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oplevelsesrummets poetik et speciale af signe schou og rené toft multimedier aau forår 2005 PDF

233 Pages·2005·1.62 MB·English
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Preview oplevelsesrummets poetik et speciale af signe schou og rené toft multimedier aau forår 2005

oplevelsesrummets poetik - oplevelse og social interaktion i digitalt forstærkede rum et speciale af signe schou og rené toft multimedier aau forår 2005 1 summary The work of the thesis centres on digitally enhanced space and the idea of bringing computer power and digital means into use in physical space. The aim is to explore the foundation of creating a potential for experience based on social interaction and interaction with the digitally enhanced environment itself. The space in question is a physical environment, enhanced by digital technology, that discernably reacts on and integrates the actions of and interaction between the participants. Paradigmatically we are in the schism between art and entertainment, looking at a new form of experiential space that is a hybrid space between the physical and the virtual and between the fictional and the social. The question to be answered is such: Which particulars are central to the creation of an experiential space, supported by digital technology, in which social interaction and interaction with the environment are crucial to the unfolding and outcome of the experience? The ideal is to formalise what takes place in the field between space, perception, social interaction and digital technology and reach a set of basic rules that if followed can create – and re-create – a potential for experience in a digitally enhanced physical environment. Unfolding this potential is in the hands of the participants, but the idea is that their interaction with each other and with the environment can be pointed in specific directions by building certain features into the environment. Those features will be defined through a comprehension of the central elements in the question to be answered: space, digital technology, experience and social interaction. Based on a phenomenological approach we try to understand these areas through key theorists: Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the phenomenology of the body help us understand concepts in relation to space and human perception. Hans Georg Gadamer is the foundation of our concept of experience, and our understanding of the foundations and processes of social interaction is based on Alfred Schutz. Due to our phenomenological approach we treat the different elements of the problem with respects to their own 2 internal structure and logic. We make explicit the possibilities (as well as the limitations) of digital technology through exploring different paradigms in the research field: virtual reality, pervasive computing, augmented reality and tangible bits. Eclectical method allows us to explore a number of other theoretical approaches as a supplement to our work with the key elements in order to reach an elaborate comprehension of them. Let us summarise a few of the central issues: In trying to describe the mechanisms for interaction in the digitally enhanced experiential space we explore theories on play and games: We view the digitally enhanced environment in much the same way as we view a game, namely as a social contract between more than one player that is controlled by a frameset and rules. The frame and rules represent a way of guiding the potential for experience in a certain direction, making sure that the actors have an understanding of what to expect. In order to support immersion in the events that take place in the digitally enhanced experiential space it is also important with a powerful and correlational secondary world to guide the participants. We base our understanding of this on J.R.R. Tolkien’s theoretical work on the role of the author’s imagnation in creating plausible secondary worlds and Janet Murray’s work on immersion in interactive fiction. We work with multiple understandings of the concepts of space. Perceivable space can be divided into physical and mental space. Digital technology allows for a third understanding of space: virtual space. It can be seen as the computer’s way of creating a discernible representation of a possible world. In the spirit of the Bauhaus school we consider the digital as a material whose defining traits are: intangible, formable and reversible. As a consequence virtuality can be seen as the computer’s opportunity to make digital data perceivable in auditive and visual representations. To interact with and in the virtual world we need to interact through the physical world, i.e. with