(cid:78)(cid:97)(cid:116)(cid:105)(cid:111)(cid:110)(cid:97)(cid:108)(cid:32)(cid:70)(cid:111)(cid:111)(cid:100)(cid:32)(cid:83)(cid:101)(cid:99)(cid:117)(cid:114)(cid:105)(cid:116)(cid:121) (cid:77)(cid:105)(cid:115)(cid:115)(cid:105)(cid:111)(cid:110) (cid:79)(cid:112)(cid:101)(cid:114)(cid:97)(cid:116)(cid:105)(cid:111)(cid:110)(cid:97)(cid:108)(cid:32)(cid:71)(cid:117)(cid:105)(cid:100)(cid:101)(cid:108)(cid:105)(cid:110)(cid:101)(cid:115) (cid:68)(cid:101)(cid:112)(cid:97)(cid:114)(cid:116)(cid:109)(cid:101)(cid:110)(cid:116)(cid:32)(cid:111)(cid:102)(cid:32)(cid:65)(cid:103)(cid:114)(cid:105)(cid:99)(cid:117)(cid:108)(cid:116)(cid:117)(cid:114)(cid:101)(cid:32)(cid:38)(cid:32)(cid:67)(cid:111)(cid:111)(cid:112)(cid:101)(cid:114)(cid:97)(cid:116)(cid:105)(cid:111)(cid:110)(cid:32) (cid:77)(cid:105)(cid:110)(cid:105)(cid:115)(cid:116)(cid:114)(cid:121)(cid:32)(cid:111)(cid:102)(cid:32)(cid:65)(cid:103)(cid:114)(cid:105)(cid:99)(cid:117)(cid:108)(cid:116)(cid:117)(cid:114)(cid:101) (cid:71)(cid:111)(cid:118)(cid:101)(cid:114)(cid:110)(cid:109)(cid:101)(cid:110)(cid:116)(cid:32)(cid:111)(cid:102)(cid:32)(cid:73)(cid:110)(cid:100)(cid:105)(cid:97) National Food Security Mission Operational Guidelines (As revised on 1st March, 2009) Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation March, 2009 (i) Vhõ uUn dqekj] vkbZõ,õ,l Hkkjr ljdkj lfpo] Hkkjr ljdkj Ñf"k ea=kky; T. Nanda Kumar, I.A.S Ñf"k ,oa lgdkfjrk foHkkx Secretary Government of India Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation FOREWORD The National Food Security Mission launched during October, 2007 has begun well in its initial phase of implementation. The experiences of administering this scheme during the first agriculture year of its implementation have been very satisfying in terms of ensuring quality of delivery of agricultural services to the farmers and good outcome achieved in the process. The focused approach of the mission with direct funding arrangement to the State and District level autonomous agencies and provisioning of dedicated project management teams for catalyzing result oriented implementation has been benefiting millions of farmers across the country in the targeted States and the Districts. The first edition of Operational Guidelines had been useful for the States in the preparation and implementation of the State Action Plans as per the Mission's objectives, programme interventions, and norms of assistance. However, while implementing the scheme, various States and Districts expressed practical operational problems in ensuring wider coverage, clarity on subsidy administration and for effective project management. Based on the feedback from the states, with the approval of the General Council of the National Food Security Mission headed by the Union Agriculture Minister, timely changes have been made to modify/include/clarify some of the guidelines, keeping in mind the greater interest of the farmers and demand from the States. This revised booklet of operational guidelines containing all the modifications/ clarifications is being brought out for the benefit of the field functionaries to ensure clarity in implementation of the programmes. I am sure State Governments will disseminate these revised guidelines among all the stakeholders of the Mission so as to enable them to contribute their utmost in this noble endeavor of ensuring food security for the country. New Delhi (T. Nanda Kumar) 2nd April, 2009 nwjHkk"k QSDl la- Office : Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, /Phone : 23382651, 23388444, /Fax No. : 23386004 E-mail : [email protected] (iii) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Mission Objectives 1 3. Strategy 1 4. Mission Structure 1 5. Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions 5 6. Area of Operation of Food Security Mission 5 7. Mechanism of Fund Flow 5 8. Monitoring 5 9. Reporting System 6 10. Evaluation 6 11. Criteria for Identification of Areas and Beneficiaries 7 12. Procedure for Approval and Implementation of Annual plans 7 13. Position of Ongoing Schemes 8 14. Mission Interventions 8 Annexure-I - Basic qualification and experience of Technical consultants 27 Annexure-II (a) - NFSM-Rice Districts 29 Annexure-II (b) - NFSM-Wheat Districts 31 Annexure-II (c) - NFSM-Pulses Districts 33 Annexure-III - Summary of Pattern of assistance for components of NFSM-Rice/Wheat/pulses 37 Annexure-III(a) - Pattern of assistance for components of NFSM-rice 42 Annexure-III(b) - Pattern of assistance for components of NFSM-wheat 45 Annexure-III(c) - Pattern of assistance for components of NFSM-Pulses 48 Annexure-IV - Duties of Consultsnts/TAs engaged at national/state/district levels 51 (v) ABBREVIATIONS ATMA Agricultural Technology Management Agency APR Annual Progress Report AISLUS All India Soil and Land Use Survey CRRI Central Rice Research Institute CSC Central Seeds Committee CIAE Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering CYMMIT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center DAC Department of Agriculture and Cooperation