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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science (oinecrs OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS ELSEVIER Optics Communications 215 (2003) 419-424 www.elsevier.com/locate/optcom Author index to volume 215 Abd Rahman, F., K. Takahashi and C. Hean Teik, Theoretical analysis of coupling between laser diodes and conically lensed single-mode fibres utilising ABCD matrix 215 (2003) 61 method Abdulhalim, I., Reflective polarization conversion Fabry—Pérot resonator using omnidirectional mirror of periodic anisotropic stack 215 (2003) 225 Abou-Ali, Y., G.J. Tallents, M. Edwards, R.E. King, G.J. Pert, S.J. Pestehe, F. Strati, R. Keenan, C.L.S. Lewis, S. Topping, O. Guilbaud, A. Klisnick, D. Ros, R. Clarke, D. Neely, M. Notley and A. Demir, Measurement of the duration of X-ray lasing 215 (20033)9 7 pumped by an optical laser pulse of picosecond duration 215 (2003) 69 Acioli, L.H., see Felinto, D. Alcock, A.J., P. Scorah and K. Hnatovsky, Broadly tunable continuous-wave diode- pumped Cr**:YAG laser 215 (2003) 153 Alfano, R.R., see Yu, B.L. 215 (2003) 407 Allaart, K., see Visser, P.M. 215 (2003) 361 Allaria, E., S. Brugioni, S. De Nicola, P. Ferraro, S. Grilli and R. Meucci, Digital holography at 10.6 m 215 (2003) 257 Arizaga, R. and R. Torroba, Validation through a binary key code and a polarization 215 (2003) 31 sensitive digital technique 215 (20031)8 5 Bader, M.M., see Sun, W. 215 (20031)1 3 Baev, V.M., see Stark, A. 215 (20033)0 3 Bao, X., see Lu, P. 215 (20031)9 1 Belardi, W., see Tartara, L. 215 (20032)6 3 Beléndez, A., see Gallego, S. 215 (20031)6 9 Blow, K.J., see Wong, W.M. 215 (20034)0 7 Borrelli, N., see Yu, B.L. 215 (2003) 69 Bosco, C.A.C., see Felinto, D. 215 (20032)5 7 Brugioni, S., see Allaria, E. 215 (20033)8 9 Brunel, M., see Ortac, B. 215 (20034)0 7 Bykov, A.B., see Yu, B.L. Cai, Y. and Q. Lin, Focusing properties of partially coherent twisted anisotropic 215 (20032)3 9 Gaussian—Schell model beams 215 (20032)7 1 Cai, L., see Yu, L. 215 (20033)3 3 Caimi, G., see Haertle, D. 215 (20033)2 3 Capitanio, M., see Romano, G. 215 (20031)9 1 Carbone, F., see Tartara, L. PII: S0030-4018(02)02314-3 420 Author index to volume 215 Carmon, Y. and E.N. Ribak, Phase retrieval by demodulation of a Hartmann—Shack 215 (2003) 285 sensor 215 (2003) 185 Carvalho, T., see Sun, W. Chan, C.C., C.Z. Shi, JM. Gong, W. Jin and M.S. Demokan, Enhancement of the measurement range of FBG sensors in a WDM network using a minimum variance shift technique coupled with amplitude-wavelength dual coding 215 (2003) 289 Chang, C.-Y., see Chen, C.-C. 215 (2003) 75 Chang, J.-Y., see Chen, C.-C. 215 (2003) 75 Chartier, T., see Ortac, B. 215 (2003) 389 Chen, C.-C., M.-H. Li, C.-Y. Chang, J.-K. Sheu, G.-C. Chi, W.-T. Cheng, J.-H. Yeh, J.-Y. Chang and T. Ito, GaN diffractive microlenses fabricated with gray-level mask 215 (2003) 75 Ceen, L., 80 LA, FP. 215 (20033)0 3 Chen, X., see Kun, X. 215 (20033)0 9 Cheng, W.-T., see Chen, C.-C. 215 (2003) 75 Chi, G.-C., see Chen, C.-C. 215 (2003) 75 Chowdhury, S.R., see Singh, R.P. 215 (20032)3 1 Clarke, R., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (20033)9 7 Correia, L., see Stark, A. 215 (20031)1 3 Cristiani, I., see Tartara, L. 215 (20031)9 1 Dai, Y., see Kun, X. 215 (20033)0 9 de la Tocnaye, J-L.d.B., see Verbrugge, V. 215 (20033)5 3 De Nicola, S., see Allaria, E. 215 (20032)5 7 Degiorgio, V., see Tartara, L. 215 (20031)9 1 Demir, A., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (20033)9 7 Demokan, M.S., see Chan, C.C. 215 (20032)8 9 Dupont, L., see Verbrugge, V. 215 (20033)5 3 Edwards, M., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (2003) 397 Faccio, D., see Tartara, L. 215 (2003) 191 Felinto, D., C.A.C. Bosco, L.H. Acioli and S.S. Vianna, Coherent accumulation in two- level atoms excited by a train of ultrashort pulses 215 (2003) 69 Ferraro, P., see Allaria, E. 215 (2003) 257 Gallego, S., M. Ortufio, C. Neipp, C. Garcia, A. Belendez and I. Pascual, Overmodulation effects in volume holograms recorded on photopolymers 215 (20032)6 1 Gao, J.