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1 May 1994 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS ELSEVIER Optics Communications 107 (1994) 532-539 Author index to volume 107 Alipieva, E.A., N.G. Lukomskiy and V.A. Polischuk, Level population resonance in the Hanle signals under laser excitation 107 (19942)2 3 107 (19943)3 1 Ambrosini, D., see F. Gori Aminoff, C.G., see K. Nyholm 107 (19944)0 6 Ammann, H., see J. Schiitz 107 (19942)8 7 Asakura, T., see A. Dogariu 107 (1994) 1 Asakura, T., see Y. Harada 107 (19941)6 1 Atutov, S.N., E. Mariotti, M. Meucci, P. Bicchi, C. Marinelli and L. Moi, A 670 nm exter- nal-cavity single mode diode laser continuously tunable over 18 GHz range 107 (1994) 83 Atutov, S.N., P.V. Kolinko and A.M. Shalagin, Light induced drift of atomic lithium vapor without adsorption on the walls of the cell 107 (19942)1 8 Bagini, V., see F. Gori 107 (1994) 331 Banerjee, P.P., see K. Ratnam 107 (1994) 522 Banks, P.S., see R.A. Haas 107 (1994) 265 Bicchi, P., see S.N. Atutov 107 (1994) 83 Bobin, J.L., Compton scattering, interferences and the diagnostic of small relativistic elec- tron bunches (Optics Comm. 105 (1994) 178). Erratum 107 (1994) 531 Borel, C., see C. La 107 (1994) 61 Botha, L.R., see E.G. Rohwer 107 (1994) 383 Bourillot, E., see G. Chabrier 107 (1994) 347 Buchvarov, I., G. Christov and S. Saltiel, Transient behaviour of frequency doubling mode- locker. Numerical analysis 107 (1994) 281 Cefalas, A.C., see E. Sarantopoulou 107 (1994) 104 Celikov, A., F. Riehle, V.L. Velichansky and J. Helmcke, Diode laser spectroscopy in a Ca atomic beam 107 (1994) 54 Chabrier, G., F. De Fornel, E. Bourillot, L. Salomon and J.P. Goudonnet, A dark field pho- ton scanning tunneling microscope under incoherent light illumination 107 (1994) 347 Chakrabarti, S. and J. Chakravorty, Theoretical study for the optimum intensity and dif- fraction efficiency response for echelle reflection grating in the microwave region 107 (19941)8 4 Chakravorty, J., see S. Chakrabarti 107 (19941)8 4 Chang, Z., see I.P. Mercer 107 (1994) 77 Chen, C., see S. Zhang 107 (1994) il Chen, T.W., Diffraction by a spherical dielectric at large size parameter 107 (19941)8 9 Cheng, W.-Y., see T. Lin 107 (19943)8 9 1 May 1994 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS ELSEVIER Optics Communications 107 (1994) 532-539 Author index to volume 107 Alipieva, E.A., N.G. Lukomskiy and V.A. Polischuk, Level population resonance in the Hanle signals under laser excitation 107 (19942)2 3 107 (19943)3 1 Ambrosini, D., see F. Gori Aminoff, C.G., see K. Nyholm 107 (19944)0 6 Ammann, H., see J. Schiitz 107 (19942)8 7 Asakura, T., see A. Dogariu 107 (1994) 1 Asakura, T., see Y. Harada 107 (19941)6 1 Atutov, S.N., E. Mariotti, M. Meucci, P. Bicchi, C. Marinelli and L. Moi, A 670 nm exter- nal-cavity single mode diode laser continuously tunable over 18 GHz range 107 (1994) 83 Atutov, S.N., P.V. Kolinko and A.M. Shalagin, Light induced drift of atomic lithium vapor without adsorption on the walls of the cell 107 (19942)1 8 Bagini, V., see F. Gori 107 (1994) 331 Banerjee, P.P., see K. Ratnam 107 (1994) 522 Banks, P.S., see R.A. Haas 107 (1994) 265 Bicchi, P., see S.N. Atutov 107 (1994) 83 Bobin, J.L., Compton scattering, interferences and the diagnostic of small relativistic elec- tron bunches (Optics Comm. 105 (1994) 178). Erratum 107 (1994) 531 