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Operational determination of multi-qubit entanglement classes via tuning of local operations T. Bastin,1 C. Thiel,2 J. von Zanthier,2 L. Lamata,3,4 E. Solano,5 and G. S. Agarwal6 1Institut de Physique Nucl´eaire, Atomique et de Spectroscopie, Universit´e de Li`ege, 4000 Li`ege, Belgium 2Institut fu¨r Optik, Information und Photonik, Max-Planck Forschungsgruppe, Universit¨at Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany 3Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Strasse 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 4Instituto de Matem´aticas y F´ısica Fundamental, CSIC, Serrano 113-bis, 28006 Madrid, Spain 5Departamento deQu´ımicaF´ısica, UniversidaddelPa´ısVasco-Euskal HerrikoUnibertsitatea, Apdo.644, 48080Bilbao,Spain 6Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-3072, USA (Dated: January 12, 2009) 9 We present a physical setup with which it is possible to produce arbitrary symmetric long-lived 0 multiqubitentangled states in theinternalground levelsof photon emitters, includingtheparadig- 0 2 maticGHZandWstates. Inthecaseofthreeemitters,whereeachtripartiteentangledstatebelongs tooneoftwowell-definedentanglementclasses,weproveaone-to-onecorrespondencebetweenwell- n defined sets of experimental parameters, i.e., locally tunable polarizer orientations, and multiqubit a entanglement classes inside thesymmetric subspace. J 2 PACSnumbers: 42.50.Ex,03.65.Ud,03.67.Bg,42.50.Dv 1 ] Entanglement is a distinctive property of quantum h p physics associated with the nonseparable character of - multipartitequantumsystems. Forthecaseoftwo-qubit t n systems,entanglementiswellunderstoodandcanbepre- a cisely quantified [1]. Apart from the trivial disentangled u case,three qubits possess twogenuine tripartite inequiv- q alent entanglement classes [2, 3]. Efforts have been done [ recently towards higher number of qubits [4, 5, 6], in- …… 3 cluding an inductive method [7], though so far no com- v prehensiveandscalableclassificationhasbeendeveloped. 0 …… 2 In this letter, we introduce a physicalsetup consistingof 7 N emitters, incoherently radiating single photons that 3 may be absorbed remotely by detectors equipped with . 0 polarizersandproducinglong-livedmultiqubitentangled 1 states among the emitters. We show that it is possible 7 to associate well-defined sets of locally tuned polarizer 0 orientationswithmultiqubitentanglementclasses,allow- : v ing their monitoring in an operational manner. Hereby, FIG. 1: (color online). Proposed experimental arrangement. Xi multipath quantum interferences, associated with qubit N excited emitters are aligned in a row, each of them defin- permutation symmetry, play a key role in explaining the ing a three-level Λ-system. A long-lived entangled state is r obtainedintheN emitterqubitsafterdetectingtheN spon- a underlying physics. taneously emitted photons with N detectors equipped with WeconsiderachainofN equallyseparatedsinglepho- polarizers. The final N-qubit state is tuned and determined bythe polarizer orientations. ton emitters, say trapped neutral atoms, trapped ions, quantum dots, or any other equivalent physical system with access to similar behaviour. Each emitter defines a three-level Λ system, where e denotes the excited state gion, each of them being equipped with a polarization | i and the two long-lived sublevels, + and , define a filter in front. The far-field detection ensures the era- | i |−i qubit. We assume that the transitions between the ex- sure of which-way information of the arriving photons, cited state and the two lower sublevels have an equal and the polarizers allow the generation of quantum su- wavenumber and dipole moment, and that they are cir- perpositions of the loweratomic states when considering cularly