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irnaldoa 21 343 - 358, 2014 ISSN: 1815-8242 (2): Onosma (Boraginaceae) pollen interactions Bombus with terrestris (buff-tailed bumblebee) Jordán species in Onosma Interacciones polen de (Boraginaceae) del Bombus común) con especie en (abejorro terrestris la Jordania S.Al-Qura’n Mu’tah University, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Karak, Jordán. ARNALDOA 343 Diciembre 21 Julio - (2): I Bombus \I-Qura’n: ¿7/705/773 pollen interactio terrestris species in 1 Abstrae! The between morphology Onosma and relationships pollen of three species their interactions with their insect visitors Bombus terrestris during springs of 2012 and 2013 were studied in Jordán. morphology and Pollen characteristics (type size of pollen grains, pollen shape, symmetrical structures between pollen grains and the pollen polar and equatorial measurements, P/E visitors, way ratios, structures of endo- and ecto- apertures) were investgated to formúlate any possible of nter ct on Certain kind of bees Bombus terrestris (buff-tailed bumblebee) was observed as the most many abundant visitor especially on the flowers of Onosma in April although other honey bees were observed like Apis mellifera, Bombus impatiens, Apis dorsata and A. florea but in very low frequencies. Onosma species in Jordán as boraginacean species produces a large amount of whitish polliniferous all Bombus dust, thus considered as a potential source for pollen visitor species of bees, especially all known terrestris as buff-tailed bumblebee. Three Onosma species were investigated palynologically LM by and SEM. The pollen class is either 3 zonocolporate {Onosma aleppica Boiss and Onosma frutescens Lam.) or 4-zonocolporate {Onosma cinérea Schreber). Polar measurements ranges are (37- pm pm pm Onosma Onosma and Onosma 43) for aleppica Boiss, (42-45) for cinérea Screber (41-44) for pm pm Lam. measurement Onosma frutescens Equatorial ranges are (26-34) for aleppica Boiss, (28-34) pm for Onosma cinérea Screber and (28-33) for Onosma frutescens Lam. P/E ratio ranges between Onosma Onosma and Schreber (1.41-1.39) for aleppica Boiss, (1.49-1.33) for cinérea (1.45-1.28) for Onosma frutescens Lam. Pollen outline has been recognized, the equatorial view for all Onosma species was erect for species examined. The most important diagonistic factor in recognition of pollen all morphology of Onosma species in the endoaperture and ectoaperture which showed some kind is on The morphology of variation reflected their pollen visitor association. of ectoaperture structures and (colpi, fastigium margins) for the three species exhibited short colpi, absence of fastigium with indistinct margins for Onosma aleppica Boiss, long colpi, presence of fastigium and indistinct margin for Onosma cinérea Schreber and short colpi, presence of fastigium and distinct margin of Onosma frutescens Lam. The morphology of endoaperture structures (colpi, costae and margins) has Onosma showed reflected also distinguished variation; aleppica Boiss short colpi, presence of costae and indistinct margin, Onosma cinérea Schreber showed short to long colpi in general, absence of Keywords: Onosma, Boraginaceae, pollen interactions, Bombus Jordán terrestris, Se estudiaron las relaciones entre la morfología del polen de tres especies de Onosma sus y interacciones con los insectos visitantes Bombus terrestris durante las primaveras de 2012 y 2013 en Jordania. Las características morfológicas del polen (tipo tamaño de los granos de polen, forma y del polen, estructuras simétricas entre los granos de polen los visitantes del polen, medidas y polares ecuatoriales, relaciones P/E, estructuras de las endo ecto aperturas) fueron investigadas y y modo para establecer cualquier posible de interacción. Cierto grupo de abejas Bombus terrestris común) fueron observadas como más abundantes en de Onosma (abejorro las visitantes las flores especialmente en abril, aunque fueron observadas muchas otras abejas de miel, tales como Apis muy Bombus impatiens. Apis dorsata A. pero con poca frecuencia. Las especies de mellifera, y florea, Onosma en Jordania, al igual que todas las especies de boragináceas, producen una gran cantidad como de polvillo polinífero blanquecino, por lo tanto son consideradas atractivo potencial de todas como las especies de abejas visitantes del polen, especialmente Bombus terrestris conocida abejorro común. Tres especies de Onosma fueron estudiadas palinológicamente con microscopio óptico y microscopio electrónico de barrido. El tipo de polen es 3-zonocolporado {Onosma aleppica Boiss y Onosma