DFSMEC District Food Security Mission Executive Committee DRR Directorate of Rice Research DWR Directorate of Wheat Research GC General Council HYV High Yielding Variety ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICDP Integrated Cereal Development Programme ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi – Arid Tropics IFFCO Indian Farmers Fertilizers Cooperative Limited IISS Indian Institute of Soil Science IIPR Indian Institute of Pulses Research INM Integrated Nutrient Management ISOPOM Integrated Scheme for Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil palm and Maize IPM Integrated Pest Management KRIBHCO Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited KVK Krishi Vigyan Kendra NAFED National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited NAIP National Agricultural Innovation Project NALMOT National Level Monitoring Team NDC National Development Council NSC National Seeds Corporation NFSM National Food Security Mission NFSMEC National Food Security Mission Executive Committee NGO Non-Government Organizations QPR Quarterly Progress Reports PMT Project Management Team SAMETI State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute SAU State Agricultural University SC Schedule Caste SC Seed Committee SCP Special Component Plan SRI System of Rice Intensification SRR Seed Replacement Rate SFCI State Farms Corporation of India SFSMEC State Food Security Mission Executive Committee SSC State Seed Corporation ST Schedule Tribe TSP Tribal Sub-Plan (vi) National Food Security Mission Operational Guidelines 1. Introduction Mission would adopt following strategies: 1.1 The National Development Council i. Implementation in a mission mode (NDC) in its 53rd meeting held on 29th May, approach through active 2007 adopted a resolution to launch a Food engagement of all the stakeholders Security Mission comprising rice, wheat and at various levels. pulses to increase the production of rice by 10 ii. Promotion and extension of million tons, wheat by 8 million tons and improved technologies i.e., seed, pulses by 2 million tons by the end of the Integrated Nutrient Management Eleventh Plan (2011-12). Accordingly, a (INM) including micronutrients, soil Centrally Sponsored Scheme, 'National Food amendments, Integrated Pest Security Mission' (NFSM), has been launched Management (IPM) and resource from 2007-08 to operationalise the above conservation technologies along mentioned resolution. with capacity building of the farmers. 1.2 The National Food Security Mission iii. Flow of fund would be closely will have three components (i) National Food monitored to ensure that Security Mission - Rice (NFSM-Rice); (ii) interventions reach the target National Food Security Mission - Wheat beneficiaries on time. (NFSM-Wheat); and (iii) National Food Security iv. Various interventions proposed Mission - Pulses (NFSM-Pulses). would be integrated with the district plan and targets for each identified 2. Mission Objectives district would be fixed. 2.1 Increasing production of rice, wheat v. Constant monitoring and concurrent and pulses through area expansion and evaluation for assessing the impact productivity enhancement in a sustainable of the interventions for a result manner in the identified districts of the oriented approach by the country; implementing agencies. 2.2 Restoring soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level; 4. Mission Structure 2.3 Creation of employment opportunities; 4A. National Level and 4.1 A General Council (GC) will be 2.4 Enhancing farm level economy (i.e. constituted under the chairmanship of the farm profits) to restore confidence amongst Union Agriculture Minister. A Mission Director the farmers. will be appointed at the national level. The composition of the GC will be as under: 3. Strategy (i) Minister of Agriculture Chairman 3.1 To achieve the above objectives, the (ii) Secretary (A&C) Member 1 (iii) Secretary (DARE) & Member (vii) Five (5) experts on Member DG (ICAR) crop production (iv) Secretary, Ministry of Member (viii) Mission Director Member Finance Secretary (v) Adviser (Agriculture), Member 4.4 Function of the NFSMEC will be to Planning Commission oversee the activities of the Mission and to (vi) Agriculture Commissioner Member approve the individual State Action Plans. The Chairman may nominate more members to (vii) Mission Director Member the committee as per requirement. The Secretary NFSMEC will meet once in every quarter. 