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Preview Optical and IR Photometry of Globular Clusters in NGC1399: Evidence for Color-Metallicity Nonlinearity

TOAPPEARINAPJ,JANUARY2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 OPTICALANDIRPHOTOMETRYOFGLOBULARCLUSTERSINNGC1399: EVIDENCEFORCOLOR-METALLICITYNONLINEARITY* JOHNP.BLAKESLEE1,HYEJEONCHO(조혜전)2,ERICW.PENG3,4,LAURAFERRARESE1,ANDRÉSJORDÁN5,&ANDRÉR.MARTEL1,6 ToappearinApJ,January2012 ABSTRACT 2 WecombinenewWideFieldCamera3IRChannel(WFC3/IR)F160W(H160)imagingdataforNGC1399, 1 thecentralgalaxyintheFornaxcluster,witharchivalF475W(g475),F606W(V606),F814W(I814),andF850LP 0 (z850) optical data from the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). The purely optical g475- I814, V606- I814, 2 and g - z colors of NGC1399’s rich globular cluster (GC) system exhibit clear bimodality, at least for 475 850 magnitudes I >21.5. The optical-IR I - H color distribution appears unimodal, and this impression n 814 814 160 is confirmed by mixture modeling analysis. The V - H colors show marginal evidence for bimodality, a 606 160 J consistentwith bimodalityinV606- I814 and unimodalityin I814- H160. If bimodalityis imposedfor I814- H160 withadoubleGaussianmodel,thepreferredblue/redsplitdiffersfromthatforopticalcolors;these“differing 4 bimodalities” mean that the optical and optical-IRcolors cannotboth be linearly proportionalto metallicity. Consistentwiththedifferingcolordistributions,thedependenceofI - H ong - I forthematchedGC ] 814 160 475 814 O sampleissignificantlynonlinear,withaninflectionpointnearthetroughintheg - I colordistribution;the 475 814 resultissimilarfortheI - H dependenceong - z colorstakenfromtheACSFornaxClusterSurvey. C 814 160 475 850 These g - z colors have been calibrated empirically against metallicity; applying this calibration yields 475 850 . h a continuous, skewed, but single-peaked metallicity distribution. Taken together, these results indicate that p nonlinear color-metallicity relations play an importantrole in shaping the observed bimodal distributions of - opticalcolorsinextragalacticGCsystems. o r Subjectheadings:galaxies: ellipticalandlenticular,cD—galaxies: individual(NGC1399)—galaxies: star t clusters—globularclusters:general s a [ 1. INTRODUCTION mean metallicity. The bulk of the host galaxy’sstellar mass 1 would then likely originate from two distinct major forma- The major star formation episodes in the history of any v tion episodes. Ashman & Zepf (1992) originally predicted largegalaxywillbeimprintedinthepropertiesofthegalaxy’s 1 such GC bimodality based on the idea that ellipticals form starclusterpopulation.Interpretingtheobservedpropertiesto 3 fromgas-richmajormergersoflate-typegalaxiesthatalready 0 derivetheformationhistorieshasproventobeadifficulttask. possessedextensivemetal-poorGCpopulations. Becauseel- 1 Allgiantellipticalgalaxiescontainlargepopulationsofglob- lipticals are believed to have formed in a more stochastic, . ular clusters (GCs), often numbering in the thousands (e.g., 1 hierarchical fashion, a number of other merger or accretion Harris1991). TheGCsystemsgenerallyfollowbimodaldis- 0 scenarioswerelaterproposedtoaccountfortheobservedbi- tributionsinopticalcolors(Zepf&Ashman1993;Gebhardt 2 modality(Forbesetal.1997;Kissler-Patigetal.1998b;Côté & Kissler-Patig 1999). For giant ellipticals in clusters, the 1 et al. 1998; Beasley et al. 2002; Kravtsov & Gnedin 2005). twopeaksinthecolordistributionsareroughlyequalinsize : However,thesedifferentscenariosareoftendifficulttodistin- v (e.g., Peng et al. 2006; Harris et al. 2006), except at large i radii where the color distribution is more strongly weighted guishobservationallyfromoneanother,andnoneappearsto X accountnaturallyforallthedata(seePengetal.2006). towardstheblue(e.g.,Dirschetal.2003;Harris2009). r If the optical colors are interpreted as a direct proxy for More recently, the assumption of optical colors as a sim- a ple,linearproxyformetallicityhasbeenreexamined(Richtler metallicity, then the bimodality represents an extraordinary 2006; Yoon et al. 2006). It has been known for many years constraint on the star formation histories of giant ellipti- thattheslopeofthemetallicityasafunctionofopticalcolor cals. In this case, the two color peaksrepresenttwo distinct becomes shallower (i.e., color becomes more sensitive to cluster populations, differing by roughly a factor of ten in metallicity) at intermediate metallicities (Kissler-Patig et al. *BasedonobservationswiththeNASA/ESAHubbleSpaceTelescope, 1998a). Yoonetal.(2006)showedthatthe“wavy”nonlinear obtainedfromtheSpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute,whichisoperatedby color-metallicityrelationpredictedbytheirstellarpopulation AURA,Inc.,underNASAcontractNAS5-26555. models matched, at least qualitatively, the color-metallicity 1Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Herzberg Institute of Astro- data assembled by Peng et al. (2006). They further pointed physics, National Research Council of Canada, Victoria, BC V9E2E7, Canada;[email protected] out that the “projection” from metallicity to color with such 2DepartmentofAstronomyandCenterforGalaxyEvolutionResearch, wavyrelationscanproducebimodalcolordistributionsfrom YonseiUniversity,Seoul120-749,Korea unimodaldistributions in metallicity. Cantiello & Blakeslee 3DepartmentofAstronomy,PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,China (2007) confirmed the Yoon et al. (2006) result, in the sense 4Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Beijing 100871, thatothersetsofmodelsthatincluderealisticprescriptionsfor