-Y., see Xu, W.-H. 215 (20033)4 5 Gao, F., see Zeng, Y. 215 (2003) 53 Garcia, C., see Gallego, S. 215 (20032)6 3 Gong, J.M., see Chan, C.C. 215 (20032)8 9 Grabar, A.A., see Haertle, D. 215 (20033)3 3 Grilli, S., see Allaria, E. 215 (20032)5 7 Guilbaud, O., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (20033)9 7 Giinter, P., see Haertle, D. 215 (20033)3 3 Guo, Y., see Zeng, Y. 215 (2003) 53 Author index to volume 215 Haertle, D., G. Caimi, A. Haldi, G. Montemezzani, P. Giinter, A.A. Grabar, I.M. 215 (20033)3 3 Stoika and Yu.M. Vysochanskii, Electro-optical properties of Sn2P2S¢ 215 (20032)5 1 Hai, M., see Yonghua, L. 215 (20033)3 3 Haldi, A., see Haertle, D. 215 (2003) 61 Hean Teik, C., see Abd Rahman, F. 215 (20032)4 7 Helseth, L.E., Electromagnetic focusing through a tilted dielectric surface 215 (20033)8 9 Hideur, A., see Ortac, B. Hirai, A. and H. Matsumoto, Remote calibration of end standards using a low- 215 (2003) 25 coherence tandem interferometer with an optical fiber 215 (20031)5 3 Hnatovsky, K., see Alcock, A.J. 215 (20034)0 7 Ho, P.P., see Yu, B.L. Ito, T., see Chen, C.-C. 215 (2003) 75 215 (20033)0 9 Jia, F., see Kun, X. 215 (20032)5 1 Jianping, X., see Yonghua, L. 215 (20032)8 9 Jin, W., see Chan, C.C. 215 (20033)0 9 Jin, M., see Kun, X. 215 (20031)6 3 Kato, S., see Takahashi, E. 215 (20033)9 7 Keenan, R., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (2003) 93 Keski-Kuha, R.A.M., see Larruquert, J.I. 215 (20031)0 1 Khoury, A.Z., see Olsen, M.K. 215 (20033)9 7 King, R.E., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (20033)8 1 King, T.A., see Tsang, Y.H. 215 (20033)9 7 Klisnick, A., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (20031)2 5 Krauskopf, B., see Wieczorek, S. Krauskopf, B., K. Schneider, J. Sieber, S. Wieczorek and M. Wolfrum, Excitability and self-pulsations near homoclinic bifurcations in semiconductor laser systems 215 (2003) 367 Kretschmann, M., T.A. Leskova and A.A. Maradudin, Conical propagation of a surface polariton across a grating 215 (2003) 205 Kun, X., Y. Dai, M. Jin, F. Jia, X. Chen, X. Li and S. Xie, A novel method of automatic polarization measurement and its application to the higher-order PMD measurement 215 (2003) 309 Kuwahara, K., see Takahashi, E. 215 (2003) 163 Kwan, Y.H.C., see Nakkeeran, K. 215 (2003) 315 215 (2003) 79 Lakhtakia, A., see Wang, F. 215 (2003) 37 Lane, R.G., see Leung, W.-Y.V. Larruquert, J.I. and R.A.M. Keski-Kuha, Far ultraviolet optical properties of MgF, films deposited by ion-beam sputtering and their application as protective coatings for Al 215 (2003) 93 Larsen, C., see Stark, A. 215 (2003) 113 Lenstra, D., see Visser, P.M. 215 (2003) 361 Lenstra, D., see Wieczorek, S. 215 (2003) 125 Leskova, T.A., see Kretschmann, M. 215 (2003) 205 Leung, W.-Y.V. and R.G. Lane, Post-processing of partially compensated imagery by recursive inverse filtering 215 (2003) 37 422 Author index to volume 215 215 (2003) 397 Lewis, C.L.S., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (2003) 159 Li, D., see Li, P. 215 (2003) 75 Li, M.-H., see Chen, C.-C. Li, P., D. Li, Z. Zhang and S. Zhang, Diode-pumped high-power cw blue laser at 473 nm with a compact three-element cavity 215 (2003) 159 Li, X., see Kun, X. 215 (2003) 309 Li, Y.