Borel, C., see C. La 107 (1994) 61 Botha, L.R., see E.G. Rohwer 107 (1994) 383 Bourillot, E., see G. Chabrier 107 (1994) 347 Buchvarov, I., G. Christov and S. Saltiel, Transient behaviour of frequency doubling mode- locker. Numerical analysis 107 (1994) 281 Cefalas, A.C., see E. Sarantopoulou 107 (1994) 104 Celikov, A., F. Riehle, V.L. Velichansky and J. Helmcke, Diode laser spectroscopy in a Ca atomic beam 107 (1994) 54 Chabrier, G., F. De Fornel, E. Bourillot, L. Salomon and J.P. Goudonnet, A dark field pho- ton scanning tunneling microscope under incoherent light illumination 107 (1994) 347 Chakrabarti, S. and J. Chakravorty, Theoretical study for the optimum intensity and dif- fraction efficiency response for echelle reflection grating in the microwave region 107 (19941)8 4 Chakravorty, J., see S. Chakrabarti 107 (19941)8 4 Chang, Z., see I.P. Mercer 107 (1994) 77 Chen, C., see S. Zhang 107 (1994) il Chen, T.W., Diffraction by a spherical dielectric at large size parameter 107 (19941)8 9 Cheng, W.-Y., see T. Lin 107 (19943)8 9 Author index to volume 107 Choi, B.I., M.S. Jo and C.H. Nam, A frequency-upshifting Brillouin enhanced four-wave mixing scheme using an iodine laser as a pump source 107 (1994) 425 Christ, M., A. Scholz, M. Schiffer, R. Deutschmann and W. Ertmer, Diffraction and reflec- tion of a slow metastable neon beam by an evanescent light grating 107 (1994) 211 Christov, G., see I. Buchvarov 107 (1994) 281 Chumakov, S.M. and J.J. Sanchez-Mondragon, Atomic coherence versus field incoherence: interaction of many atoms with a thermal quantized cavity field 107 (1994) 231 Crofts, G.J., R.P.M. Green and M.J. Damzen, Analysis of geometries for efficient orthog- onal-pump four-wave mixing in inverted Nd: YAG 107 (1994) 445 Cryan, R.A., see A.J. Phillips 107 (1994) 255 Cui, B., see L. Liu 107 (1994) 453 107 (19944)4 5 Damzen, M.J., see G.J. Crofts 107 (1994) 77 Danson, C.N., see I.P. Mercer De Fornel, F., see G. Chabrier 107 (19943)4 7 De Labachelerie, M., see K. Nakagawa 107 (19943)6 9 107 (19942)1 1 Deutschmann, R., see M. Christ Dogariu, A., J. Uozumi and T. Asakura, Wavelet transform analysis of slightly rough surfaces 107 (1994) 1 107 (19941)0 4 Dubinskii, M.A., see E. Sarantopoulou Ebskamp, F., see X. Zhang 107 (1994) 358 Edwards, C.B., see I.P. Mercer 107 (1994) 77 Erni, D., see H. Schwoerer 107 (1994) 123 Ertmer, W., see M. Christ 107 (19942)1 1 Fabre, C. and R.J. Horowicz, Self-stabilization of twin beams by a passive Kerr medium 107 (19944)2 0 107 (19944)8 9 Favreau, J.-C., see D. Péan 107 (19941)9 3 Ferreira, C., see C. Vazquez Ferreira, C., see D. Mendlovic 107 (19942)9 2 Ferreira, M.F.S., Analysis of femtosecond optical soliton amplification in fiber amplifiers 107 (19943)6 5 107 (1994) 35 Flatau, P.J., see A. Mastowska Fontana, F., N. Ridi, M. Romagnoli and P. Franco, Fully integrated 30 ps modelocked fi- ber laser electronically tunable over 1530-1560 nm 107 (1994) 240 Franco, P., see F. Fontana 107 (1994) 240 Freedhoff, H., see T. Quang 107 (1994) 480 Frejlich, J., Real-time photorefractive hologram phase-shift measurement and self-diffrac- tion effects 107 (1994) 260 Fu, P., 262. Yu 107 (1994) 120 Gadenne, M., J. Plon, P. Gadenne and P. Sheng, Far infrared optical properties of ferro- magnetic cermets 107 (1994) 373 Gadenne, P., see M. Gadenne 107 (1994) 373 Ganesan, A.R., P. Meinischmidt and K.D. Hinsch, Vibration