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Operational extreme points of unital 6 1 0 completely positive maps 2 b e Marie Choda F 1 1 Osaka Kyoiku University, Osaka, Japan ] A [email protected] O . Abstract h t a Twonotions forlinearmaps(operationalconvex combinations and m operational exetreme points) are introduced. The set S of ucp maps [ on Mn(C) is the operational convex combinations of the identity map. 2 An operational extreme point of S is an extreme point of S but the v converse does not hold, and every automorphism is an operational 5 6 extreme point of S. 3 0 keywords: Positive linear map, convex combination 0 . Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 46L10; 46A55, 46L40, 52A05 2 0 6 1 1 Introduction : v i X From a view point of von Neumann entropy for states of M (C), we gave n r some characterization for unital positive Tr-preserving maps of the algebra a of n n conplex matrices M (C). That is, a positive unital Tr-preserving n × map Φ of M (C) preserves the von Neumann entropy of a given state φ if n and only if Φ plays a role of an automorphism for φ. In this note, we pick up the set of unital completely positive (called ”ucp” for short) maps of M (C). That is, for a unital linear map of M (C), we re- n n place the property ”Tr-preserving and positive ” to the property ”completely positive”, and investigate that what kind of position the automorphisms stand in ucp maps. 1 The set of ucp maps is a convex subset of linear maps of M (C). The n notion of convex sets begins with basic definition of the linear concepts of addition and scalar multiplication. Here, we shall consider the notion of convexity not only scalar multipli- cation but also the multiplication via operators and generalize the notion of convexity, i.e., we introduce the notion of operational convex conbination. The motivation for the terminology ”operational convex conbinations” comes from the following two definitions: One is Lindblad’s ”operational partition” in [5] (cf. [6] or [7]) and the other is Cuntz’s canonical endomor- phism Φ in [4]. It seems to be natural for treating the set of ucp maps as n the set of operational convex conbinations of automorphisms of M (C). n We also introduce the notion of operational extreme point. Since an automorphism of M (C) is an extreme point of the set of positive maps n (cf. [9]), any automorphism can not be expressed as a convex combination of two different automorphisms. However, it is possible to be expressed as an operational convex combination of two different automorphisms. By our definition, operational extreme points are extreme points, but the converse is not true as we show in Example 3.6, and we show that automorphisms are operational extreme points in the set of ucp maps of M (C). n 2 Preliminaries Here we summarize notations, terminologies and basic facts. 2.1 Finite partition of unity What we need to define a convex sum ? In usual, we need a probability vector λ = (λ , ,λ ): λ 0, λ = 1. 