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Optical Methods in Dynamics of Fluids and Solids: Proceedings of an International Symposium, held at the Institute of Thermomechanics Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Liblice Castle, September 17–21, 1984 PDF

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Preview Optical Methods in Dynamics of Fluids and Solids: Proceedings of an International Symposium, held at the Institute of Thermomechanics Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Liblice Castle, September 17–21, 1984

Optical Methods in Dynamics of Fluids and Solids International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Optical Methods in Dynamics of Fluids and Solids Proceedings of an International Symposium, held at the Institute of Thermomechanics Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Liblice Castle, September 17-21, 1984 Editor M.Pichal With 239 Figures Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo Prof. Ing. Miroslav Pichal, Dr. Sc. Institute of Thermomechanics Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Puskinovo nam. 9 16000 Prague Czechoslovak Socialist Republic ISBN-13:978-3-642-82461-6 e-ISBN-13:978-3-642-82459-3 DO I: 10.1007/978-3-642-82459-3 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data. Main entry under title: Optical methods in dynamics of fluids and solids. t. Fluid dynamic measurements-Congresses. 2. Materials-Testing-Congresses. 3. Optical instruments-Congresses. I. Pichal. M. (Miroslavl, II. Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Ustav termomechaniky. TA 357.068 1985 620.1'04 85-2829 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part olthe material is concerned, specifically those oftranslation, reprinting, re-use 01 illustrations, broadcasting, repro duction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to "Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 1985 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1985 The use 01 registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regula tions and therefore free for general use. 2061/3020 5 4 3 2 1 0 Scientific Committee J.W.Dally, USA M.P1chal, CSSR (Chair.an) E.Durat. FRG R.I.Solouchin, USSR A.Lagarde, France J.Trager, GDR W.Merzkirch, FRG J.Whitela., UK Local Organizing Committee J.Dundr J.Maitov8k'9 J.Heft M.P1chal O.Kahl1chovj O.AHner Sponsors International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanica (IUTAM) Czech0810vak Acade.y of Science8 Prague Inatitut of Ther.o.echanica Czech0810vak Acadeay of Sciencea Prague ~ 80n a ~jS \ In' 8'o Bichenkov 51 OrUk Durat 52 Hei't von Hagen 53 Kiee Wernekinck 54 Hodgk inDvoi'ak 55 Telion1 Matiukas 56 Macura Swirydczuk 57 Inoue Trnka 58 Benei 59 Sano 60 ~afai'1.kHude~ek t2a\ ~ ~~.L;;\ti9\ Qfii' J:;i\ 45' (1.6,,47 {i;\49 (S(j\'Sl' r;:;(if'i4\ ~ 46 48 SO· f72\ I7s\ {iJ\ (il:\ ~ 77 71 70 Pichal 71 Zhukauskas 72 Schwieger 73 ~ebkova 74 Wu 75 Takayama 76 Henckels 77 Sa.af 78 Ermshaus 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 " 1 S 21 Dan6k 31 Linhart 22 Gronig 32 Drozd Schill 33 23 24 K1aboch 34 Dundr 35 25 Rybai' ~ifner 26 Elena 36 Humen 27 Ragozin 37 Sti'u' 38 Koteke 28 Vesel~ 29 39 Chashechkin Chen 30 Pave1ek 40 fiO\r# df~ Ii3\ ~ \t;"i\ o Q t#\ I'ffi rm ~ 166\ . t;;\ ~ t;;;\ Q\ \ (6.i\ SYMPOSIUM IUTAM ON OPTICAL METHODS IN THE NAMICS OF FLUIDS AND SOLID September 17 -21 . 1984 Liblice Castle,Liblice pear Prague Czechoslovakia ~ 1i c, Y 11 Shkunov ROf1~ka Provazn1.k 12 Meier Blaha 13 Frankowak i Zoltani 14 Trager Leipertz 15 van de Assem Post.sy 16 Pi'evorov8k 17 Ant ropius BukoV8k~ :Jdek 18 Ma§tovsk~ POst 19 Gerdavsk~ Merzkirch 20 Tang ~ f8\ 1'6\1'7\ t9\ d?fI]V'4\I5\ m6s' t];\ 1)6\ (.iO) 2 fsi\ I5s\ f56\ t;\ t;j'\ (21 fS7\ __ t5.i\ 159' 61 Kehlichova 62 ~tastn~ Moraes 63 Lagarde 64 65 D:Javornick~ 66 Timko 67 Eckelmann 68 Zeller 69 Hareaux 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Preface The General Assembly of the International Union of Theoreti cal and Applied Mechanics decided in Cambridge, United King dom, in 1982 to arrange the Symposium on Optical Methods in the Dynamics of Fluids and Solids. This decision was stimu lated by the fact that optical diagnostic methods are a more and more important tool in experimental mechanics. In contrast to the foregoing Symposium in Poitiers. 