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Preview Optical Transition Radiation Monitor for the T2K Experiment

Optical Transition Radiation Monitor for the T2K Experiment S.Bhadrac,M.Cadabeschia,P.dePerioa,V.Galymovc,M.Hartza,c,∗,B.Kirbyc,1,A.Konakab,A.D.Marinoa,2,J.F. Martina,3,D.Morrisb,L.Stawnyczyc aUniversityofToronto,DepartmentofPhysics,Toronto,Ontario,Canada bTRIUMF,Vancouver,BritishColumbia,Canada cYorkUniversity,DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,Toronto,Ontario,Canada 2 Abstract 1 0 An Optical Transition Radiation monitor has been developed for the proton beam-line of the T2K long base-line 2 neutrinooscillationexperiment. ThemonitoroperatesinthehighlyradioactiveenvironmentinproximitytotheT2K n target. It uses optical transition radiation, the light emitted from a thin metallic foil when the charged beam passes a through it, to form a 2D image of a 30 GeV proton beam. One of its key features is an optical system capable of J transportingthelightoveralargedistanceoutoftheharshenvironmentnearthetargettoalowerradiationareawhere 9 itispossibletooperateacameratocapturethislight. Themonitormeasurestheprotonbeampositionandwidthwith ] aprecisionofbetterthan500µm,meetingthephysicsrequirementsoftheT2Kexperiment. t e Keywords: Opticaltransitionradiation,protonmonitor,T2K d - s n 1. Introduction neutrino beam consists predominantly of muon neutri- i s. nos,withaverysmallcomponentofelectronneutrinos. c The properties of neutrinos continue to puzzle and Near detectors ND280 and INGRID are located on i s challenge scientists in spite of tremendous progress the J-PARC site 280 m from the target. The INGRID y on both the theoretical and experimental fronts. T2K detector is placed on the axis defined by the proton h (Tokai-to-Kamioka) is a long-baseline neutrino exper- beam direction and monitors the neutrino beam direc- p [ iment [1] searching for neutrino flavour changes in a tion. ND280islocated2.5◦off-axistoacceptanarrow- neutrino beam that is generated at the Japan Proton bandneutrinobeamwithpeakenergyaround600MeV 1 Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The main and measures the neutrino energy spectrum and inter- v goalistomeasurethelastunknownleptonsectormix- action rates in the unoscillated state. The far detector, 2 2 ing angle θ13 by observing νe appearance from a νµ Super-Kamiokande (SK), 295 km away from J-PARC 9 beam. In addition, from the disappearance measure- and also at 2.5◦ off-axis, studies changes in the beam 1 mentν →ν oscillationparameters∆m2 andsin22θ aftertravel. . µ τ 32 23 1 willbemeasuredwithaprecisionofδ(∆m2 )∼10−4eV2 0 and δ(sin22θ )∼0.01. The neutrino beam32 at J-PARC 1.1. Motivation for the Optical Transition Radiation 2 23 Monitor isinitiatedby30GeVprotonsstrikingagraphitetarget 1 A precision measurement of the oscillation parame- : resulting in many secondary particles, especially pions v ters depends on an accurate determination of the posi- andkaons. Afterbeingfocussedbymagnetichorns,the i tion, profile and angle of the proton beam which pro- X short-livedpionsandkaonsareallowedtodecayfreely duces neutrinos. Due to the point-to-parallel nature of ar insidea100mlongheliumfilledregion. Theresulting thehornfocussingoftheproducedmesons,theoff-axis angleandthereforetheneutrinospectrumintheSKde- ∗Correspondingauthor tector is affected by the primary proton beam position Emailaddress:[email protected](M.Hartz) and angle. The position and direction of the proton 1NowatUniversityofBritishColumbia,DepartmentofPhysics beam needs to be measured at the target with a preci- andAstronomy,Vancouver,BritishColumbia,Canada sionof1mmand0.5mrad,respectively,inordertoen- 2Now at University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of surethatthecontributionfromthiseffecttothesystem- Physics,Boulder,Colorado,U.S.A. 3AlsoatInstituteofParticlePhysics,Canada atic errors of the T2K physics measurements is small. PreprintsubmittedtoNuclearInstrumentsandMethodsA January11,2012 and transports the OTR light through channels in the ironandconcreteshielding,throughafusedsilicawin- dowin theheliumvessel lid, toa camera. Thecamera and readout electronics sit outside of the target vessel inanenvironmentthathasaradiationdose5ordersof magnitudesmallerthantheareanearthefirstmirror. 