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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science @oinecr: OPTICS e COMMUNICATIONS ELSEVIER Optics Communications 239 (2004) 467-473 www.elsevier.com/locate/optcom Author index to volume 239 Ahmad, M., see Qamar, S. 239 (20043)8 9 Allakhverdiev, K., see Kulibekov, A.M. 239 (2004) 193 Avelar, A.T. and B. Baseia, Controlled hole burning in the Fock space via Raman interaction 39 (2004) 281 Avelar, A.T., see Souza, S. 239 (2004) 359 Baran, O., see Kulibekov, A.M. 239 (20041)9 3 Barker, P.F., see Shneider, M.N. 239 (20042)0 5 Barrientos, B., see Santos, G. 239 (20042)6 5 Barry, J., see Yu, J. 239 (2004) 99 Baseia, B., see Souza, S. 239 (20043)5 9 Baseia, B., see Avelar, A.T. 239 (20042)8 1 Bespalov, V.G., see Lobanov, S.A. 239 (2004) 7 Binh, L.N., see Li, S. 239 (2004)3 : Biqin, H., see Weidong, S. 239 (2004) Biswas, A., Stochastic perturbation of optical solitons in Schrédinger—Hirota equation 239 (2004) Blondel, M., see Rogister, F. 239 (2004) Bogoni, A., see Scaffardi, M. 239 (20041)9 9 Caetano, D.P. and P.H.S. Ribeiro, Image formation by manipulation of the entangled angular spectrum 239 (2004) 121 Cai, Y. and Q. Lin, Partially coherent flat-topped multi-Gaussian—Schell-model beam and its propagation 239 (2004) 33 Cai, L.Z., see Liu, Q. 239 (2004) 223 Carbajal-Dominguez, A., see Martinez-Niconoff, G. 239 (2004) 259 Carroll, O., Y. Tanguy, J. Houlihan and G. Huyet, Dynamics of self-pulsing semiconductor lasers with optical feedback 239 (2004) 429 Chang, H.T. and C.T. Chen, Asymmetric-image verification for security optical systems based on joint transform correlator architecture 239 (2004) 43 Chen, C.T., see Chang, H.T. 239 (2004) 43 Cheng, D., see Zhang, X. 239 (2004) 79 Cheng, H.-C. and Y.-L. Lo, Arbitrary strain distribution measurement using a genetic algorithm approach and two fiber Bragg grating intensity spectra 239 (2004) 323 Chung, W.J., see Huang, L. 239 (2004) 403 Cywiak, M., see Santos, G. 239 (2004) 265 doi: 10.1016/S0030-4018(04)008 19-3 468 Author index to volume 239 Davidson, N., see Machavariani, G. 239 (2004) 147 De Almeida, see Souza, S. 239 (2004) 359 De Silva, L., see Hodgkinson, I[.J. 239 (2004) 353 Degiron, A., H.J. Lezec, N. Yamamoto and T.W. Ebbesen, Optical transmission properties of a single subwavelength aperture in a real metal 239 (2004) 61 Dholakia, K., see Lee, W.M. 239 (2004) 129 Dimitrov, K.L., see Ferdinandov, E.S. 239 (2004) 1 Duan, G.-H., see Mahnkopf, S. 239 (2004) 187 Dufour, M.L., see Lamouche, G. 239 (2004) 297 Ebbesen, T.W., see Degiron, A. 239 (2004) 61 Fan, S., see Feng, D. 239 (2004) 345 Fan, X.-j., see Liu, C.-p. 239 (2004) 383 Fan, D., see Wang, T. 239 (2004) 397 Fei, Z., see Gao, X. 239 (2004) 55 Feng, D., Y. Yan, G. Jin and S. Fan, Beam focusing characteristics of diffractive lenses with binary subwavelength structures 239 (2004) 345 Ferdinandov, E.S. and K.L. Dimitrov, Influence of the atmospheric turbulence over the images of cosmic objects 239 (2004) 1 Forchel, A., see Mahnkopf, S. 239 (2004) 187 Friesem, A.A., see Machavariani, G. 239 (2004) 147 Gan, F., see Gao, X. 239 (2004) 55 Gao, L. and Y. Huang, Extinction properties of a coated sphere containing a left- handed