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Office for Nuclear Regulation An agency of HSE Generic Design Assessment – New Civil Reactor Build Step 4 Reactor Chemistry Assessment of the Westinghouse AP1000® Reactor Assessment Report: ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 11 November 2011 Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE COPYRIGHT © Crown copyright 2011 First published December 2011 You may reuse this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view the licence visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/, write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email [email protected]. Some images and illustrations may not be owned by the Crown so cannot be reproduced without permission of the copyright owner. Enquiries should be sent to [email protected]. Unless otherwise stated, all corporate names, logos, and Registered® and Trademark™ products mentioned in this Web site belong to one or more of the respective Companies or their respective licensors. They may not be used or reproduced in any manner without the prior written agreement of the owner(s). For published documents, the electronic copy on the ONR website remains the most current publically available version and copying or printing renders this document uncontrolled. Page (i) Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE PREFACE The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) was created on 1st April 2011 as an Agency of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It was formed from HSE's Nuclear Directorate (ND) and has the same role. Any references in this document to the Nuclear Directorate (ND) or the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) should be taken as references to ONR. The assessments supporting this report, undertaken as part of our Generic Design Assessment (GDA) process and the submissions made by Westinghouse relating to the AP1000® reactor design, were established prior to the events at Fukushima, Japan. Therefore, this report makes no reference to Fukushima in any of it’s findings or conclusions. However, ONR has raised a GDA Issue which requires Westinghouse to demonstrate how they will be taking account of the lessons learnt from the events at Fukushima, including those lessons and recommendations that are identified in the ONR Chief Inspector’s interim and final reports. The details of this GDA Issue can be found on the Joint Regulators’ new build website www.hse.gov.uk/newreactors and in ONR’s Step 4 Cross-cutting Topics Assessment of the Westinghouse AP1000® reactor. Page (ii) Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the findings of the Reactor Chemistry assessment of the AP1000 reactor undertaken as part of Step 4 of the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Generic Design Assessment (GDA). The assessment has been carried out on the December 2009 Pre- construction Safety Report (PCSR) and supporting documentation submitted by Westinghouse during Step 4. This assessment has followed a step-wise-approach in a claims-argument-evidence hierarchy. In Step 3 the claims and arguments made by Westinghouse were examined. The scope of the Step 4 assessment was to review the safety aspects of the AP1000 reactor in greater detail, by examining the evidence, supporting arguments and claims made in the safety documentation, building on the assessments already carried out during Step 3, and to make a judgement on the adequacy of the Reactor Chemistry information contained within the PCSR and supporting documentation. It is seldom possible, or necessary, to assess a safety case in its entirety, therefore sampling is used to limit the areas scrutinised, and to improve the overall efficiency of the assessment process. Sampling is done in a focused, targeted and structured manner with a view to revealing any topic- specific, or generic, weaknesses in the safety case. To identify the sampling for the Reactor Chemistry an assessment plan for Step 4 was set-out in advance. My assessment has focused on obtaining further evidence from Westinghouse and assessing the chemistry of:  The Westinghouse safety case for the justification, implications and control of primary coolant chemistry during all modes of operation. This included consideration of nuclear reactivity control using boron, the effects of coolant chemistry on the integrity of pressure boundaries, protection of fuel and core components and production, transport and deposition of radioactivity, including its influence on radiological doses to workers and ultimately to wastes.  Those features of the design, material choices or chemistry controls which reduce radioactivity so far as is reasonably practicable.  The main secondary circuit systems which control or are influenced by chemistry. This includes consideration of the implications of system design on chemistry choices and the interaction of chemistry with materials and corrosion susceptibility.  