Lam.) 4-zonocolporado {Onosma Los rangos de medidas frutescens cinérea Schreber). las y gm gm polares son (37-43) para Onosma aleppica Boiss, (42-45) para Onosma cinérea Schreber y (41-44) ARNALDOA 344 2014 21 Julio - Diciembre, (2): I Bombus ^I-Qura’n: 0/705/773 pollen innteractions with terrestris species in Jordán |xm para Onosma frutescens Lam. Los rangos de las medidas ecuatoriales son (26-34) \im para Onosma gm gm Onosma Onosma Lam. para Schreber para Las aleppica Boiss, (28-34) cinérea y (28-33) frutescens P/E Onosma Onosma relaciones varían entre (1.41-1.39) para aleppica Boiss, (1.49-1.33) para cinérea Schreber (1.45-1.28) para Onosma frutescens Lam. Los perfiles del polen han sido reconocidos. La y vista ecuatorial para todas las especies de Onosma examinadas fue rectangular-elíptica; la vista P/E polar fue triangular para todas las especies. La vista de la relación fue levantada para todas las más especies examinadas. El importante factor de diagnóstico en el reconocimiento de la morfología del polen de las especies de Onosma, está en la endoapertura la ectoapertura, las cuales mostraron y cierto tipo de variación reflejada en su asociación con los visitantes del polen. La morfología de las estructuras de ectoapertura (colpos, fastigio márgenes) exhibió colpos cortos, ausencia de fastigio y con márgenes indistintos para Onosma aleppica Boiss; colpos largos, presencia de fastigio margen y indistinto para Onosma cinérea Schreber; colpos cortos, presencia de fastigio margen distinto y y para Onosma frutescens Lam. La morfología de las estructuras de endoapertura (colpos, costillas márgenes) ha reflejado también variaciones distinguibles; Onosma aleppica Boiss mostró colpos y cortos, presencia de costillas margen indistinto; Onosma cinérea Schreber mostró colpos cortos y y largos en general, ausencia de costillas márgeni y Bombus aes del polen, Jordania. terrestris, complex from nectar-pollen secreted a Introduction mixed with white certain secretory cells Onosma genus from Boraginaceae as pollineferous material attracting different known well and widely distributed in is hymenopteran The kinds of species. which unique Jordán, located in position is morphology investigation of pollen of middle between in the heart of the east Onosma considered very important a is longitudes 53° 40' and 39° and between E, morphological evidence to investígate 29° 30' and 34° N, latitudes this location of some aspects related to pollen class, Jordán gives country extraordinary this endoaperture, ectoaperture structures, polar main opportunity comprise four to at least and measurements, P/E equatorial ratio phytogeographical elements different and pollen outline shape and structure, to from north south and from west to to east whether some see palynological variations (mediteranean, irano-teranean, saharo- among examined and the species will exist, and arabian nubo-sudanian), surely this on be such will relied for characterizations which leaded to geobotanical variation among and Onosma differentiation the enriches the plant biodiversity in jordanian having such species the role for attraction territories, and reflected over the high between and the pollen grains their visitors spectrum Onosma widely of plant species. is from Bombus especially species terrestris producing different kinds of pollineferous & (Zohary Feibrun-Dothan, 1962-1986; dusts especially during spring pollination & Adam, Khayyat Mursi, 2001; 1981; Peter, which times, interconnected large variation Punt Prance, 1994; 2001; et al, 1994). bomblebees of insects especially buff-tailed The Onosma as pollen visitors between the wild and floral parts of species gametophytic male cultivated species (Bender, 1974; Al-Quran, are consisting of by androecium and structures represented 1986; 1988; 2010; 2011). gametophytic female structures represented Onosma genus has unique potential by gynoecium located in the central part in production of a vast quantities of surrounded by of the flowers externally ARNALDOA 345 Diciembre 21 Julio - (2): I Bombus Al-Qura’n: ¿7/705/773 pollen interactions with terrestrís in Jordán perianth parts represented by calyx and addition to that, these species are producing corolla, this kind of floral arrangement certain kinds of pollen grains visited by is typically found as general morphological a different types of insects representing shape of this family enabling the flowers different orders and classes. Absolutely Onosma Onosma of to attract certain types of buff- the floral structures of species tailed bomblebees (Bombus during with their pollen grains are considered