4.2 The GC will be the policy making 4.5 A National Food Security Mission Cell body providing suitable directives and will be created in the Crops Division of DAC guidance to the Mission and reviewing the by deploying officers/staff from within the overall progress and development of the department. There would be three Additional scheme. The GC will be empowered to lay Commissioners one each for rice, wheat and down and amend the operational guidelines, pulses and three Deputy Commissioners one decide need based reallocation of resources each for the respective crops. Two Assistant across states and districts and approve projects Commissioners, Three Assistant Directors, as per the requirements. However, the subsidy Three STAs and supporting staff will also be norms as approved by the Government shall placed in the Cell. in no circumstances be exceeded for any of the Mission components. The GC will meet 4B. State Level at least twice a year. 4.6 A State Food Security Mission Executive 4.3 A National Food Security Mission Committee (SFSMEC) will be constituted by Executive Committee (NFSMEC) will be the State Governments under the chairmanship constituted under the Chairmanship of of Chief Secretary to oversee the activities of Secretary, Department of Agriculture & the Mission in the State. Secretary (Agriculture), Cooperation to oversee the activities of the Secretary (Irrigation), Secretary (Power) and Mission and to approve the State Action Plans. representatives from other Departments The NFSMEC will comprise the following: concerned, State Agricultural Universities (i) Secretary (A&C) Chairman (SAUs), ICAR Institutes, Lead banks, etc. will be the members of the SFSMEC. A State (ii) Secretary (DARE) & Mission Director will be appointed in the DG (ICAR) Member scale of Director (from within the State (iii) Secretary, MOWR Member Government or outside). The constitution of (iv) Secretary, Department the State Food Security Mission Executive of Fertilizers Member Committee (SFSMEC) will be as follows: (v) Adviser (Agriculture), (i) Chief Secretary of Chairman Planning Commission Member the State (vi) Agriculture Commissioner Member (ii) Secretary (Agriculture) Member 2 (iii) Secretary (Irrigation) Member status of crop production, its potential and demand. Similar (iv) Secretary (Power) Member studies would also be undertaken (v) Vice Chancellor(s) Member for other components of the of SAUs programmes. (vi) Director/Project Director Member (iii) Implementation of the Mission's of ICAR Institutes programmes in the State through Farmers Societies, Non-Governmental (vii) Representatives of Member Lead banks Organizations (NGOs), Growers' associations, Self-Help Groups, State (viii) State Mission Director Member institutions and other similar entities. Secretary (iv) Organize workshops, seminars and 4.7 The State Governments will have to training programmes for farmers and nominate or create a suitable autonomous other stakeholders at the State level agency registered under the Societies with the help of State Agricultural Registration Act for implementing the Mission Universities and ICAR Institutes in at the State and district levels. The agency the State. thus nominated will implement the Mission's (v) Funds would be directly received programme in the State. Such an agency could by it from the National Food Security be the State Agricultural Management & Mission to execute the approved Extension Training Institute (SAMETI) at the Action Plan for the State. State Level and the Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) at the district 4C. District Level level. 4.10 At the district level, the scheme will be 4.8 Separate accounts for the scheme implemented through the ATMA. The State would be maintained by the State and the Level Agency will provide the required funds District level Agencies as per the Account to the District Level Agency for execution of code prescribed by the NFSMEC. The annual the programme at the district / block level. accounts would be duly audited by a chartered accountant every year. 4.11 A District Food Security Mission Executive Committee (DFSMEC) will be 4.9 The State Level Agency will have the constituted for project formulation, following responsibilities: implementation and monitoring of the scheme components through the Agriculture (i) Prepare perspective and State Action Department. The District Collector or Chief Plan in consonance with the Executive Officer of the Zilla Parishad (as per Mission's goals and objectives and existing norms of the State Government) will in close coordination with SAUs be the Chairman of the DFSMEC. and ICAR Institutes. (ii) Organize / conduct baseline survey 4.12 DFSMEC will have representatives from and feasibility studies in the area of the line Departments concerned including operation (district, sub-district or a SAUs, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), ATMA, group of districts) to determine the progressive farmers, self help groups of farmers 3 and reputed NGOs as its members. The Deputy of the level of a Deputy Director (Agriculture) Director (Agriculture) / District Agriculture or the District Agriculture Officer. Officer will be the Member Secretary of the 4.16 The PMTs will be assisted by technical DFSMEC. The constitution of the DFSMEC experts to be appointed on contractual basis will be as follows: for technology transfer and implementation of the Mission. The PMTs will have the (i) District Collector/CEO responsibility to ensure collaboration among of Zilla Parishad Chairman various line departments in the Centre / State (ii) Representatives from /District to achieve the targets. The appointment