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Operator theory and indefinite inner product spaces: presented on the occasion of the retirement of Heinz Langer in the Colloquium on Operator Theory, Vienna, March 2004 PDF

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Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Vol. 163 Editor: I. Gohberg Editorial Offi ce: S. T. Kuroda (Tokyo) School of Mathematical P. Lancaster (Calgary) Sciences L. E. Lerer (Haifa) Tel Aviv University B. Mityagin (Columbus) Ramat Aviv, Israel V. Olshevsky (Storrs) M. Putinar (Santa Barbara) Editorial Board: L. Rodman (Williamsburg) D. Alpay (Beer-Sheva) J. Rovnyak (Charlottesville) J. Arazy (Haifa) D. E. Sarason (Berkeley) A. Atzmon (Tel Aviv) I. M. Spitkovsky (Williamsburg) J. A. Ball (Blacksburg) S. Treil (Providence) A. Ben-Artzi (Tel Aviv) H. Upmeier (Marburg) H. Bercovici (Bloomington) S. M. Verduyn Lunel (Leiden) A. Böttcher (Chemnitz) D. Voiculescu (Berkeley) K. Clancey (Athens, USA) D. Xia (Nashville) L. A. Coburn (Buffalo) D. Yafaev (Rennes) R. E. Curto (Iowa City) K. R. Davidson (Waterloo, Ontario) Honorary and Advisory R. G. Douglas (College Station) Editorial Board: A. Dijksma (Groningen) C. Foias (Bloomington) H. Dym (Rehovot) P. R. Halmos (Santa Clara) P. A. Fuhrmann (Beer Sheva) T. Kailath (Stanford) B. Gramsch (Mainz) H. Langer (Vienna) J. A. Helton (La Jolla) P. D. Lax (New York) M. A. Kaashoek (Amsterdam) M. S. Livsic (Beer Sheva) H. G. Kaper (Argonne) H. Widom (Santa Cruz) Operator Theory and Indefi nite Inner Product Spaces Presented on the occasion of the retirement of Heinz Langer in the Colloquium on Operator Theory, Vienna, March 2004 Matthias Langer Annemarie Luger Harald Woracek Editors Birkhäuser Verlag . . Basel Boston Berlin Editors: Matthias Langer Annemarie Luger Department of Mathematics Harald Woracek University of Strathclyde Institut für Analysis und Scientifi c Computing 26 Richmond Street Technische Universität Wien Glasgow G1 1XH Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8–10 / 101 UK 1040 Wien e-mail: [email protected] Austria e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classifi cation Primary 46C20, 47B50; Secondary 34L05, 47A57, 47A75 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografi e; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at <http://dnb.ddb.de>. ISBN 3-7643-7515-9 Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel – Boston – Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifi cally the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfi lms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. © 2006 Birkhäuser Verlag, P.O. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Part of Springer Science+Business Media Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp. TCF (cid:39) Cover design: Heinz Hiltbrunner, Basel Printed in Germany ISBN-10: 3-7643-7515-9 e-ISBN: 3-7643-7516-7 ISBN-13: 978-3-7643-7515-7 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 www.birkhauser.ch Heinz Langer Table of Contents Introduction Preface ................................................................... ix Laudation ................................................................ xi Speech of Heinz Langer ................................................... xvii Conference Programme ................................................... xx List of Participants ....................................................... xxiv Bibliography of Heinz Langer .............................................. xxx Research articles V.M. Adamyan and I.M. Tkachenko General Solution of the Stieltjes Truncated Matrix Moment Problem ............................................ 1 Yu.M. Arlinski˘ı, S. Hassi and H.S.V. de Snoo Q-functions of Quasi-selfadjoint Contractions ........................ 23 J. Behrndt A Class of Abstract Boundary Value Problems with Locally Definitizable Functions in the Boundary Condition ........... 55 P. Binding and B. C´urgus Riesz Bases of Root Vectors of Indefinite Sturm-Liouville Problems with Eigenparameter Dependent Boundary Conditions, I ............. 