Operator of Time and Properties of Solutions of Schr¨odinger Equation for Time Dependent Hamiltonian Slobodan Prvanovi´c and Duˇsan Arsenovi´c Scientific Computing Laboratory, Center for the Study of Complex Systems, Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia (Dated: January 26, 2017) Withintheframeworkofself-adjointoperatoroftimeinnon-relativisticquantummechanicssome 7 propertiesofsolutions ofSchr¨odingerequation,related toHilbertspaceformalism, areinvestigated 1 for two typesof time dependentHamiltonian. 0 PACS number: 03.65.Ca, 03.65.Ta, 02.30.Sa 2 n 1 Ja dreEsvsienrgsitnimceeSdcehpr¨oenddinagnetrS[1c]h,rt¨ohdeirnegearreeqmuaantyioanrtaincdlestiamde- i~[Iˆ⊗tˆ,Iˆ⊗sˆ]=Iˆ⊗Iˆ 4 dependent Hamiltonians [2–8]. Within these investiga- The other commutators vanish. The operator of time tˆ 2 tions,oneisusuallyconcernedwiththeinfluenceofenvi- has continuous spectrum ,+ , just like the oper- ronmentona systemunder considerationandproperties {−∞ ∞} ators of coordinate and momentum qˆ and pˆ. So is the ] of evolving states. Treatment of these problems entirely h case for the operator sˆ, that is conjugate to time, and p belongs to the standard formalism of quantum mechan- which is the operator of energy. After noticing complete - ics where time is treated as parameter. This means, similarity among coordinate and momentum on one side t n in particular, that time dependence of the solutions of andtimeandenergyontheotherside,onecanintroduce a Schr¨odinger equation has not been systematically ana- eigenvectors of tˆ: u lyzedfrom the pointof view of the Hilbert space formal- q [ ism. Very often in standard quantum mechanics, time tˆt =tt , t R dependence of solutions of Schr¨odinger equation is seen | i | i ∀ ∈ 1 just as exponential phase factor, so, as such, it has not In t representation, operator of energy becomes i~∂ , 6v attracted much attention. Regarding the formalism of whi|leiitseigenvectors E becomeei1~Et,foreveryE ∂Rt. | i ∈ 7 Hilbert spaces, one is usually more concerned with the Accordingto Pauli,there is no self-adjointoperatorof 0 other part of solutions. That is, in the coordinate rep- time that is conjugate to the Hamiltonian H(qˆ,pˆ) which 7 resentation, one is interested in properties of ψ(q) and hasboundedfrombelowspectrum. Withinourproposal, 0 not much in eif(t). But, after introducing the operator self-adjointoperatorof time is conjugate to the operator . 1 oftime,propertiesofthepartofsolutionthatdependon ofenergy,whichhasunboundedspectrum. TheHamilto- 0 time become equally well interesting andthis is what we nianandoperatorofenergyareactingindifferentHilbert 7 are going to discuss in some detail. spaces, but there is subspace of the total Hilbert space 1 : There is a whole variety of topics and approaches re- where: v lated to the operator of time, e.g. [9–11] and references Xi therein, but let us shortly review our approach that we sˆψ =H(qˆ,pˆ)ψ | i | i r haveproposedin[12–15]. Ourapproachissimilarto[16], a The states that satisfy this equation are physical since and references therein, and [17]. theyhavenon-negativeenergy. Thelastequationisnoth- In order to fulfill demand coming from general rela- ingelsebuttheSchr¨odingerequation. Bytaking q t tivity, that space and time should be treated on equal | i⊗| i representationofpreviousequation,onegetsthefamiliar footing, just like for every spatial degree of freedom a form of Schr¨odinger equation: separate Hilbert space is introduced, one should intro- duce Hilbert space where operator of time tˆacts. More ∂ i~ ψ(q,t)=Hˆψ(q,t) concretely,forthecaseofonedegreeoffreedom,besideqˆ ∂t and conjugate momentum pˆ, acting non-trivially in , q tjuhgeareteshtooutˆld, abcetHntonw-htreirveiatˆl,lyt.ogeStoh,erinwith sˆthatfiosrcHothne- oWthitehr wthoerdssh,oortphearnatdornootfaetnioenrgHyˆh=as hnqe|gHa(tqiˆv,epˆ)e|qig′ie.nvaIln- q t self-adjoint operators qˆ Iˆ, pˆ Iˆ, Iˆ Htˆa⊗ndHIˆ sˆ the ues as well as non-negative, but the Schr¨odinger equa- ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ tionappearsasaconstraintthatselectsphysicallymean- following commutation relations hold: ingful