material 239 (2004) Gao, S., C. Yang and G. Jin, Conventional-band and long-wavelength-band efficient wavelength conversion by difference-frequency generation in sinusoidally chirped optical superlattice waveguides 239 (2004) 333 Gao, X., Z. Fei, W. Xu and F. Gan, Focus splitting induced by a pure phase-shifting apodizer 239 (2004) 55 Garzon, J., see Salazar, A. 239 (2004) 287 Gauthier, B., see Lamouche, G. 239 (2004) 297 Gbur, G., T.D. Visser and E. Wolf, Complete destructive interference of partially coherent fields 239 (2004) i5 Goez, R., see Salazar, A. 239 (20042)8 7 Gong, S.-q., see Liu, C.-p. 239 (20043)8 3 Gong, M., see Ou, P. 239 (20044)2 1 Goto, H., Discrete-mode formalism for a field generated by parametric down conversion with an incoherent pump 239 (20042)3 7 Grujic, K., O.G. Helleso, J.S. Wilkinson and J.P. Hole, Optical propulsion of microspheres along a channel waveguide produced by Cs” ion-exchange in glass 239 (20042)2 7 Guerrero, R.A., Power law response of volume holographic pattern recognition to partial images 239 (2004) 303 Guseinova, D.A., see Kulibekov, A.M. 239 (2004) 193 He, X.Y., see Tay, C.J. 239 (2004) 251 He, S., see Zhang, X. 239 (2004) 79 Author index to volume 239 469 He, M.Z., see Liu, Q. 239 (2004) 223 Helleso, O.G., see Grujic, K. 239 (2004) 227 Hodgkinson, I.J., A. Lakhtakia, Q.h. Wu, L. De Silva and M.W. McCall, Ambichiral, equichiral and finely chiral layered structures 239 (2004) 35 Hole, J.P., see Grujic, K. 239 (2004) Horvath, Z.L., J. Klebniczki, G. Kurdi and A.P. Kovacs, Experimental investigation of the boundary wave pulse 239 (2004) 243 Houlihan, J., see Carroll, O. 239 (2004) 429 Huang, L., A. Jha, S. Shen and W.J. Chung, Visible emissions at 592 and 613 nm in Er**-Eu**-codoped teilurite fibers 239 (2004) 403 fuang, D.X., see Xiong, Z. 239 (2004) 137 Huang, Y., see Gao, L. 239 (2004) 25 Huyet, G., see Carroll, O. 239 (2004) 429 Ikeda, M., K. Tanaka, M. Kittaka, M. Tanaka and T.-a. Shohata, Rotational manipulation of a symmetrical plastic micro-object using fiber optic trapping 239 (2004) Ishaaya, A.A., see Machavariani, G. 239 (2004) Ivanov, O.V., Coupting of hybrid modes in strained and heated fibers 239 (2004) 2 Jha, A., see Huang, L. 239 (2004) Jin, G., see Feng, D 239 (2004) ; Jin, G., see Gao, S. 239 (2004) 33: Jin, R., see Zhang, X. 239 (2004) Kakuma, S. and R. Ohba, Atomic transition spectra markers for accurate frequency- modulated continuous-wave laser distance-meter 239 (2004) 445 Kamp, M., see Mahnkopf, S. 239 (2004) 187 Kittaka, M., see Ikeda, M. 239 (2004) 103 Klebniczki, J., see Horvath, Z.L. 239 (2004) 243 Koshino, K., H. Zuo, N. Saito and S. Suzuki, Improved spike noise removal in the scanning laser microscopic image of diamond abrasive grain using wavelet transforms 239 (2004) 67 Kovacs, A.P., see Horvath, Z.L. 239 (2004) 243 Kulibekov, A.M., K. Allakhverdiev, D.A. Guseinova, E.Yu. Salaev and O. Baran, Optical absorption in GaSe under high-density ultrashort laser pulses 239 (2004) Kung, G.C., see Yu, J. 239 (2004) Kurdi, G., see Horvath, Z.L. 239 (2004) 2 Lakhtakia, A., see Hodgkinson, I.J. 239 (2004) ° Lamouche, G., M.L. Dufour, B. Gauthier and J.