-m., Y.-r. Wu, K.-s. Zhang and K.-c. Peng, Influence of random deviation of domain length in quasi-phase-matched crystals on degenerate optical parametric amplification 215 (2003) 413 Liao, Y., see Zhao, Y. 215 (2003) 11 Lin, Q., see Cai, Y. 215 (2003) 239 Losev, L.L., see Takahashi, E. 215 (2003) 163 Lu, P., L. Chen, X. Bao and S.J. Mihailov, The use of importance sampling in the study of polarization mode dispersion with polarization dependent loss 215 (2003) 303 Maradudin, A.A., see Kretschmann, M. 215 (20032)0 5 Martel, G., see Ortac, B. 215 (20033)8 9 Matsumoto, Y., see Takahashi, E. 215 (20031)6 3 Matsumoto, H., see Hirai, A. 215 (24005) 25 Matsushima, I., see Takahashi, E. 215 (20031)6 3 Meucci, R., see Allaria, E. 215 (20032)5 7 Mihailov, S.J., see Lu, P. 215 (20033)0 3 Montemezzani, G., see Haertle, D. 215 (20033)3 3 Nakamura, H., see Takahashi, E. 215 (2003) 163 Nakkeeran, K., Y.H.C. Kwan and P.K.A. Wai, Method to find the stationary solution parameters of chirped fiber grating compensated dispersion-managed fiber systems 215 (2003) 315 Neely, D., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (2003) 397 Neipp, C., see Gallego, S. 215 (2003) 263 Notley, M., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (2003) 397 Okuda, I., see Takahashi, E. 215 (2003) 163 Olsen, M.K., L.I. Plimak and A.Z. Khoury, Quantum analysis of the nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier with injected signal 215 (2003) 101 Orlov, S., K. Regelskis, V. Smilgevicius and A. Stabinis, Free-space propagation of second harmonic beams carrying optical vortices 215 (2003) 1 Ortac, B., A. Hideur, T. Chartier, M. Brunel, G. Martel, M. Salhi and F. Sanchez, Influence of cavity losses on stimulated Brillouin scattering in a self-pulsing side- pumped ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber laser 215 (2003) 389 Ortuno, M., see Gallego, S. 215 (2003) 263 Owadano, Y., see Takahashi, E. 215 (2003) 163 Pascual, I., see Gallego, S. 215 (20032)6 3 Pavone, F.S., see Romano, G. 215 (20033)2 3 Peng, K.-c., see Li, Y.-m. 215 (20034)1 3 Pert, G.J., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (20033)9 7 Pestehe, S.J., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (20033)9 7 Pierce, M.C., see Tsang, Y.H. 215 (20033)8 1 Plimak, L.I., see Olsen, M.K. 215 (20031)0 1 423 Author index to volume 215 Qiu, T., see Yu, B.L. 215 (2003) 407 Regelskis, K., see Orlov, S. 215 (2003) 1 215 (20032)8 5 Ribak, E.N., see Carmon, Y. Romagnoli, M., see Tartara, L. 215 (20031)9 1 Romano, G., L. Sacconi, M. Capitanio and F.S. Pavone, Force and torque 215 (20033)2 3 measurements using magnetic micro beads for single molecule biophysics 215 (20033)9 7 Ros, D., see Abou-Ali, Y. Roychowdhury, H. and E. Wolf, Spectral invariance in fields generated by quasi- homogeneous scaling law sources 215 (2003) 199 215 (20033)2 3 Sacconi, L., see Romano, G. 215 (20031)1 3 Salewski, S., see Stark, A. 215 (20033)8 9 Salhi, M., see Ortac, B. 215 (20033)8 9 Sanchez, F.v., see Ortac, B. 215 (20033)6 7 Schneider, K., see Krauskopf, B. 215 (20031)5 3 Scorah, P., see Alcock, A.J. 215 (20032)9 5 Shapiro, D.A., Family of exact solutions for reflection spectrum of Bragg grating 215 (2003) 75 sneu, J.-K.., see Chen, C.