polarized, σ and σ , respectively. Figure 1 ex- arbitrary polarizations. As a consequence each photode- + − emplifies the N-emitter case discussed throughout this tection event projects the emitters onto linear combina- paper. Allemittersareinitiallyexcitedandwewillstudy tionsofthelong-livedstates + and [8]. Thisresults | i |−i the cases in which all spontaneously emitted photons atthe endinacoherentsuperpositionbetweenthe qubit are detected by N detectors located in the far-field re- states ,..., . The indeterminacy of which detector |± ±i 2 state of the W type [2], the weakly entangled state |e,e,e(cid:2) d1clicked α1 β1 W = 1 (1 ,0 ,...,0 +...+ 0 ,...,0 ,1 ), N φ φ φ φ φ φ |+,e,e(cid:2) |−,e,e(cid:2) | i √N | i | i +|e,+,e(cid:2) +|e,−,e(cid:2) +|e,e,+(cid:2) +|e,e,−(cid:2) (3) α1 β1 d2clicked α2 β2 α2 β2 with|0φi≡(|+i−eiφ|−i)/√2. Inthe3-qubitcase,where eachtripartiteentangledstatebelongstooneoftwowell- +|||+++,,,++e,+,,ee(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) +|||+++,,,−−e,,,−ee(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)+++|||−−−,,,++e,+,,ee(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) +|||−−−,,,−−e,,,−ee(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) defined entanglement classes [2, 3]: GHZ or W family, +|e,+,+(cid:2) +|e,+,−(cid:2)+|e,−,+(cid:2) +|e,−,−(cid:2) it turns out that even the rotation of a single polarizer 2α1α2 α1β2+β1α2 2β1β2 d3clicked α3 β3 α3 β3 α3 β3 allows us to switch from one entanglement class prepa- ration to the other, which are univocally determined by |+,+,−(cid:2) |−,−,+(cid:2) |+,+,+(cid:2) ++||+−,,+−,,++(cid:2)(cid:2) ++||−+,,+−,,−−(cid:2)(cid:2) |−,−,−(cid:2) the number of distinct polarizer orientations in the ex- 6α1α2α3 2(α1α2β3+α1β2α3+β1α2α3) 2(α1β2β3+β1α2β3+β1β2α3) 6β1β2β3 perimental setting. Those polarizer manipulations can be saidto be localwith respecttothe polarizer/detector FIG. 2: (color online). Pyramid of entanglement paths positions, though they are not local with respect to the for the case of 3 emitters initialized in the excited state qubit positions: it is well known that one cannot con- |e,e,ei. The figure illustrates the intermediate states, hor- vert states from different families into each others using izontally displayed, during three successive photodetection stochastic local operations and classical communication events realized by three detectors d1, d2, and d3, equipped (SLOCC) [15]. Remarkably, the above described local with general elliptical polarizers oriented along ǫ1, ǫ2 and ǫ3 (ǫi ≡ αiσ++βiσ−), respectively. After each detection, polarization rotations will make possible the transitions the unnormalized global state of the system is the sum of all states in the circles weighed by the tagged prefactors. Left- S class W class GHZ class, (4) ↔ ↔ down arrows denote σ+ transitions, and right-down arrows represent σ− ones. The final state components are shown where “S” stems from “separable”. inside colored frames and the colored arrows represent the There are several physical systems where the genera- quantum paths leading to these different components. Only tionofGHZandWstateswiththreeormorequbitshave the red circle states are obtained via a single quantum path, been experimentally achieved: in trapped ions [16, 17], whiletheblueandgreenonesaretheresultofthreedifferent in Rydberg atoms crossing microwave cavities [18], and interfering quantumpaths. in photonic systems [19, 20]. Furthermore, other mul- tiqubit entangled states have been realized in different physical setups [21, 22, 23, 24, 25] with different pur- has projected which emitter in its ground states implies poses[26]andpotentialapplicationsinquantuminforma- theexistenceofmanyquantumpathwaysbetweentheini- tion. Thoughseveralparadigmaticentangledstateshave tial fully excited