EditorPiaanle lS:e rgeSio loviVloavd,i miIrv anov Technical ESdeimtkoSor e:m kov TranslatbiyoN na talAlieax eeva EditoofrE ngliTrsahn slatiKoant:Ke rylova AuthoKhra lifman'psh otogrbapyEh l isabKeatrhn azes Covedre sigbnyK alojNaa nc hev Copyri©g 2h0t 0b1y Al exandKhearl ifmana ndS ergSeoil oviov PrintiendB ulgarbiya" Semk-oS"o fia ISBN9 548 78126 2 Openingf orB lack Accordintgo K arpov Caro-KanDne fence Nimzo-IndDieafne nce Queen'Isn diaDne fence CatalaOnp ening EngliOsphe ning TrompowskAit tack RetOip ening King'sI ndiaAnt tack AlexanderK halifman 14tWho rlCdh esCsh ampion Contents Preafc.e. ..... '". .................7. .......... . . . . . . Part1 .C aro-KanDne fence l.ec46 1 2.dd45 3 lZJ.c3d e4 .lZJe4lZJd7. ... . 9 . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . 2 2d.4d 53 e.5� f5. ...................2.1. ....... 3 2.dd45 3 e.dc d4 .c4lZJf6. .......................2.7 4 2.d3; 22..clZJ4c;23 .;b. 3. .....................3.2. . Part2 .N imzo-IndiDaenf ence l.dlZJ4f6 2c.4e 63 lZJ.c3ii. b4 5 4.� c20 -0 . . . .. .. . .3 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 6 4.ec35 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.aii.3c 35 b.cc .5. .............................6.3 8 4.lZJf3 c55 .elZJ3c66 .1i.d�3c 37 .bed 6. ...........7.1 . 9 4.�g5h 6. .... . ...... 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 10 4.g3e. 5. .....................8.0. ............. 11 4.� b3;v ario.u..s. .........................8.4. . Part3 .Q ueen'Isn diaDne fence l.dlZJ4f6 2.4e e63 lZJ.f3 b6 12 4.gJt.3a 6. ...............................8.6. .... 13 4.a.i3b 75 .lZJe3d 5. ........ ..........,.. .1 00 . . . . . . . 14 4.e3.i b7. ....... .... .........1 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.�f4� b75 .e3� e7. ........................1.17. .. 16 4 .tg5i. b7. ..........".. .................1.19. . . . Part4 .C atalaOnp ening l.dlLl4f6 2e.4e 63 .gd35 4 .i..g 2 i.e7 17 5.lLlf3 0-v0a ri;o6 u.s0-d0ev ario.u.s. ......1.2.2. ... 18 5.lLlf3 06-.00 -d0e7 :�ea26. ............1.2.8. ...... Part5 .E nglisOhp ening 19 l.e4e 52 .lLlelLl3f6 3.lLlf3 lLle6v ari.ou.s.. .....1.3.5. . 20 l.e4e 52 .lLleliJ3f6 3.lLlf3liJe64 .g3 .......1.5.0. ...... 21 l.ee452 .lLlelLl3f6 vario.u.s. ...........1.58. ....... 22 l.lLlliJf3f6 2.e4b 6v ari.ou.s. ............1..6 .5. .. Part6 .V arious 23 l.dlLl4f6 vario2u.i.sg;5 e 6v ari.ou.s. ........1.7.3 24 vari;ol u.slLlliJf3f6 vario.u.s.. ...........1.7.7. .... IndeoxfV ariations 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface DearC hessfriends, It'nsos ecrtehta cth espsl ayers ptrore efaeodrp enibnogo ks ands eldohma vtei mfeo bro okosne ndgam.eT sheraer em anyo pen ingasn do penibnogo