mode separation using com- parative electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) 107 (1994) 28 Garcia, J., see D. Mendlovic 107 (1994) 292 Giltner, D.M., R.W. McGowan, N. Melander and S.A. Lee, A simple method for creating 107 (19942)2 7 a large period optical standing wave for atom manipuiation 534 Author index to volume 107 Gémez, C.M., G. Ramirez and J. Ojeda-Castafieda, Polarization sensitive holographic interferometer 107 (1994) 17 Gori, F., D. Ambrosini and V. Bagini, Field correlations within a homogeneous and iso- tropic source 107 (1994) 331 Gori, F., Flattened gaussian beams 107 (1994) 335 Gorodetsky, M.L., see V.S. Iichenko 107 (1994) 41 Goudonnet, J.P., see G. Chabrier 107 (1994) 347 Gravey, P., see N. Wolffer 107 (1994) 115 Green, R.P.M., see G.J. Crofts 107 (1994) 445 Gu, C. and P. Yeh, Partial phase conjugation, fidelity, and reciprocity 107 (1994) 353 Guan, Q., seeJ .W ei 107 (1994) 129 Guan, Q., see X. Yue 107 (1994) 271 Haas, R.A. and P.S. Banks, Generation of high intensity broad-bandwidth light for inertial confinement fusion 107 (1994) 265 Harada, Y. and T. Asakura, Effects of the laser radiation pressure in photon correlation spectroscopy 107 (1994) 161 Hashimoto, M., see A. Komiyama 107 (1994) 49 Helmcke, J., see A. Celikov 107 (1994) 54 Hillion, P., Paraxial Maxwell’s equations 107 (1994) 327 Hinsch, K.D., see A.R. Ganesan 107 (1994) 28 Hodel, W., see J. Schiitz 107 (1994) 170, 287 Hooker, C.J., see I.N. Ross 107 (1994) 111 Horowicz, R.J., see C. Fabre 107 (1994) 420 Hough, J., see J.E. Logan 107 (1994) 342 Houliston, J.R., see I.N. Ross 107 (1994) 111 Hu, H., see B. Yuan 107 (1994) 205 Hui, R., J.G. McInerney and I. Montrosset, Synchronization of regenerative gain-switched picosecond optical pulse with an optical data stream 107 (1994) 411 Hutchinson, M.H.R., see I.P. Mercer 107 (1994) 77 Iichenko, V.S., M.L. Gorodetsky and S.P. Vyatchanin, Coupling and tunability of optical whispering-gallery modes: a basis for coordinate meter 107 (1994) 41 Jiang, Q., see Z. Yu 107 (1994) 120 Jih, B.-R., see T. Lin 107 (1994) 389 Jo, M.S., see B.I. Choi 107 (1994) 425 Joets, A. and R. Ribotta, A geometrical model for the propagation of rays in an anisotropic inhomogeneous medium 107 (1994) 200 Jorgensen, B.F., see X. Zhang 107 (1994) 358 Kahmann, F., R. Pankrath and R.A. Rupp, Photoassisted generation of ferroelectric do- main gratings in SBN 107 (1994) 6 Kaivola, M., see K. Nyholm 107 (1994) 406 Kane, D.M., see A.P. Willis 107 (1994) 65 Karasek, M., Analysis of gain improvement of Pr**-doped fluoride fibre amplifiers using an optical filter or isolator 107 (1994) 235 Author index to volume 107 Karawajczyk, A. and J. Zakrzewski, Semiclassical study of ‘double-lambda’ laser without inversion 107 (1994) 145 Katsuda, T., see K. Nakagawa 107 (1994) 369 Kikuchi, S., K. Sonobe, L.S. Sidharta and N. Ohyama, Three-dimensional computed tom- ography for optical microscopes 107 (19944)3 2 Kivshar, Y.S. and X. Yang, Dark solitons on backgrounds of finite extent 107 (1994) 93 Ko, K.