1 ··· n i ≥ Pi i Given a finite subset x = x ,...,x of a vector space X, the vector 1 n { } λ x is called a convex sum of x via λ. Pi i i Now, we consider such a λ as a ”finite partition of 1”. Two generalized notions of finite partition of 1 are given in the framework of the non-commutative entropy as follows: ∗ Let A be a unital C -algebra. (1) A finite subset x ,...,x of A is called a finite partition of unity 1 k { } by Connes-Størmer ([3]) if they are nonnegative operators which satisfy that n x = 1 , Pi=1 i A 2 (2) A finite subset x ,...,x of A is called a finite operational partition 1 k in A of unity of size k{by Lindb}lad ([5]) if kx∗x = 1 . Pi i i A Our main target in this note is a finite subset v ,...,v of non-zero 1 k ∗ ∗ { } elements in A such that v ,...,v is a finite operational partition of unity { 1 k} so that kv v∗ = 1 . We call such a set v ,...,v a finite operational Pi i i A { 1 k} partition of unity of size k in A, and denote the set of all finite operational partition of unity in A by FOP(A): k ∗ FOP(A) = {{v1,...,vk} | 0 6= vi ∈ A,∀i, Xvivi = 1A, k = 1,2,···} (2.1) i We denote by U(A) the set of all unitaries in A. Clearly, U(A) is the set of the most trivial finite operational partition of unity with the size 1. 2.2 Unital completely positive (ucp) map Φ Let M (C) be the C∗-algebra of n n matrices over the complex field C. n ∗ × A linear map Φ on a unital C -algebra A is positive iff Φ(a) is positive for all positive a A and completely positive iff Φ 1 is positive for all k ∈ ⊗ positive integer k, where the map Φ 1 is the map on A M (C) defined k k ⊗ ⊗ by Φ 1 (x y) = Φ(x) y for all x A and y M (C). k k W⊗e restri⊗ct the unital⊗C∗-algebra A∈to M (C)∈. n In [2, Theorem 2], Choi gave the following characterization: a linear map Φ of M (C) is completely positive iff Φ is of the form Φ(x) = m v xv∗ for n Pi=1 i i all x M (C) by some v m M (C). Moreover, for v m inducing the form∈Φ(x)n = m v xv{∗, iw}ei=1m⊂ay renquire that v is l{inei}air=ly1 independent Pi=1 i i { i}i so that in the form the number m is uniquely determind. Such a form was called a ’canonical’ expression for Φ (see [2, Remark 4]). Let us call the uniquely determind number m the size of the Φ. Now we pick up the case where Φ is a unital completely positive (called ”ucp” for short) map of M (C). Then the v , ,v M (C) used n 1 m n in the form Φ(x) = m v xv∗,(x M (C)){satis·fi·e·s tha}t⊂ m v v∗ = 1. Pi=1 i i ∈ n Pi=1 i i This means that each ucp map Φ of M (C) is induced some v , ,v in n 1 m { ··· } FOP(M (C)). n Given an operator v M (C), the map Adv on M (C) is given by n n Adv(x) = vxv∗,(x M). T∈hen the group Aut(M (C)) of all automorphisms n ∈ of M (C) is written by the form Aut(M (C)) = Adu u U(M (C)) , n n n { | ∈ } 3 where U(M (C)) is the group of all unitaries in M (C). Similarly, the set n n UCP(M (C)) of all ucp maps on M (C) is written by the following form: n n m UCP(Mn(C)) = {XAdvi | {vi}mi=1 ∈ FOP(Mn(C)), m = 1,2,···} (2.2) i=1 3 Operational Convex Combination 3.1 Operational convexity Definition 3.1. Let Φ m be a set of linear maps on M (C) and v m { i}i=1 n { i}i=1 ∈ FOP(M (C)). We call m Adv Φ an operational convex combination of n Pi=1 i◦ i Φ m with an operational coefficients v m . We also say that a subset { i}i=1 { i}i=1 S of linear maps on M (C) is operational convex if it is closed under all n operational convex combinations. We can consider UCP(M (C)) as the set of all operator convex combi- n nations of the group Aut(M (C)). Moreover UCP(M (C)) is represented as n n the set of all operational convex combinations of the identity id of M (C). n We give some characterization for a role of Aut(M (C)) in UCP(M (C)) n n from a view point of extreme points. 