China 5Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica, Pontificia Universidad thebehaviorofthehorizontalbranchasafunctionofmetallic- CatólicadeChile,7820436Macul,Santiago,Chile ityalsogivenonlinearcolor-metallicityrelationsthatcanpro- 6SpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute,3700SanMartinDrive,Baltimore, ducebimodalcolor distributions. More recently, Yoonet al. MD21218,USA 2 Blakeslee,Cho,Peng,Ferrarese,Jordán&Martel (2011a,b)findthattheGCmetallicitydistributionsderivedfor ing section summarizes the observational details and image severalgalaxiesfromopticalcolorsusing their modelcolor- reductionsforboththeWFC3/IRnear-IRandACS/WFCop- metallicity distributions are not bimodal, but are similar to ticaldata. Section3describesourphotometricmeasurements the metallicity distributionsfoundfor stellar halos in ellipti- and selection of GC candidates. Section 4 presents the GC calgalaxies. color-magnitudediagrams(CMDs)andcolordistributionsre- Thisissue remainshighlycontroversial,butitis clear that sultingfromournewphotometry,aswell asmixturemodel- additionalstudiesofGCmetallicitydistributionsareneeded. ing analysis results for the differentdistributions. The form In particular, it is important to constrain independently the ofthecolor-colorrelationbetweenI - H andg - I is 814 160 475 814 form of the metallicity distributions in galaxies with promi- discussedindetailinSection5. InSection6,wecross-match nently bimodal GC color distributions. Large samples of ourphotometryagainsttheACSFornaxClusterSurvey(here- spectroscopicmetallicitiesinextragalacticGCsystems(more after, ACSFCS; Jordán et al. 2007)catalogue for NGC1399 thanafewpercentofthetotalpopulation)arenowbecoming anddiscusstheimplicationsfortheunderlyingmetallicitydis- available(Beasleyetal.2008;Fosteretal.2010;Alves-Brito tribution.Thefinalsectionplacesourstudyinthelargercon- etal. 2011; Caldwellet al. 2011; see Section 7 fora discus- text of GC color and metallicity studies, before listing our sionoftheseresults). However,atthedistancesoftheVirgo mainconclusions. and Fornax clusters, spectroscopic data of sufficient quality remainsobservationallyexpensive, requiringmultiple nights 2. OBSERVATIONALDATASETS often-meterclasstelescopetimetoamasssignificantsamples. Another way to constrain GC metallicity distributions is NGC1399 was observed for one orbit in the F110W and through a combination of near-infrared (near-IR) and opti- F160W bandpasses of WFC3/IR in 2009 December as part calphotometry(e.g.,Kissler-Patigetal.2002;Beasley etal. of HST program GO-11712. The WFC3 IR Channel uses a 2002; Puzia et al. 2002; Kundu & Zepf 2007; Kotulla et al. 10242 pix HgCdTe detector with an active field of view of 2008;Chies-Santosetal.2011a,b). Hybridoptical-IRcolors 2.′05 2.′27, anda mean pixelscale ofabout0.′′128pix- 1 such as I- H or I- K for old stellar systems such as GCs are ∼(see Dr×essel et al. 2010 for more information). A primary mainlydeterminedbythemeantemperatureofstarsonthered goal of GO-11712 is to obtain an empirical calibration for giantbranch,whichinturndependsalmostentirelyonmetal- thesurfacebrightnessfluctuations(SBF)methodinthesetwo licity (e.g., Bergbusch & VandenBerg 2001; Yi et al. 2001; WFC3/IR bandpasses similar to those derived for ACS in Dotteretal.2007). Optical-IRcolorsthatinvolvebluerpass- F814WandF850LP(Blakesleeetal.2009,2010b;Meietal. bands,suchasV- H orB- K,alsohavethestrongmetallicity 2005).Tothisend,GO-11712targeted16early-typegalaxies dependencefromthegiantbranchtemperature,buttheyhave intheFornaxandVirgoclustersoverawiderangeinluminos- additionalsensitivitytothemainsequenceturnoff,whichde- ityandcolor. Anotherimportantgoalofthe projectis to in- pendsstronglyonage,andtothehorizontalbranchmorphol- vestigatetheoptical-IRcolorsoftheGCpopulationsinthese ogy,whichbehavesnonlinearlywithmetallicityandalsode- galaxies,usingprimarilytheF160Wbandpass(whichaffords pends on age (e.g., Lee et al. 1994; Sarajedini et al. 1997; thewiderbaseline)combinedwithexistingACSopticaldata. Dotteretal.2010). Althoughthedependenceofgiantbranch NGC1399wasoneofthefirstlargegalaxiesobservedinthis temperature(andthusofI- H andsimilarcolors)onmetallic- project, and we have used it to optimize our image process- ityisnotnecessarilylinear,thereisnoevidenceforasharply ing pipeline. Analyses of the SBF propertiesand GC colors nonlinear transition with metallicity, as occurs for the hori- forthefullsampleofGO-11712galaxieswillbepresentedin zontalbranch. forthcomingworks. The extensive GC system of NGC1399, the dominant el- Atotalof1197sofintegrationwasacquiredwithWFC3/IR lipticalgalaxyin the Fornaxcluster,hasbeena frequenttar- in the F160W band. The data were retrieved multiple times getforopticalphotometricandspectroscopicstudiessincethe from the STScI archive as the calibration reference files for pioneeringworkofHanes&Harris(1986). Atadistanceof WFC3 were updated. The photometric results improved 20 Mpc (Blakeslee et al. 2009)Fornaxis the second nearest markedly after flat fields produced on-orbit (described by galaxy cluster after Virgo, and NGC1399 is at its dynami- Pirzkaletal.2011)wereimplementedintheSTScIpipeline. calcenter(Drinkwateretal.2001).NGC1399wasoneofthe Theresultspresentedherearederivedfromimagesretrieved firstexternalgalaxiesreportedashavingabimodalmetallicity from STScI in 2011 January. We combined the individual distribution,basedonopticalcolors(Ostrovetal.1993). In- calibratedWFC3/IRexposuresintoafinalgeometricallycor- terestingly,thisgalaxyprovidedthefirstindicationoftheim- rectedimageusingtheMultidrizzle(Koekemoeretal.2002) portanceofthedetailedshapeofthecolor-metallicityrelation: taskintheSTSDASpackage8. Afterexperimentingwithdif- Kissler-Patigetal.