line Departments Member of technical manpower will be made on (iii) Nominated progressive contract basis with the terms of reference laid farmers Member down for the purpose by NFSMEC. The PMT will provide the technical services/advice. (iv) Representatives from self Honorarium to Project Management Team help groups of farmers Member members will be fixed as per the extant (v) Representatives from financial norms. Essential and desirable reputed NGOs Member qualifications for the candidates to be (vi) Representative of KVK / appointed for contractual services are given at SAU in the District Member Annexure-I. (vii) Project Director ATMA Member 4.17 National/state/district PMT can engage need based experts with the permission of the (viii) Deputy Director General Council from fields like Publicity and (Agriculture)/District Member Communications, Financial Management, Agricultural Officer Secretary Information Management etc. However, in no case the number of Technical Consultants will 4.13 Chairman, DFSMEC may nominate be less than four for the expertise in agriculture additional officials/persons of importance as as per the qualifications given in the felt necessary by him. Annexure-I. 4D. Project Management Team 4.18 The pay of Senior Technical Assistants will be regulated from time to time according 4.14 A Project Management Team (PMT) to Research Associates in ICAR / NAIP will be constituted at the National level under Projects. the leadership of Mission Director. Six 4.19 The Project Management Team will Consultants in identified fields of expertise have the following responsibilities: and eight Senior Technical Assistants would be hired on contractual basis. (a) Guide the States/districts in organizational and technical matters. 4.15 A PMT will also be constituted at the (b) Help in the implementation and State and the district level under the leadership monitoring of the various of a Project Manager drawn from the State interventions of the NFSM. Government. At the State level, the Project Manager will be of the level of a Director. At (c) Assist the States/districts in capacity the district level, the project manager will be building programmes and record 4 the data on crop yield through crop data, is empowered to include or exclude the cutting experiment samples. districts for implementation of various components of the Mission. (d) Assist the district and state agencies in concurrent evaluation based on 7. Mechanism of Fund Flow case studies in identified districts and document and disseminate the 7.1 Funds for implementing the Mission's success stories. programme will be directly released to the (e) Undertake publicity/information State Level Agency with the approval of the campaign to promote the Mission NFSMEC. The State Level Agency would make objectives. funds available to the District Level Agency in accordance with approved programme of the 4.20 ICAR institutes/ SAUs, their research district. Funds would be released in stations and KVKs functioning in the district installments based on the progress reports and will provide technical support in formulation submission of utilization certificates. of projects, its implementation and monitoring. The technical staff will be sourced from these 7.2 The funds for the implementation of organizations for imparting training to the the activities of the components will be released farmers and extension personnel involved in by the State/District Level Agency to the nodal the implementation and monitoring of the departments which will procure the required NFSM. inputs for the district. The nodal departments will submit the utilization certificate to the 5. Role of Panchayati Raj State/District Level Agency which, will be Institutions compiled and a consolidated utilization certificate, duly authenticated by the DFSMEC 5.1 Panchayati Raj Institutions will be and SFSMEC will be submitted to the Ministry actively involved in following activities: of Agriculture, Govt. of India for further releases. (i) Selection of beneficiary and identification of priority areas for 7.3 As far as possible 'electronic banking' the implementation of Mission will be used for transfer of funds to the State interventions; and Level Agency and to the districts. The State Level Agency will have to maintain a separate (ii) Implementation of Local Initiatives budget and prescribed accounting system for in the identified districts. the Mission, both at the State and district level. 6. Area of Operation of Food 8. Monitoring Security Mission 8.1 The National Food Security Mission 6.1 NFSM - Rice, NFSM - Wheat and will have a strong mechanism of monitoring NFSM - Pulses will be implemented in 136, and evaluation with the involvement of all the 141 and 171 identified districts of different implementing agencies and the line States, respectively. List of the identified departments. At the district level, monitoring districts is given at Annexure-II(a) to II(c). will be undertaken by DFSMEC supported by 6.2 The GC, based on the latest available the Project Management Team. 5