-P. Monchalin, Gouy phase anomaly in optical coherence tomography 239 (2004) 297 Lang, R., see Matsuda, I. 239 (2004) 181 Lee, W.M., X.-C. Yuan and K. Dholakia, Experimental observation of optical vortex evolution in a Gaussian beam with an embedded fractional phase step 239 (2004) 129 Lei, M. and B. Yao, Characteristics of beam profile of Gaussian beam passing through an axicon 239 (2004) 367 Lelarge, F., see Mahnkopf, S. 239 (2004) 187 Lezec, H.J., see Degiron, A. 239 (2004) 61 470 Author index to volume 239 Li, S., N.Q. Ngo, S.C. Tjin and L.N. Binh, Tunable and switchable optical bandpass filters using a single linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating 239 (2004) 339 Li, Z.G., see Xiong, Z. 239 (2004) 137 Lim, G.C., see Xiong, Z. 239 (2004) 137 Lin, Q., see Cai, Y. 239 (2004) 33 Liu, Q., L.Z. Cai and M.Z. He, Digital correction of wave-front errors caused by detector nonlinearity of second order in phase-shifting interferometry 239 (2004) 223 Liu, C.-p., S.-q. Gong, X.-j. Fan and Z.-z. Xu, Phase control of spontaneously generated coherence induced bistability 239 (2004) 383 Liu, D.M., see Xiong, Z. 239 (2004) 137 Lo, Y.-L., see Cheng, H.-C. 239 (2004) 323 Lobanov, S.A. and V.G. Bespalov, Spatial coherence of transient stimulated Raman scattering 239 (2004) 7 Lorduy, H., see Salazar, A. 239 (2004) 287 Marz, R., see Mahnkopf, S. 239 (2004) 187 Machavariani, G., N. Davidson, A.A. Ishaaya and A.A. Friesem, Improving the stability of longitudinal and transverse laser modes 239 (2004) 147 Mahnkopf, S., M. Kamp, A. Forchel, F. Lelarge, G.-H. Duan and R. Marz, Mode anti-crossing and carrier transport effects in tunable photonic crystal coupled- cavity lasers 239 (2004) 187 Maksymoyv, I.S., L.F. Marsal and J. Pallarés, Finite-difference time-domain analysis of band structures in one-dimensional Kerr-nonlinear photonic crystals 239 (2004) 213 Malyukin, Yu.V., A.A. Masalov and P.N. Zhmurin, New fluorescence dynamics of a single Y>SiO;:Pr** nanocrystal 239 (2004) 409 Marsal, L.F., see Maksymov, LS. 239 (2004) 213 Martinez-Niconoff, G., E. Mendez, P.M. Vara and A. Carbajal-Dominguez, Adiabatic features of optical fields 239 (2004) 259 Martynkien, T., see Szpulak, M. 239 (2004) 91 Masajada, J., Small-angle rotations measurement using optical vortex interferometer 239 (2004) 373 Masalov, A.A., see Malyukin, Yu.V. 239 (2004) 409 Matsuda, I., K. Misawa and R. Lang, Femtosecond chirp-variable apparatus using a chirped mirror pair for quantum coherent control 239 (20041)8 1 McCall, M.W., see Hodgkinson, I.J. 239 (20043)5 3 Méndez, E., see Martinez-Niconoff, G. 239 (20042)5 9 Miles, R.B., see Shneider, M.N. 239 (20042)0 5 Misawa, K., see Matsuda, I. 239 (2004) 181 Monchalin, J.-P., see Lamouche, G. 239 (20042)9 7 Moore, N., see Xiong, Z. 239 (20041)3 7 Muhammad, H., see Yu, J. 239 (2004) 99 Ngo, N.Q., see Li, S. 239 (2004) 339 Ohba, R., see Kakuma, S. 239 (2004) 445 Olszewski, J., see Szpulak, M. 239 (2004) 91 Ou, P., P. Yan, M. Gong, W. Wei and Y. Yuan, Studies of pump light leakage out of couplers for multi-coupler side-pumped Yb-doped double-clad fiber lasers 239 (2004) 421 Ozturk, O.F., see Yakuphanoglu, F. 239 (2004) 275 Author index to volume 239 471 Pallares, J., see Maksymov, LS. 239 (2004) 213 Pan, X., see Shneider, M.N. 