ADAS-EUR(10)OP01 ADAS-EU ADAS for fusion in Europe Grant: 224607 Hugh Summers, Martin O’Mullane, Allan Whiteford, Francisco Guzman and Luis Menchero OPEN-ADAS report 1 24 June 2010 Workpackages: 26-2-1 Category : PU ThisdocumenthasbeenpreparedaspartoftheADAS-EUProject. Itissubjecttochangewithout notice. Pleasecontacttheauthorsbeforereferencingitinpeer-reviewedliterature. (cid:13)c Copyright,TheADASProject. OPEN-ADAS report 1 HughSummers,MartinO’Mullane,AllanWhiteford,FranciscoGuzmanandLuisMenchero DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofStrathclyde,Glasgow,UK Abstract: ThereportreviewsOPEN-ADASactivitiesforprojectmonths1-18 Contents 1 Overview 3 2 Workpackagereports 5 2.1 Workpackage26-2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A OPEN-ADASdocumentsandupdates 7 1 Preface The report is one of a series of four such reports, deliverable under the ADAS-EU project, which assemble docu- mentarymaterialofOPEN-ADASfortheapplicableyear. EachcomprisesasummaryofOPEN-ADASuseractivity, developmentsandreleasenotes. HPSummers 24June2010 2 Chapter 1 Overview OPEN-ADAS is the name of the path for release of ADAS data and support software into the public domain. It is an agreed and shared project between ADAS and the International Atomic Energy Agency, Atomic and Molecular DataUnit,NuclearDataSection(IAEA)inVienna. AsagreedintheADAS-EUproposal,OPEN-ADASistobeused forpublicdomainreleaseoffundamentalandderivedatomicdatawhichenterstheADASdatabasesfromADAS-EU activities. The primary OPEN-ADAS software preparation, beta testing and release were achieved according to plan late in 2008 before the commencement of ADAS-EU. The web server is located at the Physics Department, University of Strathclyde and linked to IAEA Vienna. The OPEN-ADAS Version 1 release document and manual is attached in AppendixA[1]. TheOPEN-ADASdevelopmenthascontinuedthrough2009withadditionofthefreeformsearchcapability,extension ofthereleasedADASdataformatsandextensionofthedownloadablesoftwareforitsutilisationinusers’owncodes. AnOPEN-ADASupdatereportwaspreparedasapresentationfortheannualDataCentreNetwork(DCN)coordina- tionmeetingatIAEAinSep. 2009. ThereportisattachedinAppendixA[2]. IthasbeenagreedthatADASshould formallybecomeamemberoftheIAEADCNinanon-goingrelationshipwhichwillhelptoensurethecontinuation ofOPEN-ADAS. The present ADAS-EU report ‘OPEN 1 was scheduled for month 11. It is convenient to bring this document up- to-date as at month 18. The next substantive update to available data through OPEN-ADAS will take place around August2010andwillbereportedin‘OPEN 2’towardstheendoftheyear. Dr Allan Whiteford was the developer of the OPEN-ADAS software. His departure from the University leaves a personnel gap for OPEN-ADAS maintenance. Dr Martin O’Mullane has taken over this role and now acts as the communicationpathwithIAEAandtheDCN.SincetheprimarysoftwareofOPEN-ADASisinplace, furtherdata releaseisthemainissueforADAS-EU,sonomajorproblemisanticipatedinDrO’Mullane’sfulfillmentofthisrole. Asat24June2010,OPEN-ADASisprovingaveryeffectiveandwellusedpublicdomainpathtoADASdata. There are two hundred and six registered users from thirty-five countries spanning all continents. Eleven distinct ADAS formathavebeenaccessedwhichcoverallthethemesofADAS-EU.Therehavebeenthreethousandsevenhundred andfivedatasetviewingsandonethousandsevenhundredandsixtyeightdownloads. 3 ADAS-EUR(10)OP01 - 4 Chapter 2 Work package reports 2.1 Work package 26-2-1 Theworkpackagetaskcomprisesthepreparationofthisreport 5 ADAS-EUR(10)OP01 - 6