states. That is, states with non-negative en- 1 ergy, due to the non-negative spectra of H(qˆ,pˆ), are se- i~[qˆ⊗Iˆ,pˆ⊗Iˆ]=Iˆ⊗Iˆ lected by Schr¨odinger equation. For time independent 2 Hamiltonian, the typical solution of Schr¨odinger equa- of the solution can be called generalized Dirac delta tion ψE(q)ei1~Et is q t representationof ψE E , function with explanation similar to the above given | i⊗| i | i⊗| i where H(qˆ,pˆ)ψ = E ψ and sˆE = E E . The en- one. The properties of generalized Dirac delta func- E E | i | i | i | i ergy eigenvectors E have the same formal characteris- tions tE,h = 1 e iEh(t) are as follows. Their bi- | i h | i √2π − tics as, say, the momentum eigenvectors (they are nor- orthogonalset is: malized to δ(0) and, for different values of energy, they are mutually orthogonal). tE ,h, = 1 h(t)e iE′h(t) ′ ′ − Now, let us discuss properties of solutions of h | ⊥i √2π Schr¨odinger equation with time dependent Hamiltonian. since: In order to be more systematic, we shall firstly ana- lyze situation when time dependence appears through E ,h, E,h = 1 +∞dth(t)e ih(t)(E E′) = ′ ′ − − h ⊥| i 2π Z the term that is added to the time independent Hamil- −∞ ttoimnieadne,pi.ened.,enHt(tqˆe,rpˆm)+mugl(ttˆi)p,ltiehsentimtheeinsidteupaetniodnenwthpeanrtthoef = 21π Z +∞dye−iy(E−E′) =δ(E−E′). the Hamiltonian, i.e., H(qˆ,pˆ) g(tˆ), and finally we shall −∞ · Resolution of unity is: briefly comment combination of these two. (We are not going to discuss the case when g(tˆ) depends on qˆand pˆ + + since it is beyond the scope of this article.) Iˆ= ∞dE E,h, E,h = ∞ E,h E,h, . Z | ⊥ih | Z | ih ⊥| For the Hamiltonian H(qˆ,pˆ) + g(tˆ), the Schr¨odinger −∞ −∞ equation(in q t representation,andwith~=1taken Functions 1 e iEh(t) generate transform: for simplicity|)ii⊗s|saitisfied for ψ (q) 1 eih(t)eiEt, where √2π − E √2π E is the eigenvalue of Hamiltonian and h(t) = g(t)dt. [ f(t)](E) 1 +∞f(t)e iEh(t)dt h − The time dependent part of the solution can beRseen as F ≡ √2π Z −∞ modulated Dirac delta function since it is slightly differ- which is related to Fourier transform by: ent from the time representation of energy eigenvector, which is Dirac delta function in energy representation. dh 1(t) ThepropertiesofmodulatedDiracdeltafunctionsareas [Fhf(t)](E)=(cid:20)F(cid:26) −dt f(h−1(t))(cid:27)(cid:21)(E). follows. Withthe setoffunctions tE,h = 1 e ih(t)e iEt it It is easy to verify that inverse transform is: h | i √2π − − iseasytoverifyorthogonalityandcom+pletenessrelations: [Fh−1f(E)](t)= √12πh′(t)Z +∞f(E)eiEh(t)dE. E,hE ,h =δ(E E ), Iˆ= ∞ E,h E,hdE. −∞ ′ ′ h | i − Z | ih | The operator 1 i∂ has 1 e iEh(t) as generalized −∞ h′(t) ∂t √2π − The h generated transform: eigenfunctions since(cid:0): (cid:1) [ hf(t)](E) 1 +∞f(t)e−ih(t)e−iEtdt h1(t)(cid:18)i∂∂t(cid:19)(cid:20)√12πe−iEh(t)(cid:21)=E(cid:20)√12πeiEh(t)(cid:21). F ≡ √2π Z ′ −∞ This operator is not self-adjoint, which is in accordance is easily related to the Fourier transform: with the fact that 1 e iEh(t) are not orthogonal. √2π − [ f(t)](E)=[ (f(t)e ih(t)](E). While: h − F F It’s inverse is S(E)= 1 +∞dteiEh(t) 2π Z [Fh−1f(E)](t)≡ √12π Z +∞f(E)eih(t)eiEtdE. may not be integrable, it m−a∞y exist as a distribution. −∞ Acting on a Schwartz function ϕ(E), it holds: Thissetoffunctionsaregeneralisedeigenfunctionsofthe + self-adjoint operator i∂ g(t) : S, ϕ = ∞S(E)ϕ(E)dE = ∂t − h i Z (cid:0) (cid:1) −∞ (cid:18)i∂∂t −g(t)(cid:19)(cid:20)√12πe−ih(t)e−iEt(cid:21)=E(cid:20)√12πe−ih(t)e−iEt(cid:21). = 21π Z +∞dtZ +∞ϕ(E)e−iEh(t)dE = −∞ −∞ For the Hamiltonian H(qˆ,pˆ) g(tˆ), the Schr¨odinger = 1 +∞dt[ (ϕ(E))](h(t)) = equation (in q t represent·ation) is satisfied for √2π Z F ψE(q)√12πe−iE|h(it),⊗w|hiere E is the eigenvalue of Hamil- = 1 +∞−d∞udh−1(u)[ (ϕ(E))](u). tonian and h(t) = g(t)dt. The time dependent part √2π Z du F R −∞ 3 Using Parseval’s theorem, the result is: S, ϕ = 1 +∞ϕ(E) −1 dh−1(t) ∗ (E) ∗ [1] E. Schr¨odinger, Ann.Phys., 81, 109 (1926) h i √2π Z (cid:26)(cid:20)F (cid:18)(cid:18) dt (cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:27) [2] D. 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