(1998a)measuredspectroscopicmetallic- ferentDrizzle(Fruchter&Hook2002)parameters,wesettled ities for a sample of GCs in NGC1399 and found that the onthesquareinterpolationkernelwitha“pixfrac”valueof0.8 slopeofmetallicityversus(V- I)colorwassignificantlyflat- andafinalpixelscaleof0.′′1pix- 1. Thisscaleisconvenient terthantheextrapolationfromlow-metallicityGalacticGCs. becauseitisexactlytwicethatofACS/WFC. NGC1399alsohasthelargestsampleofmeasuredGCradial NGC1399 has been observed many times before with velocitiestodate(Schuberthetal.2010). HST, including several times with the ACS/WFC, allowing Here we present new near-IR and optical photometry of us to investigate the optical-IR colors of its GCs. Cali- GCs in NGC1399 using the Infrared Channel of the Wide brated observations in F606W from GO-10129 (PI: Puzia) Field Camera 3 (WFC3/IR) and Wide Field Channel of the and F475W+F814W from GO-10911 (PI: Blakeslee) were Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS/WFC) on board the retrieved from the STScI archive and processed with Apsis Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We take an empirical ap- (Blakesleeetal.2003)toproducesummed,geometricallycor- proach in this work, comparing the color distributions and examining the color-color relations, without trying to judge 8STSDASisaproductoftheSpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute,whichis betweendifferentsetsofmodelsforthepresent. Thefollow- operatedbyAURAforNASA. NGC1399Color-MetallicityNonlinearity 3 FIG.1.—HSTWFC3/IRF160WimageofNGC1399(top),andthesamefollowinggalaxyisophotalmodelandskysubtraction(bottom).The fieldsizeisapproximately2.′3×2.′1,andtheimageisshownattheobservedorientation. Pixelsflaggedasbadinthedataqualityarraysare zeroedinbothpanels.Thecentral1.′′2ofthegalaxywasnotmodeled,andissettozerointhelowerpanel. 4 Blakeslee,Cho,Peng,Ferrarese,Jordán&Martel rected,cosmic-ray-cleanedimagesforeachbandpass.Reduc- tionoftheGO-10911imagingdataisdescribedinmoredetail byBlakesleeetal.(2010b);thesameprocedureswereapplied fortheGO-10129program,whichobservedninecontiguous fields in F606W. We processed only the four pointings that overlappedwith the ACS/WFC imagesin otherbands; three of these pointings overlap with our smaller WFC3/IR field. NGC1399wasalso observedinF475WandF850LPaspart ofHSTprogramGO-10217(Jordánetal.2007);inthiscase, weusedthephotometrycatalogueproducedbythatprogram, asdiscussedinSection6. Throughout this study, we employ the natural photomet- ric systems defined by the instrument bandpasses, rather than converting to the Johnson system. We calibrated the WFC3/IR photometry using the AB zero-point coefficients given by Kalirai et al. (2009) and the ACS photometry us- ing the AB zero points from Sirianni et al. (2005). We cor- FIG.2.—Theerrorinmagnitudeforpixelsabovetheisophotalde- rected for Galactic extinction towards NGC1399 assuming tectionthresholdisplottedagainstI814MAG_AUTOvaluesfromSEx- E(B- V)=0.0125mag(Schlegeletal. 1998),the ACS/WFC tractor. ThemagnitudesareontheABsystem. Theverticaldashed extinctionratios fromSirianni et al. (2005),and the H-band lineatI814=23.5magisdrawnsomewhatfainterthanthemeanmag- extinction ratio from Schlegel et al. (1998). Table 1 sum- nitude(or“turnover”)oftheGCluminosityfunction,whichoccurs marizesthe observationaldetails of the data sets used in the atI814=23.5mag(seetext).Themedianisophotaldetectionerrorat presentstudy,includinginthe lastcolumnthesymbolsused I814=23.5is0.028mag. todenotemagnitudesinthevariousbandpasses. 3. OBJECTSELECTIONANDPHOTOMETRY InordertoobtainphotometriccataloguesofGCcandidates, wefirstconstructedellipticalisophotalmodelsforthediffer- entbandpassesasdescribedinourpreviousworks(e.g.,Tonry etal.1997;Jordanetal.2004;Blakesleeetal.2009,2010b) and used these to subtract the galaxy light. Figure 1 shows our WFC3/IR F160W image of NGC1399 before and after the galaxy subtraction. The compact sources corresponding toGCcandidates,aswellassomebackgroundgalaxiesanda fewstars,areclearlyevident. We performed object detection using SExtractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996) with an RMS weight image that included the photon noise and SBF contributionsfrom the subtracted galaxy. The full procedure is described in detail by Jordan FIG.3.—Full-widthhalfmaximum(FWHM)isplottedagainstI814 etal.(2004,2007)andBarberDeGraaffetal.(2007).Forthe MAG_AUTOparameterfromSExtractorforallobjectsdetectedinthe mostpart,weuseF814Wtodefinethesamplelimitsbecause ACS/WFCF814Wimage.TheFWHMvaluesareinpixels,atascale itisabroadbandpassattheredendoftheopticalspectrum, of0.′′05pix- 1.Thegrayshadedregionshowstheinitialselectionfor and the signal-to-noise (S/N) of the data is high, despite the GCcandidatesinthisplane. TheturnoveroftheGCLFoccursnear half-orbit integration. For object detection in the ACS im- I814≈23.2mag. ages, we required an area of at least four connected pixels abovea S/N thresholdof two; thus, a minimum S/N of four I814 is the SExtractor MAG_AUTO value; this would indicate withintheisophotaldetectionarea.TheSBFisquitestrongin aturnoverin F814Wof 23.1mag. Thisisconsistentwith ∼ theWFC3 F160Wimage, andwethereforesetthe detection amagnitudehistogramoftheGCcandidatesselectedbelow, threshold higher, requiring a total S/N of at least 6 to avoid althoughbasedontheVirgoGCLFandtherelativedistances spuriousdetections. Objects were detected and measuredin ofthetwoclusters,theGCLFturnoverwouldbeexpectedto each band separately (rather than “dual image mode”), then occurabout0.2magfainter. Inanycase,thisisstillbrighter the catalogues were matched across bands; this process re- thanthedashedlineshownatI =23.5maginFigure2. 