-C. 215 (20032)8 9 oa, © .2., see Chan; CAC. 215 (20033)6 7 Sieber, J., see Krauskopf, B. Simpson, T.B., Mapping the nonlinear dynamics of a distributed feedback semicon- ductor laser subject to external optical injection 215 (2003) 135 Simpson, T.B., see Wieczorek, S. 215 (2003) 125 Singh, R.P. and S.R. Chowdhury, Trajectory of an optical vortex: canonical vs. non- 215 (20032)3 1 canonical 215 (2003) 1 Smilgevicius, V., see Orlov, S. 215 (2003) 1 Stabinis, A., see Orlov, S. Stark, A., L. Correia, M. Teichmann, S. Salewski, C. Larsen, V.M. Baev and P.E. 215 (20031)1 3 Toschek, Intracavity absorption spectroscopy with thulium-doped fibre laser 215 (20033)3 3 Stoika, I.M., see Haertle, D. 215 (20033)9 7 Strati, F., see Abou-Ali, Y. Sun, W., M.M. Bader and T. Carvalho, Third-order optical nonlinearities of o,@- dithienylpolyenes and oligo(thienylvinylene) 215 (2003) 185 Takahashi, K., see Abd Rahman, F. 215 (2003) 61 Takahashi, E., L.L. Losev, Y. Matsumoto, I. Okuda, I. Matsushima, S. Kato, H. Nakamura, K. Kuwahara and Y. Owadano, KrF laser picosecond pulse source by stimulated scattering processes 215 (2003) 163 Tallents, G.J., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (2003) 397 Tartara, L., I. Cristiani, V. Degiorgio, F. Carbone, D. Faccio, M. Romagnoli and W. Belardi, Phase-matched nonlinear interactions in a holey fiber induced by infrared super-continuum generation 215 (20031)9 1 Teichmann, M.., see Stark, A. 215 (20031)1 3 Thomas, T., see Tsang, Y.H. 215 (20033)8 1 Topping, S., see Abou-Ali, Y. 215 (20033)9 7 Torroba, R., see Arizaga, R. 215 (2003) 31 Toschek, P.E., see Stark, A. 215 (20031)1 3 424 Author index to volume 215 Tsang, Y.H., T.A. King, T. Thomas, C. Udell and M.C. Pierce, Efficient high power 215 (20033)8 1 Yb**-silica fibre laser cladding-pumped at 1064 nm 215 (20033)8 1 Udell, C., see Tsang, Y.H. Verbrugge, V., J-L.d.B. de la Tocnaye and L. Dupont, C-band wavelength-tunable 215 (20033)5 3 vertical-cavity laser using a nano polymer dispersed liquid crystal material 215 (2003) 69 Vianna, S.S., see Felinto, D. 215 (20033)6 1 Visser, P.M., K. Allaart and D. Lenstra, Bound modes in dielectric microcavities 215 (20033)3 3 Vysochanski, Yu.M., see Haertle, D. 215 (20033)1 5 Wai, P.K.A., see Nakkeeran, K. Wang, F. and A. Lakhtakia, Specular and nonspecular, thickness-dependent, spectral holes in a slanted chiral sculptured thin film with a central twist defect 215 (2003) 79 Wieczorek, S., see Krauskopf, B. 215 (2003) 367 Wieczorek, S., T.B. Simpson, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra, Bifurcation transitions in 215 (20031)2 5 an optically injected diode laser: theory and experiment 215 (20031)9 9 Wolf, E., see Roychowdhury, H. 215 (20033)6 7 Wolfrum, M., see Krauskopf, B. Wong, W.M. and K.J. Blow, Travelling-wave model of semiconductor optical amplifier 215 (20031)6 9 based non-linear loop mirror Wu, C.-m., Periodic nonlinearity resulting from ghost reflections in heterodyne 215 (2003) 17 interferometry 215 (20034)1 3 Wu, Y.-r., see Li, Y.-m. 215 (20033)4 5 Wu, J.-H., see Xu, W.-H. 215 (20033)0 9 Xie, S., see Kun, X. Xu, W.-H., J.-H. Wu and J.-Y. Gao, Transient response in a three-level V system with 215 (20033)4 5 spontaneously generated coherence 215 (2003) 75 Yeh, J.-H., see Chen, C.-C. Yonghua, L., X. Jianping and M. Hai, Binary pure-phase filter optimized the optical distribution of solid immersion lens 215 (2003) 251 Yu, L. and L. Cai, Multidimensional data encryption with digital holography 215 (2003) 271 Yu, B.L., A.B. Bykov, T. Qiu, P.P. Ho, R.R. Alfano and N. Borrelli, Femtosecond optical Kerr shutter using lead—bismuth—gallium oxide glass 215 (2003) 407 Zeng, Y., Y. Guo, F. Gao and J. Zhu, Principle and application of multiple fractional Fourier transform holography 215 (2003) 53 Zhang, K.-s., see Li, Y.-m. 215 (2003) 413 Zhang, Z., see Li, P. 215 (2003) 159 Zhang, S., see Li, P. 215 (2003) 159 Zhao, Y. and Y. Liao, Compensation technology for a novel reflex optical fiber temperature sensor used under offshore oil well Zhu, J., see Zeng, Y. Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science @oinecr> OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS ELSEVIER Optics Communications 215 (2003) 425-428 www.elsevier.com/locate/optcom Subject index to volume 215 Propagation and scattering S. Orlov, K. Regelskis, V. Smilgevicius and A. Stabinis, Free-space propagation of second harmonic beams carrying optical vortices Y. Zhao and Y. Liao, Compensation technology for a novel reflex optical fiber temperature sensor used under offshore oil well C.-m. Wu, Periodic nonlinearity resulting from ghost reflections in heterodyne interferometry A. Hirai and H. Matsumoto, Remote calibration of end standards using a low- coherence tandem interferometer with an optical fiber H. Roychowdhury and E. Wolf, Spectral invariance in fields generated by quasi- homogeneous scaling law sources M. Kretschmann, T.A. Leskova and A.A. Maradudin, Conical propagation of a surface polariton across a grating I. Abdulhalim, Reflective polarization conversion Fabry—Pérot resonator using omnidirectional mirror of periodic anisotropic stack R.P. Singh and S.R. Chowdhury, Trajectory of an optical vortex: canonical vs. non- canonical Y. Cai and Q. Lin, Focusing properties of partially coherent twisted anisotropic Gaussian—Schell model beams L.E. Helseth, Electromagnetic focusing through a tilted dielectric surface Optical information, image formation and analysis, optical computing R. Arizaga and R. Torroba, Validation through a binary key code and a polarization sensitive digital technique W.-Y.V. Leung and R.G. Lane, Post-processing of partially compensated imagery by recursive inverse filtering Y. Zeng, Y. Guo, F. Gao and J. Zhu, Principle and application of multiple fractional Fourier transform holography L. Yonghua, X. Jianping and M. Hai, Binary pure-phase filter optimized the optical distribution of solid immersion lens E. Allaria, S. Brugioni, S. De Nicola, P. Ferraro, S. Grilli and R. Meucci, Digital holography at 10.6 um PII: S0030-4018(02)02315-5 426 Subject index to volume 215 S. Gallego, M. Ortufo, C. Neipp, C. Garcia, A. Belendez and I. Pascual, Overmodulation effects in volume holograms recorded on photopolymers L. Yu and L. Cai, Multidimensional data encryption with digital holography Y. Carmon and E.N. Ribak, Phase retrieval by demodulation of a Hartmann—Shack sensor Optical communications F. Abd Rahman, K. Takahashi and C. Hean Teik, Theoretical analysis of coupling between laser diodes and conically lensed single-mode fibres utilising ABCD matrix method C.C. Chan, C.Z. Shi, J.M. Gong, W. Jin and M.S. Demokan, Enhancement of the measurement range of FBG sensors in a WDM network using a minimum variance shift technique coupled with amplitude-wavelength dual coding D.A. Shapiro, Family of exact solutions for reflection spectrum of Bragg grating P. Lu, L. Chen, X. Bao and S.J. Mihailov, The use of importance sampling in the study of polarization mode dispersion with polarization dependent loss X. Kun, Y. Dai, M. Jin, F. Jia, X. Chen, X. Li and S. Xie, A novel method of automatic polarization measurement and its application to the higher-order PMD measurement K. Nakkeeran, Y.H.C. Kwan and P.K.A. Wai, Method to find the stationary solution parameters of chirped fiber grating compensated dispersion-managed fiber systems Atomic and molecular physics D. Felinto, C.A.C. Bosco, L.H. Acioli and S.S. Vianna, Coherent accumulation in two- level atoms excited by a train of ultrashort pulses G. Romano, L. Sacconi, M. Capitanio and F.S. Pavone, Force and torque measurements using magnetic micro beads for single molecule biophysics Condensed matter C.-C. Chen, M.-H. Li, C.-Y. Chang, J.-K. Sheu, G.-C. Chi, W.-T. Cheng, J.