2. TransitionRadiation When a charged particle travels between two differ- ent media, the fields of the charged particle induce a polarizationonthesurfaceofthenewmedium,andthey combinecoherentlytoformtransitionradiation.Asdis- cussedin[7],theformationdepthDfortransitionradi- ationisoftheorderof γc Figure1: ThisdrawingshowstheT2Ktargetarea. TheOTRfoilis D= , (1) placedbetweenthebeamcollimatorandthefirsthorn. ωp whereω ,theplasmafrequencyofthemedium(withan p electronnumberdensityn ),isdefinedas The beam size must be measured with a precision of e about10%tokeepwithinthelimitsrequiredforradia- 4πn e2 tionlossesandtargetprotection. AnOpticalTransition ω2 = e . (2) p m Radiation(OTR)monitormeasuresthebeamprofileand e positionjustupstreamofthetargettotherequiredpre- For example, in solid titanium (ω ≈ 1.34×1016s−1), p cisionandisthesubjectofthispaper. with a 30 GeV proton (γ ≈ 32), D is of the order of Transitionradiationisproducedwhenchargedparti- 1µm. Thereforeonlyathinlayerofmaterialisneeded clestraverseaboundarybetweenmaterialswithdiffer- toproducetransitionradiation. entdielectricconstants. Thiswasfirsttheoreticallypre- The general expression for the number of photons, dicted by Ginsburg and Franck [2] and experimentally N,thatareemittedinafrequencyrangedω,intoasolid verifiedforvacuum-metalboundariesbyGoldsmithand angledΩ,whenachargedparticlepassesatnormalin- Jelley[3]. Sincethenthistechniquehasbeenusedata cidencefrommaterial1(withdielectricconstant(cid:15) )to 1 numberofacceleratorsformeasurementsofbeamchar- material2(withdielectricconstant(cid:15) )is[8] 2 acteristics[4],[5],[6]whereingeneralathinfoilisin- √ troducedinthepathofthebeamandtheresultingOTR d2N 2e2β2 (cid:15) sin2θcos2θ (cid:12)(cid:12) 1 (cid:12)(cid:12)2 = 2 ×(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) × lightisrecordedwithacamera. dωdΩ πhcω (cid:12)(1−β2(cid:15) cos2θ)(cid:12) 2 For the T2K experiment, the expected dose near the (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)2 (cid:12) (cid:112) (cid:12) ttbahereagmedtodsfoeirreec7vt5eion0nkaWitsa0o.pd8eis×rtaat1nio0cn4eSi1svm/5h.r4.pe×Trph1ei0sn8dpiSrcevuc/lhlaurr,detwoshttihhleee (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(1−β((cid:112)(cid:15)1(cid:15)1−−(cid:15)2(cid:15))2(s1in−2θβ)2(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:15)21−coβsθ+(cid:15)1(cid:113)−(cid:15)(cid:15)12(cid:15)s2in−2θ(cid:15)2)2sin2θ(cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) , placement of electronics nearby. A long optical path (3) is needed to transport OTR light out of the harsh radi- whereθistheanglebetweentheparticle’svelocityand ation environment near the target to one more suitable thephotonvector. Forthecaseofarelativisticcharged forcameraplacement. particle (β ∼ 1) moving from a material with |(cid:15) | > 1, Fig. 1 shows a side view of the T2K target area. A 1 intovacuum((cid:15) =1),thisreducesto[9] beamcollimator,threefocusinghorns,thetarget(inside 2 the first horn), concrete and iron shielding and the de- d2N 2e2 θ2 cayvolumeareallenclosedinalargevesselfilledwith dωdΩ = πhcω × (θ2+γ−2)2. (4) helium. The collimator, target and horns are mounted underlarge,steel-framedsupportmodules. Thesupport Notethatthelightisemittedinanarrowforwardcone, modulesandtheshieldingsitonmountsattachedtothe with the maximum of the angular distribution at θ ∼ sides of the helium vessel. A series of mirrors focuses 1/γ. Forthecaseofaparticletravellingthroughathin 2 Reflection surface. The light diverges from the foil to mirror 1, axis travelsasaparallelbeamtomirror2andcomestoanin- Backward light termediatefocushalfwaybetweenmirrors2and3(see Proton target Foil Fig.3).Thispatternrepeatsusingmirrors3and4before thefinalfocusatthecameraposition.A25cmdiameter, fused silica window in the aluminum lid of the helium Proton beam vesselallowstheOTRlighttoemergeforcaptureatthe 45deg camerasituatedontopofthelid. Forward