terrestris) Also have form the pollination times. the inflorescence to the potentiality to this kinf of Onosma similar to other boraginacean, of specialized intimate relationship with is many composed of simple clusters of several pollen visitors to reinforce this association flowers. The presence of colored lobulated with pollen and néctar as rewards for the and was external purple glandular trichomes doubtless there a correlations visitors. form which was hairs in of papillae near the base of representing similarities lead to floral parts especially corolla, considered some kind of superimposing between the is the source of néctar production release anther structures as the source of pollen high quantities of nectar-pollen substrato grains, corolla bases as the source of néctar and to facilitate this kind of pollen visitors' the pollen visitors attracted, so these & Anderson and attraction (Zohary, 1973; pollen morphological characteristics Gensel 1976; Boulos,1979; Al-Quran, 2005). the pollen-nectar as rewards to pollen orming what blooming visitors similar to f is and All the palynological terms works on time. All previous are stressing definitions used in general in such studies by the seasonality followed the different LM are related to the structures seen by and pollen visitors of insects as the ultímate ultrastructural parts of the pollen grains factor of initiation reflecting different SEM by seen are focusing in the ectoaperture observed patterns of visitor distribution and endoaperture of pollen grains, these among examines Onosma the species of for complex structures are considered as a the collection of pollen-nectar as potential which with structures especially deais colpi, rewards introduced by these plant flowers vary costae, fastigia; these structures are Adailkan (Thorp, 1979; Stickel et al, 2000; from These species to species. structures & & Guathaman, Boulos Al-Eisawi, 2001; which and are similar to echinae micro- & Lehham, Boulos 1977; 1978). form echinae in of spine-like projections giving the pollen exine an ornamental The formulation of pollen-insect may view be investigated to see whether association between the plant and the they can depend upon as an important pollen morphology of Onosma species complimentary with distinguishing characters in interactions their insect visitors among same Bombus bomble delimitation the species of the (buff-tailed bees) terestris is genus or the subspecies of the same species surely reflecting some kind of specialized morphology (Rodriguez et al, 1998; Al-Quran, 2010; structural adaptations. Pollen 2011; Sharma, 1974; Samways, 1990). traits regarding ectoaperture, endoaperture morphology of pollen grains, fastigia, colpi obvious from the previous studies the It is margins and of pollen grains, of polar any image lack of pollen insect associations measurements, equatorial pollen type, size between Onosma and the pollen grains of its of pollen grains, pollen shape, symmetrical pollen visitors of buff-tailed bumblebees, between and structures pollen grains the which was most the intrinsic factor to and P/E pollen visitors, therefore ratio and kind initiate this of investigation, in ARNALDOA 346 2014 21 Julio - Diciembre, (2): I Bombus ^I-Qura’n: 0/705/773 pollen innteractions with terrestris species in Jordán are playing a major rules to formúlate any taken by using Nikon HFX-11 microscope way possible of interactions. Buff-tailed using ocular micrometer scale by glycerin bomble bees (Bombus was the method. terrestris) Jelly most observed and abundant on especially SEM For studies, the treated pollen Onosma the flowers of in April. grains were coated by carbón layer first, Four main objectives of this study, they then by gold layer to increase the conduction whether Onosma and micrographs were are: to speculate plant electrón yield rates, 1) flower having some kind of particular taken by SEM. and morphological palynological were All observations taking place groups characteristics to attract certain of in the area of study of Ajlun in northern pollen visitors over others. to speculate 2) heights of Jordán. These observations were whether the understanding of the flower from April 2011 to April 2012 during the rewards form complex in of nectar-pollen booming syndrome The methodology used considered as the motivating factor that is Onosma for recording the species of as plant may play the major role of such pollen by bomble species visited buff- tañed bees as whether visitor attractions. to speculate 3) was and pollen according visitors to visitors between the attractions the pollen visitors