kbsu,tp roblesmtsir lelm aiSno.w, h ato pening toc hoosaen dh owt om asteirti nt hee asieasntdm ostc onvenient way?A sa matteorff actto,k nows everoaple ninigsis n sufficient, whereiatsw oulbde m orer ewardtionm ga teriaal wihzoel sey stem ofp layaobpleen inbgesf ohraen dt oe nabtlheep layteord efehndi m selfrfo ma nyu npleassaunrtp riisnte hsbe eginnoiftn hgeg amew ith minimeafflo r.t s Tob uil(dt hwiosr ds eemtso r efletchte i deoaf t hep resent booikn t heb eswta yt)h eo penirnegp ertfooiBrrl ea ciksa complex tas.kU sualiltyi sa tedioaunsdt imceo-nsumipnrgo c.eW ses will achietvhei psu rpoisnea ne asiweary t hrouag chl oesxea mination ofB lacokp eninpglsa ybeydA natoKlayr potvh,e1 2tWho rlCdh am pio.nO fc ourswee,w ilrle ganrodt a ltlh eo peninhgese veprl ayed buto nltyh osweh icahg rewei tthh ei deoafa ni ntegorpaeln isnygs te.m Fort wod ecadaefst etrh em id-sevenAntaitoelsKy a rpowva s oneo ft hew orlds'tsr ongpelsaty .eA rnsdo,f c ourshies, e laborated openipnrge paratwieornoesn eo ft hek eye lementsa ltlhoawthe idm toa chiesvuec ohu tstandriesnugl ts. Karpocva met oh isp reseBnlta crke pertnooitrae to nc.eA t firshte p layetdh eR uyL opeazn dt heS icilDieafne nacftee rl .e4, theQ ueeng'asm biatft elr. da4n d tshyem metri1.c .ac.5li nt heE ng lisOhp eni.nT ghenh eb egatno p lasyo c alled solid openings: the CaroK-annN,i mzo-IndQiuaene,nI 'nsd iDaenf encaensdt heC atalan OpeninHga.v insgt uditehde mt horoughhela yc,h ieveexdc ellent resu.l ts We wilflo llhoiwps a ths,oy ouw on'hta vteo s tudeyx troap en ing(so cfo ursiet,'h se lpftuokl n owf,o erx amplteh,eK ingI'nsd ian 7 andt heG rueenlfadft elr. 4d,b uth owc ano ner emembeevre rything andc ontsantbleyw ello rimnefadb ouatln lo velst?oi)ret akter ouble choostihnebg e smto vefr omm anyo pportusn.Iic tairiereodu t this workf oyro uw itahl plo ssibclaer ,te akiinngt aoc cuontt hel atest openinign noviaotn.s So rIe commeynodut ob uild youor peBinlnargce kp teoriarse follo:w s Inc asoefl .4e yopul a1y.. .6c( hteC aro-KannD eefnce,P arlto fthis book). The mo-voer dearft elr .4di sm ordei fficutlort e membyeerI,ta m suroefy ousru cecsss,oy oup la1y.. ttJ.ffi.N owW hitvee royft ecno n tinuweist 2h. 4c,a nd2 . e.6.i s y ouarn swer. Theni nc asoef3 .cttJ3y oup la3y. .i..b.4 ( NimozI-ndiaPna,r2 t) , if3ttJ.f3,t he3n. b.6.( QueenI'nsd i,aP nart3 ), if3g .3,t he3n. d.5.