light It is desirable to have the first mirror as far away as possiblefromthefoiltoreduceradiationexposure,and Figure2:Thisfiguresillustratesthedirectionoftheforwardandback- alsotheaperturesizemustbelargeenoughtocollecta wardOTRlightfromafoilorientedat45degreeswithrespecttothe beam. large fraction of the light. The mirror diameter is lim- itedbythemaximumallowablesizeforthechannelsin the shielding. Given these considerations, mirror 1 is foil, OTR is also produced in the backward direction placed 110 cm from the foil (requiring an effective fo- when the particle enters the foil from vacuum. In this cal length of 110 cm) and has a diameter of 12 cm. case, (cid:15) = 1 and (cid:15) = (cid:15). Equation 3, with β ∼ 1, now 1 2 Mirrors2and3havethesamefocallengthandsizeas reducesto mirror 1. However mirror 4 has a shorter focal length ddω2dNΩ = π2hec2ω ×(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)√√(cid:15)(cid:15)−+11(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2× (θ2+θ2γ−2)2. (5) othfe3s0izcemof(etffheecftoivileimfoacgaellaetntghtehcoafm6e0racmby).4T5h%istroedaullcoews theimageofthe5cmdiameterfoiltofitwithina4cm Thegeometrychangesslightlyforthecasewherethe diameterfibertaperconnectedtothefaceofthecamera. particle is not at normal incidence to the surface. The Thefibertaperreducestheimagediameterfrom4cmto forward lobe, produced by the charged particle exiting 1.1cmtofitontothesizeofthecamerasensor. thefoil,isstillorientedaroundthelineofmotionofthe charged particle. However, the backward, or reflected 60 cm lobe,nowsurroundstheaxisofreflectionfromthefoil Fiber taper (4 cm diameter) surface. For a thin foil oriented at 45 degrees with re- Mirror 4 specttoabeamofchargedparticles,thebackwardlobe Radiation tolerant camera will be reflected at 90 degrees from the original beam direction, as shown in Fig. 2. It is this backward lobe He vessel lid Quartz window thatwetransportanddetectintheT2KOTRmonitor. Concrete shielding 3. OpticalSystem 110 cm Mirror 2 Mirror 3 3.1. Overview ~7m Fig. 3 shows the optical layout of the OTR system. 110 cm The beam strikes a foil oriented at 45 degrees with re- spect to the beam line. As described in the previous section,thebackwardlobeoftheOTRisemittedaround Iron shielding thereflectionaxis,inthiscase90degreesrelativetothe incident proton beam direction. The foil sits immedi- Foil (5 cm diameter) ately upstream of the target, and is downstream of the Mirror 1 Proton beam beamcollimator. into the page The OTR light must travel through several bends in 110 cm theshieldingtoavoidadirectpathfortheradiationfrom thetargetregion. Aseriesof4parabolicmirrorstrans- Figure3:ThisfigureshowsaslicethroughtheopticalpathoftheOTR portthelightthroughthispath. Theseparabolicmirrors systemwheretheprotonbeamisgoingintothepageandstrikingthe are90degreesoff-axis,givinganeffectivefocallength foil.Threelightraysillustratethefocussingpropertiesoftheoptics. (the distance from the centre of the mirror to the focal point) twice the focal distance of the parent parabolic 3 3.2. Mirrors 50 Since there are four mirrors in the system, a mirror s 40 surfacewithhighreflectivityisrequiredtoreducelight nt u loss. The parabolic mirrors used in this system were Co fabricatedbyB-ConEngineeringInc. outofsolidalu- C 30 D minumandcoatedwithauniform400nmthicklayerof A Al2O3,whichhasareflectivitycloseto100%. Asmall ured 20 testmirrorwiththiscoatingwasirradiatedwithaproton as e M 10 beamatTRIUMFfortheequivalentradiationdosethat isexpectedfor130yearsofoperationatthelocationof mirror 1. No significant change in the reflective prop- 00 10 20 30 40 50 erties of the test mirror was observed. This provided Expected ADC Counts confidence in the long term reflective properties using thiscoating. Figure4:ThemeasuredcameraresponseinADCcountsisshownasa functionoftheexpectedADCcountsassuminglinearoperation.The responseisshownherebeforetheintroductionoftheambientlight 3.3. Camera andisaveragedoverthepixels. The radiation dose level at the camera is estimated to be ∼1 kGy/year at 750 kW beam power. A charge injection device (CID) camera (Thermo Fisher