and pollen counts, photographic records with the pollen grains of flowering Onosma specimens with entomological collection have particularly in the field area a clear investigated image concerning this kind of This study of plant-insect interaction is occurred in the plant communities mainly dominated by certain types of boraginacean Onosma and plants especially species The collected fresh polliniferous most them commonly known of are as from material different sites representing entomophilous plant species. In each the different jordanian territories, belonging Onosma and species studied visited regularly Onosma (Onosma to three species aleppica by pollen visitors, showed some kind of Onosma and Onosma It Schreber Boiss, cinérea between phenology correlation flowering Lam.) by using frutescens field collecting and censuses with bomble insect buff-tailed and tools (field viales small brushes). bees (Bombus the pollen grains was terrestris), This material acetolysed typically LM were and photographed by collected Erdtman according standard to (1960) and SEM. method. So 25 randomly chosen acetolysed from were pollen grains 5 different slides and Results discussion prepared representing the pollen grains LM SEM Onosma have been prepared All and micrographs taken for of species to Onosma the pollen grains of species studied be studied to collect the data required in form measurements by LM. were exposed with their full captions (Fig. of pollen All 1, and 2 All palynological data concerning measurements palynological related to the 3). and measurements the observations of pollen morphological structures with their Onosma were the pollen grains of the studied calculations estimated or the statistical f were and morphometric species constructed (table 1 data. All the terminologies The two main adopted were based on Punt data are collected in All 2). et (1994). al. LM measurements concerning categories micrographs and measurements were (1) ARNALDOA 347 Diciembre 21 Julio - (2): I Bombus Al-Qura’n: ¿7/705/773 pollen interactions with terrestrís in Jordán the pollen morphology of the examined important diagonistic factor in recognition Onosma morphology Onosma pollen grains All observations of pollen of species (2) collected from the field related to pollen- in the endoaperture and ectoaperture is insect interactions concerning the pollen which showed some kind of variation Onosma and bomble on of buff-tailed bees as reflected their pollen visitor association. The morphology pollen visitors. Related to the first category; of ectoaperture structures examined Onosma and the pollen class of the (colpi, fastigium margins) for the species either 3- zonocolporate {Onosma three species exhibited short colpi, absence is aleppica Boiss and Onosma frutescens of fastigium with indistinct margins for Lam.) or 4-zonocolporate {Onosma cinérea Onosma aleppica Boiss, long colpi, presence measurements and margin Schreber). Polar ranges of fastigium indistinct for were Onosma and are identified, they as follows: (37- cinérea Schreber short colpi, pm Onosma and margin for aleppica Boiss, (42-45) presence of fastigium distinct of 43) pm Onosma and Onosma Lam. The morphology for cinérea Screber (41-44) frutescens of pm for Onosma frutescens Lam. Equatorial endoaperture structures (colpi, costae and measurement ranges are also identified margins) has reflected also distinguished pm Onosma Onosma showed as follows: (26-34) for aleppica variation; aleppica Boiss pm Onosma and Boiss, (28-34) for cinérea Screber short colpi, presence of costae indistinct pm and Onosma Lam. Onosma showed margin, Schreber (28-33) for frutescens cinérea P/E ratio are found to be ranged between short to long colpi in general, absence of Onosma and (1.41-1.39) for aleppica Boiss, (1.49- costae distinct margins. Onosma and Schreber for cinérea 1.33) With second respect the category; to Onosma Lam. The (1.45-1.28) for frutescens the insect-plant initiation of interactions is morphology of ectoaperture structures morphology refered to the pollen of studied and (colpi, fastigium margins) for the species (long or short colpi, distinct or three species exhibited short absence colpi, and endoapertures indistinct ectoapertures, of fastigium with indistinct margins for and presence or absence of fastigia costae). Onosma long presence aleppica Boiss, colpi, Onosma Also species in Jordán as well as and margin of fastigium indistinct for for boraginacean pollen grains produces all Onosma and Schreber short cinérea colpi, amount a large of whitish polliniferous and margin presence of fastigium distinct of and dust