( CatalOapne ninPga,r 4t) . IfWh iteb eignwsi tlh. 4c( the EnOgpleiinsnhgP ,a r5t) w,h icshom e timecso nufseasn i nexpeenrciepdl ayterh,ey no uarn swewri lble 1...e A5s.f otrh ec raftmyo ve- ordelrttJ. f3 ttJffi 2.4c,w eh avper e pare2d. b.6.N. o wi nc asoef3 .4d theries3 . e.6.p, r ocdeientgo t he QueenI'nsd iDaenf enycoeuh avael realderya nefdro mP art3 .I f White does withouty odur2 e-fdte4orC, h atphtee2nr2d ,e dicattoe d thec orroensdpinogpe ninlgi nse.T heriesa notheexra mpolfeo ur elaboroapteendi nrge eprto.iL reeta'ssus met haWth itpel ayls.4 d ttJffi and t2h.3egn.W hats houylodud o?N othiinngp articyuolua r, jusptl a2y. d.5.a, n di fWh itaen swewrist 3h. 4c,t hewne w ill obtain theC atalaOnp einnwgi t3h. e.6.( e seP ar4t) b,u ti fW hitwea nttso managwei thocu2t4- acndd evelhoippssi ecweist ..thg 2,ttJ f3,t hen youh avce6 a nd� g4s,e pe. l8l. Witthh ibso oikny oulri bryaoruyw ilnle vebres hoortfm oves, favouratbloBe l acBke.a ssruedt hanto c raftrye arrangebmye nts Whitwei lcla tch uynoauw asr.e A.K halifm1at4nWh,o rClhde Cshsa pmoin 8 Part1 .C aro-KanDne fence Chapter1 le.4c 62 .4dd 53 .lLlcd3x e44. xlLle4 lLld7 Thiosp einnag pperaedin thAe.Kh alifman. tournament partta hcect liocsee Whitem'asi np lains t ok eep oft he1 9thc entruy.T hefi rst tensiionn tcheen t:rl ee.4c 6 analywsaissp ubslhieidn 1 890s2 .4d d53 ttJ.c3d xe44 .ttJxe4, byt heG ermamna steHr.C aro whereupBolanc kh ast om akea andt heA ustripalna yeMr. choice asmevoenrgaw aly s doef Kanna,n dt hsiw ash owt hed evelopmfeonirtn ,s tan4c. e.t. f5. a s fenceg oti tnsa me.T hei deoaf CapablanacnadB otvinnpirke Black'sm ofivries sqt u istiem lpe:f erredo,ra m orflee xiblev earnyd hew anttso a ttatchke c entrpeo pulnaorw c alsscaivla riation witdh7 -db5u tn otto l osaen opwit4h• •• ttJ d7w hicihsa ppileodf portunittody e velhoipsl ighttenb yK arp.oN vameltyh issy s squarebdi shtoopf5 org 4w hicht emw ilbler egradetdh oroughly cannboeta chiedv,fe oirn stcaen,i nP ar1t, t hougWhhi teh asa l int heFr enchD eefnc.eB lack'tse rnatciovtnei nuoantsio nt he furthesrt ratuesguya lly despeceonndadsn dt hirmdo vest,o .o. . onW hitep'lsa bnu,t i na ny case Black'flse xibplaew ns tructurCel assliS cyastem ands olpiods tiioanl lohwi mt o solvhei so peinngp roblesmusc le.4c 62 d.4d 53 .ttJc3 dxe4 cesuslflnyo,t f earinag s traig4h.txttJ e4ttJ d7 attawchki cihs s ou sulai nt he Noww eh avteh em ainp osi Siciliaenn c,Dae enfdt ot akteh e tioonft hes ysteBml.a ciksg oing initiabtyia vnoe c casiMoanny. top la5y. . .ttJ gf6 ath inse xmto v,e outstdainnpgl ayewresr ea tthuasv oidcirnega toifdo onu ble tractbeytd h em eriotfst hidse pawn.sD epnedinogn h iso ppo fencet,h eC aro-Kanwna si nnentf'urst heprl anB,la ckc an cludiendto op enirnegp ertoofir deesv elhoilpsi ghqtu-asrbeids hop thWeo rlCdh ampioJn.Rs. C apatof5 org 4o rm akea fi anchteot. blanca,B otMv.i nnTi.kP ,er to Blackf'orsm atiiosnv ersyol id, siaAn.,K arpoGv.K, a sparaonvd andh en eendo ftea ra s mashing attaicntk h eo pening. 9