computer keyboards, and this ‘substitute’ interaction we call mediated tangibility. Through mediated tangibility it is possible to ‘touch’ the digital representations and use the experiential potential of both the virtual and the physical space at the same time, a juxtaposition of spaces we call the space between. Thus the space between marks the potential for interaction between the participants and the digitally enhanced environment. Actor-network-theory allows us to construe the participants as well as nonhuman artefacts, e.g. digital representations, as actors in a network of relations: Through interaction with the surrounding environment the participants consistute the digital as an actor. Not an actor possessing intentionality, but an actor with a seemingly autonomous behaviour, which for the participants in a situation 3 unfolding will be enough for them to see it as an autonomous entity. But the participants are not only actors; they are also co-creators of the experiental space: The potential for experience is only entirely fulfilled through the optimal co-operation between the participants, the secondary world and the functions of the digitally enhanced environment. In the final chapter we combine and juxtapose these multiple comprehensions to sufficiently describe the defining traits of the digitally enhanced experiential environment and to finally word seven basic rules that if followed can help create a potential for experience in a digitally enhanced environment through social interaction and interaction with the environment itself. 4 summary 2 KAPITEL 1: INDLEDNING OG METODE 10 kapitel 1.1. 11 de første skridt 11 et digitalt bauhaus på museet for samtidskunst 13 olafur eliasson på aros 16 problemet 19 projektets form 20 kapitel 1.2. 23 metode 23 det digitale som materiale – en metodisk forståelse 24 bauhaus: materialet er afgørende for formen 26 eklekticisme som videnskabsteori 28 den videnskabsteoretiske ledetråd: fænomenologi som sådan 30 den kartesianske dualisme og hvad deraf fulgte 32 i begyndelsen var kroppen 33 det performative rum 35 kapitel 1.3. 42 oplevelsesdesign: en indgangsvinkel 42 odins øje 43 orakel 46 pirates! 48 tellalize 51 den magiske rejse eller øv, hvor er det altså hårdt at være prins 52 the key to saint petersburg 54 5 GIGANT 56 ping vs. pong 58 mufi 59 fællestræk 62 KAPITEL 2: RUM 66 kapitel 2.0. 67 indledning 67 kapitel 2.1. 69 det fysiske og det mentale rum 69 den geometriske rumforståelse 70 immanuel kant: rummet forudsætter rummet 71 erfaring af rum: en fænomenologisk undersøgelse 74 merleau-ponty: krop og rum som enhed 77 sammenfatning: et foreløbigt rumbegreb 80 kapitel 2.2. 83 det virtuelle rum 83 den besværlige virtualitet 83 den virtuelle virkelighed 86 stedet som ikke er 88 cyberspace som repræsentant for rumoplevelse 90 sammenfatning: medieret håndgribelighed 93 kapitel 2.3. 95 det digitalt forstærkede rum 95 ubiquitous computing 95 computer augmented environment eller blot augmented reality 97 6 tangible bits 98 pervasive computing 100 kært barn har mange navne 102 kapitel 2.4. 105 ’mellemrum’ 105 KAPITEL 3: RUMMET HVORI MAN SANSER 108 kapitel 3.0. 109 indledning 109 kapitel 3.1. 110 oplevelse og perception 110 perception og det kropsligt oplevede som grundlag for erkendelse 113 bevægelsen fra perception til oplevelse 118 kapitel 3.2. 120 den sekundære verden 120 afstand og fortabelse 122 immersiv virtualitet 124 den restringerede sociale interaktion 125 sammenfatning: det immersive og det refleksive 127 kapitel 3.3. 129 rummet hvori man oplever 129 KAPITEL 4: RUM OG INTERAKTION 133 kapitel 4.0. 134 indledning 134 kapitel 4.1. 136 overgangen fra individet til det sociale 136 7 kapitel 4.2. 141 fænomenologien og det sociale 141 intersubjektivitet 141 den anden 143 rum og tid 145 du, vi og de 147 sammenfatning: mennesker sammen 152 kapitel 4.3. 155 spil og leg 155 spil vs. leg 156 huizinga og legens oprindelse i kultur 157 det næste skridt 159 de fire kategorier 160 leg som sindstilstand 161 meningsfulde spil 164 regler 166 spiller & co. 168 sammenfatning: spil og leg som ramme 168 Kapitel 4.4. 171 deltageren og de andre aktører 171 aktørnetværk-teori 172 det digitale som aktør 173 deltageren 174 kapitel 4.5. 177 det socialt forstærkede rum 177 8 KAPITEL 5 : DISKUSSION 179 kapitel 5.0. 180 indledning 180 Kapitel 5.1. 183 diskussion og konstruktion 183 kapitel 5.2. 208 oplevelsesrummets poetik 208 kapitel 5.3. 213 afsluttende refleksioner 213 APPENDIX 217 litteraturliste 218 9 KAPITEL 1: INDLEDNING OG METODE 10

understanding of this on J.R.R. Tolkien's theoretical work on the role of the author's imagnation in creating Husserl in Zahavi 2003:132. Når man
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