814 movesspurious objects from the combinedmulti-band sam- Figure 3 shows the full width at half maximum (FWHM) ples. Figure2illustratesthedepthofthedetectioninF814W values measured with SExtractor as a function of I mag- 814 by plotting the magnitude error within the isophotal area as nitude. There is a “finger” of compactsourceswith FWHM afunctionoftheSExtractor MAG_AUTO parameter,theesti- 2pixthatcanbedistinguishedfromthebackgroundpopu- ∼ matedtotalmagnitudefromSExtractor. lationdowntoI 24mag(shadedregion). Thisissimilar 814 ≈ CandidateGCsinNGC1399mustbenearlypoint-likeob- to the FWHM of the point spread function, which is about jectsinthe expectedmagnituderange. Villegasetal. (2010) 0.′′09, or 1.8 to 1.9 pix. At the 20 Mpc distance of Fornax, foundthattheturnoverintheGCluminosityfunction(GCLF) 1′′ corresponds to about 96 pc, so the typical GC half-light occursatz =22.802 0.044,wherez isthetotalmagni- radiusofr 3pccorrespondsto0.6pixfortheACS/WFC. 850 850 h ± ≈ tudeinF850LPfromtheACSFCS.WefindinSection6that Thus, the GCs are very marginally resolved, and some with themeancoloroftheGCcandidatesisI - z 0.3,where smaller r will be indistinguishablefrom point sources. For 814 850 h ≈ NGC1399Color-MetallicityNonlinearity 5 our initial GC candidate selection, we therefore selected all objectsinthemagnituderange19.5<I <23.5mag,with 814 1<FWHM<4. We also require the candidates to be rea- sonablyround,withellipticity<1/3(inpractice,thisrejects veryfew objects, since they are alreadyrequiredto be com- pact). InSection6, wherewematchoursampleagainstthat oftheACSFCS, we confirmthatthe overwhelmingmajority oftheobjectsarehigh-probabilityGCs. The catalogs produced by SExtractor include magnitudes measured within many different apertures. In general, we foundthatthemagnitudesofGCcandidatesmeasuredwithin theSExtractor6pix(diameter)apertureprovedtobeoptimal, inthesensethatthescatterbetweencolorswasnearthemin- imum,yettheapertureenclosed 75%ofthetotallightfor ∼ point-likeobjects, thusmakinga goodcompromisebetween FIG.4.— Optical color-magnitude diagrams for GC candidates in statistical and systematic errors (cf. Appendix F of Sirianni NGC1399fromACS/WFC imaging. Dashedhorizontal lines indicate the etal.2005).ThisprovedtobethecaseforboththeACS/WFC rangeoverwhichthecolorhistogramsaresignificantlybimodal,andthever- tical lines indicate the peaks in the color distributions for this magnitude and WFC3/IR photometry. Althoughforthe ACS/WFC this range. Thebrightest GCs, morethan ∼2magabovethe turnover, donot aperturecorrespondstoaradiusr=0.′′15,whileforthedriz- exhibitdistinctbimodalitybecauseNGC1399isastrong“bluetilt”galaxy. zled WFC3/IR data it is r =0.′′30, the FWHM of the point spread function (PSF) of WFC3/IR is roughly twice that of in their brightest magnitude bin followed a unimodal color ACS/WFC; thusthe aperturecorrectionsfromSiriannietal. distribution peaking at C- T 1.5 in the Washington sys- 1 ≈ (2005) and Kalirai et al. (2009) are very similar when the tem, whereas GCs in the next two magnitude bins exhibited WFC3/IRapertureistwicethatoftheACS/WFCaperturein aclearlybimodalcolordistributionwiththe“gap”occurring angularunits. Asa result, thesystematic offsetsin theaper- near the sameC- T 1.5 color. This confirmed the earlier 1 ≈ ture colors due to differential PSF effects across bands are resultbasedona smallersamplebyOstrovetal. (1998)that relativelysmall. thebrightest 1magoftheGCpopulationhadabroadcolor ∼ Following Jordán et al. (2009), we calculated the color distribution, with a mean colorsimilar to the location of the corrections due to differential aperture effects within our gap in the distribution of the fainter GCs. Dirsch et al. also apertures (r=0.′′15 for ACS/WFC; r =0.′′30 for WFC3/IR) foundthattheredpeakwasonlyprominentatr.9′, andis for a typical GC (King model with r = 3 pc and con- moreofaredtailatlargerradii.Bassinoetal.(2006)analyzed h centration c = 1.5) convolved with the PSF. For g - I , two additionalMosaic fields to extend the areal coverageof 475 814 V - I ,V - H ,andI - H ,theestimatedcorrections NGC1399GCsystemevenfurther,andfoundresultssimilar 606 814 606 160 814 160 are: +0.02,+0.01,- 0.01,and- 0.02mag,respectively. Since tothoseofDirschetal.(2003). theseoffsetsaresmall, systematic,andsystematicallyuncer- Figure4showsourg - I andV - I versusI color- 475 814 606 814 814 tain at the 0.02 mag level, we have not applied them to magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for GC candidates selected in ∼ ourcolorsforthisanalysis, butsimplynotethatsuchoffsets I ,asdescribedabove,andmatchedwithobjectsdetectedin 814 wouldbeexpectedforsomeexternalcomparisons. Thecon- theGO-10911g data(takenatthesamepointingandwithin 475 clusionsofthisworkwouldnotchange. Incontrast,thecor- the same orbitas I ) and, separately, with objects detected 814 respondingcorrectionswouldbe 0.1magforcolorsinvolv- inV fromthemulti-pointingGO-10129observations. The 606 ∼ ing z , since the PSF is significantly broader in that band; colorsaremeasuredwithintheadoptedr=3pixaperture,and 850 however, in that case (see Section 6), we use the ACSFCS weonlyconsiderobjectswithcolorerrors<0.2magforthis photometry,for which the colorshave beenconvertedto the aperture. Many large galaxies exhibit a “blue tilt” in their infinite-aperturevaluesassumingtheKingmodelprofilefora CMDs,atendencyforGCsinthebluepeaktobecomeredder typicalGCconvolvedwiththePSF(seeJordanetal.2009). at higherluminosities, sometimesmergingtogetherwith the redcomponent(Harrisetal.2006;Mieskeetal.2006;Strader 4. COLORDISTRIBUTIONS et al. 2006; Peng et al. 2009). In this sense, NGC1399 is a very strong “blue tilt galaxy,” since the two color compo- NGC1399wasoneofthefirstgalaxiessuggestedtoshow nentsmergeforthebrightestGCs(Dirschetal.2003;Mieske evidenceforbimodalityinitsGCmetaldistribution,basedon etal.2010). However,Forteetal.