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Opinion 1656 Longitarsus symphyti Heikertinger, 1912 (Insecta, Coleoptera): specific name conserved PDF

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Preview Opinion 1656 Longitarsus symphyti Heikertinger, 1912 (Insecta, Coleoptera): specific name conserved

1 270 BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature48(3)September199 OPINION 1656 LongitarsussymphytiHeikertinger, 1912(Insecta, Coleoptera): specific nameconserved Ruling (1) Under the plenary powers the name luctator Weise, 1893, as published in the combination Longitarsus aeruginosus var. luctator, is hereby suppressed for the purposesofthePrincipleofPrioritybutnotforthoseofthePrincipleofHomonymy. (2) ThenamesymphytiHeikertinger, 1912,aspublishedinthebinomenLongitarsus symphyti,isherebyplacedontheOfficialListofSpecificNamesinZoology. (3) The name luctator Weise, 1893, as published in the combination Longitarsus aeruginosusvar.luctatorandassuppressedin(1)above,isherebyplacedontheOfficial IndexofRejectedandInvalidSpecificNamesinZoology. HistoryofCase2687 An application for the conservation ofthe specific name ofLongitarsus symphyti Heikertinger, 1912 was received from Dr L. Borowiec {Agricultural University, Wroclaw, Poland)on 3October 1988. Aftercorrespondencethecasewaspublishedin BZN 47: 117 (June 1990). Notice ofthe case was sent to appropriatejournals. No comments were received. The voting paper noted that the Commission Secretariat held a list of representative works dating from 1932 to 1978 which used the name L.symphyti. DecisionoftheCommission On 6 March 1991 the members of the Commission were invited to vote on the proposalspublishedin BZN47: 117. Atthecloseofthevotingperiodon6June 1991 thevoteswereasfollo—ws: Affirmative votes 25: Bayer, Bock, Cocks, Cogger, Corliss, Dupuis, Hahn, Halvorsen,Heppell,Holthuis, Kabata, Kraus,Lehtinen, Mahnert,MartinsdeSouza, Minelli, Mroczkowski, Nielsen, Nye, Ride, Savage, Schuster, Starobogatov, Ueno, Willink — Negativevotes 2:MacphersonandThompson. NovotewasreceivedfromTrjapitzin. Heppell commented: 'I vote for the application, but I am concerned that it was necessarytobringthiscasetotheCommissionforavote. I havenotseentheoriginal work by Weise in which the 'var. luctator' is described, and the applicant does not indicatethenatureofitsoriginaldescription. Thenamehasneverbeenadopted fora species or subspecies, so its status as an available name depends on whether or not infrasubspecific rankcan beinferred from Weise's text. Whatconcernsmeisthat, as Article45goftheCodeispresentlyworded,varietalnamespublishedbefore 1961 are treatedassubspecificunlesstheywereclearlyinfrasubspecific.Ibelievestabilitywould be better served by shifting the burden ofproof to those authors who wish to use currently unused varietal namesat subspecificorspecificlevel. Thenominal 'variety' couldthenbeinterpretedasofsubspecificrankonlyifthenamewaspublishedbefore 1961 and treated prior to 1985 as an available name, unless it clearly applied to a distinctpopulationandnotmerelytoabnormalindividuals.Inthatwaythethousands BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature48(3)September1991 271 ofsuch namesin the Hterature would poseno threat to stability and the Commission need beinvolvedonly iftherewereanobjection tosucha treatment. I would happily support theexclusion ofall varietal namesnotadopted before 1985. Thissortofcase must bedealt with automatically by the Code, so ifArticle45g(ii) is unsatisfactory it requirestoberevised.Ifwehavetosuppressseniorvarietalnamesonebyoneourwork willneverbethrough'. Thompsoncommented: 'Thisapplicationdoesnotconformtotherequirementsof Article79coftheCodeasthereisinsufficientdocumentationofusage'. Originalreferences ThefollowingaretheoriginalreferencestothenamesplacedonanOfficialListandanOfficial IndexbytherulinggiveninthepresentOpinion: luctator, Longitarsus aeruginosus, Weise, 1893, Naturgeschkhte der Insekten Deutschlands, vol.6,part l,p. 1010. symphyti,Longitarsus,Heikertinger, 1912,EntomologischeBlatter,8(3):69.

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