239 (2004) 205 Peifu, G., see Weidong, S. 239 (2004) 153 Pérez, F., see Salazar, A. 239 (2004) 287 Ponzini, F., see Scaffardi, M. 239 (2004) 199 Poti, L., see Scaffardi, M. 239 (2004) 199 Qamar, S., M. Ahmad and M.S. Zubairy, Measuring the multimode entangled state of the field using amplification in a driven three-level atomic system 239 (2004) 389 Qian, G., see Yang, Y. 239 (2004) 415 Qian, L., see Wang, T. 239 (2004) 397 Quan, C., see Tay, C.J. 239 (2004) 251 Ribeiro, P.H.S., see Caetano, D.P. 239 (2004) 121 Rogister, F. and M. Blondel, Dynamics of two mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers 239 (2004) Sailing, H., see Yueyu, X. 239 (2004) Saito, N., see Koshino, K. 239 (2004) Salaev, E.Yu., see Kulibekov, A.M. 239 (2004) 193 Salazar, A., R. Goez, D. Sierra, J. Garzon, F. Pérez and H. Lorduy, Optical wavelet correlator by four-wave mixing via reflection holograms in a BSO crystal 239 (20042)8 7 Saldin, E.L., E.A. Schneidmiller and M.V. Yurkov, A new technique to generate 100 GW-level attosecond X-ray pulses from the X-ray SASE FELs 239 (2004) 161 Santos, G., M. Cywiak and B. Barrientos, Interferometry with coherent Gaussian illumination for roughness and shape measurement 239 (20042)6 5 Scaffardi, M., A. Bogoni, F. Ponzini and L. Poti, Effectiveness of a new interferometric scheme for pulse compression in ultra-fast optical systems 239 (20041)9 9 Schneidmiller, E.A., see Saldin, E.L. 239 (20041)6 1 Sekerci, M., see Yakuphanoglu, F. 239 (20042)7 5 Shao, L., see Zhang, X. 239 (2004) 79 Shen, S., see Huang, L. 239 (20044)0 3 Sheng, Z.-M., see Zhang, Q.-J. 239 (2004) 437 Shneider, M.N., P.F. Barker, X. Pan and R.B. Miles, Coherent Rayleigh scattering in the high intensity regime 239 (2004) 205 Shohata, T.-a., see Ikeda, M. 239 (2004) 103 Sierra, D., see Salazar, A. 239 (20042)8 7 Souza, S., A.T. Avelar, N.G. De Almeida and B. Baseia, Polynomial state of the electromagnetic field: generation and statistical properties 239 (2004) 359 Su, D., see Yang, Y. 239 (2004) 415 Suhail Zubairy, M., see Qamar, S. 239 (2004) 389 Sun, G., Impact of reflecting residual first-order pump power on discrete higher order pumped Raman amplifier 239 (2004) 455 Suzuki, S., see Koshino, K. 239 (2004) 67 Szpulak, M., J. Olszewski, T. Martynkien, W. Urbanezyk and J. Wojcik, Polarizing photonic crystal fibers with wide operation range 239 (2004) 91 472 Author index to volume 239 Tanaka, K., see Ikeda, M. 239 (2004) 103 Tanaka, M., see Ikeda, M. 239 (2004) 103 Tanguy, Y., see Carroll, O. 239 (2004) 429 Tay, C.J., C. Quan, F.J. Yang and X.Y. He, A new method for phase extraction from a single fringe pattern 239 (2004) 251 Tjin, S.C., see Li, S. 239 (2004) 339 Toschek, P.E., see Wallentowitz, S. 239 (2004) 109 Urbanezyk, W., see Szpulak, M. 239 (2004) 91 Vara, P.M., see Martinez-Niconoff, G. 239 (2004) 259 Visser, T.D., see Gbur, G. 239 (2004) 15 Vogel, W., see Wallentowitz, S. 239 (2004) 109 Wallentowitz, S., W. Vogel and P.E. Toschek, Robust “trapping states” in the motion of a trapped ion 239 (2004) 109 Wang, M., see Yang, Y. 239 (2004) 415 Wang, T., H. Zhu, L. Qian, G. Xu and D. Fan, Tunable femtosecond optical parametric amplifier with weak CW seeding 239 (2004) 397 Wei, W., see Ou, P. 