(2007)findthatforfainter Washingtonsystemphotometry(Ostrovetal.1993),although GCs,intheluminosityrangewherethedistributionisclearly there was no clear separation between the proposedcompo- bimodal,thereisnosignificantslopeinthecoloroftheblue nents in the color distribution of that early sample. The bi- peakwithmagnitude.Thisisconsistentwithmodelsinwhich modalityresult,againbasedonphotometriccolors,wasmore thetiltisduetoself-enrichmentandrequiressomeminimum evidentforsomeothergalaxies(e.g.,Zepf&Ashman1993). GC mass threshold (Bailin & Harris 2009). Blakeslee et al. It is now clear that the situation in NGC1399 is more com- (2010a)showedthatasimplemass-metallicityrelation,com- plex.Colorbimodalityispresentinthesystem,butnotforall bined with a nonlinear color-metallicity transformation, can subsamples,andwefirstaddressthisissue. produce bimodal color distributions with a blue tilt in GC populationswithbroadunimodalmetallicitydistributions. In 4.1. OpticalColorsbyMagnitude Figure 4, the horizontal lines enclose the magnitude range Dirsch et al. (2003) discussed the “striking” difference in in NGC1399 where the bimodality is most evident, and the thecolordistributionofNGC1399’sbrightestGCscompared vertical lines show the approximate locations of the peaks, tothosewithin.2magoftheGCLFturnover,basedonwide- foundbelow. The tilting of the blue GCs towards the red at fieldCTIO4mMosaicimagingextendingto 20′. TheGCs I <21.5isclear. 814 ∼ 6 Blakeslee,Cho,Peng,Ferrarese,Jordán&Martel FIG.5.—Histogramsofg475- I814colorsfordifferentI814magnituderanges. FIG.6.—HistogramsofV606- I814colorsfordifferentI814magnituderanges. NGC1399Color-MetallicityNonlinearity 7 distinctpeakswiththeredpeakcontainingroughly2/3ofthe GC population. The predominance of red GCs occurs be- causetheHSTfieldscoverarelativelysmallcentralarea,and the NGC1399 GC system has a radial color gradient. The I - H andV - H distributionsappearquite similar to 814 160 606 160 each other: unlike in the optical colors, there are no well- separated peaks, although neither do they appear to be sim- ple Gaussians. The V - H distribution shows some evi- 606 160 dence for a blue component; this is understandable because I - H is sharply peaked (though, again, not symmetric), 814 160 whileV - I is bimodal, soV - H would be expected 606 814 606 160 toshowsomebimodality. We have used the GMM code (“Gaussian Mixture Mod- eling”) of Muratov & Gnedin (2010) to quantify the above FIG.7.— Optical-IR color-magnitude diagrams. The dashed horizontal qualitativeimpressions. Theseauthorsprovideadetaileddis- linesareshowntofacilitatecomparisonwiththeI814regionenclosedbysim- cussionoftheissuesandpitfallsinherentinbimodalitytests. ilarlinesinFigure4;theyhavebeenshiftedbythemeanI814- H160colorof TheynotethatGaussian mixturemodelingsuchasGMM or 0.70mag. KMM(Ashmanetal.1994),byitself,ismoreatestofGaus- Figures5and6displayg - I andV - I histograms 475 814 606 814 sianitythanunimodality. Asobservedbymanyauthors,uni- for GC candidatesin severaldifferentI magnituderanges 814 modal but skewed distributions will strongly favor a double (notethatthereareonlyfourbrighterthanI =20). Inboth 814 Gaussianmodel,evenifthereisnotruebimodalityinthedis- cases, the appearance of bimodality is greatest within the tribution. To address this point, they emphasize the impor- 21.5<I814<22.5and22.5<I814<23.5magnituderanges. tanceofthekurtosis,statingthat“kurt<0isanecessarybut Althoughtheg - I colorsinthebrightestmagnituderange 475 814 not sufficient condition of bimodality.” This is true because ofFigure5appearsomewhatbimodal,theblue“peak”inthis thesumoftwopopulationswithdifferentmeansisnecessar- bright range coincides with the “gap” at g475- I814 0.95 in ilybroaderthanasinglepopulation;therefore,inthecaseof ≈ thecolorhistogramsofthefainterGCs. Thesituationissim- Gaussians, which have kurt=0, the kurtosis must be nega- ilar in Figure 6, although in that case, the histogram of the tivefora validdoubleGaussian decomposition. Inaddition, brightest GCs is essentially a broad red distribution that en- following Ashman et al. (1994), Muratov & Gnedin define compassesthegapatV606- I814=0.4forthefainterGCs. the quantity D as the separation between the means of the Thus, although the Dirsch et al. (2003)and Bassino et al. componentGaussiansrelativeto theirwidths; theystate that (2006)studiescoveredamuchlargerareathanourHSTdata, Gaussian splits that appear significant based on the p value wefindthesamelackofobviousbimodalityinthecolordis- buthaveD<2are“notmeaningful,”inthesensethattheydo tribution of the brightest GCs. Our principal goal here is notdemonstrateclearbimodality,butnon-Gaussianity. to examine the optical-IR colors for GCs that define a dis- Table 2 presents our GMM analysis results; the errors on tinctlybimodaldistributioninpurelyopticalcolors.Thispro- the tabulated quantitiescome from the bootstrap resampling videsasimple,fairlydirecttestofwhetherthecolorslinearly done in the GMM code. Note that the analysis is indepen- trace metallicity and reflect true bimodality in the underly- dentofanybinning. Thefullg - I sampleforthe21.5< 475 814 ingdistribution. Inthe followingsection, we thereforecom- I <23.5magnituderangecontains584objectsandstrongly 