-H. Yeh, J.-Y. Chang and T. Ito, GaN diffractive microlenses fabricated with gray-level mask F. Wang and A. Lakhtakia, Specular and nonspecular, thickness-dependent, spectral holes in a slanted chiral sculptured thin film with a central twist defect J.{. Larruquert and R.A.M. Keski-Kuha, Far ultraviolet optical properties of MgF; films deposited by ion-beam sputtering and their application as protective coatings for Al D. Haertle, G. Caimi, A. Haldi, G. Montemezzani, P. Ginter, A.A. Grabar, I.M. Stoika and Yu.M. Vysochansku, Electro-optical properties of Sn2P2S, Subject index to volume 215 Quantum optics M.K. Olsen, L.I. Plimak and A.Z. Khoury, Quantum analysis of the nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier with injected signal W.-H. Xu, J.-H. Wu and J.-Y. Gao, Transient response in a three-level V system with spontaneously generated coherence Laser physics and laser sources A. Stark, L. Correia, M. Teichmann, S. Salewski, C. Larsen, V.M. Baev and P.E. Toschek, Intracavity absorption spectroscopy with thulium-doped fibre laser S. Wieczorek, T.B. Simpson, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra, Bifurcation transitions in an optically injected diode laser: theory and experiment T.B. Simpson, Mapping the nonlinear dynamics of a distributed feedback semiconductor laser subject to external optical injection A.J. Alcock, P. Scorah and K. Hnatovsky, Broadly tunable continuous-wave diode- pumped Cr**:YAG laser P. Li, D. Li, Z. Zhang and S. Zhang, Diode-pumped high-power cw blue laser at 473 nm with a compact three-element cavity E. Takahashi, L.L. Losev, Y. Matsumoto, I. Okuda, I. Matsushima, S. Kato, H. Nakamura, K. Kuwahara and Y. Owadano, KrF laser picosecond pulse source by stimulated scattering processes V. Verbrugge, J-L.d.B. de la Tocnaye and L. Dupont, C-band wavelength-tunable vertical-cavity laser using a nano polymer dispersed liquid crystal material P.M. Visser, K. Allaart and D. Lenstra, Bound modes in dielectric microcavities B. Krauskopf, K. Schneider, J. Sieber, S. Wieczorek and M. Wolfrum, Excitability and self-pulsations near homoclinic bifurcations in semiconductor laser systems Y.H. Tsang, T.A. King, T. Thomas, C. Udell and M.C. Pierce, Efficient high power Yb*' -silica fibre laser cladding-pumped at 1064 nm B. Ortac, A. Hideur, T. Chartier, M. Brunel, G. Martel, M. Salhi and F. Sanchez, Influence of cavity losses on stimulated Brillouin scattering in a self-pulsing side- pumped ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber laser Y. Abou-Ali, G.J. Tallents, M. Edwards, R.E. King, G.J. Pert, S.J. Pestehe, F. Strati, R. Keenan, C.L.S. Lewis, S. Topping, O. Guilbaud, A. Klisnick, D. Ros, R. Clarke, D. Neely, M. Notley and A. Demir, Measurement of the duration of X-ray lasing pumped by an optical laser pulse of picosecond duration Nonlinear optics W.M. Wong and K.J. Blow, Travelling-wave model of semiconductor optical amplifier based non-linear loop mirror 428 Subject index to volume 215 W. Sun, M.M. Bader and T. Carvalho, Third-order optical nonlinearities of «,«- dithienylpolyenes and oligo(thienylvinylene) L. Tartara, I. Cristiani, V. Degiorgio, F. Carbone, D. Faccio, M. Romagnoli and W. Belardi, Phase-matched nonlinear interactions in a holey fiber induced by infrared super-continuum generation B.L. Yu, A.B. Bykov, T. Qiu, P.P. Ho, R.R. Alfano and N. Borrelli, Femtosecond optical Kerr shutter using lead—bismuth—gallium oxide glass Y.-m. Li, Y.-r. Wu, K.-s. Zhang and K.-c. Peng, Influence of random deviation of domain length in quasi-phase-matched crystals on degenerate optical parametric amplification

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