atomic state and each of the final state beenproducedinthelab,thereisnostudy,toourknowl- components. This produces a multipath quantum inter- edge, that associates operationally given experimental ferenceeffect[9]thatwewilltunebymodifyingthepolar- configurations with multipartite entanglement classes. izer orientations. We remark that several experimental The outlinedbehaviorcanbe understoodfromthe ex- setups may be in condition to implement the concepts plicit calculation of the different states of the N-emitter introduced in this paper [10, 11, 12, 13]. system after the successive photon detection events. A As will be shown explicitly below, it is always possi- properly located detector in the far-field with a gen- ble to find suitable polarizerorientationsto produce any eral elliptical polarizer oriented in the xy plane of the desiredstate totallysymmetric withrespectto permuta- circularly polarized light along the polarization vector tions of the emitters. Hereby, linear polarizers allow the ǫ ασ +βσ with arbitrary complex coefficients α + − generationofastateoftheGHZtype[14],themaximally an≡d β (α2 + β 2 = 1) can implement the operator ac- entangled state | | | | tion [27] GHZ 1 +,...,+ +eiφ ,..., , (1) N N | Ni≡ √2(cid:0)| i |− −i(cid:1) Dˆ(ǫ)=αX|+ijhe|+βX|−ijhe|, (5) j=1 j=1 with arbitraryrelative phaseφ, or a separable (product) up to an insignificant prefactor. Here, the sum over j state runs over all emitters and e is the projection oper- j |±i h | ator from state e to state for emitter j. Starting SN 1φ,...,1φ , (2) with N emitters|ini their exci|t±eid state e,...,e , the de- | i≡| i | i tection of the N emitted photons by N detectors with with 1 (+ +eiφ )/√2. Anintermediatepolarizer polarizer configuration ǫ ,...,ǫ (ǫ α σ +β σ ) φ 1 N i i + i − | i≡ | i |−i ≡ configuration permits the generation of the multiqubit projects the emitter system onto the final state ψ = f | i 3 (e−iθkσ +eiθkσ )/√2 oriented along angles ǫ1 y ǫ2 ǫ1 y y + − polarizer x x x orientation: π φ π ǫ3 ǫ2=ǫ3 ǫ1=ǫ2=ǫ3 θ = + +(k 1) , k =1,...,N, (8) ǫ1(cid:1)=ǫ2(cid:1)=ǫ3 ǫ1(cid:1)=ǫ2=ǫ3 k h2Ni 2N − N entacnlgalsesm:ent GHZ W Separable or any configuration resulting from permuting the in- dices. Here, the term inside the square brackets is only FIG. 3: (color online). Operational monitoring of tripartite present for the case of an even number of emitters. The entanglement classes by changing the polarization configura- state GHZ appears naturally when using all distinct N tions. If the three polarizer orientations are all different, the | i polarizer orientations uniformly shared out over 2π. finalstate belongs tothe GHZ class; if two polarizer orienta- In contrast, we are left with the separable state S tions are different, the final state belongs to the W class; if | Ni all polarizers are identically oriented, the final state belongs of Eq. (2) with linear polarizers all identically oriented to theS class. along the angle φ/2 : φ ˆ(ǫN)... ˆ(ǫ1)e,...,e . Due to the symmetry proper- θ1 =...=θN = 2. (9) D D | i ties ofthose operators,the finalstate aswellasallinter- Thestate W isalsogeneratedwithlinearpolarizers, mediatestatesaretotallysymmetricwithrespecttoper- | Ni allexceptoneorientedidenticallyalongφ/2withthelast mutationsoftheemitters. Ifentanglementisproducedat orthogonalto the N 1 first, theendofthedetectionprocess,weareensuredthatonly − genuine multipartite entangled states belonging to the φ φ π accessible symmetric entanglement classes will be gen- θ1 =...