-L., see T. Lin 107 (19943)8 9 Kolinko, P.V., see S.N. Atutov 107 (19942)1 8 Komiyama, A. and M. Hashimoto, A new class of crosstalk in image fibers 107 (1994) 49 Korableva, S.L., see E. Sarantopoulou 107 (19941)0 4 Kralik, J.C. and M.S. Maicuit, Transient oscillations in nondegenerate two-beam coupling 107 (19944)0 1 Kumazawa, I., see S. Lin 107 (19944)6 1 Kummrow, A., A. Lau and H.G. Ludewig, CARS with femtosecond time resolution using fluctuating nanosecond laser pulses 107 (1994) 137 Kuppens, S.J.M., H. Van Kampen, M.P. Van Exter and J.P. Woerdman, Measurement of the spontaneous emission factor of a 3.39 um HeNe laser 107 (1994) 249 Lau, A., see A.K ummrow 107 (1994) 137 Lee, S.A., see D.M. Giltner 107 (1994) 227 Leonhardt, I., see H. Steudel 107 (1994) 88 Li, C., R. Moncorgé, J.C. Souriau, C. Borel and Ch. Wyon, Room temperature cw laser ac- 107 (1994) 61 tion of Y,SiO,: Yb**, Er** at 1.57 um Lin, S. and I. Kumazawa, A new nonlinear spatial encoding method for cascadable fuzzy logic 107 (1994) 461 Lin, T., Y.-W. Liu, W.-Y. Cheng, J.-T. Shy, B.-R. Jih and K.-L. Ko, Iodine-stabilized 543 nm HeNe lasers 107 (19943)8 9 Liu, D. and J. Zhou, Nonlinear analysis for a reflection hologram 107 (19944)7 1 Liu, J., see J. Xu 107 (1994) 99 Liu, L., B. Cui and L. Zhao, Optical cellular fuzzy logic gray-scale image processor 107 (19944)5 3 Liu, S., see J. Xu 107 (1994) 99 Liu, Y., see J. Wei 107 (19941)2 9 Liu, Y.-W., see T. Lin 107 (19943)8 9 Logan, J.E., N.A. Robertson and J. Hough, Measurements of birefringence in a suspended sample of fused silica 107 (1994) 342 Ludewig, H.G., see A.K ummrow 107 (1994) 137 Lukomskiy, N.G., see E.A. Alipieva 107 (1994) 223 107 (19944)0 1 Malcuit, M.S., see J.C. Kralik Mandel, P., see D. Pieroux 107 (19942)4 5 107 (1994) 83 Marinelli, C., see S.N. Atutov 107 (1994) 83 Mariotti, E., see S.N. Atutov 107 (19941)7 9 Martinez-Herrero, R., see G. Piquero Mastowska, A., P.J. Flatau and G.L. Stephens, On the validity of the anomalous diffraction 107 (1994) 35 theory to light scattering by cubes 107 (19942)2 7 McGowan, R.W., see D.M. Giltner 107 (19944)1 1 McInerney, J.G., see R. Hui 107 (1994) 28 Meinlschmidt, P., see A.R. Ganesan Mejias, P.M., see G. Piquero 107 (19941)7 9 536 Author index to volume 107 Melander, N., see D.M. Giltner 107 (19942)2 7 Mendlovic, D., Z. Zalevsky, J. Garcia and C. Ferreira, Logarithmic harmonics proper ex- pansion center and order for efficient projection invariant pattern recognition 107 (19942)9 2 Mercer, I.P., Z.Chang, C.N.Danson, C.B. Edwards, M.H.R. Hutchinson and M.R.G. Miller, Diode-pumped picosecond Nd: YLF laser oscillator at 1053 nm 107 (1994) 77 Meucci, M., see S.N. Atutov 107 (1994) 83 Mi, X., see Z. Yu 107 (19941)2 0 Miller, M.R.G., see I.P. Mercer 107 (1994) 77 Moi, L., see S.N. Atutov 107 (1994) 83 Moncorgé, R., see C. Li 107 (1994) 61 Montrosset, I., see R. Hui 107 (19944)1 1 Mu, X., see X. Yue 107 (19942)7 1 Nagatsu, M., see K. Sasaki 107 (1994) 378 Nakagawa, K., T. Katsuda, A.S. Shelkovnikov, M. De Labachelerie and M. Ohtsu, Highly sensitive detection of molecular absorption using a high finesse optical cavity 107 (19943)6 9 107 (19944)2 5 Nam, C.H., see B.I. Choi 107 (19941)0 4 Naumov, A.K., see E. Sarantopoulou 107 (19941)0 4 Nicolaides, C.A., see E. Sarantopoulou Ninomiya, H., see H. Yoshida 107 (1994) 71 Nyholm, K., M. Kaivola and C.G. Aminoff, Detection of C, and temperature measure- ment in a flame by using degenerate four-wave mixing in a forward geometry 107 (1994) 406 107 (19943)6 9 Ohtsu, M., see K. Nakagawa 107 (19944)3 2 Ohyama, N., see S. Kikuchi Ojeda-Castafieda, J., see C.-M. Gomez 107 (1994) 17 107 (19942)8 7 Onishchukov, G.I., see J. Schiitz Pankrath, R., see F. Kahmann 107 (1994) 6 Péan, D., P. Urquhart and J.