75 A. Dijksma, A. Luger and Y. Shondin Minimal Models for N∞-functions ................................... 97 κ A. Fleige, S. Hassi, H.S.V. de Snoo and H. Winkler Generalized Friedrichs Extensions Associated with Interface Conditions for Sturm-Liouville Operators ................... 135 K.-H. Fo¨rster and B. Nagy Spectral Properties of Operator Polynomials with Nonnegative Coefficients ........................................ 147 B. Fritzsche, B. Kirstein and A. Lasarow Szeg˝o Pairs of OrthogonalRational Matrix-valued Functions on the Unit Circle ................................................... 163 M. Kaltenba¨ck, H. Winkler and H. Woracek Singularities of Generalized Strings .................................. 191 viii Table of Contents L.V. Mikaelyan OrthogonalPolynomials on the Unit Circle with Respect to a Rational Weight Function ......................... 249 D. Popovici Bi-dimensional Moment Problems and Regular Dilations ............. 257 U. Prells and P. Lancaster Isospectral Vibrating Systems, Part 2: Structure Preserving Transformations ................................ 275 V. Strauss A Functional Description for the Commutative WJ∗-algebras of the D+-class ...................................................... 299 κ F.H. Szafraniec On Normal Extensions of Unbounded Operators: IV. A Matrix Construction .......................................... 337 B. Textorius Directing Mappings in Kre˘ın Spaces ................................. 351 Survey Article Z. Sasva´ri The Extension Problem for Positive Definite Functions. A Short Historical Survey ............................................ 365 Preface In this volume we present a collection of research papers which mainly follow lecturesgivenatthe “ColloquiumonOperatorTheory”.Thisconferencewasheld at the Vienna University of Technology in March 2004 on the occasion of the retirement of Heinz Langer. The present volume of the series “Operator Theory: Advances and Applications” is dedicated to him and his scientific work. The book starts with an introductory part which provides some information about the colloquium itself. We have also included the laudation given by Aad Dijksma and a list of the recent publications of Heinz Langer, which updates his bibliographygiveninOT106.Themainpartofthebookconsistsoffifteenoriginal researchpapers,whichdealwith variousaspects of operatortheory andindefinite innerproductspaces.Itconcludeswithahistoricalsurveyonthetheoryofpositive definite functions. It would not have been possible to bring together so many colleagues in Vienna without financial support provided by several organizations. We wish to thank the Außeninstitut der TU Wien O¨sterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft(O¨FG) Research Training Network HPRN-CT-2000-00116of the European Union Vienna Convention Bureau O¨sterreichisch-UkrainischesKooperationsbu¨ro O¨sterreichischeMathematische Gesellschaft (O¨MG) andeverybodywhohascontributedtomakethisconferenceandthisbookpossible. Our specialthanks also goto the referees who did a lotof workandin some cases made valuable and essential suggestions,which decisively improved the quality of the papers. Photos were provided by Dr. Mathias Beiglbo¨ck (conference photo) and Peter Geisenberger (photo of Heinz Langer). Asorganizersofthe“ColloquiumonOperatorTheory”itwasagreatpleasure for us that so many colleagues participated in the conference; as editors of the present volume we are happy that a large part of them decided to contribute to these proceedings. We greatly acknowledge the interesting experience. Vienna, July 2005 Matthias Langer Annemarie Luger Harald Woracek (the editors) Laudation By Aad Dijksma, Vienna, March 4, 2004 Dear Vice-Rector Kaiser, Dean Dorninger, and Professor Inge Troch, dear Heinz, dear colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen. Introduction Heinz Langeris a worldleadingexpertinspectral analysisandits applications,in particular in operator theory on spaces with an indefinite inner product. He has moved mathematical boundaries and opened new areas of research. He has the talent to focus on what is fundamental and to give directions to what is possible. By sharing his ideas he has stimulated many to