Scien- Eq. 5. Based on ray tracing simulations, the light col- tific 8710D1M) is used as it is radiation tolerant up to lection efficiency for OTR light emitted at the centre 10kGy. Thesensorpixelmatrixconsistsof755×484 of the foil with perfectly reflective mirrors is approxi- sites with pixel dimensions of 12.0 µm × 13.7 µm. mately15%.Sincelightthatreachesthecamerareflects An analog signal is sent from the camera over 50 m off four aluminum mirrors, the generated OTR photon of shielded cable to the data acquisition system at the spectrummustalsobemultipliedbythewavelengthde- groundlevelofthetargetbuilding. pendentreflectioncoefficientforaluminumraisedtothe Duringtheinitialoperationoftheneutrinobeam-line, 4thpower. Aftermirror4,thephotonspassthroughthe the low intensity of the delivered proton beam led to fiber taper, which has a transmittance of roughly 45%, smallOTRlightyields. Attheselightlevelsthecamera tostrikethephotocathodeofthecamera. hasanon-linearresponseasshowninFig.4. Thiswas A combining of all the acceptances and efficiencies understoodtobecausedbyimpuritiesinthesiliconthat (includingthequantumefficiencyofthecamerasensor, trappedthecollectedcharge. Byaddinguniformambi- which peaks at 30% at 570 nm) yields the number of entlightthesetrapscouldbepopulatedandtheresponse electrons recorded by the CID camera as a function of ofthecameracouldbemovedintothelinearregion. the wavelength of the initial OTR photons. For a tita- Thecameraoutputsaninterlacedvideosignalwhere niumalloyfoil,integratingoverthevisiblerangeresults evenlinesarereadout∼17msecbeforeoddlines. The in ∼ 2.1×10−5 electrons in the camera (∼ 2.1×10−8 camera pixels collect charge at the arrival of the OTR ADCcounts)per30GeVproton. light, immediately before the readout of the first even During beam commissioning and early data taking line. Duringthetimebetweenthechargecollectionand periods, the number of protons per pulse varied from itsreadout,apixelmaylosechargethroughleakagecur- rents. Tostudythiseffect,theratioofneighboringeven 1×1011to1×1013,equivalentto0.13to13ADCcounts at the pixel sampling the peak of the light distribution. andoddpixelsistakenforimagesofOTRlight. Acon- Atthelowerendofthisrange,theOTRlightyieldfrom stantratioof0.81isobserved,indicatinganexponential decay of the charge with time constant τ = 77 msec. titanium is too low to image. An aluminum foil gives 2−4timesmorelight,dependingonthesurfacerough- The measured ADC count for each pixel is corrected ness, due to higher reflectivity. The light yield from for this charge decay based on the readout time of the aluminum is, however, still insufficient for very low pixel. beamintensities,soaceramicAl O :Cr3+100µmthick 2 3 wafer producing fluorescent light is used for very low 3.4. PredictedPhotonYield intensitybeamrunning. ThisisaDemarquestAF995R The number of generated OTR photons for a mate- wafermachinedbytheNikiGlassCompany. Thefluo- rial with dielectric constant (cid:15) can be estimated from rescenceisproportionaltotheenergydepositedbythe 4 proton beam (apart from nonlinear effects discussed in 4.1. TheFoilDiskSystem Section7.1). Accountingforopticalandquantumeffi- ciencies,thecameracollects6.0×109 electronsper30 TheOTRfoilsaremountedonadiskcarouselwhich GeVproton,sufficienttoimagethebeamatverylowin- haseightholepositionsofdiameter50mm,asshownin tensities. Aremotelycontrolleddiskofneutraldensity Fig.6. Withthediskmountedat45degreestothebeam filtersinfrontofthecameracanberotatedtooptimize axis, the foils cover the full beam acceptance defined thelightintensityforanygivenbeamintensity,andthis by the 30 mm diameter hole in the upstream collima- feature will be particularly useful as we move to high tor. Seven hole positions are occupied as described in beamintensitieswheresaturationatthecameracanoc- Table1andtheeighthpositionisempty. Twopositions cur. are filled with a ceramic wafer and an aluminum foil, asdiscussedinSection3.4. Havingfourtitaniumalloy foils allows for replacement in case of foil damage at 3.5. PrototypeSystem highintensity.Afifthtitaniumalloyfoilhasapatternof A prototype system was