary) benefit from successfully 2 2 treating a chronically infected IDU is approximately »3,800 per Thisscenariorepresentsan‘ideal’situation,wherepolicymakers year (0.19 QALYs/year|»20,000/QALY). In other words, are motivated to minimise health service costs and health utility »3,800 is the estimated monetary benefit foregone per year by losses associated with HCV, limited only by budget restrictions. nottreatinganinfectedIDU,henceitisessentiallyanopportunity The optimal programme is to spend the maximum possible cost, represented by themonetarised value of QALYslost due to amounteachyearonthetreatmentprogramme,whichsucceedsin non-treatment. On the other hand, being on HCV antiviral reducing infectionsandQALY losses. treatment also results in a QALY reduction (from infection level) If the objective is to minimise health service costs and health ofabout0.10QALYsperyearforthedurationoftreatment[12], utilitylossrelatedtoHCVinfection,Figure1showsthepotential hence we assume the net reduction from the healthy active IDU impact of the optimal treatment programmes for various state to an active IDU with HCV on treatment is approximately maximum yearly programme budgets with a 30% baseline 0.29 QALYs per year, and therefore the cost in terms of prevalence. In all budget scenarios, the optimal number treated monetarised value of QALYs lost due to treatment is approxi- increases over time, due to the discounting treatment costs and mately»5,800peryear.ThesemonetarisedvaluesofQALYslost subsequentabilitytoincreasetreatmentallocation.Figure1shows due to either infection or treatment make up the HCV health that depending on the maximum annual budget (»50,000 to utilitylosses.Duetothelackofevidencesurroundingutilityvalues »200,000 per 1,000 IDUs annually), the number of treatments following treatment of those with mild (in particular, asymptom- allocated yearly varies from 7 to 37. With a »100,000 maximum atic) HCV, we use published estimations that SVR from mild annualprogrammebudget,theprevalencedecreasesfrom30%to HCV resultsina return tothenormalhealth state [58,59]. about 21% at year 10 with a total of 43 cases (per 1,000 IDUs) Health costs and utility losses are discounted at an annual averted. This equates to a total programme spend per infection effective rate of 3.5% per year, meaning that our cost weights avertedof»23,597.Theinfectionrelatedcostsreach»1.42million decrease through time [60]. This allows for the correct cost by 10 years. Net monetary benefit at 10 years is »291,088. The adjustment when using a maximum implementation yearly costperQALYgainedwitha50yeartimehorizonis2»346,with budget. All costs are presented in UK pounds (GBP, ») in fiscal negativenetcostsandpositivenetQALYsgainedascomparedto year 2008/2009 values and updated with the Hospital and no treatment, indicating that the programme is cost saving Community Health Services Pay and Prices Index [61]. We (Table 3). Table4. LHSsensitivityanalysisonthe modelwith constantcontrol (n~1,000). Parameter Range(Min,Max) Source PRCCa10yrprevalence(30%baseline) PRCCa10yrprevalence(45%baseline) a1 (0.40,0.50)b [11,13,47] 20.6839* 20.6904* a2=3 (0.75,0.85)b [9,11,13] 20.7153* 20.6762* m (0.05,0.1429)c [44–46,74] 0.4271* 0.7234* u (0,1) - 20.9992* 20.9990* d (0.22,0.29) [29] 20.0387 20.0338 aPartialRankCorrelationCoefficient, baiscalculatedasanaverageofthegenotypetreatmentsuccessrates,a1anda2=3. cTheexitrateiscalculatedfromtherangeofthegenotype1treatmentlengthforrespondersandnonresponders:(a1|48z(1{a1)|12)weeksandthegenotype2 length:24weeks. *denotesap-valueofbelow0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022309.t004 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 8 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment When the budget constraint isincreased to »200,000 per year, Increasingthebudgetto»200,000decreasesthedurationofthe the prevalence decreases to below 12% within a decade. optimalprogrammetofiveyears,withalowerleveloftreatments Additionally, 96 infections are averted by 10 years, resulting in a (26–30)forthefirstfouryears,tailingoffwith5treatmentsinthe reductionincostperinfectionavertedto»20,945.Ascomparedto fifthyear.Thisstrategyincreasestheprogrammecostto»830,051, the lower budget scenario, the increased programme costs are but averts more