explore unknown mathematical territory.Heinz is co-authorofa book with M.G.KreinandI.S. Iokhvidovandhe haspublishedmorethan170paperswith45co-authorsfromallovertheworld.He hasdirectedtheresearchofabout25Ph.D.students.Hisresultsarestillbeingap- pliedandquotedininternationaljournalsinmathematics andtheoreticalphysics. As one of his collaborators I can attest to the fact that Heinz is still very active. Whentheorganizersofthisworkshopinvitedmetogivethislaudationspeech Iimmediatelysaidyes.IdeemitanhonortopaytributetoHeinz.Notonlybecause I admire his work,but also because I have learneda lotfrom him and still do and becauseIconsiderhimaclosefriend.Ifeelprivilegedandpleasedtospeakonthis occasion. First I will outline Heinz’s biography and highlight his successful years at the Vienna University of Technology. Then I will try to clarify what I meant whenIsaidthatHeinzhasmovedmathematicalboundariesandopenednewareas ofresearchbydiscussingsomeofthemainthemesinhiswork.Finally,Iwillspeak about Heinz’s connection with The Netherlands and especially with Groningen. Biography Heinz Langer was born in Dresden on August 8, 1935. He lived in Dresden for almost 55 years. He attended the Gymnasium there, studied mathematics at the Technical University of Dresden, where he became an assistant and where he ob- tained his Ph.D. in 1960and his Habilitation in 1965.He wasappointed professor in mathematics at his Alma Mater in 1966, at the age of 31. At that time there was officially no researchgroupin analysis, let alone functional analysis,so Heinz joined the groupin stochastics headedby his Ph.D. advisor Prof.P.H. Mu¨ller. He did research in and lectured on semigroups, one-dimensional Markov processes, and the spectral theory of Krein-Feller differential operators, but with Ph.D. stu- dents and colleagues from abroad he could work in his favorite topic: operator theory. Heinz declined a position at the prestigious Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, because he liked to teach and to work with Ph.D. and post-doctoral students. xii Laudation At the beginning of his career Heinz spent two years abroad, first as a post- doc in Odessain 1961/62uponthe invitationofM.G. Kreinandlater in1966/67, shortlyafterhisappointmentasprofessor,onafellowshipoftheNationalResearch Council of Canada which was arranged by Professor I. Halperin in Toronto. The contactwithKreinbeganwithHeinzpostingahandwrittenmanuscriptinGerman, in the mailbox at the central station of Dresden on December 31, 1959.I will say more about the contents of the manuscript when I speak about the main themes in Heinz’s work.The subsequent stay in Odessa and the many shorter visits after thathadatremendousinfluenceonHeinz,hiscareerinmathematics,and,Ithink, on his style of doing mathematics. When Heinz mentions Krein it is with great affection and respect, and I know that Krein thought of Heinz as one his most brilliant students and collaborators. In between the two trips abroad Heinz had married Elke and in May 1967 their daughter Henriette was born. In the 1970’s and 1980’s Heinz spent several extended periods away from home in, for example, Jyva¨skyla¨, Stockholm, Uppsala, Linko¨ping, Antwerp, Gro- ningen, Amsterdam, and Regensburg. In all these places Heinz left his mark. He establishedsomeformofresearchco-operation,setupPh.D.projectsandmadeit possible for students and colleagues to come to Dresden. My account on Heinz’s connection with Groningen later on serves as an example of his stimulating influ- ence on other mathematicians. Heinz remained in Dresden until 1989.In October of that year, shortly before the fall of the Berlin wall, he and his family gave up hearth and home, left the GDR and went to Regensburg. Turbulent times fol- lowed. Thanks to Albert Schneider Heinz obtained a professorship for one year at the University of Dortmund. After that year, with the support of Reinhard Mennicken, Heinz became professor at the University of Regensburg. Finally, in August1991,Heinz movedto Vienna wherehe begananewandsuccessfulperiod in his life and in his mathematical career. Heinz was offered the prestigious chair “Anwendungsorientierte Analysis” at