assembled to demonstrate preciselylaser-machinedholesandisusedonlyforcal- thedetector’sabilitytoobservetransitionradiationand ibration when there is no beam. Titanium was chosen measurethepositionandwidthofaparticlebeam. The after various foil materials were studied using the pro- prototype consisted of four parabolic mirrors with fo- gramsMARS[10,11,12,13]andFemLab,inaddition cal lengths and relative distances scaled to 13.8% of toapproximatetheoreticalcalculations. Althoughtem- the full system size, test foils held by a fixed support peratureriseisnotaproblemforseveralmaterials,only and a charge-coupled device (CCD) type photosensor titaniumalloyshavesufficientyieldstrengthtosurvive readoutdirectlytoacomputer. Thesystemwastested thestressesofthefull-intensityT2Kbeam,withasafety in a NRC (Ottawa) electron linear accelerator capable factorofaboutfour. Basedonourstudies,thetitanium of producing a continuous electron beam with similar alloy 15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al (the numbers refer to the per- Lorentz factor γ to the J-PARC proton beam, resulting centagesoftheelementsinthealloycomposition)was in similar transition radiation angular and spectral dis- chosenfortheOTRfoils. tributions. Electron beam induced transition radiation Each metal foil is stretched by a clamping ring (see wasobservedfortestfoilscomposedoftitanium-alloy, Fig.7)withamachinedridgewhichforcesthefoiledge aluminum and graphite, with calibration holes placed into a corresponding circular groove on the disk. The inthetitanium-alloyfoilalsovisible. Inordertoiden- sizeandshapeoftheridgeandgrooveweredetermined tifypotentialbackgroundlightsourcestheJ-PARCtar- byiterativedesignandtestinginordertoprovidethere- getstationenvironmentwassimulatedbyenclosingthe quiredtension. Finiteelementanalysisindicatedthata prototypeinansealedbagfilledwithhelium, atwhich stress of somewhat less than 100 MPa will result from pointnoadditionalbeam-inducedlightwasobserved. theexpectedmaximumintensitybeamof3.3×1014pro- Theprototypesystembeamwidthandpositionmea- tonsperpulse. Inordertokeepthefoilsflat, atension surement resolutions were estimated to be 15% and stresscomfortablygreaterthanthisisrequired. Thefi- 0.2 mm, respectively, by comparing the CCD camera nalclampingmechanismproducesameasuredstressof results to the NRC wire detector measurements of the 190MPa. beam. This provided confidence to proceed to the de- Thediskismountedonan“arm”heldbytwo“legs” signandconstructionofthefull-scalesystem. (seeFig.5)thatareattachedprecisely(dowel-pinned)to alargealuminumplatewhichispartofthetarget/horn assembly. The disk, arm and legs are made of tita- 4. MechanicalDesignandSet-up nium, chosen for its low coefficient of thermal expan- sion. Since the aluminum plate is actively cooled with The OTR mechanical systems are shown schemati- helium but the arm is not, relative movement is thus callyinFig.5(a)and 5(b). Theyweredesignedtosat- minimized. Thearmtemperatureismeasuredbyather- isfy several requirements arising from the inaccessible mocouple. At the highest beam power reached so far, high-radiationenvironmentnearthebeam: 145kW,thetemperatureriseis8◦C. Anyofthefoilscanbepositionedinthebeambyro- • theabilitytocontinuallycalibratetheoptics tating the disk. It is important that the foil is centered • stabilitywithtemperature onthehornaxissothatthebeamdoesnotpassthrough • long-termrobustness the thicker disk material between foils. The position • easeofremotemaintenanceforpartreplacement. of the calibration foil is particularly important, since 5 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Front plate of TargetCooling horn support Pipes module Mirror1 Beam Mirror 1 Target Legs Target Beam OTRDisk withFoils Arm (a) TheOTRcomponentsnearthebeam. (b) AviewoftheOTRsystemfromtherear,showingcomponents mountedonthefrontplateofthehornsupportmodule. Figure5:TheOTRsystemcomponents Table1:FoilsusedintheOTRsystem Material(numberoffoils) Thickness(µm) Operation AF995R(1) 100 <1kWbeampower Al1100(1) 1−40kWbeampower Ti15-3-3-3(4) 50 >8kWbeampower Ti15-3-3-3(1) calibrationwithnobeam images