constitutes a potential source of Onosma Lam. The morphology frutescens of pollen for different species of buff-tailed and endoaperture structures costae (colpi, bomble providing an bees, interesting field margins) has reflected also distinguished such worthy for attraction of insects. It is Onosma showed variation; aleppica Boiss depending on to say that the previous and short colpi, presence of costae indistinct and measurements palynological results Onosma showed margin, Schreber cinérea from Onosma obtained pollen grains of short to long colpi in general, absence of studied, obviously cannot be relied on in is and costae distinct margins. Pollen outline Onosma delimitations of species species at has been recognized, the equatorial view on level, but surely can be relied to explain Onosma examined was for species all between the intímate relationship the view was rectangular-elliptic; the polar morphology of pollen grains with pollen P/E view triangular for species. ratio all Bomhus visitors of to explain this terrestris, was examined. The most erect for species all point very important reconize clearly, to it is ARNALDOA 348 2014 21 Julio - Diciembre, (2): I Bombus ^I-Qura’n: 0/705/773 pollen innteractions with terrestris species in Jordán the presence of such differences between deposits blocking the anther anthesis to the pollen grains related to polar (P) and expel the pollen grains is rising. So in this equatorial measurements of pollen grains way, worthy to assure the presence of it is by an between and exhibited ecto-and endo-apertures cióse relationship the type size morphology which morphology and are playing the role of pollen the pollination syndrome by "buzz of variations in pollen-visitor attraction pollination" reinforcing among and from the different species of Onosma, the observations collected the fields. this was seen clearly in most of the pollen- Easily also, is obvious that small sized it showed insect communities studied the pollen grains with ornamentation will little and more from presence of specialized intímate insect- be expelled easily the poricidal flower associations, this refers in some anthers during the vibration of the honey Onosma Edmond, Adam, aspects to the complicated flower bees (Erickson,1975; 1984; morphologies which hinders or facilitates 2001; Al-Quran, 2004a, 2004b; Buchman, kind depending on Thorp, this of visitation the 1986; 1979). species visited by wide range of other insect The and observations data collected groups. So clear that Bombus it is terrestris showed the presence of other types of colonias are active approximately in over all honey insects as bees (Apis mellifera), from the year seasons extending winter to Bombus and Apis A. impatiens, dorsata florea summer autumn to late to collect as large and wasps from (Pterygophorus insignis) possible quantities of néctar as they can low species but in frequencies. All the so these foragers appeared in the study , pollen visitors observed used the "buzz on show area early in the season plants that procedure during pollination" their high densities and high néctar productions The foraging behaviour. previous published on Onosma especially flowers. "buzz studies report that pollination more syndrome" hymenopteran In the investigated pollen requires species details, grains of Onosma were indicating the with a specific behavior for pollen removal some which presence or absence of morphological typically applied to the bees is from and Bombus characters especially in the pollen Apis mellifera terrestris ornamentations, the size of the pollen species. important to demónstrate It is grains and the occurrence of the the importance of this kind of association little complex some between improve variated of pollen ecto-and the partners to the endo-apertures of some species of Onosma apiculture management in honey. So the highly related to the shedding process of previous studies were trying to provide is these grains inside of the poricidal anthers evidences of such pollen collection strategy during anthesis process. The shedding from pollen grains of Onosma species by Adam, process playing the most important role such kind of bees (Buchman, 1986; is was in playing the execution through pollen 2001). There a lot of previous workings visitor vibrations or "buzz pollination" by investigating similar aspects concerning bomble by working with visiting buff-tailed bees. Exactly the interrelationship Vespa on same on Anchusa relying the principie of expression, orientalis L. the pollen grains of wherever the larger the pollen grains of some species. These