239 (2004) 421 Weidong, S., L. Xiangdong, H. Biqin, Z. Yong, L. Xu and G. Peifu, Analysis on the tunable optical properties of MOEMS filter based on Fabry—Perot Cavity 239 (2004) 153 Wilkinson, J.S., see Grujic, K. 239 (2004) 227 Wojcik, J., see Szpulak, M. 239 (2004) 91 Wolf, E., see Gbur, G. 239 (2004) 15 Wu, Q.h., see Hodgkinson, I.J. 239 (2004) 353 Xiangdong, L., see Weidong, S. 239 (2004) 153 Xiong, Z., N. Moore, Z.G. Li, G.C. Lim, D.M. Liu and D.X. Huang, Experimental optimization of high power Raman fiber lasers at 1495 nm using phosphosilicate fibers 239 (2004) 137 Xu, L., see Weidong, S. 239 (2004) 153 Xu, Z.-z., see Liu, C.-p. 239 (2004) 383 Xu, G., see Wang, T. 239 (2004) 397 Xu, W., see Gao, X. 239 (2004) 55 Yakuphanoglu, F., M. Sekerci and O.F. Ozturk, The determination of the optical constants of Cu(II) compound having 1-chloro-2,3-0-cyclohexylidinepropane thin film 239 (20042)7 5 Yamamoto, N., see Degiron, A. 239 (2004) 61 Yan, Y., see Feng, D. 239 (20043)4 5 Yan, P., see Ou, P. 239 (20044)2 1 Yang, C., see Gao, S. 239 (20043)3 3 Yang, F.J., see Tay, C.J. 239 (20042)5 1 Yang, Y., G. Qian, D. Su and M. Wang, Photostability of pyrromethene 567 doped in ORMOSILs with various additives 239 (2004) 415 Yao, B., see Lei, M. 239 (2004) 367 Yong, Z., see Weidong, S. 239 (2004) 153 Author index to volume 239 Yu, J.. G.-C. Kung, H. Muhammad and J. Barry, 10 Gbit/s repeaterless transmission over 265 km SMF-28: using a modified duo-binary RZ signal generated by one dual- drive LiNbO; modulator 239 (2004) 99 Yu, Z., see Zhang, X. 239 (2004) 79 Yuan, X.-C., see Lee, W.M. 239 (2004) 129 Yuan, Y., see Ou, P. 239 (2004) 421 Yueyu, X. and H. Sailing, A new design approach to MMI-based (de)multiplexers 239 (2004) 85 Yurkov, M.V., see Saldin, E.L. 239 (2004) 161 Zhang, Q.-J., Z.-M. Sheng and J. Zhang, Supercontinuum generation from intense laser—plasma interactions 239 (2004) 437 Zhang, J., see Zhang, Q.-J. 239 (2004) 437 Zhang, X., L. Shao, Z. Yu, D. Cheng, R. Jin and S. He, Automatic real-time control for gain-flattened fiber Raman amplifiers 239 (2004) 79 Zhmurin, P.N., see Malyukin, Yu.V. 239 (2004) 409 Zhu, H., see Wang, T. 239 (2004) 397 Zubairy, M.S., see Qamar, S. 239 (2004) 389 Zuo, H., see Koshino, K. 239 (2004) 67 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com iy science @oinecrs OPTICS i COMMUNICATIONS eh tt ELSEVIER Optics Communications 239 (2004) 475-478 www.elsevier.com/locate/optcom Subject index to volume 239 Propagation and scattering E.S. Ferdinandov and K.L. Dimitrov, Influence of the atmospheric turbulence over the images of cosmic objects S.A. Lobanov and V.G. Bespalov, Spatial coherence of transient stimulated Raman scattering G. Gbur, T.D. Visser and E. Wolf, Complete destructive interference of partially coherent fields L. Gao and Y. Huang, Extinction properties of a coated sphere containing a left- handed material Y. Cai and Q. Lin, Partially coherent flat-topped multi-Gaussian—Schell-model beam and its propagation K. Grujic, O.G. Helleso, J.S. Wilkinson and J.P. Hole, Optical propulsion of microspheres along a channel waveguide produced by Cs” ion-exchange in glass H. Goto, Discrete-mode formalism for a field generated by parametric down