-C. Favreau, Green upconversion erbium-doped fibre ampli- fiers pumped into “I, , 2: a numerical simulation 107 (1994) 489 Pedersen, R.J., see X. Zhang 107 (1994) 358 Phillips, A.J., R.A. Cryan and J.M. Senior, Viability of optical fibre PPM soliton systems with Gordon-Haus effect reduction 107 (19942)5 5 Pieroux, D. and P. Mandel, Transient dynamics of a multimode laser: oscillation frequen- cies and decay rates 107 (19942)4 5 Piquero, G., P.M. Mejias and R. Martinez-Herrero, Sharpness changes of gaussian beams induced by spherically aberrated lenses 107 (19941)7 9 Plon, J., see M. Gadenne 107 (19943)7 3 Polischuk, V.A., see E.A. Alipieva 107 (19942)2 3 Porcar, R., see L. Thiery 107 (19943)0 9 Prenel, J.P., see L. Thiery 107 (1994) 309 Prinsloo, F.J., see E.G. Rohwer 107 (1994) 383 Quang, T. and H. Freedhoff, Spectrum of the one-atom dressed-state oscillator 107 (1994) 480 Ramirez, G., see C.M. Gomez 107 (1994) 17 Author index to volume 107 Ratnam, K. and P.P. Banerjee, Nonlinear theory of two-beam coupling in a photorefractive material 107 (19945)2 2 Rebane, A., see H. Schwoerer 107 (19941)2 3 Ribotta, R., see A. Joets 107 (19942)0 0 Ridi, N., see F. Fontana 107 (19942)4 0 Riehle, F., see A. Celikov 107 (1994) 54 Robertson, N.A., see J.E. Logan 107 (19943)4 2 Rohwer, E.G., L.R. Botha, E. Ronander and F.J. Prinsloo, Fast determination of TEA CO, laser bandwidth 107 (1994) 383 Romagnoli, M., see F. Fontana 107 (1994) 240 Ronander, E., see E.G. Rohwer 107 (1994) 383 Ross, I.N., C.J. Hooker and J.R. Houliston, A simple technique to assist in temporal profile diagnostics of short pulses 107 (1994) 111 Rupp, R.A., see F. Kahmann 107 (1994) 6 Saldin, E.L., E.A. Schneidmiller and M.V. Yurkov, High-efficiency FEL oscillator with time- dependent microwave field in interaction region 107 (1994) 507 Salomon, L., see G. Chabrier 107 (1994) 347 Saltiel, S., see I. Buchvarov 107 (1994) 281 Sanchez-Mondragon, J.J., see S.M. Chumakov 107 (1994) 231 Sarantopoulou, E., A.C. Cefalas, M.A. Dubinskii, C.A. Nicolaides, R. Yu Abdulsabirov, S.L. Korableva, A.K. Naumov and V.V. Semashko, VUV and UV fluorescence and ab- sorption studies of Nd** and Ho** ions in LiYF, single crystals 107 (1994) 104 Sasaki, K., M. Nagatsu and T. Tsukishima, Two-longitudinal-mode oscillation in a hybrid TEA CO, laser with the cw section above the lasing threshold 107 (1994) 378 Schenzle, A., see C. Wagner 107 (1994) 318 Schiffer, M., see M. Christ 107 (1994) 211 Schneidmiller, E.A., see E.L. Saldin 107 (1994) 507 Scholz, A., see M. Christ 107 (1994) 211 Schiitz, J., W. Hodel and H.P. Weber, Experimental investigation of the Raman induced self-frequency shift of ultrashort Stokes pulses in optical fibres 107 (1994) 170 Schiitz, J., H.A mmann, G.I. Onishchukov, W. Hodel and H.P. Weber, A note on the en- ergy dependence of the frequency shift of Raman-generated spectral bands in optical fibres 107 (1994) 287 Schwoerer, H., D. Erni, A. Rebane and U.P. Wild, Subpicosecond pulse shaping via spec- tral hole-burning 107 (19941)2 3 Semashko, V.V., see E. Sarantopoulou 107 (19941)0 4 Senior, J.M., see A.J. Phillips 107 (19942)5 5 Shalagin, A.M., see S.N. Atutov 107 (19942)1 8 Shao, Z., see J. Wei 107 (19941)2 9 Shao, Z., see X. Yue 107 (19942)7 1 Shaw, K.D., Optimization of the doubly resonant optical parametric oscillator 107 (19943)9 5 Shelkovnikov, A.S., see K. Nakagawa 107 (19943)6 9 Sheng, P., see M. Gadenne 107 (19943)7 3 Shi, C.