of the calibration foil, taken periodically with back-lighting,providethepositionofthenominalbeam lineonthecamerapixelmatrix. Afterfinalinstallation and alignment of the arm and disk, the calibration foil Titanium Calibration foil wasrotatedintothebeampositionandsurveyedwitha foils theodolite.Thecentralcalibrationholepositionwithre- specttothenominalbeamlinealongthehornaxiswas measuredwith0.3mmprecision. Helium nozzle The disk-rotation motor system is positioned 1.5 m underneath the helium vessel lid, above the iron and concrete shielding shown in Fig. 3. A long rigid steel shaft couples to a flexible steel shaft that follows a 90 degreebendtothearmsupportingthefoildisk.Aspline Ceramic wafer Aluminum foil couplingismadeattheendofthearmtoanotherflexi- bleshaftwhichrunsalongthearmandconnectstothe disk. The motor is connected to the shaft through a Figure6:Thefoildisk(upstreamside). 100:1 gearbox, so that the disk rotates slowly. Access formaintenanceorreplacementofthemotorsystemis possiblethroughthewindowinthelid. 6 Alignment Dowel Helium Line Filament and Thermocouple Connectors Plunger Helium Line Arm Reflector Motor Shaft Pivot Point Connector Microswitch Shaft Coupling Figure7:Thefoildisk(downstreamside). Figure8:Theoutsideendofthearm. The foil position can be determined in principle by custom nozzle (see Fig. 6) to blow across the foil sur- counting the number of motor steps using its encoder. face. However, due to backlash in the flexible shaft system, In the event that a horn or the target require mainte- alternate methods of ensuring precise foil positioning nance,thediskand/orarmcanberemovedorreplaced are necessary. The primary method to change foil po- sitions is to run the motor until it is turned off by a byremotemanipulators. Toremovethearm,thespline couplingofthemotorshaft,theheliumlineandthece- micro-switch engaged by a machined titanium button ramic connectors for the micro-switch and thermocou- on the disk. This type of micro-switch (model 6302- plemustfirstbedisconnectedusingthemanipulators.A 16 from Haydon), designed for extreme conditions, is pictureoftheendofthearmisshowninFig.8. Forthe used in high radiation environments at TRIUMF. The T2Ktargetreplacementthearmcanberotateddownby switchpositionwasadjustedsothatitengagesthebut- about45◦ onapivotbearingontheoutsidelegwithout ton just before a foil is in the correct position. A steel disconnectingtheelectrical,heliumandsplineconnec- ball-bearingplungermechanism, spring-loadedagainst tions. Usingamechanismontheinnerlegthearmcan the surface of the disk, then falls into a matching ma- belockedbackintothecorrecthorizontalposition. chineddepressioninthedisk,whichlocksitfirmlyinto the correct position. Each foil position has a corre- 4.2. TheMechanicalDesignoftheOpticalSystem sponding machined depression. Most of these features can be seen in Fig. 7. When the motor is turned on Mirrors1and2alongtheOTRlightpath(seeFig.3 again to move to the next foil position, the torque of and also Fig. 5(b)) are mounted at either end of a long themotorandshaftsystemissufficienttostartrotating steel tube and mirror 3 is at the bottom end of a sec- thediskandbringtheballbearingoutofthedepression ond shorter steel tube. Some of the mirror tube de- againstthespringforce. Thefoilpositionrepeatswith tails are shown schematically in Fig. 9. Each mirror thismethodto0.1mmprecision. canberotationallyadjustedabouttwoaxes. Thetubes are mounted precisely on ball mounts protruding from Abackupsystemusesapressurizedheliumgasline, flangesattachedtothebackofthefrontplateofthesup- which ends in a brass tube with an end face parallel to port module. They can be lifted out and replaced by thebackofthediskabout0.1mmfromthesurface(see crane from the lid of the helium vessel through ports Fig. 7). As the disk rotates the pressure is maintained directlyabovethetubes. untilthecorrectfoilpositionisreached,atwhichpoint thetubeendencountersaholethroughthedisk,reduc- 4.3. TheCalibrationLightingSystems ing the pressure and causing a pressure switch located outsidetheshieldingtoturnoffthemotor. Thismethod