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OPTICS, AESTHETICS, EPISTEMOLOGY: THE HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY RECONSIDERED Peter Wollheim B.A., University of Rochester, 1970 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (COWNICATION STUDIES) in the Department of Communication Studies @ Peter Wollheim 1977 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY November 1977 All rights reserved. This thesis may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without permission of the author. Approval Name: Peter Wollheirn Degree: Master of Arts (Communication Studies) Title of Thesis: "Optics, Aesthetics, Epistemology: The History of Photography Reconsidered." Examining Committee: Chairperson: Thomas J. Mallinson J. C. Haqpr - Supervisor J. Zaslove E. Gibson EMrnal Examiner Associate Professor Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University November 29th.1977. Date Approved : PARTIAL COPYRTCHT LICENSE I hereby grant to Simon Fraser University the right t o lend my thesis or dissertation (the title of which is shown below) to usere of the Simon Fraser University Library, and to marte parclai or singie copies only for. such users or in response t o a request from the library of any other university, or other educational institution, on its 'own behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for multiple copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by me or the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my writt en permission. Title of Thesis/~issertation: "OPTICS AESTHETICS, EPISTEMOLOGY: THE HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY RFXONS IDERED" Author : (signature) PETER WOLLHFIM (name) NQV: 23rd. 1977 (date) - This thesis dfals with the status of "truthi' spis+;mological, - assthhetic, and psycholcgical % r. g n ~ t o y r a ~ h ri~cp r~:s~+r:?arltior.. Using aaterials from t h e sociology of a r t arid c1~mparativ2 epistemof ogy, the photograph is contrast+d wLzh t h m~ed i.;val Icon, and its e v o l u t i o n exatnined ir, ternms of v a r i o u s "truthsf* 3bout natur3 and optics as def icad by scicrAtifici nquiry. Th+ t h l s l s concfuiles by exa~ininga nxieties t h a t photography a r o u s e s i n modern culturz, an:? demor.strates that they a r pdrt caf 'idrgor anthivaiences which can be investigated a s t h e f3tishlziny of appearancss ix c a p i t a l i s t i c society. iii As the mirror said, "It's all done uith people." --- Tom Bobbirds Thanks 3lso go tc Gary gilcox, the intrepid airo or of -P-h-o-t-s qypgh~rm agazine, fo: allowing me to try out a variety of ids-as i n p r i n t b e f o ~ ec ornmitticy + h + ~t o th~3ssp ayes; t o i;ir.3.Pf:>isvrj, ui t h e Cuudciidzi F o k k C ~ n ~ p i l ify3 r p~ovidlngv ?iuabi'-3 information on studio portraiture; to Rev. aensua J o n e s for EiblFcal refermces; ind to dss, Pam Parford, Linda Clark, and Suzie Sz+rkes fcr clerical assist2nct. I would a l s o l i k ~to express my gratitude t o tns Canada Council fcr thij Arts and sirncn Fra ser UniverskC.y's P~3siLif?n+,*Osf fice, S ~ n a t e ,a nd Dcan of Graduate Studies for financial support of my research. P?rsonal thanks also gs to Louis Dayuerr3, for s t a r t i n g it all; to U.D. ~ i . 1 2fo~r h i s madndss; and James Lsr;ikin, for the loan of his Exakta, Mcre thatks ars ?xt-?eded to ths Cralley;, anu vanccuvor Schccl of Art, for listeriing; to my parents; tc Eir,da Kowa'iski, for sharin5~t he yrowth of my vision Petting me s i p t5c mornixy's t ~ a23 silent.?-. While I accept final Table of Contents i i Approval i i i 'AI"L U- t I.- *r Un"t C iv Quotat ion v Acknowledgements viii Foreward Introduction: Photography: the Search for an Aesthetic I. The Photograph and the Icon 11. The Eye as Machinery 111. The Aesthetics of the Rational IV. Image and Essence Footnotes Bibliography vii T h i s thesis is part of a losger wosk-ic-progress on pha+ograpftic criticisoa, the miri purpose of which is 'to Liberate photagrap+.y from t h s confines cif its current ideological frameworks. The geceral aettod of t h a t work is set forth i n this thesis, and w i l l be follovea up by accou~tsc f how individual photographic artists have fought against the cofiventicnal concepts of t h e photograph a s representation, and how the form and style of t h e i r works reflect t h i s struggle. The reader is therefore invited to c o n s u l t o t h e r reviews and articles t h a t 1 have writteri on t h i s topic. 1 viii

Title of Thesis: "Optics, Aesthetics, Epistemology: The History of. Photography mcounter-cuf turefl: Tarot, alchemy, Kabbalah, ceremonial inagic,.
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