Those engineered systems which allow the operator to control, monitor or change the plant chemistry.  The storage of nuclear fuel within ponds, including the effects of pool chemistry.  Those systems which mitigate the release of radioactivity to the environment in either the liquid or gaseous form.  Design basis and beyond design basis accidents, including the production, release and control of hydrogen and fission product nuclides.  The arrangements for moving the safety case to an operating regime, including the derivation of suitable limits and conditions and the arrangements for specifying plant chemistry. A number of items have been agreed with Westinghouse as being outside the scope of the GDA process and hence have not been included in my assessment. A full list and description of these items can be found in the text of the report. From my assessment, I have concluded that: Page (iii) Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE  Westinghouse has been continuously developing the design of AP1000 throughout the GDA assessment. While this has caused questions to be raised regarding design definition and the cohesiveness of the safety case, a number of positive design changes have been incorporated which have allayed many of my concerns in the original design.  Westinghouse has struggled to meet my expectations in regard to defining and limiting the chemistry required for safe operation of AP1000. As a plant vendor, Westinghouse do not specify the operational chemistry regimes for AP1000, referring instead to industry guidelines which, in some cases, allow the operator a degree of freedom. Westinghouse also does not propose limits and conditions related to the vast majority of chemical or radiochemical parameters. This latter case is a significant shortfall and will need to be addressed before nuclear safety-related construction and is the subject of a cross-cutting GDA Issue.  I have assessed the major chemistry systems which allow the operator to control, monitor and change the primary chemistry, including those that are used during accidents. The AP1000 has a number of systems for these aspects which have been simplified and made passive, in line with the overall plant design philosophy, but are functionally very similar to existing PWRs in a number of regards. I have assessed the Chemical and Volume Control System (CVS) in some detail as part of my assessment. This system is novel in a number of aspects but I am content that an adequate case has been made from a Reactor Chemistry perspective for this system, with the exception of the hydrogen dosing control, which I have raised as a GDA Issue which requires resolution. Similarly, sampling of the primary coolant is an important chemistry function allowing the operator to maintain control. Despite a positive design change made late in Step 4 I have still not been convinced that the design of the AP1000 is adequate in this regard and has been shown to meet relevant good practice. I have raised this as a GDA Issue.  The Westinghouse case for materials in AP1000 is well reasoned and sound, both from a radioactivity and corrosion prevention perspective. Westinghouse have engineered many known ‘problem’ alloys out of the AP1000 design entirely, have reduced many to levels consistent with ALARP as well as demonstrating an appropriate level of control over aspects such as surface finishing and fabrication. Westinghouse has proposed to electropolish the steam-generator channel heads.  Westinghouse proposes to add zinc to the primary coolant of AP1000 to further reduce the plant dose rates. Based on the evidence presented to me I consider that zinc addition is justified for AP1000 and the use of zinc during commissioning appears to be a welcome addition, provided the depleted form is chosen by the Licensee.  Estimates of the radioactive materials such as tritium and cobalt isotopes that would be produced by AP1000, have been provided by Westinghouse based on a standard US method. These estimates took no account of different management schemes for AP1000, nor some specifics of the design. I commissioned independent analysis which showed that AP1000 may produce more of the cobalt isotopes that some current PWRs for a comparable power output. Westinghouse also predict some tolerable fuel crud generation. I consider that AP1000 may be more prone to the development of fuel crud and production of cobalt isotopes although this could be manageable provided robust and strict controls, limits and conditions are put in place by the Licensee.  