-X., Nonlinear fiber loop mirror with optical feedback 107 (19942)7 6 Shy, J.-T., see T. Lin 107 (19943)8 9 Sidharta, L.S., see S. Kikuchi 107 (19944)3 2 Song, X., see B. Yuan 107 (19942)0 5 538 Author index to volume 107 Sonobe, K., see S. Kikuchi 107 (1994) 432 Souriau, J.C., see C. Li 107 (1994) 61 Stephens, G.L., see A. Mastowska 107 (1994) 35 Steudel, H. and I. Leonhardt, Superfluorescence with pumping self-similar solution 107 (1994) 88 Stécklein, W., see C. Unger 107 (1994) 361 Suleiman, M.M., Active 1 x N fiber splitter with optical amplification for coherent fiber- optics communication systems 107 (1994) 208 Szoplik, T., see C. Vazquez 107 (1994) 193 Tang, Q. and G. Zhang, Chirp encoded joint transform correlators with input scale search 107 (1994) 23 Tei, K. and H. Yokota, Photorefractive two-wave mixing between phase-modulated beams 107 (1994) 133 Thiery, L., R. Porcar and J.P. Prenel, Performance limits of microthermocouples as opto- thermal sensors 107 (1994) 309 Tian, J.-G., W.-P. Zang and G. Zhang, Two modified Z-scan methods for determination of nonlinear-optical index with enhanced sensitivity 107 (1994) 415 Tsukishima, T., see K. Sasaki 107 (1994) 378 Uang, C.-M., see F.T.S. Yu 107 (1994) 300 Unger, C. and W. Stécklein, Characterization of the bending sensitivity of fibers by the MAC-value 107 (1994) 361 Uozumi, J., see A. Dogariu 107 (1994) 1 Urquhart, P., see D. Péan 107 (1994) 489 Van Exter, M.P., see S.J.M. Kuppens 107 (1994) 249 Van Kampen, H., see S.J.M. Kuppens 107 (1994) 249 Vazquez, C., C. Ferreira and T. Szoplik, Influence of quadratic phase factors on optical im- aging and Fourier transforming in anamorphic systems 107 (1994) 193 Velichansky, V.L., see A. Celikov 107 (1994) 54 Vyatchanin, S.P., see V.S. Ilchenko 107 (1994) 41 Wagner, C., A. Schenzle and H. Walther, Atomic waiting-times and correlation functions 107 (1994) 318 Walther, H., see C. Wagner 107 (1994) 318 Wang, J., see J. Wei 107 (1994) 129 Wang, J., see X. Yue 107 (1994) 271 Weber, H.P., see J. Schiitz 107 (1994) 170, 287 Wei, J., Q. Guan, J. Wang, X. Yue, Z. Shao and Y. Liu, Self-pumped phase conjugation of KLTN crystal 107 (1994) 129 Wild, U.P., see H. Schwoerer 107 (1994) 123 Willis, A.P. and D.M. Kane, Modulation induced coherence collapse in FM diode lasers 107 (1994) 65 Woerdman, J.P., see S.J.M. Kuppens 107 (1994) 249 Wolffer, N. and P. Gravey, High quality phase conjugation in a double phase conjugate mirror using InP:Fe at 1.3 ym 107 (1994) 115 Wyon, Ch., see:C. Li 107 (1994) 61 Xu, J., G. Zhang, J. Liu and S. Liu, Noise-free, high-gain signal beam amplification using beam fanning in a photorefractive KNbO,: Fe crystal 107 (1994) 99 Yang, X., see Y.S. Kivshar 107 (1994) 93 Author index to volume 107 539 Yeh, P., see C. Gu 107 (1994) 353 Yin, S., see F.T.S. Yu 107 (1994) 300 Yokota, H., see K. Tei 107 (1994) 133 Yoshida, H. and H. Ninomiya, Output characteristics of a KrF-laser-pumped Fe vapor laser 107 (1994) 71 Yu, F.T.S., S. Yin and C.