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Operations Research Proceedings 2003: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2003) Heidelberg, September 3–5, 2003 PDF

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Preview Operations Research Proceedings 2003: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2003) Heidelberg, September 3–5, 2003

Operations Research Proceedings 2003 Selected Papers ofthe International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2003) Heidelberg,September 3-5,2003 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH D.Ahr · R. Fahrion M. Oswald · G. Reinelt Editors Operations Research Proceedings 2003 Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2003) Heidelberg,September 3-5,2003 With 137 Figures and 51 Tables 123 Dipl.-Inf.Dino Ahr Dr.Marcus Oswald Universität Heidelberg Universität Heidelberg Institut für Informatik Institut für Informatik Im Neuenheimer Feld 368 Im Neuenheimer Feld 368 69120 Heidelberg,Germany 69120 Heidelberg,Germany [email protected] [email protected] Professor Dr.Roland Fahrion Professor Dr.Gerhard Reinelt Universität Heidelberg Universität Heidelberg Alfred-Weber-Institut Institut für Informatik Grabengasse 14 Im Neuenheimer Feld 368 69117 Heidelberg,Germany 69120 Heidelberg,Germany [email protected] [email protected] ISBN 978-3-540-21445-8 ISBN 978-3-642-17022-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17022-5 Cataloging-in-Publication Data applied for A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data available in the internet at http.//dnb.ddb.de This work is subject to copyright.All rights are reserved,whether the whole or part of the material is concerned,specifically the rights of translation,reprinting,reuse of illustrations, recitation,broadcasting,reproduction on microfilm or in any other way,and storage in data banks.Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provi- sions of the German Copyright Law of September 9,1965,in its current version,and per- mission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag.Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. springeronline.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in 2004 The use of general descriptive names,registered names,trademarks,etc.in this publication does not imply,even in the absence of a specific statement,that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Cover design:Erich Kirchner,Heidelberg SPIN 10998311 42/3130 – 5 4 3 2 1 0 – Printed on acid-free paper Preface This volume contains a selection of papers referring to lectures presented at the symposium "Operations Research 2003" (OR03) held at the Ruprecht Karls-Universitiit Heidelberg, September 3 - 5, 2003. This international con ference took place under the auspices of the German Operations Research So ciety (GOR) and of Dr. Erwin Teufel, prime minister of Baden-Wurttemberg. The symposium had about 500 participants from countries all over the world. It attracted academians and practitioners working in various field of Opera tions Research and provided them with the most recent advances in Opera tions Research and related areas in Economics, Mathematics, and Computer Science. The program consisted of 4 plenary and 13 semi-plenary talks and more than 300 contributed papers selected by the program committee to be presented in 17 sections. Due to a limited number of pages available for the proceedings volume, the length of each article as well as the total number of accepted contributions had to be restricted. Submitted manuscripts have therefore been reviewed and 62 of them have been selected for publication. This refereeing procedure has been strongly supported by the section chairmen and we would like to express our gratitude to them. Finally, we also would like to thank Dr. Werner Muller from Springer-Verlag for his support in publishing this proceedings volume. Heidelberg, February 2004 Dino Ahr Roland Fahrion Marcus Oswald Gerhard Reinelt Committees Organizing Committee Program Committee Roland Fahrion (Heidelberg) Hans-Georg Bock (Heidelberg) Gerhard Reinelt (Heidelberg) Wolfgang Domschke (Darmstadt) Roland Fahrion (Heidelberg) Michael Junger (Koln) Hartmut Kogelschatz (Heidelberg) Gerhard Reinelt (Heidelberg) Gunter D. Liesegang (Heidelberg) Franz Rendl (Klagenfurt) Gerhard Wascher (Magdeburg) Sections and Chairpersons Revenue Management Robert Klein (Darmstadt), Gerhard Wascher (Magdeburg) Telecommunication and Information Technology Alexander Martin (Darmstadt) Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Bernhard Fleischmann (Augsburg) Services, Transportation and Traffic Tore Grunert (Aachen) Scheduling and Project Management Andreas Drexl (Kiel) Marketing and Data Analysis Wolfgang Gaul (Karlsruhe) Energy, Environment and Health Steffen FleBa (Heidelberg), Gunter D. Liesegang (Heidelberg) Finance, Banking and Insurances Siegfried Trautmann (Mainz) Simulation Hans-Otto