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Opinion 1634 Atheris Cope, 1862 (Reptilia, Serpentes): conserved PDF

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Preview Opinion 1634 Atheris Cope, 1862 (Reptilia, Serpentes): conserved

84 BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature48(1)March1991 OPINION 1634 AtherisCope, 1862 (Reptilia,Serpentes): conserved Ruling (1) Under the plenary powers the generic name Chloroechis Bonaparte, 1849, is herebysuppressedforthepurposesofthePrincipleofPrioritybutnotforthoseofthe PrincipleofHomonymy. (2) The name Atheris Cope, 1862 (gender: feminine), type species by subsequent designationbyLoveridge(1957) ViperachloroechisSchlegel, 1855(ajuniorsubjective synonym of Vipera chlorechis Pel, [1851]), is hereby placed on the Official List of GenericNamesinZoology. (3) Thename chlorechisPel, [1851], aspublishedinthebinomen Viperachlorechis (seniorsubjective synonym ofthe specific name of Vipera chloroechis Schlegel, 1855, thetypespeciesofAtherisCope, 1862),isherebyplacedontheOfficialListofSpecific NamesinZoology. (4) The name Chloroechis Bonaparte, 1849, as suppressed in (1) above, is hereby placedontheOfficialIndexofRejectedandInvalidGenericNamesinZoology. HistoryofCase2691 An application for the conservation of Atheris Cope, 1862 was received from Dr Donald G. Broadley {Natural History Museum, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe) on 14 November 1988 and pubHshed in BZN 46: 264-266 (December 1989). Notice ofthe casewassenttoappropriatejournals.Nocommentswerereceived. DecisionoftheCommission On 1 September 1990 the members ofthe Commission wereinvited to vote on the proposalspublishedin BZN46: 265. Atthecloseofthevotingperiodon 1 December 1990thevoteswereas—follows: Affirmative votes 26: Bayer, Bock, Cocks, Cogger, Corliss, Dupuis, Hahn, Heppell, Holthuis, Kraus, Lehtinen, Macpherson, Mahnert, Martins de Souza, Minelli, Mroczkowski, Nielsen, Nye, Ride, Savage, Schuster, Starobogatov, Thompson,Trjapi—tzin,Ueno,Willink Negativevotes 1: Kabata. No vote was received from Halvorsen. Thompson pointed out that the erroneous statements by Loveridge (1957; cf. BZN 46: 265, para. 6) resulted in Atheris and Chloroechisbeingobjectiveratherthansubjectivesynonyms. Originalreferences ThefollowingaretheoriginalreferencestothenamesplacedonOfficialListsandanOfficial IndexbytherulinggiveninthepresentOpinion: AtherisCope, 1862,ProceedingsoftheAcademyofNaturalSciencesofPhiladelphia,14:337. chlorechis, Vipera,Pel,[1851],NederlandschTijdschriftvoorJagtkunde,1: 172. ChloroechisBonaparte, 1849,ProceedingsoftheZoologicalSocietyofLondon,p. 145.

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