-M. Uang, A content-addressable polychromatic neural net using a (Ce: Fe)-doped LiNbO; photorefractive crystal 107 (1994) 300 Yu, Z., X. Mi, Q. Jiang and P. Fu, Revealing the hidden Raman-resonance from thermal background by time-delayed method 107 (1994) 120 Yu Abdulsabirov, R., see E. Sarantopoulou 107 (1994) 104 Yuan, B., X. Song and H. Hu, A TE-TM mode splitter on LiNbO; using an asymmetric Y- junction with a gap region 107 (1994) 205 Yue, X., see J. Wei 107 (1994) 129 Yue, X., Q. Guan, X. Mu, J. Wang and Z. Shao, Self-pumped phase conjugation with high reflectivity by stimulated forward- and backward-scattering tetragonal potassium tantal- ate niobate crystal 107 (1994) 271 Yurkov, M.V., see E.L. Saldin 107 (1994) 507 Zakrzewski, J., see A. Karawajczyk 107 (19941)4 5 Zalevsky, Z., see D. Mendlovic 107 (19942)9 2 Zang, W.-P., see J.-G. Tian 107 (19944)1 5 Zhang, G., see Q. Tang 107 (1994) 23 Zhang, G., see J. Xu 107 (1994) 99 Zhang, G., see J.-G. Tian 107 (19944)1 5 Zhang, S. and C. Chen, Parallel optical fuzzy logic gates based on spatial area-encoding technique 107 (1994) 11 Zhang, X., B.F. Jorgensen, F. Eoskamp and R.J. Pedersen, Input power limits and maxi- mum capacity in long-haul WDM lightwave systems due to stimulated Raman scattering 107 (1994) 358 Zhao, L., see L. Liu 107 (1994) 453 Zhou, J., see D. Liu 107 (1994) 471 Zhu, Y., Cascade inversionless and inversion lasers 107 (1994) 499 1 May 1994 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS ELSEVIER Optics Communications 107 (1994) 540-544 Subject Index to Volume 107 Propagation and transmission in homogeneous media 107 (1994) 1 Wavelet transform analysis of slightly rough surfaces, A. Dogariu, J. Uozumi and T. Asakura Sharpness changes of gaussian beams induced by spherically aberrated lenses, G. Piquero, 107 (1994) 179 P.M. Mejias and R. Martinez-Herrero Theoretical study for the optimum intensity and diffraction efficiency response for echelle 107 (1994) 184 reflection grating in the microwave region, S. Chakrabarti and J. Chakravorty 107 (1994) 189 Diffraction by a spherical dielectric at large size parameter, T.W. Chen Influence of quadratic phase factors on optical imaging and Fourier transforming in an- amorphic systems, C. Vazquez, C. Ferreira and T. Szoplik 107 (1994) 193 Paraxial Maxwell’s equations, P. Hillion 107 (1994) 327 Field correlations within a homogeneous and isotropic source, F. Gori, D. Ambrosini and V. Bagini 107 (1994) 331 Flattened gaussian beams, F. Gori 107 (1994) 335 Measurements of birefringence in a suspended sample of fused silica, J.E. Logan, N.A. Robertson and J. Hough 107 (1994) 342 A dark field photon scanning tunneling microscope under incoherent light illumination, G. Chabrier, F. De Fornel, E. Bourillot, L. Salomon and J.P. Goudonnet 107 (1994) 347 Propagation and transmission in inhomogeneous media A geometrical model for the propagation of rays in an anisotropic inhomogeneous me- dium, A. Joets and R. Ribotta 107 (1994) 200 Optical information, image formation and analysis, optical computing Photoassisted generation of ferroelectric domain gratings in SBN, F. Kahmann, R. Pankrath 107 (1994) and R.A. Rupp Parallel optical fuzzy logic gates based on spatial area-encoding technique, S. Zhang and 107 (1994) C. Chen Polarization sensitive holographic interferometer, C.M. Gomez, G. Ramirez and J. Ojeda- Castafieda 107 (1994) Chirp encoded joint transform correlators with input scale search, Q. Tang and G. Zhang 107 (1994) Vibration mode separation using comparative electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), A.R. Ganesan, P. Meinlschmidt and K.D. Hinsch 107 (1994)

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