infections (50 by year 10), resulting in a lower partly offsetbyreduced infection-related costs of»1.17million at programme cost per infection averted of »16,737. Furthermore, 10 years. Net monetary benefit increases to »630,111. Addition- theinfectionrelatedcostsarereducedto»1.36million.However, ally, increasing the budget saves more in terms of cost over a 50 the cost per QALY gained is slightly higher than in the lower yeartimehorizonandgainsmoreQALYs,resultinginacostper budget scenario, at 2»200 due to the higher programme cost QALY gainedof 2»780,indicating thatthisprogrammeismore (Table 3). cost-effective thanonewithalowerbudget(Table3).Resultsare With a 45% baseline prevalence scenario, the optimal pro- qualitatively similar for the 45% baseline prevalence scenarios, grammeisstillaninitialprogramme,buttheprogrammeduration however with the same yearly budget the relative reduction in to reduce prevalence by 20% is longer (Supporting Information prevalence is smaller, there are fewer infections averted, and the Figure S2). With an annual budget of »200,000, the programme costperavertedinfectionishigher(SupportingInformationFigure spans7yearsinsteadofthe5yearsinthelowerprevalencescenario. S1). Furthermore, the programme results in fewer QALY gains, Total programme and infection costs are substantially higher, at and thecostper QALYgained ishigher, at »870(Table 3). »1.35 million and »2.1 million, respectively. Additionally, fewer Overall, increasing the yearly budget results in greater short- infections are averted (40 in 10 years), and the cost per infection termreductionsinprevalence,increasedinfectionsaverted,lower averted is nearly double that of the 30% prevalence scenario. programme cost per infection averted, and substantial reductions Similarly,thecostperQALYincreasesto»1,263(Table3). in infection related costs at year 10 due to the subsequent preventioneffect. Foragivenyearlybudget,theimpactishigher Scenario C: Final time prevalence reduction only in lowerprevalence areas. (f ~b ~0, c(t )~0:8c ) Theoptimalprogrammestrategyandresultspresentedaboveare 2 2 f 0 identicaliftheobjectiveisinsteadtominimiseprevalenceattheend In the least ‘ideal’, but perhaps most relevant and ‘real-world’ ofyear10whilebeingconstrainedbythesamebudgetrestrictions. scenario, policymakers may be motivated solely by a political Inotherwords,theprogrammewhichminimisesprevalenceatthe commitmenttoreduceprevalencebyaspecificamount,neglecting endofyear10istheonewheretheentirebudgetisspenteveryyear, thelossofhealthutilitiesassociatedwithinfection.Ascomparedto andthisstrategyalsohasthelowestcostperQALYgained. Scenario B, where there is a bias towards early and intensive treatment to reduce the cumulative number of infections, Scenario B: Minimising health service costs and HCV neglecting health utility losses results in very different optimal programmes (Figure 3). In the 30% prevalence scenario, with a health utility losses with a final time prevalence target (f ,b w0, c(t )~0:8c ) maximumbudgetat»200,000peryear,theoptimalprogrammeis 2 2 f 0 implemented in the final three years only, increasing treatment Inaless‘ideal’scenario,policymakerscouldbemotivatedbya coveragefrom11%to16%.Thisresultsintreating13–36people politicalconstraintaswell,andspecifyaneedtoreduceprevalence peryear,costingtheprogrammeonly»478,369,butinfectioncosts by a specific amount within 10 years. Therefore, in this case we reach»1.62million.Sincethecostsassociatedwithinfectionsare examine the optimal timing and intensityof a programme where much lower when neglecting loss of health utility, the optimal thedesireistoachieveaspecificprevalencereductionbythefinal strategy shifts toward achieving the target prevalence with fewer time, while also minimising total health service costs and HCV treatments, whereas with health utility losses included in the health utility losses. These objectives are again constrained by objective,theoptimalstrategyseekstodecreaseagreaternumber yearly budget restrictions. In these simulations, the final time of the infections by treating earlier instead of later. Hence, the prevalence is specified as a necessary condition, such that the prevalenceatt ~10yearsisreducedbyarelative20%(so,from numberofinfectionsavertedisonly8per1,000IDUsatyear10, f