814 parethepurelyopticalandoptical-IRcolordistributionsover prefers a double Gaussian model with peaks at 0.83 0.02 the21.5<I814<23.5magnituderangewheretheopticalbi- and 1.19 0.01 mag. (We remind the reader that the±small modalityisstrongest. ± offsetsfor aperturecorrections, as givenin Section3 should beappliedforexternalcomparisons.) About70%ofthe GC 4.2. Optical-IRColorDistributions candidates are assigned to the red component. The kurtosis For comparison to Figure 4, we show the V - H and isnegative,andDissignificantlyabove2,confirmingavalid 606 160 I - H versusH CMDsinFigure7. Thecolorsaremea- bimodal Gaussian model. We therefore assign a “Y” in the 814 160 160 suredwithinaperturesofr=3pix,asdescribedinSection3. lastcolumnofTable2toindicatetheaffirmativeontheques- Again, only objects with color errors<0.2 mag are shown. tion of bimodality. However, because the g - I distribu- 475 814 Thehorizontallinesherearetheequivalentofthoseshownin tion has a few outliers in tails, and mixture modeling codes Figure 4, but shifted by the mean I - H =0.70 0.01 are generally sensitive to extended tails, we ran another test 814 160 mag. TheyaremerelyforcomparisohntothepireviousC±MDs, after restricting the range to 0.6<g - I <1.5. The re- 475 814 nottoselectamagnituderangewiththemostbimodality.Any sults, given in the second row of Table 2, are very similar bimodalityintheseCMDsismuchlessevident. to prior run, but with the kurtosis being even more negative Figure 8 shows the binned g - I , V - I , I - H , andthemodeluncertaintiesslightlyreduced. Thesituationis 475 814 606 814 814 160 andV - H colordistributions,alongwithsmoothdensity verysimilarforV - I ,whichfavorsawell-separateddou- 606 160 606 814 estimatesconstructedwithaGaussiankernel. Thecolorsin- bleGaussianmodelwithpeaksat0.34 0.01and0.54 0.01 ± ± volving I use the magnitude range selected above, while mag,and74 3%oftheGCsassignedtotheredpeak.Again, 814 forV - H , we use 22<V <24, asthe meanV - I weanswer“Y±”tothequestionofbimodality. 606 160 606 606 814 color is 0.49 mag. We did this for conveniencebecause the Consistentwiththevisualimpression,theGMMcodefinds pairsofbandpasseswerematchedseparatelyatthisstage;in that the I - H distribution is not bimodal. When run on 814 160 Section6,weexaminethecolorsofasinglemergedsample. the full distribution in Figure 8, the few objects in the tails Inanycase,theselectiononeitherI orV makesnodif- resultinapositivekurtosisandvirtuallyalloftheobjectsare 814 606 ference to the conclusionshere. The g - I andV - I assigned to the red peak. When we restrict the color range 475 814 606 814 colordistributionsappearstronglybimodal,bothhavingtwo to 0.1<I - H <1.3, the kurtosis becomes negative as 814 160 8 Blakeslee,Cho,Peng,Ferrarese,Jordán&Martel FIG.8.—Histogramsofg475- I814,V606- I814,I814- H160,andV606- H160colorsforallmatchedGCcandidatesinthespecifiedmagnituderanges andwithcolorerrorslessthan0.2mag. required,butthe pvalueofthedoubleGaussianmodelisnot berealwere75%,97%,4%,and22%. significant,andthefractionofobjectsassignedtothesecond Overall,we confirmthatthe g - I andV - I distri- 475 814 606 814 componentisconsistentwithzero. butionsforGCsinNGC1399arestronglybimodal,withcon- ForV - H ,thesituationisabitmorenuanced. ForGC sistent proportions of red and blue GCs, when the brightest 606 160 candidates in the broad color range 0<V - H <2, the GCs are excluded. The I - H distribution is not signifi- 606 160 814 160 kurtosisisnegative,andthe pvalueof0.01ismarginallysig- cantly bimodal, but there is marginal evidence for bimodal- nificant,buttheseparationDisnotmeaningful.Moreover,the ity in V - H consistent with the proportions found for 606 160 weaklyfavoreddecompositionhasonly39 22%oftheGCs g - I and V - I . This is understandable if the opti- 475 814 606 814 ± intheredpeak,ascomparedto 70%fortheopticaldecom- cal color bimodality is partly the result of a changing hori- ∼ position.Ifweremovethetwobluestoutliers,the pvaluebe- zontal branch morphology, since the colors involving bluer comesslightlylesssignificant,butnowDismarginallyabove bandpasses would be more affected by the behavior of the 2,andthefractionofobjectsinthesecond(red)peakiscon- hothorizontalbranchstars,whereascolorssuchasI - H 814 160 sistentwiththatfoundin theoptical,althoughitisalso con- wouldnot. Thus,someevidenceforbimodalityinV - H 606 160 sistent with 100% at the 2-σ level. We therefore answer an would be expected, but weaker than that foundforV - I 606 814 uncertain“Y?”tothequestionofbimodalityhere,consistent (Cantiello&Blakeslee2007). withunimodalityinI - H butbimodalityinV - I . 814 160 606 814 Asanothertestofthebimodalityinthecolordistributions, 5. COLOR-COLORCURVATURE we ran the “Dip” test (Hartigan & Hartigan 1985) supplied The broadest baseline color-color combination we have with GMM, which nonparametrically measures the signifi- availableforinvestigatingstellarpopulationissuesisg - I 475 814 canceofanygaps,or“dips,”inadistribution. SincetheDip versusI - H . Thesecolorindicesspanfactorsof1.7–2.0 814 160 testisinsensitivetotheassumptionofGaussianity,itismuch in wavelength. The g - I index for GCs is affected by 475 814 morerobust, butasdiscussed byMuratov& Gnedin, the re- thepropertiesofstarsnearthemainsequenceturnoff,onthe turned significance levels are much lower than for the para- horizontal branch, and on the giant branch. It is therefore metric GMM analysis. Probabilities above 50% may be sensitive to metallicity, age, and any other parameters (e.g., ∼ taken as indicative of likely bimodality. From this test, we helium)thataffectthetemperatureofthemainsequenceand foundthattheprobabilityforthemostsignificantgapsinthe themorphologyofthehorizontalbranch.Bycomparison,the g475- I814,V606- I814,I814- H160, andV606- H160 distributionsto V606- I814 index spans a much smaller factor (1.3) in wave- NGC1399Color-MetallicityNonlinearity 9 FIG.9.