Optimal Active Control of Flexible Structures Applying Piezoelectric Actuators by NedaDarivandiShoushtari Athesis presentedtotheUniversityofWaterloo infulfillmentofthe thesisrequirementforthedegreeof DoctorofPhilosophy in MechanicalEngineering Waterloo,Ontario,Canada,2013 (cid:13)c NedaDarivandiShoushtari2013 IherebydeclarethatIamthesoleauthorofthisthesis. Thisisatruecopyofthethesis,including anyrequiredfinalrevisions,asacceptedbymyexaminers. Iunderstandthatmythesismaybemadeelectronicallyavailabletothepublic. NedaDarivandiShoushtari iii Abstract Piezoelectricactuatorshaveproventobeusefulinsuppressingdisturbancesandshapecon- trol of flexible structures. Large space structures such as solar arrays are susceptible to large amplitudevibrationswhileinorbit. Moreover,Shapecontrolofmanyhighprecisionstructures such as large membrane mirrors and space antenna is of great importance. Since most of these structures need to be ultra-light-weight, only a limited number of actuators can be used. Con- sequently, in order to obtain the mostefficient control system, the locations of thepiezoelectric elements as well as the feedback gain should be optimized. These optimization problems are generally non-convex. In addition, the models for these systems typically have a large number ofdegreesoffreedom. Researchers have used numerous optimization criteria and optimization techniques to find the optimal actuator locations in structural shape and vibration control. Due to the non-convex nature of the problem, evolutionary optimization techniques are extensively used. However, One drawback of these methods is that they do not use the gradient information and so con- vergence can be very slow. Classical gradient-based techniques, on the other hand, have the advantage of accurate computation; however, they may be computationally expensive, partic- ularly since multiple initial conditions are typically needed to ensure that a global optimum is found. Consequently, a fast, yet global optimization method applicable to systems with a large numberofdegreesoffreedomisneeded. In this study, the feedback control is chosen to be an optimal linear quadratic regulator. The optimal actuator location problem is reformulated as a convex optimization problem. A subgradient-based optimization scheme which leads to the global solution of the problem is introducedtooptimizetheactuatorlocations. Theoptimizationalgorithmisappliedtooptimize the placement of piezoelectric actuators in vibration control of flexible structures. This method iscomparedwithageneticalgorithm,andisobservedtobefasterinfindingtheglobaloptimum. v Moreover,byexpandingthedesiredshapeintothestructure’smodesofvibration,amethod- ologyforshapecontrolofstructuresispresented. Applyingthismethod,locationsofpiezoelec- tricactuatorsonflexiblestructuresareoptimized. Veryfewexperimentalstudiesexistonshapeandvibrationcontrolofstructures. Tothebest knowledge of the author, optimal actuator placement in shape control has not been experimen- tally studied in the past. In this work, vibration control of a cantilever beam is investigated for variousactuatorlocationsandtheeffectofoptimalactuatorplacementisstudiedonsuppressing disturbances to the beam. Also using the proposed shape control method, the effect of optimal actuatorplacementisstudiedonthesamebeam. Thefinalshapeofthebeamandinputvoltages ofactuatorsarecomparedforvariousactuatorplacements. vi Acknowledgements Completing this dissertation would not have occurred but for the support patience, and guidance of my supervisors Professor Amir Khajepour and Professor Kirsten Morris. They reachedouttomeduringallthedifficulttimesinthedissertationprocess. I would also like to express my gratitude to the examining committee members Professor Hamid Jahed, Professor Baris Fidan, Professor Stephen Vavasis whose comments and sugges- tionswereextremelyhelpfulinimprovingmymanuscript. SpecialthankstoProfessorDonatus OguamanamfromRyersonUniversityforacceptingtobemyexternalexaminer. Over the last four years I have been privileged to work with and learn from my colleagues Masood Ansari, Saman Mohammadi, Mohammad Basirinia, Negar Rasti, Babak Ebrahimi, Dhanaraja Kasinathan and Soroosh Hassanpour. Especially I would like to thank my lovely husband Mohammad Pournazeri for his endless support, patience and dedication during my research. Hehasbeenmybestfriendandcolleague. I wish to express thanks to all my family members, Sadugh Dorri, Mohammad Darivandi andNavidDarivandifortheirconstantsupportandlove. vii Dedication For Mohammad Pournazeri my dear husband and Sadugh Dorri, Mohammad Darivandi, Navid Darivandi, my lovely family, whose unconditional love and support empowered me throughallthestagesinmylife. ix