3.1.1 Cuntz’s canonical endomorphism as an example The Cuntz’s canonical endomorphism Φ ([4]) is an interesting example in n ∗ unital completely positive maps of infinite dimensional simple C -algebras, which is given as an operational convex combination of the identity. That is, let S ,S , ,S be isometries on an infinite dimensional Hilbert space H 1 2 n { ··· ∗} ∗ such that S S = 1. The Cuntz algebra O isthe C -algebra generated by Pi i i n ∗ S ,S , ,S . The map Φ is given as Φ (x) = S xS for all x O . { 1 2 ··· n} n n Pi i i ∈ n So, in our notation, S ,S , ,S FOP(O ) and Φ UCP(O ). 1 2 n n n n { ··· } ∈ ∈ The left inverse Ψ of Φ plays an inportant role in the theory of Cuntz n ∗ algebras and it is given by the form Ψ(x) = (1/n) S xS ,(x O ). Pi i i ∈ n We remark that Ψ is also an operational convex combination of the iden- tity and Ψ UCP(O ). n ∈ Laterwediscussinanotherpaperonthecaseofunitalinfinitedimensional ∗ C -algebras represented by O . n 4 3.1.2 Operational extreme point Now let us remember the notion of extreme points. Let S be a convex set. Then a z S is an extreme point in S if z cannot be the convex combination ∈ λx + (1 λ)y of two points x,y S with x = y and λ (0,1), i.e., if − ∈ 6 ∈ z = λx+(1 λ)y,(x,y S) then x = y = z. − ∈ In this note, we say this notion of extreme points an extreme point in the usual sense. ∗ Remark 3.2. A related notion are investigated for positive maps on C - algebras in [9]. A positive map Φ on a C∗-algebra A is extremal if the only positive maps Ψ on A, such that Φ Ψ is positive, are of the form λΦ with − 0 λ 1. In the set of all positive maps on B(H) for a Hilbert space H, the ≤ ≤ map Adu,(u B(H)) is extremal [9, Proposition 3.1.3]. This implies that ∈ anyautomorphismofM (C)cannotbeexpressed asaconvex combinationof n two different automorphisms. However if we replace a convex combination to anoparationalconvex combination, thenitispossible foreach automorphism Φ of M (C). n Example 3.3. Let Θ,Φ and Ψ be three different automorphisms of M (C). n Assume that u,v and w are unitaries in M (C) such that Θ = Adu,Φ = Adv n and Ψ = Adw. Put a = λ1/2uv∗ and b = (1 λ)1/2uw∗ for some λ (0,1). − ∈ Then a,b FOP(M (C)), and the operational convex conbination of Φ n { } ∈ and Ψ with the operational coefficients a,b is the automorphism Θ, i.e., aΦ(x)a∗ +bΨ(x)b∗ = Θ(x) for all x M{(C).} n ∈ In the case of operational convex combinations for linear maps Φ and Ψ on M (C) with an operational coefficient a,b FOP(M (C), the map n n { } ∈ Ada Φ corresponds λx and the Adb Ψ does (1 λ)y. Putting this in mind, ◦ ◦ − let us define as follows and show that an automorphism of M (C) (i.e., the n ucp maps with the size 1) is an operational extreme point. Definition 3.4. Let S be an operational convex subset of linear maps on M (C). We say that a Φ S is an operational extreme point of S if a n ∈ reprensentation of Φ that Φ = Ada Φ +Adb Φ ,(Φ S,(i = 1,2), a,b 1 2 i FλOP(0(,M1)n(sCo)t)hiamtpλl−ie1sAdthaatΦaa∗==1◦λ1Mλn(−C1)A, ◦dbbb∗ =Φ (=1∈−Φ.