—TheACS+WFC3/IRI814- H160 versusg475- I814 color-colorplots. Intheleftpanel,theinvidualmatchedGCcandidatesareshown, with error bars estimated from the RMS images mentioned in Section 3. The red curve represents a 4th-order robust polynomial fit with coefficientsgiveninthetext. Therightpanelshowsthemedianvalueswithintenbins(40objectsperbin)orderedbyg - I . Wealsoplot 475 814 thesamepolynomialfitasintheleftpanel(reddashedcurve),a4th-orderpolynomialfittothemedianpoints(bluecurve),andalinearfitto thesepoints(blackdashedline). Errorbarsonthepointsareplotted,butinmostcasestheyaresmallerthanthepointsize. Theplotscaleis expandedintherightpaneltoclarifythedifferencesbetweenthefits. length,andislesssensitivethang - I tofeaturessuchas galaxies, or to real stellar population variations. In particu- 475 814 thebluehorizontalbranch. AsdiscussedintheIntroduction, lar,objectsthatlieaboveortotheleftoftherelationcouldbe colors such as I - H are mainly sensitive to the temper- youngclusters,ortheymayhaveextremehorizontalbranches. 814 160 ature of the giant branch, which is controlled by metallicity Despitesomeoutliers,thereisatightlocusofobjectsthatde- with very little age dependence. Colors such as g - H fine the curved sequence in color-color space traced by the 475 160 andV - H arealsosensitivetogiantbranchtemperature, abovefit. 606 160 but they complicate the metallicity dependence with addi- Tofurtherillustratethecurvature,wehavebinnedthedata tionalsensitivitytothemainsequenceturnoffandhorizontal by g - I into 10 groups of 40 objects, and we plot the 475 814 branch.Wethereforeconcentratenowontherelationbetween medianvaluesofthecolorswithinthebinsintherightpanel g - I andI - H . ofFigure9. Thepolynomialfitfromtheleftpanelisplotted 475 814 814 160 Figure 9 (left panel) plots I - H as a function of again,aswellaslinearandquarticfitstothebinneddata.The 814 160 g - I for401NGC1399GCcandidatesinourcombined deviationfromalinearrelationishighlysignificant.Ifweuse 475 814 ACS-WFC3 data set with 19.5 < I814 < 23.5 and 0.5 < thescattertoestimatetheerrors(σ/√N)inthemedians,the g475- I814<1.6. ThecorrespondingdataarelistedinTable3. value of the reduced χ2ν is 2.7 for the linear fit, and 0.1 for Althoughwe deal throughoutthis work with aperturecolors the quartic fit. Thus, the linear fit is strongly rejected. The withina3-pixelradius,inordertofacilitateexternalcompar- lowvalueofχ2 forthequarticfitprobablyindicatesthatthe ν isons,thelasttwocolumnsofTable3providecolorsthathave uncertainties in the medians have been overestimated, most beencorrectedfordifferentialapertureeffects, assuming the likelybecause the smallfractionof outliersmakethe scatter correctionsforatypicalGC,asgiveninSection3. Sincewe areinterestedhereintherelationshipbetweenthesecolorin- estimatetoohigh.Thisalsosuggeststhatχ2ν shouldbelarger than2.7forthelinearfit. The4thordermodelcloselytraces dices,ratherthansimplythepresenceorabsenceofbimodal- thecurvatureofthebinnedpoints;addinganothertermtothe ity, we improvethe statistics by includingthe GCs from the brightestmagnituderangeinFigure5,increasingthesample polynomialdoes not reduce χ2ν further. The polynomialfits to the binned and unbinned data diverge near the endpoints by 17%. The relation appears nonlinear. The plotted curve because of the lack of constraints, but they agree well over represents a quartic (4th order) polynomial, which has been the 0.8–1.3colorrange. fittedtothedatausingrobustorthogonalregression(Jefferys ∼ Figure10showsthefitresidualsasafunctionofthemean etal.1988). Thisapproachminimizestheresidualsinthedi- of the g - I and I - H colors, which corresponds to rectionorthogonalto the fitted relation, andit is appropriate 475 814 814 160 half of the g - H color. Since the color-color relation here because of the significant observational scatter in both 475 160 has an average slope of about one (the linear fit in Figure 9 coordinates.Thefittedcoefficientsaregivenby hasslope1.01 0.06),thismeancoloris, toagoodapprox- ± I - H = - 14.54+49.23x- 59.02x2+30.14x3 imation, proportionalto the distance along the relation (and 814 160 therefore in the direction orthogonal to the residuals). The - 5.24x4, (1) small squares in this figure represent individual GC candi- wherex (g - I ).Severaloftheobjectsappeardiscrepant dates, and their residuals are with respect to the fit given in 475 814 with res≡pect to this relation: these may be due to contami- equation(1).Opensquaresareusedforthefaintestmagnitude nation in the sample from Galactic stars and/or background of GC candidatesincludedin the fitting, while solid squares 10 Blakeslee,Cho,Peng,Ferrarese,Jordán&Martel sistent with GCs in the program galaxies were fitted with King (1966) models using the methodology of Jordán et al. (2005)to derivehalf-lightradii r and total magnitudes. As h described in Jordán et al. (2009), objects with colors in the range0.5<g - z <1.9andradii0.75<r <10pcwere 475 850 h assigned probabilities p of being GCs based on their z GC 850 magnitudesandhalf-lightradii,ascomparedwiththosefound forobjectsinbackgroundfields. Thosewith p >0.5were GC accepted as likely GCs. For the g - z colors considered 475 850 inthissection,weusedtheNGC1399photometriccatalogue producedasdescribedinJordánetal.