the Vienna University of Technology, previously held by Professor Edmund Hlawka, but under a different name. The University could hardly have found a more worthy successor.For several years Heinz was chairman of the Institute. He waspragmaticandapparentlydidhisjobwellbecausehewasre-elected.Innotime theViennaUniversityofTechnologybecameaninternationallyrenownedresearch centerofoperatortheorywithyoungpeopledoingchallengingresearch.InVienna Heinz guided 7 Ph.D. and 3 post-doctoral students. The center attracted many visitorsfromalloverthe worldforvisitstodoresearchandforworkshops.During the past 12 years Heinz has organized 4 workshops, one in co-operation with the Schro¨dinger Institute and one in 2001 when the Vienna University of Technology awardedProfessorIsraelGohbergfromIsraelanhonorarydoctorate.He obtained various long term research grants including funds for Ph.D. and post-doctoral projects.Heinzhasclearandpracticalideasandakeensenseonwhattoapplyfor and on how to formulate it. Two of these grants were from the Austrian “Fonds zur Fo¨rderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF),” the last of which was Laudation xiii awardedveryrecentlyforaprojectoncanonicalsystems.Astoathirdgrant:Heinz is the leader of the Austrian-Germanteam in a ResearchTraining Networkof the European Union, in which 10 universities from 9 different countries participate. In recognition of his work Heinz was elected corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Main themes in his work Heinz’s lifelong mathematical interesthas been in the theory of operators,in par- ticularoperatorsonindefiniteinnerproductspacesanditsapplications.Thissub- jectwassuggestedbyProfessorP.H.Mu¨ller,histhesisadvisor.Heinzhasinitiated manynewprojectsandmadefundamentalcontributionstotheirdevelopment.His work draws the attention of several mathematicians and physicists. To illustrate this I elaborate on four of the main themes in his work: 1. From the Ph.D. period: the invariant subspace theorem. 2. From the Habilitation period: definitizable operators. 3. From the period 1975–1985:extension theory. 4. From the Vienna period: block operator matrices. Thesemainthemesareinterconnectedandoverlapintime.Thedivisioninperiods is made only to facilitate the exposition. The invariant subspace theorem Now I come back to the handwritten German manuscript. For his Ph.D. thesis, so in the late fifties and early sixties, Heinz read the papers by L.S. Pontryagin, M.G. Krein, and I.S. Iokhvidov. Pontryagin in 1944 published his famous theo- rem that a self-adjoint operator A in a Π space with a κ-dimensional negative κ subspace has a maximal invariant non-positive subspace and that the spectrum of A restricted to this subspace lies in the closed upper half-plane. In 1956 Krein gave a different proof of Pontryagin’s theorem using a fixed point theorem but then for unitary operators.Iokhvidovused the Cayley transformto showthat the theorems of Pontryagin and Krein are equivalent. Heinz generalized Pontryagin’s theorem to self-adjoint operators on a Krein space. The sole assumption was a simplecompactcornerconditiontohavecontrolovertheoperatorwhenrestricted to the possibly infinite-dimensional negative subspace of the Krein space. It was a truly remarkable achievement. Heinz wrote it up by hand and in German and sent the manuscript to Krein on New Year’s eve in 1959. It would later be the main result in Heinz’s Ph.D. thesis. Iokhvidov in Odessa had tried to prove the same theorem before but he had not succeeded. So naturally Krein was very in- terested in Heinz’s proof and he must have been impressed because in one of his Crimean lecture notes he refers to the generalized invariant subspace theorem as the Pontryagin-Langer theorem. In any case, Krein reacted by inviting Heinz to come to Odessa. The visit marked the beginning of a fruitful co-operation that lasted for more than 25 years,until the death of Kreinin 1989,and resulted in 13 joint papers. But the story goes on: One of the first things they discovered was a beautifulandunexpectedapplicationofthe invariantsubspacetheorem.Withthe

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