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Opinion 1643 Ceratopogon puncticollis Becker, 1903 (currently Culicoides Puncticollis; Insecta, Diptera): given precedence over Ceratopogon algecirensis Strobi, 1900 PDF

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Preview Opinion 1643 Ceratopogon puncticollis Becker, 1903 (currently Culicoides Puncticollis; Insecta, Diptera): given precedence over Ceratopogon algecirensis Strobi, 1900

BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature48(2)June1991 177 OPINION 1643 Ceratopogonpuncticollis Becker, 1903(currently Culicoidespuncticollis; Insecta, Diptera): given precedence over Ceratopogonalgecirensis StrobI, 1900 Ruling (1) Under the plenary powers the specific name puncticollis Becker, 1903, as publishedinthebinomenCeratopogonpuncticollis,isherebygivenprecedenceoverthe specific name algecirensis StrobI, 1900, as published in the trinomen Ceratopogon pulicarisalgecirensis,wheneverthetwonamesareconsidered tobesynonyms. (2) Thefollowingnamesareherebyplacedon theOfficial ListofSpecificNamesin Zoology: (a) puncticollisBecker, 1903,aspublishedinthebinomen Ceratopogonpuncticollis, with theendorsement that itis to be given precedence overalgecirensis StrobI, 1900,aspublishedinthetrinomen Ceratopogonpulicarisalgecirensis,whenever thetwonamesareconsideredtobesynonyms. (b) algecirensis StrobI, 1900, as published in the trinomen Ceratopogon pulicaris algecirensisStrobI, 1900,withtheendorsementthatitisnottobegivenpriority over puncticollis Becker, 1903, as published in the binomen Ceratopogon puncticollis,wheneverthetwonamesareconsideredtobesynonyms. HistoryofCase2716 An application for Ceratopogon puncticollis Becker, 1903 to be given precedence overCeratopogonalgecirensisStrobI, 1900wasreceivedfromMrJ. Boorman{Depart- ment ofEntomology, The Natural History Museum, London, U.K.) on 28 June 1988. Aftercorrespondence thecasewas pubHshed in BZN46: 179-180 (September 1989). Noticeofthecasewassenttoappropriatejournals. Commentsin support fromDrs R.W. Crosskey{cjo TheNaturalHistoryMuseum, London, U.K.) and G.B. White (Editor, Medical & Veterinary Entomology) were publishedinBZN47:48(March 1990)and47: 214^215(September 1990)respectively. ItwasnotedonthevotingpaperthatalgecirensiswasnotpubHshedbyStrobI(1900, p. 170) as 'forma' (cf. para. 1 ofthe application), and that the word 'forma' should therefore bedeleted from the proposals on BZN46: 180. This in no way affected the case. DecisionoftheCommission On 1 December 1990 the members ofthe Commission were invited to vote on the proposalspublishedinBZN46: 180(September1989).Atthecloseofthevotingperiod on 1 March 1991 thev—oteswereasfollows: Affirmative votes 26: Bayer, Bock, Cocks, Cogger, Corliss, Dupuis, Hahn, Halvorsen, Heppell, Kabata, Kraus, Lehtinen, Macpherson, Mahnert, Martins de Souza, MinelH, Mroczkowski, Nielsen, Nye, Ride, Savage, Schuster, Starobogatov, Trjapitzin,Ueno,—Willink Negativevotes 1: Holthuis. Thompson declined to vote: hehadwritten to the ExecutiveSecretary(whohad in correspondencedisagreed)thatthenamealgecirensisStrobI, 1900wouldnothavebeen 178 BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature48(2)June1991 available underprevious editions ofthe Code, and heconsidered that his suggestion that this name should be taken from a later(1906) paperby Strobl should have been pubhshed. Originalreferences ThefollowingaretheoriginalreferencestothenamesplacedonanOfficialListbytheruling giveninthepresentOpinion: algecirensis,Ceratopogonpulicaris,Strobl, 1900, WienerEntomologischeZeitwig, 19: 170. pimcticollis, Ceratopogon, Becker, 1903, MitteihtngenausdemZoologischenMuseumin Berlin 2(3):75.

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