Therearethreelightingsystemsusedforcalibration is precise only to ∼2 mm, but sufficient to position a by lighting the calibration foil from behind. Two of foilinthebeaminthecaseoffailureofboththemicro- them use small red LED lasers (Sanyo DL3147-060, switchandplunger. Thissameheliumlinecanbeused 650nm,7mW),onemountedjustabovethefusedsilica toremoveanyaccumulateddustfromthefoil,sincethe window(outsidelaser)inthelidandtheothermounted gas passingthrough thehole inthe diskis guided bya near the motor which drives the disk rotation (inside 7 Anchor point for lifting crane Mirror 2 Helium Line Guiding sphere for mirror 1 and indentation Filaments cleaning Inside laser reflector Front Plate Bracket Figure9:Mirrortubesystem. laser). There are two internally electro-polished steel tubes (10 and 13 mm diameter) which guide the laser Outside laser light down to the region at the bottom of the tube ex- reflector tendingfromthefrontplateofthehornsupportmodule, Motor seen on the right side of Fig. 5(a). Two small steel re- Flexible Shaft flectors guide the laser light to another reflector on the arm, which can be seen in Fig. 8. The third system is asetoffilamentlights(3forredundancy),custombuilt Figure10: Apicturefrombelowshowingthefilamentlights, laser reflectors and coupling of the vertical to flexible shafts of the disk withAlchromewirecoilsinparabolicreflectors. They rotationsystem. are installed in the same region as the laser reflectors and also point at the arm reflector. Fig. 10 shows a picture of this region. The filament coil is operated at the empty foil position onto the reflector and up to the 12 A current, causing the wire coil to glow with suffi- filamentlampregion(seeFig.11(b)). cientlightoutput. Thefilamentlightsarenotaccessibleafterthebeam 4.5. SpareOTRSystem has been running, and they cannot be replaced by the In order to be prepared for possible future problems remotemanipulators. Theoutsidelasercanbereplaced with the target region of T2K, a spare horn, support wheneverthebeamisoffforabriefperiod, butthein- module, target and OTR system have been built. The sidelasernearthemotorcanonlybereplacedinalong spareOTRsystemhasbeeninstalled,aligned,andcali- shutdownwhentheheliumvessellidhasbeenremoved. bratedonthesparehornandsupportmodule. 4.4. Alignment 5. DataAcquisitionandSlowControl Theopticalsystemwasalignedusingalaser. Aspe- cial mount was made to attach the laser in front of the 5.1. OTRDAQsystem empty foil position in the disk. The laser was aligned The main functions of the data acquisition system topointalongthebeamlinethroughthehorn. Aplane (DAQ)aretotrigger,collectandprocesstheimagedata. mirror was then attached parallel to the disk to reflect The components of the DAQ system are illustrated the laser light at 90 degrees along the OTR light path in Fig. 12. The trigger signals and the image acquisi- (see Fig. 11(a)). The mirrors were then adjusted one tion controls are handled by a FPGA chip located on by one so that the laser light followed the correct cen- a frame-grabber board which interfaces to a host DAQ tralpaththroughtheopticalsystemtothecamera. This computer via a PCI bus. Also located on the board was greatly aided by small marks made the center of is a TriMedia TM1302 digital signal processor (DSP) each parabolic mirror during their manufacture. The whichisresponsibleforthetransferofthedigitizedim- arm reflectorwas aligned byshining a laserback from age frames to the host computer. Configuration of the thecamerapositionthroughtheopticalsystem,through FPGAregistersisdoneviaTriMediasoftware. 8 Camera Mirror 4 Mirror 4 Laser Inside and outside laser guides Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 3 Mirror 2 Filament lights Flat mirror mounted on the foil disk Mirror 1 Mirror 1 Reflector on the arm Laser (a) Thisdiagramshowsthealigmentprocedureforthemirrors.(b) Thisdiagramshowsthealigmentprocedureforthearmre- flector. Figure11:FiguresillustratingthealigmentoftheOTRsystemcomponents. Figure12:OTRmonitorslowcontrolandDAQsystem. 