andthecostperinfectionavertedissubstantiallyincreasedtoover 30% to24% or45%to36%). »62,324. Importantly, in this scenario, the programme does not Numerical solutions indicate that the best strategy with a final result ina netmonetary benefit at 10years, with costs exceeding timetarget including costsrelated tohealth statereductions isan benefits throughout the decade. The cost per QALY gained initial, intense programme (Figure 2). In the 30% baseline (2»169) is slightly higher than Scenarios A and B, with fewer prevalence scenario, the »50,000 maximum budget scenario is QALYsgained, andhighercosts (Table 3). not sufficient to result in a 20% relative reduction in prevalence. With an annual budget of »100,000, the optimum is an 8 year Decreasing the yearly budget to »100,000 results in a longer programmeofincreasingtreatmentcoverage(expandingfrom4% programme, lasting years 5 through 10, increasing treatment to8%ofinfectedIDUs),treating13–17peopleperyearinthefirst coverage from 5% to 8%. Reducing the budget increases pro- seven years where the full budget is spent, and 7 people in the grammecosts(to»560,241),butdecreasesinfectioncoststo»1.57 eighth year (Figure 2). This programme results in an initial swift million. Furthermore, decreasing the maximum annual budget decrease in prevalence, slightly overshooting the 10 year target increases the treatment programme duration, resulting in more prevalence in year 8, and eventually rebounding to the target by infections averted (nearly 16 per 1,000 IDUs by year 10). theendofyear10.Theprogrammeaverts37infectionsresulting Additionally, the cost per infection averted is substantially less, in a programme cost per infection averted of »19,888. The total atjustover»35,087.Thisindicatesthatalthoughahigherannual costs of the programme (treatment and search) reaches just over budget canachieve thesameprevalencereductionwithashorter »740,803withtheinfectionrelatedcostsreaching»1.44million.In programmeduration,achievingearlier prevalencereductions (for this scenario, net costs as compared to no treatment are still example, by treating fewer but initiating the programme earlier) negative, but fewer QALYs are averted as compared toScenario resultsinmoreinfectionsavertedandareducedcostperinfection A, and cost per QALY gained is higher at 2»243, however the averted. The qualitative shape of the programme (delayed until programme isstill cost-saving(Table 3). final years) isunchangedifdiscounting isneglected. PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 9 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309 OptimalControlofHepatitisCTreatment Figure 1. Scenario A: Minimising health service costs and HCV health utility losses. Simulations are with a 30% baseline prevalence, showing(A)programmecoverage,(B)prevalencereductions,(C)numberoftreatments,(D)totalhealthservicecosts(comprisedofprogrammecosts and infection costs), (E) infections averted, and (F) net monetary benefit. Parameters used are as shown in Tables 1–2, with f ~3,800, 20 b ~5,800|(1=v),t ~50,andwithnofinaltimeprevalenceconstraint. 20 f doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022309.g001 For the 45% prevalence scenario, the optimum is also a late higherthaninscenariosAandB,orforanyofthelowprevalence initiated programme, but with a longer programme duration to scenarios,atabout»1,200. achieve the target prevalence (Supporting Information Figure S3). Theprogrammesbegininyears4–8andescalateuntilthefinalyear. Cumulative programme costs are roughly equal (at the »200,000 Uncertainty analysis of optimal control solution annualbudget)and15%higher(atthe»150,000annualbudget)than Theimpactofuncertaintyofourparametersontheoptimalcontrol in the 30% prevalence scenario, and the cost per QALY gained is andprevalencereductionsforvariousmaximumbudgetscenariosare PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 10 August2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | e22309

service costs with a final time prevalence target but neglecting health utility losses. By contrast, if the objective is only to minimise costs to the health service Citation: Martin NK, Pitcher AB, Vickerman P, Vassall A, Hickman M (2011) predicted that antiviral treatment can be an effective p
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