conversion with an incoherent pump Z.L. Horvath, J. Klebniczki, G. Kurdi and A.P. Kovacs, Experimental investigation of the boundary wave pulse C.J. Tay, C. Quan, F.J. Yang and X.Y. He, A new method for phase extraction from a single fringe pattern G. Martinez-Niconoff, E. Méndez, P.M. Vara and A. Carbajal-Dominguez, Adiabatic features of optical fields G. Santos, M. Cywiak and B. Barrientos, Interferometry with coherent Gaussian illumination for roughness and shape measurement Optical information, image formation and analysis, optical computing H.T. Chang and C.T. Chen, Asymmetric-image verification for security optical systems based on joint transform correlator architecture X. Gao, Z. Fei, W. Xu and F. Gan, Focus splitting induced by a pure phase-shifting apodizer doi: 10.1016/S0030-40 18(04)00820-X 476 Subject index to volume 239 A. Degiron, H.J. Lezec, N. Yamamoto and T.W. Ebbesen, Optical transmission properties of a single subwavelength aperture in a real metal K. Koshino, H. Zuo, N. Saito and S. Suzuki, Improved spike noise removal in the scanning laser microscopic image of diamond abrasive grain using wavelet transforms F. Yakuphanoglu, M. Sekerci and O.F. Ozturk, The determination of the optical constants of Cu(II) compound having 1-chloro-2,3-0-cyclohexylidinepropane thin film A.T. Avelar and B. Baseia, Controlled hole burning in the Fock space via Raman interaction A. Salazar, R. Goez, D. Sierra, J. Garzon, F. Pérez and H. Lorduy, Optical wavelet correlator by four-wave mixing via reflection holograms in a BSO crystal G. Lamouche, M.L. Dufour, B. Gauthier and J.-P. Monchalin, Gouy phase anomaly in optical coherence tomography R.A. Guerrero, Power law response of volume holographic pattern recognition to partial images Optical communications X. Zhang, L. Shao, Z. Yu, D. Cheng, R. Jin and S. He, Automatic real-time control for gain-flattened fiber Raman amplifiers Xiao Yueyu and He Sailing, A new design approach to MMI-based (de)multiplexers M. Szpulak, J. Olszewski, T. Martynkien, W. Urbanczyk and J. Wojcik, Polarizing photonic crystal fibers with wide operation range J. Yu, G.C. Kung, H. Muhammad and J. Barry, 10 Gbit/s repeaterless transmission over 265 km SMF-28: using a modified duo-binary RZ signal generated by one dual- drive LiNbO;3; modulator M. Ikeda, K. Tanaka, M. Kittaka, M. Tanaka and T.-a. Shohata, Rotational manipulation of a symmetrical plastic micro-object using fiber optic trapping O.V. Ivanov, Coupling of hybrid modes in strained and heated fibers H.-C. Cheng and Y.-L. Lo, Arbitrary strain distribution measurement using a genetic algorithm approach and two fiber Bragg grating intensity spectra . Gao, C. Yang and G. Jin, Conventional-band and long-wavelength-band efficient wavelength conversion by difference-frequency generation in sinusoidally chirped optical superlattice waveguides . Li, N.Q. Ngo, S.C. Tjin and L.N. Binh, Tunable and switchable optical bandpass filters using a single linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating Atomic and molecular physics D. Feng, Y. Yan, G. Jin and S. Fan, Beam focusing characteristics of diffractive lenses with binary subwavelength structures

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