Despite Westinghouse identifying all aspects of the secondary circuit as being in the scope of the GDA assessment, a number of the important chemistry systems are not yet fully designed. Despite these gaps I have assessed a number of aspects of the design including principal material choices, corrosion threats, chemistry control and tolerance of abnormal chemistry. At a high level it is apparent that Westinghouse has incorporated operating experience and feedback into the design and main material choices for AP1000. A number of detailed material choices, and the operating chemistry, are not yet decided and will only be defined by the Page (iv) Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE eventual Licensee. A novel design choice for the AP1000 secondary circuit is the use of Electrodeionisation (EDI) for purification of the steam generator blowdown. I have assessed a number of features of this design in detail and have been satisfied with the responses from Westinghouse for the most part, with some areas requiring further work. Thus while reasonable arguments have been made by Westinghouse in these areas, the principal deficiency is that a holistic assessment for the secondary circuit, considering chemistry and material choices, is not yet available, although I am content that there should be no fundamental hindrances to safe operation of the plant.  The AP1000 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) safety case related to criticality and loss of cooling events relates to Reactor Chemistry in a number of areas including boron control and the potential for radioactive releases. This has been a cross-cutting area during GDA. In response to our assessment, Westinghouse has proposed a number of design improvements to the SFP and associated systems and has revised the safety case in a number of areas. Whilst broadly in line with my expectations, these were received late in GDA and will need further assessment. A cross-cutting GDA Issue has been raised in this area, which also needs to be satisfactorily resolved before an adequate Reactor Chemistry safety case can be made.  The AP1000 has been designed to prevent accidents and make unplanned releases smaller and less likely. I assessed the chemistry occurring during Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) events, during accidents which involve generation and release of combustible gases and in the unlikely event of an accident severe enough to melt fuel. These have all been areas of challenge to past reactor designs. In general, while further work will be required by the Licensee in many of these areas, the overall Westinghouse case for chemistry during accidents is acceptable for GDA. The main exception to this is for the control of fission products in an accident. While the containment of AP1000 has been designed to retain radioactive material in an accident, which simplifies the management of radioiodine, AP1000 does not include a recirculating, pH buffered spray system for fission product control as in many PWRs, instead relying on passive deposition mechanism driven by external cooling supplemented by a spray if necessary. The chemistry aspects of this case were presented to ND late in GDA and I have not yet completed my assessment in this important area. I have raised this as a GDA Issue.  As a result of the GDA assessments, the consolidated PCSR for AP1000 has been updated and now includes a chapter dedicated to Reactor Chemistry. This is a valuable addition to the safety case and will provide a basis for further developments of the plant chemistry. As the Step 4 PCSR contained no chemistry chapter, and this chapter was issued during March 2011, I have not yet fully assessed this document. I have raised this as part of a cross-cutting GDA Issue. In some areas there has been a lack of detailed information which has limited the extent of my assessment. As a result ND will need additional information to underpin my conclusions and these are identified as Assessment Findings to be carried forward as normal regulatory business. These are listed in Annex 1. Some of the observations identified within this report are of particular significance and will require resolution before HSE would agree to the commencement of nuclear safety-related construction of an AP1000 reactor in the UK. These are identified in this report as GDA Issues are formally defined in Annex 2 of this report. In summary these relate to: GI-AP1000-RC-01 - Westinghouse need to provide further evidence that the source term for severe accident release has been appropriately applied for the AP1000 design, including fractions and timing of release in both the short and long term. GI-AP1000-RC-02 - Further justification, potentially including further design changes, will be needed for the primary circuit sampling systems to meet UK expectations. Page (v) Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE GI-AP1000-RC-03 - Westinghouse will need to provide further evidence to support the design of the primary circuit hydrogen injection system. In addition, there are cross-cutting Issues relating to assessment of the consolidated GDA PCSR (GI-AP1000-CC-01), operating limits and conditions (GI-AP1000-CC-02) and the spent fuel pool (GI-AP1000-FS-01), which require a satisfactory resolution before an adequate Reactor Chemistry safety case can be made. Overall, based