=θN−1 = , θN = , (10) 2 2 ± 2 erated. The intermediate states produced in the course of the successive photon detection events can be ordered or any configuration obtained with permutation of the in a pyramidal manner, displaying the various possible indices. quantum paths towards the generation of the desired fi- Forthreeemitters,thoseparticularresults,associating nal state (see Fig. 2 which exemplifies the case N = 3). the states S3 , W3 , and GHZ3 withcertainchoicesof | i | i | i At the end of the N photon detection process, the sys- polarization angles, suggest a wider physical picture. In tem is found in a coherent superposition of all possible fact, we can associate in an operational manner specific product states of the N-qubit system in the basis. polarizer configurations of our proposed physical setup All probability amplitudes related to the differ|e±nit quan- with the three paradigmatic entanglement classes ap- tum paths add up and yield interference terms (tagged pearing in the 3-qubit case : the number of distinct po- prefactors on Fig. 2). The final state ψ is found to be larizerorientationsidentifiesunivocallytheentanglement f a linear combination of all symmetric| Diicke states with class, be S, W, or GHZ, as shown in Fig. 3. k excitations [28, 29], D (k) : AccordingtoDu¨ret al.[2],theGHZclassisformedby N |−i | i statescharacterizedbyanonvanishing3-tangle[31],the N Wclassbystateswithazero3-tangleandnon-zerosingle |ψfi=N Xck|DN(k)i, (6) qubit von Neumann entropies, while the separable state k=0 classischaracterizedbyzerovaluesoftheseentanglement measures. In our proposed scheme, the 3-tangle τ of the where is a normalization prefactor, and N final state ψ reads f | i c =(Ck)1/2 β ...β α ...α , (7) k N X i1 ik ik+1 iN 4 16i16=...6=iN6N τ = 4 α1β2 α2β1 2 α1β3 α3β1 2 α2β3 α3β2 2 27N | − | | − | | − | (11) with Ck the binomial coefficient of N and k. Thereby, N andvanishesonlywhen2polarizersareequallyoriented. wecangenerateanysymmetricstatewithrespecttoper- In this case, the local entropies vanish only when the mutations of the emitters using suitable elliptical polar- thirdpolarizercoincideswiththetwofirst. Whenswitch- izer orientations. This is a direct application of Vieta’s ingfromaconfigurationwiththreedistinctpolarizerori- formulas[30]: anarbitrarysymmetricalstatecanbe ex- entationstoaconfigurationwiththreeidenticalones,via panded in the Dicke state basis as Nd D (k) and is Pk k| N i the intermediate case where two of them are equal, we produced in our setup using K polarizers oriented along transit successively from the GHZ class, to the W class, vectors ǫ with α /β identifying to the K roots of the i i i andendintheSclass,asseeninFig.3. Thisremarkably polynomial P(z) = PNk (−1)K−kqCNk/CNKdkzk with K showsthepotentialityoftheproposedsetupforassociat- the degree of this polynomial, the remaining polarizers ing operationally a physical setting with 3-qubit entan- oriented along σ . glementSLOCCclassesofstatessymmetricwithrespect + For example, the maximally entangled state GHZ topermutationsoftheemitters. Theseresultsencourage N of Eq. (1) is generated with linear polarizers|π i a possible generalization to the arbitrary N-qubit state. θk ≡ 4 Finally,wegiveanestimationoftheexpectedfidelityof (2006). ourscheme,e.g.,forgeneratingthe GHZ stateusing 4 [13] D.L.Moehring,P.Maunz,S.Olmschenk,K.C.Younge, 4 adjacentionslocalizedinalineartra|p. Assiuminga5µm D.N.Matsukevich,L.-M.Duan,andC.Monroe, Nature separation between ions with a 5 nm confinement in the 449, 68 (2007). [14] D. M. Greenberger, M. Horne, A. Shimony, and A. transverse direction and an azimuthal detection window Zeilinger, Am. J. Phys. 58, 1131 (1990). of1◦,we estimate afidelity ofabout90%for the genera- [15] Only approximated conversions can be realized. See e. tion of the 4-qubit state, largely above the 50% minimal g. P. Walther, K. J. Resch, and A. Zeilinger, Phys. Rev. value for provinggenuine four-qubitentanglementofthe Lett. 94, 240501 (2005). state [32]. With usual ellipsometry techniques, polarizer [16] D. 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