(2009)andalreadyused inseveralACSFCSpublications(Mastersetal.2010;Mieske etal.2010;Villegasetal.2010;Liuetal.2011). We used the object positions to match the ACSFCS pho- tometry for NGC1399 with our g , I , and H mea- 475 814 160 surements. We keep high probability GCs with p 0.9 GC FIG.10.— Color-color fit residuals are plotted as a function of 0.5× (in practice, there was only one matched object with ≥0.5< (g475- H160),whichcorrespondstothemeanofg475- I814andI814- H160.We p <0.9).Thismergeddatasetprovidestwoimportantben- usethismeanforthehorizontalaxisbecauseitisapproximatelyorthogonal GC totheresidualsthatwereminimizedintherobustregressionfitting(seetext). efits. First, the probabilistic selection based on rh and z850 SquaresymbolsshowtheorthogonalresidualsforindividualGCcandidates should remove most of the remaining contaminants in our withrespecttothecurveintheleftpanelofFig.9. Filledsquaresareused sample. Second, the ACS g - z colors have been cali- forobjects withI814<22.5, while opensquares areusedforobjects with bratedempiricallyagainstme4t7a5llic8it5y0. Althoughthethrough- 22.5≤I814<23.5.Thelargecirclesindicatethequarticfitresidualsforthe medianpointsshownintherightpanelofFig.9. put for objects with GC spectra is about twice as high in F814Was in F850LP,allowingmore precisecolor measure- ments with I for a given exposure time, the longer base- areusedforbrighterobjects.Thefainterobjectsscattermore, 814 but otherwise do not differ systematically from the brighter lineaffordedbyz850improvesthemetallicitysensitivity(Côté ones. The large circles in Figure 10 show the residuals for et al. 2004). Peng et al. (2006) found that the relation be- tween[Fe/H] andg - z wasnotadequatelydescribedby the median-filtered points with respect to the quartic fit for 475 850 thesepointsplottedasasolidcurveintherightpanelofFig- a linear fit; they used a broken linear model with a shal- ure9. Inthiscase,themedianvalueshaveverylittlescatter, lower slope for g475- z850 > 1.05. This was adequate over and the fit is essentially identical regardless of whether or- therangeg475- z850=0.7–1.4,butunder-predictedthespectro- thogonalregressionorasimpleleast-squaresapproach(min- scopicmetallicitiesofM87andM49GCsinthe1.4–1.6color imizing residuals in I - H ) is used. From Figure 10, we range. Additionalcurvature was needed to match these. To 814 160 accommodatethemeasuredmetallicitiesoftheseredderGCs, concludethatthe formof the color-colorrelationis wellap- proximatedbyaquarticpolynomialoverarangeing - H Blakesleeetal.(2010a)usedapolynomialfitthatfollowedthe from 1.3to 2.2mag,whichcorrespondsapproxim47a5tely1t6o0 data over the full0.7–1.6range in g475- z850. This empirical the0.∼8.g ∼- I .1.3magrangequotedabove. calibrationprovidesuswithsomehandleonthemetallicities 475 814 We emphasize that not only is the relation between foroursample. g - I andI - H nonlinear,buttheslopeattainsalocal Figure 11 shows the color and estimated metallicity his- 475 814 814 160 tograms for our sample of ACS+WFC3 data after merging minimumwithin the colorrangewhere itis particularlywell constrained. In fact, the inflection point of the quartic fit to with the ACSFCS dataset. Again we use the 21.5<I814 < the unbinned data occurs at g - I =1.002, which corre- 23.5magnituderangeforthehistogramstoselecttheregime 475 814 spondscloselytothedipintheg - I colordistributionin of optical color bimodality. After the merging with ACS- Figure 8. If I814- H160 is a good,47r5elat8i1v4ely simple, indicator FCS, there was one object at g475- I814 =0.45 mag, whereas of metallicity, in line with theoreticalexpectations, then this all the others were in the 0.64–1.52range; we removed this singleoutliering - I color. Incontrasttotheapproachin type of “wavy” or inflected relation could produce double- 475 814 peakedopticalcolorhistogramsfrommetallicitydistributions Figure8,theexactsame322high-probabilityGCsarerepre- that have a very different form. The metallicity distribution sentedinallofthecolorhistogramsinFigure11. Forunifor- mity, we have used the same binsize of 0.07 mag for all the doesnotneedtobeunimodalorevensymmetric;chemicalen- richmentscenariostend to produceasymmetric distributions colors. The change in binning is mainly responsible for the (seeYoonetal.2011bforadetaileddiscussionofthisissue). differentappearanceoftheI814- H160 histogramsinFigures8 and11,butthekerneldensitycurvesreflectthesamefeatures. Weaddressthemetallicitiesbrieflyinthefollowingsection. The observed wavy relation between g - I and Asdescribedabove,themetallicityhistograminthelower 475 814 I - H accounts for the marked difference between the rightofFigure11isbasedonthepolynomialfitbyBlakeslee 814 160 etal.(2010a)tothePengetal.(2006)data.Weusethispoly- purelyopticalandoptical-IRcolordistributionsfoundinFig- ure8. Thesignificanceofthecurvaturedemonstratesthatthe nomial transformation only for objects with g475- z850 <1.6 apparentdisparity was notthe result of underestimatedpho- mag,sinceitisnotconstrainedbeyondthis;objectswithred- tometricerrorsobscuringbimodalityinI - H . der g475- z850 colors (7.5% of our merged sample) are likely 814 160 affected by observational scatter. Thus, there are fewer ob- jects in the [Fe/H] histogram, and the truncationat [Fe/H]= 6. ACSFCSCOMPARISON:IMPLICATIONSFORMETALLICITY 0.76dexisartificial.However,thepeakat[Fe/H] - 0.3dex, ≈ TheACSFCS(Jordánetal.2007)isasurveywithACSin andthe long tail to lower metallicities, accuratelyreflectthe theF475WandF850LPbandsof43early-typeFornaxclus- g - z distributioncombinedwiththeempiricalmetallicity 475 850 ter galaxies. All objects with colors and magnitudes con- calibration.

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