9 MR trig -100 msec the upstream proton beam monitors are used to deter- mine whether the beam position and width are within frame_reset_delay tolerance. Iftheyareoutsidetolerance, anabortsignal frame reset issenttopreventfurtherextractionfromthemainaccel- eratorringtotheneutrinobeam-line. capture_delay TMinterrupt 5.2. SlowControl The OTR monitor has a number of remotely con- nutrig-20usec 100msec-20usec trolledmotorstomovedifferentcomponentsofthede- tector. In addition, the lighting system forthe periodic calibrationoftheopticsrequiresanumberofpowersup- plies.Theseelementsarepartoftheslowcontrolsystem Figure13:Imageacquisitionsignals. (Fig.12)whichismanagedusingMIDAS. The hardware control of the disk, filter wheel and camera stage motors is done using a Galil motor con- Theanalogvideosignalfromthecameraisacquired trol module. The unit also collects the status from the anddigitizedbytheframe-grabber. Fig.13showstim- pressure sensor and the micro-switches on the motors. ingsignalsimportantfortheDAQoperation. Theread- The state of the disk micro-switch is constantly moni- out cycle is initiated with a pre-trigger which arrives tored. Toavoidpossibleprotonbeamextractionduring 100 msec before a possible proton beam extraction to the foil disk rotation or when the disk is not properly theneutrinobeam-line. Followingitsarrivalafterapro- positioned,abeaminterlocksignalisgeneratedwhenit grammabledelay(frame_reset_delay)aframereset isnotengaged. signalisissuedtothecamerawhichsynchronizesitand the readout circuitry to the expected spill arrival time. 6. ImageCorrectionandAnalysis The trigger signaling the beam extraction to the neu- trino beam-line arrives 20 µsec before the spill. Af- 6.1. EfficiencyCorrection ter it is received and while the camera data are ac- Ray tracing simulations of the optical system re- quired and digitized by the frame-grabber an interrupt vealed that within ±15 mm of the foil center, the rela- signal(TMinterrupt)issenttotheDSP.Thetimingof tivelightcollectionefficiencyvariesbymorethan50% the interrupt relative to the frame reset is configurable (Fig. 15(a)). This introduces a bias into the recon- (capture_delay). The interrupt signal informs the structedbeampositionandwidth,sincethevariationof DSPthatthenextavailableframewillcontainthespill thelightcollectionefficiencyissignificantoverthesize data and should be moved from the internal memory ofthebeamspot. bufferstoadedicatedmemoryaddressonthehostcom- Anintegratingspherewasusedtoprovideauniform puter. Aftermovingthespillimage,theDSPalsotrans- lightsourceinordertomeasurethelightcollectionef- fers the image data from the two subsequent frames. ficiency of the system. This hollow cardboard sphere, Theseimagesarelaterusedforthepedestalsubtraction shown in Fig. 16, is 30.5 cm in diameter and painted (seeSection6.3). whiteontheinside. A12cmopeningatonepoleofthe Once the images are copied to the memory of the sphereislitinternallybyanoff-equatorialringof8laser hostcomputer,aMIDAS-based[14],front-endapplica- diodes. Thereisnodirectpathbetweenthediodesand tioncompressesandsendstheimagedatatoadedicated theopening,soallofthelightexitingthesphereresults eventserverthathandlesthedistributionofthemonitor from diffuse reflections off the rough inner surface of dataforonlineanalysisandarchiving. thesphere. Thisinexpensivedevicegivesexcellentper- The OTR online monitoring program displaying an formance, with light output measured to be uniform in event from one of the first proton beam extractions to intensity within 5% across the entire opening. Prior to the neutrino beam-line at J-PARC is shown in Fig. 14. theinstallationofthehornmoduleintotheheliumves- The center of the T2K target is marked by a yellow sel, the sphere was positioned at the foil location with cross-hair in the middle panel. The two panels on the theopeningfacingmirror1.Imagesofthelightthrough rightshowinthehorizontalandverticalprojectionsthe the optical system were taken with the camera system, results of a 2D fit that extracts the beam position and asshowninFig.15(b),andareusedtocorrectforeffi- width. Thesevaluesalongwiththemeasurementsfrom ciency. 10

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