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Ontario Business Directory 1903 PDF

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Preview Ontario Business Directory 1903

' 1 DSAUtKJI in APERS AND HIGH-CLASS CHURCH OECO IOTNCAHPfPSROCMVKAELRf•UU,'/ fUiftflttt$H&&- • ilP~l B Bn&BHfHHHHi ^^^^^^^^^B p> «' EBfiB9BB»BBBE8m&89BSnBB•flsi£ MBSMMfffflifi'llii ^*"H!f$^'*"^'„*®®?* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B || BBHBI^MHBfif l||M^ :V. UOVD, Muin*£*** p DOMINION SHOW CASE COMPANY Manufacturers of High Grade . . . Interior Bank, Office and Store Fittings, Wall Cases, Floor Cases, Glass Counters, Cigar Cases and Counter Cases — OP ALL DIMENSIONS AND DESIGNS - r^ - DEALERS IN Mirrors, Bent and Bevelled Glass, etc. HIGH CLASS WORK ONLY TELEPHONE MAIN 3611 53 RICHMOND ST. EAST, TORONTO, CANADA W42M0.PaHpAeRRAvIeS. 1fAf| UPI=MA\ DII DR II WC 0JB&r WOWf\i JDaNn°f"orBt*hHAARvRe1.S IMPORTERS Manufacturers of Clue,Sausage Casings, Fertilizers, Neat's-foot Oil, etc. Office and Factories DANFORTH AVE., TORONTO : TELEPHONE, NORTH 1386 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED THE TORONTO COLD STORAGE COT W. HARRIS & CO., Props. Special Attention Given to Shippers and Commission Merchants throughout the Country. Separate rooms for the Storage of Eggs, Butter, Cheese and Poultry. LONG DI8TANCE TELEPHONE-MAIN 1831 Office and Warerooms: 5-13 CHURCH ST., TORONTO 2 5 Margaret $ College $i. A RESIDENTIAL AND DAY-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Academic Course A FULL Musical Course Art Course Elocution Course A FULL Domestic Science Course Physical Culture Course SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR THE STUDY OF MUSIC SOUND=PROOF PIANO ROOMS J8 LARGE MUSIC HALL CLASS-ROOMS SPECIALLY BUILT FOR THE PURPOSE EXTENSIVE LAWNS 1 Students Prepared for University Examinations MRS. GEORGE DICKSON, GEORGE DICKSON, MA., Lady Principal Director TORONTO, ONT. Cor. Bloor and Spadina Ave. == . Western Business College A THOROUGH BUSINESS TRAIN- ING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES . Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Penmanship, Etc. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Positions Obtained Write for Terms. = - TORONTO Cor. College and Spadina Ave., A. J. HOARE, Principal The Guelph and Biscuit Confectionery Co., umtted. Authorized Capital - = $10,000. MANUFACTURERS OF BISCUITS SODAS AND CAKES SWEET GOODS GUELPH, OINT. 4 " The International School Telegraphy of TORONTO "The Greatest Railroad School in the World" The School is equipped with all American and Canadian Systems. You can learn Telegraphy in Three Months. FEES, $5.00 PER MONTH BOOKS AND INSTRLT1ENTS FREE For Further Information Apply To LORNE A. SULLIVAN, Principal, 23 and 24 Richmond Chambers, TORONTO The Master Touch on the Keys turns the & Mason Risch Piano From a beautiful Drawing Room Ornament merely, to an exquisite mechanism responding & to every emotion of the Musician, <& Herein lies its Supremacy=Its Responsive Touch == and herein rests its claim to be - "The Musician's Piano. Mason & Risch Piano Co., Limited 211 Dundas Street, - - LONDON, ONT. 5 PAPER Of All Kinds—For All People — Printing Papers News Print, Book and Writing Papers, Cardboards, Etc. in fact, ; Everything for the Printer. — Wrapping Papers Greys, Browns, Ma- nillas, Waterproof Papers, Colored Papers — of all kinds sheets and rolls. SAMPLES FOR THE ASKING SpecialattentiontoMailOrders and Enquiries. u^ Canada Paper Co TORONTO MONTREAL. MEMORIAL Western Glass Decorative Works Phone 1466 Of All Kinds GEORGE H. E. ST. WINDOWS 280 DUNDA8 8TREET London, Ont. ONTARIO DIRECTORY ^ ^ ^ —CLASSIFIED- BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF The Principal Cities and Towns of the Province of Ontario, Some 200 Number in PUBLISHED ANNUALLY BY THE ONTARIO DIRECTORY CO. 2 Toronto Street, Toronto F. W. ROBARTS, - - - Manager & REID CO. LUMBER.. DEALERS OFFICE, DOCKS AND PLANING MILL: TADnNTO ESPLANADE STREET, m FOOT OF BERKELEY ST. * V/IvV/I^I 1 V/ — TELEPHONE, MAIN 812 Buy and sell all kinds of Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Cedar Posts, Shingles, etc* *£ Send for prices for what you — want also send list and prices of what you have to selL «£ We will give you our best prices ^ either way* «£ *£ a**************************** Ontario Directory Co. INTRODUCTION IN presenting to our patrons our Classified Business Directory, embracing most of the Cities and larger Towns of the Province of On- tario, we would wish to call your attention to the fact that in compiling a work like this it is very difficult to place each name under the proper headings to which his business requires it, so if you, in looking up a name cannot find it under the class you think of at first, just look under some other heading and you will be sure to find it. We have endeavoured to make the work as com- plete as possible, and hope it will be found indis- pensible in every office and counting-house in the Province. Yours truly, ONTARIO DIRECTORY CO., F. W. ROBARTS, Manager. wmmm^mmmm^mMMmmm%m%mmMmm^%mm Lighting, Heating and Cooking with Acetylene Gas AS PRODUCED BY THE- "ROSWOOD SPECIAL" Generator SOLE CANADIAN AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED DRAKE ADJUSTABLE SELF-GLEANING BURNERS OF CLEVELAND, OHIO. AGENTS FOR J. HARRIS CO. ACETYLENE STOVES OF CLEVELAND, OHIO. Roswood Acetylene Light Co 226 King Street, - London, Ontario The "RosWOOd Special" Generator For LIGHTING, READING BY, and SEARCH-LIGHTS, etc. For STOVES, RANGES and HOT PLATES. For STOVES AND HEATERS. ACETYLENE LAMP and CALCIUM CARBIDE The " ROSWOOD" Machines are Guaranteed. Automatic, Safe, Economic, Compact, operating on approved Scientific Principles. Patented, etc., Nov. 6th, 1902. 10

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