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Operational Agrometeorological Service in India and associated RA countries PDF

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Operational Agrometeorological Service in India and associated RA countries Dr. N. Chattopadhyay Director Agricultural Meteorology Division India Meteorological Department Pune, Maharashtra India [email protected] Outlines of Presentation  CCoouunnttrriieess uunnddeerr RRAA IIII  AAggrroommeett sseerrvviiccee iinn RRAA IIII RReeggiioonn  OOrrggaanniissaattiioonnaall SSttrruuccttuurree  OOppeerraattiioonnaall SSeerrvviiccee  RReesseeaarrcchh && DDeevveellooppmmeenntt  CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn  FFeeeeddbbaacckk  AAwwaarreenneessss PPrrooggrraammmmee  EEccoonnoommiicc IImmppaacctt  FFuuttuurree TThhrruusstt Countries in RA II Region Afghanistan, Myanmar Bahrain Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Bangladesh Japan Nepal Republic of Korea Turkmenistan Kuwait Oman Republic of Yemen Cambodia Macao China Peoples Democratic Republic of Lao Hong Kong Uzbekistan Qatar United Arab Emirates Maldives Tajikistan India Socialist Republic of Vietnam Saudi Arabia Kazakhstan Iran Islamic State of Mongolia Sri Lanka Pakistan Iraq Islamic Republic of Russian Federation Current status of AgroMet Services in RA II  Out of 34 Member counties in RA II, 14 countries directly involved in agromet service.  These are :Bangladesh, Qatar, Japan, Nepal, Viet Nam, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, India, Thailand, China, Laos, and Iran.  These countries are engaged in agrometeorological service and issue agrometeorological bulletins.  Such activities in the 11 counties were conducted within their NMSs.  In Qatar, agrometeorological activities are conducted within the Ministry of Agriculture.  In Japan and Viet Nam, such operations are managed jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Meteorological Organization.  The last country to begin agrometeorological operations was Bangladesh in 1986. Agrometeorological products and advisories in RA II Countries • With the exceptions of Qatar and Laos, all the countries issue agrometeorological bulletins for their users on a regular basis. • These bulletins are prepared in different forms in various countries because of independent observational methods. • In Uzbekistan, weekly bulletins are provided during the cultivating period to identify the best time for crop management. • In Nepal, weekly bulletins just represent climate information. • In Iran, weekly, monthly and seasonal bulletins include climate as well as soil and canopy information. • Ten-day bulletins are regularly prepared in all countries except Qatar, Nepal, Thailand, India, and Laos include different information. contd…. • In Bangladesh and Japan only climate information is provided, while in the other countries including Viet Nam, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, China, and Mongolia climate, soil and canopy parameters are observed and included in 10 -day bulletins. • In Mongolia, in addition to the above-mentioned types of information, pasture and animal husbandry related matters are also contained in 10-day bulletins. • In Bangladesh, Qatar, Japan, Kazakhstan, Thailand and Laos monthly bulletins are not prepared. • While in other countries monthly bulletins with information on soil, climate and canopy are given to users. • Further to weekly, 10-day and monthly bulletins, other kinds of publications such as seasonal bulletins in Bangladesh, Viet Nam, Uzbekistan and Iran are prepared for each product based on observed climate, soil and canopy parameters. • In particular, in Viet Nam special reports are prepared for climate related impacts on vegetation, forest, farming and other agricultural sectors. Organizational Organizational Structure Structure Integrated AAS in India Drivers of Integration‐ Need for Crop specific  District Level Advisory  and Village Level Outreach. TIER 1 Integrated AAS in India AAppeexx  PPoolliiccyy  PPllaannnniinngg  BBooddyy TIER 2 NNaattiioonnaall  AAggrroo  MMeett   SSeerrvviiccee  HHQQ  ((EExxeeccuuttiioonn)) TIER 3 SSttaattee  AAggrroo  MMeett  CCeennttrreess~~2288 ccoooorrddiinnaattiioonn//mmoonniittoorriinngg TIER 4 AAMMFFUUss AAggrroo  CClliimmaattiicc  ZZoonnee  LLeevveell  ~~  113300 Drivers of Integration‐ Need for Crop specific  TIER 5 District Level Advisory  DDiissttrriicctt  LLeevveell  EExxtteennssiioonn  &&  TTrraaiinniinngg and Village Level Outreach. IInnppuutt  mmaannaaggeemmeenntt  aass  aaddvviissoorryy

Islamic State of Mongolia. Iran. Kazakhstan. Saudi Arabia. Socialist Republic of Vietnam. India. Tajikistan. Maldives. United Arab Emirates. Qatar.
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