λ)1Mn(C) fo{r so}m∈e 1 2 ∈ ◦ { − } ◦ Remark 3.5. If Φ is an operational extreme point of a convex subset S of linear maps on M (C), then Φ is an extreme point of S in the usual sense. n 5 In fact if Φ = λΦ +(1 λ)Φ ,(Φ S) and if Φ is an operational extreme 1 2 i point of S. then Φ = λ−−1λΦ = Φ ∈and Φ = 1 λ −1(1 λ)Φ = Φ so 1 1 2 2 { − } − that Φ is an extreme point of S in the usual sense. The converse of the above is not true in general as the following example shows: Example 3.6. Here we give a ucp map which is an extreme but not opera- tional extreme point. Let e be a matrix units of M = M (C), and let V = v = ij i,j=1,2 n 1 { } { e ,v = e FOP(M). Let Φ = 2 Adv . Then the ucp map Φ 11 2 21} ∈ V Pi=1 i V satisfies that Φ (e ) = 1 , and Φ (e ) = Φ (e ) = Φ (e ) = 0. Assume V 11 M V 12 V 21 V 22 that Φ has a formΦ = λΦ +(1 λ)Φ by Φ UCP(M),(i = 1,2). Then V V 1 2 i − ∈ 0 = Φ (e ) = λΦ (e )+(1 λ)Φ (e ). This implies that Φ (e ) = 0,(i = V 22 1 22 2 22 i 22 − 1,2) because Φ (e ) is positive for i = 1,2 and that Φ (e ) = Φ (1 e ) = i 22 i 11 i M 22 − 1 0 = 1 for i = 1,2. By using Kadison-Schwarz inequality (cf. [6, 7]), M M − ∗ ∗ we have that Φ (e )Φ (e ) Φ (e e ) = Φ (e ) = 0 so that Φ (e ) = 0 i 21 i 21 ≤ i 21 21 i 22 i 21 for i = 1,2. Hence Φ = Φ = Φ and Φ is an extreme point of UCP(M). V 1 2 V Now as a a,b FOP(M) we choose a = e ,b = e . As two ucp 11 22 { } ∈ maps Φ ,Φ on M, let Φ be the identity map and Φ be the Adu where 3 4 3 4 u = e +e . Then Φ = Ada Φ +Adb Φ . This shows that Φ is not 12 21 V 3 4 V ◦ ◦ an operational extreme point. Theorem 3.7. If an automorphism Θ of M (C) is decomposed into an op- n erational convex combination of the form that Θ = Ada Φ + Adb Ψ via ◦ ◦ a,b FOP(M (C)) and Φ,Ψ UCP(M (C)), then there exist unitaries n n { } ∈ ∈ u ,u M (C) and a λ (0,1) such that a b n ∈ ∈ a = √λu , b = √1 λu so that Φ = Adu∗u, Ψ = Adu∗u. (3.1) a − b a b Here u is a unitary with Θ = Adu. Proof. Since Θ Ada Φ(= Adb Ψ) is positive and Θ is extremal − ◦ ◦ ([Proposition 3.1.3, [9]]), there exists a λ [0,1] such that Ada Φ = λAdu, ∈ ◦ which implies that Adb Ψ = (1 λ)Adu. On the other hand, since Φ and ◦ ∗ − ∗ Ψ are unital, we have that aa = Ada Φ(1) = λAdu(1) = λ1 and bb = ◦ (1 λ)1. Hence we have unitaries u ,u M (C) such that a = √λu and a b n a b =−√1 λu . These relations imply that∈λu Φ(x)u∗ = Ada Φ(x) = λuxu∗ − b ∗ ∗ a a ◦ so that Φ = Adu u. Similarly, Ψ = Adu u. a b 6 Corollary 3.8. An automorphism on M (C) is an operational extreme point n of the set of the unital completely positive maps on M (C). n Proof. Assume that Θ Aut(M (C)) is given as an operational com- n ∈ bination Ada Φ + Adb Ψ = Θ of Φ,Ψ UCP(M (C)) with an op- n ◦ ◦ ∈ erational coefficient a,b FOP(M (C)). Then by Theorem 3.7, there n exist unitaries v,w { M}(C∈) and a λ (0,1) such that a = √λuv∗, b = n √1 λuw∗ and Φ∈= Adv, Ψ(x) = A∈dw for a unitary u with Θ = Adu. − ∗ ∗ These condition imply that aa = λ1 , bb = (1 λ)1 and that λ−1Ada Φ = (1 λ)−1Adb Ψ = ΦMsno(C)that Θ satis−fies thMen(cCo)ndition of ◦ − ◦ operational extreme points. References [1] M. Choda, Around Shannon’s Interpretation for Entropy-preserving Stochastic Averages, Internat. J. Math., 25(2014), no.10, 1450096, (arXiv:1409.3673v1) . [2] M.D. Choi, Completely positive linear maps on complex matrices, Lin. Alg. Appl. 10(1975), 285-290. [3] A. Connes and E. Størmer, Entropy of II von Neumann algebras, Acta 1 Math., 134 (1975), 289–306. [4] J. Cuntz, Simple C∗ algebras generated by isometries, Commun. Math. − Phys. 57 (1977), 173–185. [5] G. Lindblad, Entropy, information and quantum measurements, Com- mun.Math. Phys., 33(1973), 111–119. [6] S. Neshveyev and E. 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