Gunther (Berlin) Continuous Optimization Johannes Jahn (Erlangen) Discrete and Combinatorial Optimization Peter Gritzmann (Munchen) Applied Probability Ulrich Rieder (Ulm) Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks Thorsten Poddig (Bremen), Heinrich Rommelfanger (Frankfurt/M.) Econometrics, Statistics, Mathematical Economics and Decision Theory Stefan Huschens (Dresden) Experimental Economics, Game Theory and Auctioning Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt Managerial Accounting Christian Hofmann (Hannover), Carsten Homburg (Kaln) Web Technology, Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems Leena Suhl (Paderborn) Contents GOR Awards Assessing Capacity Improvements by Relaying in Cellular 1 Networks H.-F. Geerdes Performance Analysis of M -designed Inbound Call Centers 9 R. Stolletz Revenue Management Revenue Management in Manufacturing 17 F. Defregger, H. Kuhn Network Revenue Management: Some Issues on Upper and 23 Lower Bounds M. Miiller-Bungart Telecommunication and Information Technology Optimisation Methods for UMTS Radio Network Planning 31 A. Eisenblatter, A. Fiigenschuh, H.-F. Geerdes, D. Junglas, T. Koch, A. Martin Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Distribution Planning Problem: A Survey 39 B. Bilgen, 1. Ozkarahan Artikelanordnungsmuster bei 47 Mann-zur-Ware-Kommissionierung K. Dorner, M. Reeh, C. Strauss, G. Wascher The Impact of the Exchange of Market and Stock 55 Information on the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains B. FaiBt, D. Arnold, K. Furmans x Analyzing the Bullwhip Effect of Installation-Stock and 63 Echelon-Stock Policies with Linear Control Theory K. Hoberg, V.W. Thonemann, J.R. Bradley Policy Approximation for the Production Inventory 71 Problem with Stochastic Demand, Stochastic Yield and Production Leadtime K. Inderfurth, C. Gotzel A Dynamic Model for Choosing the Optimal Technology in 79 the Context of Reverse Logistics R. Kleber Deriving Inventory-Control Policies for Periodic Review 87 with Genetic Programming P. Kleinau, V.W. Thonemann Dynamic Multi-Commodity Facility Location: 95 A Mathematical Modeling Framework for Strategic Supply Chain Planning M.T. Melo, S. Nickel, F. Saldanha da Gama Leistungsabstimmung von Produktionslinien 103 in der Elektronikmontage M. Schleusener, H.-O. Gunther A Priority-Rule Based Method for Batch Production 111 Scheduling in the Process Industries C. Schwindt, N. Trautmann Services, Transportation and Traffic A Metaheuristic Approach for Hazardous Materials 119 Transportation P. Carotenuto, G. Galiano, S. Giordani Personal- und Fahrzeugeinsatzplanung in der 127 M iillentsorgung J.R. Daduna Modelling of Complex Costs and Rules in a Crew Pairing 133 Column Generator R. Galia, C. Hjorring XI Convexification of the Traffic Equilibrium Problem 141 with Social Marginal Cost Tolls P. O. Lindberg, L. Engelson Vermittlung von Fahrgemeinschaften betrachtet als Vehicle 149 Routing Problem G. Reents Scheduling and Project Management Single Machine Scheduling with Precedence Constraints 157 and SLK Due Date Assignment V. Gordon, J.-M. Proth, V. Strusevich A Parallel Approach to the Pricing Step in Crew Scheduling 165 Problems T.V. Hoai, G. Reinelt, H.G. Bock Scheduling Regular and Temporary Employees 173 with Qualifications in a Casino C. Stark, J. Zimmermann Marketing and Data Analysis Web Robot Detection - the Influence of Robots on Web 181 Mining C. Bomhardt, W. Gaul Visualizing Recommender System Results via 189 Multidimensional Scaling W. Gaul, P. Thoma, L. Schmidt-Thieme, S. van den Bergh Die Modellierung von Pdiferenzveranderungen mittels 197 Scanner Panel Daten L. Hildebrandt, L. Michaelis Measurement of Online Visibility 205 N. Schmidt-Manz, W. Gaul Determinants and Behavioral Consequences of Customer 213 Loyalty and Dependence in Online Brokerage - Results from a Causal Analysis Y. Staack XII Product Bundling as a Marketing Application 221 B. StauB, W. Gaul Energy, Environment and Health Entwicklung und Anwendung einer mehrstufigen 229 Methodik zur Analyse betriebsiibergreifender Energieversorgungskonzepte W. Fichtner, O. Rentz A System Dynamics Model of the Epidemiological 237 Transition S. FleBa Finance, Banking and Insurances Implementing a Reference Portfolio Strategy 245 in Bond Portfolio Management U. Derigs, N.-H. Nickel Evolutionary Algorithms and the Cardinality Constrained 253 Portfolio Optimization Problem F. Streichert, H. Ulmer, A. Zell Calculating Concentration-Sensitive Capital Charges with 261 Conditional Value-at-Risk D. Tasche, U. Theiler Simulation Integration der Simulation in die Programmplanung einer 269 globalen Supply Chain L. Dohse, T. Hanschke, 1. Meents, H. Zisgen Objektorientierte Simulation von Anlagen der 276 Elektronikmontage M. Grunow, H.-O. Gunther Continuous Optimization A Mixed-Discrete Bilevel Programming Problem 284 S. Dempe, V. Kalashnikov

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