results obtained from the studied Onosma species with high complex previous workings approved these results and showed pollen endoaperture ectoaperture obtained since they that the ornamentations, wherever the case to form collection of pollen grains by the pollen ARNALDOA 349 Diciembre 21 Julio - (2): I Bombus Al-Qura’n: ¿7/705/773 pollen interactions with terrestrís in Jordán visitors due to such pollen characteristics the bees the major aspect. Of course the is amount relatad to the ornamentations of pollen bees are exerting a larga of energy move endo-and and muscles and complete ecto-apertures, these results to their flight to Buchman consequently are clerifying the importance the vibration process. (1986) of the palynological data to understand confirmad the presenceto a certain degree this association depending on pollen the presence of waste of pollen grains in morphology of pollen grains and the this process, and only pollen with a high visitors (Pyle et al, 1991; Rates, 2001; Peter, protein level could justify this plant-insect & Anderson 1994; Ricklefs, 2004; Gensel, relationship. Friedman Joud 1976; et al, 1986; et al, 2001; Conclusión Eddouks etal, 2002). The building of such specialized and Edmonds from obtained similar (1984) between intimate associations the pollen on some studies Solanaceae species morphology Onosma and of the pollen visitor showing (Solanum) species that the {Bombus due need clearly to the terrestris) is morphological variations in pollen grains of such bees to collect the néctar and pollen genus Solanum of the (Solanaceae) reflectad by preelude default, this certainly a certain no any morphological significant variations, morphological adaptational similarities because theyn refered only exine to between he partners in the plant-pollinator ornamentation level related to the certain community interactions of the to collect a structures of ecto-and endo-apertures high quantities of néctar forage as soon as morphology, what happening similar to is possible in short time and straight way. Anchusa in species. may These an results give indication that The ornamentation variation in character flowers with similar reward composition morphology of ecto-and endo-apertures of tended groups to attract similar of visitors. pollen grains considerad the crucial factor is In this regard, the pollen visitor responsos determining the phylogenetic relationships reward and to flower néctar as floral among genomic the species in addition to main considerad as motivating factor rather and combinations, isolation speciation, than responsing to the flower morphology. confirmad by Al-Quran this result (2004) The using of the palynological study as through his study of pollen grains of 11 taxonomy and palynological evidence in Hyoscyamus from species of collected Onosma delimitation of the three species is different parts of Jordán. mainly not worthful, because the depending Other (Buchmann, researches 1986; on and measurements the pollen structures Erickson, 1975; Thorp, 1979) were going LM SEM seen by and be depend can't further by demonstration the presence of upon in such kind of delimitation because certain electrostatic forces, facilitating the of the high degree of similarities between body attachment of the pollen to the of examinad which showed the species moment by the insect at the of pollination no clear differences in the diagonistic through blooming syndrome, vibration the features exhibited, consequently they have which transference facilitates finally to its same with exhibited the inter-relationship the stigma. So the presence of a cost-benefit hymenopteran By same species. the reason, an important involved relationships fact in worthy depend on morphological the to it is syndrome by the pollination vibrations of why variations of pollen grains to explain ARNALDOA 350 2014 21 Julio - Diciembre, (2): I . Bombus ^I-Qura’n: 0/705/773 pollen innteractions with terrestris species in Jordán do some pollen visitors are attracted to noptera, Apoidea) flowers of Solanum palina- in more Dunal (Solanaceae). Revista Brasileira de certain plant pollens than the others C3/7//7Í//77 35-44. Zoociéncias, 3 (1): The by previous results obtained the & Adailkan, R G. K. Gauthaman. 2001 History of her- . showed researcher have the presence bal medicines with an insight on the pharmacologi- must of four different aspects be taken cal properties of Tribulus terrestris. The Aging Male, 4:163-169. in consideration to reach a better understanding the linkage between pollen Al-Eisawi, D. 1982. 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