on the sample undertaken in accordance with ND procedures, I am broadly satisfied that the claims, arguments and evidence laid down within the PCSR and supporting documentation submitted as part of the GDA process present an adequate safety case for the generic AP1000 reactor design. The AP1000 reactor is therefore suitable for construction in the UK, subject to satisfactory progression and resolution of Issues to be addressed during the forward programme for this reactor and assessment of additional information that becomes available as the GDA Design Reference is supplemented with additional details on a site-by-site basis. Page (vi) Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AC Alternating Current ADS Automatic Depressurisation System AICC Adiabatic Isochoric Complete Combustion ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable (see also SFAIRP) ANSI American National Standards Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASN L’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (Nuclear Safety Authority, France) ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AVT All Volatile Treatment BAST Boric Acid Storage Tank BDBA Beyond Design Basis Analysis BDS Steam Generator Blowdown System BMS (ND) Business Management System BOA Boron Offset Anomaly BWR Boiling Water Reactor CANDU CANada Deuterium-Uranium reactor CCS Component Cooling Water System CDS Condensate System CFR (US) Code of Federal Regulations CFS (Turbine Island) Chemical Feed System CHF Critical Heat Flux CILC Crud-Induced Localised Corrosion CIPS Crud-Induced Power Shift CL Cold Leg (of RCS) CMT Core Make-up Tank CORS Catalytic Oxygen Reduction System CoSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Regulations) CP Corrosion Product CPP Condensate Polishing Plant (see also CPS) CPS Condensate Polishing System CPVC Chlorinated PolyVinyl Chloride CRDM Control Rod Drive Mechanism CSS Containment Spray System CST Condensate Storage Tank CVS Chemical and Volume Control System Page (vii) Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CWS Circulating Water System DBA Design Basis Analysis DCD Design Control Document DCH Direct Containment Heating DCP Design Change Proposal DDT Deflagration to Detonation Transition DE Dose Equivalent DSEAR Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations DTS Demineralised Water Treatment System DWS Demineralised Water Storage and Transfer System DWST Demineralised Water Storage Tank EDCD European Design Control Document EDI Electrodeionisation EMIT Examination, Maintenance, Inspection and Testing EPRI Electric Power Research Institute (US) EU European Union FAC Flow Accelerated Corrosion FHA Fuel Handling Area FP Fission Product FPS Fire Protection System FRI Fuel Reliability Index FW FeedWater FWS Feed Water System GDA Generic Design Assessment GSP Grab sample Panel HDS Heater Drain System HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air HFT Hot Functional Testing HL Hol Leg (of RCS) HOR Hide Out Return HP High Pressure HPME High Pressure Melt Ejection HSE (The) Health and Safety Executive HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning HX Heat Exchanger IAEA The International Atomic Energy Agency IASCC Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking Page (viii) Office for Nuclear Regulation Report ONR-GDA-AR-11-008 Revision 0 An agency of HSE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IGA Inter-granular Attack IGSCC Inter-granular Stress Corrosion Cracking IHST Integrated Head Storage Tank IRWST In-containment Refuelling Water Storage Tank, part of the PXS IVR In-Vessel Retention LB Large Break LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LP Low Pressure LTCP Low-Temperature Crack Propagation LWR Light Water Reactor MAAP Modular Accident Analysis Programme MATPRO MATerial PROperties (database) MCCI Molten Core-Concrete Interaction MCR Main Control Room MFCV Main Feedwater Control Valve MFIV Main Feedwater Isolation Valve MSL Master Submission List MSLB Main Steam Line Break MSR Moisture Separator Reheater MSS Main Steam System MTS Main Turbine System ND (HSE) Nuclear Directorate NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US) OECD Organisation for Economic Co-ordination and Development OEF Operational Experience Feedback ORE Operator Radiation Exposure PAR Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner PASS Post-Accident Sampling System PCCWST Passive Containment Cooling Water Storage Tank PCS Passive (containment) Cooling System PCSR Pre-construction Safety Report PLS Plant Control System PORV Power Operated Relief Valve PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment (see also PSA) PRHR Passive Residual Heat Removal system, part of the PXS PSA Probabilistic Safety Analysis (see also PRA) Page (ix)

Step 4 Reactor Chemistry Assessment of the Westinghouse AP1000® Reactor. Assessment Report: .. Steam Generator Blowdown System. BMS.
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