1976, which was devoted exclusively to optical methods in the me chanics of solids, it was a fruitful idea to bring together during the present Symposium scientists engaged in optical methods in the dynamics of all phases. It was proposed by the International Scientific Committee of the Symposium that contributions in experimental fluid dynamics should deal with transition from laminar to turbu lent flow, compressible fluid flow including high temperatu re flow, non-equilibrium phenomena in fluid dynamics and the interaction of fluid flow with solid boundaries and bodies. As regard. the mechanics of solids, the contributions should deal with the application of optical methods in the wave propagation in shock loaded bodies, in phenomena connected with the fracture mechanism, in nonstationary Vibrations of elements and parts of systems and in nonstationary strains in structures. The International Scientific Committee preferred to avoid invited lectures and in cooperation with the National Com mittees of IUTAM called for contribution from individual countries. The scientific programme of the Symposium covered three day~ The lectures and discussions showed clearly the state-of-the art in this important field of experimental mechanics and the progress which was achieved during the last years in the development and utilization of optical methods in dynamice. The social progra• • e comprised a concert of the world-known Smetana Quartet on Tuesday, September 18th on the occasion of the Year of Czech Music. Works by Czech composers Fr.X. Richter, Leol ~ana~ek and Antonin Dvofak were performed. On Thursday, Septe.ber 20th, a trip to the Konopiltl Castle and a short sightseeing of Prague was organized. On Friday, in the evening, a closing dinner for all participants and accom panying persons was arranged at the Mirror Hall of the Libli ce Castle. The scientific part of the Symposium was closed on Friday in the afternoon by a closing discussion of all participants. The discussion was directed by the Chairman of the Symposium and the members of the committee Prof.Merzkirch, Prof.Lagar de and Dr. Trager had their cl08ing 8peeches. The problems of the future develop.ent of optical methods and their applica tion in mechanics of all phases were discussed. Hybrid pro cesses based on detailed physical .odels supplemented by ex peri.ental information were marked as extraordinaly prospec tive. The success of the Symposium would by impossible Without the assistance of many people. My 8incere thanks are due to Sir James Lighthill for his valuable advice regarding the 8cien tific progra.me of the Symposium, to Prof.Jan Hult and Prof. E.Becker for their support and deep interest in the organi zation of the Sympo8ium. We are obliged to the members of the International Scientific Co •• ittee and to the Local Or ganizing Co.mittee for their work which contributed to good scientific and 80cial level of thi8 event. My thanks belong also to all authors whoee papers contributed to the success of the Symposiu., to the Chair.an of the individual sessions and to all other participants for their cooperation and act~ ve interest. The financial support of the IUTAH enabled to extend the num ber of participants, especially from Asia and South A.erica. The Symposium was organized under the auspices of the Czecho slovak Academy of SCiences, which gave the nice Liblice Cast le at our disposal. x An effective cooperation with Springer Publishing Company during the preparation of the Proceedings was a pleasure for ue and I wish to thank Hr.von Hagen for hie care of the pre paration of this volume. As the Proceedings are the collection of all papers presen ted at this Symposium, we wish this book to stimulate fur ther research in this important field of mechanics. M.Pichal Participants Antropiu. K. cs F8cu1ty of Civil Engin.ering Technice1 Univer.ity Prague Th6kurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6 A.... van dan O. NL National Aero.pac. Laboratory P.O.Box 153, 8300 AD e• •e loord aa1al ;J. cs In.titute of Con.truction and Architecture, Slovak Acede.y of SCi. 9, 842 20 Brati.1ava O~brav.k' Bazhenova T.V. USSR In.titut. of High Te.perature USSR Acade.y of Sci. Mo.cow aanal J. CS Intitute of Tharao.achanic. Czecho.10vak Acade.y of SCi. Puikinovo n'a.9, 160 00 Prague 6 Bichankov E. I. USSR Lavrentyev In.titute of Hydro dyna.ics, Sib.Div• • USSR Acadaay of SCi. 630090 Novo.ibirsk Blaha J. CS Institute of Therao.echanic. Czecho.10vak Acadaay of Sci. Pulkinovo n6a.9, 160 00 Pragua 6 Buchar J. CS Institute of Physicel Met.llurgy Czechoa10v.k Acade.y of Sci. !ilkov. 22. 639 00 Brno Bukovakt J.J. CS Vy.ok6 iko1a atrojni a e1ektro technicka. Kat.dra tepe1na t.ch niky a energ.tiky • N.j.dl'ho .ady 14. 306 14 P1zen Cha.hechkin J.D. USSR Inatitute for Prob1e.a in Mecha. nics Proap.ct V.rnadskogo 101. 117526 Mo.cow Ch.n Vau-Ming RCH Lahr.tuhl fur Th.r.odyna.ik Tachni.eh. Univ.r.itat Munchen Arci• • tr• ••• 21. BOOO Munch.n 2 eKe - Oanik V. CS zavod Koapr.aory 1947, 190 02 Prague 9 K1.~akova Orazd T. POL In.titut. of Avi.tion A1.Kr.kowaka 110/114 02-256 W.r.z ••a Drllk M. CS Inatitut. of Con.truction and Archit.ctura. Slovak.Ac.d.of SCi. c •• ta 9, O~brav.ka 842 20 Bratia1ava Oundr J. CS Institut. of Tharaoa.chanic. Czachoalovak Ac.d.of Sci Pulkinovo " ••• 9. 160 00 Pregu. 6

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